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2 a! X; h" Z3 B5 \; S/ c) @/ |) Qreninhat 发表于 2014-10-23 16:28
- Z' K: p3 a1 Y) V如果能绕过所有地方的话,盟军早那么干了,为何还要浪费许多年?所以以怕绕过来分散兵力并不可取,可以绕过的地方,人家一样可以绕过,而不在于你上面堆没堆人肉
; @) a# e$ b) p: `$ }0 [1 ^! T% {, u1 D( [4 A; Y' V
# e6 Y9 K* L" G  U/ O- q0 `+ o, ~; _1 f$ p! J9 j% d
1945年7月4日,美帝独立日; @: c7 _7 ?: o$ G% A

. s7 r- U7 a9 n盟军轰炸机第一次战略轰炸了日本本土,长崎的飞机制造厂化为一片废墟,几乎全灭
8 z: F7 ?" M% H  K" N) S6 c4 f$ i8 s
6 I, H1 ?& G6 v6 n2 W ...
/ o( n7 C& `- F- m) Ehades1001 发表于 2014-10-24 00:11
1 {& l* t$ L0 j
/ w0 p) S5 W! ?8 W而且美国人自己统计说从44年6月到45年8月对日战略轰炸一共才损失494架
1590# hades1001 $ C* w9 d; Q( v( w
另外我还要补充一句,* [+ X4 A& }0 \4 {  d5 v/ t8 d' r
4 V" Q% Y' o; Q; u: R4 \
+ h! g% w# M: w( Q+ `, \欢度独立日假期之后,盟军再次对卡加延发动猛攻,当地十万日寇土崩瓦解,历时一个礼拜的棉南战役接近尾声,剩下的就是对盘踞在当地的日寇进行围剿,预计将再耗时一个礼拜。
4 i4 ?) l+ j) ]8 I( y- I6 b: A/ S  Q+ O2 p
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------( ?$ S+ v+ z" I1 F7 j
; W, u9 I! y2 C+ c) @' X
Ground combat at Cagayan (79,89)! T+ M* z4 t) s" M- G# @5 k

2 N5 i* p% R! m( J4 J/ {8 QAllied Shock attack) L9 f0 E# a+ ]) S' z

4 V6 ~6 \* W5 S0 C/ d7 fAttacking force 294397 troops, 5244 guns, 7750 vehicles, Assault Value = 11239
$ ~) d/ o6 x1 G8 P& B! ^3 \
8 l) S8 f, A9 j( q& t4 q0 [, CDefending force 65877 troops, 780 guns, 609 vehicles, Assault Value = 1166" j, ~6 d% {1 b8 E2 m* c3 ]

* f$ q( H+ u% m' e  hAllied engineers reduce fortifications to 2
- C, E  A9 u+ k$ u' u* E; {" r$ V9 s& m* a: M$ T+ ]' Z& a
Allied adjusted assault: 6315
9 O6 U4 j1 `7 k8 X5 p7 Y
2 e6 M" i8 R4 ?: v4 cJapanese adjusted defense: 659
, y7 I3 l" O: q- ?1 J
/ [! {1 y: T1 _" nAllied assault odds: 9 to 1 (fort level 2)
# U# B( @: q8 |7 H$ R: f7 b3 h$ p2 _) b% W2 @; }; Z
Allied forces CAPTURE Cagayan !!!
+ \! G3 f& @6 ?! E1 n) R7 [2 J+ Y
Combat modifiers; V- ]4 ?5 b- n2 k6 x6 ]
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), leaders(+), preparation(-)& u2 U$ B7 x  p+ B; Y, i0 U! b
Attacker: shock(+), y/ ^' `- E. D5 z! y

) p9 M7 e! B. {: u* JJapanese ground losses:
+ Q) X4 C% s0 X2 ]) h      17906 casualties reported; _  r: I2 ~0 l, J$ z8 B) h
         Squads: 235 destroyed, 316 disabled7 k: S4 ^+ r+ w2 q  L
         Non Combat: 603 destroyed, 360 disabled4 X- f, A( u% U  [6 T
         Engineers: 542 destroyed, 3 disabled
0 z4 ]  N) U0 s& {1 ~' N! b7 A2 _      Guns lost 431 (394 destroyed, 37 disabled)
" g0 R# C! z" q. `$ S# Q8 t      Vehicles lost 563 (563 destroyed, 0 disabled): k7 q7 z% o( l1 a) v
      Units destroyed 3
& F# j5 X$ c/ _, t( ]" s" b: P' ~
Allied ground losses:
0 S- B+ a5 p. V/ e# p      5172 casualties reported
: c: D1 F: w$ H' G0 e) }         Squads: 29 destroyed, 580 disabled
: K6 C+ x6 D4 T         Non Combat: 7 destroyed, 151 disabled- J: A! g( ?7 ^! Q+ q
         Engineers: 10 destroyed, 118 disabled
! i. [* x) u* U2 Z, m! M      Guns lost 84 (7 destroyed, 77 disabled)
$ j/ x+ w% P, y$ s9 J; J      Vehicles lost 167 (7 destroyed, 160 disabled)% C) E( O. o* r% ], o4 H" P+ O

* e7 _0 b% C/ x% \% P; d; eAssaulting units:( H( `1 C0 o6 I$ [
    96th Infantry Division( i( V; F& ?! M; k
    4th USMC Tank Battalion
2 A# A' o  Q+ o( y4 v8 G    2nd USMC Tank Battalion
# ^4 K! }, O: r) s; i" K* o  \% l    2/11th Armoured Car Battalion# b& T% m+ Y9 F' _/ y: i1 Q/ [
    Americal Infantry Division
& k% E  ~+ x- J6 W% s    10th Indian Division
4 z4 R! H& Q8 }3 @$ a    1st USMC Tank Battalion
" l/ P9 g0 g) y( l) u: N    24th Infantry Division% h. G6 S5 t9 {/ E4 [
    25th Infantry Division
3 ^4 C) {8 Y8 z0 V# `9 J0 [    1st Marine Division! j. o' {; }6 M5 B
    3rd Motor Brigade
2 c1 o! I( Z( u    I Corps Cmbt Engineer Regiment& s9 h" r$ ~& L. z5 ~9 h% d! ~
    2nd Australian Division
/ F% [, U0 K! B- c+ L! x0 o    6th Australian Division0 \! |$ N6 c1 Q) p2 j! _9 I$ W/ j
    710th Tank Battalion$ {, `) x8 D% Y
    44th Tank Battalion
: ]! ?7 P+ v/ z( C    6th Infantry Division
9 W3 ]5 H( D5 @" i0 V    192nd Tank Battalion
: n1 }  h% y* ?6 u3 V; [0 L    3rd Cavalry Regiment
3 e, C) Q" h! S    2nd USMC Amphb Tank Battalion0 |$ o2 F! ]: V2 a6 n8 ]& b
    12th NZ Brigade
0 J8 b0 D7 ]3 b    716th Tank Battalion  M$ Q. I3 T+ R4 {
    711th Tank Battalion
% M7 {8 O/ Z* @0 K3 i( q    I Aus Corps Engineer Battalion8 g, {8 n% S8 B& S
    767th Tank Battalion, p  l' g  Z7 S4 i) U% g2 Z, {+ X
    32nd Infantry Division
: N( w* X% ?3 N) z7 X$ S    762nd Tank Battalion/ R, _; Q% J, {8 ?
    2nd NZ Division
$ K# X- ^  w; f* O    194th Tank Battalion' f  O6 z0 t& A# G( a/ l
    5th USMC Tank Battalion
; }2 g0 }3 U  v3 h  J    9th Australian Division
  |6 b- ?& N' J" _    110th Combat Engineer Battalion
5 f! R# L3 o4 h3 f# A    2nd Marine Division3 w9 y  P: p- ^% E. a
    1st Cavalry (Spec) Cavalry Division
: }/ Z5 Y# }6 Y# ?; U    XI Corps Combat Engineer Regiment: v( X- B! o6 [; T
    16th Light Cavalry Regiment/ B$ b3 f+ E' b0 d" d
    31st Infantry Division' l3 _& I' O$ f# ?; [
    2nd Army Tank Brigade$ ^' ~% Y* Y0 B# W+ M. S
    6th Marine Division
! u8 d8 A, S( s" w0 D. E# X    1st USMC Amphb Tank Battalion( W" u: b$ }+ G" W& s
    3rd NZ Brigade: p  l8 b' v! w5 z2 U
    3rd Australian Division1 d& I/ A- g; S: W
    5th Marine Division$ p' D% f" @) R9 K1 R
    XIV Corps Combat Engineer Regiment6 {' K/ h" _. @, g+ X! R6 w
    27th Infantry Division
% }6 G8 `" F3 s% C. b& w! X    3rd Marine Division
, ?* d8 w& @, o9 n9 k* ?    81st Infantry Division
  X& G! U, I, \; S$ `) C9 a% Z& |3 z    1st Australian Para Bn /1
) H: z% W( L# H    I US Corps
; g1 t) d% m9 @  T9 J( f. _    207th Coast AA Regiment
* u2 m7 D5 k5 m" _! l" Y) t1 N. m& w    X Corps Artillery # ?) p- w: f" a
    4th Field Artillery Battalion
0 d- i2 j; m7 L. Z9 n    154th FA Bn
: f# o9 V! g0 {7 _    I Corps Artillery
3 }8 e* W1 T; `    148th Field Artillery Battalion8 O' y3 P# ?4 {' {, a
    200th & 515th Coast AA Regiment5 c1 [8 G) e; \# D* v, I% w# S- \
    2/1st Heavy AA Regiment& u- h  D. b! `! \, Z, \
    70/100th Coast AA Regiment
: \- N$ c: n! c9 N0 h    3rd USMC Field Artillery Battalion1 }5 T2 W% B9 n, l. ^. p
    198th Field Artillery Battalion/ C" P9 h& l# w' {; |
    205th Field Artillery Battalion$ Q7 D1 c7 ?% h" s5 E, ~
    12th USMC Field Artillery Battalion
, o. E; u* A5 r# n2 d* f1 z# v+ `5 I( b    543 & 545 Field Artillery Battalion: E  n6 }+ P5 [* K/ }- \5 u$ X
    93rd Coast AA Regiment
& ^% v# ~4 a7 f; P( ~) P    2nd USMC Field Artillery Battalion5 h7 [/ F: `+ [/ D$ @' h9 i! j
    608th Coast AA Regiment
, O2 Y& D# C2 a" L/ d" X/ R: v    694th Field Artillery Battalion0 {( q' }$ @3 R, ]8 V) x' r$ v
    131st Field Artillery Battalion
# R# R1 Y9 _+ R( a* T3 {" D+ w    North Pacific . d5 x3 J& ]# w* E* l; a
    544th Field Artillery Battalion) a: [$ j- A+ L2 _2 `
    4th USMC Field Artillery Battalion1 H0 T3 m4 D: U
    607th Coast AA Regiment
$ V& k# ]- o1 d    1 USMC Seacoast Art
& |" }& p* O, c; p2 Z    IX Corps Artillery : E4 {0 O0 i$ I
    XIV US Corps) c5 @  Q/ L2 P: X0 V+ a5 t
    XIV Corps Artillery
8 l9 O0 q. p' i" Y/ V; d! s1 b$ {    392 & 510 Coast AA Regiment
  \2 k/ L# j2 v    223rd Field Artillery Battalion
' ?/ B& R& ^* ]8 \  {    2/2nd Heavy AA Regiment( v& P5 v/ S" q; d6 J

, ^/ H7 Y: s4 |. O9 l2 ?8 xDefending units:
; K# F! N9 H. N5 _& @! S    53rd Division% R5 q' p* h; x# h+ g
    9th Division9 Q2 K  ?8 W$ B4 l0 G' k- h
    22nd Division3 A/ O- n; @2 {4 Z8 X
    5th Guards Division& |6 `  g" {& |. v
    47th Const Co
1 g. B' \& _( j    1st Machine Cannon AA Battalion7 y# L4 r/ ^7 \8 n$ A
    56th JNAF AF Unit
- |  A$ @  T7 {, y2 r5 K& n    34th Ind. AA Battalion  q3 W4 G) k9 B0 ^/ ?
    83rd Field AA Battalion% a! h3 P' z5 n8 e
    34th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion0 |5 d; ?$ d1 t
    3rd Engineer Construction Battalion7 u" z9 F8 {5 ^; N* {
    9th Field AF Construction Battalion4 h. [/ n2 C0 y* M7 w
    2nd Air Fleet
4 n* F: y2 T! T3 d% ]' ]1 ?    2nd Army
% j( S; {8 X& o% Y" A    25th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
8 c% P3 k  i% p5 @+ j- `    8th Area Army2 [6 ?; w& n' i$ t/ e7 V
    3rd Air Division+ R4 f3 H( s% w6 X9 `2 U% q6 F
    56th Const Co ! e/ Y, [- ^6 m
    25th Ind. Field Artillery Battalion
; _8 D% c3 x1 }6 W3 ]    26th Air Flotilla
8 U' ]# ?8 }6 G1 m. P# ~    29th Army; `9 q0 j& E; ~* U: X! o% a1 S
    2nd Machine Cannon AA Battalion
, r9 |0 \+ Z, B* ]. g1 ^    3rd Naval Construction Battalion
! H4 ~" J. B, `# S    67th Construction Battalion
% S3 v8 z2 c4 h    65th Construction Battalion# C# v2 f9 e8 Q$ J2 f0 _
    55th JNAF AF Unit
! B% k1 Z4 Q4 N8 [" u    3rd Ind.AA Gun Co
8 P' \7 u) X5 [, T1 |    8th Field AF Construction Battalion0 ]# U4 w9 s: r. \2 g
    62nd Construction Battalion
/ ^) S9 ^: Q; c/ G% k5 k    3rd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion/ M: Y& a$ X: o6 h* F# }" |
    3rd Machine Cannon AA Battalion  c- Y5 n2 h8 \1 K
    41st Ind.AA Gun Co # U# ^1 ]/ j  \5 ^( h' w, p  W4 k1 O
    133rd AA Regiment
6 U. L: @6 d, `1 w7 [! A    95th Field AA Battalion( N/ s) n# [+ Y+ R& u
    62nd Air Flotilla % C, n6 [9 f& G2 t/ i
    52nd Air Division# F, W/ O; ~* z+ d* n* C! a+ i0 I
    63rd Construction Battalion
  X# O  B# g8 O' J    14th Air Fleet
; l' S$ w1 w6 D+ ~    15th Const Co
- Q0 w7 M0 q& }( L5 u7 r( v, N, q% N    69th Construction Battalion% I+ V$ C6 r4 {6 s# m: C' X. M6 z
    26th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
4 u6 ?* N/ f0 d. w6 N6 e1 B% _4 Z    10th Air Division
* {' @+ i, t3 a9 D    48th Ind. AA Battalion
; |1 }$ v+ |5 x3 n  X2 x    4th Shipping Engineer Regiment! t$ l+ |+ V2 u
    15th Army
8 k4 T% V9 w- }% E8 [3 @    13th Air Division
- ^* e  U* g* @* ~8 R7 R7 a    10th Area Fleet9 u! n5 n: u% X7 \! g6 n) f
    5th Fleet  I- R# z0 G  z/ m. j
    3rd Special Base Force/ V# }" C8 `9 q0 T5 F
    4th Fleet /14 b; D% a0 H! J4 x  i2 a% q, _9 ^

5 l0 ~) Z, B5 B3 b$ W: P+ ?, j4 v! e: v) t- }! f
  i) ]5 }% V) u& ~* ^" E0 w7 r/ U* m1 M" ]
Ground combat at Palembang (48,91)  {* {% x6 |' R5 g

- t# I0 y$ z! S3 ?+ K1 \- \3 ~Allied Deliberate attack1 {( h% ?3 r; w% j5 \- {

' D( m1 o  U9 e! }4 }3 fAttacking force 44575 troops, 699 guns, 483 vehicles, Assault Value = 5615" |+ A4 C' P* k' t" i( T' w6 `  ~

1 S; P9 p4 J1 L1 [2 pDefending force 21105 troops, 270 guns, 177 vehicles, Assault Value = 149
1 {5 x/ ^* u( V7 }+ O/ v: Z0 _, D& D1 [( w: ~5 ?
Allied engineers reduce fortifications to 30 F4 D8 C+ T: E. k* C

/ Z/ r7 ?; d: l& h+ ~' l8 tAllied adjusted assault: 1277
% C  H" O) A" N; _* y8 A( N/ M( ^; r+ a6 _4 P
Japanese adjusted defense: 349
; N+ e; `! ]+ n0 e8 M" m5 @9 D
6 Q: ^6 R. {' U7 N0 @9 rAllied assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 3) $ \7 T4 j) \5 P4 D; a5 v4 c* z
! I" |# {# J$ `+ s3 H
Allied Assault reduces fortifications to 3
) Y* r0 Z' J" W" F. b1 s% Q+ K0 k
' t+ f! ]# |/ [: a/ J/ i! _Combat modifiers
5 ~, E+ y2 Q! d- j# z- }, M+ RDefender: terrain(+), forts(+), leaders(+), disruption(-); R2 a) I" e: {( E+ E0 e
experience(-)/ D: J; F) `9 Y0 D& s
Attacker: + Z$ o8 h" P, c$ _
: [, S2 C  r& U
Japanese ground losses:
0 V! Y* w* U4 c9 m% T' s6 t7 M  s6 X      731 casualties reported
" V0 F* Q$ A/ P5 B         Squads: 29 destroyed, 48 disabled
+ V8 g/ N* O: S% [1 b( v         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 38 disabled
& h: u/ K% u$ h7 R         Engineers: 9 destroyed, 24 disabled
4 Q4 b, _' w$ J7 Z$ Z& x3 u      Guns lost 21 (9 destroyed, 12 disabled)/ t7 X5 n+ {: @) l4 V' N- x
      Vehicles lost 16 (5 destroyed, 11 disabled)
$ p6 c& e$ {: S1 `8 ?/ ]* L& Q7 ?6 p8 ^: ^; q8 ^
Allied ground losses:4 u' o: }$ a2 t$ P, _! Q$ V' b* {
      436 casualties reported: h6 Q) b/ z6 ]6 h  H& g+ a) D
         Squads: 4 destroyed, 42 disabled
6 f+ A& J; |% j0 r0 S' B$ \+ E, ^/ w! G         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled; u0 V+ X1 {$ r% r  H) U: h
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
- R. T9 L& ]; [5 m0 B- B7 _2 w3 O
Assaulting units:
/ s# {8 B( l& K  B( W# ?  B9 E# r    1st Army Tank Regiment0 s( H# i& z6 f, G# G
    38th Infantry Division
* c3 H' f3 E( ^% @, |" E. r    XXI Corps Engineer Battalion0 p! V7 h+ s+ g" y* ^  D
    254th Armoured Brigade/ C: o. V+ t% K2 j: z  Z
    32nd Army Tank Brigade6 `1 R) h* g( ]% C
    3rd Carabiniers Regiment3 ]  o) Z- [. M1 y
    Gardner's Horse Regiment  e* @) ]. f% ~4 h5 b
    2/4th Armoured Regiment
( w1 a0 k( L: b) u    XXXIII Corps Engineer Battalion6 m7 P& U' q; K: R+ j9 L4 e
    93rd Infantry Division( ?: g1 Y. j# q/ Z1 I
    713th Flame Tank Battalion
7 D3 p! ^' u! X; a' q' U    632nd Battalion
7 u( D) ]' @$ B6 c, r; ?% I    8th Australian Division
5 g8 M/ k5 b6 j5 Y8 q5 X    2/5th Armoured Regiment3 u" ]. f+ p: ^! q5 J
    31st Armoured Division- D& C9 y8 I5 c. ?& n- D
    268th Motorised Brigade* |. ]5 t! s) D" z8 k% q# y
    7th Australian Division
# e! P9 r1 ^- q% q" i# X    4th Marine Division& J6 X" ^4 F4 \! h
    2nd Marine Regiment
* b1 n  t) H2 t8 _9 g& s    2/6th Armoured Regiment1 q; {$ g/ J8 W0 |5 l5 d  q
    4th Armoured Brigade) w7 }# ~7 ]' R$ {) v" S) {; b9 r; a
    18th British Division
" z( K6 m% H: C8 d' ^    11th Australian Division- z  [/ p- e# f8 [9 j
    8th Marine Regiment- l1 S4 u. O% B6 S/ q6 @% C
    50th Tank Brigade, _8 _6 _" U& U8 q
    CenPac Amphib Tank Brigade
, v) X  K7 a& P: E    6th USMC Tank Battalion
, u3 s( t9 H; y    51st Highland Division* e2 V) ^7 V6 Y
    XI US Corps
$ [$ M; k. q: b; x7 P1 [$ s    462nd Parachute FA Bn /10 ~; V7 w; W" ^/ j
- ?! B$ A4 A+ H
Defending units:
. u1 m/ t' W' N! [    46th Division
. S4 n# M1 ]' B" M+ `% A" c    28th Division: F; w* Q, M! _, Y
    4th Naval Construction Battalion
# g1 u7 x5 y) q$ W1 h* I- [- U; }    39th Army
( b* J. c. O1 Z  Q) v4 L    63rd JAAF AF Bn   R% v3 T, c' I5 P% C
    41st Air Defense AA Battalion
4 ]( \3 Q$ G  v1 }/ g    52nd Construction Battalion% i" V  u. ?" H  W9 e  h
    7th Field AF Construction Battalion
0 b# l1 d7 P1 ~& m& H# J    31st Air Defense AA Regiment
6 r. m& O7 l) y3 M5 U4 x    178th JAAF AF Bn
& ]5 [. U. C  b+ p6 O1 b& U    10th Mortar Battalion% `5 Q' m( H( s: o' q/ u' O$ y' ^' P
    151st AA Regiment9 W3 \, I8 a* G9 x7 s7 E  q
    152nd AA Regiment
& m3 V+ q: o& u$ I; [# l$ ]( F    57th Construction Battalion. s# {" v: C- {, W% i- y* z7 Z
    7th Ind. Engineer Regiment4 [7 P5 M+ V3 E, ^
    13th Air Fleet /1
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jul 06, 45  O4 v$ w3 u1 q+ D- g2 u/ R
盟军攻占巨港,资源完好无损# f4 ?/ b" {. D
  D0 [/ u3 f$ \+ e
, H% T2 J+ T: H/ U* ^Ground combat at Palembang (48,91)5 A& f0 c" H$ G9 e- t
) B# Y' t* ~8 V# K2 f- n" F
Allied Shock attack5 r- f% S; ~5 O5 L9 ~

5 H. ^  E7 n& q2 |, {4 s/ lAttacking force 131143 troops, 2086 guns, 4315 vehicles, Assault Value = 5621! m( ~- K0 a( K! Y8 s; |) v( C# l

& v2 V6 R1 P0 h2 ~( n: b) DDefending force 19780 troops, 248 guns, 174 vehicles, Assault Value = 104
+ |4 p( N9 G+ x2 o' v! q+ H
7 f$ ~% f7 h/ {4 G/ D  w; nAllied engineers reduce fortifications to 0
2 e3 B1 }1 V! K3 g) f/ A6 T3 n
7 j1 N) I4 @3 T9 wAllied adjusted assault: 3907 ' z5 N+ p& O  B/ x

% |+ r+ l8 z2 I( _Japanese adjusted defense: 112
) w7 J1 u8 o; N6 b! G
. s5 F3 K7 E, dAllied assault odds: 34 to 1 (fort level 0) * U. s8 C5 a/ G- V7 h8 K. k

: y0 |4 x5 r# }3 \5 D9 _3 IAllied forces CAPTURE Palembang !!!% d2 j3 y9 s' N8 @
1 r$ v* c( v/ U% R* o: c  s
Combat modifiers
1 z2 u* f0 S8 V& `. i1 w. |& |Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), disruption(-), experience(-)
# d3 ]- A3 ~2 k, O  B" x% ^- FAttacker: shock(+), disruption(-)
; B& z$ x3 J! M9 i& h  Q9 a8 q: S4 m; W3 D+ r. k
Japanese ground losses:8 I4 _. ~' W# W7 y3 y
      12372 casualties reported
# n! C2 x: M5 B* E* h) Y( T. }1 ^         Squads: 424 destroyed, 0 disabled
4 \2 g' k; A. q5 m         Non Combat: 346 destroyed, 175 disabled
4 p% b. i/ n  g1 Y5 }* ]3 b         Engineers: 155 destroyed, 0 disabled
0 D; ]2 n4 S$ d) v      Guns lost 251 (250 destroyed, 1 disabled), x' t) O+ M  U2 V! x
      Vehicles lost 182 (180 destroyed, 2 disabled)
; V7 U, ~  t+ B9 q" ~2 i: v      Units retreated 14! _$ H8 f2 P) h# j- v
% R5 u  h8 e; V
Allied ground losses:4 F1 V0 B0 o. a& C8 z% W
      431 casualties reported- G; r9 _6 W& X  J
         Squads: 3 destroyed, 62 disabled+ P. W0 o/ u" b& z* R
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 18 disabled
4 U5 D0 `+ c$ G9 d* d3 c         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 13 disabled
9 D2 b( [; j6 S! s0 v+ v      Vehicles lost 20 (2 destroyed, 18 disabled)
) j( G- s, x! \: [1 J- z* H
! t. d$ V; F6 ^( @9 K, F
* A' J0 O+ D! U: _/ ~5 |' k' Q3 Z# u6 B7 b0 I& \' G
& K9 D/ N0 x# g! E
( \/ K7 ?& |- G6 B& {% V% B/ X--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% N. A. k' A! d% G) F& V, i: R$ Q% J& L7 V9 v/ e' G7 q9 [% W
Ground combat at Cagayan (79,89), O# q  i) H/ z- Z
% h2 p7 G% B; S; U, ^( v
Japanese Shock attack9 I7 V0 L" P4 d/ D8 [3 E

( b. u  h% o7 TAttacking force 33221 troops, 302 guns, 59 vehicles, Assault Value = 498& y" r. q3 a+ W

6 A' v2 G* h; z) PDefending force 344886 troops, 6581 guns, 8982 vehicles, Assault Value = 114949 G% k" I. _2 m: l4 v

/ U' T  x. s* u; `3 }! fJapanese adjusted assault: 4
% s* Z/ y4 j& I" T7 u3 Q4 q5 z) ?" y! Q, ?; Y( x) c0 |
Allied adjusted defense: 8935   c5 s! M& u: \( w, {+ G
+ H6 A& g" m3 }! k5 t8 F  r
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2233 (fort level 0)
/ s0 R# W  ]- q' O* @) k2 [9 u5 c: D( e8 G1 ]5 w% t6 c% a0 s
Combat modifiers2 _7 j" g% W4 I/ w9 _0 Y# F
Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-)# [3 H7 m# h$ I& o
Attacker: shock(+)" E) G4 T: B9 j. |, j2 K

; L4 N3 a8 P. L. y( Q2 ]8 uJapanese ground losses:
3 a8 ^! R8 J1 k, M, `. ^      27134 casualties reported
% R# \1 ~- x, Q7 ]2 F" e* u" ^         Squads: 646 destroyed, 83 disabled
. P5 w% ?% G" Y) i. D         Non Combat: 721 destroyed, 96 disabled! Q! z% V+ ~' A1 u9 Q
         Engineers: 85 destroyed, 29 disabled
" B# L- |- W$ @' q' U      Guns lost 192 (163 destroyed, 29 disabled)
1 G+ `: V" I& {) M* |      Vehicles lost 40 (38 destroyed, 2 disabled)
) v2 O% e, A1 h/ h8 ^6 {: t      Units destroyed 2
: m$ T3 @* ^) o8 ?# D) R2 D( A' c: z# u! G4 `% w; l
Allied ground losses:
# k9 P3 z( G* ~2 d      57 casualties reported
& z+ b+ t1 k6 {+ @         Squads: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
1 w( l6 x) E" ]% b3 E7 U         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled# t6 l% A7 L8 b5 W6 Z8 l, L
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
6 ?8 g2 X. o, L: z5 c' J- n1 A) F1 P
( z2 i' m1 h( B' E/ T3 p- f% X- ^
连续几天平静的调兵遣将的阶段过后,盟军展开了对马尼拉的空袭,由于天气原因协同失败,先于战斗机进场的轰炸机群遭到了惨重损失,不仅损失了上百架B24,也没有完成压制马尼拉机场的任务。$ y" Z3 @7 j! l5 u1 t

+ `6 l: m* ^2 l" \8 }--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  o1 l# }( w4 Y1 }Morning Air attack on Manila , at 79,77
' }0 u# P- X$ f- F
( b% W  u$ c3 S7 sWeather in hex: Thunderstorms. B& C5 W2 P) b# Y' y
8 U  Z4 ]: f! p+ ~) e
Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.3 j6 B! I, a2 O; b2 O
Estimated time to target is 27 minutes( `  o7 E$ j6 S7 x, D

1 P* O1 b6 r5 g3 H" V5 L0 U. z2 QJapanese aircraft: X3 V6 [/ ~- K0 b& O
      J7W1 Shinden x 339( O+ S" O* h) Q/ I% D0 X* g
      Ki-94-II x 1
( n" W( A# y" g# h8 U* c5 X5 _" v6 L( v& |8 V( g) E3 \
Allied aircraft
8 u/ B+ N9 s  L& p9 F# }; O      B-24J Liberator x 348
' K/ ]8 u: A1 Z5 L* X, B      P-38J Lightning x 409 W3 ^  n: ]; J; v
      P-38L Lightning x 156, _' Q1 g  }4 _$ M; F

( ~& _8 G7 [. m0 I" s) KJapanese aircraft losses
4 u3 J  w$ n  h( u9 h      J7W1 Shinden: 2 destroyed, 6 damaged! D5 v3 [. [1 e! M
      D4Y2-C Judy: 5 destroyed on ground, h3 U2 A6 E5 U3 D. t/ e
      E15K1 Norm: 4 destroyed on ground
5 N1 ]3 Y, B' M2 z      E13A1 Jake: 1 destroyed on ground  b* D" U$ O( D! l' i7 E

6 t/ a! D5 R6 l7 ^Allied aircraft losses  G3 [( y6 @6 u* W4 ~, z- ~) e0 N% e
      B-24J Liberator: 5 destroyed, 23 damaged7 P2 O2 [7 k1 J
      B-24J Liberator: 2 destroyed by flak4 y/ `. X! P) H
      P-38J Lightning: 12 destroyed
! b, U% X2 T! y4 y( O# a      P-38L Lightning: 1 destroyed
4 {% o* L7 v7 }6 U
+ z9 w6 G, T. p8 G2 t$ q2 DJapanese ground losses:
, h% @5 e( G1 i0 d& [      11 casualties reported8 j) y7 A6 t) `, M4 e  p/ @
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
: ]% [5 W! ^1 p* g/ N% ^' |         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled/ B% n$ P3 k; A, W
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
/ `! o; E! G) \; y$ V) R3 x# a0 c4 s" b: T' c: r* d
Airbase hits 39% v% Z8 E7 v5 ^: H) {) W8 v2 `- w( k) Z
Airbase supply hits 13+ J# U8 {8 j5 R* ]: s; Q/ L
Runway hits 132
: ?' i4 x# g5 Y7 F  S
% O7 T5 p, w) @--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ L' h+ n+ k" c0 w- jMorning Air attack on Manila , at 79,77 7 Q5 v; T, V& K  ^2 [1 j
. W  a1 D4 O. c0 `; t* s
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
% p7 u5 o5 d  u1 V5 i, k, |# B0 h& t' k  o0 {# e
Raid detected at 78 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.! U1 E& |4 O# O  p
Estimated time to target is 26 minutes
+ H' }1 j) S+ h6 H
: F7 }2 n7 V: C" z2 C2 x5 |! j/ ^Japanese aircraft# t/ t( H4 l/ y
      J7W1 Shinden x 3242 l5 A. Y7 B5 [% o
      Ki-94-II x 1
4 w; E% |- e6 }% e
& ^, B# q: e- ]" W; x+ QAllied aircraft
6 A- }3 q' }' \% U3 T' k6 Z      B-24J Liberator x 37
+ R0 k, K! X% m8 e% `) v      P-38L Lightning x 18
, D. F) B- ?  I8 L
9 P$ x( J" E" v, fJapanese aircraft losses3 J* ^) J. o+ f/ K& ^
      J7W1 Shinden: 4 destroyed
; R) s" `: B9 L, v" X4 c( t; Y+ U* S6 Z5 m8 }1 t
Allied aircraft losses3 Z4 Z) Y* ]; H5 z6 d$ f
      B-24J Liberator: 10 destroyed, 14 damaged( n: z/ A" n+ N6 s. h# \$ l
      B-24J Liberator: 3 destroyed by flak
" V9 G9 t8 q# X* ?) I2 c5 N      P-38L Lightning: 7 destroyed
4 w2 U8 f. h& Q  y5 i  \6 o& S4 y, }9 T7 f
Runway hits 26 o# I, s4 V& r7 y8 H

1 }8 R8 s* G+ n) D2 J( o; ^# L/ U' l. \" I- W4 ^
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 D7 _9 x6 B8 Y  N0 J
Morning Air attack on Manila , at 79,77
6 M& K4 A8 j5 @1 q+ j! D
9 W8 z4 L; h, W! ?Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
, L6 B0 @% t6 I0 F/ U+ _, k8 j6 W# w4 p! u/ E" v2 M
Raid detected at 77 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.1 T6 q) ~+ K6 {; z: X9 N
Estimated time to target is 26 minutes
$ h$ r5 b8 `* j# K2 r3 |, {2 l0 X4 P6 N3 L: Q7 |- ^
Japanese aircraft: ^9 d) B9 z3 b" {- X) P
      J7W1 Shinden x 2965 d0 j4 J% i$ \8 L# a  m& n
      Ki-94-II x 1
& _- H: M- q# ?' a. @: ^" K/ H' L+ E  I8 G; M# G
Allied aircraft
( W: Q! U  B& d' N$ o; ~      B-24J Liberator x 18+ M9 [! j& m5 U2 Z

6 j* J0 R) N; I6 h+ yNo Japanese losses+ e* c5 p4 D" E
# L  d1 |( M1 c% |9 m
Allied aircraft losses
# k8 e3 x7 m; p, O* |1 ?: u( T' @      B-24J Liberator: 5 destroyed, 5 damaged
' K" n. p# x% X) @      B-24J Liberator: 2 destroyed by flak
- }' \6 q* K. v1 k* V
& b6 T2 H6 n9 L  c( c
) _4 ~; L+ P5 ^* [! b: k; ^--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; @! o+ F& {, a; D( S0 ^% f
Morning Air attack on Manila , at 79,77 8 h% h$ b0 r8 R  m. a. G
4 O$ E8 N# a6 W$ J9 ^
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms, ]7 V: S6 G8 w! h, M) ?8 Z1 O
0 S1 i6 c$ R: h& N$ U9 ?* P
Raid detected at 63 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.8 E" F8 z1 I, M4 K
Estimated time to target is 21 minutes
/ W% w8 B! b/ r- `6 X4 |* V6 q6 C2 P: ^
4 k1 d: s( I& T# H: d, [4 uJapanese aircraft+ i% A( W  |1 ?+ P7 F& ~' c
      J7W1 Shinden x 2724 H2 Z/ S, m: [. t8 U+ i: D7 |# H1 X
      Ki-94-II x 1
, |3 @8 U; Q; V! \" s& }( i
  U4 X/ |  k4 e! M( r2 }Allied aircraft3 A$ a( x6 l; D& G4 Q
      B-24J Liberator x 14
& A* O# v) P; s; {
9 C9 V( e- J4 W. w) a9 {' e, uJapanese aircraft losses
* ^1 s  }. d% H/ O: j! \6 P' W9 ?      J7W1 Shinden: 1 destroyed% }* ~- t' H: T2 [: R- ], Z
5 H: z. o: e: L3 s. }
Allied aircraft losses) o5 d6 P7 z' ?/ o( T+ B$ a
      B-24J Liberator: 7 destroyed, 3 damaged
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
本帖最后由 hades1001 于 2014-11-12 09:41 编辑
; T6 j# {2 y# ~7 x- D2 ^7 a) ?8 i% s" y# C0 X
$ Y, G% b: d% I8 w盟军登陆船队在吕宋主岛南端的黎牙实比登陆
$ C$ x- f/ |9 V, e' `$ q) c& B4 c5 x- N
) u' G) l' S* a* M. T) S" I6 F& \1 k* D6 ?. F. e& c3 H
. l+ R6 ]' [* z$ s$ ?, Y! r+ l--------------------------------------------------------------------------------# G9 p1 x7 ]  Z- Q/ h/ C
Afternoon Air attack on Kanoya , at 102,61
% H  i* q4 ]7 ~8 e0 Z% _4 P2 }3 k" Y9 b9 w2 D" Z* |+ p7 y9 L4 Q" Y
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud1 d6 P4 ~. W& B6 @8 E! L. \9 P
3 p3 }. L( P  T, g
Raid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.* v6 L' L+ w/ \: i( q  v2 j- ^
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
7 T9 [  d3 N2 ^7 f/ h2 i$ u  O2 }2 M! o7 O6 s$ s. J
Japanese aircraft  i: j2 S1 i+ }, w% |& y
      A7M2 Sam x 11
4 C. b: ?- @* P& r& M0 a      N1K5-J George x 49: v7 L3 N* @- p: X3 B3 e' j! V5 z) d
      Ki-83 x 9
7 b7 D3 u6 v* ]. V# A. ^* j* }      Ki-84r Frank x 10( k. U& {% H* k1 }9 P
      Ki-94-II x 17
$ J, X4 R2 _" q, ]2 y/ ^, {; E; C: N) @  o4 T6 C
Allied aircraft
( j$ ]$ ?: d4 S" D3 E      B-29B Superfort x 76
8 E( e% i" d9 T0 Y4 S  I+ a: G6 d9 x  S6 h1 `8 r
No Japanese losses
4 I4 g7 F/ X5 q* ~' j3 S3 {- j! F  M" M0 }" [
Allied aircraft losses9 w, r1 Y8 t5 K
      B-29B Superfort: 25 destroyed, 29 damaged8 m/ N6 H! h9 [' V* b6 L9 k' ?- @) l
      B-29B Superfort: 1 destroyed by flak0 I' m7 l& `% ?6 @

, M! A  a2 ]$ i  X6 xManpower hits 4
2 C+ a7 i$ _$ ?( }/ F5 {: u6 aResources hits 143 L, I0 H! F. q$ e* h
Fires 1900
% c( g# p( O. H9 _" O% Q, g
/ Z4 V2 F1 R5 p, v' j4 u$ _- ?  ?: ]9 l) ?/ }8 p
) q" t0 I/ F8 B  [7 @+ HAfternoon Air attack on Kanoya , at 102,61
- V. G) m4 m7 A4 u+ S& g1 `0 P& ?" O" j8 W: e
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
8 Z) X( ~2 [* {  `3 q& i9 c2 b2 K! z6 O+ p
Raid detected at 72 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
' l6 T# F( Q( IEstimated time to target is 21 minutes
) E2 i0 j) C9 G6 v3 V% \
3 \2 h" V# g$ G) t; xJapanese aircraft; K3 V3 S" W& H5 q; V2 S# l* E0 Y# v8 @
      A7M2 Sam x 5) Z$ \! H' W/ z1 A; _. R9 m& T
      N1K5-J George x 373 E( [3 s( |3 Q& @1 a
      Ki-83 x 5
' ~+ f( `, [$ l: t6 W. a+ }      Ki-84r Frank x 77 G  d6 L  d, G" R) a) ~
      Ki-94-II x 12/ X6 a9 I2 K8 ?: {6 G( e) |( s/ r

+ b; n; k7 T1 w  m$ r$ Y6 n2 Y& G9 Y6 c9 TAllied aircraft
$ c9 ?0 n$ ?( N/ S      B-29B Superfort x 39: D* s' @8 s  `' |6 i

/ N6 y$ {5 y9 I* }9 ^. d, PNo Japanese losses( r6 P' ^" }1 T- V. Q

  _' ?8 ]. I1 U7 YAllied aircraft losses
, s% o$ ?1 u8 ?2 Q/ {      B-29B Superfort: 16 destroyed, 9 damaged
. y- L3 B$ m8 a0 j      B-29B Superfort: 1 destroyed by flak
# n1 x: j' @$ Q
) d2 ^7 M3 v. U3 m/ _8 S
: K* D7 Z8 K/ T, i% ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/ Y) D) k/ N; k5 ?8 P6 n. PAfternoon Air attack on Kanoya , at 102,61
3 Y" C4 z6 u& z# f" \
& V3 L3 J' s! c4 a/ S* q- HWeather in hex: Heavy cloud
& n4 I# G7 ]3 A, K
0 I, p1 @2 W/ w3 s0 fRaid detected at 25 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet./ o% T# l5 B- a0 d, O3 V: Y% ^
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes  o: d7 h5 l2 B
( j/ T' c9 I$ ~/ q* a: N
Japanese aircraft
1 O* B: p; G5 m1 t, I! I. {      A7M2 Sam x 1
3 l. p9 B& R/ W# p1 X5 g# g      N1K5-J George x 173 o# l# A; u4 n7 f6 a
      Ki-83 x 1
/ a5 q: _+ r  q5 F, s# S      Ki-84r Frank x 53 O- S: }# {2 G$ n" S, D' ?" z5 y; R
      Ki-94-II x 72 G0 T; x  \0 n7 H) c, {
. }, O7 Z0 }5 m( l
Allied aircraft  _4 D! j& n" H0 `* V6 |; g, h8 R
      B-29B Superfort x 11* e7 r0 G; ^& e/ q0 Q4 G

; l" W5 @2 s; E1 g- LNo Japanese losses8 v. w8 m, |" y0 X5 P

5 }6 h& W3 k( S( E3 @5 C  YAllied aircraft losses; Z7 ?2 K, P1 \& M0 e& u, T
      B-29B Superfort: 5 destroyed, 3 damaged+ Z6 ^9 o8 l$ u( \
      B-29B Superfort: 1 destroyed by flak
& o, t; M# n  E  p7 {3 U( Y6 E
9 }2 [+ g+ B% y+ N- Y4 oAircraft Attacking:' W- e! f3 q% v$ i3 i
       3 x B-29B Superfort bombing from 6000 feet * & z' [* Z. i! ~" N6 `
               City Attack: 18 x 500 lb GP Bomb. V, v( F* M+ K
( R* }7 Y: n! b4 T& ?7 m( {) [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 _' l7 }, S* U# h0 D" I
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Bataan at 78,77
  E0 L, `& y( ^: C, r9 P; K; Q& [# m% }
+ i% u) O/ \7 \. jWeather in hex: Heavy cloud
4 y' m( m8 [8 }' Q7 M. g+ N
* z4 [8 \4 R( q0 l7 h$ i( U/ j+ `Raid detected at 25 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
+ k( k6 i9 d5 ~' ], J" [Estimated time to target is 11 minutes# w7 |* D; E1 v8 q
6 ?3 P' B8 w1 O$ ?1 z$ `; Y5 {
Allied aircraft4 Z, ]) Q) z% P
      F6F-5 Hellcat x 1623 x* @4 l9 [2 F4 h' j! m5 r) \7 ]
      TBM-3 Avenger x 108: Y) ]# l& ?$ W( P! X
4 X# Y! n8 Z& p; p
No Allied losses
( }- @; ]1 A/ x  L0 v! Q* d) m4 e- f  G
Japanese Ships
+ x4 O2 p: s4 E( ^* T      TK Kinzan Maru, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy damage# a- _2 T: o( n- D  ?+ e* E* H
      TK Ryochi Maru
/ R; y0 W3 r7 C% u* \/ I, t  q      SC CHa-89. H# z9 `' t5 p$ w
      TK Mino Maru, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
) e1 a; Z. ~" B$ F9 e% |2 X" N      TK Sanka Maru, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
( O; q# I; k" |' h. [      PB Kyo Maru #13, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
  J* \5 p4 A: b( }4 H  o      TK Peking Maru, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire/ z8 m5 D) T; \
      TK Enoshima Maru, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk. k7 |& {9 C: C1 N! a& C3 W
      TK Enryaku Maru" \: e. d$ S& |! @1 h' K
      TK Hioki Maru, Torpedo hits 2,  heavy damage. u9 ~- N# S3 ^0 D( d
      TK Yulin Maru
# t& [7 w3 }0 r' V$ |  |      SC CHa-85' `( x! @9 a5 H1 M
      TK Iwato Maru, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
  T8 n9 ?( v8 D      TK Teifu Maru, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
. \* @4 F$ W6 q0 w# h      TK Yuno Maru, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
& X( }+ u1 p0 x; h! n      TK Yaei Maru3 \7 O% ?0 x1 p2 N# u  w+ @; `
      TK Eiho Maru, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk) B5 Q9 [' G6 l! u+ O+ \1 d# y
      TK Asukasan Maru, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk! q) C8 U( q% D. O$ N
      TK Ikutagawa Maru, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
. U( E, c- Y" n9 t% _/ w8 P      TK Daijo Maru, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
$ j6 `; l& X! w. w( E+ D, K1 K      TK Seiyo Maru, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk; m( _: ]. @: A! C7 c# P! R
      TK Nissei Maru, Torpedo hits 4, and is sunk
4 X/ M4 l6 o- D) C' J# V      SC CHa-83" c: G# s9 E$ r1 u

9 ]2 T: T  c* b4 hAircraft Attacking:
2 {  M' T, E8 |  f      36 x TBM-3 Avenger launching torpedoes at 200 feet
$ R& B7 E9 }$ i: Y3 U6 W7 i. u               Naval Attack:  1 x 22in Mk 13 Torpedo1 {# L, c" _' L/ s8 Y
      36 x TBM-3 Avenger launching torpedoes at 200 feet1 [3 m  t/ M) j* v1 j
               Naval Attack:  1 x 22in Mk 13 Torpedo' g* J) x9 _2 g7 s4 j2 ]: S  |' K
      36 x TBM-3 Avenger launching torpedoes at 200 feet
9 o; W2 T/ O4 I% X               Naval Attack:  1 x 22in Mk 13 Torpedo1 l& o2 m7 ^. j0 `% {$ w- q
! p( Z. T# E8 ^3 V$ o! j
CHa-89 dead in the water ...
' f4 Y) O  C2 h$ `, wKyo Maru #13 dead in the water ...
& j# A+ \: K1 f2 ~2 R! ?) M9 xCHa-85 dead in the water ...) A1 U, y# h# \; w
0 _6 [5 k1 z( k) j% W0 Q

2 X0 C& o$ E! O: b' p. {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ f, ?: `6 |/ X- L: C# l
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Manila at 79,77
) Q  o# M  K/ N2 T
# {9 A0 J8 o) NWeather in hex: Light cloud( n6 n" |7 U8 l7 C# H
2 U3 ~0 j3 B0 |/ y0 D
Raid detected at 77 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.  F4 w" x  \1 v* B: t( }7 S
Estimated time to target is 35 minutes
+ H. m+ }. q8 G% k5 ?8 A% B) M
" p4 g/ P4 u# b/ sAllied aircraft+ |7 g# D( F/ Y: p4 M  A
      F6F-5 Hellcat x 81& I( y1 |, D0 p! e
      TBM-3 Avenger x 1088 ~0 g/ y5 b1 }, f$ ~6 n6 p* ]

* P- n9 s  @4 d; hAllied aircraft losses
' A# N9 g% g, ?$ w      TBM-3 Avenger: 1 damaged* l; Q! A6 b8 D& L1 X5 o4 Q
0 S" I0 K5 @1 O+ i
Japanese Ships
( |" |  v& K& H      xAK Muroran Maru, Torpedo hits 4, and is sunk
: j& N6 e8 Z9 g      xAK Nitian Maru, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk# Q& ~' B7 |$ t, J
      xAK Totori Maru, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
5 b0 b. u8 g* X      xAK Taizin Maru, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk& q; W0 h: p1 \& N3 u/ W+ V
      xAK Hokusei Maru, Torpedo hits 4, and is sunk
$ Z4 v" T6 c0 S+ w" Q- H+ U      xAK Mansyu Maru, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
2 n2 L9 i) w: d4 q# q. m7 `2 u      xAK Anzan Maru, Torpedo hits 4, and is sunk
% E  H8 a" N" a. v! a7 A1 z6 A7 U      xAK Kotohira Maru, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk. c5 U# n+ x7 m0 P% r9 f
      AK Yamagiri Maru, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk( U, Q" W0 `7 h( b
      xAK Kaisyo Maru
' m3 m. y( p8 g, J( ]& F, b      xAK Kinkai Maru, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk6 V+ F0 {( ~- Y: W% m
      xAK Kokuryu Maru, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
/ Q. s1 l/ Z6 G% ?. T5 w) M/ a4 c      xAK Eihuku Maru
( G! N9 Y. }0 h! t6 C8 n# J      xAK Koyu Maru, Torpedo hits 2,  on fire,  heavy damage7 V, U3 @1 J8 I- ]8 M2 B
      AK Tatutaki Maru, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk6 y% {% y% t" i& a/ z+ l' C4 J
      xAK Daigen Maru, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk7 \8 q0 ~' ?6 B5 j

: q. p7 _4 G( G3 e- W7 OAircraft Attacking:
6 G, x9 F0 {7 T# A: S      36 x TBM-3 Avenger launching torpedoes at 200 feet1 g2 X/ Z7 [$ N4 K* t* r! e  z$ c
               Naval Attack:  1 x 22in Mk 13 Torpedo
$ L# s" ~0 ?5 C) |+ T      36 x TBM-3 Avenger launching torpedoes at 200 feet
8 M/ l7 z5 G9 C7 C               Naval Attack:  1 x 22in Mk 13 Torpedo4 A+ q# g% t6 m2 K8 H
      36 x TBM-3 Avenger launching torpedoes at 200 feet0 y4 P- b, x6 h$ c5 i1 q0 h
               Naval Attack:  1 x 22in Mk 13 Torpedo
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jul 16, 45* A. f3 k9 I, q1 B% Z4 b
* g) h# _' }/ \$ g$ y2 W
* S. u' o( T! M& s6 Q6 KP-38L闪电式战斗机,压制了新加坡机场
1 `$ o  T" Q+ Q  F) B& x; S7 y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------& E" g& G+ c. o4 \3 A0 q
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84
" x# U* n- A" h' g$ n+ d4 ?+ K  D- }7 I9 b1 X% N3 l
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
4 b& s% r7 j3 C% W( w! q
# C' J9 k1 j1 I' C: Y* w; YRaid detected at 74 NM, estimated altitude 42,000 feet." u, c$ z8 G; [$ @  r9 E: ?
Estimated time to target is 22 minutes
0 s/ Z$ p0 B# q1 P" X$ m  V8 i8 |; A1 g' H
Japanese aircraft- n( {. q' o: _$ F5 o
      N1K5-J George x 1592 R  _5 H9 I1 g& {' E6 \* _: k3 S
      Ki-84r Frank x 13) g" `2 {6 u! z/ [  o
; R- s' P/ \# _- w
Allied aircraft
! H0 b! P' u6 `2 n6 L      Thunderbolt II x 2035 N* {# L* l) l' l2 v2 N- @
2 X- o% _" w: n5 Z7 {
Japanese aircraft losses
4 j, q$ X3 l2 w0 e- f! b' _7 p( s' ]  h      N1K5-J George: 10 destroyed! L% Q: f5 E6 F- t0 L, f
      Ki-84r Frank: 2 destroyed
3 R2 |/ p& Z' U; f: D1 W0 z" `3 T7 T% U8 g( _" a
Allied aircraft losses: ]9 |* O0 A$ |: U& C0 t
      Thunderbolt II: 1 destroyed
8 Z- p( ]. L: O6 p# b
* K: A/ L' U' X--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- B5 x( B/ `9 U: ]7 Y  f6 U2 C3 _3 @$ EMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84 ( S/ L# }# a1 z

' z  u$ K$ p7 L% u' LWeather in hex: Partial cloud
9 z' {6 ]1 P6 |* q( B/ V3 U1 e1 a) M: x5 _; S
Raid detected at 79 NM, estimated altitude 45,000 feet.
7 G5 s: F" V2 x6 k* @7 vEstimated time to target is 23 minutes  I& Q, m1 k- O' b
  }6 e. j+ Z2 w
Japanese aircraft4 j& Q/ J+ ~8 R
      N1K5-J George x 1168 s4 G5 n, l; k4 p* d+ j
      Ki-84r Frank x 8
* F8 w0 \, @$ P/ @
) G  t4 H. X+ O7 V) ~4 RAllied aircraft
8 U5 u1 O5 X1 |      Thunderbolt I x 87
  g, K* y3 c/ q" C      Thunderbolt II x 130 N. G; Q* w( |" x

( T$ Y" x8 ]4 YJapanese aircraft losses
2 N3 N/ Y. l; c) A2 O      N1K5-J George: 5 destroyed: b( F" q& q) e3 J6 g  ]( U
      Ki-84r Frank: 3 destroyed. c0 z9 a! [4 I/ I0 l
& \9 d+ A/ G- N/ K; p6 B9 b( B+ B
Allied aircraft losses0 i& f1 j  u$ I. }; C  |2 E5 F$ G
      Thunderbolt I: 1 destroyed& k) v, {6 ^9 V% l
      Thunderbolt II: 1 destroyed; D3 v* `4 o4 f  y3 ^

& a4 a7 A& o0 d  y) w
8 s1 Y  L# \% y; U" e( b( o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 N( n$ s$ G2 F& K  \1 |( D2 IMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84 6 i8 D2 X' X" K! r

! s; e2 q% d+ @; S+ yWeather in hex: Partial cloud
( V! V6 b! _8 f/ N* Q5 \5 h
. e$ Q: t6 J: g% N/ rRaid detected at 76 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.8 f8 j& x: z) E" s2 A( D. u0 O
Estimated time to target is 26 minutes
3 ?, q2 l. l! y, `: i, j$ E/ O1 Z6 y
Japanese aircraft0 l+ ]. m: {: i* @7 A4 W3 b
      N1K5-J George x 94- [3 \9 Y/ z/ F& {! e" k. J
      Ki-84r Frank x 4+ a. u! _4 I6 x1 J0 Z) ^$ j+ F

* j/ F% ?4 r! d6 h8 N; @. \! l6 aAllied aircraft
  s) k/ {1 U/ C' y* j      P-38L Lightning x 25
- _( `$ ]; F% _; t. Z, T5 V; z  ~      PB4Y-1 Liberator x 53
# A7 Q' m: L1 e2 U& M) c+ b      PB4Y-2 Privateer x 60
' ?  ?, B0 @  }2 s! t0 E: m7 G$ O5 T5 u% R) Z
Japanese aircraft losses; l$ S3 f; o$ F3 K6 p  R' i
      N1K5-J George: 1 destroyed, 78 damaged
' S: e3 G7 ~- \6 E. a5 [      N1K5-J George: 23 destroyed on ground
/ d' V) i/ m2 w& `. |      E15K1 Norm: 5 destroyed on ground* }4 L: R. Q, ~3 l8 U; q- V8 b
      Ki-49-II KAI Helen: 64 destroyed on ground
9 M% W* M4 C# Q1 U9 V3 g      G3M3 Nell: 24 destroyed on ground
+ t; s  V: j6 F8 u. n; a      Ki-46-III Dinah: 1 destroyed on ground. _( W+ h6 X0 P+ w) ]; S
      G4M2e Betty: 4 destroyed on ground, p+ W  v6 T& y+ G
      E13A1 Jake: 2 destroyed on ground: s  M8 R) `; J/ J, O
  t- P( D9 o% e5 d- @8 K
Allied aircraft losses' G! F# g! x5 T/ K4 q
      P-38L Lightning: 7 destroyed9 B: B( F6 E$ r7 K1 o( K
      PB4Y-1 Liberator: 3 destroyed, 2 damaged/ R/ l! X4 L' m7 W( f5 P6 R+ J
      PB4Y-2 Privateer: 1 destroyed, 3 damaged9 n* O  J: f/ D6 J8 m* t' h
3 O% y6 J2 I+ l) j  ^$ x
Japanese ground losses:* ?* w. J$ h& M6 T
      8 casualties reported1 Q  O* ?4 U( E
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled! O: u7 O' X3 L% c( _9 O/ T
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled. {5 I/ G- o( _0 S+ j+ N
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
) E+ O5 S4 F9 ?# W0 ^) S/ C$ b7 J3 X6 c/ j0 X) p5 ]+ u% J
Airbase hits 488 ?, s1 w" o$ l+ k$ d
Airbase supply hits 4
0 p' A" N% n& E1 q& RRunway hits 83
* a5 o+ N( |" i; k+ T' @6 C* g: m! K4 P, [. u7 ?
- V7 @! j: z5 v7 m8 Q, w$ p4 p
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?0 m. I) U9 s% U. B) y  u
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84 2 |2 B  Q4 K9 S+ l9 R5 c7 V3 T: K

+ l0 ^* a1 k0 m& bWeather in hex: Partial cloud
& }% ], E' W/ p7 u2 J. f0 D! r5 B/ j4 j7 v( `- B3 [
Raid detected at 76 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.) ]0 u2 V9 w, s7 h. D
Estimated time to target is 26 minutes
9 Y' p3 Y; d# }- [$ T8 [. l: d% P/ N3 E- l' M  W  k
Japanese aircraft( j; b, r, H  I
      N1K5-J George x 77# C5 _! r1 j; ~
      Ki-84r Frank x 2
% d: a0 @7 S) s  u$ k; o6 N( a# n( G& F4 I- B
Allied aircraft* @8 a+ S3 H* u. i8 i
      P-38L Lightning x 47
/ a# w' ~1 P2 K& ~- f" T$ K8 ]7 s# P      PB4Y-1 Liberator x 21
( K' n: [% z1 L& D: e5 k      PB4Y-2 Privateer x 9
& \$ {+ \/ I# P( c
& U% R# _7 ~+ V2 M+ GJapanese aircraft losses) l$ E+ M+ j  [3 a: D4 c
      N1K5-J George: 1 destroyed, 11 damaged1 X& M9 q' I8 }! ?/ C
      N1K5-J George: 8 destroyed on ground
  m, N, @5 n7 |) `      Ki-46-III Dinah: 1 destroyed on ground
' \  O9 r5 O" G. a' Y, M" P      Ki-49-II KAI Helen: 9 destroyed on ground
0 A. _6 M7 S+ q0 B) N' N9 Z: v      E15K1 Norm: 2 destroyed on ground3 B; ?  n$ d. \) N
      G3M3 Nell: 4 destroyed on ground
( C$ H3 X: F  V6 F      E13A1 Jake: 1 destroyed on ground
5 b3 Z& w6 X2 I) ]  A& h
, D. K* f1 y  j9 s- s" k# d. b1 n4 `3 dAllied aircraft losses
8 k# Y) C8 C1 r8 Z; N7 E& I      P-38L Lightning: 9 destroyed, y$ _% M; }9 X8 M5 Z
      PB4Y-1 Liberator: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged
7 O+ `: ?: x$ t* `      PB4Y-2 Privateer: 2 destroyed, 2 damaged
$ j0 I9 }0 `& X8 R$ r! b& D1 T$ e. I: i
Airbase hits 34 X, C4 }& G$ I
Runway hits 15
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
: G# E$ }1 m5 D4 y2 E: P, M% n. K4 e+ Z; d1 y, B/ u1 o$ p7 X  q
  a, F) J2 [1 a
$ I  t: |* i# v& v$ J--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' X! H3 K( u0 M# M, ?  l1 e7 g) @' c7 q6 H; {

) n: {0 u2 S8 }( j" vGround combat at Naga (81,81)3 @% E! o9 H# p# l$ J1 |
9 n# w3 K, j+ H2 z& o7 W' s
$ C2 k; c4 f) ^9 e- y0 n
Allied Shock attack) O, O) g6 n9 X8 f: p# q/ v9 V
! W. M$ i8 f3 Q! q8 Y
% ^% |' D; Q* D9 C( ?3 }9 l
Attacking force 48271 troops, 654 guns, 1183 vehicles, Assault Value = 20985 ]% q! l1 |6 x5 `

$ A6 q% y" K; V- p, t7 Y; k; G$ ^' D5 m4 S# C
Defending force 8106 troops, 65 guns, 136 vehicles, Assault Value = 94
& C) h- }. }9 s  G6 x% ~0 S4 ]. a  t8 ?1 m9 q
& u8 V9 ?. d) n5 a+ b
Allied adjusted assault: 2522
/ [/ V: Q, @, T1 f2 y
) l: l/ H/ N7 R! O/ m; `7 I3 Q$ t  ~* d( O, n2 |/ M
Japanese adjusted defense: 12
) O9 m& |0 n5 d0 z3 {7 Q3 A3 l- K% j
( J2 h6 \4 z. h3 ^
2 i8 R+ C( y3 ^% M, `Allied assault odds: 210 to 1 (fort level 0) 1 ~; p' ^! j, U2 A" f2 R: O1 `

# {- r% D# ^' E0 Y3 [1 O1 B, Q8 h; |
0 M$ @* k/ r/ J/ n& c+ `6 ^Allied forces CAPTURE Naga !!!6 l9 |# u( Z4 D# w6 W7 o
5 E6 q0 y) k3 w) u
7 S* ~& Z, E  a8 u6 f+ L2 P7 n+ Q
Combat modifiers
, P" M; f) P2 V$ Y9 DDefender: leaders(+), preparation(-), fatigue(-), experience(-)
& q9 _. `/ k5 C+ u supply(-)! k. k9 }* Z' K2 q4 b
Attacker: shock(+)7 v8 ~8 R5 J8 D

! h( U/ E& R8 d9 q  D! o: T7 Q- G0 {3 e. A2 D3 r3 y
Japanese ground losses:. K! G2 B2 _) a  O
      8017 casualties reported
4 [6 {5 H* u* O5 c5 r         Squads: 200 destroyed, 0 disabled9 o  o( E  p5 ^9 C: I
         Non Combat: 706 destroyed, 0 disabled" N& y! F7 Y6 s% [/ |
         Engineers: 20 destroyed, 0 disabled
% V. @% y: l7 ?* I1 c  \0 V1 t      Guns lost 96 (96 destroyed, 0 disabled)4 @1 |3 l5 [; T0 ]
      Vehicles lost 182 (182 destroyed, 0 disabled)
' F9 K1 u$ Z7 r0 e+ ?      Units destroyed 4
0 x% R9 z2 ~! E( ^4 I$ X# z* c+ r( A6 s; {+ c' c' Y% W1 T" s& _/ u+ _
' B/ t0 O- ]' Z, M# K8 k
Allied ground losses:
( t1 e+ ^% \0 o- L% o      83 casualties reported1 k  O* p- K1 \" V$ h: b
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 10 disabled
6 H  E: Y, p, c6 u         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled3 h0 ^6 g( L6 d' [
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
* N  \3 t0 }2 ?0 X( Y
% u. N" j0 Q5 M: U& F7 N1 d. L6 t9 X+ R: G/ F3 n' w
Assaulting units:) r' [. j7 s6 w# G+ C
    I Corps Cmbt Engineer Regiment& M  V0 `, {1 c4 s$ X+ y
    1st Australian Para Battalion
8 ^0 A* {2 @+ o, K  O" m    2nd Marine Division
/ y) J# q$ a( S+ i    710th Tank Battalion
8 M( J2 t& d$ d6 y! |    5th Marine Division" j! K+ j8 b5 O8 }$ p/ n- g+ c
    711th Tank Battalion* G/ t2 B# a/ z- v9 C; i- }  v! B
    767th Tank Battalion
, g1 {! d2 z9 W. h1 L! Q% W; ~& F! J! S    716th Tank Battalion
' q6 V- x& W" x/ k    2nd NZ Division$ p: ~, f( e/ D: @% {8 H: a
    VII US Amphib Force : K/ U+ k$ _; f1 X
    251st Coast AA Regiment8 N) P7 ?6 K7 E$ W3 Q  d. ]0 f
    205th Coast AA Regiment
+ r( W1 T5 R/ P$ M8 B0 M4 O    30th USN Naval Construction Regiment9 B7 [8 G0 A0 H. Z9 A
    97th Coast AA Regiment
" b) _# A' K( U2 Q& G, n6 ^& D+ n    34th USN Naval Construction Battalion
/ V8 K5 t, Q+ Y( t; h8 g! j    2nd USN Naval Construction Regiment
/ V; u4 X% X* g" |    511th Coast AA Regiment' @/ r- `7 h5 Q' `
    18th USN Naval Construction Regiment& F+ I% l" g9 R: P* g4 e0 k2 G
    20th USN Naval Construction Regiment' H, Y/ O- u" |) {% ^4 q
    6th USN Naval Construction Regiment
  p* T+ z% x: i" Z" L6 T6 K    8th USN Naval Construction Battalion$ L! j% _% ]3 i0 h! D! p1 n) _
    41st USN Naval Construction Battalion
* B$ v) ?3 {) R    857th Engineer Aviation Battalion
6 P: i3 f4 A7 {2 ]* K    5th USN Naval Construction Battalion
7 M. z+ ]9 i9 D0 O( W    4th USN Naval Construction Battalion6 X, B. C; q5 e! O: u
    37th USN Naval Construction Battalion
+ ], w) y+ ]( X& g    25th USN Naval Construction Battalion
" o  D. z: x" t" D; N8 M) Q3 x    19th USN Naval Construction Battalion
' U& h2 g4 d$ K    20th USN Naval Construction Battalion
! @; O) ~1 t0 E+ |4 k) F/ |    23rd USN Naval Construction Battalion/ k7 W9 g. }3 h$ D0 o
    40th USN Naval Construction Battalion7 l" u; a9 _! I! v. T. V2 d0 N
    17th USN Naval Construction Regiment, V' K3 f0 w: h! g3 K
    200th & 515th Coast AA Regiment$ |: a* j0 y  p  o' t% G% `
    7th USN Naval Construction Battalion
# V5 A0 I! i/ l( k* O    607th Coast AA Regiment
  J  i2 w+ ]* o4 ]1 W    18th USN Naval Construction Battalion
/ Z. V' Q) S; k+ j$ L    36th USN Naval Construction Battalion7 }) `: W1 d" b$ b2 R+ h0 `
    119th USAAF Base Force /7' ]+ v# Y! ~, o  U$ [% N7 k

) {" w1 i* F6 x: W( O
$ [- Q# n  i9 {' e+ |, \Defending units:
* ]. w4 o! E' F* ?5 K" \) }6 f    26th Ind.Mixed Brigade* a  v- C  h- z
    35th Army  Q3 P( Z3 R7 f) x* w
    7th JAAF Base Force8 B# j" b' d- v5 }2 h/ d
    70th JNAF AF Unit
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."