本帖最后由 sunjiafu 于 2009-8-11 18:41 编辑
" [& i! }+ l" q" e
# u) ^( S3 w1 W, t) U6 }! X# a整体上日军仍然处于劣势,盟军四发本作轰炸精度有所下降 但是一如既往的强大 几乎不可战胜 0战在它面前不堪一击 陆攻 及DB TB都不适合裸奔 会重大损失/ w$ F# @4 ~4 g3 c+ U. L) F5 f
日军的水面战非常不稳定 有过一夜3次水面战只见烟花 不见命中也有很辉煌的胜利可能和月光有关
; {9 I; m2 L" \& Z3 V$ mJapanese Ships1 t6 \1 j: i0 ^2 a) e4 \8 b
CA Aoba, Shell hits 1
2 `, ^3 g5 Q8 B3 h; v: c CA Kinugasa
$ m% r: y. T' d7 h CA Furutaka, Shell hits 13 [! V c9 ^3 g6 {
CL Tenryu
0 e: X0 l8 v# g) O7 M CL Tatsuta: p. k2 E) w! o7 j2 O7 L9 M- u
CL Yubari: v, P$ \) p7 f' j Z: p
DD Uranami, Shell hits 1: b* _, S/ V; h( | }
DD Shikinami' H1 N) e- s5 A' M9 b! z
5 q# p( e* @2 Z4 {! X( `% R, ^Allied Ships
2 [, ~( g0 y e% e: g9 l SC-702, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
& j4 `/ Q8 I' E SC-704, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
, j s7 ?" l& X6 a SC-705, Shell hits 1, and is sunk R O6 l$ O+ l! Q
SC-706, Shell hits 1, and is sunk* j. A k3 [" T1 T
SC-707, Shell hits 1, and is sunk* F7 T3 ?. p' Z; t9 G% h8 D
SC-708, Shell hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
" Z1 O. }9 t9 V' N1 _ AP Barnett, Shell hits 4, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk( z! ^/ X. A } E1 g
AP Henderson, Shell hits 21, and is sunk
" N. h1 N0 _" \. I( G2 x+ i AP President Jackson, Shell hits 16, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk# Z" [+ }4 b U3 }8 w
AP President Adams, Shell hits 14, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
. U! @" [2 e- D# K$ }$ q AP President Monroe, Shell hits 14, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk; t6 U6 Y' {% z& H
AP Crescent City, Shell hits 15, and is sunk
$ g* @* c3 Y. s, M AP Monrovia, Shell hits 14, and is sunk
l" H& E; R j5 \6 d6 L AP Cambria, Shell hits 20, and is sunk
; H o4 O e. [8 y8 C# wAllied ground losses:; k. f }& o1 ?) T
1707 casualties reported8 s' }5 V* j- n' _2 L: H, O
Squads: 0 destroyed, 11 disabled1 S& X. p# k% N6 o' k. K1 g6 v
Non Combat: 28 destroyed, 145 disabled- ~' F# E- l6 b4 t- u6 O2 S% X
Engineers: 19 destroyed, 32 disabled9 D7 l p( _4 t- H6 l+ O' k
Guns lost 7 (0 destroyed, 7 disabled)
5 U- X+ R$ s3 K3 h! e8 P+ t Vehicles lost 28 (14 destroyed, 14 disabled) |