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[AE] 【分享】WITP-AE v1101bPublicBeta 补丁

9 f+ Q2 R2 Y& m* f- e  D0 f2 z* l" J7 F5 i, W& T; E* Z( ~
  P/ x& G+ L3 X2 g
2 e  |5 M4 z& y3 Ihttp://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=2377069
( l( V# j/ K+ k/ B  e
/ x: k4 O2 O2 z# S2 F( z英文版未汉化,暂时也没有汉化计划,建议不熟悉AE界面和操作的先用第一版汉化上手
5 @& u  p  E* k3 ]& a0 k7 M) O; C. G5 Q2 `
# q5 S5 Q  C/ Z. Y: ^9 n$ S# T2 x' g. l  d( J* Y1 K' j
0 ~+ ?' a' H* L" v" X3 X* `, Phttp://www.rayfile.com/files/c068bf40-1c98-11df-920e-0015c55db73d/
! ]9 c. F) \  ^! O! P& U  G" _& L9 S7 H6 J! d' ~
地址2:HTTP直接下载; W5 z6 M' e, o8 E$ i. B8 V
( Q8 l; N0 L0 ^2 Q
4 a7 S/ A1 j% H8 C& g8 f  R/ dWar_in_the_Pacific_Admiral__s_Edition_-v1101bPublicBeta.rar! M0 q- _' l: |
5 q9 \0 Z/ m1 U1 w, a+ k: B! X! }. U
【使用方法】:! {& Q( E' `! G* ^+ f
, ?, A# a8 F( N- O" L# a3 v6 {
& {. e$ i! F$ T' I. M6 B& n# B7 C* a2 i1 ?
【更新内容】:1 z* y4 d% y& ~- J: f* T$ y

6 W  \% o1 E) N) W
. p* N/ M2 s( B, sHere's the full change list:
5 D$ _  P6 s* i2 E9 h9 o6 v4 c' R+ F1 Z7 h
Wide Screen Support
/ L# K7 v8 D- v7 ^+ N% A
1 i, ~6 S( e7 F$ l8 K+ T0 fNew for Patch 03, build 1101 and above:
% i& V/ w7 i4 ^+ L2 Q9 p3 a-px –py $ V* Y7 U1 F6 u* Y) L, ]
To have any effect x must be greater than 1024 and y must be greater than 768. If values less than or equal to px=1024 and py=768 are used the original values of 1024 and 768 will be substituted. & b' e+ i. x+ K2 P' _* R
For small map scenarios use of the original sizes is recommended. Set up a separate icon, with an appropriate name, for these cases, for example for Coral Sea. 7 `* C  r4 V! I$ k

& n& l9 h3 o: E; F7 b/ Z2 c0 VSpanning mode is not supported and user should ensure that both the video adapter and monitor support the px and py values.
" h) g! n* h& Z: d3 o7 ^& m& PWe were unable to test on all possible monitor combinations, if you experience issues you should immediately remove the –px –py from your command line switches to revert to standard display behavior.
; x# G6 t$ e2 f& b3 Z% U! w. EExamples:
& j+ N6 Y1 i3 A-px1920 –py1200 for a 1920x1200 monitor in full screen mode 4 d( ^( E3 R' w4 I
–px1680 –py1050 for windowed mode, so that the window is within desktop 8 I* z  r( a0 m2 \# @8 v% V) e
8 H: J5 P5 \4 ~8 Q4 p
Change History:
+ {/ _# {7 K% y: x
9 Z6 f8 h* Y9 E" aV1.01.01b – February 14, 2010
+ e3 I$ _# X: x5 I6 Z" C4 L" h" ^2 ]+ V% f  k
• Patch Three – Beta – This release is comprehensive, thus updating all previous versions to v1.01.01b.
  [! s' |6 Q! n9 _5 O$ R+ W4 u2 S
• Code Changes
& U) t* c4 P% Y1 y6 j
: p+ R' M* e5 Z/ O( }

" I! V5 F& A& Y1. Fixed - Only show army units of the current player; in base hex it was possible to get the units from the owner of the base to show. 0 i- b" Q( m- z' ]
2. Fixed - Cross-assignment of land units grabbing air/sea leaders.
2 g: l" A0 n; @, C8 \3. Fixed - Jumbled line on Industry Management Screen when sorting.
% `& p, c6 c6 I3 \3 S7 u4. Fixed - City attack not working when using 'Commander Discretion'. , }) {5 @& K  G- r& G! a# \- i! J& Z
5. Correction - Allow reforming groups to use the HQ nationality if normal group national bases are not available. 3 a- L. v+ L. \2 E/ p
6. Correction - Wrong location variable used in checking for Soviet airgroups, causing random carrier groups to appear Soviet for missions
/ B- Y& k  k% Z7. Corrected inconsistency in low-level altitude determination. ) H/ B6 F, L! @3 y0 K7 U
8. Fixed - Don't show 'manage repairs' if no ships can be repaired. Otherwise the repair screen can be shown with a phantom ship.
9 L. |: n. ~) o3 _+ h9. Gameplay Change: Allow Seaplane tenders with organic air groups to fly day patrols even if disbanded in a port 1-3. The port restriction is not in affect for the AI.
1 [  y' [, U1 Z% Z7 @/ }4 A' C10. Changed - Suppress 'Done' on change of command screen until change is chosen – caused Political Points leak.
7 I7 m/ i! J; F4 C11. Changed - When PGM is used, it will be reported as "missile". The actual name of the device will appear on the combat report under the plane's weapons.
+ `" ]( c: a# Z9 \# s3 ?0 I12. Fixed - When planes aborted missions, the mines and missiles did not get returned to the pool as 'unexpended'.
# H' p, k. @& y7 h6 W, w13. Adjusted repair and conversion time when a ship is concurrently undergoing both Temp AP conversion and regular Upgrade/Conversion.
; }3 B1 I: _8 z  G0 @3 w! f$ W14. Corrected TF selection display on TF screen when in "in this hex" mode.
+ H1 U0 i& A3 n- u, ~) Y# d15. Suppress Upgrade Yes/No option when repair controls are expanded on Ship Screen to prevent overwrite. 1 E8 |* z4 P7 P
16. Corrected distance calculation for TFs that arrive at off map bases and then return to onmap bases.
- g( X" j6 K4 U+ q5 q17. Correcteded mis-spelling "Withdrawalls". , [$ N9 N) ]/ q% L5 }  ^# V$ z! f
18. Prevented improper destination/follow setting for off map TF from teleporting the TF onto the map.
  W" }6 g. c2 F  J19. Prevented overflow in capacity calculations during TF Load Allocation, add cross load capacity shortfall and load safety factor messages.
+ B( G3 G. |& d! i; V20. Gameplay Change: Torpedo accuracy reduced a bit in general and a bit more against escorts.
) d4 k" |3 y- m/ w% B21. Gameplay Change: ASW bombing experience effects altered to increase effects of ASW aircraft over time.
& i# ^' i5 H2 V- I22. Major Interface Improvement: Added wide-screen, high resolution support.
" a0 u- L# B: L  O6 H5 _$ {3 |4 y23. Fix for AI not repairing captured industry.
# P3 x* Q. x0 Z/ v24. Fixed TOE not upgrading devices which was causing units not to get replacements due to mismatch.
2 i3 S  {1 M7 V* V" B( H1 w25. Fixed units in strat mode not waiting for packing up when following.
1 m. ?9 V: }$ g& h( a( x; }  N26. Fixed reducing TOE delay when delay is invalid (9999). 2 I1 o& t- _: q- T  u. l" q
27. Fixed convoy units with invalid delay.
; T7 t/ I6 d; D4 H- ]% `0 i28. Fixed units not able to get replacements when device does not match TOE. * x+ P2 ?, l6 H  r3 m5 f( q
29. Made add supply button literal based, the unit will try to get only the amount listed. % D# V! e' R9 [+ E: |1 T
30. Fixed partisan check, some units not being counted at base due to faulty 'on ship' check.
/ _  W+ l, @3 F8 ]  O" h3 D31. Gameplay Change: Fast transports were using a different 'coast hex' check to every other instance. This stopped places surrounded by water hexsides from showing.
9 F9 y! g2 L4 Z; f32. Fixed issues affecting fast transport pickups.
9 ?0 f8 l. m7 U: b& G33. Tweaked Ship bombardment affecting port base.
0 E, K0 ]4 J; k; e) m4 K34. Fixed - Don't allow transport ships to be removed from TF in the "Verify Load" if only one ship or not in a friendly base. Detaching ship in this case causes it to disappear from game.
. @/ ~' J8 v, S4 f- L7 _) Z35. Suppressed some of the 'leader reassigned' messages.
4 A4 r9 r; C" D' ]( P$ ~* g: Z  {36. Fixed - Variable reinforcement was incorrectly setting leader delay if the delay changed to before game started. $ ^( G5 N: d) `: R0 S+ N$ K
37. Fixed - Changed blanks in Air Unit Organization to use 'unknown' so sorting doesn't mangle lines in list.
( u- D2 e" z% e) }& _  k38. Fixed - Choose TF leader screen was displaying some details on map rather than in text box.
) r( k( H0 ~8 P1 j. I- m$ `% }4 G! m39. Changed - Clear 'followed by' data from TF being dropped - TF following a removed TF attaches itself to the new TF# if used in same turn.
( m. M; X* p# J! T) L40. Fixed - Change of ship (prev/next) in the ship lists is not setting global original repair values for that ship. 5 M! r, Y! \5 t$ K* Y6 Z
41. Gameplay Change: Added PB to list of ships eligible for Auto Convoy.
3 C" X0 D0 f5 l: U# M7 Q42. Fixed issue to ensure Jeep carriers don't count towards a/c operational in TF.
% ~% f5 S' i0 R4 X5 f, d1 F+ ]) K8 x43. Improved AI use of CVE. ' X, n  {+ T3 D, {$ M4 {
44. Fixed Loop in viewing TF list.
( Q+ d; ^( j$ ~1 V# i' W45. Fixed issue causing wrong nationality of TF leader. 3 p- q5 Z# r: u4 w& T. z, x2 ~
46. Fixed issues where CV sunk in same phase as planes land, they might not divert. ! z$ J: _. y8 _* u' @7 A- X
47. Tweaked AI replenishment TFs to stop them from switching back and forth between different TFs.
0 W0 b. m( k7 I+ L- T! `' t48. Interface Improvement: Added a mouse over on aircraft upgrades giving clues as to why upgrade in not possible. * T3 v% M$ {7 B* R1 f- T) @( @8 u
49. Interface Improvement: Added a P next to the withdraw data (Withdraw by dd/mm/yy *P) on the Group screen. This indicates a most likely permament lost of the group when withdrawn. . B6 g  u% d- C5 m
50. Gameplay Change: Change to river assault – reversion to original rule - when crossing a river into a hex all units entering should shock attack in the turn they cross, unless 1/3 of the unmodified AV of the defenders has already crossed from that hex side in a previous turn.
- V* b$ {2 b0 d, y" Z4 W; I! \7 {51. Rationalized supply draw rules. 5 s9 Z4 H6 g5 ]! `+ t) i
52. Reset movement direction and miles if enemy in the way. 9 L  S  f6 H3 F, H+ I1 Y
53. Put in tracking for all bases, a bit is set to indicate which industry slot failed to produce due to lack of some industry required material.
  a7 L5 F3 ]# i" a54. Replaced Supply Required column with Failed in Industry Management screen as there are no supply requirements for industry. 4 q# ~5 ?! r2 F; B7 y  r
55. Put in Stop and Start industry repairs and reset add supply to zero in base list screen. + T- E. l5 Y+ r( J# z' t
56. Fixed land unit recombine from editor - not using upgraded devices.
1 b4 z0 }& I! S57. Fixed Issue with ship weapon repairs. ; S! Y. [* z/ F2 g( e
8 u, _" S- b. d1 S& K  n: Y: a% o- H
The following items were also included in the three hot fixes for patch 02 & K& b/ Z- ]+ w$ k4 x' T& f
58. Resolve supply/fuel/resource/oil overflow issues causing loss of same. ( b: g8 l! g9 p3 V
6 |0 W- I: b& m! X  I8 \
59. Fixed issue that was preventing some bases from being resupplied. 8 Q; m( ?9 M& D4 x: I

7 o9 ^% h9 X! ?' L' W60. Gameplay Change: Added terrain and fort effects against artillery attacks.
6 Q6 J- d5 r; L: O
& W% U( m1 x/ N5 ?+ C61. Gameplay Change: Artillery when used offensively use 2x amount of supplies. 9 }- T, r4 L6 d+ V% m  V

( r0 V* ^$ N% q- G; d$ ~62. Fixed save not reading properly issue.
2 L  }8 K2 g( n* s& a& j1 Z. w* V5 Q8 N" o
63. Fixed overflow issue with air skills going backwards .
8 z# R7 F. f& U/ p4 G4 V# J) h2 c3 P
% [9 a. D- O7 h9 Z7 ?64. Fixed some display issues caused by Transfer Ships.
9 q" @7 t0 N5 a% u" @9 L# D, T/ q3 ]8 U; v& p" ]% @6 y, @" S
65. Fixed CTD issue with Clouds. 9 f( y7 t& k  @9 O4 x7 N+ E9 @
, ]! t) d; I" B2 _5 M2 ^
66. Fixed issue displaying LCUs at enemy base. - K9 j; f9 v' H7 Q3 c

2 k) ^  h6 d9 R7 t9 y0 q& h67. Fixed issue with groups that are on withdrawn ships. # o$ s& P1 \7 V% S3 r9 |

3 U7 n' i8 l; `+ l7 _68. Adjust ASW/Escort/Submarine attack issue. ; X- v3 p, c0 a, N
( L$ g- L7 J6 t6 z* ?& P  P
69. Fixed group totals were not correct always during Air Phase. 1 }5 Z4 p4 q% F7 h3 I4 x

5 S6 P1 b) D1 M; @70. Fixed overflow that was stopping new ships in TF from a Base screen.
1 Y% J9 V; c! {8 e9 h7 H  C$ T4 s
! v- j: o$ f, [! m71. Fixed ASW combat to stop multiple popouts from opening which could cause CTD when drawing map. ) i# Q9 w& [' H0 f6 \) M+ X. V  }

  p" z7 ]- F5 t  ^/ k72. Changed cloud drawing to eliminate cases where it could be trying to draw invalid locations.
2 w' ^' ~; t& `, P) K
) f4 J) A6 D+ B73. Fixed Surface TF wants to fight.
; a1 Z5 R; u; s: A
' ]$ m! V2 Z) M7 Q( g: A74. Fixed Task Force Loading/Unload Check. / D' Y  c, i6 V5 o$ h
9 @$ U3 ?! v! [
75. Fixed "Sunk by".
) T! ^! Z0 U! G/ R& U5 d/ Y3 K* H- x5 @6 E, W/ @; f
76. Allow para-troops to drop on damaged enemy bases.
9 h2 F5 m& {  r" H+ O$ {& o$ l" T3 o8 ?9 m" c& s2 a- c
77. Fixed Group withdraw check where group does not return but still had a withdraw date; could allow 'gaining' of PPs.
: ^3 q" T* ^, [6 K7 z. @( k) i9 B( Y* [0 a3 u' Q% u
78. Fixed Returning groups on delayed ships not correctly account for.
+ V0 R# |, W7 N
7 @. R1 q+ ?& |6 ^79. Fixed No bonus PPs if withdrawing on the actual withdraw date.
: u0 s1 o- s4 u2 `7 {$ @6 f) ]; G1 b" O
80. Fixed patrol levels when complement less than 10.
/ z* X6 F& l& i' n8 o- T, N. L
! D. `" Y& P# T9 C5 B81. Fix aerial mining missions not working.
( _! v' k7 @8 u! j1 c5 N, P, l
+ @7 P* Q* l0 f3 V1 T8 B82. Fixed issue causing ships to carry wrong land unit. % ?. H2 o% J+ g& C% K: K  M' L# n
& h$ u& k! X, P" c
83. Fixed AVD AVP Problem.
4 c- b% c, y3 n% ]/ r( ]/ {3 J. F7 m" V4 b
84. Fixed Industry Management Screen - was allowing free expansion of industry.
: D: y3 Z: H# V# Z, u9 R- T, M4 V
$ s5 m+ C9 m7 a6 i) _! i85. Gameplay Change: Submarine reaction range toned down for human players and historical difficulty AI players. * l/ _4 [  s) l+ b1 ?

6 R3 @9 }$ R( ~1 b) r86. Gameplay Change: LCU given fort and concealment protection based on terrain from air to ground bombs. Protection will reduce casualties a lot and disruption a bit. & f% g9 J7 X; Q2 H+ R& C# y6 ]; K$ {, D) {
/ e! R- S- ?+ u7 M) q
87. Minor adjustment to upgrade land devices.
, N/ h: e/ y% r# P
1 N( T# Z# v! A# k; N, H6 t88. Gameplay Change: Changed disbands to must be in national home base and can not be permanently restricted then disband is free (no vp cost), in all other situations it is not allowed.
. L) P* J2 \1 E0 ^
, m$ B& E% t( y( @89. Fixed bug wherein resources and oil were still being deleted/not produced above 999,999. There is no production cap for resources however there is still a production cap for oil.
' k4 Y& Q, G* P( h$ i5 T" }
$ {6 B& A( u  a& |) X90. Interface Improvement: Added supply and fuel spoilage limit to base screen if there is a limit (af + port < 9). 2 |  Y& m1 y4 }# i# v3 f: Z: b5 r

& Y- U* Z4 S) |6 A# g  m. }* o0 x91. Fixed bug in checking AI cbt TFs (CV,NGFS,SAG) for damage and or lack of a/c and if severe enough TF will RTB.
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
Thank you as always.
Thank you as always.. d9 W2 q& g- p- r7 E( M0 S0 z2 f/ w  V
joysnow 发表于 2010-2-18 22:14
6 S0 |/ K" W1 x$ }) U# x0 t

! l6 n# m+ }; M* ?8 j2 j7 O! a不客气~·这位是美国友人还是在美国的华人?有空来对战哈
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
; ]6 t& F( \/ \: f) g
+ r5 ?$ ?+ {/ x+ a% m不客气~·这位是美国友人还是在美国的华人?有空来对战哈! X& j$ z) D9 L% J" ^& L1 s! d
championzhao 发表于 2010-2-18 22:19
" p0 Q. }9 I: K) u. d  {; \0 C# j4 M6 R8 n% l4 x1 H
100% Chinese, live in U.S. Busy life, so play solo against AI when time permits. You are my hero, my friend.
本帖最后由 cristianwj 于 2010-2-18 23:40 编辑
8 _0 x: M7 C$ f5 P) G* j: \  Y6 n4 h. W1 y- D4 k
经过试验,确实能够宽屏显示了。% u7 R$ ~. [0 g- _+ l% o  f: F2 s
以前看到的其实是1024×768在宽屏下被拉伸后的图像,看到真正的宽屏后还真有点不适应。" r' ]7 l8 O- `6 M

+ o& O) p: H. J, g% s' @- ]$ |顺带提醒一下:分辨率-py不足1000的一定要在前边加“0”才行的% X4 b6 {, P1 a, L( \1 {* ?: i$ r
例如:-px1280 -py0800 或-px1440 -py0900
* Y/ O: L% I  c8 T
3 I; ~" z$ V3 I/ x1 Z图示:
5 S  G  c) q' D6 \: c
附件: 您所在的用户组无法下载或查看附件
Still couldn't get it to work on my thinkpad x200s (1280x800). Running 64 bit Windows 7.
很需要,谢谢.- e) d, l- Z* K
2 k) }, c1 o, _
另外请教老赵,是不是这个第三版补丁进入正式版后就会跟第二版补丁一样需要输入序列号才可以使用了? 如果那样有什么解决方法?
# K+ d( V7 N, w7 H! i
# E" M* ]) O+ r' B9 r# _另外请教老赵,是不是这个第三版补丁进入正式版后就会跟第二版补丁一样需要输入序列号才可以使用了? 如果那样有什么解决方法?
( K3 e# c" a4 [) d5 wstarbj 发表于 2010-2-19 07:29
" E8 {  i! p& Z4 H

# [' _- _3 [& B不需要序列号的,以后本坛提供的所有AE补丁只需要覆盖安装即可。
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
Still couldn't get it to work on my thinkpad x200s (1280x800). Running 64 bit Windows 7.
7 b4 I8 ^8 r, w7 C& }joysnow 发表于 2010-2-19 00:51
& q4 M) V' p: }4 }) G* W  @" e* H
1 @" E$ d' N; t+ W8 I6 Y8 l( Z
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
Hooked up to my 21 inch monitor (1680x1050), it worked, but only at this resolution. Several pixels were cut off in the window mode. Nonetheless, the wide screen is truly amazing!
+ E7 ]8 u- \- F4 W: FAny thanks to championzhao for sharing.
小白一下,请问在那里设置支持宽屏的功能呀?我右键点了桌面上图标的属性,在目标栏"F:\Matrix Games\War in the Pacific Admiral's Edition\autorun.exe"后面加上px1680 –py1050 之后点应用改不了~~~不知为何?请高人指点。