AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Mar 06, 424 v$ b- _# j) K2 h1 s
拉包尔发现日军一队AO,估计日军打算补充KB的燃料或者是往库马克运送燃料。4 Z: ~$ e+ f \( G
Sub attack near Rabaul at 106,127
2 g1 \# f0 q- S, _+ W1 VJapanese Ships
, q/ p2 ~8 D: d x4 ^ PB Naruto Maru #3* a0 |+ p5 n' r9 `& j1 l
AO Tsurumi
2 ^' U2 [( S" L" D5 p AO Sata N' o* b" G; B/ v5 J& n) k$ M
AO Ondo8 ^- v! c5 {( j
AO Iro
2 r- E, |- T6 V/ s AO Hayamoto
, ~; `# B) q8 V1 N- { AO Erimo: w5 E B8 @! f9 M
Allied Ships
% j8 A* O' W, g, z SS Triton
% j* \; y8 f3 x2 _8 U) g5 u. {; h
$ z& I( B9 r7 k* T1 _: t/ C& t; t剑阁每天承受日军200+飞机的轰炸,安康没有派重兵防守,导致日军迅速占领并在此处建设起8级机场。日军建设机场的速度实在是太惊人了。
, q# q6 D r; u5 l* z1 k8 ^( s" CMorning Air attack on 52nd Chinese Corps, at 79,41 , near Kienko
2 M3 T6 A8 c2 Z1 u; N5 Y Z0 W0 pWeather in hex: Light cloud0 _% g5 f4 p5 \) n u) T# r6 @
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
- N0 L" K6 s! L" g* f' IEstimated time to target is 6 minutes
]: h! O, |$ i/ |3 JJapanese aircraft0 L N2 @7 h/ | E9 H9 D. J* Q }
A6M2 Zero x 44
M' b n; M- B* [+ z# E$ f! u, Q. P Ki-21-Ic Sally x 42) X9 b1 C4 `8 m& Q! f
Ki-30 Ann x 24& q- [4 Q, c* j+ W7 S
Ki-36 Ida x 24* m9 ^& T! S( `% V) {
Ki-48-Ib Lily x 27
! p4 y! Z* o2 G+ W: q. Q) B) p6 ` Ki-49-Ia Helen x 32( j' f! h b5 _- g
Ki-51 Sonia x 21
6 O3 N9 C @) c) t7 f: BJapanese aircraft losses
/ k# \! u6 x4 y% V5 @ Ki-21-Ic Sally: 4 damaged
]$ Y- S/ ^/ O# S# [, j1 n Ki-30 Ann: 1 damaged- u; R0 H8 W2 a z3 I7 |, \
Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 damaged: k% t5 L# j+ j2 q- o5 h
Ki-51 Sonia: 3 damaged
- d' |6 p5 G% Y/ y a2 z& \Allied ground losses:
0 z; o) T1 U5 S- ?: Y0 J& z: G: Y 65 casualties reported1 \; U# y* J! b
Squads: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled6 P9 C' K0 A# L( T7 A1 P
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 16 disabled! o7 _8 ^4 Z" r8 D" A ]3 a
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled1 l) Y& {+ u3 }, q- m
8 E, p# n8 X+ O3 ^: O0 h( o6 E8 P长沙也不例外,每天承受100+汉口飞机的轰炸。国军的补给迅速下降。中国战场,盟军在空军方面劣势非常大。日军在空军配合下,能以微小的代价攻占有地利的国军防守阵地。
- S3 O8 A$ E" C6 V9 cMorning Air attack on Changsha , at 82,52
/ E4 |; @. @& L6 q- H5 xWeather in hex: Clear sky
" w. M8 K/ {) Y! d7 x% GRaid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet., |5 E; s( ~* k6 u* k: P
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes
4 d/ X f8 f3 j# SJapanese aircraft
* y' R% Y: R7 E# [, [ Ki-30 Ann x 326 M# o1 A3 N/ [; \5 Z5 ]
Ki-32 Mary x 37- M d6 H, w5 e( z& P
Ki-36 Ida x 256 g7 P0 y' v0 a1 R4 T2 b
Ki-48-Ib Lily x 123 r& Q, x+ a7 D4 n F, q3 X6 l
Ki-51 Sonia x 10
. S8 g4 E& A; L' mJapanese aircraft losses
* a* x/ b/ m. j Ki-30 Ann: 3 damaged
& P; j; O. m- k7 U3 C' F5 a Ki-36 Ida: 1 damaged2 S9 r S+ n4 J5 e3 x
9 @2 q. `( I; u7 a' `. I; a+ K9 r1 {
Morning Air attack on Wallis Island , at 142,156
0 Z3 |; N- J" [' T/ t 日军占领了帕果和苏瓦之间的小岛Wallis Island,然后以此为基地骚扰盟军的运输线,目前还进驻了估计至少一艘CVL或CS在内的舰队。
7 O% M( P, S9 ^$ w& ?Weather in hex: Light rain
" V0 ~3 I9 \1 D; X! W: D4 A& DRaid spotted at 39 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.& ~/ ?2 x( B. ]/ H
Estimated time to target is 22 minutes' q+ d$ U& v- k4 U" J
Japanese aircraft
1 ?3 t( m# v7 x I( b A6M2 Zero x 23
/ t) [& b8 I$ x5 F* U2 xAllied aircraft
8 X! {2 E9 E4 }/ P8 J; m PBY-5 Catalina x 11
4 q* N$ t* X/ kNo Japanese losses; F! `* }% O0 R
Allied aircraft losses# q g5 I5 o+ k9 \; s( n
PBY-5 Catalina: 1 destroyed/ ~) N$ z+ ^5 N' r
2 r* }0 b0 ^5 G2 G
4 N) _8 p1 U) D% F, `1 g在剑阁城外一格的阵地,多日的轰炸后,日军再次谨慎攻击,仍被补给及装备落后的国军打退。但国军也是强弩之末。
% r7 S# ^3 |2 b) `9 @+ i8 pGround combat at 79,41 (near Kienko)
0 x! F) h& |: j& M* {2 X0 y; cJapanese Deliberate attack1 D8 g+ O! @. a6 ]# `) Y
Attacking force 106057 troops, 1340 guns, 464 vehicles, Assault Value = 38993 g/ z' `$ k6 E, H
Defending force 45048 troops, 397 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 943( Z6 e7 Z8 R" ^4 H
Japanese adjusted assault: 1615 ( i' C. M5 K3 {8 B0 j5 l
Allied adjusted defense: 1681 $ |0 G! j4 O7 }) j
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2 % T$ i! W" H4 M: n
Combat modifiers
$ T I, R: H; b- B% m, g5 P' s5 B9 f" ~Defender: terrain(+), experience(-), E' h+ U {0 W+ `% t- {
Attacker: 5 g7 l; y7 O, ]/ o5 C- O
Japanese ground losses:
" v( O: p5 `2 P, G 4802 casualties reported
& Z4 ^' n) N6 W Squads: 12 destroyed, 314 disabled
" ?+ _7 o) |5 i. o( q% v1 k3 s Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 40 disabled
% p4 c$ M. c: n8 ? Engineers: 0 destroyed, 28 disabled' A# }, F) t2 w W) [. ]4 p' R6 i7 h& q) j
Guns lost 37 (2 destroyed, 35 disabled)
) s9 V1 r# [% v$ U: S Vehicles lost 6 (1 destroyed, 5 disabled)
- w8 G$ }+ x. B* y/ R: B5 n7 SAllied ground losses:
x& f. `+ U. C E Y( W 2996 casualties reported5 d8 }1 k. E) Z) U' z5 O5 }" `
Squads: 217 destroyed, 20 disabled" @8 o7 `5 P2 B* J' C( ~
Non Combat: 5 destroyed, 67 disabled
4 k, m- m4 T9 {! B Engineers: 9 destroyed, 19 disabled9 ?6 E' a( E L3 N6 a( r
Guns lost 38 (10 destroyed, 28 disabled)& {; s9 p7 ]! R" w% l: e6 U
Assaulting units:
0 L& R; F' G+ e: I; [ 36th Division7 m( N. t/ _+ b' w0 ^9 R8 v0 [
1st Ind.Mixed Brigade
! G; X) r u) o; Y5 o% N6 |; t 10th Tank Regiment, U6 {3 q" s* [. V! d9 n6 r# B
12th Tank Regiment j. T# G# a8 Z4 q0 `! ?1 g
26th Engineer Regiment
5 H/ p3 F" S2 {$ D0 d3 _ 3rd Division
. H0 U: g" I( C# u: r) f' F 20th Recon Regiment
! k& c. Q8 a, G e0 N: K 3rd Tank Regiment% W: Y" i0 R2 I8 x, c h0 p+ j' w3 b
11th Tank Regiment
3 Y6 X+ N+ s! p) w3 x Y 15th Tank Regiment9 i' A# m: S2 U2 U3 I$ Y
8th Recon Regiment
9 Z/ }. r5 a/ x& q9 ^( Z7 M 28th Engineer Regiment
: L5 t% j- x- F' \' X 15th Ind.Mixed Brigade
1 y' v+ v* L; ?! C& u- H 7th Ind.Mixed Brigade
# }8 C& \& \) F: H/ h0 J1 ` 5th Armored Car Co 2 f* u9 Y7 Y% I* f. `
4th Ind.Mixed Brigade
- G: o. y |4 x 9th Division
& p8 F6 W9 d4 o5 j3 e$ b 3rd Ind.Mixed Brigade1 V6 G7 }) {2 d
23rd Tank Regiment
9 M, Z4 |0 p5 R4 a 2nd Ind.Mixed Brigade' x# C' p+ a" F3 K& ^9 [3 }
13th Tank Regiment
' ?/ g* _8 g+ K8 `- @( \% A: v7 K 6th Division, p4 Q/ k% l; d B0 d5 X* g' A' \
11th Indpt Infantry Regiment
4 U! i9 b. e3 c; {4 [ 8th Ind.Mixed Brigade
6 D1 V' v/ m( G$ z2 W! o5 B 20th Engineer Regiment* u( c W% A2 H
27th Electric Engineer Regiment/ B- u% _5 g3 t$ d' \3 F* q0 Z
8th Engineer Regiment
7 C+ |4 F+ z5 c0 M0 y6 y 1st Recon Regiment5 `0 Y: s9 j# `/ H4 b' ]4 L7 e2 u
9th Armored Car Co * A! j1 W/ b( n6 r6 ^6 @
5th Tank Regiment
9 |4 V( x* e: O+ ~' {2 i1 Z3 C2 w( d 13th Division) h! s) T2 |4 Q/ ?. [4 |; y+ M
5th Ind. Engineer Regiment) P& G2 {: {2 p
9th Tank Regiment% k$ N1 g/ J* g4 q) y4 X9 z8 _6 _
1st Engineer Regiment
7 q/ J' g: V( X: _& j: G 26th Recon Regiment
* ^0 Q/ V9 g# A, q7 d8 d, o 1st Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion* p/ L; }4 k" ]( g
12th Medium Field Artillery Regiment1 A" m" G# |/ F' h
12th Army
7 K( l5 ]: C1 D5 D0 I; V 6th Army `7 u1 j8 N% F3 n
26th Field Artillery Regiment
- z# w" p' @0 I$ O ~' k8 a7 N* { 7th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
# M4 `5 L# z) j9 V0 N( A6 \* L& ~: Z) Y) K 5th Army
$ q9 i1 Y; p; r 8th Mountain Gun Regiment
- |4 V+ Y2 z' }7 ~8 \$ I 11th Army ], h) |% W: F: Z
20th Army
3 Q0 g+ s7 Z2 Z" M6 Z9 v4 m 3rd Army, V+ O+ w4 c4 y: Q# C" O7 P7 j# ?
7th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion' u% J) ]& A0 _/ G, V4 d$ N, g
14th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
1 t u5 C8 v" O) @" c+ d Tonei Hvy Gun Regiment9 p: @2 H' H* R: B. W' |" ^
1st Army' l: J% z* f1 @; b
1st Ind. Field Artillery Regiment
! e$ X# A' R+ u2 M, Y 4th Medium Field Artillery Regiment" d) `: o! v! E6 X
4th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion9 j0 R9 ]$ a7 f I) F- k
1st Field Artillery Regiment" N0 O! v+ N# z8 ~2 d0 v
9th Medium Field Artillery Regiment/ m4 Y, v1 c, Y7 E, Q6 { Z
4th RF Gun Battalion, U- M, R* I' a* \* J
22nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment% r7 p6 h9 {5 d1 t- I- B" @+ ]9 f
5th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
$ c# D; w% D3 B# @ 2nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment+ g9 z8 F `+ m6 c( I
4th Army
* c8 H, v' A. n5 `' Y 11th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion+ B8 ?* ]& B D8 h- `8 ^
10th Medium Field Artillery Regiment$ Y' g6 e* C! t* z4 Q0 l! F2 j
Defending units:0 I5 o1 V E) x# b8 m! ]0 u
71st Chinese Corps7 O$ q7 ?; ^! Y4 i
24th Chinese Corps
' q' C8 V2 p8 W; M/ z, I 56th Chinese Corps
; L, ]- r& v* H" }( L. i 20th Chinese Corps! z/ S, F- Z+ ^ O% r j( t
52nd Chinese Corps
2 x9 m+ [- ]4 M# N3 m5 s; E7 A 14th Chinese Corps
- w& F, P9 n0 q# D5 n 95th Chinese Corps
" U1 U/ A, ]0 _; c 24th Group Army8 P2 k5 U7 T% N" ?1 P
39th Group Army
1 W9 w. t- A/ [2 _, C 14th Group Army
' p2 M9 Z; e% `6 I* Y5 F. Y& G 34th Group Army4 V, S% g' ~$ ?# Q8 h3 H
4th Group Army
3 B- R& a' p- W# `1 Y. b% b2 t 17th Chinese Corps
/ n- @' ~' i4 k0 U# n' v* N
& M0 [1 C! P7 D0 s5 o日军小部队对亭可马里的攻击再次失败。
# q4 z; z0 v9 e* n% [Ground combat at Trincomalee (31,47)3 O6 W; K: H+ V7 t0 U
4 O' }* p1 X6 G1 j" ~Japanese Deliberate attack1 S* h7 \- f, p) @
; ~4 w$ c: W: l" BAttacking force 6977 troops, 73 guns, 100 vehicles, Assault Value = 162" @' g% N% C) o& q; u, j9 ?
7 V( p/ H5 G/ V4 j# ^: U0 i5 a6 M
Defending force 4046 troops, 43 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 10
: P# B) F6 Z; u ; R9 o, x+ A" I h2 e3 t
Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 2% R8 V- Z2 Y% A- p( i5 \/ ~
/ Q; E, B4 q; d9 u+ ~" x
Japanese adjusted assault: 129 ! }* j- }; |8 r3 {; E
6 C- A: {' s+ o, j5 T
Allied adjusted defense: 83
0 i' m# Y/ l, O- H/ \/ @ $ e# Q3 \' Y: Y1 M J8 ^# k* d# s
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 2)
% m5 }% }4 L- r3 H 1 c; E4 r5 B8 N$ I* `" X' U1 Y
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 2& m$ Q& A+ z+ _6 M- m) |
5 c, \# a; l# w; b5 ICombat modifiers
9 u$ t6 Z; o7 F. q$ yDefender: terrain(+), leaders(+), experience(-)$ l9 @) j, J$ L* D! j6 Q3 r- K) p
Attacker: : c; M; F5 T5 `( j
" U3 {/ c1 }- J/ z, r
Japanese ground losses:
5 I& z$ e8 x& B 142 casualties reported
1 j5 L: y8 f- P: [* r' E Squads: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled2 K/ b+ M2 Y6 |; p( N( m+ Y
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled! d9 I, Q8 W) [! \' Q
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 7 disabled" U+ s. A" R) {# u
8 c$ m, T5 @. r
Allied ground losses:( t( L- }: c/ X/ q7 r ~
24 casualties reported
L+ D" {$ p" @5 _4 r5 V9 R Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. q! g% U+ v/ N( |7 ` Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled3 J \( S9 V% o4 G
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled* O% N) R, u4 c
. Q0 g5 K/ H, A' c7 uAssaulting units:
8 o$ u4 r8 N3 ^ 19th Ind. Engineer Regiment' O1 D/ p6 d8 }3 ]+ r) F6 o9 D4 X2 h
20th Ind. Engineer Regiment) k+ l9 \1 j* V; [) [$ j9 X
56th Infantry Regiment
9 R' y3 j8 V2 |3 z+ R" i! W7 Q 2nd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion) ?) e2 r& X' y! T7 ]# s' F( b4 A
3rd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
6 P5 d* h6 {" H/ C" m( c- y' w 9th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
8 z! s2 U/ w- Y. Y% w4 R6 w $ K. \; q: ^+ c6 H
Defending units:
. N2 `* c2 m0 \% y( Z y; L Trincomalee Fortress |