本帖最后由 扇子大酱 于 2021-1-25 10:03 编辑 * Z. a4 @ i: c+ U
' B* i) N7 D! n M# d- y3 @. h4 x
战至1月4日。 莫港大海战
& a" }' a' h# i在帝国计划对莫港开展增援计划,解救生不如死的第16军的同时,萌军方面也紧张的开展着强化莫港防御的作战,据侦查,萌军已经集中了太平洋方向大部分的水面战力,轻巡洋舰以上的战舰超过15艘。为阻止萌军对莫港的增援行动,在拉包尔待机的KB和水面舰队全速开动,前往珊瑚海海域,阻击萌军的莫港增援计划。首先是水面战编队指挥官自动反应,在茫茫大海中抓住了萌军的运输船队,约1个师的澳军被送入大海。# m: C& \' t% O! n
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ \1 E6 w+ {" _
Night Time Surface Combat, near Port Moresby at 97,130, Range 8,000 Yards/ J4 f$ H; U8 t& J/ Y
{9 K% \8 D: L/ w& L! N! j& `/ K9 s
Japanese Ships
9 C# E7 ~* t. D: [ CA Aoba
) {' [1 V( I7 ]8 v CA Kinugasa+ y7 W' ]* j U, D4 f8 p% N0 |
CA Furutaka, y% w# [6 Z$ v# }$ f" H& N
CA Kako
* \. z: B/ o0 s3 M. w CL Kitakami, Shell hits 1; |: f! p' E5 l6 n8 A+ q
CL Tenryu, Shell hits 1
: U4 A- z: I0 H5 }# N DD Yayoi
) J0 h: ~& u' F+ H' Z O) h+ q DD Kikuzuki* @# O( ~+ z6 p( ^/ g
DD Mochizuki7 |& S# }; x' U6 Q/ X
DD Yuzuki) c9 K# r0 I3 D4 k
; s0 b( Z. M. `9 U$ oAllied Ships) l1 X0 Y! A+ \& F
AM Deloraine, Shell hits 4, and is sunk, C! n' r4 h- w+ F8 A
AM Whippoorwill, Shell hits 10, and is sunk+ o0 q3 r# B0 C# J7 n2 d) D
xAP Camphuys, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk& b |9 K" O- _; ]4 ]& ?8 @$ B
xAP Rochussen, Shell hits 15, and is sunk
# w3 }& {6 t: |; Q xAP Rooseboom, Shell hits 23, and is sunk
) v% h b# Y6 T, c5 | xAP Siberg, Shell hits 10, and is sunk! x' t1 T' b! H
xAP Van Riebeek, Shell hits 4, and is sunk
; c$ L( s, P& ]" t xAP Van Diemen, Shell hits 6, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk S1 f! [: Z5 l3 C
xAP Van Landsberge, Shell hits 11, Torpedo hits 4, and is sunk
4 r0 Z; L4 h, M9 E' _ xAP Van Neck, Shell hits 7, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
+ t5 {" w5 A1 X& t7 I! d xAP Van Rees, Shell hits 3, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
" b+ p$ x: H5 K* R2 H! l7 f/ q2 V 5 t/ x, l( t1 D2 L/ }
Allied ground losses:/ c& z4 ?: [' a* S3 v& w8 U
6708 casualties reported6 ]* `# ~! Q$ O- E( Z6 G; w) L1 A( u
Squads: 193 destroyed, 301 disabled
, P3 L9 A- T& D: \- s2 @6 I Non Combat: 113 destroyed, 123 disabled4 |6 s1 T' E6 J8 @8 H7 p& W* ]
Engineers: 23 destroyed, 20 disabled
' k1 `3 K. b/ V- L9 i$ |2 L Guns lost 63 (43 destroyed, 20 disabled)
- f4 q7 {6 X- } E0 H Vehicles lost 4 (3 destroyed, 1 disabled)3 l0 ?3 J E2 k9 }
$ E# v& j X( k" X, B
8 V6 Z3 V$ H# u. T6 X/ y
% [; [/ q8 M* t8 O L; S今日南方军对新加坡的总攻正式开始,首日渡河突击部队在渡河后陷入混乱,草草发起的攻击在坚固城防下毫无建树。
4 s- m4 j( u* _$ q( ~5 L1 U: C--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; x% H6 j# D5 V; g+ ^$ h* _7 m
?7 R4 ?! t [: o) J) h4 ]Ground combat at Singapore (50,84)9 L: N/ C; ^) s# `4 S. g4 U
7 {( G5 t$ Q+ sJapanese Shock attack( p+ F+ e! h1 \5 q* _* b
( |4 v# P$ A) _6 a% x4 H1 gAttacking force 37757 troops, 377 guns, 8 vehicles, Assault Value = 1211
9 X0 P0 `1 i+ h8 L & U) H/ T7 p/ F, o( T& V
Defending force 27106 troops, 377 guns, 250 vehicles, Assault Value = 5418 d8 B, s" r% a% X! ~
; f5 j1 v H4 N. o+ U4 l! J! n% EJapanese adjusted assault: 351
8 T3 L! N. o$ |' C" ]- i) D
5 X. h a+ i6 W" h9 pAllied adjusted defense: 1003
* s, N' `2 `: c/ n 7 s- |) j; K& A; |) c& w" F
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 3)
" ~3 K% V- r, b, a/ y 4 v, u7 I* r. U/ j* G" }$ K
Combat modifiers; h; c2 y3 {4 Y( Q5 Y5 o3 {
Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-)7 K+ Y# b3 K0 H L: F
Attacker: shock(+), disruption(-)
; f$ f! ?7 k) _& K. c0 E1 c0 w \- Q1 w ]! e- R' e* I( t: q
Japanese ground losses:; P$ h' O! J, [) O
7030 casualties reported
1 F' ~; B; N9 L8 p Squads: 293 destroyed, 301 disabled
$ x+ g# k- |6 N3 A. T* [ Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 113 disabled2 }* M0 ~, T' F8 y
Engineers: 8 destroyed, 58 disabled! @' [' M; t1 o7 m5 Q6 ^# L! }
Guns lost 70 (8 destroyed, 62 disabled)
1 G, [) X4 j/ {: E
4 p3 E. Q0 }$ g' M8 ?Allied ground losses:
! y) p" [. P5 ` 910 casualties reported5 y7 X- x. }9 a- a- E# L* B9 K7 J
Squads: 31 destroyed, 89 disabled9 r; [% h/ o, t- e |& K
Non Combat: 5 destroyed, 25 disabled
3 i. z8 q. t0 x$ q: [* A/ [& i: B Engineers: 1 destroyed, 11 disabled
3 A' W" Y9 S4 S* J7 R Guns lost 23 (4 destroyed, 19 disabled)
9 |" V3 k- \$ \! ]; I; H3 U Vehicles lost 14 (2 destroyed, 12 disabled) |