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[AE] AE如何关闭自动存档?

没有自动存档 布置了3天突然死机 那才欲哭无泪
Other Switches
4 c3 b1 l' ^# y-colorBlind : Support for color blindness8 p3 C, n# h$ [' W9 ]! K! o5 V
-deepColor : Enables 32 bit color, intended for Full Screen mode: ^% \) R( ~0 v& x
-altFont : Enables alternate in-game font (Lucida Sans Unicode)4 g' A7 m0 `  O5 O1 A$ t5 e
-w : Windowed mode2 r, ~9 x$ J6 k: A- `& F
-wd : Windowed mode, daily autosaves
2 C; o1 e/ i0 G/ Y  k% n- D. |
-ww : Windowed mode, weekly autosaves2 C' M- k* l. ]- C7 P. }$ e4 ]  G4 m& d
-fd : Full screen, daily autosaves
, e) R  i  |9 q: L8 G( r, ]/ z
-fw : Full screen, weekly autosaves
! G; [- z* E5 X
-r : Show Roads
9 M* P% n. H, k! T-autosave : Daily autosave
% r9 f0 I: i+ \! F-archive : Put data reports in archive directory3 E1 x, f$ [4 W1 H: k4 `
-skipVideo : Skip the intro video when starting the game& [  ?1 o3 i! J8 T9 {! C
-fixedArt : Will not use rotating images