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欸?今日 珊瑚海 爆發 航母大戰 !5 e. `+ b# m0 Y. B9 g

( B& F- `" |7 e2 K" t# L8 ~kevin_hx版主 的 米軍RP 大爆發!?
, T" |4 z- p& y. t( W, r& I' }" `: F- a  y6 n3 o: O
白王軍 五航戰 2CV+CVL 被『 全殲 』!!!
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 11, 42* ^9 p6 M# ^- V6 T& J0 |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------% g& c) j0 l! \; E% g6 k
Sub attack near Milne Bay  at 99,137' q& ], W, y7 t
# L) l2 A) M. m! l. C
Japanese Ships- p+ g; t' W6 d& H
      CL Yubari
8 e  t* @5 V. [6 z! f9 [      CL Tatsuta6 d( M' d0 Q) v4 Z
      DD Yayoi
* n) L* S8 W+ i, A & z3 W! _& \! o0 ^, ?3 p
Allied Ships# \7 Z3 z: V* W1 b) m7 H
      SS Greenling% \8 x/ c; \5 q1 J# q8 Y
  4 Z9 C+ T, I1 l
SS Greenling launches 6 torpedoes at CL Yubari0 G8 q* ~; H, L+ ~. c
Greenling diving deep ....5 o6 Z6 K1 y9 r: W" X- g/ V
DD Yayoi fails to find sub, continues to search...8 D9 n5 F0 o- O- l0 ~) n( M
DD Yayoi attacking submerged sub ....
4 [8 B1 J4 X6 U7 f1 w$ _DD Yayoi fails to find sub, continues to search...! |# t, K0 a! o  A7 P
DD Yayoi fails to find sub, continues to search...
$ `8 B" T2 c' V' p) g/ yDD Yayoi fails to find sub, continues to search...
9 a4 C9 p) c) U- ~) j* {Escort abandons search for sub
6 ^6 l7 A; [1 Q; g; ?' m" }  % _) C) w; N$ }/ l# ]0 G1 S+ d
: B4 z4 Z  S9 F9 HMorning Air attack on TF, near Port Moresby at 97,134
3 L/ F8 o6 p6 W. O- f2 G
* K2 ]7 Q$ J- S1 g9 vWeather in hex: Severe storms
+ F9 E, [6 {* L* c% i$ e
5 r+ f- [  q3 F. M; L! I) I2 LRaid detected at 118 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
- y6 ?9 H* @- D, r2 u+ LEstimated time to target is 44 minutes9 U4 t6 z2 i  {) F# z
+ g: ?% {) A' M/ f
Japanese aircraft$ Y& o; T3 T0 g9 Y) v" v
      A6M2 Zero x 53+ b0 p  C) J: w, _2 {) \
      B5N1 Kate x 6
. V! n8 z0 X6 i2 _      B5N2 Kate x 33& X, s% l" P* v& `
      D3A1 Val x 26
0 T$ H0 ~9 w: r. q" I  B5 P; y  & H. ^% A4 p$ p5 b& B4 D
Allied aircraft
7 ]1 u6 ~, O* e      F4F-3 Wildcat x 21
6 X1 H* h. C  F9 x/ q  }  
# ~, F. A3 @/ k$ W! PJapanese aircraft losses
7 y. E0 E5 d; @" G2 t" f      A6M2 Zero: 3 destroyed  b/ v/ m  F) i1 F, @* V9 R2 d
      B5N1 Kate: 1 destroyed by flak
1 u3 ]. ]; [# X# \      B5N2 Kate: 1 damaged7 Q* G; O- ~0 s( {; u5 ?
      D3A1 Val: 3 damaged
0 i1 z! V4 z0 q+ I# o/ o7 ~      D3A1 Val: 1 destroyed by flak
  c9 i5 |+ k5 U& d5 L# R 8 B* ]  d* T/ v
Allied aircraft losses1 c9 e* ~+ ~' T
      F4F-3 Wildcat: 1 destroyed
9 B* o+ S4 o) z5 | ; b9 |: P9 e7 [
Allied Ships
* C& s" Q/ T; e      CA Chester, Bomb hits 2,  on fire% g1 F: j: J! l: V5 d0 v( I
      CV Yorktown, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
! f9 Z) E9 j; R+ g      CA Chicago* V6 t, S! ?* ]9 p
      CA Portland, Torpedo hits 2,  heavy damage
0 c/ V  k6 g/ {/ k( i      CA Astoria, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 18 M7 ?8 B0 l3 D5 c
2 Z! A  ^' N0 U8 G$ d3 jAircraft Attacking:
8 x) a9 [0 u+ i, A8 s  G; M$ Q       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'% e2 f+ h( X" }. d
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
7 L5 B7 k( V" S8 p: u      15 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
# d! V5 X4 ^0 a' T0 r               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo6 G0 \4 p" S) l
      12 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000'5 G, p3 k* b" c( L  [
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb' L- u& E# ~7 w) S4 p- R
      18 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
" V+ [+ O& D2 u. ~/ A1 u               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
7 g$ {& ^4 y- Q% ]* l       5 x B5N1 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
/ b+ J. z4 r' x$ d               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
5 N+ s/ \8 H# [$ L) }. i0 P       1 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
* Z( s: Z% C* ^7 `+ O. f3 I               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb1 c, x3 E& Y# Z
       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'% k1 ?% [) C# B; c/ \0 ]
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
1 Z- \- a4 a: }$ c" I       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'
! I$ ^5 h4 u5 [7 \. f* f% C' I% {               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
! o' Q7 H' g- A) p4 v 7 x4 q7 r& F; X& P- i1 y! D& `" x
CAP engaged:* z% Y$ J9 B3 R, n, @& ^
VF-2 with F4F-3 Wildcat (4 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
1 W4 U2 h: \& h1 h* m' o* _7 \      (11 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
) ?! a$ o( H7 i( X' f2 V      4 plane(s) intercepting now.
. T" C3 y0 y0 s: Q' f, t      0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 7 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
* X, \- N( _0 l) ^* t" C' c( N) _      Group patrol altitude is 10000
; x' a6 B3 h- L      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 20 minutes
5 K- Y$ C9 t( f4 N9 @8 |( tVF-5 with F4F-3 Wildcat (0 airborne, 7 on standby, 0 scrambling)  A' ?3 ^% e% p- L9 `9 H
      0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 3 out of immediate contact.
. J5 d5 H: a) D3 _3 w' P$ F7 p- h      Group patrol altitude is 10000 , scrambling fighters between 10000 and 12000.
# B. W; I% _& u- r* V) N7 b& x      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 47 minutes' |, ]% p! ]% e2 T

, F6 q+ e0 c! ]/ d2 ^Ammo storage explosion on CV Yorktown2 x. p0 q: T9 ]3 w% C- {
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring CV Yorktown0 v# ~9 Q+ X8 `; w- j6 L8 p3 _
! z* e1 e6 |- O: ^) d/ ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------) ]- B3 ^3 E  c/ l; R
Morning Air attack on TF, near Milne Bay at 99,137) Q6 }8 |$ Q. J* F4 d! i6 ?

) H) w8 N* T. P. ?) \Weather in hex: Severe storms  A9 h  l3 l% h9 m, p. h

' `  t* B$ v: [* l$ s7 W& WRaid detected at 37 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
0 F3 O$ l9 \) S# L8 qEstimated time to target is 14 minutes
% s1 R' ~+ F0 Y, o ' D; N( o, j0 z' f9 D
Japanese aircraft1 {& E* i4 [* K
      A5M4 Claude x 4: s2 F1 I; a! t! M' H6 n
      A6M2 Zero x 19
" Z: m5 O; z9 o- \5 p5 L1 b* U1 n  0 p6 L! S4 e7 c, ~9 a
Allied aircraft! B( y! i# V; i+ b. ]
      F4F-3 Wildcat x 102 T8 p4 r. ~9 T- k9 B3 m9 w$ ^
      SBD-3 Dauntless x 332 |7 q* U- U9 ?* I
      TBD-1 Devastator x 12
* Y, S( \) ~8 D" u6 z1 [  s9 P9 c  
  Q4 i; F/ v; m# sJapanese aircraft losses
2 v$ V" O  U/ [% m8 @/ J8 s7 S- l      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed$ ?3 l* ~7 ^$ s5 W# @# s

# q% C3 N3 }8 ~Allied aircraft losses
( H5 ^6 O  A& F7 o( s      SBD-3 Dauntless: 12 destroyed, 8 damaged
8 ^& o* G3 r$ V2 [' h      SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 destroyed by flak
  F. b& J) A& _& U+ n      TBD-1 Devastator: 1 destroyed
8 x1 o+ z% h1 {      TBD-1 Devastator: 1 destroyed by flak* q: @& H6 k9 R& k7 K' `, i

- b! ~" i  j( QJapanese Ships
2 T$ b" k2 X' j! q3 P      CV Zuikaku, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
6 z/ Z. d. \# L5 y& {      CV Shokaku, Bomb hits 1
, r6 k* Z  L  f/ w% W: Z      CVL Shoho, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires. S2 H' Y2 a1 i3 ~; Y8 R
      CA Haguro
) O, M+ l9 E  F0 Q  3 g/ G' f% v2 x7 b5 @0 l4 n, k
Aircraft Attacking:
$ Y( R6 U$ b& p7 R- y& }# w       7 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 2000'
# a# @* {/ t) o2 e' _               Naval Attack:  1 x 1000 lb GP Bomb
% v4 k6 I4 [" w) a4 S* D      11 x TBD-1 Devastator bombing from 10000 feet  K) h, ?) R: s4 k3 U* ?0 F
               Naval Attack:  2 x 500 lb GP Bomb
8 |- N; o# v" I) y- T$ [+ D) a       8 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 2000'
. E2 m" V$ _, Y% s" L               Naval Attack:  1 x 1000 lb GP Bomb5 D% }) z4 P% W( f# Q' v3 }( G
       4 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 3000'
: s5 b: p) F. P               Naval Attack:  1 x 1000 lb GP Bomb0 ?. v7 ~9 g. s. w8 b
       4 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 4000'
9 N8 D' g0 p8 K% D               Naval Attack:  1 x 1000 lb GP Bomb# S* V; v# v; v; Z2 I
3 K* c& e" m2 E: }! k
CAP engaged:' H5 [2 p7 \* u! y3 s) S
Tainan Ku S-2 with A6M2 Zero (0 airborne, 6 on standby, 2 scrambling)" ]9 k, T4 A5 Q- Z5 f. u+ U& W
      0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 2 out of immediate contact.1 ~1 U( D. o. ?0 h' P+ p& M% p
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 13000 and 20000.* V% o& Y2 x9 g, P7 O
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 33 minutes
! L7 t2 T; }9 Y$ A0 ^      7 planes vectored on to bombers
" G2 P1 \) z7 w. TEI-1 Daitai with A6M2 Zero (1 airborne, 3 on standby, 0 scrambling)6 v4 o/ m' D% r# Q/ @' D  ^* j5 _
      1 plane(s) intercepting now.
5 I  P/ _3 }5 B; N& b2 x      Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 14000 and 15000.' a" t, w6 S* l: B2 L$ M8 B
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 6 minutes
' d4 O( h: l( N4 ^9 T, |. y      2 planes vectored on to bombers
' E# O- x& l. L8 H! D2 _. nEII-1 Daitai with A6M2 Zero (1 airborne, 3 on standby, 0 scrambling)
( c, {; l0 R- m      1 plane(s) intercepting now.$ ~5 Z3 u+ u" @/ n  i% j' ^
      Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters to 15000.
& L, }! U7 b# G0 l# T' [      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 6 minutes
7 x; \8 z5 E: H5 }8 t5 a      3 planes vectored on to bombers
7 y; c# _( }0 C9 ^- D* {- tEIII-1 Chutai with A6M2 Zero (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
- }$ z- L+ |) D; v      1 plane(s) intercepting now.
# `7 j! [7 N! [& I, n6 @3 F      Group patrol altitude is 10000 : T: x' ]& f: F& V/ Y6 C  Q
      Raid is overhead4 Y: \9 d0 y3 L7 `
EIII-2 Chutai with A5M4 Claude (1 airborne, 3 on standby, 0 scrambling)3 u+ i) n. z+ ^, @1 z
      1 plane(s) intercepting now.4 ~, o) C- g' @8 p  \4 W
      Group patrol altitude is 10000 , scrambling fighters between 10000 and 13000.
" B7 x; k8 [( O* l1 P( ^9 a8 S0 I      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 7 minutes
/ Q! L% _, j- \      2 planes vectored on to bombers
: L; x/ i1 o# ?# R0 R2 E
: A) B4 G$ l9 A3 l; {& o) Q6 mAmmo storage explosion on CVL Shoho
6 V. x* F* V6 g  g* S6 S  
2 v) f( h$ a, O2 q, R: ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 [# R: M2 N) ~/ B! \. ~9 b  ?! SMorning Air attack on TF, near Milne Bay at 99,137
8 n& U7 s0 A  W$ W# e ' l4 f' {4 [$ p& w1 U
Weather in hex: Severe storms
, `3 C! [6 A, k1 c
- N3 e+ B# E3 L0 V# CRaid detected at 25 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
2 U' C, v& D; s+ BEstimated time to target is 9 minutes
8 h5 O% d. z9 _# d 2 u$ o" K9 c, D. @; v; v
Japanese aircraft
& [, {1 p7 c/ a      A5M4 Claude x 1, {' J% m0 p; P5 g' d: m
      A6M2 Zero x 113 P, H- F( Q4 C6 l+ R# |* ]$ Q

# q1 t! q+ [2 Z+ X/ z6 Q3 JAllied aircraft1 I6 q+ n1 R7 {4 [: ^
      F4F-3 Wildcat x 9/ V1 {/ n  K. f, e6 A9 w3 j
      SBD-3 Dauntless x 35
% C* b# [6 R! B6 _' |* d9 l1 _* D9 u      TBD-1 Devastator x 122 ?. C4 l/ d# S. J  d* S
  5 a" V# F- H- P3 P8 u
Japanese aircraft losses
3 `6 R' d7 K- |; _$ f7 Z      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed/ n- M. H5 W, ?0 z$ O

2 @9 V4 t; Z3 w/ d: ?) e$ K  r1 mAllied aircraft losses0 R/ e! o% r. K; z8 v# b$ ?
      F4F-3 Wildcat: 1 destroyed1 j8 F' u$ W& A
      SBD-3 Dauntless: 2 damaged, l( ?& a. e& s9 ?! n3 m; g" Y0 ^2 G! R
      SBD-3 Dauntless: 2 destroyed by flak
+ U! F% Q- r  d: U
8 b# e! I- @- a# F2 H8 xJapanese Ships
( U) r4 ^! c) V5 C" y6 v4 G3 o      CVL Shoho, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage' \. U" B& M  z+ m5 E6 h
      CV Shokaku, Bomb hits 4,  heavy fires,  heavy damage: q* R; G; e0 h0 |
      CV Zuikaku, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires
0 I$ H4 O5 S0 n9 u      DD Yugure" C3 U3 o2 |( x6 o" u: v
      DD Akebono, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
& P% W5 X* _1 ]0 P2 O% F      DD Ushio
, f( J2 u& G3 ~; `) A      DD Sazanami* H& p' N# m+ s
& T* t2 \6 m6 m8 z* EAircraft Attacking:4 E6 h5 p( d* ]  |2 K0 x$ C/ {
       4 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 2000'
. u7 W) r2 p7 C5 n" V/ y4 l               Naval Attack:  1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
8 H4 U% ?) l( o  C       4 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 2000'# E" a9 L4 r! o5 K9 G
               Naval Attack:  1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb. V% O4 s0 X1 B3 o
      12 x TBD-1 Devastator bombing from 10000 feet
( @7 n4 y3 \2 w4 G# }. k# k+ y               Naval Attack:  2 x 500 lb SAP Bomb* a4 J5 e/ n9 }. Y* w2 D5 {0 q1 O
      11 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 3000'- N5 q1 Q, d0 |, n+ Z
               Naval Attack:  1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb* f8 h* N/ y$ @  a+ N0 f8 W
       4 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 3000'- J; F7 B2 T& S
               Naval Attack:  1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb2 N1 r: n6 u) M
       1 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 4000'
. D+ ~8 P2 ^+ }% ]+ w) t6 Q% r               Naval Attack:  1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
0 z5 A" `( h9 k% |0 E      10 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 4000'& B' E# @- ^9 \0 I- D. t4 q
               Naval Attack:  1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb$ y/ c1 T) k5 u
$ A$ V( U( m8 ?9 R
CAP engaged:. H8 w: X& y0 K  z* \3 e: p/ |
Tainan Ku S-2 with A6M2 Zero (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
2 o* w- ?- u' n3 P, v- L  f% z      5 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.$ X# c6 `2 B' k9 P4 {
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 8000 and 10000.
7 U: W* T( F7 I$ C4 A3 f      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 41 minutes% f& g/ }$ t; h- }/ ]! T: F0 Z
      3 planes vectored on to bombers) [. a( }7 _- r9 K
EI-1 Daitai with A6M2 Zero (3 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)# H  G; Z/ U! I8 H  B
      3 plane(s) intercepting now.
7 e; r# I' Y: [7 `, \% e      1 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.& v  V# i& @9 U0 H0 ^5 f$ M
      Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters to 8000.7 L  t/ g* R( J, d) w2 [$ [# }
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 9 minutes- A/ X% h9 {) r# P7 g: L! Z
      2 planes vectored on to bombers
5 f$ \5 i1 c3 N: A) f+ f0 p' O! p' IEIII-1 Chutai with A6M2 Zero (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)2 C$ d2 B( R3 h6 _" F
      1 plane(s) intercepting now., @1 T8 m( O0 [( y1 F  e$ E
      Group patrol altitude is 10000
! p$ E3 M8 K7 Z# T* ?      Raid is overhead$ \/ I# f0 ^* j2 S4 g2 T
      1 planes vectored on to bombers
& L3 d6 d& P0 Z  ^) Y- YEII-1 Daitai with A6M2 Zero (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
5 n* g7 P8 N9 ?1 C) [4 n      1 plane(s) intercepting now.
3 h+ y4 H0 f# C# d+ ]      Group patrol altitude is 15000 % D: X/ f! _7 w7 `  V( q
      Raid is overhead1 {4 d6 N7 c( A) p  F5 r
EIII-2 Chutai with A5M4 Claude (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling); \* ~1 u6 }) l9 V% x; P% A
      1 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.) u& }/ d# b* Z9 m3 m) p0 x
      Group patrol altitude is 10000 , scrambling fighters to 9000.
% e( v' w6 K* l' g; {      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 18 minutes' X' `- s3 d' a, M4 M6 x  W
      2 planes vectored on to bombers! g  }, A3 m# X: H" S* H* {: S  U

8 G1 V: w9 |! g' `Heavy smoke from fires obscuring CVL Shoho
6 O/ F( o9 f0 i2 gAmmo storage explosion on CV Zuikaku7 k  S: j4 g# Y! H
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring CV Zuikaku
; d8 L1 q( L% j/ l+ n6 uAmmo storage explosion on CV Shokaku
- S) U* |" d' B( _  
0 m2 g# A7 O& q8 \# J; L--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" k* W3 X/ i9 F2 n7 p
Morning Air attack on TF, near Gasmata at 105,129
4 o! w5 x' R# w
! `' m( ]  T% e7 g3 q5 @Weather in hex: Heavy rain
+ u( n  C" [; J6 r+ z / u3 ^. k6 R6 ^/ W+ l3 _! f
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.) k7 q+ G3 `* N2 y" ~$ L+ W7 Q" r
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes
3 E1 y2 V$ W9 _" R9 y/ ~0 ]) d$ j, K  
/ z4 v" |4 v! r7 d5 PAllied aircraft' R) T; k$ F# v8 g% ~
      PBY-5A Catalina x 10$ I& e; e; [0 E; I. q
# L. j8 k1 ], b# YAllied aircraft losses
) r- h' W1 l) `; d' O/ K      PBY-5A Catalina: 2 damaged
$ i4 w0 @9 F' m0 c   t- s7 S) n# v" [! b2 S
Japanese Ships
' x5 @. U6 a0 e! Q0 ~; t* G      CA Aoba
/ p4 r/ k7 r4 V' q5 \9 q/ X' _      CA Kinugasa/ X4 c' k" C9 o; }- x3 D  K
      CL Yubari
$ ?3 a2 B3 z! B$ d/ L) E3 l  
( `/ _6 e7 E$ e; n$ QAircraft Attacking:
# B, V  @4 q3 J* Q& c4 K+ i  U      10 x PBY-5A Catalina launching torpedoes at 200 feet
  x: x2 Y4 `6 B& K               Naval Attack:  2 x 22in Mk 13 Torpedo7 w$ T; ]1 @2 y4 `% S, C8 k5 ]3 I
/ p6 y/ c9 ?7 l--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; S' J' E" j/ M. m  [Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Port Moresby at 97,134
1 M1 ], P/ s+ ], t; k, d
4 ?/ S, q8 _/ T/ o6 k6 G( l4 S8 w! CWeather in hex: Overcast! `- m) L0 A7 b. k
: R. i. M  `' q* M1 n1 k
Raid detected at 112 NM, estimated altitude 19,000 feet.& N' V7 }# s# S2 v  v* h
Estimated time to target is 44 minutes
5 D/ e6 }: n( i* t* ^) k / U0 H- l1 @, B; G6 u" Q) e
Japanese aircraft+ K0 H* M2 M0 `; ?( H
      A6M2 Zero x 7% U: ^7 K, R+ H% T3 C8 G
      G3M2 Nell x 5
* j6 M( y: e0 S7 v4 h! T6 b      G4M1 Betty x 181 ~* N: c4 z, v7 d
  * E6 ^' K2 _( [: s! x: K/ J
Allied aircraft1 D) l4 Q* a% w9 q$ S+ p' v! a
      F4F-3 Wildcat x 9/ ]. o: s  X7 w5 t
# j8 S! ~4 T: k: jJapanese aircraft losses
' i$ b/ E3 b* b/ k      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
/ u: |1 @$ ^2 h5 J      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak
$ [: l* H9 H6 ^' @' L7 B0 c      G4M1 Betty: 2 damaged
; l3 f' Y, g6 x1 ?2 F      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak
) d8 X2 k  y5 O( P/ I9 _! u/ e $ E2 V0 C3 W1 `
Allied aircraft losses
& Y, b7 Y2 Z9 p2 ~0 X      F4F-3 Wildcat: 1 destroyed9 Y. |* e3 G3 i2 V2 ?& J( ^

( E! C; ^( E2 _% U5 _Allied Ships
4 X3 w% r) V6 z/ M& H9 w      DD Aylwin
# [2 |# K; f2 C# z* q- [9 B4 A, `6 n      CA Chicago
% X. X! J5 t, p& a, U2 @+ ~& m      CA Chester,  on fire5 ^9 r4 K! l6 i/ C& \' n! g  a$ B
      CA Australia, Torpedo hits 1
5 h5 w7 h# G- c9 Q      CA Astoria, Torpedo hits 2,  heavy damage
( E4 V$ }: |6 H  E4 |  
- q: d9 F7 _  M' F7 U2 `1 Q8 z3 mAircraft Attacking:8 T; M( Q, l. h0 p- ?+ c
       5 x G3M2 Nell launching torpedoes at 200 feet
8 \# i0 h8 n+ S3 K( h               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo1 U6 x) N3 X, {# K% j. w% e
      18 x G4M1 Betty launching torpedoes at 200 feet
6 q! T! c5 y% v+ d- f! s0 }; w+ Z               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo% I  L6 u7 B1 j  L: M0 G
; n. k' o( R; D- w3 B8 H
CAP engaged:
8 X/ j9 e% _  x* x( fVF-5 with F4F-3 Wildcat (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
! l9 L$ x; i5 u' K/ R- u      (3 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
# f4 q; A9 m9 Q. w( \0 n' {* c- h      2 plane(s) intercepting now.
+ W1 o9 Y7 R0 X& Z) r, F      0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
5 g7 ?. i4 U0 I      Group patrol altitude is 10000
% v; C0 N! N0 {. M      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 19 minutes
/ X& G/ d8 z2 m+ HVF-2 with F4F-3 Wildcat (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)+ r9 M  U' G8 {" H' a4 B& \. `
      (6 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
- w1 @( q# C- Y      2 plane(s) intercepting now.
0 V4 `/ ]8 R  I& b" B2 P* d: B: A      0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 4 out of immediate contact.
8 R1 k0 [2 Y1 X7 s& `% Y      Group patrol altitude is 10000
) v1 Y/ W1 q1 l3 O& z8 I      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 45 minutes4 h" c# c8 h4 w
$ }" o* Z! K$ U" f--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; _$ D4 V5 {' [0 s
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Milne Bay at 99,137
; P7 o4 R3 F; |  L$ V# J * S% d: \1 ]! ]  M1 ~; W+ S
Weather in hex: Partial cloud( i* ]* e) g' n6 U; K

& {- S+ r0 s' v4 {( r4 NRaid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.9 z% M6 B# v6 i' |/ y$ X/ Q) m
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes% o. W( A1 V" \) W. T
& w5 p, [2 [2 h, j( qAllied aircraft% K" C3 B3 {+ k& I1 B+ {+ S
      SBD-3 Dauntless x 184 R3 f3 I% @7 A/ K+ c# z
% D1 Z+ B3 F" C8 n( M  e1 y" j8 @7 ?
Allied aircraft losses
( `. T4 f# U; P      SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 destroyed by flak
7 t1 o4 j/ B$ L5 R. c 9 ]+ B; T) i# k: g5 q
Japanese Ships1 J8 h; ]! [: j
      CV Zuikaku, Bomb hits 6,  heavy fires,  heavy damage4 L7 V' D3 [; L; Z) _. P. K3 G( l. D
      CVL Shoho, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage7 S/ _# s5 {) x1 Z' c5 {/ m6 Y" O! N
      CV Shokaku, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage' k7 l3 u( k1 w" r/ P
      CA Myoko, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires5 p4 ?8 i, t- @- n
  2 L; w6 S- D9 T  I$ o& F) J
Aircraft Attacking:' u. u9 o' h) G  Q' T
       8 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 2000'0 O; ]9 z2 f+ c
               Naval Attack:  1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
5 ~2 g" i. G0 c+ ^1 f: d       3 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 4000'0 V, a4 D$ x$ F) b/ K! ]5 S
               Naval Attack:  1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb$ N+ y; y7 H4 R4 W5 K! X! d$ K
       7 x SBD-3 Dauntless releasing from 2000'
+ Z9 @! \5 p5 U, L               Naval Attack:  1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
+ p' M, c! a1 G0 p
6 k9 E' i2 O$ E6 U+ QCarrier support unable to supply air cover..
) |3 r/ J4 i* r/ U" aAmmo storage explosion on CV Zuikaku9 C! |. r: g+ D% i; o7 @- X, V
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring CVL Shoho( W$ N8 f  @& z
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring CV Shokaku
9 ]- A: Q5 @3 A, l  w6 uHeavy smoke from fires obscuring CV Zuikaku( z: D8 ?( I/ J' r) \7 l( i# h) x' h
Ammo storage explosion on CV Zuikaku- @  c  g' o5 u/ v) G; w1 _
  4 T0 _" X8 q- f  c' ?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------& N. W$ E( F8 v2 z6 k
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Milne Bay at 99,137) O9 f. z1 _0 z" E

" e& P+ a4 a$ T  w5 ?# I* H. cWeather in hex: Partial cloud
+ o, g% j' ^+ l
' A" X8 {- y$ @& a  Z4 U3 w% QRaid detected at 36 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
5 p+ p) ~8 V& l; l7 E+ a$ ]Estimated time to target is 21 minutes
: N$ K3 S) q' B0 I  , v; Y6 ?& Y  p
Allied aircraft
  n- J) }! U, Y! o      PBY-5 Catalina x 10" U: k3 A; v- g% V7 J
      PBY-5A Catalina x 2+ c; m4 S2 G3 ]  ?0 R: R
  1 B& E# q. T, o" j8 t
Allied aircraft losses
$ Y: s6 j. ]. h      PBY-5A Catalina: 1 damaged
: Z. z7 T* \: n* U : |/ {5 P& M1 V( C0 A% s: h3 G! }+ n
Japanese Ships8 ~; l- l# ?% u
      CA Myoko, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy fires5 _+ @/ }0 z: }  z
      CV Zuikaku, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
) G4 H& H- r9 q& ]. D$ x" T  
/ @" c* o1 M6 a3 T- J' L3 wAircraft Attacking:
$ l' W( k6 |/ j0 h0 L: B      10 x PBY-5 Catalina launching torpedoes at 200 feet$ \  f( B8 t( q( p" I8 ~  ~
               Naval Attack:  2 x 22in Mk 13 Torpedo
9 M5 K% ]8 A* W$ C( I       2 x PBY-5A Catalina launching torpedoes at 200 feet
7 R7 ~- {4 {$ {. Z- \# m1 T               Naval Attack:  2 x 22in Mk 13 Torpedo' Z" ]8 J) B7 l% K$ b. K+ b5 `/ P
( y! [0 c1 G( I! f
Carrier support unable to supply air cover..
1 F- W( H+ u& \8 i7 m7 {  
* L7 I+ I- ]: S) v1 Z: a  Y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
) n, S" E* D) U8 PAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Milne Bay at 99,137" b+ f7 z& m8 ?9 X% _  g

" O9 ~+ |8 Z& @7 Q+ m( OWeather in hex: Partial cloud
" f& x! ^7 O! k/ E   B  y" Y5 [. A; R: Y7 G
Raid detected at 33 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
% j( K) k, |# a4 bEstimated time to target is 19 minutes! O. L$ Z; r3 _  N. H; y
  6 {8 F* e& S3 x  z. v$ P
Allied aircraft
* ?: M# j% I' E  c/ \' }$ a      PBY-5A Catalina x 6% F; p5 w9 X- Y3 H- s  L
  9 ~+ F! G8 A& h1 a2 a* n
Allied aircraft losses$ m5 o* Y7 H% c: E* ~6 [
      PBY-5A Catalina: 1 damaged: l/ E' j. L% u4 B+ }
% ]" C9 s" p7 x1 Z! e" s: V# s
Japanese Ships
( |$ ^$ V2 s; e# L1 \# `/ g% ~      CV Shokaku, Torpedo hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
) F! W0 g, @5 I4 S) D      CVL Shoho, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
8 l+ H5 |" ]" W  B2 Y: P+ E  
" }4 ]. m; _% x: v* `9 P, L6 V4 |Aircraft Attacking:
/ h7 ]9 U( u% Q# ]  }, v       6 x PBY-5A Catalina launching torpedoes at 200 feet6 E( L! O$ I! |8 K9 S' W% l9 |
               Naval Attack:  2 x 22in Mk 13 Torpedo
' N; Z% U8 H6 \1 }" v; V) H4 F  o
& V% }: U, h3 H: `" @  C5 t9 c/ Y8 }, |Carrier support unable to supply air cover..
.0 g4 I" E: @2 w& `+ d
獲報後震怒的 日軍大本營,隨即要指揮官 切腹以謝天白王!.....
! E4 n( `2 M: O3 p' I8 `4 k3 ~) ^7 e/ H$ I  R2 i) d/ S
7 }9 @. V! z6 |( [9 p

1 u& E: m/ I+ h1 Rkevin_hx 版主、在下學藝不精,在此棄子投降!
本帖最后由 chen9214 于 2012-2-19 21:39 编辑
" m: u1 ]" q" R1 v* \( Z, f; V! X2 x6 n+ s: t
( I$ P5 ?' v5 J6 N不是沒換,而是 腊包爾 的台南空2大隊 上 祥鳳 後,原 祥鳳 機隊 轉調 翔鶴 仍載的下...
! I" \5 t# Q) m9 x9 y$ F
" w" M' k! g( Z' P; S3 `*之前有提過,五航戰 在 1108 裡比 1102 機數還少...
.+ t, h: s: j3 H" T6 a6 ^8 j* L/ t4 |
不是沒換,而是 腊包爾 的台南空2大隊 上 祥鳳 後,原 祥鳳 機隊 轉調 祥鶴 仍載的下...1 @5 l6 s7 x8 w1 e8 J6 @. v& O. s0 j
- ?$ a, V) L& x5 M! x
*之前有提過,五航戰 在 1108 裡比 1102 機數還少...
楼主陆基没上舰么 怎么零战这么少
楼主陆基没上舰么 怎么零战这么少2 F9 M* D) R  o% k
大脸猫 发表于 2012-2-19 08:34
! `0 b+ f4 y; C0 Y# L! m" O
1 @0 @( z3 [; w; v7 c
" p7 T' y! w+ \2 [( S% C( @

8 T0 w" R- P9 n1 a  i: ?% ^) N) M5 G3 ~( {9 q# M

! v' {( J  r! a* z% K9 ~' J9 }+ `/ P2 }! w. I+ v
  A6 j. t" \& g' Y2 w* K在下雖然「才疏學淺」、但從不敢托大!\r- }+ @9 j* I, U  Y
看過前輩們的指導精華,我從一開始接觸AE摸索起,每次玩「珊瑚海-日本」首要就是將 腊包爾 的 台南空2大 上 五航戰!
) i. ~# x" a/ h1 P- s* v! I( c/ s8 y: j5 ~

/ }- ?* U: w; R+ T. {問題是這次被 kevin_hx版主神人 邀戰指導,想說必須保守點?所以這次 五航戰 的 CAP 都調高?結果卻是仍然沒用???% @5 {# T5 y1 t. a6 X
1 ^% V9 w5 n; h
+ g4 h8 E: O( ?
看我發的戰鬥報告:/ q, t( w4 L' Y/ Q

8 s% m1 E# [' y0 P9 ?9 B+ }/ t5 H- M& i& c) k1 O% o
CAP engaged:
3 v" I# t, P; M( fTainan Ku S-2 with A6M2 Zero (0 airborne, 6 on standby, 2 scrambling)( d9 O3 r! N1 q" s; Z: Z! Z
      0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 2 out of immediate contact.
6 z3 b! s* Z3 B/ Z7 `      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 13000 and 20000.1 [4 T2 B! Z- O+ t% [
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 33 minutes. r( k  g) a3 o; O% m
      7 planes vectored on to bombers5 e. P" U* s# V

' a$ N$ \0 |7 @: D! B7 e. Y- a; F7 S+ N- `) r5 N
台南空2大 早在 五航戰 了....
另外,chen桑能把001发给我观摩吗?) H; y) L+ l  t  X1 n
kevin_hx 发表于 2012-2-19 20:52
/ L. k5 B6 a9 e: A. r* ~

) x6 Y7 c; N  K4 X& t: D今日休假陪家人,原檔在單位裡,明日補傳!
本帖最后由 chen9214 于 2012-2-19 21:38 编辑
7 U  G" _. X, E; k
8 `; M1 I; k' J/ L% K2 g5 S3 ?0 H
/ e) t- A2 [7 ]; ^* Ykevin_hx 发表于 2012-2-19 20:51
. @5 w* B( \$ w/ y9 B. ]/ R5 L.0 Y7 z' g9 g# F/ W
敗軍之將不敢言勇.....) ?& J7 P5 g- }' g' c9 q5 k* W

+ }* `& ?$ l* y, k' u9 }1 f$ ?" C  q" `$ B# [/ Q4 |8 t& j- l# z

! J6 F: O% f4 [- E1 Q* n3 U根據戰後流傳出的 本戰役日軍指揮官檢討報告 摘要:; E2 k0 o# E' t) E* i+ s
' l7 e( n) o& T* O7 A* j
1、因 米軍kevin_hx統領 莫港 陸航 太猖狂?屢次騷擾 腊包爾?加上 萊城 台南空1大 無作為?5/10起 萊城 台南空1大 撤返 腊包爾 準備撲擊 莫港 陸航!可惜 莫港 陸航 未再光臨.....) N; ^/ ~! K5 Y7 P& [% o+ A
% G. F" ]- C8 Q0 {3 U; ~3 o
2、5/8、5/9 被襲擊的船隊,原本就是在 土拉吉 逃過一劫的空船隊,所以就拿他當前鋒探路,確認 米軍kevin_hx統領 在 米爾恩(?)東方 佈下狼群口袋後,即將 全部艦隊 改 約馬德(?)南下...
9 i5 x2 A' G9 ?7 ^0 G0 b# [2 {
( B9 c6 K( q' b8 k% [% F, S3、(想到再補....)