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12月12日3 R4 y, a3 m  c
6 F+ }  [( Y: g6 w# l( F-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 [: e6 S8 Y( f3 d' ~
Ground combat at Kwajalein
* K. F' k. R/ V' K. P( DAllied Shock attack
8 `( _: R# J# K: cAttacking force 68160 troops, 678 guns, 384 vehicles $ W0 x* G+ f) d& m5 f
Defending force 37968 troops, 110 guns, 0 vehicles ( f$ k+ G1 F* H$ n" L
Allied assault odds: 0 to 1 (fort level 9) - @; v4 I! I% V$ S  j
. c& M" u$ N1 ?8 `
Japanese ground losses: ! b5 C- r' g7 |, v8 N% |/ b
2343 casualties reported $ |, r  h5 c  x5 h9 F0 a8 ?  L) N0 Z
Guns lost 32 4 E! Y' e% b0 Q5 L
* k" z1 v/ H2 {) x
Allied ground losses: 8 |6 D, g7 T  H5 B% Y8 @
3901 casualties reported
/ ]/ [# U  F! @3 s  K, XGuns lost 128
' [2 X9 W+ O( M! Q1 QVehicles lost 32 : H: q1 n! h3 q' D
12月13日% {2 E$ D2 P4 B  F/ `
+ @# L; q; d  A" Q# i7 I/ M------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ u/ ?  {% C; P- @% f5 \1 G# k
Day Time Surface Combat, near Komandorski Island at 89,31
! a" r+ O$ ~' ~9 N" K  ?* zJapanese Ships
- Q6 N0 D" I# \/ n2 yDD Yugure , G1 t/ ^( d7 M4 q* B' _
DD Uzuki " R, T; y; B& I6 w& o
/ K% X+ g9 B* Q
Allied Ships
) h5 O% M9 h* C8 \AP Republic - ?/ ^. v6 q8 U) C0 X0 m/ _+ [
TK A.C. Rubel
7 r6 J4 `( N" F  i$ d; C' TTK L.P. St. Clair, Shell hits 2, on fire
: L& z& E9 Y; G6 H4 B7 C: uTK La Placentia, Shell hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
2 g0 q, \! m; c- |( \5 k1 V% eTK Gulfgem, Shell hits 1, on fire & F# a0 r  B3 W. I( U7 c
TK Empire Gold $ a# _$ g# V- }  J+ F3 m1 ^8 L7 R# _
TK Empire Granite, Shell hits 3, on fire
7 y: S/ }9 X: x; k* c' RTK Empire Metal, Shell hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
& s7 f* d( `8 _# EAP Talthibius, Shell hits 1, on fire - Z7 Z  b1 J5 V5 r
PzB计划出动KB,增援夸贾克林战役( y9 _' H4 L; Z8 t+ ^* h) O& B
Fishbed同志建议PzB采取调虎离山之策……0 X& p! w# ~3 o3 v/ A9 @$ E0 T; F
12月16日, B, g  }+ }; ], m5 w! r
+ B, M' y, |7 @' y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ]3 f; S' I( G. o$ M/ ~& KGround combat at Kwajalein
0 p2 @3 q, y( m& v6 bAllied Deliberate attack
4 Z2 s2 y! Q* K; BAttacking force 63798 troops, 497 guns, 372 vehicles ' F& O, b7 ?1 N2 N: H7 g* _, J
Defending force 31673 troops, 65 guns, 0 vehicles + ?1 K1 h0 c* a! o6 q/ |" B! H
Allied engineers reduce fortifications to 8
8 g9 E1 y, g: S( @* XAllied assault odds: 0 to 1 (fort level 8) ' n7 N+ N# K, R- n9 T

: Q& g% t4 Q6 |, dJapanese ground losses:
0 w) B! ^& p6 v- I3 K2836 casualties reported 0 O) v( a; p( X
Guns lost 29
4 b  c6 W8 A2 \0 B6 K5 D. i- h
# z' Z! l- J6 l: AAllied ground losses: % x  L3 C% R% l5 \1 N" c
1723 casualties reported . Q5 O/ [- ~" V! \
Guns lost 66
4 N2 J! C) E/ o3 Q1 k8 Y2 tVehicles lost 6
12月16~17日$ f7 ~' S% L: N1 G1 ?
美军炮击和轰炸埃尼威托克,为登陆行动扫清侧翼! T3 Z& p4 Y# d; B
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " o/ z9 a: k7 V( y0 @) n3 I
Naval bombardment of Eniwetok, at 76,74   e0 K4 B! x* W$ |+ f0 f! r
Japanese aircraft losses
# I0 L' t# E+ e/ J& zKi-21 Sally: 1 destroyed $ ~1 ~" ?; _7 Y( I0 c  J& N. V
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 1 destroyed 4 b# U: z7 K, Y7 ^5 t- m) B
A6M5 Zeke: 1 destroyed 3 o9 _$ Y& o- V- Y; U+ t
B6N Jill: 1 destroyed
& Z2 ~" W3 L0 {( F; Q, aG4M2 Betty: 1 destroyed - @$ _. f# ]2 F5 a# R5 |8 r1 S

! Z* F6 o0 c9 K9 i$ E7 x' bJapanese Ships : x7 M+ G  \& {9 g6 t
AK Ina Maru, Shell hits 10, on fire ; b& e3 o4 b9 D, y- A1 H
AK Eiji Maru, Shell hits 10, on fire, heavy damage $ T8 t& n6 A& _. p! L
AG AG-2097, Shell hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
0 ]/ D% i  Q. qAG AG-2061, Shell hits 3, on fire, heavy damage ' p) I% A  d  E; f3 d. }( Q8 ]
AG AG-5162, Shell hits 2, on fire, heavy damage + h4 W9 W! Z; i
AG AG-368, Shell hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
! f4 H0 x" v% n5 O. NAG AG-2067, Shell hits 1, on fire & G+ j! D- O4 @  ~9 z9 m# f
AG AG-5188, Shell hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
; s, l* D# f% \! t- D4 D. f( uAG AG-116, Shell hits 1, on fire, heavy damage " ?, a; f0 B: |, E
AG AG-2526, Shell hits 1
) j4 H$ e5 _: A$ }( s, Z; YAG AG-5029, Shell hits 2, on fire, heavy damage + e+ w3 u# ~8 Z3 U  Q* y
AG AG-5164, Shell hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
2 L  Y1 j1 v9 Z9 w- `8 `8 p, k  b* E1 U6 ^1 O1 a( w
Allied Ships $ c; N5 K8 Z8 p6 `! }- G3 a& c
CL Helena
4 D  j2 {* k3 i5 lCL Concord $ A8 P9 M* ^' G9 C9 ~" C2 R
CL Emerald $ ^* ~- a+ o5 G% r) A0 P& R7 i
BB Alabama ) R, `1 }7 F3 {3 A5 S) R9 `8 j6 @
BB South Dakota 9 V8 j, r* n$ V( S
BB North Carolina % \2 Y6 d! t- K

3 \- H: L! [' k: I6 ?5 l  _Japanese ground losses: 0 i' O* c! t2 [( \4 Z! z( H8 R, F4 L
186 casualties reported 7 @5 F! n4 C. Z8 y
Guns lost 1
4 j9 `* ]! ]4 A$ y% c, b/ w
2 h7 @' T* c  b" z8 ~0 ]Airbase hits 4
7 ^9 _: S" ^* k- r$ ]Airbase supply hits 1   T& }( A6 ?! I0 j) B' h
Runway hits 27 . v- v" g" R2 m& n
Port hits 12 5 F, L; S8 R. z4 b8 T" Y% w
Port fuel hits 4
; R; Z- X4 D; ]* c- H1 I+ z" v5 G% ^Port supply hits 2
% U* N. I+ i+ h8 d, C
0 _- P- w* R* R-------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Q. _$ `1 V. l) N6 }In addition to the numerous strikes against Kwajaleil Eniwetok was also hit today!
$ u7 j! u# R, r4 FDay Air attack on Eniwetok , at 76,74 4 j. B- F) o# Z) t) l6 L! x
Japanese aircraft ! [7 `! c; W, f# Z8 G* S
no flights 4 |  s8 I7 T6 s) q7 C( w

5 v* A. y( c& e4 XAllied aircraft
4 F6 ~1 T4 K+ m8 Y2 [  ?PB4Y Liberator x 52 * |7 \; k3 a; k- R5 J
B-24D Liberator x 20
( C7 D! r; {  z% z& ]" X
* ^* a7 {- O! J8 R# N3 {Japanese aircraft losses
/ E% v. Q+ S; Y1 p: jA6M5 Zeke: 7 destroyed ; i' S, {- O4 [% s! }, K6 E. B
B6N Jill: 2 destroyed 4 [( Y( B, I9 V. y2 Z
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 12 destroyed 4 S( q3 Z* `' @
G4M2 Betty: 4 destroyed 4 l, P: \3 ]0 b' e
G4M1 Betty: 6 destroyed # j4 R( N7 q! q0 E  L% I! y
Ki-21 Sally: 2 destroyed
9 @& d+ t' Q9 U( A5 w% }8 h
1 y' }3 s7 T9 {8 E/ _Allied aircraft losses ( K3 }% u6 W- I  }- g
PB4Y Liberator: 1 damaged
" s( \- x: D3 i1 B9 gB-24D Liberator: 1 damaged # o3 }' F$ c5 X3 `9 [' Y
& m; V: ]3 H3 `. t- J8 L/ }
Japanese ground losses:
6 E0 @6 Q  V( a- r+ G105 casualties reported & ?1 Q  l& p% c; b. t
' c2 d* h+ b' |8 U
Airbase hits 19
" S4 V9 y' p# F6 _Airbase supply hits 11 6 l3 h# W* `) f! i
Runway hits 34
12月18日, a% Y0 _9 b6 r
美军再度空袭埃尼威托克,日军无战机起飞拦截。$ G9 u; R  H% l/ q0 O# _) `1 f# V
  N; U& N  l* O3 Q$ z--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ o  V8 D6 e4 t) T- G! ZDay Air attack on Eniwetok , at 76,74 - g6 W. d# U2 K
Japanese aircraft
+ M8 X% w9 S8 Q& {2 N+ G* c5 k* tno flights
) f1 ~; N: c% T8 v" G* b) k
) r) G* m' I$ v4 d" a# EAllied aircraft 0 h7 O% C7 f  Z- c
PB4Y Liberator x 55
9 r; `' S& j; {* lB-24D Liberator x 18
4 j. i1 Y6 j5 I& {( o5 ?3 Y  g' Y9 x/ x
Japanese aircraft losses # x' }& `! E. ?5 N  k7 n* ^
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 22 destroyed 3 I) I6 Z7 F" A( v1 [
G4M2 Betty: 4 destroyed , N9 L) w, {! p- q$ e1 W
Ki-21 Sally: 5 destroyed
  v3 p) @8 u& W3 {8 @  |G4M1 Betty: 8 destroyed   r6 _/ K+ f" u1 Q0 c9 o
A6M5 Zeke: 2 destroyed * o/ @1 F1 x$ A- M4 `- p  ]
B6N Jill: 1 destroyed ' f7 c. v) @) x
* G, a  q9 `$ I$ o
Japanese ground losses:
4 y, P9 u+ J- m4 \" s% A8 C44 casualties reported # J: g4 g& G) y, [& M( a
$ W6 v: [* |% S! V
Airbase hits 8 / z. B/ l* \) N( |. `
Airbase supply hits 7
: ]3 o. f4 I: D1 p* |0 q1 A; a( ]Runway hits 113
12月19日" I" E' L+ H/ A% f
尽管从未暂停狂轰滥炸,但是美军的谨慎进攻仍未取得进展* ]+ N2 j! B5 _% v: ~
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------   ]* r2 t9 a9 O# G: }
Another COSTLY attack by the US divisions - you have no idea how I enjoy to see them wearing themselves down The forts won't budge - told you Andy should have brought independent engineers, his only mistake. This can't continue for long but the enemy has already taken more than 12k casualties!
' C; V0 U) D9 p/ m% h& l( V& y. \: w- m1 x
Ground combat at Kwajalein 9 Z/ }* d: K3 D3 k
Allied Deliberate attack
; ]1 _5 `% ]1 d/ W4 K" ZAttacking force 62453 troops, 421 guns, 381 vehicles 1 _7 n/ \! h# b! E  k: @( D
Defending force 21716 troops, 28 guns, 0 vehicles 7 e8 D7 B+ Y# w( s7 N, g
Allied assault odds: 0 to 1 (fort level 8) % C/ F! E* A; }7 L: C4 K

1 K! a; w3 }- q$ {1 [Japanese ground losses:
5 x# r- H( ^3 W! b% O, J2963 casualties reported
  G0 f% _5 |% ~8 `Guns lost 6
/ r6 z; r5 b6 ^3 J5 @
8 v$ Y& G: G3 }2 U# n0 [; J8 yAllied ground losses:
- f* u$ I  x2 o1 x9 Q/ F* k2369 casualties reported & f( I& ?  T/ S: P3 R- l0 ?
Guns lost 65 / Q  E6 ~) x3 U: m) q# \
Vehicles lost 8
12月20日夸贾克林守军状态' v" r7 N) @; T6 Q
9 C  F* {1 b& y) {7 d# o  k2 h美军增援部队在登陆时遭到日军岸炮的顽强抗击; d. P1 z$ s: ~3 C1 {
- J- c6 t1 @* n0 i) {$ F# u9 P7 DCoastal Guns at Kwajalein, 79,79, firing at TF 1032
  [8 A1 \: z' U. P, y) aTF 1032 troops unloading over beach at Kwajalein, 79,79
- }5 d7 B. I. d- K3 m* j' }/ d+ \669 Coastal gun shots fired in defense. : q) C& B/ q$ H/ d6 O2 k* N
9 ]1 a( a' i9 e" u
Allied Ships
$ F% r+ b: A5 C- ^! C. lAPD Talbot, Shell hits 4, on fire
+ N* p$ c# X- f& ^" KDD Pringle, Shell hits 7, on fire
. u- D# _$ M1 Q4 _DE Jaccard, Shell hits 8, on fire, heavy damage . W+ o* Q1 b5 v! B" a3 G$ e8 Q
AK Robert J. Walker, Shell hits 2, on fire 8 S% K: {% [" J; z5 `2 @4 [
APD Overton, Shell hits 6, on fire + `; X+ O! h; a) W- U
AK Phoebe A. Hearst, Shell hits 8, on fire, heavy damage * _5 G& c: L! b* A6 f8 l* b
AK Cape Constantine, Shell hits 2 # R/ k/ B1 T! n. v6 E
DD Abner Read, Shell hits 5, on fire
1 J- \/ C9 L1 U0 s; vLCT LCT-322, Shell hits 2, on fire + z' f0 T/ B( j2 q* D
LCT LCT-163, Shell hits 5, on fire, heavy damage # M% F9 _5 \7 G2 N% u. Z
LCT LCT-157, Shell hits 1 # u& ~& Z' m4 Z
LCT LCT-148, Shell hits 6, on fire, heavy damage $ ~" h/ P, f, @8 ]" H
LCT LCT-144, Shell hits 3, on fire, heavy damage ) N" G. b3 X& j6 ?7 f
AV Timber Rush, Shell hits 13, on fire, heavy damage 7 i8 N' {, d' S( U
LCT LCT-142, Shell hits 2, on fire 2 h, n* a" p0 x8 G& N
APD Manley, Shell hits 8, on fire
* y# a6 Q; w, ?3 JLCT LCT-133, Shell hits 5, on fire, heavy damage ' O$ R( H% c4 {/ h9 W( N# z
APD Dickerson, Shell hits 3, on fire ( p: V  b% d# H; ^" v' f) u# Y+ @
LST LST-342, Shell hits 2, on fire
- {5 ?; h9 R6 n4 `LCT LCT-470, Shell hits 3, on fire, heavy damage 3 E, z7 Z, z1 z. x& R
LST LST-335, Shell hits 2, on fire . X% G' l/ C2 K2 e5 l! o
LST LST-26, Shell hits 1
- O& [0 A6 C; g0 ]  t+ I& I' C7 `+ M
Japanese ground losses: " Y. F7 d9 b1 U! W: d" G
18 casualties reported
2 O" g' Q$ O0 t5 w+ gGuns lost 1
# `9 @* N! Z' v7 w) ?, Q
$ }' v; z4 M* dAllied ground losses: 6 y1 C" _6 o- U* _" N& J
1214 casualties reported
- j1 Z3 b5 y# PGuns lost 2
: d" @% V( \* P. v $ c; r5 f# \4 `3 E  n2 @
) ^$ H) e" a/ C, a, W, D--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' w4 y9 w! m. c: E4 }1 wGround combat at Kwajalein + K6 L2 V# z9 n+ `
Allied Shock attack 5 J4 R0 q- k4 }! I9 O
Attacking force 75334 troops, 503 guns, 382 vehicles
" W6 Y% \8 y( L0 L+ M4 F& X. eDefending force 17288 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles
7 M6 u- N1 h1 ?* Y2 R. s0 r/ xAllied engineers reduce fortifications to 7 5 a0 Q# z- {5 b+ o* [
Allied assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 7) 8 X8 }+ ?) t: C2 }9 b
Allied Assault reduces fortifications to 7
2 ]% r+ G6 g- p: A* p2 d
- N: C- [! T+ _) Y: FJapanese ground losses: / m8 r5 Y$ ~- L" x. D9 q& a
1597 casualties reported 5 b) w+ z) Q6 e6 @, q
Guns lost 14 ( v9 Q% u* S3 Q7 Y
$ ^1 j7 e: s' E" z. H
Allied ground losses: 9 |1 q- S0 I% n" {+ S* c3 A% R# X
1510 casualties reported
  D7 H/ v# {) L  p/ l7 Q2 M7 xGuns lost 70 * |9 Y- ^$ Y: g# X& h- S2 j, r
Vehicles lost 7
. v  p( P/ i( B4 \% G3 o7 D; p) x. o3 {
[ 本帖最后由 浆糊 于 2007-5-23 12:00 编辑 ]
12月23日3 q2 |' J2 h. Q0 M  n- I
夸贾克林即将失守……" g9 i6 H% h2 i
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ~7 P0 }5 [/ v1 B% L
Another shock attack reduces all the forts...Kwajalein will fall tomorrow! ) ?1 @9 O8 k+ ?3 ^
Ground combat at Kwajalein $ S' e' y" t& U; p5 j& ~$ s
Allied Shock attack 5 X0 e% I. o# J8 Z# |. {- A
Attacking force 73392 troops, 418 guns, 378 vehicles
1 _2 z1 l/ y3 ]8 q4 Z3 n8 pDefending force 14249 troops, 8 guns, 0 vehicles 0 f3 G- F7 \( U% R1 B; |2 F) ^" y. X
Allied assault odds: 8 to 1 (fort level 7)
4 ~4 j" E5 J' s1 s2 JAllied Assault reduces fortifications to 0
- R7 {$ H& D& F& B# ~
' }' H( J6 [3 k7 A: \+ DJapanese ground losses:
& Q! `* \+ H8 Y' S+ p7 F548 casualties reported 0 o6 b3 K+ K0 l  D8 S
Guns lost 3 + J3 |4 ~& N0 g$ R* g. a0 f

3 s' g! H; j' G) Z5 V* c$ d& @) KAllied ground losses: 8 ?# X$ ^9 p9 j5 `1 c$ e
1331 casualties reported % Z& o  m, w0 h/ H' N& X
Guns lost 37 ) ]9 Z2 M. _4 A$ j! {! |# g
/ o" A! G  p6 Q" Z3 Z, z( p7 Z- b
日军企图增援夸贾克林的战斗,不过努力是徒劳的; k  P  P1 u8 H* H2 d0 o2 _. b% l
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " b, N  b5 B# Q
Thousands of enemy ac pounded Kwajalein today! I tried to mount a counterstrike from . o! B8 X/ _- M7 }& Y2 b
Eniwetok but (fortunately) the lack of an Air HQ meant that only a minor strike was launched.
* B8 u/ w' S) wThe strong enemy CAP could not have been penetrated so I saved 54 crack Betties. 3 W$ Y) h) d1 h) s+ G$ x7 K9 {& @
; i/ k2 b! D( I: `$ ^( f( X3 k
Day Air attack on TF, near Kwajalein at 79,79
; V4 Q) a3 S1 l( h: BJapanese aircraft   U! V  [7 o3 E/ b' w
A6M5 Zeke x 19
: M( ]* |' S  m0 y4 ~Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 31
  x2 Z: @& q/ N3 M5 aKi-21 Sally x 13
* i9 z# _! J" o# ^. X. J5 |# x0 T, L% q2 t/ {, W/ S7 k2 [
Allied aircraft
+ T2 \! B2 \+ ]7 YFM-2 Wildcat x 47
; Z( g7 \9 }7 p. KF6F Hellcat x 77   J5 u' _$ E& X; s$ l3 w6 Y
Corsair IV x 11 6 L6 B0 `' G8 ?6 a
P-40N Warhawk x 8
# X4 S. f+ o( A( A, q6 o2 \P-38J Lightning x 5
/ }5 O1 r( t3 q1 _# d2 h& G- W6 K, _# d& ^' c
Japanese aircraft losses & Y4 Q1 m/ d- ^& _( q
A6M5 Zeke 全灭……6 s5 {5 ~7 |% ~5 f1 g/ X5 i' a
Ki-43-IIa Oscar 全灭……
2 f1 B! |' Z" A9 W1 b; D! e5 g( N$ P2 {Ki-21 Sally: 2 destroyed, 1 damaged 0 y; Y! G$ @+ @9 ~2 O  Q+ s& Y

4 {* a1 c( n, x* G$ z( {; z# \Allied aircraft losses
) ?. \% }# R8 p) n; `FM-2 Wildcat: 7 destroyed, 2 damaged / G! l* u7 A$ ~, V( k& [
F6F Hellcat: 2 damaged
  E  f' ~+ j9 LP-40N Warhawk: 4 destroyed
! }+ z2 H4 M6 ^' O# Y2 t- y8 w9 a& j/ r5 b& |" W" f' T5 C
Vehicles lost 4
日军西南太平洋防线一览# {) y$ O1 j$ e7 W7 \
12月24日/ C( B# _0 U/ [' |0 p
在两个星期的抵抗之后,夸贾克林失守!尚有8000残余日军正在负隅顽抗) X  B( G  S/ l# X" C
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " F. A& ?& b2 w- T- g
Ground combat at Kwajalein ; K" ~% K. b0 A+ }/ u9 A
Allied Shock attack
. v0 `6 M$ x. J6 _- O8 H: |5 a' sAttacking force 72015 troops, 395 guns, 377 vehicles
2 a% N, D5 O/ ~8 C6 u$ XDefending force 12973 troops, 8 guns, 0 vehicles $ E/ t0 [3 ~$ \9 ^
Allied assault odds: 88 to 1 (fort level 0) ) s" \: `  v+ X% r
Allied forces CAPTURE Kwajalein base !!!   w  B* g6 x9 W9 A1 W# Y+ Y

" j. H; l2 g/ D9 W: qJapanese aircraft * V: [+ o# ?+ z; a% r& T9 _
no flights % J( J8 Y. N- @0 S# F5 i" R

  C. e9 J) D0 n7 mJapanese aircraft losses
+ J4 g+ ~7 t. i! V" vH8K Emily: 1 destroyed
# u- k8 K. f  Q0 p7 e8 _$ \, G' b* X
Japanese ground losses:
: _6 b; Z: O5 z7 D5 Y: L! f17002 casualties reported + m5 a9 C6 v% R* w$ r$ f& F
Guns lost 21
: R0 J' r9 V5 i2 _9 |6 ^
' [* m; e8 C9 w( K7 {' |Allied ground losses:
/ q) y% @# S& X0 w  a, y( u% R% e626 casualties reported
6 }7 W2 u/ x. ~/ MGuns lost 11 + ~  V) S0 V- |3 L# w
Vehicles lost 6