For those of you running PBEM games, here is a recommended update procedure*: `$ Q" g# t+ i" |8 s2 s
1 u7 ?5 i" C y5 s; I. m, r. H
(Note: v1079 refers to the game Release version and v1084 refers to the Update version. Your current version may vary.)
( m! p& w) Q7 v, t. s4 U0 G) W1 t8 `+ c0 l/ C
1) Japanese player resolves latest turn using current version v1079.
3 U3 J! E6 `9 q) F$ K6 W2) Japanese player saves game. " i, r* @4 w. X. c; E( U
3) Japanese player exits game. 6 m! e. W: P6 c6 i6 }5 L( P
4) Japanese player sends combat replay to Allied player. / c5 ]' l5 F, s& q
5) Japanese player upgrades to new version v1084.
- F/ e8 k3 d2 D! A6) Japanese player issues orders and advances turn. 9 R7 \( A4 ], g4 j
7) Japanese player sends turn to Allied player.
: o3 H+ T: M) N% \3 R0 U' ]2 `6 s7 w1 N- P) F+ {# C/ v7 @
8) Allied player plays combat replay under old version v1079.
' A7 [0 v$ U- s x: J# Q9) Allied player upgrades to new version v1084.
" R9 g) I `' `- g10) Allied player issues orders and advances turn. " J6 v" A. l5 ?& [# ^
11) Allied player send turn file back to Japanese player.
* W: C1 K/ ~+ h+ |- I3 u' z* i/ p0 n. h, q
The key is that orders must be entered using the same version and then the turn resolved with that version i.e.:
0 D& b/ t6 G, s( a# G# ^* P. \+ h-J Orders v1079, A Orders v1079, J Resolve v1079, A Replay v1079;
5 X$ X/ D, [& Y7 e/ C3 `) j-Both update to v1084, J Orders v1084, A Orders v1084, etc. ' P8 v2 w( ~( r/ Y& [, j
+ E3 {, {1 ^0 U5 qFor Japanese players playing multiple PBEM games, what this means is that you will need to collect all of your opponents' turns and run them before updating. # s' s1 ]. ^* S" s a0 ?8 @2 K
" n' g$ ^3 ~2 o Y. Q7 {- q
After you run each turn, send off the replay file to the Allied player, and ask him to play the replay under the old version. Once you have resolved all of your PBEM opponents' turns, you can now upgrade. |