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晕死拉...都成什么啦````` ....ANDY就是WITP的耻辱啊..从此一臭万年!!!!
Andy有个思维误区, 总以为到了这时候盟军就应该可以横着走,怎么胡来怎么有理了。一旦被胖揍就大声喊冤。
% C. W& z3 k5 ?; a1 s7 W :o
黄蜂是这么沉的' l8 S! K1 {0 N& O2 f. W& ?
; V  i" y# S1 |! n不过黄蜂中了6条鱼雷又还漂了一天,也实在了得了; `2 Z( O0 v( V# k
Allied aircraft# d( U6 A7 L- K4 A$ G- T" ]$ f) ^6 D
no flights- R" l% Q- f3 S% ~: V3 s" E

4 }, f5 S! i: }2 ]. F; K; X( O1 K& @0 s5 I5 F! U1 ^; \
Allied aircraft losses
0 }: v3 v: R+ TSB2C Helldiver: 13 destroyed. P9 @, ~$ {8 K9 L+ w
TBM Avenger: 7 destroyed
5 s8 b1 ?: X" p5 v8 Z, y$ L- i( _8 E% |$ b1 N) ^: [, M; A0 o
Japanese Ships
# @0 T0 X% S" c. q6 v, jDD Harukaze, Shell hits 1
6 i9 F+ \$ a. U/ c4 P5 Q. `4 h" zPC Kyo Maru #6, Shell hits 5, on fire, heavy damage
" G8 t3 P6 m( A2 s# ~PC Kyo Maru #7, Shell hits 4, on fire, heavy damage' V8 l: ~8 H# G0 C) [. ]
PC Tama Maru #8
" g, Y1 v7 r, I$ K/ A' }% ?8 S0 GPC Shonon Maru #3, Shell hits 25 y9 Q/ k1 B% Q6 s
PC Shonan Maru #17
6 J. n5 N2 K0 t& Z1 C- e6 O) k, a& C. G6 m9 {
Allied Ships9 R+ z; K/ G. @/ Z
CV Wasp, Shell hits 3, and is sunk
2 k( T& D3 g% e6 _& [2 Y& q, ?- ]DD Thatcher, Shell hits 3, on fire, heavy damage2 z9 p: w& a' O6 E  u
DD Dewey
CL St. Louis, Shell hits 30, on fire, heavy damage -SINKS!. S) J& v% i2 c
DE Levy, Shell hits 4, and is sunk# c; C1 ~' R/ V
DE Carlson, Shell hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
8 c  |" [0 [' T) Y, m* g5 ]DE Wileman
1 r8 h* e  d9 x  Q2 m- y( G1 cPG Yarra, Shell hits 7, on fire, heavy damage - SINKS
. g( I  d8 w' J; I; `MSW Strive, Shell hits 2, on fire
; }0 P6 }0 M6 f7 J! fMSW Cochin, Shell hits 1& B1 z$ Y3 j/ F
MSW Tanager, Shell hits 1, on fire
% D. z- k- ?4 c, y" d" T" A. x2 zMSW Finch, Shell hits 3
9 t9 G' K8 `+ J5 F6 b' [0 Z* mMSW Baroda, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage -SINKS! 6 v3 a- s  s2 [) j, D# r+ c
# y5 W# c$ v' |/ `; v2 |, F1 S

* C: w2 d! d# ]4 }" b! J: k CL St. Louis, and is sunk4 X" h8 i" C5 H# c1 [) |9 d- ?
DE Carlson, and is sunk
! O3 g' s, H, |- |) s2 }6 Q; QDE Wileman, Shell hits 6, on fire, heavy damage - SINKS!' A2 ?1 x! ~, d* x7 ]
PG Yarra, and is sunk
5 L2 q* t  {5 @3 aMSW Strive, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
/ Q' m2 `" \7 P) ?) n1 Z0 oMSW Cochin, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
1 z3 b% Y+ p, r* I6 s" U( R" F& KMSW Tanager, Shell hits 34, and is sunk, I7 {4 t, k7 ?
MSW Finch# Y7 E* a- p8 ^& ^/ \+ r, c
MSW Baroda, and is sunk
$ X/ `2 ?1 |+ \" a: J MSW Cochin, and is sunk
! ?3 O% {+ Z7 l: w* f4 K) F  j+ u6 I% ?9 ~5 d7 `# @+ I' w
DD Thatcher, Bomb hits 4, on fire, heavy damage - SINKS!
& F. J8 X' z! i# |DD Dewey, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage - SINKS!
3 y/ [% G5 P2 r7 n* X AK William C. Claiborne, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage : T6 U& o9 L: z
DD DeHaven, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
/ M, x9 I/ A# w# w- m: ?' vDD Wadsworth, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
7 W7 W9 ?; {% h8 q1 tDD Gillespie, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage0 Y9 t* ^: o! j$ b" o& s
DD Fullam, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
5 w- \: S, D* _# _7 ?) YDD Gansevoort, Torpedo hits 5, on fire, heavy damage + j% [) s/ ^0 f. z) m$ z5 z: P
; W, x" v1 `' `日军航空兵力的补充要比历史上的多的多,因为日军的生产是玩家手动的5 K4 J; U; z" P5 c( N( B

9 ~0 o/ K$ _2 t+ Z* p* j3 {$ L但舰队航母就是宝,即便盟军家大业大,也没几艘
( h9 a0 Q) @( K5 V7 D* K# p那些CVE真用起来是不顶事的
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?
$ x% d$ [: W* Y3 A' I, i Day Air attack on TF, near Bankha at 20,47
- z8 E4 `1 W. f$ W6 C7 f$ B7 F6 r1 e) Z* b
Japanese aircraft
( \/ g( g! a, l$ {B5N Kate x 23# J# t$ n  e( N2 [" p0 G4 ?
B6N Jill x 29
; ^$ R9 i! u1 ]5 g8 `. OG4M2 Betty x 9
+ ~/ z# v0 S6 X8 cP1Y Frances x 13
' j8 P9 [$ U( z2 h7 D# D5 J: W2 L+ r, f( H
Allied aircraft4 h% O" d9 t* j- o- A- ^
F6F Hellcat x 49 ?# f! u! J! E) S# U5 Z+ [
F4U-1 Corsair x 1, v+ N, S( n" M: ]
Corsair IV x 1
4 o; A( _( E8 U4 [/ M  M
" a2 }/ m0 }8 Y! h9 F" G1 gJapanese aircraft losses! M3 g6 U& u4 _3 [# l, }: K' p9 P
B5N Kate: 7 destroyed, 9 damaged
4 |; b! M: y1 [8 i9 s: \B6N Jill: 8 destroyed, 12 damaged
: q! Z5 G, D8 [) J& wG4M2 Betty: 1 destroyed
, }/ F& h1 N+ n% k+ t1 Z& o4 JP1Y Frances: 2 destroyed, 9 damaged
4 m( C1 ]/ l  ~3 D  E5 P: J. A% Y" Q. ~' r6 C+ p* a! c8 ]( l
% P% l5 L, k% S7 d* X7 {
Allied Ships$ y( m( j6 t; r- X: I' A1 n
CLAA San Diego8 H* i& |* e  T1 \$ y( ~
CV Enterprise, Torpedo hits 2, on fire
1 l6 |  i/ y% F- k) ]CA Vincennes, Torpedo hits 1( F1 _+ }0 Z% V0 q7 H- a; Z
CVL Independence, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage* l  h+ r) w+ t0 @
DD Henley, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
谁叫他在夸贾林送了那么多英国航母,多少个carrier trained的海盗中队没了。
Soldiers and sailors would fight like madmen to hang on to the red-light district . . . wouldn’t they?