本帖最后由 galex 于 2014-4-19 23:32 编辑 7 Y: S% p6 Z2 f" a
' x5 y0 y) @% D: l7 n1月28日,KB重返奥西重镇帕斯,再次偷袭港口:/ T% ^0 T! Z5 w/ H% c
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------& _9 Y9 G9 w% {
Morning Air attack on TF, near Perth at 49,147
7 P- u0 g/ |3 o2 p
( G, w& m- i QWeather in hex: Partial cloud
( R/ y% _" p" g: B$ ?$ E: v, a+ R0 ], L
Raid detected at 78 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
" q1 ]- z6 Q' G2 d/ ^Estimated time to target is 29 minutes: ~) C( l$ x# E/ }
) h% S, q- A1 ~+ M- g! AJapanese aircraft& m/ a1 w1 f B
A6M2 Zero x 32
% E8 z: ^6 U5 b* y, a D3A1 Val x 22
3 B9 y5 M1 c# l0 u
# B5 ?% _0 U' |; N% G1 O* X7 t% QJapanese aircraft losses0 z/ D r6 R+ o5 L1 u; f6 s/ B
D3A1 Val: 4 damaged
" }$ C" ` l! |% `- z
! Y( H- x7 r: D4 gAllied Ships9 z% I" y$ Q6 W u }4 k2 J2 B
CA Dorsetshire, Bomb hits 33 A: B7 q" _$ ]( K5 k
AM Ballarat# u: V. \9 W) @* I0 T ~+ v
AM Toowoomba, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
8 A) M8 ^& D0 I$ v+ f* ~0 W- I DD Stronghold
$ ?0 i3 y/ e1 z8 s/ q" d3 F) T: X# k: y
2 S3 l V% _- l; B--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 Q/ g& }0 L. t; I) i) CMorning Air attack on TF, near Perth at 49,147! ]- J v$ y! J! l. T T
+ C1 l/ H4 Z2 G' U( {& ~) dWeather in hex: Light cloud
, Y, F) r/ w1 c" j0 e7 X8 h: P/ g, M* ^! e5 m9 |3 X8 k' Q! [
Raid detected at 119 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
% |9 s o% P7 [4 X8 i1 hEstimated time to target is 44 minutes& p) M( F8 g6 C5 t8 T* \! j
8 i7 f+ w: s* t% P, A: WJapanese aircraft
$ y% B8 m4 s- B C; e A6M2 Zero x 32
- k I- @- J" B" i, n! _ D3A1 Val x 22: K( ]& X: Y' p h0 t5 f
2 R$ g/ B- x9 Y# R7 S: mAllied aircraft. Q6 f! X# \. o8 u$ h
P-40E Warhawk x 13* B, Z' S+ M# ]7 j1 U$ p
# y1 e2 [' ~9 s
Japanese aircraft losses
( h( x$ B$ ~! P \/ C" W0 P A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
$ l5 g, s7 D# W! u4 M3 y1 z' t D3A1 Val: 10 damaged
& U/ h* P7 m4 T% d" [
, S6 t. h1 `% n/ a5 R, x- lAllied aircraft losses
: O4 E3 t' r/ ?* j# ~9 D' T& J1 G P-40E Warhawk: 2 destroyed
) R& e& |' `* o/ {2 v _- d8 E2 W; Q% U6 R
Allied Ships
/ n! C4 u1 s. P CL Colombo, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage; n6 |7 A" r! x! |3 o
CA Dorsetshire
: R' Z- T, j1 G1 c( S c DD Jupiter }, V: L4 D1 b
CL Emerald8 U, r$ W$ Y3 [, N3 Z' E
0 L" H( C0 F/ V( L1 q--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' k' S8 O8 R, n
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Perth at 49,147
1 @0 L0 n0 b8 `/ y: @- |, j7 T6 ?% F' D2 H
Weather in hex: Moderate rain+ i, [- ~8 U: f( ^2 B
. g6 v! m1 w+ W! Q2 Y4 qRaid detected at 99 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.+ d, s4 s0 Q: L0 U
Estimated time to target is 36 minutes
4 G+ t' [1 o5 L1 X, h1 O% n; l: y) C. j7 X7 x+ A
Japanese aircraft
. k4 @4 S% e0 g I$ P G A6M2 Zero x 43( @! S5 [1 |* |! j0 D
B5N2 Kate x 52! c9 d0 ` G$ }1 k# i8 v
D3A1 Val x 409 t$ F: B- p$ @9 {+ J
" w, H2 N5 D. ^# G1 g. ZAllied aircraft- y- O+ [9 @6 O/ Z8 C
P-40E Warhawk x 58 O" e, ]8 b6 |
3 U& p; e2 [( ?; l. I5 UJapanese aircraft losses
6 P6 q4 w z* h! R! w B5N2 Kate: 5 damaged- M# u' f9 | A7 s2 s. @6 i: c
D3A1 Val: 10 damaged l* q8 C& f, u/ P9 g( @
# \6 ^- v3 P$ c: n" v8 b5 M
Allied aircraft losses
[/ i3 Z* K9 _0 u/ {2 Z P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed; ^1 Q+ S0 T) K( Z; v) B" f1 O( L: }
7 J4 L4 B& P1 ^3 T7 V2 qAllied Ships
( Q& @6 s" W% H8 ^: [: f CL Emerald, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
6 y5 b( Y0 U6 ^0 H( C CL Hobart, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
`+ y& @$ H# ? CL Mauritius, Bomb hits 1, on fire
7 t+ l5 A9 `- f- v, D! K+ { CL Capetown! W2 l- i# n' ~9 Y! ^5 ~+ f" R4 w/ u8 t
DD Stronghold( i( `( Z: A D6 |! q4 X
CA Dorsetshire, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage' g) @) Y' M* M# }+ I2 S
. f q* _; M) ^! Y# ^- W: g在KB的掩护下陆军轻松登上奥西,顺利拿下一个落脚点,奥西战场正式开辟,至此,南方军奥西、北、东三个战场同时展开,太平洋共荣攻略第二阶段正式拉开大幕!
! c6 ?( S* z( L$ k. q( h: [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 `3 p. G* ?! e3 x$ T- y, c3 N; ^! D$ Z
Ground combat at Geraldton (49,141)% m9 L, U# b" M$ \: Y
- Y3 _. J" R3 b7 V0 LJapanese Shock attack
( n8 n* A1 i! ]6 c0 u5 W
/ U0 C, g! n0 Y7 Y! J$ K# g4 @Attacking force 35100 troops, 302 guns, 331 vehicles, Assault Value = 11468 M$ V" S# a2 X, s7 H4 o+ W
; [9 R1 c7 ]8 T6 [% @6 v+ D5 aDefending force 392 troops, 2 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 82 g7 W/ d8 K3 U0 x& Z# F$ c* R
: T! P- u1 J ^+ Z2 oJapanese engineers reduce fortifications to 0* a1 r# R2 T) G9 R; E8 K0 q
# N# A* I7 ^1 M: q) b
Japanese adjusted assault: 1195
& K" F; ]2 s5 a% s& a" J3 \2 p
! p5 F0 F" E# y7 `Allied adjusted defense: 1
+ z& N& {2 I* Y. o
* f7 M% y2 I$ VJapanese assault odds: 1195 to 1 (fort level 0) 6 Z& w# ^: T/ N3 h- K) ~
: W8 V; Q" v) O) O" q1 E" n
Japanese forces CAPTURE Geraldton !!!$ Z1 H- b- [' T8 b) {& o
; _' g$ E& U) ]8 k
Combat modifiers$ T7 d O! B; q6 U
Defender: leaders(-), disruption(-), experience(-)
7 B% j% Z/ {% I! p3 CAttacker: shock(+)
% I3 g( n. o2 U 3 G+ J+ h' c: ?, d/ d0 ?1 B9 U
Japanese ground losses:4 n. \* u: j' A- I8 Z" h3 r* f- r o! I
9 casualties reported
7 _7 U' }* G( k- P; L Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
7 {0 a, U, s) ]2 S Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
0 U4 U( \8 R) t! F9 N Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled/ ]5 f w! Z' Q
6 A$ @6 T$ A; B8 G/ F; |8 ]% ^
Allied ground losses:" ?# h! y6 s( b5 l# G/ g- Q$ C
224 casualties reported
- Q) T$ [9 d7 { I5 `( {& r Squads: 10 destroyed, 0 disabled
: Y# Q! Z* T8 S Non Combat: 23 destroyed, 0 disabled
& _2 U# @4 j. ]0 j Engineers: 11 destroyed, 0 disabled- N1 N& P! P9 Q4 W$ e# P$ c7 x
Guns lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Z# A1 u1 r' `1 p Units destroyed 1 |