andrews的扩展版地图不能用它那个安装工具安装。要手动安装。一旦安装完毕,选择切换的时候可以用CHS附带的工具切换地图和art文件。2 ]$ ?' p: U! O+ Y5 F
9 E6 b6 q1 I6 P' i# B9 Z/ a另外,地图当然要配相应的战役,如果你拿andrews地图load官版战役,当然不行的。4 z9 b( \ j1 `% Z5 _/ k
, j' M* H% w* |+ {+ dI installed the map, but when I load a scenario the bases are in the wrong hexes. Why?
+ p) J+ ~2 a& ~" L' \9 PIt is probably because you are not using a scenario that has been converted for use with my map.
( Z2 f$ |# `. T. e8 _+ x
W; x4 Z! n1 R. n$ yThe map is not just redrawn graphics - the map data is also different. Many of the base locations are different for my map than the official map. Because of this only converted scenarios can be used with my map. Part of the conversion process is making sure that all bases and units are moved so that they will appear in the right place.
& R; `2 V* p/ M2 P' v6 k1 y# U& t: A* i% s3 n% y) Y
It is not possible to use scenarios that have not been converted with my map, including all of the official scenarios supplied with the game, i.e. scenarios 1 to 16. |