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[AE] 关于飞机扩展航程的问题

本帖最后由 redpeacock168 于 2012-2-17 11:35 编辑 8 Z; }7 G3 o/ ^3 \

$ P" y  L- D7 A' R% a8 T* }! L* H7. EXTENDED RANGE. T* w# I: s4 A* P% N1 S" [0 G
The term takes on new meaning in AE. Less forgiving rules are in place to make Extended6 ^) @' f5 R- h$ ?2 ~
range operations, both Clean and Drop Tank equipped, unsustainable. WWII is abound with
* q7 m9 }. `0 _. P+ O' K9 ninstances of extreme operations such as the Doolittle raid and the Battles over the skies of
% _( B5 ^- F  x6 \" CGuadalcanal. These operations were possible and had an effect of one kind or another, but8 N6 E4 V" |7 G5 q7 B0 [0 Z
could not be considered normal or sustainable. As such, combat effectiveness as a whole will
! x% A5 ?; o7 [suffer at these ranges. The smallest scratch could mean the difference between a warm meal
4 a. l- x( o# t6 I% p4 Pand a rack, and a survival situation. If you value your Air Forces you will use discretion when
, \8 a( h& Y3 z- W: Cplanning operations that require such high risk.
5 _* p7 g/ f' S* J7 A: k( `0 ]: k谁能分析下这句话,我粘贴的,不知怎么中间有空格了,麻烦高手给翻译下,好像是说AE的扩展航程概念与原版不同了。
本帖最后由 jay102 于 2012-2-17 11:45 编辑
- y6 n2 y( e& k
. M0 [1 k0 l& I) _; u7 E中心意思就是AE里使用扩展航程所致的风险比WitP时代更高了。
意思就是 用扩展航程就像杜立特空袭那样 并不应该被看作常态 除非你觉得有必要用
AE里日本是架0战就可以从拉包尔sweep瓜岛,还可以把盟军的CAP扫的生活不能自理; J+ A: p/ x0 Y- {# A+ E9 x' c
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."