* N: s3 g. P9 j& A话说耳屎和克劳德俩基友耐不住寂寞,双方友好协商一拍即合的成立环太平洋物流有限公司事宜在日前敲定,为了给新公司带来喜气,双方决定在太平洋地区举行一次环太平洋联合公演,来给公司营造一种全球大型企业的氛围。开张当日,联合舰队倾力表演,烟花爆竹响彻天空,在珍珠港 南洋等地上演了一出出别开生面的烟火表演。
" @4 Z0 i0 ]" y) r3 T4 P首先是珍珠港内火光熊熊浓烟滚滚,联合舰队机动部队所属的6条航母的近400架战机对停泊在港内的各式靶船进行了友好的打靶,一时间港内四处弥漫着一股烤肉的香味。5条BB当场沉没,另有3条严重受损,其余一干小弟也有不幸随老大一起下水的,具体损失情况请看以下附表:* e$ Z) Q6 O: W. ]! ?, v" c: q
DM Montgomery, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
; e7 a9 ^0 T5 z BB West Virginia, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 5, on fire, heavy damage8 g. Z" R' w) K: D
BB Arizona, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 4, and is sunk( V: J& i) S' r6 ^1 g1 ~
BB Tennessee, Bomb hits 8, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
8 S1 [3 P; |( p' @# [# Z; O- h BB Maryland, Bomb hits 5, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk& p6 T0 c" m2 Z( C1 R$ I, p
CL Raleigh, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
1 {+ w3 ?9 d) m( ?3 q/ w4 `+ M4 I7 G BB Oklahoma, Bomb hits 11, Torpedo hits 5, heavy fires, heavy damage3 |7 G8 {! B2 l0 x2 l: b( X
BB Pennsylvania, Bomb hits 12, Torpedo hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
" w3 W, @( W V BB Nevada, Bomb hits 6, and is sunk; Z% x6 |6 O5 Z6 m# R R
DM Sicard, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
8 ^8 Y' ^( N m% H4 O9 Z AE Pyro, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
# u4 X. E7 N9 B7 F6 @ AV Tangier, Bomb hits 1, on fire s: E# F# U+ i3 f; U
BB California, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 4, and is sunk
3 I+ w) T8 g: w# A( H6 E% l PT-29, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
% P" l' T6 S) b8 m* ` CL Detroit, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
" o% Z T& e( s3 Z0 g- n! s/ o AVD Hulbert, Bomb hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
4 C# S7 d0 f4 Y6 H& c$ K3 ~- d. @" k AV Curtiss, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage( X. F3 O6 ]; L' Q
CA San Francisco, Bomb hits 4, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
, D& s* A" p- I2 l/ ^% C DM Pruitt, Bomb hits 1, on fire
) _; l- ?8 @: a- Z CL St. Louis, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires4 z3 y" F6 z8 r, Z& ]! l, C0 ]
DD Downes, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk z0 N, C* M% @( V0 d' O
DD MacDonough, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
1 D& [8 | f L0 c3 H3 x. d _7 Q' } DM Tracy, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage. M% W& B5 \( H, ]; N
DD Litchfield, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk3 i8 g0 [' [" g" u+ u1 C
DD Reid, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
4 _- |9 l/ [# l& S8 L: o1 k DM Breese, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk1 ]: Y. _: S; h+ ^- J6 j0 M( C
DM Preble, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage3 |! L& y; v g' W: c
CL Honolulu, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
. D6 F0 ?1 A" I, L. K% U l* Z2 i! F% H/ u CA New Orleans, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires
" @7 E7 b& `2 Y- s2 `, J DM Gamble, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires& U% H6 ^/ ^, i
xAK Laida, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk8 i* S- _+ A2 X: Z' J# x
DD Aylwin, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
3 y4 W: `& S# ^ CL Phoenix, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
n! P. _# m a) o$ f. L2 }6 ] DM Ramsay, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires$ F N8 _0 @0 p8 [! Q- |; i
SS Cachalot, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage
. k6 p# M. ?, v6 ~+ `1 ] DD Mugford, Bomb hits 1, on fire
, x6 }$ Y( Z: p+ s. Z0 p/ w AR Vestal, Bomb hits 1, on fire
j( k5 W9 D) E0 I( d DD Jarvis, Bomb hits 1, on fire
; g- G, Z! }( t6 }5 F1 q" `: S/ u AM Grebe, Bomb hits 1, on fire
1 W7 D8 p" w7 f, U4 r CL Helena, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
6 G) L- \! X6 ?8 U' H- e. }5 [# n/ r DD Helm, Bomb hits 1, on fire% N d6 d- E9 I7 [1 G" b+ C' B4 y
-------------------------------------------5 N) {" N2 C J& r$ `
4 D' A0 x$ G8 S" ^9 E另外,为了增加喜庆气氛,日本人民的老朋友丘吉尔大首相也不远万里的送来亲王和反击两兄弟赶来庆祝,当日吞下14条鱼雷去拜见了龙王
U& x* }8 e' p6 gBB Prince of Wales, Torpedo hits 4, on fire, heavy damage! ~* l- Q- ^: L: E0 }
BC Repulse, Torpedo hits 6, and is sunk4 A1 U; z0 l) `. G7 ~1 n
BB Prince of Wales, Torpedo hits 4, and is sunk
% I0 h1 S+ o9 X- j--------------------------------------------
4 s3 c* p- m2 b0 g& X/ d东南亚兄弟纷纷不甘寂寞,拿出各自的看家宝物竞相上场,纷纷投入伟大的太平洋之中,成为龙王的贡品,当然相比财大气粗的美英来说,东南亚兄弟的东西确实稍微寒颤了点,但是礼轻情意重,相信大家都能体谅7 i2 k4 X+ f/ ~" g6 W
xAKL Agnes, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires
8 c: \$ t2 |5 J4 I. n8 c6 e0 { xAK Mundra, Bomb hits 5, heavy fires, heavy damage! }9 J% }' Z2 x: I. s7 s
xAK Indira, Bomb hits 4, on fire, heavy damage6 d" P, a- _8 }0 {! x
HDML 1102, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
. \2 f6 [6 p6 ~: w* y xAKL Hermelin, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage8 x6 p" P% V9 H- {& w5 }$ G @" c
HDML 1100, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
* O$ k8 e$ c5 F& p" G9 Q HDML 1104, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk4 c% d4 j( `# B/ ~8 H0 G
xAKL Ardent, Bomb hits 1, on fire, heavy damage/ {( K' R' v* S# Z
xAKL Chaksang, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires/ q; _8 W; F( ?4 s, C) I" G E
xAK Chilka, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage) p6 Y. D6 J/ d
DD Express, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
8 h3 _* F. h5 A; j--------------------------------------------
# A, k7 `* p1 p. }' ~0 I最后以陆军兄弟占领巴丹岛结束了第一天的狂欢活动。5 K4 v0 U" R# a
以上便是从庆典现场传回的实时报道,由特约战地记者自太平洋地区带来,谢谢大家收看。 |