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PAUK 不玩了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 L' J3 a, h7 j, d. @+ a0 }; h& k
3 Y2 f, @; W* S  rok, will explode if i don't say it loudly. / ]! C! O- S9 d+ C. ~0 p

- K3 E4 I  Y+ i1 {8 Z- X0 ~After recent "happenings", i found this game not so interesting any more. Especially after "joke" in main thread about upgrade to Ki-102. While the truth is i was busy last few days, i also wanted to take a time and think about continuing this game. Nothing has been changed since than and i'm considering to stop this game. Being gamey with PDU on? I'm sorry, but that goes for both sides. I'm not guilty that i've managed to "exploit" PDU better than other side. Since last comments questioned to my integrity, honesty and sportsmanship i really see no reason to continue with the game. As ive already said that has nothing with Andy - we both managed to make agreements in the past, which wasn't always easy but we are still respecting each other. I'm playing the game for the fun, and yes, recent comments killed the fun i had in last two years.
5 ^. z, b( u4 F3 p7 ^- @9 |. ^% \9 _/ ^, Z1 h) Q* ^. `
All my succeses are now shadowed because "Banzai yelling" and being gamey about PDU on. I didn't spent so much time just that certain persons jumps in and say Gamey-boy. I have more important work to do than explaining plain things to "jumpers" (Sorry Jumper it is not up to you)
5 M1 S: C9 H5 u( |+ u8 O" n6 j5 W8 @) G1 F: K
This is how i see things now. I may try one game as Allies one day, of course with PDU on. However, if someone wants to take over my game, please contact me via PM.... , W( e0 U' @5 H1 }6 V8 \: v6 }
, X8 s/ c) {! F, d& _/ f) M
Gentelmen, it was nice journey. Banzai!
. E' K/ y9 g5 J
, X! n8 {5 b) m
- {8 G" c- p4 u8 G' E. N5 t6 O+ C
+ Z# s. j+ E5 l! D为什么!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8 b3 W! R0 `* m
5 }/ K/ l( m" t$ }5 `  i3 w) N这只是个游戏啊 日军当然会有机会啊!
哎,3 w, W- ]( S0 c2 A; b" V4 J
可惜了" O$ b1 [$ _. r3 g9 S