/ T U% G* l" f* J, |! Y6 n e血战腊包尔!, I- V& C! @ }0 ]2 ?' y
0 @3 w; h6 @4 _: V) o" l# k为了确保增援部队能够在腊包儿登陆,盟军指挥部作出大胆决定,在KB眼皮底下发动大规模增援行动,同时委派3支水面舰队前往腊包尔执行掩护任务,其中主力舰队将在天亮前撤出,另外两支舰队将在白天留在腊包儿,即使牺牲也要保证部队上岸。背水一战的美军水面舰队爆发出惊人的战斗力,全歼了日寇以战列舰陆奥号为首的水面舰队,陆奥最终背弹500余发,当场沉没,同时击沉日本3艘轻巡,8艘驱逐舰,盟军损失仅损失了重巡波特兰号及数艘驱逐舰,天亮后在腊包儿执行掩护任务的水面舰队遭到kb空袭,重巡彭萨克拉号,芝加哥号,轻巡里德号及3艘驱逐舰沉没。
; x1 O4 J: R p9 z
3 i+ i# u7 q5 V& E [' F" ], C当天白天盟军还在珍珠港方向对日本水面舰队发动大规模空袭,虽然有大批各型轰炸机突防,欠缺经验的美军陆航飞行员
+ }, J; ?; h/ [. ~仅仅取得了击中战列舰雾岛号3弹起火的战绩, A4 J( X% F* J0 r( y& H
9 I% S3 o; e$ @. sNight Time Surface Combat, near Rabaul at 62,900 B2 M( V6 T" ^* Q5 z M! T
0 U7 {, F0 G1 Y3 r/ }# z; G2 o$ {Japanese Ships3 F( |& t+ z/ z% W0 d: P: x
BB Mutsu, Shell hits 65 L" B0 A" e3 E- d- P' H
CL Tama, Shell hits 2
. k) g( E7 R: I- p, cCL Tenryu, Shell hits 3
9 b) z( T/ ~1 vCL Tatsuta, Shell hits 1- d3 _/ ?0 f% v4 S( m/ [9 B
DD Kamikaze, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk5 J4 O" S+ _1 B; _/ }9 i) Z
DD Oite+ C& B! K4 v& ]2 z1 c
DD Hayate
! Z% d( A3 Y1 t% f, {DD Okikaze, Shell hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
8 \+ |3 f6 Z) t C6 S7 ]* R" U3 rDD Nokaze
% K! {- w4 K( @# r$ tDD Namikaze
6 O( U# l5 @! {1 ?DD Numakaze, Shell hits 18 A5 [4 D- Z; m& ]) z2 N2 t# d
DD Sagi, Shell hits 2, on fire. J$ j( A+ D' [, d0 \ ^9 S
2 U9 L( e9 B$ g) ]& \Allied Ships3 @0 C# @ H2 h( R
CA Portland, Shell hits 1% E7 M ^' e5 f1 M2 i' A
CA Indianapolis, Shell hits 3, Torpedo hits 1, on fire% E7 P5 F* {* \
CA Astoria, Shell hits 1' m3 @! w8 k4 _, F# K
CA Minneapolis1 j6 G7 c4 L+ [
CA Australia, Shell hits 1
9 X3 B W2 k" h3 ?% b" [CA Canberra
# F* s4 _( Q9 U2 aCL Achilles x7 I4 q9 ^6 B3 J! q) K; U
CL Helena, Shell hits 2
3 T% `8 E% ~0 E9 B+ U7 ADD Blue
- E) V p* n$ u/ |! XDD Helm, Shell hits 1
4 |7 ]6 g" P6 p4 y! @1 x# q$ JDD Mugford, Shell hits 1
0 H k0 J- w5 fDD Ralph Talbot1 N# `' g0 r! u+ X* y/ a
DD Henley6 X; D# ]3 p9 a1 r( R, J; f
DD Patterson' \. n+ t+ ~6 e
DD Jarvis# h) u1 A& N; u- _+ m$ w8 j
DD Cummings Z8 H+ ?; e. X
DD Lamson! m4 O: w9 w" r' f& I
DD Case) t4 C6 a( o& Z0 K8 j" t
DD Conyngham8 |# z7 w5 |& @# S& @$ K# e. C# h
: _" j# V) U H* l S5 [% q; _$ F+ Y
7 \3 v1 F. z* b9 e- u2 jNight Time Surface Combat, near Rabaul at 62,90
6 ?! _ G# L& V! [" r
7 J7 \6 D) H; [) P( G4 d4 sJapanese Ships* D+ R* t$ H. A8 i6 y7 H
BB Mutsu, Shell hits 1
7 j7 X# R; A3 QCL Tama, Shell hits 2, on fire* h* J4 k' M6 J# B2 Q( D
CL Tenryu, Shell hits 3, on fire6 c0 l; k& u9 O! N: V
CL Tatsuta
7 ]" e0 `5 P3 r! X2 lDD Oite, Shell hits 15, and is sunk8 I) p' u) E- x
DD Hayate, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk, T' s# q* ^ _ F
DD Okikaze, Shell hits 2, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk& o1 E; C8 R/ L. {* ]
DD Nokaze, Shell hits 7, and is sunk
4 N, }/ X) V4 Y5 b5 TDD Namikaze, Shell hits 5, and is sunk: R9 h' B( O) S2 m2 v9 P
DD Numakaze, Shell hits 6, on fire, heavy damage
! `9 h6 e0 X( ^! k! c$ G5 f' z3 ^DD Sagi, Shell hits 4, on fire, heavy damage2 g: A1 s5 t; v
1 e# U/ u- ~- \6 N) K( T4 l% Y3 c3 S# hAllied Ships) H) A" j3 N, e, R. t, E
CA Portland, Shell hits 1, on fire+ N& s5 Q3 `8 S
CA Indianapolis, Shell hits 3, on fire3 a. a: `& G2 r/ w
CA Astoria5 K) z$ c! X* g/ V; l g6 c! f3 Y$ A
CA Minneapolis, Shell hits 1
8 | l" X, ^, a8 K0 nCA Australia
" \; P: C6 y7 y3 Z: X9 qCA Canberra7 J. I9 [3 J7 Z
CL Achilles, Shell hits 1; O; L# B; o7 N
CL Helena, Shell hits 1' C( q* R3 D, t, T* j
DD Blue, Shell hits 1, on fire2 n. [! K' U0 [+ h9 @" ~! z& b
DD Helm
2 b/ q7 t; Y: L, t$ q9 w, QDD Mugford$ H6 C2 o) O& ~& t" E- I/ ?
DD Ralph Talbot, Shell hits 1, on fire! v6 O& M' t2 P: g( x" B
DD Henley, Shell hits 1, on fire
( R% ], F; Q% B4 c6 CDD Patterson1 w% [% W% r! g7 E5 U2 u+ u
DD Jarvis
3 b* E3 s3 K ?& J, ?DD Cummings' r# |4 G6 }. U% o" W
DD Lamson, Shell hits 1
: N r& d: j' l$ {" F7 qDD Case, Shell hits 1
, E6 ?) j, e2 @! }' nDD Conyngham
4 j7 `/ h5 |4 }: Y! m
5 {, A( m8 r2 b' s# V8 Z--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 j' K* l: L, KNight Time Surface Combat, near Rabaul at 62,90' b0 u( ^+ ?9 {4 X+ `
: ?8 {1 p. W8 J8 B( Q+ I/ YJapanese aircraft1 z2 |8 D# D6 X. _3 Y
no flights) i5 q( x' x. {$ T, J5 Y6 L
5 k9 y# O/ o; y: C( H
Allied aircraft
8 u' H' v6 q8 p' E kno flights
9 r$ K T d7 {# x) z) ?$ C3 U( b
% L& e) c Y8 L% c* |/ E( V; Z' ^Japanese aircraft losses
2 ?; b# C1 q5 Z% dE7K2 Alf: 1 destroyed, m/ z2 u+ v% y
, P' Z) I- Y- S# Z q1 D) D7 C* z
Allied aircraft losses
- o8 ^% k8 A+ n8 x' ]8 ISOC-3 Seagull: 2 destroyed
" u: z P( q, E4 k* v $ Q* ~' ~6 L n3 ^
Japanese Ships) h3 `' T( d7 ^) Q/ N
BB Mutsu, Shell hits 4' c; i, j$ ^. N0 r) x0 K" ~
CL Tama, Shell hits 33, and is sunk+ y2 c; j: O3 P$ H+ ~* l* R
CL Tenryu, Shell hits 5, on fire, heavy damage1 }% g3 o9 | C- \
CL Tatsuta, Shell hits 1) t% N- M7 `+ }9 U; `6 ^5 L) r
DD Numakaze, Shell hits 25, and is sunk; Y6 ~/ E9 _$ e, O6 n$ d1 F+ V8 y
DD Sagi, Shell hits 7, and is sunk! l+ g+ M. {9 W/ j# [# k
0 d! T' R! u9 u$ k
Allied Ships* k4 E; R! X3 ^1 d2 X* I1 f7 b$ P+ Q
CA Portland, Shell hits 9, and is sunk
5 u7 _% _! L7 `! iCA Indianapolis, Shell hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
9 B( F7 `6 M2 o1 WCA Astoria
* O' t8 R2 O' q* g" X0 eCA Minneapolis, Shell hits 56 X# M4 m! s0 W G. T/ `
CA Australia
8 m( ]! I0 d: b/ G, J2 s) z5 \$ @CA Canberra3 _7 \9 @5 r! c$ w! A5 f
CL Achilles: `$ S3 @$ }- b* s
CL Helena- C B) [* X% O' `* D C! W
DD Blue, on fire" r# H# ^, _! O) W; {! a2 q
DD Helm9 ?+ P3 v6 f6 ^+ K( x; r& V
DD Mugford
! R, c `3 I; \- b" O7 ^. aDD Ralph Talbot, on fire' o3 \6 J! N; b( }* a/ y
DD Henley, on fire, j5 k' a; [1 T7 Q
DD Patterson
4 g" H* s' h fDD Jarvis6 S8 u: q% q/ A
DD Cummings; `* z3 N5 m6 b* r* i
DD Lamson3 H2 h% W9 L7 _8 t4 o- U% Y0 }
DD Case+ g0 [: r8 }* w
DD Conyngham7 b. a+ z* k$ x, _4 ^1 |' L
4 U) Q4 O( U1 B- O& v' p8 z--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
. q) j2 a$ t$ k% B2 J5 c5 j3 jNight Time Surface Combat, near Rabaul at 62,90- g" f1 |" M0 o7 I: I
( R' z' C: H* \( NJapanese Ships; I6 f [0 s: J+ F
BB Mutsu, Shell hits 12, on fire9 y/ }/ D" P" P1 a' R! b5 B. ]
CL Tenryu, Shell hits 7, on fire, heavy damage, p- F2 p) ?) L( a/ R0 u8 B" ^
CL Tatsuta, Shell hits 53 s2 N# [6 R3 K
' ? I- m- V4 t3 U, z0 f! A
Allied Ships5 p6 w7 a* I; ]+ ~8 R- B
CA Louisville
% \1 a% e8 N- N: d) x$ gCA Chicago, Shell hits 2
8 V. s- v1 X& q7 dCA Pensacola, Shell hits 6
/ a" N+ a! W6 t8 S; w$ }/ rCL Perth, Shell hits 1
6 X# s8 I* G' H7 BDD Bagley, Shell hits 3, on fire
, e: T) g% Q, `$ a3 lDD Reid9 d8 |$ D( k4 ] r: t4 ~) I
DD Phelps, Shell hits 23 i2 E* Q: |6 c/ I% Y- l
DD Le Triomphant, Shell hits 1
4 s- f( @1 {; ~* x' S
( E- @% C, H) ~- w" M5 u--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 i: d% s8 {4 v0 A! z) ^
Night Time Surface Combat, near Rabaul at 62,90
5 g$ P* L b9 b h: B' H: E
# ?7 F- `& T/ [' [Japanese Ships- o6 q& \/ g: d+ s& ^6 d
BB Mutsu, Shell hits 15, on fire
& j: r: S8 g: I7 K: F7 ^; N. @CL Tenryu, Shell hits 7, and is sunk
; n9 e3 `% l6 \! z* D# m% d% f2 ZCL Tatsuta, Shell hits 7, on fire
1 r9 G- D" k$ P4 p' s" ?4 P
7 i* i; |% t" a/ I! @9 z/ VAllied Ships
- x2 [2 K9 ^ w2 \' p! gCA Louisville, Shell hits 3
3 @6 V% D2 c0 c% b5 N* ? cCA Chicago, Shell hits 18 f1 D c+ y9 N4 q
CA Pensacola4 n/ t! P7 K4 v* y) w* ^5 W8 ~
CL Perth0 M, |2 u2 a$ `2 y' N
DD Bagley, Shell hits 6, on fire, heavy damage
" f2 b7 k$ V. r9 H% BDD Reid# U1 f/ t- B0 q3 D! ^6 s/ {
DD Phelps7 O9 Z& ^" x2 z3 C- f- P+ ~, N
DD Le Triomphant
- t( K% k! |) U0 y( Q
" t1 @" J" F& }4 C恶灌满盈的陆奥号2 L& Y/ a2 T( L @. i
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 @- c5 d1 }4 N) t8 }9 M
Night Time Surface Combat, near Rabaul at 62,90( r. U) G8 B1 E* \& y: Z# c; T
* I; z9 X3 a; xJapanese Ships
, p3 k" R6 ]5 o8 ?BB Mutsu, Shell hits 74, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
" Y# b& m7 V; L* G: B! RCL Tatsuta, Shell hits 38, and is sunk
. e$ @! J2 B' I4 q ? ) \+ {( n4 @ y( x0 z5 N2 k
Allied Ships- t9 D2 w5 t5 S& ~7 s
CA Louisville, Shell hits 1( T' b( V2 N& C$ Y5 \
CA Chicago, Shell hits 2
9 z( W8 b9 d* G" }& p+ P, ~7 ECA Pensacola, Shell hits 1
. R' ?4 K1 w m) i7 ^+ T! HCL Perth, Shell hits 1
% n9 b- _0 I# pDD Bagley, on fire, heavy damage
0 K5 h2 P% `- h/ |8 q" T" pDD Reid& C6 l% s2 a" Q( B) b
DD Phelps
" e r: u1 n0 b' ~DD Le Triomphant, Shell hits 1
/ @4 \$ N4 G6 C' q; [
! }2 ?+ X9 A0 q3 x' b
1 v$ e1 X: @1 t6 l/ g& z1 F; g* D恶灌满盈的陆奥号失去动力漂浮在海面上,被美军舰队抵近至2000码距离用包括高炮在内的各型火炮扫射,前后背弹500余发,当场沉没,成为日本在战争中沉没的第一艘战列舰,日酋猪头三郎在得知陆奥沉没的消息后,沉吟不语,郁闷许久憋出一句话来:“还好日本不缺BB~" 2 d: C8 o" w. ^" D6 ^* x6 c+ K
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; {: \/ C: b0 M. j) u
Night Time Surface Combat, near Rabaul at 62,90: l/ ~% |! k D& A' u- o+ |
3 x/ Y5 T& _: A, g% a% _% m6 q3 ]Japanese Ships; x% x: \# k/ m" w- a t
BB Mutsu, Shell hits 159, on fire, heavy damage* g1 i. `: g U" j6 r& z7 m1 _9 c0 c
" O' s6 m& W: S, I0 {8 c% u* i& vAllied Ships
" P9 K5 O, s6 R# z) Z9 g) a0 b+ ^CA Louisville3 R: d0 [) r0 a# W
CA Chicago
1 O' ?* T. [8 f( T# y: v) mCA Pensacola, Shell hits 1
. _5 Y3 U# k3 @; y: x! b% C. [! QCL Perth, Shell hits 14 _) n# I% D& a+ _( M# v
DD Bagley, Shell hits 3, on fire, heavy damage' w# B9 e) ]$ |# g
DD Reid- M( t) f- t8 m# f9 R: `
DD Phelps$ [" t" }" {! \8 i5 t
DD Le Triomphant* P3 ]" m, n5 a/ {) T
* m! ~' V' B+ N% A1 i; G# \--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ y V& S9 ]& o* z
Night Time Surface Combat, near Rabaul at 62,901 Y# k% A+ K0 a. e1 l, O: k
3 n$ l. o* C5 J! I4 |Japanese aircraft) [* o V( W0 b7 ~) W+ m; d/ }
no flights6 D# j& U( `0 V$ ^ S9 }' ~! |
! P& b* N+ C) w. i( x5 q [% k2 X% `
Japanese aircraft losses( m9 U( b' R, X( @3 b3 R y! b5 @% q
F1M2 Pete: 1 destroyed. C9 t- k; \, a
$ [, w! A. j0 h
Japanese Ships; }% ?$ ]. E- Y5 i
BB Mutsu, Shell hits 302, and is sunk
6 F) i! s* S6 G1 {+ H
' `+ ^( ?, U$ p: P" gAllied Ships
5 F4 j/ P9 Q5 S: FCA Louisville% }! d% D- G' L, t8 ]3 b( B4 ?
CA Chicago, Shell hits 3- j4 d2 m$ s8 f% l: V) g6 Q
CA Pensacola& w3 I7 D1 i6 M
CL Perth; k8 D5 A; A' i) K2 j, z; ]
DD Bagley, on fire, heavy damage! m+ |% M* w8 g+ R0 J7 f
DD Reid' p( g% p" V$ R( |- m
DD Phelps
) a- O* a8 u. Y4 D2 t) |; Q; w+ x- XDD Le Triomphant
6 y0 h" q( G. I( Q+ m, ?0 l- s/ ~) z& _6 ` w- L1 K
: N$ q2 I6 U7 y6 S; ]1 m
, C$ p/ V3 R& l& \% Y% r9 M
" a- f- ~1 O% i1 x6 X天亮后盟军对拉海纳的日本舰队发动大规模空袭,由于飞行员大多经验不足,战果非常有限
6 m! T1 ]) c$ h& ?; e. W
3 W5 u9 q7 P3 m4 x* P--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 D7 s* `0 \( ]
Day Air attack on TF, near Lahaina at 115,73
0 Q% Y0 A2 a+ k; z3 ?4 M! o) H , G) U* I" v$ Q
Japanese aircraft
9 c) |, D% P/ ?A6M2 Zero x 42+ x/ \7 f) {- L
7 b, Z8 A F* t! UAllied aircraft
/ r& t9 h# W& D9 t' O4 O8 v) n% \F4F-3 Wildcat x 28
0 p/ @0 n7 N! d$ |SB2U Vindicator x 16) F7 V( b. S/ B. k/ y, }, q
SBD-3 Dauntless x 14, A: i, Q% J Y7 F8 I
P-26A x 20 v' y# l' c1 I
P-36A Mohawk x 97 W- f% D) [, u8 H( i% V
P-40B Tomahawk x 18+ ~2 L" C3 g( X
P-40E Warhawk x 2% X( g2 i& l/ V5 N8 e& b7 W2 T, X0 V
B-18A Bolo x 3. D+ k) m. Z1 b; [/ Y
A-29 Hudson x 3) f% m. M1 o0 v" q6 ^
B-17E Fortress x 8: Z7 R8 s& e4 e4 D( Z
LB-30 Liberator x 4
( H- c q" {" T/ J6 rF2A-3 Buffalo x 20( V7 o/ d: f# W
- H' j# C5 N& R# Y
Japanese aircraft losses* {. k# e5 |/ s7 K [ {
A6M2 Zero: 11 destroyed, 4 damaged
( A/ [) i* @0 A7 c$ {1 ^" v4 _
3 D. K/ H6 s1 k/ W6 vAllied aircraft losses! w2 S! _; _* ^" n7 r
F4F-3 Wildcat: 12 destroyed, 4 damaged
/ |0 s0 M8 K( n$ q# n5 h9 q$ vSB2U Vindicator: 2 destroyed, 8 damaged- M- k2 m4 E& b V
SBD-3 Dauntless: 3 destroyed, 8 damaged
$ D, t% M; m2 f, Z4 J& KP-26A: 1 destroyed
$ i: h6 z4 V! Y. UP-36A Mohawk: 5 destroyed
' f; @* p) h! }6 K" `P-40B Tomahawk: 11 destroyed
) ^8 F' H3 t' D$ i. V3 eP-40E Warhawk: 2 destroyed' _$ S+ n; X* `5 H: [) C3 Z# Q
B-18A Bolo: 1 damaged/ Q( e. l# g3 a2 D
B-17E Fortress: 2 damaged0 K( ^/ Y$ }/ o: P
LB-30 Liberator: 1 damaged- P7 y8 K2 E6 H& V
F2A-3 Buffalo: 7 destroyed, 4 damaged. b3 [. S0 o( ^# z
9 t8 ^( q" a: Q0 W1 n
Japanese Ships# q8 l9 ]. S9 }$ Z' n+ k
CL Abukuma
: F; N9 R4 L/ S6 B. ] F" R* `BB Hiei, Bomb hits 1
& `8 D+ r6 T; S, ^BB Kirishima, Bomb hits 3, on fire- M# t8 ?0 F' d/ @5 ~6 p& [
) f c/ }" \ a) }
; Z+ y6 i, U5 L4 x上午躲在雨幕中的腊包儿盟军舰队在下午还是遭到了打击,2艘CA1艘CL和数艘DD当场沉没
- |( e4 V: u- o! ?5 b5 u--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 J. ?4 N1 d) F4 u, ?$ q& @
Day Air attack on TF, near Rabaul at 62,90
) f. g# Z5 G/ R
; w- n, i3 ?- s$ q; L2 IJapanese aircraft
; M/ G, c) G; JD3A2 Val x 21
/ y$ R" X( B- l+ l" vB5N2 Kate x 43+ ?: {1 T% k, Q% ^8 z" B
4 I( U! ?* Z4 }. W/ xJapanese aircraft losses' @3 a a6 X9 u1 s
D3A2 Val: 1 damaged
' l5 S; d% \' l' FB5N2 Kate: 1 damaged! h5 X: q) M; T, ]8 Q& T/ |8 [
: a# M, d+ c/ P# H; o9 k3 h
Allied Ships
( p. L% F. e, e, [9 R: F1 s% [CL Leander, Bomb hits 4, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
: `4 x/ _$ k; o6 L) h/ @DD Chew, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage% `0 O8 K" D) E; Y
DD Litchfield, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage) o; h% l. N1 ]4 [# P
DD Selfridge
; U* x P1 x" tDD Porter
% c2 G6 i% u- V% h$ c
! S) l9 F+ O0 H1 p. d--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 ?1 {$ I# B5 o2 q! n3 j8 A' bDay Air attack on TF, near Rabaul at 62,90
. A' B2 U1 e8 k/ O
( {! Q2 P6 q* p4 b% I8 lJapanese aircraft& l4 D- A: m# E7 Q; j2 a
A6M2 Zero x 27# W6 \9 Q- y4 D7 ]8 F
D3A2 Val x 138 I7 F* P+ F: K) y7 q5 ]2 f
B5N2 Kate x 42
& ]6 v) d, g" g* G# ~ ) x3 `" ?1 f5 P. ?1 z
Japanese aircraft losses9 S! i. q( M0 H, f0 Q6 x. ]
D3A2 Val: 3 damaged
+ S/ W" b& U: B* Y7 X, F' y, {B5N2 Kate: 1 destroyed, 17 damaged
* q; S$ ?1 d G9 ?' h # p% `+ F8 \ J
Allied Ships' z3 J/ U; U& F D1 N5 r
CA Chicago, Bomb hits 5, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage$ { q1 X1 b5 w% }# H8 m
CA Pensacola, Torpedo hits 5, on fire, heavy damage# Q9 K e R. ]( S
DD Phelps, Bomb hits 4, on fire, heavy damage
5 q! M: w; O; XCA Louisville, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
4 H" {+ d3 D, Q* aCL Perth
! L. S6 J0 y# j" m& }. B# m" ~& ~2 }3 K t, Z M
地面战% b5 A0 \* D. g9 f# X
* P. h, g- A0 O; _8 C) `盟军在吕宋再次发动反击,重夺San Fernando
$ W' D2 x/ p$ v# K/ ?- y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ J# A# f/ ~- g% X) X
Ground combat at San Fernando
6 z' x- p) W- U# S" J: F
" c- z' Z% U& m6 i2 P& @Allied Deliberate attack
7 M6 Q1 }! x% j* A
5 c: b) l6 L* g2 V m& B' JAttacking force 2246 troops, 52 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 103 p9 A# W0 n7 `2 s6 @. P
& \# R, ], i+ G6 s
Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0& K; m% P8 t! V2 N z* k! Y
3 _# v% l: T0 F% ^/ L9 I8 EAllied max assault: 10 - adjusted assault: 7
, R+ A# g& _( B" E1 o
{0 q+ V2 p4 _1 \Japanese max defense: 0 - adjusted defense: 1 $ ~: e0 a- o; y) U9 e
4 Z/ l) i0 T; c
Allied assault odds: 7 to 1 (fort level 0) 3 }/ |4 u; R% |1 q+ y3 ~6 @
~( ]% b' G! vAllied forces CAPTURE San Fernando base !!! |