今日帝国的莱城三重唱由于连续几日都对帕果进行了大扫除,本身也蒙受了1/3的损失现在正回新几内亚补充休整,.米军损失的战机有将近200架左右,现在已经出现了绞肉机的趋势,不过帝国的空军补充是跟的上的,不知道米军的压力大不大.! [7 h: n* Q0 j: B& ?
. ]) {/ f* r, @8 _+ K
同日帝国的多只登陆部队已经在佩斯登陆,战力对比是10:1,预计明天一个突击就可以解决了,在太平洋上7 ~" U! o. k$ G- a1 m6 d
/ _/ Q" K2 s" c% L) n% p5 n `# Y3 c-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% w& g8 t; D( I4 @% j! kNight Time Surface Combat, near Pago Pago at 98,1106 K9 A8 Z1 H7 j" l. {8 |
' }$ n: _( d( n
Japanese Ships
# e( u3 p5 Z+ f8 HDD Ikazuchi" v2 K) h% a/ M; ]& n
DD Akebono& j0 M3 ^, p( |8 P
DD Yuzuki7 n9 p: |) _; `$ P5 [; Y
DD Okikaze
4 \4 E. M+ N0 U) L7 DDD Shiokaze, d4 \! a4 L" L7 ` i
DD Numakaze' t: A# f: L# u k
0 f* ]3 _8 f* s2 z0 dAllied Ships
* |- V8 Y& @( l$ UTK Empire Steel, Shell hits 22, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
; p7 J7 @+ |# L9 |1 C) XTK Empire Amethyst, Shell hits 9, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk3 k; r e6 x, I% e; x# _. R, p& Y
TK Empire Druid/ T) G1 M" [4 w8 X2 n
TK Empire Norse, Shell hits 9, on fire, heavy damage
* P H' t6 h2 @3 {0 f$ |; `TK Empire Flint, Shell hits 13, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
- ~% H* n5 _# y9 P) k" o* H* Y4 BTK Empire Celt
# S* |, \& A9 n {$ x5 d* _; ]9 C/ CTK Empire Onyx, on fire, heavy damage# y/ G7 M( E) @" A3 w
TK Empire Emerald1 U" N/ j" x4 y( a- \; Z u
TK Manvantara
@. s, Y! y# e! ~TK Merula, on fire, heavy damage
4 I. k! h7 U7 A" ^AVD Chincoteague3 u$ Y4 ?" O+ U& t
% ?/ {: U$ |) b估计也要烧掉不少燃油吧& j, F# A9 l* r# h0 ~+ h
( v2 ]" ?. E; x8 \( o
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 w. L- F4 b) w8 n
Ground combat at Perth
. i' e: c; P! ^& e
! ^0 K5 g" A# ] g! N* LAllied Bombardment attack
! Q9 M* z+ w# Z& o& I9 _6 [* V
, x, f* S8 C- ` U: ^8 i: {Attacking force 9784 troops, 69 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 235( f! ~) j% t- ~$ M# T
6 f' _ f% p+ A* ~2 L5 h: x9 E& QDefending force 110531 troops, 706 guns, 542 vehicles, Assault Value = 2148+ r u% _4 x2 {$ `. d2 o6 @( S# `
0 Y; P! ], w4 \6 Z! P# Y 4 F" w( @+ s8 c' p; s0 ]
Japanese ground losses:8 j- t# n4 W$ R( G
121 casualties reported
% ~# h k- A8 K# c- v/ N- Y
' ^; u. s8 L3 `' v% l! BAllied ground losses:- b; i7 [( j) r
15 casualties reported
' w( @' G" x, j1 J# FGuns lost 15 I8 p4 }0 L; x6 s
" R- h4 M* V# u( p( }5 N
在阿恰布,英国部队在断粮几个月后蜂拥着走入帝国的战俘营. {3 V3 q: g9 p+ A- f" b& ~8 o0 D
' H) j& [ K( W
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 v4 y% p* `* F
Ground combat at Akyab
( ]7 F* b* r! g5 G1 N% X 6 o8 O4 m1 @8 o/ L
Japanese Deliberate attack' Q" p% x+ N; X2 v
- J4 Z' m% e7 HAttacking force 50124 troops, 361 guns, 1 vehicles, Assault Value = 690
" q$ y3 Q' W9 o' U: C: c0 J
8 q3 P% e: Q w6 s1 jDefending force 72711 troops, 9 guns, 492 vehicles, Assault Value = 214
% |# v; T5 @4 j+ S 6 e3 j" ?. c5 E' J8 R4 f
Japanese max assault: 588 - adjusted assault: 358 4 s5 n7 p/ u$ G7 `) ^- Y! ~
. z8 K% p s$ X3 V, VAllied max defense: 109 - adjusted defense: 161
4 u# S! ?- t; J* | l! @/ S
4 K9 z: P0 d# O# g3 r. Y3 [Japanese assault odds: 2 to 1
; G0 H# g1 ^. V w' n* `
7 f9 d- y7 K4 _; ]! P
5 N2 i3 O% T9 x- J& b" W( nJapanese ground losses:, t6 X" y: n' P4 {
299 casualties reported
! L, C) k# |$ I" ~) VGuns lost 8
7 u/ j0 z" Z- x ( L7 ?) i; e% y
Allied ground losses:
8 w! ]3 ]7 J( i4 P) `1641 casualties reported
% j" \; {7 [5 O# E) ]. M) O/ O8 W$ zGuns lost 37 C+ O, o0 I8 g, B
Vehicles lost 2' n: c* L5 r# o2 p" @
x% q% F* U8 g4 K6 i$ l7 o
死前的最后挣扎5 r' y& g3 R/ C- I) z0 R
; _ }' U) Y* k7 d4 H* VGround combat at Akyab
. c. l0 B) F0 m. G
+ d$ c( C0 a& fAllied Shock attack
4 Y0 c3 C$ w% R W% Y) X. a
& J( e' ~% ?7 ]/ T3 |1 Y8 Q$ wAttacking force 24847 troops, 0 guns, 471 vehicles, Assault Value = 184& x; s, n& [( B& }+ l5 W( M- @( x( G
. W+ v2 D9 H7 a$ }) kDefending force 56150 troops, 347 guns, 1 vehicles, Assault Value = 662
9 V) ?' e, t/ f( M g0 V# T$ [! h
) |( X ]) S5 ]. a7 U& L- {' D4 ]Allied max assault: 104 - adjusted assault: 11 : f. L/ w& J- U7 D7 W6 z8 S Q
/ l! D, d. V6 T! y2 v
Japanese max defense: 507 - adjusted defense: 901
v& o) K% t0 K0 C2 ^5 Y/ Z1 a$ Y4 {7 A( b
/ F- r: `. I7 Z1 R, ` c7 eAllied assault odds: 0 to 1 (fort level 6)
7 o- y7 m/ }8 L5 l
8 Q( p. Z5 s+ S7 \( {/ G3 ^+ ] 6 ]3 J0 n4 t9 f+ L3 Q6 [
Japanese ground losses:
6 Z! K; c2 |, K( j5 f. E' E' p- n13 casualties reported ]4 Q% J9 u6 _/ _9 g1 J! p' y. K
Guns lost 15 V1 h4 f! P1 j* t2 i
7 W5 F3 J9 d# h- t8 U8 ]
Allied ground losses:
6 a% T9 L7 y8 Y8 w! g9 U254 casualties reported( G- P5 h8 q- w. V$ W C; ]# t6 B' H
Vehicles lost 6. g# b; W3 |0 W2 {2 I' B, u+ l
9 P& h0 ~) i+ p( o$ p v3 gSSVF Brigade Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!1 r4 M5 Y4 Y' M o `. O
22nd Indian Brigade Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!
( K+ f" P# w# z7 p( ]) @( s12th Indian Brigade Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!
4 ~; Q; x- p7 |& ~+ W( S" c4 @6th Indian Brigade Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!
) B- l0 I- o7 _2 i5 ?22nd Australian Brigade Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!
3 @( A/ s4 V% C4 @" Y: d27th Australian Brigade Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!" U; d+ H+ P% w7 I
1st Malaya Brigade Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!/ {. |5 m/ r0 B) t
45th Indian Brigade Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!
+ _* ?, ?' x, wNo. 103 RN Base Force Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!
N7 k" r, O5 I' tNo. 109 RN Base Force Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!0 V0 \6 o: C3 l) b% J+ t4 {
$ X7 u0 |9 F6 R# f& h6 KNo. 101 RAF Base Force Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!* J& U4 F: u7 l9 _# H
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- j, e$ T$ F' l$ I" H( e5 g
No. 102 RAF Base Force Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!1 r) |, R$ G% `; I
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 l9 }- }2 t. q7 h0 E4 x- V
No. 103 RAF Base Force Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!
0 x' P. T# s" F& S) a--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ {/ H5 p; s7 ?0 n9 s* }/ A6 z- X. j
No. 105 RAF Base Force Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!
& y8 c! N$ m- O--------------------------------------------------------------------------------) _& s' U; ?3 f, t' j
No. 107 RAF Base Force Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!
2 _) ~" o4 z! X+ N" q5 o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- r w8 [9 Q7 c& H
No. 111 RAF Base Force Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!
: Q1 r4 i2 W d6 N2 V* U- ^--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 p4 \* H; ^# A$ c9 |7 q; HNo. 112 RAF Base Force Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!
* Y+ m2 {' e! x+ Q--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ V1 O% z9 u9 S; S4 ~1 i
No. 113 RAF Base Force Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!+ ~* Y# W9 S' @
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 W6 t" O) G" i1 M7 y- L1 {+ P
Bombay Naval Base Force Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!$ J& t; ~4 G$ H3 w3 s9 d
" f" M) H7 [) h& O1 N/ `2nd Indian Air Base Force Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!! |3 f, B9 h5 K4 D8 I* ^+ N
8 N% d1 |& \0 V# p" c. j4th Indian Air Base Force Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!) a, m: r) p7 @; `
( ]- r& K5 s2 [# j; N4 v5th Indian Air Base Force Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!
3 ~4 g( u5 q1 B) a--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
) ]( P, [ f8 f% L {- O+ C8th Indian Air Base Force Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!! f6 x5 f. |6 e4 a
- N2 y$ B, V- b, ]1 ]( c9th Indian Air Base Force Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!
- H3 y0 ~; c' G, y! P0 n3 S% ~- U--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/ [& k, B6 h- G$ }4 B10th Indian Air Base Force Wiped Out at Akyab by attrition!!!/ [1 W5 ?/ d- ]
1 K7 l3 s; `! O+ P4 ?6 V2 u# g
Allied Unit(s) surrounded at Akyab |