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[AE] 问几个AE问题

+ h( O4 L0 h3 y; @, E7 h6 l3 L4 z0 v$ y7 ^4 T0 y7 F  a2 i, ]
看Pilot Management Addendum里说的
% J( \! t& O0 O: P' ~! H: `: h3. if pilot is in a dedicated Training group with some Instructors (adds higher" E4 Y- [4 l+ W
increments to accumulators)
0 N7 u  d; A3 M* }4. if pilot is in a dedicated Training group without Instructors (higher success
8 E! [8 K" Y; D5 jand slightly higher increments than a normal group)( [. B& g6 {/ D
5. if pilot is in a group with some training percent number of veteran pilots
2 j, k- z# u' L$ U) j9 X(experience of 80+) increases chance of successful training)
0 E7 I" w! ~( v# J- G  Q4 z- L3,4中的Training group似乎只有日本在45年支援的几个?. Q: ~% ~  C% N4 T$ j
2 `6 R8 S5 ~" M$ n+ L# N! n: v" y
$ o* R6 H+ L* Q  P3 G' i美国海军的VRF-1F这批联队,AE Editor中有专门的replenish勾选项,有什么作用?