本帖最后由 championzhao 于 2009-7-12 18:49 编辑
2 ] E0 O1 u1 ?# I. H6 H. `" Z5 S6 M; [ D) g* |
8 L+ O) j- t H) c
5 K( }6 W: W* Y" Z8 RVictory Points4 ~' y" k8 K2 ]! B. G6 b
- At the end of game, VPs are summed up with points for holding Bases, and then compared to determine which side won.
7 k# z6 C2 ]2 L5 ^* D. C- Points are awarded in following ways:7 e P h0 ]# n' G+ m3 J
- Aircraft Destroyed: 1 VP per 1 plane.
; g* c" w* Y$ D, b0 c4 S: W - Allied LCUs (squads, vehicles, or guns): - Phillipino / Chinese: 1 VP for every 12 items destroyed.
' x( Q/ p% @( N5 \ Z6 F- @, ~ - Soviet: 1 VP for every 6 items destroyed.
}5 Z( n: O' I+ I - All Other Allied: 1 VP for every 3 items destroyed.
. L) ]7 X! e, C - Japanese LCUs (squads, vehicles, or guns): 1 VP for every 6 items destroyed.
+ Q, y3 }/ ]* P. O - Sunk Ships - Generally, VPs for sinking a ship = durability of ship.6 x" Z# f, b6 k z( Z' }! H
- CV, CVL = durability + 3 * A/C capacity.3 t' |4 ~% Z' v
- CVE = durability + 2 * A/C capacity.
% d6 |2 A7 l: t0 O" D& w - CS = durability + A/C capacity.1 t" B$ q$ ]% ^9 Y
- BB, BC = durability * 1.33./ t5 [, }- ~8 A
- LST, LCI, PG, ML = durability / 2.
9 i/ l# ?# n5 U, t/ ^; ^7 d - AP, AK, TK, AO, LSD = durability / 2.
8 T8 g E9 I( f' H* D' N - SS = durability / 3.5 c5 a2 k1 B3 `8 i0 n- Z) B
- Scuttled ships = standard VP - 10%.
9 v0 B6 I& w4 Y# B: ^' }+ l7 j9 E - Barges = 0 VP.
9 c9 r* r7 K R; q' e
0 G9 ]1 D' ~3 |) ~2 |: I3 x - Damaged Ships - In some scenarios VP’s are awarded for ships with Sys dmg at the end of game.6 B; }3 J2 M6 r) T) j( G W
- VPs awarded = normal VPs for sinking * [ (system damage / 2) / 100) ].
4 k, T- X7 `/ O6 r - In scenarios allowing VPs for damaged ships, they cannot be sent offmap for repairs.
& n2 c. M4 p/ G5 U/ x1 p - In these scenarios, Intel Screen lists total number of each side's damaged ships and their VPs.
! L5 I: F* v+ r3 v- H- k - Control of Base - Each Base has basic VP level for Allied ownership and Japanese ownership.) {2 X/ x$ c N8 y5 @3 g& ^
- Final VP value for holding a Base is calculated by following formula:& [" C) v+ q4 Z! e4 o5 {) d& G
Final VP = Basic VP * [ Port size + (Airfield size * 2) ]7 _) B2 g. h: b: B
- Basic VPs & Final VPs for each side are displayed when mouse is placed over a Base (Basic VP
% i" L; F1 c a9 l" a- \ value is in parenthesis).6 N- b: [- R2 T8 U
- Final VPs are awarded at the end of game only if Base's Supplies >= required Supply level.
! p4 r4 I+ \2 Q: } - If Supplies are lower than required, rewarded Final VPs are also lower., g+ o9 C! J0 H9 j K
- If Supplies in a Base = 0, rewarded VPs = 25% of a Final VP for fully supplied Base.
% b) @, k7 v$ V1 l) S# B8 A - Industry damage: - VPs are awarded for any kind of Industry, including Manpower./ Y$ R( \) O4 A& L; w7 V
- 2 VPs awarded per damaged point.8 x- O* O, R( Q9 h# J
- 20 VPs awarded per destroyed point (item destroyed when damaged will yield 18 more VPs).; {9 _: n( B) T. ]: n* W
- Industry can only be destroyed by firestorms / A-bombs, but can be damaged by any type of
/ l8 ~& S; z! o' s' a) _7 C attack (including firestorms / A-bombs).
" K' L9 v, H& S" ^- Industry VP scoring is cumulative - if Industry hex is bombed, damaged, repaired, then bombed / T5 Q6 h; i9 A3 e+ @% p/ y
again, player keeps earning VPs as long as Industry hex keeps repairing itself.
2 p. U' l8 M, x( Y - For Allies, Industry VPs are scored only for bombing mainland Japan.
% x8 q: }( y2 V. n - For Japanese, Industry VPs are scored only for bombing N. America, Australia or Hawaii. |