原帖由 xinghulalala 于 2008-6-4 00:29 发表 
4 r/ W K8 x" p8 G2 C2 V* T手册上说:"补给船(depots/tenders)必须停在至少1级的港口基地内才能发挥作用"(Tenders must be located in a hex with a port of at least size 1 in order to perform their duties.见原manaul14.2.1). \6 ], ?- x+ M) F3 L
3 t# D3 J% ]- v) a; U; H& L' ^1 z
问题:1.要 ... % j* e E# ? D1 V$ Q
) D i) x) ^: Z# ?, d$ f& a从英文句子来看
4 b: b8 c, @' L- V1和2都有效 |