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在EUA和Tongatapu 岛的日军战舰和飞机已经走投无路。7 j8 n% Q, i" ]$ g7 @
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jul 09, 422 i! U7 r' ?: s3 m% K/ i
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ s( z# y6 T2 O: G
Submarine attack near Eua  at 138,169
9 y9 N& u0 x8 g) A- N+ x) @2 ?Japanese Ships9 c. p. U/ k7 h6 E( e4 }
      SS I-17, hits 21,  heavy fires,  heavy damage3 v! J, M$ o% ?* A* G$ T7 a& z
Allied Ships
* U3 V1 D9 R9 q3 j0 U      DMS Wasmuth
0 U$ {3 k! K4 [' K      CL Helena2 n/ l* B' S+ u- k3 g1 G
      DM Sicard
( G: b* K3 J% x# v      DM Preble& D" m% s# H, E! ?/ A% A7 Y
      DD Alden, Shell hits 1,  on fire  O3 t" N% [4 P+ F
      DD Fanning- ^9 b8 W1 Q6 X6 `, Y, ?
      DD Dunlap: E" Z/ ?3 x( B% ?3 }0 r4 w
! S9 q& k% e5 t8 S$ G/ ~
& k) `6 i, Z; N6 L; x
4 R8 E# b* T/ [" r
Day Time Surface Combat, near Eua at 138,169, Range 24,000 Yards
! A  `: w: x2 ^- F7 FJapanese Ships1 l. @, H, Y: C2 b6 k* T
      DD Yugumo, Shell hits 5, and is sunk
& B" Y# V5 _. |3 B8 z      DD Hayashio, Shell hits 17, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk/ s. S1 C: ]; D! ]
      DD Amatsukaze, Shell hits 9, and is sunk
2 ^" n: s4 P+ ~+ C, Q# U, E1 d7 c      DD Kasumi, Shell hits 20, and is sunk1 r0 f1 E3 k4 B5 K
      PB Kaikei Maru, Shell hits 9, and is sunk6 Y* H& m# K, f0 J+ m7 h
      PB Santos Maru, Shell hits 11, and is sunk2 h$ e- N6 o: V0 M6 n  L2 o* e
      AKE Turuga Maru, Shell hits 22, and is sunk: c6 x/ e/ |4 m* p$ {
      PB Yahonui Maru, Shell hits 3, and is sunk2 m9 R; D  y* \2 y) r3 T/ S
Allied Ships) D7 X5 ]  @  T% u! K
      CA San Francisco
: k1 m# x7 f& q- ?. H      CL Java* v, F, b+ I( z, h/ e
      CL Perth) U, B, }* `# ]& B
      CL Enterprise) A8 @( I$ S/ ?. G2 f) Q4 |
      CL Concord
% k- v% q0 I) _% J& L% Q  v3 V# |      CL Helena, Shell hits 1
% y4 M) K( S* p# |! j      CL Nashville
* {# S5 k2 a! J      CL Capetown, Shell hits 1
! y( T5 x) i: \, Y8 s- e" _  h      DD Dunlap, Shell hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage7 I; c* i; R/ x2 s$ H* G
      DD Fanning1 M' {* K, o/ s1 V* v
      DD Alden, Shell hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
4 p) @3 m# Y9 f! Q( w5 t( X      DMS Wasmuth
* f2 a7 p& |1 u3 O. ?( K      DM Preble1 N! ^( r) F. i: k/ U
      DM Pruitt
* M3 q% n. i$ C5 b: w      DM Sicard" c8 h! B. r" d5 t% v8 i  Q. t. ^: C

8 B: F. d( D* w; A6 E  l4 |1 J/ T6 L/ q3 y

' E5 F& y" ?9 F# d
( E' S2 s) Q! E: i" Y. `8 a
' V* g; |5 R) m# k( |3 P. p/ v; j/ _, P9 T) a/ d% v
Naval bombardment of Tongatapu at 138,168
9 ]: n1 i+ z# \3 s) tJapanese aircraft' i9 H8 b3 t- o! d+ c
      no flights
# h6 Y- P( N: o# S4 oJapanese aircraft losses
4 X! Q' S; r! |8 K      G3M2 Nell: 29 damaged% H9 j3 U+ _; h, c, }; n9 J
      G3M2 Nell: 2 destroyed on ground
9 n( e$ C9 G+ _3 Z1 T      G4M1 Betty: 73 damaged
6 Q0 X) c1 g! Q9 b3 L1 m" @$ s      G4M1 Betty: 3 destroyed on ground
9 p4 p+ y; c3 M      A6M2 Zero: 22 damaged
% W1 V/ N4 P2 m& O$ {      A6M2 Zero: 3 destroyed on ground
& |3 t+ m) p* D, y/ w& \5 S: s      H8K1 Emily: 2 damaged2 K9 t  B! m1 s8 |6 H$ }
Japanese Ships- H. ]8 t, ~+ j! c: E
      AS Yasukuni Maru, Shell hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
" X, k! i9 D. ]; j+ z7 N6 }  C      CL Yura, Shell hits 19,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
* D9 X* Y  p0 l1 E+ P& f      CL Kiso, Shell hits 10,  heavy fires,  heavy damage! T# }9 k3 B) P( d9 n5 {
      CA Tone, Shell hits 8,  heavy fires,  heavy damage4 {0 H3 F! H. t7 J2 w
      AD Shintoku Maru, Shell hits 7,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
9 W% c& U2 T( A: B. O& b      DD Kuroshio, Shell hits 4,  heavy fires,  heavy damage3 g  s, ^$ v  q! P
      DD Akigumo, Shell hits 4,  heavy fires,  heavy damage. F1 g7 O3 D2 |) G4 U
      DD Yuzuki, Shell hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage8 m+ Z# N: A; `. C9 f
      DD Akebono, Shell hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage) j& J( v, \  ^* V2 i  h0 b
      PB Yahada Maru, Shell hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
6 n8 a  k# V4 [2 G; j% O1 T      DD Harusame, Shell hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
1 B' C1 c* j) y2 yAllied Ships
' H# u" Y! w2 @# `5 U      BB Colorado
+ D: ]5 `5 l0 {( ]* F1 v( Z      CA Cornwall) m! B7 ?9 O" N
      CA Canberra
7 \% {; X  b2 n( I8 |' s      CA Australia% I7 _5 H9 c# K, Q3 s
      CA Pensacola+ E9 e! A0 C9 y( n- y
      CA Chicago: b* q. O+ W3 I0 y$ Q
      CA Northampton
! F6 H% c- ^. d$ I      CA Indianapolis
2 I; \/ A; }" ^1 b- f5 u  [      CL Honolulu  M$ f( d. r, ^# u
      CL Trenton
% c- ~& m# O4 l$ p" ^      CL Ceres7 ]0 w. \3 i, L/ |
      CL Dauntless0 Y: a/ H) ?& w9 k: f! A/ I
      CL Leander2 o+ {  Z' \5 ?7 D
      DD Dent
& \2 O7 j( G. r" R4 F! _      DD Nizam* S" H- I# ^9 a& q5 q. _; q
      DD Allen4 D  c  L3 {; o: d, D
      DD Aaron Ward1 |! ]6 b0 D7 O9 L0 n6 p) U
      DM Montgomery
KB   6月中旬前都一直在卡拉奇附近游弋,拦截不存在的来自好望角的盟军增援~~~~  ~3 `0 ?: m" I9 j. f) U
20日盟军袭击Tongatapu 岛,估计KB才开始赶往这里,现在大概快到莫港附近了。
' |+ P. j9 L8 m) w; z6 N, o
' H1 y7 V3 f+ H5 G2 D游戏已经进行到17号了。最近琐事比较多,速度有点变慢。 整体局势双方处于僵持阶段。另外,盟军积极于中南太展开攻势。大本营考虑等kb改装完毕后,即将出击!!+ {  f$ z% w; s4 Z+ L- ~; I) K  o

$ K) o. x, S0 P5 }* `, A+ G前段时间的中南太战役中,日军损失惨重。计损失CA4艘, CL10艘, DD 20艘, SS 8艘。盟军的损失忽略不计。
3 d' }1 v" N9 Z0 G( s
9 Z, o0 _8 G" N& r1 x* w* A! F剑阁周围的国军展开围攻,但死战不退。。。
. \8 l" }( @  P
$ T0 o) c6 T9 d8 jGround combat at 79,41 (near Kienko)6 S2 `" \, M6 S8 B9 d# |8 x& b: b; p

; i5 ^2 M+ Y+ s3 _  u) aJapanese Deliberate attack  |. W+ G$ `& a
/ F9 V8 Z- m4 D0 b( e. ^
Attacking force 145353 troops, 1438 guns, 447 vehicles, Assault Value = 46459 ~" p/ I( q( w# e* T' x2 X* i  C5 r

3 [/ h1 @2 i: r4 H& h3 `9 aDefending force 54878 troops, 394 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1311
  `, D) i, E0 [; ~8 _0 f : A; a, ~  |8 r) G$ h; \
Japanese adjusted assault: 2950 * I, ?" h, T# X+ W

( m& b6 \9 i  ^) i- nAllied adjusted defense: 757
. C  g8 R, D: p" D% U8 k- ]7 L
% p/ F0 s2 V- q( I0 `' c  aJapanese assault odds: 3 to 1 ' b, J! W/ [( w/ @2 J% k
; R1 J% W7 x! j5 N! x! R
Combat modifiers
) _8 Q- s: f- a9 I0 g0 oDefender: terrain(+), experience(-), supply(-)
2 E- r8 e8 ~5 I4 V  xAttacker:
* I* T" j/ j6 Q
( c' x8 K7 Z% g% C; C$ M3 uJapanese ground losses:4 E$ u, ~$ }& G+ i" r9 ?
      8822 casualties reported
5 I3 L0 K2 j4 B3 b+ Z. G         Squads: 85 destroyed, 619 disabled" z  F9 g3 w5 E1 F9 ~9 x2 h
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 83 disabled
1 S- J4 t4 @' Q  n* C; x) n4 K         Engineers: 3 destroyed, 184 disabled
  P6 g5 k8 B+ e: |8 }' t% W9 \      Vehicles lost 21 (1 destroyed, 20 disabled)
) q5 }$ x; ?' P) ~8 G# u4 v1 x 8 c# _. @% t: V+ z2 D
Allied ground losses:
4 e- g$ C7 N% T+ H' D9 N+ [1 [1 h      4773 casualties reported! H: R, P' ?% @! e! ?5 I
         Squads: 40 destroyed, 358 disabled( B4 j. K  v' L( ]
         Non Combat: 5 destroyed, 166 disabled
0 W* g* l; S/ s0 l9 s- ~0 B         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 12 disabled
* Q# s- K& K3 N0 d. j  x      Guns lost 30 (2 destroyed, 28 disabled); Q" a# i& n) G- t3 q
- c4 G, V0 C/ W
Assaulting units:
- _  o& v' M) r& i2 P    54th Infantry Brigade/ P% [( k2 s( A6 l1 J# i# n
    1st Ind.Mixed Brigade/ g. R: T  q! H6 Y+ |! I: s
    1st Infantry Regiment
. _1 @/ x. V3 V/ Z4 d- p5 P. l    8th Ind.Mixed Brigade
* N( s+ E2 X7 e7 J2 f% C2 J    15th Ind.Mixed Brigade
$ l9 M; r& N# k/ y8 t2 X$ Z; C+ D    3rd Ind.Mixed Brigade
: u. i6 I, l- t3 Q& p    28th Engineer Regiment! i6 U0 Y7 }7 _4 ?
    53rd Infantry Brigade
  a6 w4 K6 P+ ]    32nd Division
2 y. b7 T# ]/ i$ ~# G$ {3 ^    1st Engineer Regiment
% g0 u" ~3 ^& S) x- y: {  Z    4th Ind.Mixed Brigade" R6 t5 m; ~9 U; Q+ B
    59th Infantry Brigade$ I. a# {0 t2 d- x0 E; M+ R0 S4 }' {
    138th Infantry Regiment! T9 Z* ]8 S0 z' |! ~1 d  j
    8th Engineer Regiment
; [; V+ t7 Z4 Y. Y6 O4 [  O0 M    1st Mobile Engineer Regiment* o( `& V: j1 @$ T4 p6 x
    2nd Ind.Mixed Brigade
" M! O! \. w1 v8 \$ n- z7 w5 V    11th Indpt Infantry Regiment
- f& x) L  O4 ^& ^4 s    8th Armored Car Co
8 M- G. G/ Q3 S" O    34th Division
# f, j  ?3 \( i" a/ Q+ k    61st Infantry Brigade
. x- B& |5 F# k" W) r) o( F4 j8 E    40th Division% g2 U' O! l. O/ s' ]: }. f; z
    15th Division2 ]; B: g- n, Y% H  E% Z
    27th Electric Engineer Regiment
% ~+ f& y3 J, u, I) {    116th Division4 O' [# j7 @7 _1 f0 z1 b
    20th Engineer Regiment3 |% }4 O) A5 \2 b5 c% L
    7th Ind.Mixed Brigade
6 t* e7 `3 D# n) _/ q( B    57th Infantry Brigade
2 @# h& x$ }3 W# U# h    26th Engineer Regiment7 W( N% w( C9 \- |6 Y
    8th Mountain Gun Regiment
0 R, E+ Z9 d6 O: R& n( [, S; ?    3rd Army
, S' |! ]# C0 w6 l6 {& K% f. `    1st Field Artillery Regiment
6 n* n# h/ r7 m7 I+ t  U  k* L& V% \    4th Army
3 X( {- X4 }" E6 |/ X, x    12th Medium Field Artillery Regiment8 i! v8 E) U1 R* i( {9 l. Q
    1st Mortar Battalion
2 N8 x  m% P$ L. O9 }/ g$ h7 m5 J8 }    1st Mobile Field Artillery Regiment  F' C9 h$ Q5 @( G; l; b6 ~
    15th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
" P8 J( ~3 `2 |% P    14th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
2 A' o. C0 d, X# m; P" A1 V    26th Field Artillery Regiment
% N1 T" e* ]: g    3rd RF Gun Battalion
, ^. T2 [( F. Y- K6 Z    13th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion$ V. U! @9 \6 S3 T
    7th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
/ X' o2 u! ~% t& b) }+ B    10th Medium Field Artillery Regiment$ d* h( d! D' l. B1 @% @/ ]
    5th Army5 f* M* K% ]! h( {+ c) n
    NCPC Army
' B5 u- N- O1 N1 {" w  H    6th Army8 Z( Z) f7 w) g( k
    10th Mortar Battalion5 F% s9 N/ n6 N

) e0 x8 z1 V; G% h" M8 s' v3 IDefending units:; N% h0 g* f& x4 t: i! z1 o( H
    10th Chinese Corps/ q8 T" }3 z; R% K, J. F8 S* k3 z4 ~4 a
    52nd Chinese Corps' G& h7 Q, g1 U/ g
    8th Chinese Corps
2 |1 I  e7 j, Y- I    14th Chinese Corps
4 \2 C' o7 t, Y: D7 a7 [& ^! S    4th Chinese Corps8 h9 y$ o2 o$ s$ d# m. i9 |
    95th Chinese Corps0 L1 I0 j: d' q& x! `
    34th Group Army
0 s, S5 ]( x6 o8 p    4th Group Army, [" \5 }& v; c* H$ f9 O  y
    24th Group Army# K0 F4 n6 y/ J( H/ T  a! L6 h7 y- G
    14th Group Army) ^+ x2 \' |2 e' a" c- q
    39th Group Army
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) }5 M- {8 u. {+ K! }6 @3BB + 8DD + 2SS + 1CL + 10AK + 80战机 5 j8 ^# C" X2 G9 t9 x* F/ G
同时对苏瓦/帕果/新西兰及澳洲完成了上千战力地面部队和过百万单位燃料补给的运输,并收复了几个小岛,基本完成了增援及反击任务。3 J" q3 [  c8 J" b& v
# e7 y3 @0 Q1 I# Z9 p6 W
日军3000战力+无数地勤+200架次钟馗2  在信德及卡拉奇堵截住盟军4000战力。
, h2 d2 p8 \# f, R0 x  A5 q大陆战场日军第二次谨慎攻击剑阁
$ D  E: q* E3 u# B, vGround combat at 79,41 (near Kienko)5 L8 A2 t' S; A% C+ u5 f. ~# V1 m
Japanese Deliberate attack
2 L& N; T& M$ b/ q: dAttacking force 145353 troops, 1438 guns, 447 vehicles, Assault Value = 4645$ O% C# a7 j6 ]4 O1 S; v/ _5 i
Defending force 54878 troops, 394 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1311
/ m! F) L7 i$ |( d7 cJapanese adjusted assault: 2950
2 ]  @+ R0 ^7 A+ yAllied adjusted defense: 757
: ?. W: x6 ^# x0 _$ \' MJapanese assault odds: 3 to 1 7 j2 y" z) t; `  t0 f! K; f7 q
Combat modifiers
! o7 V- H  O7 b( X5 O: A3 S' rDefender: terrain(+), experience(-), supply(-)% h, `2 x# S( n% |
Attacker: % ~1 K# v8 N& G2 A
Japanese ground losses:* l& K7 J3 O& {/ ^: j
      8822 casualties reported
  V7 I3 @4 t. a& h         Squads: 85 destroyed, 619 disabled
; \$ c8 `1 Y; d0 x/ R         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 83 disabled
3 M6 ]5 h: b$ e9 r" d2 [         Engineers: 3 destroyed, 184 disabled
& k1 d$ p" Y6 c      Vehicles lost 21 (1 destroyed, 20 disabled)
. s+ U! y  I4 F) nAllied ground losses:
& W+ q% i4 B+ T9 D% S      4773 casualties reported
) t8 F' k! T! I& u$ G! m3 [% z% Z$ Z         Squads: 40 destroyed, 358 disabled
5 V4 V+ \; \6 A1 U: f         Non Combat: 5 destroyed, 166 disabled, i# M0 q5 p: R
         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 12 disabled
, y+ u( M; q. V# _; L      Guns lost 30 (2 destroyed, 28 disabled)
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jul 22, 42; H0 p2 m! U% }6 e% O& P
8 @) c% C) R* N* D& F
难道是武装运输船? 9 P6 W0 U+ w" z& d; X  V- r" u

9 D  m! o5 U: z% D0 ^! }2 |# B
Submarine attack near Enderbury Island  at 154,143( Q+ }* C9 S0 M

* l6 ~! C/ u1 SJapanese Ships
3 e7 H6 v4 h$ a8 y      SS I-169
/ J2 i9 v8 }. X, r9 ?1 o8 l% u 8 {, e) D; K8 j3 ?' @' w
Allied Ships) t' ^( V) ~/ E/ i
      AP Zeilin
, T7 G7 S( N2 k9 Y, V
" n$ }" o' q" R# B+ FAP Zeilin is sighted by SS I-169# z, e9 l7 @: |8 `( t) h9 G# p
SS I-169 launches 2 torpedoes
2 ~4 e7 N, B( w4 A) Y0 m- S9 v
$ s' g. U; ~$ x2 n. ySubmarine attack near Enderbury Island  at 154,143
* n+ ^; D: ^5 J  d + E. ~- Z& K9 ~+ C0 H1 U
Japanese Ships% @) t- E- B3 d, ?6 a
      SS I-22, hits 1
3 h0 P% Y3 X" V
& V$ m: E& S! c) ?Allied Ships
2 Y8 U/ u: i) I+ A. \: o      AP Zeilin, Shell hits 1, }- N9 e! ]) L# [2 K$ C

: o+ v; v! B  y" nAP Zeilin is sighted by SS I-22
1 E3 H5 E+ V) {2 z# `0 ZSS I-22 attacking on the surface
+ c% ]: E% u% ?$ w* c6 v: U2 fNakajima A. decides to submerge SS I-22 due to damage
+ [$ D7 `" r# l8 Y6 B

. M% U, k6 H& B* M' D对于剑阁外围的守军,大本营欲擒故纵,先撤出剑阁守军,然后将其打入城内,准备一网打尽。9 I5 R6 H  O5 A' i1 x5 \$ K& H

7 l/ y0 s  J5 N# W# ~8 `$ W' U5 RGround combat at 79,41 (near Kienko)
: d+ P6 Z0 R, Z, S3 W 5 w, m4 s9 B0 _! R# H1 N, s& r
Japanese Deliberate attack- w* B. I; I0 }8 ^" D& S# a4 |6 S

( q! s# {! o' f8 ~/ @Attacking force 141481 troops, 1438 guns, 446 vehicles, Assault Value = 4272
1 u  S, K# K) v" Q) B) i1 N6 L- T9 C* }
$ F5 f- }8 T4 X0 Y9 Z; l. UDefending force 51365 troops, 391 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 971
. L* ^9 c0 Z- _+ H4 [
1 h8 u1 u( n" e) M$ U, c; f- PJapanese adjusted assault: 2810 : B" G* b3 @5 M5 V+ P5 ?' @

+ g$ D8 ~$ q8 m% f4 cAllied adjusted defense: 583 4 V- N9 ?( U! [  X
4 U2 ^$ b4 _. {  d0 U8 j
Japanese assault odds: 4 to 1
" }* b! R7 e- T; C
1 b4 V# Y8 t6 F! z. TCombat modifiers& L2 S8 j3 T' ^
Defender: terrain(+), fatigue(-), experience(-), supply(-)
' ~& @0 b# l1 ]; f7 VAttacker: : g2 L4 m0 A: }$ R$ ~* E

( A' A0 r6 m: vJapanese ground losses:6 z0 K$ M8 ?( n: A8 b3 Q
      7673 casualties reported
0 t( e2 h  M  h) ~& c& g+ P) C         Squads: 38 destroyed, 567 disabled8 ]( t. K- ]: ?& e1 _8 v
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 36 disabled7 e; j; T: ^$ A) g3 ~& G+ T2 ^
         Engineers: 9 destroyed, 115 disabled
7 U% H+ P0 r0 S1 K" n' X- M2 M      Guns lost 33 (2 destroyed, 31 disabled)
, e: q8 o) E) n9 T2 P
% r- Y# _3 q) _2 u& L% oAllied ground losses:- l- o, J! b: k* p1 E7 M) j: [
      13113 casualties reported
( m" {! r- M7 `; V8 o. S         Squads: 919 destroyed, 42 disabled
  M! p6 c2 w. ~3 v# N         Non Combat: 799 destroyed, 46 disabled
7 k: ^- l! W4 }         Engineers: 48 destroyed, 15 disabled
/ ?5 P( R- }2 V, P      Guns lost 60 (43 destroyed, 17 disabled)
4 U1 ~9 y, W3 \& @2 O* }  i      Units retreated 11+ Q7 Q+ ~2 E* S9 O

5 z5 P7 T1 Y( B# g) {" A$ |& CDefeated Allied Units Retreating!. A- b& T) i9 p' v& `. ]" \& q
! w$ D5 \) Q, q) E" z: [, n* |4 c
Assaulting units:
  b  m( M* U/ L( Y+ I8 H1 P    34th Division& a8 Z' j; x/ F
    8th Ind.Mixed Brigade9 c5 L- @. z- N) w& c
    27th Electric Engineer Regiment+ a) q; d  q4 B  ?2 q
    15th Division4 J/ q: z! R4 T
    53rd Infantry Brigade
& a6 j' {; S6 \2 H    11th Indpt Infantry Regiment8 z+ ?/ [  J0 l; l& o$ f
    20th Engineer Regiment# x. [- |" `# e  y9 E
    32nd Division
( U0 T: D& B% \- |) B) X7 S  P8 J    57th Infantry Brigade* S: j' ]1 _: e
    8th Engineer Regiment% ?8 K  o3 D1 r+ D% j* N) {; ~$ C# s
    28th Engineer Regiment
5 V+ v; h* A+ H% n# W' r- {. {    7th Ind.Mixed Brigade
# x4 r, ~/ Q5 N: a0 g    1st Ind.Mixed Brigade
: J( W+ j2 k9 o, l7 h' U    1st Mobile Engineer Regiment
* T% u9 {0 g  e. X    1st Engineer Regiment
& V: M5 W7 k. U! }  M# M8 K    15th Ind.Mixed Brigade
* R/ {7 }$ z1 s2 B* i4 G& h' I2 a    40th Division* Q2 w1 J: u! m
    61st Infantry Brigade
& b& m; d8 |  v: o  g/ t2 l. q    2nd Ind.Mixed Brigade
+ Y% ]3 W; U  k+ I    59th Infantry Brigade9 }' S% v# ^8 {! }
    138th Infantry Regiment
! C3 ~6 E5 \  w  @( O, _8 V    116th Division
) `% A0 g, r/ }7 V, D5 A    1st Infantry Regiment
, Y9 D3 {# p$ d! r+ |% S    8th Armored Car Co + Z% ~  B; R% D8 u* B& h
    4th Ind.Mixed Brigade2 ~! Y. {7 M; d8 u3 W  E- i
    54th Infantry Brigade( Y: @9 p+ u$ i& g) {  T/ s
    3rd Ind.Mixed Brigade
! S6 k& m+ [  k4 g7 B2 ^- r5 j    26th Engineer Regiment
6 C* @4 o5 P4 E* h    3rd RF Gun Battalion
$ m6 H2 L, ^1 L    3rd Army
, G6 _# N# K/ X1 [' u; i    5th Army
: u7 t5 x2 {8 H: k$ i    12th Medium Field Artillery Regiment$ Y: s- d% S" o) _" v& H
    26th Field Artillery Regiment
; q5 N' L: b' E    1st Mortar Battalion
7 g$ g* H  Y8 D( L' O$ u    14th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
& C% b7 `3 i0 [. J    4th Army
( t! V- r6 O: \% C    7th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
  @& G; k, j, }" e: b: q2 ~  p    13th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion# Z6 G  h& \8 b2 E/ D! l$ _2 t
    10th Medium Field Artillery Regiment# t! v; X( t% m1 K: Z
    1st Field Artillery Regiment
% H0 u6 r5 K2 G& A  C1 |    15th Medium Field Artillery Regiment$ l) u7 b9 v  d4 v
    8th Mountain Gun Regiment
0 P$ I5 k8 }) f4 }; i2 C    NCPC Army
- [8 {& |/ [% H) w( q    1st Mobile Field Artillery Regiment
( N/ G  u- [3 o2 t# u1 J    6th Army/ i) z% ~( g% E- j/ f
    10th Mortar Battalion
) O5 P6 U. b9 n. b. U) f . Y( j4 b) c$ T6 F$ k
Defending units:
5 S2 y1 A2 [9 v5 a    4th Chinese Corps
$ a* O" M9 v4 c2 y& e    14th Chinese Corps* G9 A# s" W2 H# k
    52nd Chinese Corps7 i+ Z$ v: N. N5 B/ t6 X6 L+ I& u8 z
    10th Chinese Corps
' u9 P2 k& N" r0 N5 s5 u3 B" G    8th Chinese Corps
7 u' Y2 n/ A5 Y  _, u    95th Chinese Corps
! f/ j1 u) [) Z    24th Group Army
, v' u& v2 x2 c9 q! U- c6 o    4th Group Army; @+ P& ~* X6 G, x: Y
    14th Group Army6 P/ N5 d3 @) t/ u; \
    34th Group Army
( B7 n2 @% \3 G* r- w) V+ R/ f    39th Group Army
' }9 ^3 I- ?; G; ~" Q. {0 M, s6 \5 u4 ~. u7 w: P6 p# y  D
    卡拉奇已经9级城防  悉尼也快了  太平洋各主岛也已经5级城防    看你怎么啃,58跟KB玩捉迷藏,专欺负弱小
卡拉奇堵住就可以了。根本没准备强攻。- u& w3 Z# y2 v7 [+ f4 m: z9 x

5 }' I$ g4 B" z& {$ n# Z/ P另外KB来到中南太,盟军的船只作鸟兽散,双方又进入相持阶段了。