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Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
6 ?# X) X% p% m5 v; V+ W1 A4 b$ @
, _* M: l3 B  C$ K( |2 O. MAFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR 12/07/45
: q' H" `- l4 u* U: {9 G" M--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 K/ m; S2 w& u4 A  r) O
Day Air attack on Wewak , at 54,84
8 ]( I$ J( {$ @1 X/ x# s 8 n6 ?) y4 |1 I7 K
Japanese aircraft  u9 l8 ~7 F3 Z$ {
Ki-61-II KAIb x 99
4 n8 V7 x3 ^' \5 t$ q. l- H% q
6 \, y( C" }/ ~$ M, F, O' `5 H* F3 iAllied aircraft
' H; q) c1 X. X' |$ f4 t# |2 J: T# nP-47D Thunderbolt x 75
3 B" n* A- G: t; i/ M3 j: ~4 s $ Y" s' x# z2 g
Japanese aircraft losses3 x. V% P7 v' _/ s: i6 f- x2 A
Ki-61-II KAIb: 3 destroyed, 3 damaged6 k; n! |3 f; j' Z/ h' I

' n9 `/ }9 k: c9 j+ z6 w& v7 l6 ]Allied aircraft losses
4 e& ]' b# F. L) sP-47D Thunderbolt: 13 destroyed, 18 damaged
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.