Z9 z8 D- t1 G0 skb果然回撤了,没有继续炸港,倒是把派出去寻找kb的dd编队给做了。。
& i3 Q K5 m' r- e# m* L" u5 x同时企业号当天就做掉了日军一AO,给kb后勤制造点麻烦。
$ P3 s' P, N$ ?" q/ L4 B大陆战场称关东军还长上火车,赶紧开溜。
; A3 q" P% G( K$ k) o马来半岛,在大量陆攻的轰炸,和cl编队的炮击下,日军当天突下Kota Bharu,% [, J3 }4 R) ^- y
本打算从马尼拉出发的dd骚扰编队,刚走到巴丹就被自己埋的水雷炸坏了 教皇 号。0 o3 r% ^6 T6 U5 ]* r
香港外逃的dd被ca编队抓住,却成功脱逃,ak编队被陆攻抓了。& \" N' ^7 I) s6 r2 {
马尼拉其他外逃的编队 目前形势不错,整个岛上的飞机和部队全往克拉克集结了。
5 ?6 _- }5 J$ W' ?# r y5 J- G; _1 q--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }/ J) M, x4 }
Invasion Support action off Kota Bharu (51,75)
5 P3 `/ g# x' q9 p& P( _21 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
* E; Z$ s& V6 I0 S8 B6 ?. c$ E; MJapanese Ships
$ n' Y" k$ X z! [: V: A CL Sendai
! }% h$ }: }( G- C DD Ayanami, I9 b' [% T: `- _1 ~ l/ m
DD Shikinami5 U W; a& J8 j: h0 d4 b8 K
DD Isonami& A9 {' [- \8 T6 `4 V X
PB Tatsumiya Maru
/ l0 G0 b) y. g SC Ch 9
) @- y$ j4 O8 o; n1 k8 _ SC Ch 7
/ i$ {* k8 V+ B! c' s- w5 \' Q AK Sasako Maru% H2 V/ X1 r p/ [+ d8 m- `
DD Uranami
4 ]/ ^& K- \- `/ m& Q! T5 JJapanese ground losses:5 W U9 M, O4 A
26 casualties reported
# {5 { L7 L9 h2 M+ P; N7 w Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
! j: m9 W; c4 d7 l2 \ Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled+ N3 ^: a0 l- U* ^
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 3 I5 y6 h* }! l0 T/ }
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. j% |+ {( m5 {* t! N( ]' p) l
Submarine attack near Tandjoengpinang at 50,85
' G) t9 n. Z; P4 f, fJapanese Ships
. S! ~8 Z9 D' b* O, a# S* B SS I-121
( }3 J C9 d+ m- I7 ]! lAllied Ships# X# l X' ]* p: X0 |6 ~
xAP Matang, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage
0 @' H; Q9 I0 W A) V2 |, \xAP Matang is sighted by SS I-1219 J" L3 r0 }" p+ R4 L
SS I-121 launches 4 torpedoes at xAP Matang
e- T- n H7 N' j--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, |0 b* Q# t Q! o9 c3 v
TF 198 encounters mine field at Bataan (78,77) + M1 H8 }3 L O7 G% n9 [$ H
Allied Ships) p- c; t+ ^+ j% w" y: Q
DD Pillsbury
" C3 c- z! O' S4 ?6 ? DD Peary
+ u, ^+ q/ E/ b7 E2 y* d; ]! z! p* J DD Pope, Mine hits 1, heavy damage& T3 f m- w5 h/ i# W0 f5 N. q
3 mines cleared
" A1 J4 w: ^+ V3 P. m0 V9 M--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 j4 u8 h2 t+ H ?9 f
ASW attack near Kota Bharu at 51,75
# K# |7 O) K5 @+ B5 XJapanese Ships7 _2 s& H: d$ p- O w9 B* s& A. h* N d! \
CL Jintsu" d. i: U6 l& E% Y2 \" ]0 ?
DD Oshio
$ F6 {2 V6 B; `% K* W DD Hibiki1 h* d3 l% `3 U! E- O; Y
DD Akatsuki# v% @/ g, v" D2 {9 ~9 d
DD Arashio
3 H* i1 {' G2 j0 w8 ?; yAllied Ships% a; `* \/ H1 z! D8 u7 K7 s
SS KXI, hits 9
# v% I+ v! M! _5 e: t& o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 u- q: y) b" H$ j7 k) o4 V7 R
Day Time Surface Combat, near Laoag at 79,68, Range 15,000 Yards * s2 m1 V8 o2 [8 y8 M! }
Japanese Ships
2 S" l6 A! s! Q CA Maya
, _; i. P, t, T" L+ k4 i5 P DD Satsuki, Shell hits 1
[; l7 C) I B& ~4 K/ ? DD Minazuki7 U9 I. g( q. X: L& z A4 W) P
DD Fumizuki
" z U, S2 H# r& {% \ DD Nagatsuki4 N( }& l, Q0 |+ W
Allied Ships# a; D! p9 a% g s2 N
DD Scout
+ `& N: a- U4 R" R8 O. T3 f DD Thanet, Shell hits 2. Y1 O, M" X- S9 D! k; K2 ^
DD Thracian
! B& h6 K. H7 g- q9 s o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ x2 V# M1 o7 x5 r4 u) W) S
Day Time Surface Combat, near Laysan Island at 161,97, Range 28,000 Yards
) F) B0 `5 {- P, g0 S6 l# S8 oJapanese Ships
" u1 Y6 G; t4 s: Y9 l DD Sazanami
X& j. N2 r: |7 a' O% X% X9 P DD Ushio
1 I2 n# ^3 a) `% t' C i* L. i- R AO Shiriya
- R( T6 F. {1 e! e a7 gAllied Ships: A9 r- R' r& J2 `9 z5 r& N& Q7 n
CV Enterprise
* G( }- |! e# p) o CA Northampton
/ t* ]. R- O' e9 R CA Chester
; a. T* a1 O1 p, I5 g CA Salt Lake City
1 u+ A' D3 ^3 ^# U0 S$ O+ { DD Craven& E8 L! F5 z3 H
DD Gridley
- i( r& Z O' s) ~0 m. P7 c DD McCall
3 k+ u6 A( s: h2 ]4 n/ V: [. D DD Maury
5 I+ j, Y# D z" d0 Q DD Benham8 U3 Y2 t# |2 N% E8 u( N
DD Ellet
' j) v6 p9 c6 a* } DD Dunlap
7 }% x0 ^/ ^( C2 b# @: O, P DD Fanning
& o2 b/ f: W% K+ B( G4 i DD Balch 2 A$ y, P6 {3 |# {( K
Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions: 28,000 yards3 J( a; t% X$ i6 k6 d
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 22,000 yards! p& i) L7 d* H8 g# K
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 22,000 yards& D. w; `4 Z5 M1 t% c6 m; `! V
Both TF attempt to withdraw!
+ o3 L/ o# y) {/ q8 O RRange increases to 28,000 yards...1 a; W5 `5 H% g+ F
Both Task Forces evade combat $ Z5 I# o. S3 s9 y4 h% L
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------: B$ k2 W3 n5 T. g& K' O3 ?- }
Day Time Surface Combat, near Samah at 69,63, Range 18,000 Yards % e2 i f. n, N W
Japanese Ships
( \ C9 s$ S. E$ d APD Fuji
; S1 B V; ^8 @, y) |' Z TB Hiyodori
! a$ T3 C/ l' G/ M AMc Toroshima Maru6 a$ C& F% g* k
PB Heiei Maru #7
9 C% j# @# Z; e$ j: Y, O$ I xAK Syoka Maru
# H5 V9 r8 V$ O8 Y y4 k: N xAK Rokko Maru, I# l, X) |/ F$ R' {4 d
xAK Igasa Maru* V/ i, h: r& @& t: ?
xAKL Ryoyu Maru #21# n; n6 z! e, y$ j
xAKL Sasago Maru
! \- C8 }' i7 \2 o2 L2 _4 SAllied Ships" n% u, |% d8 R2 |/ m a# F
' Q. @) i3 s) _2 d MTB 80 F0 J+ c; e% z1 ^& K+ b
* b4 f$ S" R" `8 s( E MTB 10' o$ C# z$ @& y" c* \
MTB 11
|, M4 C- V9 r! x MTB 12
3 G9 R/ j- l [ MTB 26
7 @3 V# T' t$ X' U0 `6 [ MTB 27
, {6 r. J- }4 Y# v xPoor visibility due to Thunderstorms
, v- ~! p1 D2 O% gMaximum visibility in Thunderstorms: 3,000 yards
9 C ?4 J; Z8 r* T0 r8 SRange increases to 18,000 yards...
4 m- I C7 W2 o0 LBoth Task Forces evade combat
' P% N4 ^6 x( z- L+ a--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 s, y" I. I2 F. C! z1 u
Morning Air attack on Clark Field , at 79,76 % l. h& E# A3 X
Weather in hex: Light rain * t0 y5 n5 O( c9 N! v! N
Raid detected at 33 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.5 r$ [# V+ q" v0 s
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes
5 L6 B k, L8 r1 D# V# Z3 V$ wJapanese aircraft
/ u; `1 F3 Y7 w& ] A6M2 Zero x 21
3 \' u) m' O( x" x+ [3 p) JAllied aircraft
2 ?; @& j9 U$ }" V6 A P-26A x 8
0 w; S; B+ [5 C: T! D P-35A x 13
- W7 o& {8 @( ~+ Y3 N P-40B Warhawk x 141 w4 P. X( O7 Z; R) e# T
P-40E Warhawk x 46 h8 w* c1 m3 A* L- I
Japanese aircraft losses
$ b# R; d' c" x& t0 B: R A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed
2 u! I0 S7 R7 o% RAllied aircraft losses! ?: q0 t4 A9 y$ M3 C+ X
P-26A: 1 destroyed w- p6 |( H. R/ `
P-40B Warhawk: 2 destroyed
# J2 E( N2 i/ J% Y: \+ [ P-40E Warhawk: 4 destroyed
! U! l0 Z- _$ X1 I1 N1 HAircraft Attacking:' E* c6 i+ U8 H8 G
1 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
9 x$ U; i: G# P, H+ x! U--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 T# G% H u9 Q/ Y7 c9 m) M
Morning Air attack on 8th Indian Brigade, at 51,75 (Kota Bharu) ' G% r5 \4 m2 I
Weather in hex: Heavy rain 1 @# ?' o0 x: v4 R5 m8 _6 n
Raid spotted at 40 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
$ r8 t: z$ ~# H eEstimated time to target is 15 minutes
1 t8 \6 Y: N. @4 _3 m% H# oJapanese aircraft5 }: x% l' U9 n
G3M2 Nell x 336 B" A I6 ]# M
G4M1 Betty x 33 R' @5 ^+ Q* o$ l5 q. f, S
Ki-27b Nate x 19
n8 y/ c+ D, }. w" |$ m/ O" I* BNo Japanese losses
5 I$ ~# s1 _( J3 R3 z/ O. qAllied ground losses:" x6 p! K+ ~" L/ ?2 m5 N9 f( v
95 casualties reported
% ?. y* c8 O7 P2 o( n) V q% m Squads: 1 destroyed, 6 disabled) j4 w1 f( ~/ Q
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
' v9 D* T' o9 b$ R: { Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
( b% V) H3 G2 S6 o) c+ \! ~-----------------------------
v& ~6 Z9 J: c5 A2 M( F! i! ?Morning Air attack on 8th Indian Brigade, at 51,75 (Kota Bharu) 9 |& D6 B. P! b _+ s
Weather in hex: Heavy rain
2 a' ], F/ r/ m5 t4 X ]Raid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
: X. Q- c9 ?" z) B7 J( lEstimated time to target is 6 minutes
( `, z/ K4 Z# z7 b$ S7 _Japanese aircraft
( J& T8 C) G5 Y' [+ e+ _ G3M2 Nell x 16
8 p9 h, \' g+ O5 c! o! p9 k2 S; G G4M1 Betty x 11
% [% V! j! {2 ^5 \ Ki-27b Nate x 15 6 ?) t3 F! {5 O2 _2 j8 h9 U
Japanese aircraft losses
. x. \0 x! e" }' ]1 ? G3M2 Nell: 2 damaged0 K: w- C7 a4 `. Y( U% }8 G
G4M1 Betty: 1 damaged 5 f# P! p5 X7 d' `9 |2 `
Allied ground losses:
) y6 s* F, K4 W8 ?3 W, D1 h 43 casualties reported* b9 d+ x4 M+ M" t
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
9 U, t# B! ]4 i2 b7 a, s Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
: L7 A# F: }& ]5 V* o1 o: t Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
9 j0 V& J: r: j4 X--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 V7 m% Q/ U M+ ?& w- X7 {Morning Air attack on FMSV Brigade, at 51,75 (Kota Bharu) % u& l3 \/ c4 l; X6 Q( V: k- S7 ~# o
Weather in hex: Heavy rain
8 C8 G/ M8 ?' J3 y, Z- H( x _Raid spotted at 23 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
6 G. x' C5 e! U/ I6 ]- nEstimated time to target is 9 minutes 2 d! ?; N H, e- ]. N
Japanese aircraft |/ h( R9 E7 e
G3M2 Nell x 27
) O" Z/ w" ~$ ]# Y$ K Ki-27b Nate x 34 + q& y9 h a+ l5 J; y5 H: N9 t8 X" Q
No Japanese losses
. v! Q' Y& _( M2 s! V. JAllied ground losses:
5 a. J4 }8 i1 f0 H$ k4 J 78 casualties reported) P ]% t) w, Y+ e! G) T
Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled+ J2 S, P+ S# }# O8 \" m9 q
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled. k# t7 \4 I/ ]( l& X5 B
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
, y u4 O7 f; N7 c7 U3 u8 q-------------------------------------------------------------------------------* ]2 Z- @7 r% k+ j* U4 u! u
Morning Air attack on TF, near Laoag at 78,68
( x1 u2 L" ?9 ^7 w' SWeather in hex: Light cloud
8 @3 d$ y- M! o ^9 Y- Z9 H: zRaid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet., P9 D" \, ~8 S1 M7 _, r1 S
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes ) }5 a, y1 j; y4 s+ Y4 E1 R0 c
Japanese aircraft5 _, o% x3 H0 \8 `! [1 [
G3M2 Nell x 3
7 G" Z3 U% M' M% M G4M1 Betty x 12
: h& W5 z8 X, t% ~ Ki-27b Nate x 9
% {& k% w* {8 ?9 M# s; n; B: jNo Japanese losses , _+ d4 j7 h0 Z4 v
Allied Ships
# u7 `5 z4 h; E xAK Munlock
: e5 w$ p& e9 H( B1 W5 P0 b5 @. J' i xAK Ming Sang, Bomb hits 1, on fire
5 k f' D r/ G* G' ~3 q xAK Haraldsvang, Bomb hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
6 X& T( i Q3 P3 D( J xAK Hai Lee, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires . _" T' x2 ]8 N8 ]: X" D1 f3 p
% c4 h+ B0 w5 `Morning Air attack on Clark Field , at 79,76
/ b t( o+ W" J1 T$ gWeather in hex: Light rain
: x7 S9 R6 Q: g3 r XRaid detected at 78 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.8 x+ n% z3 `) y+ t+ i: i
Estimated time to target is 25 minutes
; N" ]4 |$ K, w( j/ D" DJapanese aircraft/ x. E: Y( ]& m- X2 O( j
A6M2 Zero x 10
" X L' I. Y. [8 mAllied aircraft# a7 j9 f/ n1 B+ Q' v$ n) h' S
P-26A x 3
! r; S* F7 c3 c. U& g/ A P-35A x 10
: r! r( Q5 {& j& t) g0 a$ j- i9 C2 ` P-40B Warhawk x 9# {" k- i. a+ O- d: v- q: c
P-40E Warhawk x 33 3 F6 {1 \4 C- F- w0 Y; w$ ~- H. Y
Japanese aircraft losses
2 N5 z; K; }( j* V3 l7 Z A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed
5 Y! U6 ~3 r: F2 FAllied aircraft losses$ ^$ @/ ^& j( o3 O: u0 R
P-26A: 1 destroyed+ C& N& u" P% s+ ^" R2 m
P-35A: 2 destroyed
$ K, V4 {+ w1 x7 q9 {$ z4 q P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed
4 J' k* u' i: f. Q. |7 ]9 p3 vAircraft Attacking:
' G3 b# ?) j3 M, g, k% Y' {! G3 t 1 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet 2 Z' q! ]1 E5 b' i
$ m5 y/ k3 G# S v* [7 g: V# g. uMorning Air attack on 16th Construction Regiment, at 88,56 (Chuhsien)
) O& k* W4 V' l" k4 h/ |Weather in hex: Heavy rain & F8 U0 d2 x" H+ M
Raid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
& U7 Y6 R, W& R, W4 A2 VEstimated time to target is 5 minutes # T( Q! Y2 ~# i$ d7 {" \2 ^
Japanese aircraft8 ]3 M& h3 b1 \! _+ L6 Q2 W
B5M1 Mabel x 5
6 ~( _2 ]1 J1 y/ [! l7 M/ SNo Japanese losses 9 ~2 I0 T& t! {6 n5 @
Allied ground losses:
& y5 I3 g! h& i7 ]! t 13 casualties reported, _) W9 `! G' u- H" r+ g* D4 u
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
& L) D2 Y$ @- W U Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled3 j& G! K' u1 H: Y$ p' n8 M
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled % `9 _) N1 S+ E
Aircraft Attacking:
6 E t- \4 e. d4 J1 i- A 5 x B5M1 Mabel bombing from 10000 feet
+ p; w+ G$ e ?' | Ground Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb % D1 g. _* M' j6 G5 g
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; \; h! C7 R1 g( N
Morning Air attack on Clark Field , at 79,76
$ C3 Y: u* W$ ^6 d3 gWeather in hex: Light rain ) J# c4 F6 r, h$ B! M. R, p" A7 b
Raid detected at 82 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.
g% U0 o( `' Q, V* _3 }Estimated time to target is 27 minutes
" p. l; \4 w. E* M- ]3 G% BJapanese aircraft
1 p ?' y# h$ ]% ^# [& O A6M2 Zero x 9 / {! Q. y8 _1 |$ _
Allied aircraft
; e: v u/ l8 S w P-35A x 6# C% T7 Z( O( v' M
P-40B Warhawk x 8
2 i: r2 R$ ]# V0 j P-40E Warhawk x 24
0 Z2 z7 |. D2 D hJapanese aircraft losses
" I7 p k4 K& T3 Z$ {# Y A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
2 z$ N' ], m, A1 \( Z# U7 IAllied aircraft losses3 ~. Q: k7 b3 v- r
P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed " H3 m2 m4 ^+ l3 m, U8 E% z& J
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 x& _. f9 l9 Z2 x0 B3 f2 O
Morning Air attack on Clark Field , at 79,76 ( ^! }) ]( G5 g# S
Weather in hex: Light rain : N$ r, |# z, U7 C0 t( y
Raid detected at 37 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.' |/ ^; v( {4 E. z3 m
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes
2 ]! t/ m$ I2 O* i7 O+ O) T8 @ ]3 aJapanese aircraft
* z$ g9 L" |! ^1 J: u A6M2 Zero x 6
( {/ a7 o$ Y/ }( aAllied aircraft2 @/ y; X0 f) U
P-35A x 5; ^( k, r4 T' l, e0 g* t
P-40B Warhawk x 8
/ ~# A" D' E) `4 h P-40E Warhawk x 18
/ n9 A# E$ w$ i# j- k0 e/ |: ^, ~No Japanese losses 5 s5 g, B4 s+ I* S% x6 K% p
Allied aircraft losses- T8 O( [8 [! ~3 _
P-40B Warhawk: 1 destroyed 6 \2 H; N* E" v8 c3 Z
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Q: m2 ]! g# @! B d
Morning Air attack on Davao , at 79,91
+ a" n5 w) t* D8 K9 T. MWeather in hex: Partial cloud
, N2 ~( G" Z* GRaid spotted at 22 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
8 o! w3 ~% [% X- j8 nEstimated time to target is 9 minutes
$ ]3 e2 C$ a& A: N: s& {" f% {Japanese aircraft
9 g8 f# \9 n- h# I* u4 v, F* U B5N1 Kate x 12
* y$ s# |0 m7 s1 c) Y0 t/ rNo Japanese losses
9 w- y: j4 }5 o7 sPort hits 2
2 W' |9 \( h. U3 r; v- n4 Y, uPort supply hits 1 . {3 m! D. z% U; f. H
Aircraft Attacking:
3 ~/ S5 i7 q: R8 J 12 x B5N1 Kate bombing from 5000 feet *
+ m6 C% `3 y! L) y- i Port Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb 8 N C; m% n0 ~ k# i& O
4 T: r0 @" G. r2 tMorning Air attack on TF, near Laoag at 78,68
' ]. u# v& y7 N, g% cWeather in hex: Light cloud
( S( [2 \5 r, u6 }3 U" [1 vRaid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
) ?* r# E. t) G& LEstimated time to target is 5 minutes ! |+ b" U0 P$ K0 |; e) u6 G. n( G
Japanese aircraft* h @7 }8 r; I! V/ Z) {. j [
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 6+ A% u: a) |1 q% A' v
Ki-27b Nate x 1. ]: E: S. b' q2 O/ m2 r5 j- V# d
Ki-48-Ib Lily x 15
9 M5 |% T2 s) p: M8 v! DNo Japanese losses . s7 N7 B9 ?, z: S8 ~" Q
Allied Ships
. T5 `% v" X* L9 ~9 S xAK Hinsang5 f( X8 X" J/ D( b5 b B
xAK Hai Lee, heavy fires, heavy damage
; X- X) c. q, p) l3 T xAKL Chengtu
5 V* j" E4 @& Z xAKL Joan Moller& ~+ R# X7 N4 Z5 c# ~6 j! w
xAKL Kanchow, Bomb hits 1, on fire
# K& z/ t! c4 M$ h' q xAK Bennevis ' x' _$ f% O) O0 B
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 ?2 n# C7 a' r, i
Morning Air attack on Hong Kong , at 77,61 ! V9 ], ~! t+ O; i! V4 w6 ?3 a
Weather in hex: Clear sky # x/ r, ~9 W! J7 _& a8 k
Raid detected at 68 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.; [! ]9 V- l: p
Estimated time to target is 23 minutes Q! R, k! D0 W% r
Japanese aircraft
# R6 l& t8 E. M9 n; \# p. l' a Ki-27b Nate x 93 \, K8 Q* C( }0 E) Q5 A' a! F
Ki-36 Ida x 198 c ^# T; t7 O' V* T9 z4 f/ {
Ki-44 Tojo x 8- t: c4 l# e- Z3 i) g- o
Ki-48-Ib Lily x 3
5 z# _9 o1 I! E$ u0 } Ki-51 Sonia x 17
4 n6 v v& U3 Q( rNo Japanese losses & x* D2 o V8 t: _, t0 X
Airbase hits 7
! Q( ~) g9 S, D. G5 Q& TAirbase supply hits 3; U( x# s; B# Q: }! f8 c, D. Z- v
Runway hits 11
; C8 |0 q2 Z& y1 e0 {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, j- t! |+ }9 K1 P P
Morning Air attack on 8th Indian Brigade, at 51,75 (Kota Bharu)
. l7 A$ {8 P8 J4 X4 P: [3 PWeather in hex: Heavy rain
9 v1 \& k- P6 Q* h3 YRaid spotted at 36 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet. `) v, A3 u; V5 ~) t+ P1 m) G$ A
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes - `, b; p, a+ Z9 j& {* Z
Japanese aircraft
) o+ E+ i9 E, ~3 c9 C* t Ki-21-IIa Sally x 659 N! {% U$ y6 p, D+ ~
Ki-27b Nate x 19
, k( W7 J7 ~1 N3 T) r. QJapanese aircraft losses% L I# h4 Z' X$ d! ]
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 damaged
2 F: k9 h" w7 z. G7 c6 x8 u- [Allied ground losses:; n& b+ O+ x: l
66 casualties reported
3 C. [- C$ h) d& _4 ~9 m Squads: 0 destroyed, 9 disabled3 A5 ?. o$ t' o
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled
+ t7 ^) U9 O5 z# T; e9 @( _ Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 7 N1 u/ C. r% Y& l
( [* ^' j: v* ZMorning Air attack on 8th Indian Brigade, at 51,75 (Kota Bharu)
4 x- ?6 ~; v$ z" ^( DWeather in hex: Heavy rain
& ~. i% I1 `- z( V, XRaid spotted at 39 NM, estimated altitude 17,000 feet.7 T' M7 D) W* o: ?4 z0 I
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes
# p( ]/ Y6 A9 Z3 yJapanese aircraft
u- x$ b5 [5 \/ e' p7 p" ` Ki-27b Nate x 342 H1 Z' [9 C3 O$ q3 V
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 6
! L& @( H% M- P( S Ki-48-Ib Lily x 55 & w: e8 M4 K5 e2 I7 q
No Japanese losses
+ t4 E8 M3 O0 \5 y* }Allied ground losses:
9 k% u" E$ e3 v" z( X( i- ^ 39 casualties reported+ w7 {' B' y4 Z/ l9 r( T! Y
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
; U C7 Z4 P8 J) r5 _9 c" y Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
/ k$ d# v5 M9 p; j+ Q Engineers: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled ) j( B7 S& x/ z/ q! @# G
) [" A3 L; d9 b, L; BMorning Air attack on Hong Kong , at 77,61 6 V" ]. a9 A. ?+ x' m2 a8 }
Weather in hex: Clear sky 2 Z, N4 r6 D" O
Raid detected at 30 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
0 `& ]- K4 `- y( _; `4 p0 C/ H FEstimated time to target is 9 minutes
0 x, r& j5 A ?# i }/ j3 pJapanese aircraft
3 B0 I5 k8 M6 u Ki-48-Ib Lily x 6 8 M' m+ k6 d+ x0 H
No Japanese losses 9 t9 L$ D2 T9 V. s% C
Airbase hits 1
+ ~. l2 T9 m1 `6 b8 G# tRunway hits 2. F( I; Z, {$ E; B Q2 @% r- x' v
2 D0 m' O6 i4 L! p+ dMorning Air attack on TF, near Kota Bharu at 51,75
0 @: ]' l8 T) SWeather in hex: Heavy rain / @5 \. R# K6 X, n7 x: S
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
# t8 I, F3 }5 K# r* X8 ]Estimated time to target is 6 minutes* }: z4 f9 M4 V/ o1 C0 j& b" }
Japanese aircraft
7 ]4 Z9 W1 M: B g8 h Ki-27b Nate x 24
* {. ?' y" O/ {( N: H0 n: u2 CAllied aircraft: t& Y& ~2 {0 b0 T. J
Blenheim I x 4 7 {: \, ~* F, U6 X; J
No Japanese losses
3 I4 H( `( \; }) E# L( A7 W( ONo Allied losses
4 M" [- ~8 I& ZJapanese Ships
8 o8 ]5 {" j! v6 ]% { BB Haruna 9 r9 v3 o9 v) B4 a
Aircraft Attacking:
1 _- n/ @! R# _ L 4 x Blenheim I bombing from 6000 feet
, S5 K7 e" e% \# Y" P9 K Naval Attack: 4 x 250 lb SAP Bomb + J1 n* U+ @7 D t3 x ~ k
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 ]6 i5 G$ i! Y( A9 k- n5 e
Morning Air attack on 8th Indian Brigade, at 51,75 (Kota Bharu)
4 ~! B" u2 A: N7 R/ pWeather in hex: Heavy rain
0 P7 V, U! Y" WRaid spotted at 22 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.! W+ d* R4 `) \% d( m: K6 T
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes
6 k0 N$ S _" s) ?0 T% d: i" R: CJapanese aircraft
6 G3 I6 q; W1 e$ i G4M1 Betty x 193 }1 y: g$ B* C, S9 C
Ki-27b Nate x 12 3 _- B: C4 k; a; q
No Japanese losses
6 v) g" Z9 |6 `/ \# x) OAllied ground losses:
; u _6 s z1 ^' l, N4 C0 ~ 33 casualties reported8 T" h, m5 n$ d) G
Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
) W# M; \$ a6 y" O Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled4 u# o. Q8 ]; a4 M& h* {, e% U$ B
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled0 x8 w2 B( d+ f& g2 @) A& Z/ M1 _
Vehicles lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)
p8 h3 N# u4 X3 l, @* x, I3 ?( O1 R-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- u5 l7 j6 _& \, s/ T w
Morning Air attack on TF, near Lihue at 179,103 7 j0 P/ Q% y% c$ k6 t) w/ i+ b
Weather in hex: Clear sky
$ A. `6 n& G! V& P$ j# mRaid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
$ _" n/ K3 |5 |4 s' BEstimated time to target is 6 minutes ; i( v$ z8 p+ s, L8 {: m) b1 D
Japanese aircraft, M; E5 x1 k" x" a
A6M2 Zero x 465 K9 G+ s2 o% C
B5N2 Kate x 35, X/ q4 o. I( Q3 ?$ F% `4 ]6 m" `* m
D3A1 Val x 9 ( b0 s( r: n! w F; q# h
Japanese aircraft losses7 \/ X, J) c4 F8 b
B5N2 Kate: 2 damaged
9 d, \( s# F/ A8 V2 x1 P( `( d( J; L D3A1 Val: 1 damaged " _+ j& F3 K2 q7 G
Allied Ships5 f: g* ~# c- j! \
DD Litchfield9 O6 ^. r" x* e' G. M3 G; a2 X
DD Chew, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk0 R; h( ^. q' e+ J! F; V5 m9 k% ~
DD Ward
( B6 |1 Q5 I' Y% P+ D! T2 W; n DD Schley, Bomb hits 1 / j# g, l. s- z( B+ I6 `. O! u4 p" H
! q6 P8 ?, N" d: V- c bMorning Air attack on TF, near Laysan Island at 160,96 + G/ M& @+ m& t* a
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
* `. {( E$ Z+ X1 _Raid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 18,000 feet.0 C. f' Y9 Q# }- E* F" v @' l
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes
; Y h" A9 N. j7 f. l3 DAllied aircraft
$ I3 P- l2 D9 b3 A. W F4F-3A Wildcat x 11! a; U) V, o: _8 r
SBD-2 Dauntless x 28: u& x# f9 A) H8 W8 g9 C
TBD-1 Devastator x 15
& }( t' t2 ]% yAllied aircraft losses% V/ I X4 V$ I& d( W* i
TBD-1 Devastator: 1 damaged & h5 n u% z4 t# ?4 W
Japanese Ships1 t2 i% W, X$ ?( ^
DD Ushio, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
! f5 u% K) v( b DD Sazanami
% ]$ B3 U8 J$ ]# U3 L0 \; w AO Shiriya, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires
/ t6 D1 p6 `4 k; l% f; S: {' W
' x H/ a/ m6 FHeavy smoke from fires obscuring DD Ushio7 i9 M7 K- i# i$ l! u' \/ E& z
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring AO Shiriya
( I; X O$ q- d' R" p7 }# ?8 T--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 q$ ~. s) ~+ }; s
Morning Air attack on TF, near Laoag at 78,68& Y4 V" s: J. I. C( y2 A
Weather in hex: Light cloud : Z# q5 I/ M7 {2 I
Raid spotted at 25 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.4 K+ W+ B; V2 D2 S
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes
9 P, }& s ?+ Z0 e9 a0 j( ?Japanese aircraft1 O7 ?& u m7 G' e$ |3 u) N0 L
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 8 ; J+ ~' \; R, s; z( g2 i
No Japanese losses
* V: M4 N/ L5 S) TAllied Ships1 m L+ j' s8 [4 Z
xAK Ming Sang, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage, y' N7 F! J" b5 E" x; X" Y
xAK Hinsang # N/ P5 t4 G6 H1 I, \
Aircraft Attacking:
& g/ m6 r+ ^/ J) r! @) T 8 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
! @, G1 ]. S# y# G8 s4 H Naval Attack: 4 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
# b0 b* i) z: d+ K! G3 YHeavy smoke from fires obscuring xAK Ming Sang
9 e. @3 B3 G! i) [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------& r3 g( X5 r! D8 u6 G, P
Morning Air attack on TF, near Lihue at 179,103 ) ~ | r& A0 X ~
Weather in hex: Clear sky - h- a/ Y8 p1 o6 Y
Raid spotted at 21 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
$ O7 }) L4 l# ^+ uEstimated time to target is 7 minutes
* ~4 S& P- `2 V: [% \Japanese aircraft% R2 X9 p5 I8 C/ s3 }# S2 {! q
D3A1 Val x 13
: ^2 G: b3 |6 A% e; l3 K9 lNo Japanese losses & E* K, ~6 j( r# s
Allied Ships3 U( Z3 K+ `' B: l# S) F* b
DD Litchfield, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
G& s- u6 a& y+ S6 M2 y7 g DD Ward+ v* I: ^; H( [; T; I' _4 o3 V8 z
DD Schley, Bomb hits 6, heavy fires, heavy damage
& P% ^# }$ Z, M: V) A& K! Q! S' {5 b0 n% V; R6 d1 i
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring DD Schley+ i) q% x* H7 k& _6 H/ q$ J* Z( N
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Z: D- G2 p! ]5 g; K7 Q
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Kota Bharu at 51,75
6 `) p8 e* g. H+ n* XWeather in hex: Light cloud
8 e* S9 {% L- yRaid spotted at 8 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
( i4 s' z, J- o' kEstimated time to target is 2 minutes
( ^# V% H9 k$ K3 QJapanese aircraft
j( c; f$ s( C9 l) x Ki-27b Nate x 30
' h- K/ Q# B8 ^) eAllied aircraft
( t0 Q" J( X: T8 m* M Blenheim I x 7
* ~; C5 H( m4 bNo Japanese losses 6 K0 v. B! i! j; B( g
Allied aircraft losses
3 Z6 C l# Z: v& w* J Blenheim I: 2 damaged
8 C& ^1 j I; e& M8 q Blenheim I: 1 destroyed by flak
0 j8 I4 w. i6 i; b2 N/ xJapanese Ships: h: \! t! z5 L6 F/ |
BB Haruna
8 \8 A5 n0 K" P9 @1 b) b5 i" Z xAK Asakasan Maru
2 p- Z& A5 P6 [' RAircraft Attacking:* C) g; J' W* P
7 x Blenheim I bombing from 6000 feet% w7 }- @+ Z' X! ^+ l6 E! ]9 ]
Naval Attack: 4 x 250 lb SAP Bomb ! D+ o8 M8 _' L4 y& g
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------& j* K8 s/ u. v3 S% N) u; p! Q4 B2 p
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Lihue at 179,103
6 b' I/ R% W9 D% m$ Z9 iWeather in hex: Overcast " s+ n$ X X# x. _. k4 P6 V
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.% p9 x% `2 A! I( B, f" m
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes
, }0 H. l0 a" F8 B; b9 ~# lJapanese aircraft2 E* H" y; ~ c( z# ^& Y# I
A6M2 Zero x 102 A- `" y# L) {
B5N2 Kate x 5
$ G5 Z) u6 ?9 r/ hNo Japanese losses
; B& q d( [5 uAllied Ships
1 r0 W# Q1 \) F. X( k% F' \ DD Ward, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
+ S& z6 Q( W/ x: \) | X" T1 WAircraft Attacking:' E& V* [7 V. k- y0 r {4 f! D
5 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet6 j6 D0 l& Y! }
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo $ H) R m6 a+ v( H. j
/ H$ i4 p( }5 ~" Z: l5 P, uAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Laysan Island at 160,96 & S1 y# l/ e( p) }6 x
Weather in hex: Heavy rain
6 W$ U/ ?5 W% HRaid spotted at 16 NM, estimated altitude 18,000 feet.: B, W: p0 L% G4 x6 e9 M
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes % `+ V8 w' @# c1 H9 p
Allied aircraft
/ J s( q. y6 z0 `( ?4 c: s, z7 ` F4F-3A Wildcat x 11/ g* D! }/ q& i
SBD-2 Dauntless x 9
4 s# c8 h3 d( h, A2 Y+ NNo Allied losses
8 z# \. T6 G0 c) E1 sJapanese Ships$ ]) V z! L8 [& z- F* u1 {
DD Sazanami) |* R5 [: n2 V7 ]! y; l+ n* ?8 ]# L
DD Ushio, and is sunk
9 B7 O3 e6 {) d' v! d9 z-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' l$ R5 ]$ R( k* {$ `. uGround combat at Kota Bharu (51,75)
2 u3 M: V% R; |+ z- g& P) uJapanese Deliberate attack
6 u i1 D' U7 p3 n7 r C$ kAttacking force 5003 troops, 41 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 174 + | V3 _! \: ]; R( m* k
Defending force 3487 troops, 40 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 107 4 i" e/ w0 J* I# o4 z3 n
Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 1
" e7 q6 Q4 @5 y- \( jJapanese adjusted assault: 100
3 i }; W6 V; D+ x7 b: vAllied adjusted defense: 8 5 S: z* Y1 N" G& v" t
Japanese assault odds: 12 to 1 (fort level 1) / e( g3 U& ]1 h3 y. ]7 o S( [6 n& M* k
Japanese forces CAPTURE Kota Bharu !!!
: `+ V' p9 L+ [! \& gCombat modifiers
# N/ v: H' H9 s+ Z! ZDefender: forts(+), leaders(-), disruption(-), preparation(-)" x0 a9 D( x8 w' @ \. M
fatigue(-), morale(-), experience(-)
& g# I: w' c, ]- q) ]$ ^6 G7 \Attacker: fatigue(-)
! W4 [/ A8 g! `, R# E* NJapanese ground losses:
$ b& M# ] K+ j5 h, C3 Z! }: u' g 37 casualties reported
- z$ ~7 A- i3 l3 T5 `! ` Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
1 d/ i% Z5 o r2 D5 C8 F Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
' W. N$ ] V) @& P. D Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled # J9 \9 v- m) L- O' w& D! p
Allied ground losses:
+ A( t2 e d$ F: @8 I% l; z' p* r 2519 casualties reported
9 N; a! Y# M) L' u, v' L+ z: L Squads: 126 destroyed, 0 disabled
( l, _% N+ t9 n7 N' b, d9 c: o Non Combat: 105 destroyed, 0 disabled/ d! w; i, _6 U n7 l. Q! M
Engineers: 24 destroyed, 0 disabled
7 `( R' ] S. v8 R: Y0 m+ Y' `, O Guns lost 17 (15 destroyed, 2 disabled)
. `" b' `- Q1 C) j) z2 {# g. V Vehicles lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled)+ _5 m( _( G; O, u: `
Units retreated 2; F* t3 {9 N o4 e0 x
Units destroyed 1 & u9 _4 C! [' P- W! b2 P
Defeated Allied Units Retreating! ; w! ]2 P0 B! F3 n2 u
Assaulting units:
5 H8 G: I9 M% f- P: A# | 56th Infantry Regiment
, l& s9 z9 Z6 W2 M+ V3 {* R 12th Engineer Regiment
- `4 ~9 |1 S% Y( a- E+ p2 k 5th JAAF AF Coy 2 |& w! s# D/ P, i/ Y
Defending units:+ O7 g% t( C# P- V" u( E
FMSV Brigade! h* Y8 c( y* a
8th Indian Brigade3 r$ N2 Q2 t3 I
3rd ISF Base Force |