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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Aug 29, 428 ^2 ?9 }7 t$ F& t/ s
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 a: ]' i! ~0 h- ~
出师未捷身先残的黄蜂,再次上演历史一幕,这次是死无葬身之地了. ~8 K- \. F& }7 Y9 M
Sub attack near Rockhampton  at 101,149
' o% k/ D' U" l  w% M7 g4 l* T& N
Japanese Ships
0 }7 @" g" \* |: {) M1 Y& l3 }      SS I-7
3 a4 Q& ?& B* t# ]( C( f# T6 R
8 K; h2 w1 i" v! q- s7 X7 U# @Allied Ships. ]% P, c& e( r( z" J
      CV Wasp, Torpedo hits 4,  heavy fires,  heavy damage( Q/ Z: R/ \4 R: t
      DD Conyngham
- ~5 J- f5 V& ]      DD Fanning( D% W" Q& v* W& [( V
0 d0 e" _" i, n) W% c2 q
CV Wasp is reported to have been sunk near Rockhampton on Aug 29, 1942" o: b5 k. p7 w! y

; i) b9 d/ X0 M. T--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, g4 ~& a% L( f
5 z* M& i! W$ I1 M% E( {2 r& hMorning Air attack on TF, near Tulagi at 114,137$ N2 l: Q  V3 \9 G3 P
1 \) r9 ~: R- N
Weather in hex: Overcast
( g7 I) F0 M1 l1 ]  I- M% p9 Q$ F/ ^7 }# Q/ X
Raid spotted at 12 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
& Z3 G/ O" Q" e5 l7 E9 H1 A  \! bEstimated time to target is 3 minutes
& a  V* P/ W; C9 V9 Q% ]7 Y1 W
3 Q' m/ w5 O) [  C1 N* v. `Japanese aircraft
0 E& |7 }7 d5 f: P. j9 e. l      G4M1 Betty x 21
9 P. g5 G7 r8 E) ]% L, k: Y6 x$ r) K& N4 E. o, r
Allied aircraft) Z1 v- u  m* n8 l& X
      F4F-4 Wildcat x 18
8 R' U1 G& o* x5 x! B, }% {# D9 l4 E
Japanese aircraft losses
* d4 C# ^  k/ ^7 G  _4 r+ W      G4M1 Betty: 8 destroyed, 2 damaged* X' {' ^3 Y) r; A

" h* _4 B* H- u4 a3 _  D# [No Allied losses+ G$ N6 C7 ^# ?2 V0 p" S% c
2 g" Z1 j1 V5 ^/ Z
Allied Ships
/ U: d% {* P- E- a6 Y8 ?      xAP Maori, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
6 Y/ g! \6 v& s" O  z' s--------------------------------------------------------------------------------( \/ I8 m- }* ?, l* `3 w
Morning Air attack on TF, near Tulagi at 114,137
5 N0 E0 N( y1 N: [( Q5 w
! w  v+ c5 L5 s7 @9 ^" B% T7 o$ ?( OWeather in hex: Overcast' J; P: w' o6 C$ B
0 n4 p' ]3 n' h0 t" q  @/ H
Raid spotted at 16 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
; R& f6 E) Q0 p9 k( LEstimated time to target is 5 minutes
" B4 s' F6 u. _( a
& O, I/ |2 g; Z# \7 Q. UJapanese aircraft& ^$ ]* K$ n) I2 r% Y3 V
      G4M1 Betty x 335 c6 q: j" p' O3 X' u- I

2 F- ~# `* C8 h7 TAllied aircraft/ U4 r- Y$ m# v2 F9 [5 r9 j% s
      F4F-4 Wildcat x 11( |  U0 F8 ?( d) r% @
# w) h& {. s, \9 f6 p( b7 i6 O+ h- |' l
Japanese aircraft losses  t+ Z' F( g% X  \
      G4M1 Betty: 5 destroyed, 1 damaged* O2 e- r$ z5 l
9 X$ r) m3 `2 B% v9 O
No Allied losses
/ ]0 _5 F$ E+ [) e$ \: @# C  H( q1 K* S4 S, Q% G  O, T2 M$ v
Allied Ships
. f- E! P* g$ i0 y: s      xAP Manunda, Torpedo hits 4, and is sunk7 f. i6 U: A; L/ J7 v5 f3 W
      AM Lark, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
5 _2 ~% I& Q* F      xAK Empire Hawk, Torpedo hits 1
唉 大黄蜂到来之前 3艘CV去腊包尔附近就是一个死字。
2 @& i  [7 d2 y- J6 a0 D--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ l: h1 K+ ?, x* I
CV大战之后,米龙湾开始了水面战的序幕,日军一队阻援小编队拦截了盟军一只小补给编队: B$ w6 L0 E; E; w% {
Night Time Surface Combat, near Milne Bay at 101,133, Range 8,000 Yards
" [1 k1 k; p* A( F ' s% n3 _  N0 o. ~% Q% ?
Japanese Ships
( q& ~1 _( ]/ j      CA Chikuma
! Q2 i. {, r& g; l; K3 b: ]      CL Jintsu: X. x. x0 L4 O+ I8 m1 |: D
      DD Natsugumo
/ f) L! B' K: ~% o  o! C      DD Minegumo
/ z6 F# j' y9 l5 t
3 W4 T- ~  f/ w: {3 Y7 Y: {' s2 }Allied Ships- c( e% x! f% Z7 k# E
      SC-703, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
1 W1 @4 g, Z* O7 d* o% O* Y      SC-709, Shell hits 1, and is sunk3 q# v$ k, P; `# H, z0 a4 c  I
      AE Pyro, Shell hits 4, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk6 m* @- l, d, X8 V2 i8 }+ P1 H
  y; c# A( D6 A9 J! g
* H2 n: _3 }, I' X3 ]3 X+ O天亮时,莫港的残余舰载机出动轰炸米龙湾的日军水面舰队,没有战果# ^+ Q5 F% j0 Y' {& X1 B4 S
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Milne Bay at 101,133" Q$ ~$ w* n( y$ r; W  V

4 L5 o# k2 P6 f$ B( e* a! n7 Z9 sWeather in hex: Moderate rain
4 t2 G: V8 f% w. _8 @4 v
" K. Y% R1 k: qRaid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.: r3 j4 ?% ?' E& V* O6 K% l, Q6 c8 |
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes0 Q# X! J3 W+ h7 ^
  X' g" ]7 l' F0 y# \
Allied aircraft4 }* u  R& R! u0 s2 u& u5 K
      P-39D Airacobra x 14
( t/ `  o0 e, g3 m$ n      SBD-3 Dauntless x 7; h1 |  b# u5 o& r
2 \' _3 E6 T+ W- q# g
Allied aircraft losses
! b+ L* j5 M2 T# ~      SBD-3 Dauntless: 5 damaged
5 V2 O5 w- p7 A  Q, T$ Z( n5 h      SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 destroyed by flak
2 u* E1 x8 l& V2 \; I  s( w0 t
. h5 F+ _" q" b4 L& i6 FJapanese Ships& t) j# ]7 c5 ?$ u+ D! |
      CA Aoba& R$ E8 ]" ^6 P# J
      CL Tatsuta
# X& c; K1 b* ~/ u
, h" B8 z! w. R  O1 E--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 [; |' A* O0 \8 W1 b图拉吉的日军残余部队被肃清 % I& e! g; ~# A8 r
Ground combat at Tulagi (114,137)
7 }8 ]& \3 a; S( S
0 v' ~# V5 X4 g3 [' Q# CAllied Deliberate attack' n/ |( n" }6 j/ Y2 d! c# ~

4 T% L' L2 o/ x, w  ^Attacking force 5895 troops, 107 guns, 30 vehicles, Assault Value = 219* K8 w4 P2 L- D  ]9 Z# q4 w

: S' q% o. _7 i1 {8 |' aDefending force 1563 troops, 17 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 7
0 B! n  Q; l2 w; s 9 m' {3 U% c) y* v
Allied adjusted assault: 75
$ T% r1 r. x' x. r- M+ { # e2 Y$ m  p# X$ n3 T$ t
Japanese adjusted defense: 19 & C5 g- u1 O3 C& V) ?  y' }
6 B; @) ?5 ]. [% o9 y3 A* D
Allied assault odds: 3 to 1 , R& D  w) w6 `) k' a$ Y

" v$ f2 j5 {$ p; n& d5 G6 SCombat modifiers
3 Q: f. e! _; E) J8 |0 {7 IDefender: terrain(+), preparation(-), fatigue(-), experience(-)' x) ^- e$ I2 o8 [0 z
- ]# q6 B) s# u! gAttacker: leaders(-), fatigue(-)
; S0 L' L* D- y- O5 i, h % o' a# [2 \/ K. K
Japanese ground losses:
6 h: N3 z' i6 T) ^      269 casualties reported
9 x8 A- ^; z3 S0 o! B& w$ T4 W         Squads: 9 destroyed, 0 disabled
. Z  @) S- `  w- b         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 7 disabled5 g# ^5 n+ F7 c2 P
         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 7 disabled
. S$ r. d, u) N6 m' H: g      Guns lost 10 (1 destroyed, 9 disabled)/ V% K$ Y1 J9 n% w9 Y) I8 [9 q
: C# h% F2 w+ f2 w# g
Allied ground losses:
1 }8 p) K: L- C& f" l8 |2 K/ ?+ I! e& t& g      49 casualties reported
3 R: a1 q+ Q! O6 M         Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled. p2 g* J0 I0 l' `( i) q
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled" @2 w8 I; p( N" X$ B0 i
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled! S$ W8 c& R. r# L. a

) e9 E4 k4 r# t9 @Assaulting units:! W! c2 @* Y" u1 ?. q, X
    1st USMC Parachute Battalion  l" d6 w& r) f6 |
    1st USMC Raider Battalion% Q4 G2 `) q6 _
    2nd USMC/2nd Regiment
% M+ v( E4 U  C4 [+ h% n1 P ( }: B6 m' B- {+ k/ ]8 a% ]
Defending units:
* n$ Q* `6 ~/ u    Det - Kure 3rd SNLF
) X1 F. C2 F8 j5 X7 ^    14th Naval Construction Battalion* `& j0 E( ~; H& z4 X% h
    129th JNAF AF Unit
; Z/ E6 Z' e+ A--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 m9 n  T' S& U( IDet - Kure 3rd SNLF Wiped Out at Tulagi by attrition!!!' L* q. q+ E/ i5 u
14th Naval Construction Battalion Wiped Out at Tulagi by attrition!!!
. K& {8 x. j# h  U129th JNAF AF Unit  Wiped Out at Tulagi by attrition!!!
5 Q  f0 L/ {  s* f# Z--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 B5 x8 u% S$ `% C4 `日军炮击米龙湾
7 t; ~( r( c1 \. z1 zNight Naval bombardment of Milne Bay at 101,1331 E: ^3 p, [8 N

; x+ j5 `- C" a  P  V) qJapanese Ships
" z3 o# T/ e/ o% w      CA Maya6 g# t5 J; j3 I& A
      CL Tenryu$ Q( d! C: a9 t1 I' o
      DD Hatsukaze7 a0 h7 F* W' `, N! d
      DD Akigumo" }6 j7 X- U4 T& P0 A& l
      DD Akizuki
. n  b; d" n8 B# G: J' c, | ; v- Z' m( Q" D+ F5 d  _6 B8 V
Allied ground losses:
7 i# R9 \3 H/ I/ g6 T      38 casualties reported
4 Z8 y' ~3 s+ n$ `  ^  ~# Q- G         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled% U# Z4 Y" b" U) d* `4 Y
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled, e: v( R! ]: _3 c' h$ g. C) {
         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled
1 q% D% ^. D4 s' t' n' \- Y3 ~, p      Guns lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)
$ P3 c! C3 h$ F! K      Vehicles lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)$ T# R( U/ ?4 j! u0 _6 T
' D6 ^: u( g  a" s! {
Airbase hits 4
, w$ ?' }  ~: P& U: o' S" `Airbase supply hits 5
& }! z) p8 x9 J# Z1 g. CRunway hits 81 i( \  d8 Y5 e' l( t( l( a5 t
Port hits 6- s  k, j5 \, w( h8 s# g! m
Port supply hits 4* k' l% s) Q/ c- ]  Y3 c3 W2 ]

, |& @' ]; B8 D) `' Z. \2 M  u- o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* `+ y5 G# |0 N5 `* r鉴于莫港嚣张的飞机骚扰,日军一队重巡编队岸轰莫港机场,收获颇丰,盟军飞机损失惨重
9 u( ]+ {3 k, w$ ^( c' K! t: WNight Naval bombardment of Port Moresby at 98,1300 s( @) _6 s& V( R

1 D* A# D9 \5 M# u! t7 vAllied aircraft
! [0 O/ x- Q' n      no flights6 \; \# u9 R% ?5 B: A2 r( R
2 z% @: m* s- ~+ t4 Q+ X
Allied aircraft losses
: _# y; U. y$ S3 |. D- M( Y      P-39D Airacobra: 28 damaged
1 _; y; x7 M+ k# b$ M) F      P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed on ground
* J( I2 P9 ^, Z5 D- g      SBD-3 Dauntless: 28 damaged5 i1 D% T) C0 ?) Q2 `9 U
      SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 destroyed on ground
  p4 h! V, j2 J2 o      Beaufighter IC: 28 damaged) t9 M3 a5 W7 M- N0 V
      Beaufighter IC: 1 destroyed on ground5 D7 R- g$ F2 g' Z7 ~' K! [
0 S$ F9 [2 P2 V+ A' R+ X
Japanese Ships- ?" S' R& O4 ^
      CA Furutaka  z6 O& P% F1 X1 {
      CA Kinugasa; J- w/ k2 d$ _4 T9 \2 y# h' w
      CA Aoba
' j4 m7 Q3 |$ p4 g) F- o/ F" j      CA Chokai: `  D& N4 @' Y, J+ `; W  U, ^
      CL Tatsuta0 W2 t3 g4 m1 d; ^2 f
      CL Sendai& M" _7 K. w, \( Z6 A" b
      DD Oyashio: j- g. O! Q0 V& V; t
      DD Kagero2 h( y+ m7 q: y7 T$ d# G
      DD Makigumo
* n' C; u9 n% D+ g+ \9 ?3 O+ k0 ]      DD Kazegumo% a6 r4 Q, L! m* Z# n) W8 {5 V
& U4 D- O# {2 M2 ~0 f6 |) l2 H
Allied ground losses:
' ]3 n0 }  l$ a' g# D" E) p      299 casualties reported0 ^  H* C" q* ~, ?3 s
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
- F6 f  i. E. A1 F         Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 48 disabled$ L, Y0 G% @* v# J, [
         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 4 disabled& O. L. v) A* N) m; E4 U5 l8 }
      Vehicles lost 9 (2 destroyed, 7 disabled)
1 I0 g' X" ^# K( i$ h$ V) i
( b! ^. U) i: qAirbase hits 27$ p& \# m$ q9 [6 C
Airbase supply hits 6- h. \- s1 s- e8 c
Runway hits 51
1 f2 n) y. b1 @3 _--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
) e: x1 L8 ]4 k% ^3 f日军跨越欧文史坦利山脉,终于杀入了莫港城内,双方开始了对峙 4 Z8 X% @6 O/ M4 [( W6 W
Ground combat at Port Moresby (98,130)
: Y# X9 d2 F5 l" k* O. T- o
* ]0 F: d3 ~1 d7 ZJapanese Bombardment attack2 |. S! k; w0 [* g0 P" r5 |6 [
* X- d( ^, h" f; x* |
Attacking force 421 troops, 12 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 271
& [" \% c% u7 Q* v# \$ s) s / P& X/ L7 l, g; p6 n$ V
Defending force 14223 troops, 210 guns, 92 vehicles, Assault Value = 375
- Z7 g9 ~; ~: c  r7 W$ Y) ~7 i ; k7 J7 y' a0 o/ m: e
Japanese ground losses:1 ?' z7 K1 R/ a& d
      30 casualties reported
" w1 C7 c, q/ T$ W         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled( J8 Y2 Z, y2 G+ J, m$ z
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
  `, B, G* e+ O4 c         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled# [4 c# o$ }, V+ g0 |
  d- R9 _# f$ d
Assaulting units:/ f7 K+ y) d) w$ Z8 [
    144th Infantry Regiment
! D: z5 D  g; k9 X) [    Yokoyama Tai
$ Y9 o- @5 N! _; N8 u8 b* |& I1 Z    15th Engineer Regiment7 z( l" f$ N3 P+ L
    Sasebo 5th SNLF% S; h$ n5 T/ L# G2 T
    Horii Group ! C7 D6 @( e" `2 i; R& B7 S
    I/55 Mtn Gun Rgt . T$ n+ l( \# r- E8 e. y
+ W$ O0 m- D4 @* `2 h. t& I
Defending units:
$ O' p# q! e8 B. ?! }0 A+ P' g    14th Australian Brigade
+ ~/ H1 L8 a2 b/ {. s" F    1st USMC/1st Regiment
2 M  ^1 n( c9 M9 [( Q; ?5 Y    30th Australian  Brigade
1 p& i5 r% V5 I$ q0 n    112th RAAF Base Force
, h5 x  Z# Y8 d! j- B6 _) z9 g    43rd USA Construction Regiment
7 E. x0 |2 b0 v5 x( ~  N1 E* F    53rd USA Aviation Engineer Regiment
/ g) ~0 U6 x& i1 U    52nd USAAF Base Force
5 N9 h, {1 \0 s* q* q    40th Australian Lt AA Regiment
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Sep 04, 421 F1 p/ N( W" g, F
4 \, O1 l- H8 F$ k6 q--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 M/ j% p3 B$ S; ]6 |2 i3 U1 \) ?Night Time Surface Combat, near Milne Bay at 101,133, Range 8,000 Yards
! T  z7 E+ {" s2 \/ h 8 g8 s# Q1 p. |* B
Allied aircraft1 x% o, N! L3 C0 h+ ?5 H& ~
      no flights
7 Y7 z+ E! {* ?* Z
/ d* |. D9 \! o, g- vAllied aircraft losses9 [2 s/ M# O. [5 O
      OS2U-3 Kingfisher : 4 destroyed
+ k7 n- U" @% E( m4 F) s# H      SOC-1 Seagull: 2 destroyed; c$ c* a5 {0 X
# a3 m8 n  b* S6 H  V0 {" M1 w
Japanese Ships
* E* i, ^; D# u6 H8 s0 a      BB Hiei
* t6 l9 d0 d3 D; ^* h7 E4 v9 d      BB Kirishima, Shell hits 1
) b' q) o* `, w( W6 a      BB Yamato, Shell hits 17,  on fire8 B2 {/ c  x" f+ y& X
      CA Maya, Shell hits 30 |/ Y$ ^0 V2 A: L1 G
      CA Chokai, Shell hits 19 L- A2 Z. j9 h) M6 {3 h# X- I+ W  T. @
      CA Kumano, Shell hits 16 I: P1 @) j- C$ h+ d$ Q
      CA Aoba, Shell hits 1
2 h  B4 O: s2 U1 F      CA Kinugasa, Shell hits 2
+ z' U2 |. m' m; Q2 i% X( B      CA Furutaka7 h8 a' ]/ t2 z4 C+ M
      CL Sendai, Shell hits 1
0 z+ G' B2 ^. y* M5 M! V3 p3 a# Q) S' H      CL Nagara" E$ {- {+ J" R/ u- P
      CL Tenryu, Shell hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage( }3 C; {1 f% }) r  Z. J( `; }
      CL Tatsuta, Shell hits 1
* @( \7 G$ L+ Z; g$ r      CL Yubari
$ a8 g) M" B: q/ S5 u4 W7 ?      DD Akigumo, Shell hits 2,  on fire, O$ s9 Q8 L, x. o( F( o
      DD Kazegumo, Shell hits 15 g; T) A0 E. n
      DD Makigumo, Shell hits 2,  on fire
8 H* O5 @. ^2 Y8 `1 J9 F      DD Kagero9 C0 s8 ~# F+ A# U+ Y
      DD Oyashio, s+ A: `0 h3 p8 u9 Q, o' j) X! ^
      DD Hayashio, Shell hits 1,  on fire9 f$ G$ h: s/ o8 g5 }8 y3 g' A
      DD Harusame, Shell hits 2
' @0 ]. T3 A3 e( Y% F      DD Yudachi* ^/ S% Z0 z# v  ?
      DD Samidare
' [9 ?; H+ x, X4 O" D6 q1 F8 u" E      DD Kawakaze, Shell hits 5,  on fire
* J, k: W, ?8 O6 _4 o( P! b      DD Umikaze) ~2 }0 V% l5 I& H7 P4 `
5 u; b: |$ \! _" D9 @2 \
Allied Ships, C$ d. X. s1 u4 L# O
      BB North Carolina, Shell hits 19, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk8 m& v" }1 x/ f0 l( W7 `
      BB Washington, Shell hits 57, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk8 i4 X$ O8 d$ c3 B" a$ V
      CA Chicago, Shell hits 1
  R0 b8 P" J4 o+ M9 ]9 ?6 X      CA Pensacola, Shell hits 16, and is sunk
0 Q: p! e1 S5 d1 S- D; C      CA Astoria, Shell hits 2,  on fire
, v8 ?4 j( }) n; T1 S4 O) ?& B9 Z      CA Minneapolis, Shell hits 6,  on fire3 C$ s$ K( Y0 P8 b
      CA Quincy, Shell hits 2,  on fire6 o; R: ^0 M: v6 \. i6 M) ^' L% m
      CL Boise, Shell hits 1
2 h* Y& {# R+ @! x* u- e      DD Mugford, Shell hits 1,  on fire
: u4 `8 I( p+ X4 v6 g      DD Ralph Talbot, Shell hits 2
% ]8 o( W( _: W      DD Patterson, Shell hits 30 a7 ^% j  O1 Z, H
      DD Maury, Shell hits 1
4 z# [$ \# B" g( ~& k0 X1 z      DD Benham, Shell hits 3,  on fire, v! F0 ~' v  R- z" B7 {
      DD Lang, Shell hits 1,  on fire
$ j+ J0 f. ]" Z; f* m0 \$ z  i      DD Stack8 Q& ^+ Q  O% ~2 C' u2 D
      DD Clark