历史的车轮又开始慢慢向前滚动。' w# n/ l" q+ P( { j7 n$ d
鉴于群众反映战报内容过于精炼,以后就多贴一点吧。! \+ [( O; u8 z: i
# `9 m" Z7 \4 v- e1 J, Y5 q4 XMorning Air attack on Batavia , at 49,98 " J8 Q3 I- e2 i1 W" x5 A. T
Weather in hex: Severe storms( P. c8 v! q* _1 }4 c
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet./ ^7 t9 |- `6 `5 i
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes* \5 C' Q/ p- r7 L* L
Japanese aircraft
# n& V& q/ f- c9 Q2 q! U2 C9 y Ki-21-IIa Sally x 22
; @5 ?5 R& g) W5 A Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 11
5 J3 o9 a: G3 g+ o* L3 \# gJapanese aircraft losses( e) j" U- n; e+ t3 K% L" }
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 damaged
# |1 w4 A3 T2 ]- F0 J" wAllied Ships
Q$ D+ ~! r' g( `; t& P AMc MMS D, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk$ @$ r& q& H' A6 P; v
AMc MMS B, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk) C2 P' ` B" S" K# x
AMc Lawoe, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk- _4 @8 Q/ z0 M. V! S
: b" Y: t. m# O& A0 k4 j
长沙会战即将打响,派遣军华中主力1500战力已经列阵长沙城外。' @# r8 g- q+ q) H
Ground combat at Changsha (82,52)
( V* k7 B( z- d; q* WJapanese Bombardment attack
, T9 s7 r& t1 L$ c+ EAttacking force 42733 troops, 367 guns, 153 vehicles, Assault Value = 1585( I3 Y' @9 v' ~7 _) c+ ^0 D. Z
Defending force 30809 troops, 214 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 693+ G1 ]: _" j9 o7 x l" |6 q. v
Japanese ground losses:
: o1 h9 B9 x j0 s! l; N 21 casualties reported
! V% b/ d2 i2 p Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled5 n5 J9 K! ]0 Y
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
, @" o5 C: O5 | Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ A/ A: Q. M# H0 OAllied ground losses:4 h/ b: j; k. x: ?
8 casualties reported
0 z5 M+ W* n% R0 f Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled. _0 F, e$ h5 ^% v+ R
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled& N0 S, F) d- ~+ y( n0 h, _' I
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled5 ~; V! F$ `1 N2 L7 |
Assaulting units:
" A" O- e" O8 G2 E- O8 _$ i 17th Division* k2 G, k) }; X" R; I n0 ?
15th Division
) Z+ |; w5 M! X 20th Ind.Mixed Brigade
3 n, Q P- }7 } 22nd Division
; p3 h) q5 H+ D5 ~8 N1 e) k5 w 26th Engineer Regiment
# H& |) C# p0 h& ?0 i% s 13th Army/ ?/ V) G. k% a1 y/ U
11th Army
* \# b3 |" `( Z2 [8 z8 Q: T6 q 51st Ind.Mtn.Gun Battalion
( M ^4 B# H7 d- p( } North China Area Army. M$ N' B1 ]$ c5 \
12th Army. a- t; F1 @9 f( r- M; f
51st Road Const Co
" t! n0 p. A+ m( i% ]) [Defending units:
6 Y) d; o& d& s. b B3 ? 18th Chinese Corps
9 D* T1 s* [0 T/ Q% F( @9 g8 K 78th Chinese Corps
# V3 F5 {- X, D" i 28th Chinese Corps
! C, ]2 K \0 a S& Q) [4 o 87th Chinese Corps
+ b6 U/ E! K. l! ^: @# i% D! l1 K, Z 5th Chinese Cavalry Corps
3 {, E3 N( P! T9 y" g 30th Group Army+ P9 D* H2 b+ Y, R% b2 o+ p
7 f# b' r1 E) ]" n; M2 Q
刚刚突入成都的第13旅团与城内中国守军擦枪走火,双方阵亡几十人便草草退回阵地。; J+ {( w0 W9 A& R7 M) q& v7 `
Ground combat at Chengtu (75,41)
8 Z) a5 ~" I+ W3 qAllied Deliberate attack; D! ~! W, k4 g& w; s5 ^3 u
force 5435 troops, 60 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2065 i$ D/ }+ c7 o* I8 m
Defending force 5913 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 208! v% N/ j/ L# n. \: S
Allied adjusted assault: 148 1 E8 ]. p( _0 Q" \3 w, Q
Japanese adjusted defense: 91
: B% R; n& J8 q7 ]1 cAllied assault odds: 1 to 1 4 s) a& u" `3 l- U8 z+ J, ?
Combat modifiers2 C# c( ?. \! y" h
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(-), preparation(-), experience(-)
" a1 y( L) u; n7 f4 U7 j% H1 EAttacker:
- y& v0 L% C% R2 D4 W( j4 u9 sJapanese ground losses:
" j0 ]1 p: {1 }4 C, j 84 casualties reported7 t3 r( A* u6 T$ O- V
Squads: 0 destroyed, 10 disabled, [* K1 H/ L6 L& Q9 n$ _ J
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled3 |( L q3 w. R; K
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled1 g, m' z" ^: N9 g ?
Guns lost 3 (2 destroyed, 1 disabled)
. @3 L5 C" W& }( Q0 T9 ZAllied ground losses:( K" m& r" b/ t+ J
83 casualties reported
% f: U# H0 p$ o/ H Squads: 1 destroyed, 11 disabled6 ?! N# z1 w( `" D j
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled' i% M! J8 h: @% L( @: E( |+ u% z
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
7 B4 e: Q* W4 p; j, }" ^Assaulting units:
9 u! Q" g) S$ R" ?* ~ 24th Chinese Corps' ~0 H1 J' U0 @! }$ x3 k* i( @
3rd Chinese Base Force
8 W, k0 I8 y+ V$ }Defending units:
0 f/ |! Q& J* _ x' T6 D5 E 13th Ind.Mixed Brigade0 S, W4 V# L" H6 D# {' f9 m
5 X4 q; z( Y; P" @" t. K- u: u
校长似乎指挥国军第七战区在桂林方向有大动作,十几支部队正在向桂林移动,已有400多战力进入城内。8 Y0 A9 ~! N9 ?4 M/ [- o
Ground combat at Kweilin (76,54)
! e7 c0 y1 e5 d1 X0 }2 {Japanese Bombardment attack# T+ H( q; B' k1 S/ a5 _
Attacking force 4480 troops, 37 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 189& z" I# [8 i2 A/ y. I
Defending force 14664 troops, 81 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 416
+ _3 J# E# k3 M8 h; f( V& wAssaulting units:' H8 P$ h G: v' K
16th Recon Regiment
; }% X+ z X5 i- M f/ X1 s( f. n 4th/C Division$ A. @/ e0 q# Z$ ]$ |* _
Defending units:
" M, g( C% a; ]1 ^1 A! M1 C 4th Chinese Corps
1 r A$ G# b" k; u/ p! G: o P 58th Chinese Corps
2 R6 X. D' M2 Q4 b 7th War Area * G* [" m4 ^: _% F
12th Group Army |