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本帖最后由 chen9214 于 2012-6-18 23:32 编辑
: L: W- Q& D* E8 `  I) f. C
# L: f! U* Q: j- \. F+ d.
1 i! k4 ?  g9 b3 C4 w* B這次 米軍58 直接北上!?蝗軍 措手不及!當時正在 蕭特蘭 的運輸船團覆滅!" ?5 L; A( ?- ]* l  ]
7 p9 i% ~6 C' A, L5 b' l" v/ B

' |' {; M( Q6 ^$ o: b  n) G. U9 |- @! o; g3 e

$ Z; g7 n* I( T.
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本帖最后由 chen9214 于 2012-6-14 00:09 编辑   J9 l  u; h" @" }5 n- N, j: ?# B

, q3 [% [7 F' A* {- e5 z.
: T/ D! V& t9 s: y6 Y1 s% K8/9 戰鬥報告1 I  p& r9 ^$ r" D3 S

1 u& P& a% }$ e5 JAFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Aug 09, 42# a3 R0 s: r7 Q
# X3 Z/ C- h% t% T: J9 dInvasion Support action off Tulagi (114,137)
3 h+ H$ J$ I  `6 y- O# w2 q2 e0 @& K9 _; l  x% r
22 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.7 T3 g" Q. Y! u4 q# F4 y- N; L

4 f( T& A* S, w: cAllied Ships' u" y  m3 I( Z6 L5 q; S' j. A  x
      DMS Hovey% V' `: m$ ]" p
      DMS Southard8 Y0 ~0 ?: x; ^8 a
      APD Little
1 w: h& H, d% r% q9 i0 G/ f      APD Colhoun( I3 Y) o! c- @9 P# A! w
3 [& p, f' v7 T! T
Allied ground losses:
  a! S: Y; D! v9 W      8 casualties reported
. I" ?, l# n3 n/ L2 a+ d& H- C         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled1 D, p. Y4 `1 |6 d( V
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled4 L) r1 D8 [' X" X7 L/ M$ d
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
( X0 v* R1 y# l! _. S
" ^$ _- z8 V5 b3 E--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ w% ~8 _$ |& _  A8 v- ?
TF 143 encounters mine field at Lunga (114,138) - Coastal Guns Fire Back!
1 F) b3 j3 {3 p1 x& F
; |( I3 m& `% |9 v6 i) q- T- P9 w10 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.0 g+ G- A0 k9 t9 q7 k
/ ]  B$ H" {! ]7 E4 V
Allied Ships. h  v! X5 n! ^* Y
      DMS Trevor, Shell hits 2+ S3 V0 ^1 K6 @
      DMS Zane, Shell hits 2+ v/ ^% e7 {2 v6 {! _. `7 d
      DD Helm
" {1 q# D& f  ^      DD Blue
, g5 e6 i, K7 r" d, G/ q* ?" q      DD Bagley) t, l0 a2 O; D8 s- ~" L$ G: ^& r

3 L  R2 f9 Z, V. H--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ f+ u  R& U1 g1 F& f
Invasion Support action off Lunga (114,138)4 r1 z; t7 C. V
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force% q& g7 W) U+ c, x/ }  y. B

: u2 {8 x& F) ?* N& d  r8 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
/ z9 {* z6 T, ?' z# X( }& E: y' X% l5 c5 C' t/ I4 L8 |
Allied Ships6 o! t! R1 s+ z) I
      AP Barnett6 f1 r. T3 V4 Y% [3 \! j% R
      DD Helm
, H4 j+ N/ i0 I% z8 }      DD Blue
: e) L8 w* [! j0 ?& O      AKA Alchiba
- x- E; _7 Q$ y/ ^' j) i4 U9 e
7 X4 d$ ~5 a' m7 g$ s5 s( h; Z8cm 41YT DP Gun Battery engaging AP Barnett at 10,000 yards5 U6 _' m) ?  h7 d) E1 h$ o, x
DD Blue firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
9 k* R  c5 A* T" y
! \& ~9 Y+ a. Z% a# u--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 F, ~. F& d) `$ z% H6 l
TF 145 encounters mine field at Lunga (114,138)
+ I/ E3 O+ I6 M: F/ l
1 v  L% u) H8 ]. Q$ E; MAllied Ships
" S5 H3 J' _0 k3 l' Z      DD Dewey- v4 O6 S6 y& Y8 P5 R. [
      DD Wilson, i( {( h9 e$ r3 ~7 ]
      DD Ellet
3 @+ G7 U' ~; v- z/ I- }0 P" w+ i* z( C; n3 N$ M' [0 t
4 mines cleared
, k/ R1 u& w  y+ k0 R
$ m  c+ b1 b+ M( c8 r; c--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- R3 L2 j* ]  P$ dTF 144 encounters mine field at Lunga (114,138)
. G3 n" d) M( h8 |4 a& g1 F+ C/ l. X- J4 \9 y% g: J/ b
Allied Ships
2 ^. V8 G. V4 g2 D9 {: Z6 p      DD Patterson
1 p7 ]; w; {1 e7 Z      DD Ralph Talbot
; `; I# [& ^8 |% b  g% E+ h      DD Mugford, N' M, x* x2 a0 ~/ V0 F8 E

" M- H3 T* F/ N3 D+ b7 I5 R+ Y5 mines cleared2 L, f7 R% ?: V

. X# D2 y, \, g& c--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
& q; I- _  M) r% Z& q' N0 RTF 145 encounters mine field at Lunga (114,138)% j: o) g! T# W! ~3 |& _6 E/ m
5 u6 l! U. ^1 A9 @& g
Allied Ships  _. d, a2 `' `6 @9 `; Y% s
      DD Hull
' y9 Z' P; g9 x7 ?. |5 B      DD Dewey/ A8 A2 P  u  V" w4 E# @
      DD Wilson. ]+ ^; }' i$ Y# x* {+ M
      DD Ellet3 t0 p3 M, t4 U; i" M

4 R2 ?4 O9 |- b+ r, ~1 ~" ^+ }5 mines cleared  S5 x) K1 q( d& ~; n. a

% O0 \$ U" d2 a( g* w--------------------------------------------------------------------------------# k+ t& c) Y" m1 X! x0 p- w5 ?& f
TF 144 encounters mine field at Lunga (114,138)
& ^! R% x: B; b' g: n- h
, `; v% [' x7 \: d6 fAllied Ships
0 i- b& t: m' B      DD Selfridge1 r  k8 Z" d5 b# x& C% f
      DD Jarvis
4 z& _! M/ T: [; w) M2 L      DD Ralph Talbot2 U- p9 g, U* V7 o9 f9 d; I" P
( M4 Q. X; U3 E: Y) m: Y) b
5 mines cleared" \$ Y. _. w; E. Q2 F' D4 r

& l- m0 Z& k! a--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ z! h  B% p+ b+ d
TF 144 encounters mine field at Lunga (114,138)
; r( o' ]* k' I# [7 _" `* l- |  ]
  @7 j, _7 d3 T1 u4 u  N# jAllied Ships8 P; V& F- @- {3 h/ i& T. v
      DD Selfridge
2 v* h& W) U# c# c# o      DD Ralph Talbot0 q+ r3 Z# j% w# V$ L' y. F. m
      DD Mugford; i4 `3 e2 f8 c5 |
/ K% a$ p4 @5 u! ]3 X3 Q- q
6 mines cleared
6 w4 F" K! I& |2 e; ]" M
' e# }3 a! \3 \3 [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; o( |! K4 m9 i" w$ I
TF 145 encounters mine field at Lunga (114,138)
5 {3 g; w: v6 P; b4 {* v7 L+ \: F* }- g8 n& d
Allied Ships6 J& C5 W8 }6 \( x0 `9 ~5 }
      DD Wilson
4 [) w& ]5 p4 G      DD Ellet
! ?0 ]* J5 o- u3 o; n$ `+ x+ e7 L2 d9 E0 V+ T* F( \
2 mines cleared
- J% d1 v* N7 v! o: b% W3 H+ `
0 _- A" l' W" J1 {9 B8 Q* x( V) `--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" o% q! i7 `* {$ \; n, y& g5 ]
TF 144 encounters mine field at Lunga (114,138)( b& c+ W8 |  p( H4 f1 f
0 ]: g% [! P8 Z% L- @
Allied Ships
- M. J" l" t6 r      DD Selfridge& m4 y7 o& S, E: @, k
      DD Jarvis( L) ]: `7 I6 B- P7 `% U

$ E6 b+ w, I! v2 mines cleared
! d  J* a+ v  ^- {# w# n3 ]6 T8 }, ~( N2 o. O; E8 w
$ t* N, [( f7 [' _  u9 qInvasion Support action off Tulagi (114,137): |* B3 d/ D1 G9 ^3 a( _! ]

! o. E* l1 a0 M" t15 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.# D, I8 ?; D% J

, B% v; C- V* g2 cAllied Ships' L4 W7 n. K; r" c# q. b5 ~
      DMS Hovey1 G2 c( P3 H6 a3 ^1 {
      DMS Southard
) E7 l% L) y0 s1 V1 p      APD Little
( r8 y9 N; a" \. P* T      APD Colhoun3 i$ E- V, @! Y0 x$ e! U- c
; D2 h0 w% w! [; w! j
Allied ground losses:
. \9 ]( m$ X5 g; _      16 casualties reported. {6 |# |* s+ u4 D
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled2 z: A" e3 H# H3 ^
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
' {" Y( _% E  @  b8 I) S' Y         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled) a: V% T, g# b. h
; T4 v- e4 A% D. ]1 b: Y; l3 y/ s4 y1 U
! }8 _2 r6 |- ]! AInvasion Support action off Lunga (114,138)" k7 I* R5 f. y% @$ n
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force
) h) R* y) H: {2 {; o+ ~" b" L; n& C/ Y: k
16 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
9 g9 A3 E- l4 F1 U0 [6 p$ ~8 X
" m% H; }* {3 H$ UAllied Ships* X: N$ {- I$ [) d* Y( e- \( P0 n
      AP Hunter Liggett, Shell hits 1
4 E9 |* t. S+ G! Y2 q; w* i      DD Blue+ E) I' m9 b$ Q5 w" P! J4 i
      DD Bagley* p6 Y* a* m7 f9 |- n5 v
      AKA Alchiba, Shell hits 4
# \% K9 U& f- D( |. W      DD Henley: |; e7 }1 t; ?3 u0 A
) T" y! R# L& ]; E% Q7 S: x% r
, J/ _& y, h' pInvasion Support action off Tulagi (114,137)
' m- p% |& S2 Z. R7 g; DDefensive Guns engage approaching landing force
; }. c. {4 f+ N! x8 B( ^1 @$ ^8 B" C* a' u! c% L
6 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
# Z: l0 L! A. k( d9 q  x+ h1 L) ?0 h; j0 F4 i
Allied Ships' F" ~, |2 J4 w/ ~; b2 n
      DMS Hovey
0 l5 W$ S. i* C( J+ \* N      DMS Southard7 ~- Z5 m! e9 W8 S& I, t" p% |
      APD Little9 q+ ?% J  Z4 @+ e6 k$ I  A0 t, y$ t
      APD Colhoun
! S& S2 k4 k4 d
& x0 r. N( U0 D; ]1 Z2 EDMS Hovey fired at enemy troops8 r" P" J0 L" X  X2 }
DMS Southard fired at enemy troops0 Q  x* F2 \' g" i! A
APD Little fired at enemy troops
& y/ a1 m! ^! }, j+ ^APD Colhoun fired at enemy troops7 G+ D7 J' K4 N0 e, b+ l

1 S2 \  x3 I6 n4 W) k' A--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 B8 Q% {) q' w) P1 sTF 144 encounters mine field at Lunga (114,138): P4 u  [& a4 d4 K6 O/ W
3 H2 n4 x6 @  L/ A- e
Allied Ships' s5 q3 W6 d: P5 y" n- q
      DD Jarvis
1 {; L, Q/ g2 f! Q2 K: L( b# K7 w$ D      DD Patterson
0 T$ g" k8 C- q# o8 y) J8 S* P      DD Ralph Talbot
& M0 Y& ]8 [4 B. y% x) L      DD Mugford
5 R; Z: e' J' W" c' [0 E
0 a8 I: M- H' |( _* ]: b9 _: n' {6 mines cleared
% I' r& `: L2 z5 ]6 f5 T$ _/ j% p4 ?4 v, W
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 w! W2 x( h% M( }1 S* w6 ^
TF 145 encounters mine field at Lunga (114,138)
# s" o/ e+ [+ h, H: p: P2 T% B5 ]
Allied Ships
" C  @' R( p, R, z" c      DD Hull
  I. V8 n+ D4 |# E( H      DD Wilson
. d; f! I: V7 |- U4 D- S( e: W7 g$ R$ t
3 mines cleared! z, l+ d& V# l& U; }

4 @8 N; }! k4 L) R5 y0 u! H- `: t/ V--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" p5 ]1 B! P% B7 g( V2 {$ a0 bSub attack near Munda  at 110,136
) Q, Q4 [  }" ?1 U% ?
& s8 }8 V$ e0 O% kJapanese Ships: R9 e9 j% o3 c2 X( r0 h
      SS I-10
/ \, f  G. K7 ^, D* W" `# [$ Q( n. \( V8 g6 }* d$ K
Allied Ships
1 H0 O3 ]! ^6 T1 p; Z      CV Saratoga, Torpedo hits 2,  heavy damage
9 z: A; I* F9 N( F1 C5 n      CA New Orleans
" @# J* A( }6 U% N      DD Phelps( u5 x9 o. y4 `- E+ H% D
      DD Dale9 s/ h5 Q5 X/ n0 T5 i4 Y6 _9 N: C
      DD Worden
2 i" n; n" l! Q  b9 j! Z, _8 ~! b
SS I-10 launches 6 torpedoes at CV Saratoga9 v4 @& u" |& ~6 [* [0 Z
I-10 diving deep ....8 G, q7 W( K8 ^0 {% M6 b. M" _, O6 z
+ t2 U% S+ C6 t4 B8 R8 W4 S
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ N! L( W# Y4 w! |# h- c
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Thousand Ships Bay at 114,136! F5 E' q2 r, Z0 S

  l8 K$ R5 B6 y% R- WWeather in hex: Overcast* O# I2 B2 W! A; w& M: w
& u0 G4 [9 }* ]+ e
Raid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.0 C( \& R$ o) R. ]+ ]
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
5 U4 u+ @1 C! M8 k+ Y0 @5 r* e
( G& W/ [) L, v7 H# wAllied aircraft
9 D0 X" D* {  @$ s( |: m      F4F-4 Wildcat x 26
, \0 E5 }% y2 x9 R! d      SBD-3 Dauntless x 546 p8 r0 F7 Z; Y
      TBF-1 Avenger x 24
6 y6 W: ?8 N* X. Y7 B- K! p/ R' R: t, A  k2 @% h4 T4 G
Allied aircraft losses+ W/ k5 I4 e3 c2 ~% j
      SBD-3 Dauntless: 4 damaged
0 f  F8 B5 q' O9 [1 e/ N5 L4 Y      SBD-3 Dauntless: 1 destroyed by flak
3 a# ]* U& `% G1 m      TBF-1 Avenger: 1 damaged
. w2 h8 Q  I( b+ z- `8 _- R+ B& H/ M! X; i& g: o2 l) F
Japanese Ships
7 O9 y$ I: n8 H0 U+ |$ W      CA Chokai, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
) s; m# g8 I. I4 n6 L- \% b" q      CA Aoba
/ U( `* L+ F8 ?& y+ N      CA Furutaka, Bomb hits 20 \& J% [+ O. H8 ?/ e3 g
      CA Kako, Bomb hits 4,  heavy damage
8 T# u1 n5 m4 n3 j/ q# K' t      CL Tenryu, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
3 k- _5 Z7 ]" a/ U" N$ G0 a
      CA Kinugasa! N( R8 @' E! D+ \+ _& @% o1 ?
      CL Tatsuta
$ T2 R: L$ G( k; F2 t6 _! m      DD Yayoi
5 T% G+ ~% T" J( Y2 J, h) E/ g7 @- l( g& Z- R: Q8 c: E
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring CL Tenryu
8 y$ q! ?, b1 v3 a' b# x, T2 u' c  H/ P) x
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------# P) ?% h7 v; F: U& \0 }
Invasion Support action off Tulagi (114,137)# a4 L2 h* p) y$ f1 u9 ]  o5 n( F
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force
6 z) N: G5 o+ f5 A/ j5 h) p/ K6 g
" V8 B' O+ S0 S- l! \  _6 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
4 i4 `# u" b% l: M+ _# N4 V  L/ S6 Y6 F
Allied Ships) y  b# c2 P/ i$ M2 b
      AP Harris! H2 M/ S! l8 o' O) |/ `
      AP Zeilin% Q& D8 I# N( R# x! K
      AP Henry T. Allen
' B- M4 R  A2 L8 O# @0 m      APD Little/ H, i% C+ f6 g6 B) f# R8 l7 E

" J+ L* v. u5 C--------------------------------------------------------------------------------% _" K+ e) I" ~% A- e: Z

. U+ Z7 |: [1 f; L! x0 IGround combat at Lunga (114,138)( m* D: g" M  Q5 K8 Z- b4 q
2 V- _- G) \7 A! M8 U
Japanese Bombardment attack) P) R& ^* p5 w" T+ R- [

1 \; k2 D; I+ P; DAttacking force 2546 troops, 18 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 89
( s# p% S: l+ G, G) V
3 @! k6 Q! O! E2 K# ?3 TDefending force 10788 troops, 222 guns, 130 vehicles, Assault Value = 454
2 D0 A4 r' S4 o; M0 I* w. o7 B+ y; C
Japanese ground losses:8 [& k! Q: i8 l2 k
      12 casualties reported4 C, @# q1 u9 I# n
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled& v/ Z( N3 ?$ ^; Q2 F, a! ^
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled* I% [" p" o+ |3 i$ g
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
) Y' I  K% U6 l5 n+ d
8 J$ X) s2 @4 R5 h--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C9 z9 _% I; {1 N
3 a# l- j) @7 X
Ground combat at Tulagi (114,137)
* V. Z8 ~' C& o' y
  h& J, Y4 B$ {9 L5 r# f, B, cJapanese Bombardment attack: x! ^/ n" p" b4 z- e5 q' Z

5 V7 Z0 T' u( [Attacking force 935 troops, 13 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 32$ g. Z" }$ H& N# B$ Q# m
" n; c5 ?' v, s: [
Defending force 5967 troops, 108 guns, 30 vehicles, Assault Value = 241
1 c  L( L3 d3 K6 U* d& J  q, [' N$ r! u+ N5 U" t. B. C
Japanese ground losses:( I9 D+ z5 @9 o- \" U, F0 `9 R" U
      8 casualties reported
6 f5 e, b% f% w9 \5 M! D         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled- {: q' ]3 p+ D& V* M* |: V0 g
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
0 {: X- y) |. d         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled+ D# _4 k! r# Y: f% R- O4 F  _

) Z4 p# T$ ^  s--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 `9 A4 t& g; H7 E& q; L3 k; F( g; g) m/ }& _
Ground combat at Tulagi (114,137)
2 r' t, ^% V/ \  H
" v* m: G) ]2 g" @Allied Shock attack: j" n, Q! M$ f1 y2 M6 W; }) @
- y% |& u* P1 H! e( o& w) `- w
Attacking force 5967 troops, 108 guns, 30 vehicles, Assault Value = 241
, B1 c) Y3 ~. e" v  [/ i8 }1 `! l+ b5 {# ~6 q" i1 I6 L
Defending force 2172 troops, 21 guns, 3 vehicles, Assault Value = 32: x/ }8 f! y- U) f, Y  [
9 ?* W9 ^% D# ?5 Z  Z
Allied adjusted assault: 281
$ }; q2 }& Q2 s
( h* I5 c  ]) R  {" E+ tJapanese adjusted defense: 31
( [0 @! a  s3 l/ z1 u. U2 w4 J4 I: {5 B; e
Allied assault odds: 9 to 1 (fort level 1)
7 T" B5 Q8 G2 `" n& k
! a% }0 Q6 s# e% ^6 O5 i4 L% \1 GAllied forces CAPTURE Tulagi !!!) u4 U$ [( F. j# U6 L. J; ]# h
( V' D2 L" w# T9 A7 L7 b3 E( O
Japanese aircraft/ ~2 f- P3 h7 c/ D; G, i- K
      no flights& K# t3 G+ e5 B) D5 y

. @, L# G; Q4 y8 l( Y4 c7 NJapanese aircraft losses) ?' \( U  j/ Q
      H6K4 Mavis: 1 destroyed$ e0 ?' R7 c2 o. {: g

, }4 k/ f$ `+ D# x  HCombat modifiers/ F( C. t8 v2 y# s2 x) y
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), preparation(-), fatigue(-)
5 h* \$ w# `: Z0 W. B% f# Jexperience(-)3 f* L1 a- P+ p$ L
Attacker: shock(+), fatigue(-)* x3 R0 I% `" s2 @0 L) }! n
5 {1 c& o! y- X8 o, I
Japanese ground losses:: D6 V6 _  ^: r! Z
      848 casualties reported7 J7 m" L; Q: N! a& [" i/ Q/ `
         Squads: 25 destroyed, 16 disabled) h0 g2 d4 B: D- F2 X
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 7 disabled
0 }+ p" M" v2 B3 \" _         Engineers: 42 destroyed, 0 disabled- r; @  P2 y5 R5 B5 s# b
      Guns lost 15 (13 destroyed, 2 disabled)/ t7 m" w  @1 `6 Y/ B
      Vehicles lost 3 (3 destroyed, 0 disabled)
! l! [* G6 ~7 V
7 ~( A6 N3 L+ }7 m3 TAllied ground losses:
. a; _3 n: o5 I, l$ m: v7 e' \1 K      114 casualties reported+ ?- w6 d! B$ \$ F
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 29 disabled3 e* d& Q' O8 L% |& T0 H( p
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled8 Q5 B- ]$ }. B' C+ U' A
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
  |1 k) y: Z3 r3 S
9 X6 n# w) \$ ^, `/ v2 eAssaulting units:
7 J- A3 ^% S! T, a    1st USMC Parachute Battalion# x( F5 S8 ?. |* d7 ?: G2 J
    1st USMC Raider Battalion7 }# h9 a6 a; V/ ~  [! w
    2nd USMC/2nd Regiment
( P( \) I' J4 r/ C+ [' S1 u9 k# V
Defending units:  i4 ~9 x/ U' J, j
    Det - Kure 3rd SNLF
" t4 \: b# Y$ m2 t" @    14th Naval Construction Battalion
* V. S3 C  x, H/ s7 s    129th JNAF AF Unit
0 ]( V6 v4 m/ }4 f
. w5 f! _5 }* \( d" h--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ O8 j! J9 v- C% S) I" R. _2 B! w- q6 i+ ?& r
Ground combat at Lunga (114,138)
+ M  I& L9 }1 v; b' r3 ~+ _7 ^$ y) q% ~1 y2 t+ A
Allied Shock attack4 O! n+ o5 x# M* v
0 F0 }$ o# U; ~3 C! p7 ]8 `
Attacking force 10788 troops, 222 guns, 130 vehicles, Assault Value = 453) k6 i  y* b( X7 ^2 ^

: r7 z) X: |$ ~8 VDefending force 3987 troops, 30 guns, 6 vehicles, Assault Value = 88
; `" Z- @/ }) M6 S5 {) z, c
' c1 X/ |+ S& j3 hAllied adjusted assault: 502 ) Y. Q& d0 i( |+ g% F2 c7 T% o
# e- j) N3 {$ d4 \2 c" g! {
Japanese adjusted defense: 25
: N2 \3 M1 L; S: K" p( C; U: n7 J, q! O3 O2 i3 g; N9 E" V7 V; ?( L* @
Allied assault odds: 20 to 1 (fort level 1)
& w1 @+ b8 Q+ d7 ?+ e' h5 x5 t* C$ ~% H( y
Allied forces CAPTURE Lunga !!!  I6 {0 ^" m) q# x) L
3 F8 V1 T8 h$ F! Y
Combat modifiers1 c# g& B' K# G7 ]  l5 w) d; O
Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-)
) U& \4 ]0 I* f, u; f! }Attacker: shock(+)
# a! V! v, ~# x9 D. L" n
2 k0 C: n4 H2 j+ YJapanese ground losses:
' o3 E* |! C& V6 u" C. i; V      3008 casualties reported4 e  c5 O3 I9 U0 a
         Squads: 62 destroyed, 42 disabled4 b! K: c8 U( |! s
         Non Combat: 51 destroyed, 17 disabled% b+ \: k' h/ }& `: P; M' n9 R
         Engineers: 75 destroyed, 1 disabled
+ f3 b4 _, Q* Q! H  |      Guns lost 11 (5 destroyed, 6 disabled)
5 [# }0 Q) I3 z0 \3 W% q      Vehicles lost 7 (7 destroyed, 0 disabled)
! u& K. S4 |+ h) g- |9 j6 j      Units retreated 4
9 U7 ~% o  @, |3 s( y; R, L$ |
* O" g* P3 y0 {$ dAllied ground losses:
+ c3 a- A, |" ?# F+ ]8 e      133 casualties reported
/ E' \' R1 X1 J0 _         Squads: 0 destroyed, 18 disabled; f% ~, E' y8 A. c
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled' Q  S' S' ^  ]; Y& o
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled" |& y3 l* T# s- J5 S5 H

$ t" K% V+ |; q, I6 e/ x, FDefeated Japanese Units Retreating!6 k- g, @4 n' y+ e0 d
2 i/ O4 X5 A; k5 y: S5 R
Assaulting units:
, h+ b$ ^) z& N0 ]# F1 i    1st USMC Amphb Tank Battalion% R4 J9 N8 e* P  E) H
    1st USMC/1st Regiment1 T3 a; R& C2 x
    1st USMC/5th Regiment4 N1 k; v; ]$ w+ R- b; ~
    3rd USMC Defense Battalion
2 Q: M* p) f* w9 ], I! R+ h: m
: t9 p6 \/ g: Y2 BDefending units:2 Y8 X: \0 r4 M) i
    Kure 3rd Naval Guard Unit& [6 ^( ?* [1 u9 a8 ?2 u* d* h
    81st Naval Guard Unit5 J2 ~  n; }/ ], T
    13th Naval Construction Battalion& q, z. d4 M- i$ D
    11th Naval Construction Battalion6 c( N  |( I, J0 F  m

7 L$ R8 O& Y0 }" H) [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( a' g4 K  R1 F6 F
" V! K$ F) {8 tDet - Kure 3rd SNLF Wiped Out at Tulagi by attrition!!!% z" h5 {  ]* y# Q  n1 H
/ I1 _8 c* A# v
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ?* R4 k( W! N  b! h$ x
1 r  n& {1 K* Y
14th Naval Construction Battalion Wiped Out at Tulagi by attrition!!!
1 b6 p. E3 z' q) l. y* f, Q- I$ H8 ]- T  z. o% P! t
5 P6 i2 v" ]+ ^; ?& b' M  i, A( o$ C5 R1 t
129th JNAF AF Unit  Wiped Out at Tulagi by attrition!!!
7 \5 |$ U! x) D" {  F3 I6 b1 M6 V. J+ _* P
.4 v) t* i) c8 P6 s0 F

7 j. s$ s+ [* b! I3 |( s6 H美軍 佔領了 圖拉吉、倫加岬!?-- 這次動作怎麼這麼快?!* j& @! a" r/ L! K/ i1 v

1 g  f; D2 X* a2 u5 ]: M/ D& q為啥我辛苦趕佈設的水雷陣輕易的被 DD 清除、沒看到 DMS 作業呀?0 H* A/ ^2 b# X7 A- Q2 O; ~
* P& X  }6 p) V
日軍砲擊艦隊 又給我搞烏龍?!竟然在旁邊逛大海?!白白挨炸彈?! + K6 H" h. N; t  N0 \7 [1 _: u

7 L0 T( Y1 l; H- b不過 日軍SS 又再次擊中 美軍CV !$ q0 L- c( H) `  {2 s/ K+ u- q

8 h/ v; u0 z" f5 U4 G.
6 r$ r; \+ u1 ~9 a$ e看飛機損失表,似乎 Saratoga艦載機隊 沒有損失?表示甲板還可起降...
; E* N3 \$ ?1 n3 q$ w/ x( r
# [" l8 u& @9 Q0 [& z! V, ^+ M不過艦體應該是大破、速率20節;若拉進 悉尼 船塢搶修可能要60天.....
.' t3 _# ^* `/ K, a% e
但我搞不懂的是,美軍登陸前我還將 I-121 等3艘 SS 火速調往 倫加 佈雷;; v  j, U3 d: G! a
20# chen9214 % O. a5 g: a9 v. U
美军只求能把飞机卸下来就可以了……# `' s5 f7 S4 U5 K
0 D" T2 T5 j1 }; d3 G, \/ k8/10 戰鬥報告
: C1 a4 X+ q9 b% Q* M8 h( s' |# Z+ K& f; X' Y9 x0 M
: ]: Z" v: v" e6 ?- J9 H$ Q- I/ d--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ g$ P+ u5 U2 m$ q+ ]. T6 p4 L0 lASW attack near Lunga  at 113,138
+ @3 d  g, c: o. E  d5 B# J  ^, _6 t  P/ S7 Y/ |
Japanese Ships
7 P+ {1 N8 \  j3 ?0 i      SS I-21
' ^9 {/ ~) e0 o8 G  A5 X& R, L6 e9 z4 i# W1 w
Allied Ships
& K( z. O* A* Q1 c; F# c" z6 }      DD Mugford' U1 T3 l& v5 ~# M( I$ p. K2 R3 j3 T9 q. S
      DD Selfridge
+ Q8 W' E* F6 T) ~      DD Jarvis5 k$ g( }+ T$ Z6 t( j" v
  + ]! M1 i* a0 \4 M5 r" y$ x. i
SS I-21 launches 6 torpedoes at DD Mugford
$ K, S: U0 _) X! }$ R% Q0 [I-21 diving deep ..../ Z2 V; r3 [/ ^: q

. B, w% n2 P1 h. `9 A3 E( r6 M--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 C2 \) f- [% W, G& ?Night Air attack on Port Moresby , at 98,130
4 e* k$ b/ G/ J1 I4 M8 Z% j& J- f; g$ Z" x3 W( R' t
Weather in hex: Light cloud
" T* u1 w1 Q; U* n' N( C# u" l  l+ J
Raid detected at 41 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
1 u! `) _7 t7 a( r' @Estimated time to target is 14 minutes, Q# ]1 H/ s$ N

1 X/ ?; ~$ j$ N8 N; H* vJapanese aircraft
/ c3 ~- s3 h/ I) p      G4M1 Betty x 24  |8 N% ~  r' K0 h
  5 ?7 N7 D. M+ v3 j
Allied aircraft
) E9 D/ L. v9 q      no flights9 c- s6 n$ u. j
" R3 j- K% ^' B* I8 O
No Japanese losses
1 J% H; g' x3 k& b: P+ d5 n7 W9 Y8 N- F0 a
Allied aircraft losses' z2 ?( U# l; h. d4 p2 ?
      Kittyhawk IA: 2 damaged7 I1 t+ W' F9 R
      P-39D Airacobra: 2 damaged, {) x7 U* U, ?  E
      Catalina I: 5 damaged
; c% @% x' b1 Z7 P      B-26 Marauder: 1 damaged" J7 E8 c0 z: O, w
  + O/ `1 u! N+ _
Airbase hits 15 C7 W6 J' E. d) L4 D# D- N2 |4 p
Airbase supply hits 2
. Z- T9 O/ Y9 ~  W2 U3 RRunway hits 7) t+ ]' f+ |! m3 o) W
) ^8 i$ W+ w2 }: l: i
- ^0 }; o0 e0 [  R- C9 Q% nNight Air attack on Rabaul , at 106,125
/ o# ~  `+ x# }6 W
3 l% ]6 ~! Z! ^' vWeather in hex: Thunderstorms+ c* ]5 M2 K. Q' P

6 P. _7 H7 t  D$ {+ P" {6 RRaid spotted at 48 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
8 K$ m, E& c0 l6 @; yEstimated time to target is 13 minutes
$ X5 c/ {6 k' t0 Z; B* Q$ h; M; ^. M, ^  ( u3 ?( g" e& A
Allied aircraft
1 H2 U& s$ p: }, W& s( ^* ?- G      B-26 Marauder x 65 r2 L3 o0 m% P1 z: ^$ S, \4 E4 }
  ) Q4 |% j, D5 j4 e
No Allied losses
: I' f$ @2 |) Z! K/ i, r.
本帖最后由 chen9214 于 2012-6-19 08:36 编辑 ) N! V/ E( S" t

* y, L3 Q2 n) ?6 K, ^1 M.
" ]. O- O/ _4 A0 ~$ t2 \# W蝗軍SS 雖然全速趕往瓜島西方海域,不過 CV Saratoga 仍被逃脫了.....
& z' R; J7 C$ h5 g. }& h  n% e9 x, m# @9 M6 y* \! x" q" m
5 ]1 W$ F+ t/ ?& R7 w6 y- |3 j

8 B8 w& G; k; O% t; x
" z+ h8 T- I" K. S6 m*看沈船紀錄,CV Saratoga 已被擊沉了?!實在是.....誤差太大了
7 k& c& v9 B7 u& O.
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航母编队还处在被SS偷袭的阶段,说明还不是老手啊....7 ]7 e. X$ A8 q  ?3 W+ M

7 e, {5 A$ [; }. v* k你注意看飞机损失界面有没有不正常数量的OPS损失,如果有,就多半说明这条航母已经失去了起降功能,不过一般战报写重创的航母都已经失去起降功能了,但是盟军肯定有不止一条CV,所以飞机还可以降落到别的航母上去,而且这次萨拉托加的飞机未必就起飞了,说不定还都在肚子里憋着呢。
.! @; v, Z, y% b( Q
先感謝 红叶 兄指教....+ B1 ?, j- [! z- y. \
! Y0 q( I# z" ~) H+ J% h
我與 HMSD兄 對戰時,連這次他扮演 盟軍 2次,都是在 KB 來之前,1艘CV 就被重創!?(可是我們都有作戰役檢討?也有提醒要緊跟 ASW...)???# s; W8 o. g) |
% b2 L" e: l% Z& I0 Y1 E) ]/ [
至於 飛機損失表,我再三確認過,沒有OPS損失!--- 美軍目前飛機總損失還是個位數!?7 n! T) r$ d- }  U6 l: b2 |
4 |# u9 ]! D9 K5 t& ^  V
这个时候KB没来 大可让两队SBD反潜 SS定位了 再跟上ASW 走位注意点 被雷的几率会小很多
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
) ^8 A# E, y3 |, |6 g6 R  c6 b% Y倒是 HMSD兄 這次登陸 圖拉吉 為何2天就成功佔領了?. [) h/ ]' g! j- X0 ~  E
我看 陸航、海航 支援也沒比我操作時多耶?7 k; G/ T: R4 r4 Q$ ^6 u6 C
可以講解一下嗎?3 t2 _, y5 o, c3 j# q

" L& I  b. ^3 Z" O3 u.