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[AE] AE战机比武——Ki84r疾风丙VS奶瓶P47N

* d% p- P4 ?& F* c4 ~, Z% p. Q# ?7 q# \7 K. ]+ h+ n
$ o& y* u6 u! l# C3 p      
" x! ^! ?# |: H) B% N# o5 S9 L      由于Ki84r与奶瓶N30000英尺以下机动性相同,固定高度打算只测试30000英尺,原本还打算测试极限高度的(两者第二机动高度就是极限高度),但是由于测试结果30000英尺Ki84r远战已经被虐,所以机动性下降、升限也略差的疾风在极限高度就没有测试意义了,所以最终只测试了30000英尺,各10场,前5场盟军扫蝗军,后5场蝗军扫盟军。结果中包括空战损失数、ops损失数、需维修飞机损失数,并附上两者的飞行员亡、伤、俘数量。
本帖最后由 firephoenix 于 2012-10-8 20:49 编辑 + j% K0 h* P! Y4 @

' Y: [- Y+ @% e/ \9 |  \6 o30000英尺高度
& l  [! ?% E: n* Y6 b) |! u: O$ v& f9 p2 G4 Z' d5 F
# w. C- y+ D% \9 K4 L9 F% [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 g! I+ k9 U2 M: X7 R5 a
Morning Air attack on Tulagi , at 114,137
8 |; j1 I* x/ |! m
' u8 ?+ G0 F* H% }$ r+ Q1 AWeather in hex: Overcast
. W. n8 P) \6 C' v9 M4 a/ V; T! L5 s- f+ d3 E
Raid spotted at 12 NM, estimated altitude 32,000 feet.1 I3 X" G1 Q1 ^/ x# c0 @, Y
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes
  @$ `, ?9 S" {- q3 `+ m: s8 u
Japanese aircraft3 x  H" G  }% y% J( D+ ?
      Ki-84r Frank x 200  s" L! d  f  p; Q! t. X
- j& o# A7 Q, W# S* [
+ }2 e4 C, D  V# A1 M& p* D+ X

4 D* R' b$ Y; `+ J* EAllied aircraft6 t9 Z. W. p% D- j! c# ]& B* U% c& ~
      P-47N Thunderbolt x 18
( Y2 E' t+ Q; c4 H& l, m2 c' @) T$ \  f" M) a% j: h$ m

- b. G# b: p1 `- cJapanese aircraft losses
) i: T3 W& t( b# ]* S; H5 X      Ki-84r Frank: 3 destroyed4 a( @( [9 ?1 l% C- D

' R. _, J' o$ nAllied aircraft losses$ |# `8 B2 I  b, C
      P-47N Thunderbolt: 5 destroyed
( y( H; r0 ?6 J) B7 M
$ a, `' l& J9 e: O, Y( F: E
" }* j: ~9 ^# |3 J
, ], K3 y2 d8 C( xCAP engaged:( ?" s' o$ k2 O. t1 w
Tainan Ku S-1 with Ki-84r Frank (0 airborne, 134 on standby, 0 scrambling)
9 i- n2 L! d# R4 i' |3 h, B      66 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.3 x9 ~* r( |) I
      Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters to 30000.' K8 g$ L# o) \& }; J- t; k. L
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 29 minutes; F2 a- C8 E: ^0 g2 J
7 x, `7 |: I; a( B5 ^& r; o
3 h* X4 B  g4 F5 ^% p
Morning Air attack on Tulagi , at 114,137
, r$ z, r6 z7 h
+ m8 R0 G( T+ l& |* f/ O5 m2 [Weather in hex: Overcast2 T; j1 }* X& e- B6 }7 M4 L9 p& P0 M

& F" H" `2 ~: f% z2 N0 ZRaid spotted at 30 NM, estimated altitude 36,000 feet.
9 X4 F% h9 C; T3 UEstimated time to target is 8 minutes0 W) l0 l8 O% I) o0 \

: h+ d! n* j4 O# gJapanese aircraft, B$ S  q4 W$ I" @( w+ M3 U
      Ki-84r Frank x 181/ t3 b1 n& R+ u. N, x3 I

8 O; w$ m. [. y3 _2 |. o- R4 g; r: P2 v7 D

: U6 E8 g. o1 H5 PAllied aircraft
  c+ h8 s. J# ]  W- I% Y7 d. R      P-47N Thunderbolt x 180: a* T+ V  P% Z9 M( ~
& Y: e( p/ v! ?# Y( l

5 F( V8 Q9 F  DJapanese aircraft losses
% |2 V" X6 G; m9 y0 \0 z8 k      Ki-84r Frank: 10 destroyed
, [& A8 N" V  g
8 p! l& P! I5 dAllied aircraft losses0 E4 F. [% \5 T
      P-47N Thunderbolt: 3 destroyed
  ^0 p% K( f0 S2 N' v6 I7 }. w7 [+ I6 K' h! I, b* S3 X& F- H
/ w' Q* d0 u- K, x
. m$ C/ D  h8 m7 J& v
Aircraft Attacking:
3 D5 ^/ Q& |. ~* a9 a' `' r      165 x P-47N Thunderbolt sweeping at 30000 feet
7 w. B* d9 T2 @* W( h* W; D, \7 G+ X5 w% ]/ R4 r7 _
CAP engaged:$ c9 y) p) q5 ]; a- l6 a
Tainan Ku S-1 with Ki-84r Frank (9 airborne, 42 on standby, 0 scrambling)2 R6 M' N( d- g7 L! N
      9 plane(s) intercepting now.
1 R+ A9 P/ f1 N. T( A      76 plane(s) not yet engaged, 46 being recalled, 8 out of immediate contact.. h' E6 z9 P5 |, ~% v
      Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters between 28000 and 37000.6 y, i$ G, A( e% G$ d/ \: V: B/ I
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 50 minutes
; w; O6 Z9 W+ B( U
7 Z! z6 @) U; O0 q, {2 |& c) @+ u2 S2 Y/ D* G3 P

* \5 Z( S9 Z, p) VAFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 04, 42
  C/ g0 Q0 w9 r& Q, b--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ?: X( S! g4 u3 g! T7 h" v
Morning Air attack on Tulagi , at 114,137 & W5 @- k( J; {2 x2 Z& u
, c* A! n) C3 D9 m
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
" S2 g( v7 w& k: A; d8 p
7 D' {- P8 N3 \5 E* RRaid spotted at 6 NM, estimated altitude 36,000 feet.
, V* C( t7 m1 c( k4 D0 vEstimated time to target is 1 minutes/ X" E5 K2 w  d  O
1 W+ S, z# }" T! E
Japanese aircraft4 c/ c1 M3 f' V. @/ B
      Ki-84r Frank x 200* {8 t( D3 `! k0 r

) S( [# A4 j2 H
+ W6 W' A1 Y: B. ^* k4 [! G. r$ q: o7 G( f# g
Allied aircraft
9 y' r. t! Y; H4 l  R      P-47N Thunderbolt x 198: F' G, k! r6 E9 F0 t' t7 K

2 [& \( f# o7 t) ]2 G, o2 c5 [3 C( R! d% b& \! I( V' R$ B
Japanese aircraft losses
. \6 \9 Y2 S, ]* }. A0 U      Ki-84r Frank: 4 destroyed
0 g$ y' @1 O7 ^. r" T/ X  [, y" h4 n% l
No Allied losses
" ^* `+ T7 o$ ]% |
% m8 y# U' X8 _+ v5 @, @* Y
  @& s- j( K. `& l" F. n
$ O/ c% @- e: AAircraft Attacking:/ s" R5 U  ]; d8 ]8 Y  Q  }
      183 x P-47N Thunderbolt sweeping at 30000 feet
5 d. L, v( u: I% R3 ^- ^
5 Y# O: {) Q: l% R- Z7 GCAP engaged:, D4 V' a: X4 |% T
Tainan Ku S-1 with Ki-84r Frank (0 airborne, 134 on standby, 0 scrambling)
! y- u3 w( H3 ~0 l  d      66 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
5 {6 L3 N* y6 S& B# ^1 W4 Y0 P      Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters to 30000." c/ n  H* P2 q" W# K% A9 X& e
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 28 minutes2 w) U9 X% [5 q5 @8 ?" i

$ s4 Q8 a8 v2 ^* \1 Q6 [/ I8 H4 b9 a. E6 Y$ X6 @- F* a9 g6 g

( z, Q9 ~- M% ^" ]' x0 BAFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 04, 42( h4 b. g9 h# |& [7 i5 O, \, F
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G2 D1 Y2 ~/ l* {* T6 J
Morning Air attack on Tulagi , at 114,137
# u7 a; B" R% s! I9 n/ |& |- v7 k* v3 }! k
Weather in hex: Severe storms; I$ f& B$ r3 v; I* g; y. D
2 J5 o4 ~1 |9 ^9 B+ [- k
Raid spotted at 33 NM, estimated altitude 31,000 feet.3 O% _) Y3 `2 x+ x' B( N$ ~
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes7 t% l/ J" N" r$ J' L' q
/ i' L% z) R- I. W8 M$ x" `
Japanese aircraft
3 W; I+ k7 s& A: c      Ki-84r Frank x 2007 f% @  n3 ~; l# R3 r  u

- H$ F# x; _4 ^* d7 D( I5 r" A: H

4 J0 K: P3 R+ y% c  [6 D! \/ n) cAllied aircraft
* L% P% M2 \* G$ T; Y      P-47N Thunderbolt x 180* t3 S5 C! H4 m$ X
9 h9 s1 d; j, o- ~6 Y1 o& j$ \
7 u3 [8 C% n- Z
Japanese aircraft losses
8 b; g# ^  F% q' z$ L  j      Ki-84r Frank: 8 destroyed8 R  p$ C! P; r' R0 L1 `$ d( u

* P: ~% p& o( x9 ?0 q# {6 _Allied aircraft losses& _4 A/ t* i5 w
      P-47N Thunderbolt: 1 destroyed( \/ U. ^. U: p

: d; u7 m+ f, ~1 }  [( ^+ }5 [- {# N( T$ g6 W1 |- E

- R$ O' N( w# a7 eAircraft Attacking:7 X6 O" T+ Z  R" R9 M* Y+ X
      165 x P-47N Thunderbolt sweeping at 30000 feet1 Q8 `* h! |. |. [
/ |& H! @8 |* r$ v; t0 p! [
CAP engaged:9 z" G' O+ l: H: u1 c
Tainan Ku S-1 with Ki-84r Frank (0 airborne, 134 on standby, 0 scrambling)' L4 S9 `) K- ^% Q
      66 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.0 k2 T1 i$ d  S" k2 }4 G! m
      Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters to 30000.
4 }: O5 q' r3 g$ x( n2 x      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 29 minutes6 l7 I' }& T6 K) c  R
" X* V+ t; F' v- O9 d/ U* ?

1 p. m4 P& h( ~2 U' p; z" qMorning Air attack on Tulagi , at 114,137
& @5 e. J2 Z: q7 |# k
3 B! w! l4 u  o4 @Weather in hex: Severe storms
; {9 X6 C8 o7 |; h+ w
8 s7 j) Q- f! ZRaid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 34,000 feet.% `6 s9 n2 K" S9 w/ R
Estimated time to target is 2 minutes1 X' C  A; ]4 K' X

  p( {' C0 M) FJapanese aircraft5 q; s1 t8 ?) s5 {. d' Y
      Ki-84r Frank x 1818 K5 n- d! C# q5 K
% W1 b0 m. l+ [1 b' T

- h& M& v+ X" y5 T. I) h' k1 c5 o
4 p. @0 a; U" }/ z/ t' aAllied aircraft
6 U6 j! Z% i  {5 b8 g8 v      P-47N Thunderbolt x 18+ J- W. Z2 V/ C) k, z& M
* d! l# u7 N! W# Z
! ~8 X  W4 p( ]+ h1 l
Japanese aircraft losses$ f0 k: z& c6 u
      Ki-84r Frank: 7 destroyed
4 E" |  T" a+ }5 M) r( f) w9 i5 ^! s
& c: k- }- l4 r/ o: C6 c# aAllied aircraft losses% q- @% K  |$ s6 ]( Q
      P-47N Thunderbolt: 7 destroyed5 c1 O3 Z+ o' Z/ c. e: k
* i9 h- r) v& R9 K5 F, x5 F0 d
5 g5 ]: g+ B3 J9 a# J( `6 ~$ ]' w0 K: E

& R2 \( ?8 v" S1 |& D- QCAP engaged:
9 Y( j/ K1 X4 UTainan Ku S-1 with Ki-84r Frank (4 airborne, 40 on standby, 0 scrambling)& n5 K5 d; l- d7 o! p7 A3 A- u
      4 plane(s) intercepting now.! @2 a8 i/ [" B/ I* H* N
      69 plane(s) not yet engaged, 47 being recalled, 21 out of immediate contact.
& y6 g8 Z4 T0 M& C3 c. m      Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters between 29000 and 34000.
7 L" d5 j6 Q& u/ T1 {. l      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 50 minutes
. b7 R9 u# x" }- u8 F) f  g3 s, Z( `3 \6 L& Q# F! d5 A* J
1 x2 v5 B  F: _4 _5 I4 ~
% w% F7 p8 S/ F/ b2 H/ s( N1 [
1 T1 f, ?7 ]5 U# n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 |2 p7 u1 }1 u& G' m
Morning Air attack on Tulagi , at 114,137 " Q' G( A7 B% y
9 Q  a- {" ?5 w0 |. \( g7 T
Weather in hex: Light rain
! H2 g) I) |. s/ L% j* i* h3 N1 B% F# A, L$ X" c) g
Raid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 33,000 feet.
6 ^0 n9 {' B6 s4 r* I& nEstimated time to target is 3 minutes# K) X, X# X3 H5 z9 }
  A$ g; o& A% B8 r9 s
Japanese aircraft& V# s. A! O) d% c+ Q$ w
      Ki-84r Frank x 200
( k* F, _9 v. ^! Z; a7 w5 S3 U( M# K" g

& w6 X- g9 }" {6 z$ i4 P$ @" ~1 r- H/ j
Allied aircraft/ K' u5 D3 h0 B
      P-47N Thunderbolt x 180( C- N9 J$ ]$ B; z& p

$ j' s; R$ O& \8 F- F
9 ~' J& [2 `/ u+ z) ]Japanese aircraft losses) |/ q  M/ j) Q3 l& K
      Ki-84r Frank: 8 destroyed: H$ q$ O5 Q8 M. ]" u
0 A; _3 }0 O4 |* v4 `; p( O( F
Allied aircraft losses
% J& r7 X# c3 T2 C! H: O      P-47N Thunderbolt: 2 destroyed, R& ?( h* a: Y

+ Q/ o* w" D% ~# A6 h+ V4 {3 {9 H$ O6 T4 k% n# }) ~2 b
' ^; p0 u$ {: c0 ?5 u
Aircraft Attacking:# B# k* m- P; o7 U0 O; a9 A4 a* _
      163 x P-47N Thunderbolt sweeping at 30000 feet7 C0 x. @* C( R8 H3 M

# {4 Q- t& h5 O* yCAP engaged:
! P7 ^- X* \. L* QTainan Ku S-1 with Ki-84r Frank (0 airborne, 134 on standby, 0 scrambling)$ S5 t) c$ h  G: G
      66 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
; t9 W& s7 b; w' W$ W0 T+ y( \      Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters to 30000.
% f9 D+ q7 a3 W) b      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 29 minutes: B1 i6 E( T' [& |( v" D  F
+ L. |% a4 u( z1 r
2 l5 z0 e6 r" V: r/ b
Morning Air attack on Tulagi , at 114,137 * c8 `3 A' K! b2 v  [* |1 S$ z

2 k$ K# Q/ q0 O. q- c7 AWeather in hex: Light rain1 c! I6 T2 k6 z0 h& N5 w

/ Q9 V8 y* ?5 m5 Z9 t  f: wRaid spotted at 27 NM, estimated altitude 32,000 feet.
+ M( d! j' r+ Z$ Q6 JEstimated time to target is 8 minutes
& s! i- k! X! b" y/ @' Y* s5 A; a5 H, z, [8 d# {/ t0 J
Japanese aircraft4 u- G  R* l$ d8 b$ n' x
      Ki-84r Frank x 177
: m( K1 b1 ?, d, }, H9 E  ^- e
) `$ s) l+ j, D; U- B" t3 _, ^8 G1 L$ F9 Y. X2 E0 p
# H( m( k2 W7 P; u
Allied aircraft
) e3 ^- y6 v: d3 t( H2 I; Y      P-47N Thunderbolt x 18
) @. F: m8 j( g9 U. m, T& d* y# {2 C+ W4 w  I6 L% k: @. |: {

; ~2 d# h0 A0 ~% o; xJapanese aircraft losses
: [5 h* G% H' d. j4 N- E      Ki-84r Frank: 1 destroyed
3 v- z0 p' r0 u: V( b! V- U
/ |% ~& M! Q( _8 T' ]# BAllied aircraft losses' D& ^: Q& f& v$ G
      P-47N Thunderbolt: 4 destroyed/ @1 T- }& \- `5 K

# D1 e/ L* h/ C3 K4 K0 X) [2 ~% t( H! p3 U. H
" {/ F% o' ^5 Y+ z  p
Aircraft Attacking:
5 Y) m2 g# I3 G2 t       6 x P-47N Thunderbolt sweeping at 30000 feet, u1 g% z  }* }+ _( v

5 O: B7 ]; R9 p) z+ SCAP engaged:
. I9 r4 B' q* XTainan Ku S-1 with Ki-84r Frank (22 airborne, 52 on standby, 0 scrambling)' h0 r: M$ x" l& d2 M4 _
      22 plane(s) intercepting now.$ t0 C/ M3 k# S
      63 plane(s) not yet engaged, 28 being recalled, 12 out of immediate contact.
( C6 n% \7 \0 z5 A      Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters between 29000 and 34000.
3 b" |& E+ w4 Z% `1 }+ C( I      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 46 minutes3 G4 C4 d$ _% M3 v; C" e  k: L& ]
1 O! t; O& Q8 H3 i# o" {8 L

; w$ Z4 {, P' i; f. _4 x5 i9 C9 N6 w7 }4 T8 Q, b# m* @$ x
/ [( s5 C, L7 G4 o7 A--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" m4 L# H$ R4 a. P4 x
Morning Air attack on Tulagi , at 114,137
. Q9 v9 X7 N  O  x7 Z) A) R$ m( W
/ M1 M! ?# B( \) O4 b8 `3 [Weather in hex: Severe storms
$ X5 \" p6 j6 `9 }' p( q2 [; j# m8 T' B- j8 q! q
Raid spotted at 32 NM, estimated altitude 34,000 feet.' Y0 R, A' o0 X: Y0 p- z/ j
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes
2 W  ]% H# o9 H
) D$ l6 o4 p( {9 e: \Japanese aircraft
+ j# y( D5 [% r( W1 i      Ki-84r Frank x 200
- F: ^7 E' v% |0 V+ Y$ r% a0 g0 N% s, U2 B7 [/ \

9 Q+ T7 ?4 r7 \# Y/ M- E" d  V* ?4 ~8 Y  y- j) H
Allied aircraft
$ {4 _7 z# m/ {; L      P-47N Thunderbolt x 180
4 `9 ~$ U# p) u0 M' Y) I( L1 L* D/ t3 S3 h# q# V! ~
  o+ Q: c. k' |; X( {1 @8 F. x- U$ P+ t
Japanese aircraft losses
) |! \( J8 G* t% c      Ki-84r Frank: 15 destroyed
0 p, c$ i2 ]9 J! Y0 b0 G9 f/ \+ E3 _4 H
Allied aircraft losses% W, l' h( O( p5 K4 x& J
      P-47N Thunderbolt: 2 destroyed/ {1 i% a7 J4 U7 ]

- c, U2 X$ g2 U0 X0 T3 F6 Q/ U+ U

  A7 o8 y/ l) T- [0 H  iAircraft Attacking:1 ~/ w  Y1 k+ Y7 a; H" q% e# }$ ]
      151 x P-47N Thunderbolt sweeping at 30000 feet' ?6 U: R& Y) f; h- {

; P$ I" p8 x5 j5 K. ECAP engaged:
( C# ?6 k$ Q4 v! N$ bTainan Ku S-1 with Ki-84r Frank (0 airborne, 134 on standby, 0 scrambling)
3 |, T& j; n4 A  Y* `      66 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
  I- V1 R# I% L, f. @      Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters to 30000.' k6 S$ i- I1 U* C
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 29 minutes
2 D5 @7 F2 _/ _2 y; @( i. |, Z8 _$ P3 Z" t8 J

' B  I+ B8 c9 [% L+ r! @$ N  ~Morning Air attack on Tulagi , at 114,137
% @6 W: w( F5 Q# X0 q
2 h4 \1 o) H. `Weather in hex: Severe storms0 L  Z! l0 T& c: m" `& U* S
/ N. \' [* _4 C- E
Raid spotted at 12 NM, estimated altitude 32,000 feet.6 E5 Q( \' {9 R$ P  ]8 e
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes0 w- q3 l. i- s. T

% K/ ]1 [9 H8 TJapanese aircraft
% n6 `) G' ~( e- o1 r5 m# ?      Ki-84r Frank x 159
) c( u2 e* H0 ~- j) o* D/ p8 d& |2 J$ v% K+ M% ^  M

, N) q9 U: ?+ H4 r( y: C. y! Q+ i: T
Allied aircraft
5 v8 H, @& |, W/ E: {2 _      P-47N Thunderbolt x 18
9 U, I* l7 T5 ^: ]! L" t0 L. F  T- Z: z8 {- N2 u2 M6 P2 X/ w

6 P$ p% k- M4 Y# k3 GJapanese aircraft losses# j+ ^/ [& J; Z* ]. S8 @, g
      Ki-84r Frank: 2 destroyed5 c4 t; n! P: M2 h: X6 A, O0 H

" k& _! X" m- H: ^' F5 pAllied aircraft losses
7 T; ^" t( y9 W) {/ Q( g* F      P-47N Thunderbolt: 3 destroyed
7 o& {1 Q0 G1 r8 p6 e! d3 L( h. g, {. a; d2 I: p: }
5 _  t' K, b$ x8 F! y+ W
: s" I. _$ m. I2 X5 f
CAP engaged:
3 e  P$ m6 L4 o3 @4 e) s* f5 s' ^Tainan Ku S-1 with Ki-84r Frank (25 airborne, 40 on standby, 0 scrambling)4 m9 r# L% K+ f: }: h
      25 plane(s) intercepting now.
. _( p8 h3 o7 t      51 plane(s) not yet engaged, 32 being recalled, 11 out of immediate contact.6 y: U2 j9 `- g$ D! A
      Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters between 30000 and 34000./ L1 [; e: k4 z. g8 g
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 119 minutes7 F. k/ s3 k( m( }7 m6 t8 K- t2 s

; b- N1 ]  x4 j( K6 N; x8 r9 ?. e% [* W! r
! e7 l: }' F  c  FAFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 04, 42
1 I+ p' X0 ^, F0 v--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, K1 e8 s8 d: N  Q# D
Morning Air attack on Lunga , at 114,138 # F7 v! A2 S/ X0 m8 p$ }1 f# k

  n, L; f  g0 m. [) TWeather in hex: Partial cloud  G8 Q. B' J- I- x& Q) t# S

" v) @3 i+ l( ^1 K% ?. [4 hRaid spotted at 48 NM, estimated altitude 34,000 feet.. ~5 |8 I4 K, v9 M
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes" I7 o8 l* g  N
" b: a) ^3 a0 e8 ^
Japanese aircraft
5 h% ]- e0 P) l& ^      Ki-84r Frank x 180* J" b- `& @8 N$ n2 y
/ B/ n# P% ?( ^0 E
& A2 O7 H+ E" h3 Q
% J' d$ }5 u) d
Allied aircraft7 h3 Z* f0 X5 ?/ h
      P-47N Thunderbolt x 200
' M% F' s! j- P5 g
" n. x# K: X2 b  V8 @6 k4 F) y# V0 r) Y: s
Japanese aircraft losses
& O5 k' N+ V0 ]- u      Ki-84r Frank: 5 destroyed
% x! e9 c& ]; h2 H/ C4 }" F. ]" ~0 V3 r1 }2 b& J# `
Allied aircraft losses
# a* C$ s( ~5 O  X/ P! g+ A$ G& U      P-47N Thunderbolt: 5 destroyed, \5 o* b) Q; Y7 O5 W; Q
0 u) Q/ V1 A' a" E/ A" F
! X2 `# s: j# _4 Q

7 @% K; _- n* M+ ]/ P# eAircraft Attacking:
* W' K8 {# P, V/ c      143 x Ki-84r Frank sweeping at 30000 feet. A- f5 |* `$ h/ j( |

0 a' F2 ^: Z' h: R: I# t( eCAP engaged:1 V8 z$ M# k! U. ~
49thFG/7th FS with P-47N Thunderbolt (0 airborne, 134 on standby, 0 scrambling)$ t9 d- i1 M2 e% L
      66 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.6 d- p: Q( U% [- _) K9 J
      Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters to 30000.- l" i# @: v5 x" ?
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 29 minutes" j, U/ i. ^+ _7 {
% u" i" N5 E1 e4 W
, Q( r, ?. d7 b' T) j; Y* {) T
Morning Air attack on Lunga , at 114,138
7 G8 u3 K6 {! u7 }: O9 ^0 A! W9 q% N: u: ]4 P
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
0 k% e% x) z, R' i: u8 S: H7 f: Q9 @
Raid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 32,000 feet.
) V2 ~) N. a* E9 hEstimated time to target is 4 minutes
6 u$ v1 D: w, y! X% i4 F9 }9 P( P4 R) b( n/ @
Japanese aircraft
, x5 q* _3 \  [" @6 X9 l' \( T9 s      Ki-84r Frank x 18) j& i7 k! T/ M# C

# C( D- i. Z- H# R9 [2 `# b
; B/ F# r5 M% V% k9 y5 Q7 o# Q8 g+ k7 Z0 {
Allied aircraft
( M& R( s5 X2 K# B/ m: V      P-47N Thunderbolt x 1772 }& p3 A, `/ z3 _
" P/ ]4 |+ _/ ]; |  \! C
' }  W% W' w0 e9 h. _- d
Japanese aircraft losses- k. z! h- p9 [# H
      Ki-84r Frank: 3 destroyed
" h) @1 B7 r" B8 l& W
6 p+ |6 B% g2 A8 ~* e2 u& m. VNo Allied losses
6 s$ B9 C& N+ ^0 G, a, h4 m/ Q! F" l
  m/ @% [  n* L( [

" G& U6 D! ]6 {* K, {4 N0 MCAP engaged:
; u1 ~9 Q0 d0 W/ L49thFG/7th FS with P-47N Thunderbolt (20 airborne, 48 on standby, 0 scrambling)
5 C( Z9 T2 u) g. ~7 o! \      20 plane(s) intercepting now.
9 Z2 a/ d! r) l      73 plane(s) not yet engaged, 32 being recalled, 4 out of immediate contact.
% D2 |; L1 v8 v! z* P8 @      Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters between 29000 and 36000.4 y3 b6 K8 }# p* `9 I7 Z0 e' `- Z. X
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 103 minutes" \8 `7 n. P  ^; L& e; }
* k' Z) ]4 V. y4 e+ L3 i  l

" z% u) m8 R$ y# h3 J
5 E8 h* \. l1 R; _' h1 oAFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 04, 42
- r8 {; R& [+ @/ @$ s--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 ^, a6 Q  _0 ?+ [
Morning Air attack on Lunga , at 114,138 , A* J3 w  S9 C, b$ {6 F

' Q- D( p6 a- y3 m" P( p: JWeather in hex: Light rain4 H7 R( h5 u! V, w3 v- Y# j

5 {2 b5 c1 [* S+ j5 V4 X% S3 ^Raid spotted at 31 NM, estimated altitude 34,000 feet.( C( a) B3 R! S0 d  \; h. u
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes
0 m% \8 H9 S! `7 X3 p$ q- h
$ h+ W% H* S0 e+ pJapanese aircraft* `9 G3 H6 R# X8 A+ r0 g* c5 n
      Ki-84r Frank x 180# Q; `) e6 ?- N: t! M' J

" w4 _4 J: ?5 t) [- q  q1 N! y2 C: `& V+ Z: Y! d' _
( K7 u; X1 t# u7 j4 L
Allied aircraft8 b2 Z5 E- g) R" }; Y  x$ o2 u
      P-47N Thunderbolt x 200
) M% t% S  s4 l1 e! F
2 X# S+ e( T7 `+ s' z) ~5 \; D; j( `
! J/ ^9 q# P9 F' f4 Y6 UJapanese aircraft losses9 l4 X4 _% G7 T) D$ _
      Ki-84r Frank: 4 destroyed) r- l) Y; P* V; a' K9 t- m
" D' J$ G/ W/ m  V* A8 M
Allied aircraft losses) S/ Y9 Q6 y% p+ `0 E
      P-47N Thunderbolt: 6 destroyed
4 V: K7 D' c6 ?. C  v. `$ M1 J( J8 Z/ i6 J$ j/ T6 W

9 b0 `& J, o+ V( ]9 N) s  w/ X2 L/ Y
Aircraft Attacking:
: b' r2 |3 Z& j, P# {/ S$ S4 k      122 x Ki-84r Frank sweeping at 30000 feet
9 X$ f+ g2 i' I
3 q( ]; @1 b+ n$ |: BCAP engaged:
' h4 _) P- B$ m& i9 e49thFG/7th FS with P-47N Thunderbolt (0 airborne, 134 on standby, 0 scrambling)9 c! Z4 I/ p8 _9 @3 [& f- ]( t' v
      66 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
% e6 L) u/ g! c2 `' s5 p& {4 Y      Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters to 30000.
% f6 h3 v* Y" r- i' @      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 29 minutes
1 ?: E& u: q/ m- x3 `- f1 n4 r, w0 L) l8 I5 c' ^8 O4 R& V

0 u3 |8 p+ B, H( d# {$ AMorning Air attack on Lunga , at 114,138
! v4 N8 _9 {9 `& J( r! Y/ I3 n5 q7 k7 D6 \7 ?
Weather in hex: Light rain
- ^0 f+ b' i/ C( R" u9 D
5 Z; `* U; }; S& j6 mRaid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 33,000 feet.
) @6 h7 z3 q. f7 V. yEstimated time to target is 2 minutes6 v6 P) u/ S  ^& Z" I
# x& o1 k: W7 P4 Y! _  e( A" ~
Japanese aircraft
0 E2 [! D( h$ a) R; K      Ki-84r Frank x 18' ]5 W! L8 u$ o, g; B" r
7 C4 ?* I9 f# u# l9 X, n4 f2 R# N: ?
1 U0 @3 T0 |+ V% Q! D$ x: J$ T$ g
! W. N8 ^7 E- W* c" Z/ n
Allied aircraft
. [7 z( M& [; S' u      P-47N Thunderbolt x 179
. J' u! q1 X8 J9 D% H
  p, U. f) H  g0 ^% j
; F4 Q# ]( V2 f, l; oJapanese aircraft losses
4 c! S3 u( u8 L8 e6 \. t      Ki-84r Frank: 2 destroyed& s: \8 q$ D. j2 N( ~" a
3 W# Z" o% s5 n& b1 i
Allied aircraft losses/ L$ z" i9 @% s, B, h
      P-47N Thunderbolt: 1 destroyed
( x2 [( M9 e9 m: I+ Y6 |
. F/ B. _9 r8 Z5 k9 r0 {9 {+ j: a: y) ]; [. |7 M
5 W% y% Q0 Q/ I; S
CAP engaged:' Z5 B9 _) ~) ]* f' w) c
49thFG/7th FS with P-47N Thunderbolt (8 airborne, 58 on standby, 0 scrambling)
8 V7 A" }& B+ n( c6 Y% m( y  y      8 plane(s) intercepting now.. |$ U/ ]' w% c8 V
      70 plane(s) not yet engaged, 36 being recalled, 7 out of immediate contact.
. k* p9 a7 m( q. n& W- s, Y: i. A      Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters between 29000 and 38000.4 H8 n1 U# t3 t) B' C3 `7 |# R! C. O' _
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 96 minutes
4 L, f( ]8 p' ^9 Y4 _" b2 Y- o3 S. K- A' k
, }+ P$ r1 l& L3 @: l, I+ p9 g2 H1 g7 U3 V1 ~
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 04, 42) m: W0 `6 y8 W  R  g! q5 h
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------& }- s7 R$ W/ Q
Morning Air attack on Lunga , at 114,138
* N  U* l$ K: I# c6 X; A4 s: H; [  H2 Z& J
Weather in hex: Light rain& P4 E3 m0 a. C: p( g- ]
" f8 T) A0 @+ N/ X+ r5 F, b
Raid spotted at 40 NM, estimated altitude 33,000 feet.
; J, e( u, j0 sEstimated time to target is 9 minutes
7 U- }9 s/ N' u$ q- Q
9 w+ L/ F  e; o, t# J/ }% YJapanese aircraft% N7 ~! I2 G+ z: {
      Ki-84r Frank x 180; J$ D" q, b3 M4 \
# r4 ^$ X# \& L8 `/ ~& h- T+ ?
0 C9 @, I. H3 o/ {8 H- o
1 P1 s  Z: r& u3 Z9 ?
Allied aircraft
/ E7 |  a# h! _* ~, `9 Y      P-47N Thunderbolt x 200/ b6 f3 c; W2 n; k
  h% l9 c' g* c4 `5 R7 D
4 A  m; e# M- Y; i: V  E
Japanese aircraft losses
! U9 C7 }/ T8 e( @, w! M3 M      Ki-84r Frank: 6 destroyed
! R0 z: w' {) g
* o3 L+ C/ x9 GAllied aircraft losses
+ P: R0 M/ M1 \9 W' ]7 S! J      P-47N Thunderbolt: 4 destroyed" a7 T. Y1 ]: T0 k2 w
* o, `& n" V* h8 X6 O6 A  S- T7 c& W

. Q+ x: E; l; ~  |/ K3 D  [
& _- Q* e) D3 `$ f* j5 b4 a9 x' y' FAircraft Attacking:. z% N6 f" t7 m7 ?6 r  K9 a
      137 x Ki-84r Frank sweeping at 30000 feet
* C7 U8 b6 Z: o4 B* Y. G+ b" G' t4 u3 h$ V3 P2 X
CAP engaged:" H) Y" a3 X+ _5 E7 [- {
49thFG/7th FS with P-47N Thunderbolt (0 airborne, 134 on standby, 0 scrambling)/ W" g: \9 z& ^; `
      66 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
* i4 d( S6 [! q, {  b  G2 H+ P      Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters to 30000., Q% c; ~$ I; [( N3 y
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 29 minutes2 _! n* B) n% z) p, U

: [0 |) ]8 A4 E+ \' ~3 S1 k3 X+ g; a' }6 b" c5 c$ B- X3 E
Morning Air attack on Lunga , at 114,138
8 t. ?' t% R9 v+ d! j; V2 ]) \) r9 m& B. R
Weather in hex: Light rain: A  `+ J* t7 {% K0 |0 [+ o6 D

; u6 U4 n1 q) H; LRaid spotted at 28 NM, estimated altitude 35,000 feet.
. I/ F0 x% C- [5 T0 FEstimated time to target is 6 minutes
9 G! M0 |2 ^/ m+ r
' e4 z/ o/ x3 E, }7 j: ?Japanese aircraft5 q! [  ]9 |+ O
      Ki-84r Frank x 188 x7 P  a1 ~" z. l5 f- y
% ^2 M9 z  v0 a" X& `8 p
# N2 F  r3 C5 ^  T

  a' h+ U1 z+ Z- K- Y& b9 VAllied aircraft: K6 y. j4 l% R/ ^0 M6 l# T
      P-47N Thunderbolt x 182
2 |. X. k  @8 q7 |- ~& V) |, s: w7 I6 p8 r1 V+ }6 S

) \$ h  p2 k" j; wJapanese aircraft losses3 T) b- W3 O7 I8 F3 |! f. u
      Ki-84r Frank: 6 destroyed$ W, ]% M  O) C  g
" a& v- b: v: O& x9 N
Allied aircraft losses
4 u0 a" G6 o( O: e      P-47N Thunderbolt: 1 destroyed) Y- @; d0 r$ Q# \; J  z* K

5 O, \' _* X( k/ Z) s6 r
) Q$ `7 s  t  G& u$ q9 v1 N& Y- L
CAP engaged:" {$ w* Z- Q, {  ^/ k
49thFG/7th FS with P-47N Thunderbolt (16 airborne, 28 on standby, 0 scrambling)
5 N+ S* c4 q6 w9 M7 D  _" ?      16 plane(s) intercepting now./ G- z' Z* D; T, p1 {3 M
      79 plane(s) not yet engaged, 59 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
: ?& ]5 B* S" J0 f      Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters between 30000 and 39000.* }1 K1 o/ G' J
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 79 minutes- V& p6 O, S; F
0 r# ~2 d8 l+ A2 l+ V2 i0 a
  m" ~& X4 K; S8 \; _
5 i- s6 O& e" ?2 O--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! k( l4 U, V; }+ b! e+ r% S
Morning Air attack on Lunga , at 114,138 / s1 {! p7 W9 b( N$ g& q

. y1 X9 u7 n  |; v6 wWeather in hex: Severe storms
$ j' S0 v$ J: w" `: n( l+ [6 K
Raid spotted at 38 NM, estimated altitude 31,000 feet.+ I8 F. C8 a% K# {# T
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes# Q; [$ b8 Z7 v

+ j) w: ~7 c/ R6 i, @+ ^Japanese aircraft8 x9 \# |+ U$ |5 Y, @
      Ki-84r Frank x 180
4 s( j8 Z  c9 f! P8 W& O
# n; v5 \8 W4 W4 z5 M! @
/ s/ u2 u4 T) [% O& {" N4 u; @, s1 q' ]/ q3 {$ ^
Allied aircraft& Q5 b6 H/ G" {5 S) @( B9 E
      P-47N Thunderbolt x 200  u  [# ^; z6 i6 h* S/ h

6 ^5 f3 B2 d3 Y5 x+ _3 D
/ G8 o) A; C1 l6 IJapanese aircraft losses2 q' N( \# _' K
      Ki-84r Frank: 7 destroyed
8 X$ |; L# Y& {+ h5 l; L# w* g. s  U" U
Allied aircraft losses9 U' r# h1 I  D' w! f6 q+ l$ J. W
      P-47N Thunderbolt: 2 destroyed& v/ U/ P# r0 c" R8 |# u  z

; A( |+ j- k7 D
4 E; F3 c+ f$ T# ?6 b# E6 B- w9 m
Aircraft Attacking:
. ]- _9 ?1 j0 x7 g* ~$ q# R      157 x Ki-84r Frank sweeping at 30000 feet
  x& n$ o, W: H; p  }: L& Z7 a: y( ~  w* }3 X4 t
CAP engaged:0 k7 @5 n* K" k7 T4 n+ n9 P
49thFG/7th FS with P-47N Thunderbolt (0 airborne, 134 on standby, 0 scrambling)
. }! M- s7 g& v8 `( T      66 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
+ I9 }! x. y4 n" I7 z# I      Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters to 30000.
0 ]1 b/ e, O) q; |, F      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 29 minutes
. O) H/ I. ]7 a* K) w0 J  w( j7 s2 X" \+ F
2 K/ \6 u  f9 R" a
Morning Air attack on Lunga , at 114,138
, b' z* G0 j# l, g9 o% x4 S! {! _8 o' f. m% t
Weather in hex: Severe storms' J6 ?! X% _' t8 f3 j- x% n

6 \' @7 c( P' q6 @Raid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 35,000 feet.: G5 B  R$ z, u* s* ^
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes
) N# `* |- T; W& V; ]* G- m( z5 ]+ _+ Q5 i8 n2 t. B8 O$ Y+ _' h% _
Japanese aircraft* _5 J+ N5 U6 z
      Ki-84r Frank x 18
( M4 M/ S0 y: k& A' C/ `5 U1 K( L& ]* D

, }" h7 j6 y5 E7 s" E& k) K! X: _: Z' C8 U4 H
Allied aircraft
8 S, o9 c" y0 I4 K      P-47N Thunderbolt x 191
5 b; Q5 }5 o: W, m8 |- A1 B. Z4 i2 I2 p6 @
- t1 e" K! a; w- g4 ~
Japanese aircraft losses
# r: f: g6 s1 X+ T: Q8 S      Ki-84r Frank: 2 destroyed
4 E6 D0 p2 t- ?7 \# Z' p/ ^$ W- V7 O1 [% v" |3 h  O- K
Allied aircraft losses
$ n  r% y1 L0 t" M' Y      P-47N Thunderbolt: 2 destroyed! j4 _( o. s. t& K, T5 s# I2 m7 e
9 \) o( T3 Q9 |6 I) O

; E/ C5 p5 |8 m' B* _
  [0 w/ O  L$ Q* N3 |3 ZCAP engaged:& a% \: H2 G4 t; k2 L! j5 E, C" N
49thFG/7th FS with P-47N Thunderbolt (22 airborne, 46 on standby, 0 scrambling)5 @( f  a4 S% y$ |9 l& p9 h9 J
      22 plane(s) intercepting now.5 m5 ?% F" n( N2 K
      77 plane(s) not yet engaged, 38 being recalled, 8 out of immediate contact./ F5 [5 q. J, ^, ?9 }
      Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters between 29000 and 37000.& g0 M. R2 ]5 A
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 141 minutes& D  r; K: g4 ^: L
0 A+ P$ @% y9 f  }, o+ g
; I% |* `- x. |+ k+ u& U% R# E* W. @3 O
4 Z, q7 Y" a! v& L$ f: A6 y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! Z2 a% l6 b" K8 z5 I; ^. @6 B: d
Morning Air attack on Lunga , at 114,138 9 |* s4 O' Q3 t- A; J8 E5 y  B

8 y# g- B$ a, O+ w* y0 wWeather in hex: Heavy cloud
1 Z/ M+ ?% ]1 o4 D! n& w6 z- A5 c
: ]" w& O, m; x' G5 E$ ^Raid spotted at 44 NM, estimated altitude 35,000 feet.
; r6 p9 v3 L! W# sEstimated time to target is 10 minutes' d4 A' f$ S  |' ^$ h

% b1 n# D/ ?) i! a6 G' {Japanese aircraft
4 @: v- {9 ~. W* I1 a0 @( Q      Ki-84r Frank x 180- @, G; _9 E+ ~$ C/ r3 J
8 n, v/ g0 g& _$ E' o, t7 c3 Z
# {& Y5 U! U" w- H5 J/ X
' d5 D$ A9 S% S+ m, t3 }  B& F
Allied aircraft4 ?2 R, }: u$ ?7 e7 j4 k6 H
      P-47N Thunderbolt x 200
" q3 o) |$ }5 T( C2 X% H, Q% ^, Y9 u1 l

2 o! q; ?# E7 {# Y" e, R" yJapanese aircraft losses
4 m/ }0 M+ }3 C1 n: j- F( n      Ki-84r Frank: 9 destroyed, n3 X1 u/ b( |: |  [; I$ k

" M! e) N  V* cAllied aircraft losses! I6 P  x' d. q1 s: ~2 j6 ?7 X2 k
      P-47N Thunderbolt: 3 destroyed
  \! y4 J  w" |. p. ^+ j$ H& F0 D8 d( O+ s+ b
3 ]1 _7 c+ M: B7 O; {
* R$ A# r& _2 q8 {( W9 w
Aircraft Attacking:7 h! Z( p9 _9 \9 N
      139 x Ki-84r Frank sweeping at 30000 feet1 v' g! Y# M) v2 ?7 ^
3 j: ^; {" k0 M- g5 A9 N/ x
CAP engaged:
. V0 I  g% i1 W" Q* B3 z49thFG/7th FS with P-47N Thunderbolt (0 airborne, 134 on standby, 0 scrambling)' ]7 E. E" o% t8 W% ]6 S/ f/ `
      66 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
# o/ ~$ b! `" m" \' D+ i( f3 \      Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters to 30000.: Q# [& x2 m* r$ ?  \
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 29 minutes
; z  s7 N- `% l: u6 r1 N
: u$ k6 @; c" \, {9 X" {  K
4 f' E3 E9 k/ s% j. a/ kMorning Air attack on Lunga , at 114,138 . [. ]0 v9 ?9 T& {

0 m' O/ Y$ `& KWeather in hex: Heavy cloud1 @/ W7 |5 R' z. Y! o$ S# D

$ k+ z2 ]" {: }/ t1 jRaid spotted at 42 NM, estimated altitude 31,000 feet.8 w3 L7 U8 T+ \4 h: z: A) s& z! b
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes3 Y2 U) ?8 y/ g0 h  N$ Y: ^* W

* h; X4 k1 q/ V8 ^; s" U9 TJapanese aircraft! T* w; Y/ j/ {4 C  n
      Ki-84r Frank x 18, x1 j6 Z$ B, `# K3 N6 ?
' S2 M) X/ Q0 S* ^$ V1 _+ K

& |7 B# L3 u1 `# ]3 C; a' W6 D6 Y$ l3 A$ g* t) V0 g: ]' {, }8 [
Allied aircraft
( Q; G! U0 M0 H1 c* `0 j0 L+ \      P-47N Thunderbolt x 1872 \/ D( b/ B* y1 F3 z* P8 B0 A+ h
# Z( i6 T! G8 g+ @! h4 E
1 D3 K( W- s( x9 \8 L( B
Japanese aircraft losses# `' K% Q1 U% p) [- I. J/ l
      Ki-84r Frank: 3 destroyed
8 u- d  s* n7 v6 e) q6 T4 L# ^( x, q/ H" w% @5 d3 R6 G
Allied aircraft losses
* _: C6 X5 x; A3 H      P-47N Thunderbolt: 1 destroyed
0 _) j! A/ D  ~5 a/ D  z  a3 w) Z5 I( ?' N
0 u8 t4 D7 B/ w* a5 A, W* g, d

+ F2 s& N; c; c5 y7 h* zCAP engaged:+ c# K- t* {) B' X
49thFG/7th FS with P-47N Thunderbolt (8 airborne, 40 on standby, 0 scrambling); s8 d) e( g/ H, [8 C, |; ?
      8 plane(s) intercepting now.
6 M2 g7 g! @$ o6 r0 h0 S% R# a      55 plane(s) not yet engaged, 73 being recalled, 11 out of immediate contact.
" ^3 s( _& s* x6 w8 h2 Y& J      Group patrol altitude is 30000 , scrambling fighters between 29000 and 37000.
- [% G4 {: K2 Z! Q( m      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 103 minutes
9 S; r6 ?* ?4 t" f9 Y9 U9 j  D! ~/ _0 i

. P( _  W" t$ ~% N# @' M* n2 n- _0 w- j
6 {: G/ z6 o, ^/ ~0 n2 y+ _$ a5 G      以上10次空战,奶瓶N扫疾风丙的交换比在情报栏分别修正为12:18(5、3、2/5、6、0——括号内为亡伤俘对比,下同)、0:5(0、0、0/2、3、0)、11:21(4、3、4/9、10、0)、10:12(3、2、4/2、8、0)、8:25(4、3、0/15、8、0),ops比为4:4、1:6、1:5、3:5、7:12。
9 T7 v$ q6 J7 g; d& N' G      空战交换比为41:81,ops比为16:32,需维修飞机比为104:51,飞行员损失对比则为16、11、10/33、35、0
; v3 a% z$ V! Y6 j5 ?+ a
8 X* z2 {( E' [8 H      疾风丙扫奶瓶N的损失在情报栏分别修正为11:11(4、3、0/9、1、1)、11:8(4、4、0/2、6、0)、8:16(3、5、0/11、2、3)、7:13(1、5、0/4、1、8)、6:16(1、2、0/10、1、5),ops比为5:4、2:5、5:11、4:1、1:10。
4 y8 a; }, K- }1 |& Q      空战交换比为43:64,ops比为17:31,需维修飞机比为96:52,飞行员损失对比则为13、19、0/36、5、23& _9 o& M- Y6 W. l8 S: g/ i6 y. J# Q
$ f5 o; X- [! E9 d7 N! q+ v3 a$ R
      空战总交换比为84:145,ops比为33:63,需维修飞机比为200:103,飞行员损失比则为29、30、10/69、40、23! T# O: P0 P. h- i( H: G* H* F: E
& o# i' J' T* X( k" W
5 _, D! P( O/ K" P- I
$ R# j+ k+ Y1 y- T! Z      疾风丙原本在于野马D测试中已经处于下风,本来想着速度、机动、火力、耐久全面提高的奶瓶N跟疾风丙没有测试的价值,想不到测试完了居然只有1:2的交换比,还不算太惨。尤其疾风丙服役时间最早,产量也能迅速扩大,值得一用。
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