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除了中途岛上的! @+ \' `! o6 ~$ u6 H+ N
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
凡是carrier trained的都不能升海盗,不过某次军舰改装后,36机的俯冲轰炸机中队会缩编为15或者18机,然后额外增加一个36机的海盗中队(大部分航母是这样的),轻航母木有海盗。
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
( v: a/ {8 v3 m7 `2 L& V% z1945年的编制:36战+36海盗战轰+ 15俯(?)+15鱼=102架(四队)
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
102那不是超载了么……2 c' \" n6 F) z5 u- Q
5 ^; K# I; b$ W2 O
) T% j) g& ~# [) V+ I[ 本帖最后由 wildcat 于 2007-5-10 15:55 编辑 ]
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
原帖由 Donnie_Brasco 于 2007-5-10 13:27 发表
( N- l- i% C* X2 A7 P8 W0 Q+ X( b102那不是超载了么……9 ~) u6 ~3 Y) E1 U+ j7 H% r4 m" X
, B5 s; [6 q2 M+ g- t9 S+ ]

$ V% E! k% u$ [* O ' L- c: D0 R  Y$ m, T) r' e
( c1 J! d- ]' q/ {( w
Essex 是 40 + 18 + 18 + 15
% E# p, I6 h2 N  W8 G# A
0 j: q; b( h: H4 w102 是 midway. CHS 才有的船
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?