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[原创] (原创)请教一艘(美军)二战潜艇

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# P; l! P% e) l; S3 s/ [2 `% }' e% O3 |# z& h% v4 H9 M  H% ?7 g
Come visit the USS Pampanito located at Pier 45, Fisherman's Wharf. Pampanito is normally open to the public seven days a week. Hours and Directions
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USS Pampanito (SS-383) is a World War II Balao class Fleet submarine museum and memorial that is open for visitors daily at San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf. Pampanito made six patrols in the Pacific during World War II during which she sank six Japanese ships and damaged four others. Operated by the Maritime Park Association, Pampanito hosts approximately 110,000 visitors a year and is one of the most popular historic vessels in the country. In addition to day time visitors, over 15,000 kids a year participate in Pampanito's educational day and overnight programs. Pampanito is a National Historic Landmark.( a9 X( z/ o* {# y

$ _9 i  ^2 D8 G# l- P; V) L$ `This photograph of Pampanito headed out under the Golden Gate Bridge was taken by volunteer Bob Taylor in 1995 when the submarine was featured in the film Down Periscope. It had been fifty years since Pampanito sailed under the bridge.
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Pampanito is being restored to a specific point in time, late summer, 1945, to represent the height of WW II submarine development. The Maritime Park Association has scoured the country in search of missing equipment and spare parts. Almost all of the missing items have now been replaced and much of the equipment on board has been restored to operation.
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3 F3 M2 b4 {# s$ @, W4 O+ m" I5 tUSS Pampanito completed her fourth maintenance drydocking since becoming a museum in Jan 2007. (See the Drydocking 2007 Press Release.) We are now seeking funding and preparing for her next drydocking., o- ~# J& z& S; W; B. r  |3 f! A

  ]. x5 W- M/ A6 ~2 j  JThis site is an in depth look at many issues involving one ship, USS Pampanito, and includes a tour of the submarine, her history, lists of Pampanito's wartime crew, descriptions of WW II submarine technology, historic photographs, a WW II submarine memorial with the name of every submariner lost during the war, information about educational programs aboard Pampanito and a description of Pampanito's preservation and restoration programs.
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刺鲳号在太平洋战争中进行了6次战斗巡航,共击沉6艘日舰,击伤4艘。刺鲳号目前每年接待接近11万游客,并成为美国最受欢迎的历史名舰之一( )。除了普通游客,每年还有1万5千名孩子参加刺鲳号的爱国主义教育活动和夜间游戏(/ C- x5 p4 e& d& [. h2 T
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官方网站内容在这里 http://www.maritime.org/pamphome.htm
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( m. c, {: g4 x1 Z8 d7 _有工夫的话可以去旧金山 look look5 z5 s2 y% Z  i+ j' b

2 |4 v1 a( [6 Y! W. j+ |# a9 _[ 本帖最后由 飞龙 于 2007-10-8 09:56 编辑 ]
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战绩马马虎虎啊,我曾经在不来梅港见到了德国的21型潜艇。作为现代潜艇的鼻祖,很有参观价值,可惜无奈时间已经晚了,不开放了,第2天就离开了 ! m7 o, ]2 r; q4 ~5 {8 J  n
美军潜艇部队也有不少数据上很恐怖的王牌的,有不少地方都有介绍,很多王牌潜艇的指挥塔上画满了击沉标志。击沉6艘的战绩确实很一般。. E" X& T/ P: G
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
德国的21型潜艇确实很有看一看的必要哇~~: p' s1 y+ e7 n# A( Y: y& S

; p- t6 b" P; R9 J2 m4 e0 F二战中的很多德国武器都成为战后武器发展的基石,不得不钦佩德国人的创造力~~