win7的注册表多一层路径。 我的win7 64位注册表 自己根据XP的改的,你改下路径就行了。) \8 O$ F1 x/ T$ t
用记事本保存成reg格式后运行。3 q. b7 D* i4 ?/ B4 {& m: X
8 H1 }1 N1 t8 ~/ o
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.003 ]- D5 E# _4 S4 X: @& V2 E+ f; G
7 p% ]+ ?8 h; t* `[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Matrix Games\War in the Pacific Admiral's Edition]
/ B2 r" u: Y9 r/ p3 v"authorized"="111111111"
* O; K$ K- t. K9 t6 V2 ]/ t9 o. e"version"="1.00.79"
) B5 C+ ?# k6 p$ ]0 L"installed"="TRUE"
: X, `; t) u4 P& k! m5 U"installed to"="D:\\Game\\War in the Pacific Admiral's Edition"# G8 m1 Q v+ _4 S, T
"installed from"=".\\"
0 ]' K; y( A: {$ B" y9 X"username"="Microsoft"
: g, O% g: V" P* A7 H"company"="Microsoft"5 i/ Z! m: i2 E2 m9 s
"code"="MG2009" |