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4 F3 G' Z* p) |: f在官版中即使重夺孟买或者卡拉奇,也无法获得理应给与的RN增援舰只。4 r3 Q/ [0 p" @( W/ {0 w
所以,印度夺不夺回意义不大。0 ?- ~& L$ a3 P0 s  a; P2 I
“Aye its irritating that the RN forces are treated as "new" build not reinforcement - to me its a bug or just more evidence that the designers did not expect the entry points to be taken. As things stand I wont get BB's like some of the old R class ships until after they were historically condemmed not to mention all the RN carriers that are still at 1,000 day delay 6 g# T% m$ d0 p+ V; O1 @/ r( I% N: F
, i6 X/ z4 I) [1 |+ ~8 B9 d
Even if I retake the entry points I will never recieve the British Pacific Fleet and all the old Battleships currently in the list.
0 M9 _/ K, k, r% ?) G( b8 p; `0 \8 D8 h+ U# C7 C& J) k9 {
This has influenced my actions had I know I was going to get the surface ships to replace my weakness especially in CA's and BB's and more armoured carriers I would have went for India earlier. Because I knew it was a flaw I have slowed down.”
% l" H0 C3 }2 t$ h1 @7 n/ f# D1 K6 ~
如果是这样的话,我可能要转向CHS了。, r% M4 Z7 s) P  t: _  X3 z4 \

! g" ?, s, E0 t* \1 s- N- i[ 本帖最后由 reninhat 于 2007-2-21 00:36 编辑 ]
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
  _* k" p1 M2 o/ h3 Y& N# O" w& j我觉得此人确实人品低下
7 p9 I! i" k' m7 R- {8 `& R什么借口都有3 C8 ]. b; H' u& ]+ b: l- v) l
* }' q1 e) z0 _! G" b5 L: W
' |  f$ J1 n. A电脑也是丢了卡拉奇,然后我接手打回卡拉奇,海量的增援刷了半天屏幕。
我又翻了下他们当时进攻新加坡的战报,,感觉ANDY真是好烂啊...居然在南洋一个城市都没有占领的情况下派航母走到中间去,,完全当日本飞机不存在... 结果战斗机一直被消耗..最后死了几个CVE...其实要不是不开定义升级,,,ANDY的航母就完蛋了.....真不知道他怎么打的....!!!
0 }7 |  @4 z6 H7 K6 _) B# f/ W0 |3 \' E& f2 M: d' |6 N
[ 本帖最后由 Donnie_Brasco 于 2007-2-22 19:03 编辑 ]
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
( p3 z6 ~' u0 Z( r5 u  m$ d/ F3 HAndy的整编美40师,被日军16师团35旅团和2个坦克连队冒险登陆反包围在拉鲍尔以南的gasmata基地,全军投降。
7 [5 x6 N# {( q$ U" a- e) fhttp://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=970358&mpage=41&key=
Andy is a dick