昨天官方发布了v1084的修正补丁,修正了EXE中2个代码。, V9 {) V3 {7 M) c6 b
' R2 y" `, @0 n9 s
9 A! P2 F/ s) c使用方法,解压压缩包直接覆盖到AE安装目录原文件即可。1 {7 c* o6 A) E
0 r+ a" `8 V2 t0 q7 J
: R" Z2 |& q& n& V6 F原文如下:
! k2 ^( L) i! O3 e, dOnly two changes to address two critical issues: # G4 Y; K3 `; x) J6 ?1 W' j* A
* J% K5 X* F) z
v1.00.84e Hotfix – September 15, 2009
' S w# k: N: h4 Y0 O5 c3 l1 d# h) z8 e5 [5 q5 W; E7 V* `8 e# m
• Code Changes
. `7 W: F# R o; t8 @' {9 F' N/ H1. Corrected an array boundary issue causing occasional crashes.
8 n/ `# A' T3 U: i) q2. Removed the invalid ship file update from the data update process. This change is in accordance with the documentation for 1.00.84. Games that were already “updated” their data from previous versions to 1.00.84 will unfortunately already have the bad ship file data, but this hot fix allows games that have not yet been updated to safely update. Please note that this issue did not affect new games started with 1.00.84. |