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[AE] 【非官方新剧本】War Options 1941 mod - French and Thai addition及本人的初步测试

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I would like to share with you a mod i have developed. It includes French forces in Indochina as Allies and Thai forces as Axis. - Z- H% O- T2 @1 y

2 z" T' e/ _2 x8 ]# ^! C. oThe historical context is described here under:
9 Q" u3 K, K7 u" Z4 _8 {. @. I, {; s
French Indochina is a part of the French colonies since 1887, Laos being attached in 1899 to the "Union Indochinoise". In 1938, after the Munich crisis, G. Mandel, Minister of Colonies launch an ambitious development plan with the aim of strengthened France position in Europe : "France is not just an European nation of 40,000,000 people, but a vast empire of 110,000,000, whose potential resources far exceed those of Germany".
" F) K3 K( V. t  R( NThis plan includes for Indochina itself, a modernization of the local troops but also a important industrialization program. Mortars, bombs and ammunition factories were set up but also a work begun on an aircraft and engines assembly plant directed by the manufacturer Breguet, to be operational in the first months of 1941. School of aviation was also established locally [1]. 7 ^0 r( r  g  Q# ^

/ R5 k# l& [  T/ `6 ^+ lEven before 1939 (occupation of Hainan then of Paracels and Spartly island), Japan expansionism was considered as a threat to the colony. According to Mandel, the best way to cope with was to keep the Japanese busy in China. Therefore, Red River railways into Yunnan Province was the main supply route for Chiang Kai-shek. & b% [. ~% [1 P" J9 B
% o  [. N/ I- k/ z5 u4 p+ g
In June 1940, under Japanese pressure and considering the situation in France, Governor General of Indochina General Catroux acceded to Japan's request to close the Sino-Indochinese border temporary in order to save time, waiting from instruction from France and asking support directly to US and UK government [2]. 5 a. J# \5 C3 e) O  i
Anyway, exchanges with China were never completely stopped. ) g  S# P9 N3 u
On September 22nd 1940, losing its patience, Japanese Canton Army commander ordered attack near Lang Son (Tonkin). 2000 French troops face 30000 men. The city fall on September 26th and a cease fire is decided after intervention of the Emperor of Japan. All Japanese forces withdraw on November 30th [3].
9 _1 B8 B6 i( b- X1 t1 j* V$ f/ h) C) `, u1 P  _% `6 }' g0 w
Following this incident, and as Japanese pretensions is increasing, the Vichy government decided to transfer additional troops and equipments from North Africa and Somali as dissuasive force (as allowed by June 1940 Armistice convention) [3][4]. In parallel, US government gives officially its support to local Governor and allows the transfer of planes blocked on ships in Antilles since the Armistice and convices the British to cancel their blocade of Indochina. , s+ k' U" ~5 w& v

7 c6 }8 n2 Y, r0 E$ a& ~; z, FAs Indochina invasion became more risky, Japan secretly started deeper discussion with Thailand from beginning of 1941. However, Japan did not renounce to have access to all the French Indochina resources (coal, rice, rubber, zinc, tin,...).   K4 A2 g* K0 ?! r! M: p
Thailand primarily military government succumbed to Japanese pressure in acceding to an alliance and allowing the Japanese to use Thailand as a base for operations against Burma and Indochina. In exchange, the Japanese allowed the Thai to develop their armed forces and supported them in achieving some of their regional territorial ambitions (Laos and Cambodian territories were subject of disputes between Thailand and France from 1885 to 1907). From mid 41, Japanese "advisors" were sent to Thailand with the goal of expanding port and airfields facilities throughout the countries. From end of October 1941, first contingents of Japanese troops were deployed from Bangkok area. ' G2 C0 V1 L! @1 }

3 I( k, _; v( _; T8 p3 QThis scenario explores what might have happened if Indochina had not been abandonned to his fate. 8 [( L- I* f" |# v/ R

$ }3 u/ h" X1 t/ G0 F
( P6 J) d0 q* o! j[1] Georges Mandel and the Third Republic, Stanford University Press, 1971.   Z6 Q% E9 E- @7 O
[2] The United States and Vietnam, 1787-1941, Diane publishing, 1990.
. G" U7 I( d  o% Z0 f; d& D- D9 z[3] Paradise in peril: western colonial power and Japanese expansion in south-east Asia, 1905-1941, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2001.
( G( F$ _% }$ V2 d[4] La presence militaire francaise en Indochine 1940-1945, SHAT, 1985. % G: }  i: r% L3 k1 k/ Q7 Q
5 h2 @" @4 w5 ?
/ b0 L! F% m( K( I! p
) A! Q: B' S" F+ Q
NOTES : ! Q2 @2 M, ]0 M4 Q# k

  T& {9 K9 z4 D4 n! FThis scenario includes some of Da Babes Lite evolutions from JWE. - D' B9 l! ^5 U
, t: M- u+ e2 J5 Y) z1 {: {
New features :
. m) A" U7 V3 M) n6 Y& j' ~about 30 new planes : 5 Thai + 23 French + 2 Chinese. 8 x6 A: s: m3 W* ?
about 60 new ships class : 18 Thai + 41 French + 2 Japanese.
6 L8 C* |. D. S6 G
( r/ M- h3 q7 N1 M3 T$ ^; w# M+ ?Free French units outside Indochina (New Caledonia, Polynesia) are adjusted and completed to be more close to history. 5 @6 R7 i" h: M
For same reasons, ports, airfield and production/ressources in various French controlled bases are adjusted (Makatea island have now Resources (phosphate) points).
0 d; Q! t4 c+ [; Y! t) WFrench reinforcements from 1945 are also reviewed. ' r/ b$ A8 P, E

8 P% [, k$ y  kART files will follow...
- ~0 H0 j4 y* p2 t8 I本人的初步测试结果:
( w- [+ a5 K5 {: D! o0 e1、这个剧本虽然对外公布,但仍有一定的瑕疵,建议进一步改进  t: \8 V9 b4 C- i2 g6 g" d
2、日方的操作有重大的变化,如果用于对战的话,对日方将会是一场考验。0 N0 I. O2 m4 h
(1)在印度支那地区的法国战斗力,无论是放附近的任何一个战场都要有决定性的意义。在印度支那的法国战斗力,绝对可以在一开始就可以集结力量攻击暹罗,逆推日暹联军;通过海运可以支援马来半岛、荷属东印度甚至菲律宾、中国战场的作战,甚至可以对马来半岛、海南岛甚至大胆一点对台湾进行登陆作战。盟军的防御压力大为减轻,无论是中国战场还是马来半岛,由于没有了来自印度支那的威胁,可以大胆地投入抽调原来用于防御印度支那方向的兵力进行作战,而日方在马来西亚-暹罗的兵力有可能被大包围的危险# s: f* a/ Q! |! J# {5 n) K# Q
4 p2 d6 v" v, c/ c. G(3)印度支那地区的物资产出,可以解决整个东南亚尤其是中国战场物资紧缺的情况,而日方在马来西亚-暹罗方向变得物资比较紧缺1 a; Y. H: J# s
(4)印度支那地区盟军驻军的存在极大地分散了日方的力量,甚至向缅甸方向进军由于盟军的威胁变得十分困难$ d! _$ f1 i$ l5 E. Y
3、俗话说有危必有机,在这个剧本日方不是没有希望的。所以我说对日方是种考验,而不是不能对战。  t0 Q' e7 G1 F7 u6 ?/ H
. q0 l4 O& c+ z, e3 k% U3 m(2)日军的海上运输力量有了一定的提高
7# kuzhu 5 L, V+ q: a: F- v( t
10# brokos * f7 ^3 W9 A# B4 T1 {