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ANDY准备投降了?% G* g9 F2 G5 W4 z3 K8 T, f$ _

$ o% J- ~( e/ c' k- `Hi yes I have about 40 subs in Tinian waters and approaches but they are doing limited good.! e! [, m8 U; ]- ^: a

: P' B. ^/ F/ W8 q& I+ o, }2 [OK today I only got 0:1 so its game over on Tinian.* X& _- |1 O% j: E6 |

" i6 ]2 l8 u$ Q9 E0 R! B7 n& wOK a few points for everyone thank you for the email questions but its easier to answer them on the forum en masse so to speak.- N2 g5 [4 M* ^: ?. |1 z3 i6 p
9 i& {& v+ ]- A" }9 A
If I miss anyones questions apologies
( n4 Y& e+ k; z5 B. B( L
0 s7 v+ P( m# _1 N. i1. Why did you attack Tinian and not another island in the Marianas.
7 b/ ?& O% K, z* ~+ j
, S& l; h' o: Y% YAll other islands are mountainous so Tinian has a x 4 AV multiple for forts, Saipan, Guam or Pagan would have x 12 because forts and mountains are mutiplactive. i.e. attacking the Marianas for the allies is a no choice option.( G, E$ o* P; G0 u0 R! C/ i
  C$ U* o. ]: i1 m
2. Why did you not bomb before attacking.
  C, n, C- i7 q! B  ~7 c$ J& k
! T4 c  H- b: u. ABecause it is not possible in WITP to interdict land reinforcements if the Japanese player is willing to take the losses he can put 2 or 3 Divs ashore in short order either by transport aircraft or massed AK invasion - Pauk did that to me at Gasmata so he knows the moves and PZB has completed it many times another 1,000 AV x 4 = no matter what the allies bring its not possible.
! \/ Q8 ]0 d4 _. a5 I5 X5 I. p3 ]
3. Why did you not sweep the mines before landing ?
$ x% I) Q& G. ?( y2 O
/ v2 o* ]" g0 Q/ {" D' bOver 40 MSWs were destroyed int he first hour of the fight despite having DD and BB support int he same TF.0 A9 m; m6 U2 W3 o1 {7 J/ Y
! j' C9 |! f( {/ a+ N( R5 C
4. Why did you give up on SWPAC
; q% l9 }! e+ z7 z1 E* k0 P7 f$ M2 \- F( o9 {
SWPAC is a valid attack route BUT with every base having lvl 9 forts and the Japanese able to reinforce and it being malaria it is a VERY tough attack route. Remember Noemfoor against PZB a single Bde can stop 2 - 3 Divs of allied Troops for a long time. Forts are just to strong in jungle and Malaria.3 `1 G- ?1 t2 t6 O' t

  \8 p  y" p' M1 i' X5. Why not attack Marcus
( C6 V2 y, {  ^9 ^7 c# g, i2 R: H! R& j7 n6 K/ o/ C2 i0 Q" r5 o
Perhaps I should have valid question
3 m& q0 \& g" {  m9 i8 O
' Z) J/ }$ M; ^- O6 v6. Why not attack HI
: S8 s' P+ p/ N
9 u7 ]/ F0 a4 E/ Z5 T: ^Because although I would have won it would have left a bad taste in the mouth.
5 @4 Q. }+ }7 V4 K  E3 b0 A/ g6 S+ A
OK what now - honest answer I dont know7 y0 G* m+ [7 y! d+ q7 b: ~* W4 f
下什么战书 官网论坛99%都是在看andy笑话的
有好戏看了 为ANDY的承受力喝彩
( W: c$ ?5 {# P  a7 j5 d  [) h% ^; q1 N9 N8 q" w8 Z
I feel I now have no choice its all or nothing.
& t5 s0 S4 C6 @4 p
7 M' B  R' Z/ A' f+ Ymy carriers are moving extremely slowly despite being undamaged but will all be back at Wake tomorrow within the next 3 days the entire fleet will sail to death or glory I cannot leave 300,000 men on Tinian every ship I can muster is going in - I MUST secure naval superiority over the Marianas so the orders are given.
1 ^- E# U0 ?2 g0 J
. w4 ]. `8 F. o& [. uAll carriers will be setting sail after they have fueled the crippled Hornet will be going in with the fleet - in total 6 Fleet, 3 Light and about 25 Escort Carriers covered by 8 BB's and every destroyer I can find.
& Z5 x) D6 F- z* ]% C
9 H$ p$ Z& n) J6 j9 PThis is it death or glory....
) v3 j' A4 e! y& g$ C; @/ C. ]" W1 S1 n
% |7 E0 @/ I+ r# j$ G# z各位下注吧 PAUK要逆天了吗
怎么感觉像大和的最后出击 2 b, k. W1 l3 O

& D' b: h3 b& H0 `! e) b" LANDY桑banzai
9 i' U* p0 B$ Z& a9 M2 Q7 g, ~4 `
- c- B8 M2 t4 D( A8 V% t太逆天了...
% Z2 D: U: ^9 c# D. u. R1 c+ kTF58据说是8BB ,6CV,3CVL,25CVE     要独立对抗KB(至今只损失1条CVE!)+12BB(可能大和在修)+无数陆航  唉  加油 盟军!
8 B$ x+ S  J& ]# c4 o43年中还形势大好,就在43年末到44年让PAUK桑翻盘了!$ @8 j* y! w5 D" J6 t  s
不过FREESTYLE不断削弱美军CV ,44年CV决战的梦想,看来还是可能的 & e& E6 O5 M" M( Z) a2 a
当然,我也同意包子的说法,只要ANDY指挥,impossible is nothing!$ a! n9 @! O6 K4 z

! l9 }7 Y$ g5 A& {[ 本帖最后由 talentpanzer 于 2007-9-18 21:23 编辑 ]
原帖由 bio 于 2007-9-18 20:30 发表
4 j5 v: P/ c. H$ o6 z) |怎么感觉像大和的最后出击
6 i. U# J; o2 J6 d! D8 q9 W& F5 {% b8 h% x
! x+ q2 S9 T- k5 Z4 s9 N$ g& n: C
ANDY打算上3个海盗在航母上?# `5 y  @, s7 }$ F) |4 T+ m
Andy san 有他自己的执著阿,虽然打的不太好,但是也挺pf他的
精神可嘉,除此之外我不知道该怎么表达我心中的感受 ' C+ r) I- \& c) @" H* j
) b$ f8 L3 t7 P, F
1 H7 L. Z, w* y" r. o真是把盟军的脸面丢完了。
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
1 D3 v4 J) f( v8 JANDY在打一盘很大的麻将