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标题: [AE] 官网AE流行房规参考 [打印本页]

作者: kevin_hx    时间: 2012-6-14 08:50     标题: 官网AE流行房规参考

目前官网上大剧本对战以官方剧本1、2,RA剧本(山本的野望剧本)、DBB剧本为主流9 J- E1 r7 p; n
从各种目前活跃的对战战报中摘录出目前官网比较流行的房规,以供岛群众参考- k- X0 j" r2 P2 J
5 o. V6 q! N* V0 }, m' {% ^* z1 q
; L6 P5 I% _6 a$ h1 O8 C7 p% ZHouse Rules: 4 _/ g7 P, `! }2 J& k1 E4 i
, m% D' C$ r1 |" s# W/ L
- Must pay PPs to move restricted troops out of national borders(Japan - Manchuria, Thai) and (Allies - India, China)
5 [& Y8 p2 J$ q- g6 w6 uUnits with permanently restricted HQ’s must not cross national borders.
  Q% v  g1 }. F3 |3 MUnits with temporarily restricted HQ’s must pay full PP to transfer to non-restricted HQs before moving across national Border. ! A: }1 p, ~  @6 Q+ [/ c5 v8 E1 u& P
No switching land unit HQ to unrestricted air HQs etc. or any other gamey variation to do this cheaply.
" A1 U- a9 ?/ L, k7 o3 [" }( gNo converting one base from one command to another to allow restricted units to move there.
6 v& K  R' C  \  S- P/ o) [地面部队改属后才能穿越边境线(日方:满洲、泰国;盟军:印度、中国)7 `# y; C  ]. ~6 |4 b( w4 O, g
: C7 Z% p" n: S% S临时受限的部队必须全PP改属后才能穿越边境线
# U$ q5 @" `9 |- m6 @禁止改属基地所属HQ
" o& ?7 X: {, h) I. B2 ^2 U6 s% W$ ~- k
- No strategic bombing on either side until July 1943 1 o+ H( T$ d3 h5 I
no Allied strategic bombing of occupied Allied territory at any time, Allied strategic bombing only allowed on Japanese held territory of 12/7/41 7 p- _2 l: b; e1 V% Z+ @! w9 K
no Japanese strat bombing in China
- o" j- r: f2 W+ P& LNo strategic bombing of light industry( D0 q& [0 d/ h  u
1943年7月前双方禁止战略轰炸6 w+ N" n) d0 P, _( c, L/ `
盟军禁止战略轰炸盟军曾经占领的地区,盟军仅允许战略轰炸开战时原有的日军占领区  A9 U' l& a* i  r2 ~; C( G. i
禁止日军战略轰炸中国2 e" p6 V1 P7 d' j4 k
6 t8 U0 D  r- S  _
, `$ u0 r/ Z: k% C, F5 S+ D  J( Q- Fighter Altitude Rules: . |9 @5 u% ~( R
a. Fighters may only fly in either their best or second best maneuver altitudes. (Limits everyone going as high as possible to gain the bounce) ! @; y7 j- M0 R; `0 _* y4 e
b. Combat altitude from:! [. u- ^3 {" x# T* A& q
12/41-5/42 = 20000 # s5 i2 i" ~* i
6/42-12/42 = 25000
7 ~: E- u: z/ g! z$ X1943 = 30000
" R: r+ b  P- {. K3 A% P1944-2012 = NO LIMIT + U; F) |! W# q& S! r! \
c. Combat altitude could be fighters only from:
/ A( T  `* `: \: M4 HDec 1941- May 1942 20,000
* r7 y! I/ ~" J( O0 w' D3 fJune 1942-Dec 1942 25,000 ; }5 B5 q( G% A% \8 b
1943 28,000
7 t# L- F; T- C0 a3 U1 j1944 31,000
& A2 Y) D) u- Y" E; r# g1945 Whatever
0 Q+ X9 V' i; {) S战斗机作战限高房规:- ~1 f2 d9 P# d
A.战斗机作战限高为最佳机动高度或第2最佳机动高度8 F& u) F1 s1 t
B.战斗机作战限高1 B1 c( Y/ T" B% S
12/41-5/42 = 20000
% M" g$ f" I/ F5 E6/42-12/42 = 25000
/ s4 u6 q) F& T# w1943 = 30000 " T6 L- {3 [! y
1944-2012 = 不限高度
4 G  W: m8 o6 X4 O- z9 ^C.战斗机作战限高( y- x: @+ M" g
1941.12-1942.5 20,000 * u. [& u/ B' z: M8 r* }
1942.6-1942.12 25,000 : H# [8 B6 a2 [4 J7 W
1943 28,000 ( f! R' L1 d4 \2 _/ g5 q
1944 31,000
' R: `5 \& ]8 m( ]2 U3 b) J1945 任意高度 2 M3 y% C6 w6 E( h) \7 G& a/ O
) [6 @" X. g8 o% J- b
- Four-Engine Bomber Rules:
6 Y: ]9 b5 W1 l9 ?2 _! K4E bombers restricted to 10k or higher for naval attacks (PBY/Mavis types excluded) ( j1 Z* |9 e+ G
4E bombers cannot bomb hexes that have friendly forces and must be 15k or above. B29s may never bomb troops.
/ @* ~) M! N/ N4E bombers CANNOT bomb troops; {, x. r3 z4 Y% r5 G
4发轰炸机房规:* {$ N( @! o( Q" `
6 h6 B2 k& K. r0 a4发不低于15000尺,禁止对地轰炸双方对峙的格子,B-29禁止对地轰炸
, [3 d" \# H; b( W% M4发禁止对地轰炸
1 Y% d' b' K" O. ?+ m' O: V" z
" }3 K/ ^) L  c+ p3 s9 `! S- Night Bombing must have 50% Moonlight through the end of 1943. Starting January 1, 1944 Night Bombing may occur in any condition. Japan will need at least 50% for the whole war. # s# f( B; S, J) L
No night bombing allowed if moonlight is less than 50% (except for B-29s (ground-mapping radar))
& S; r$ c! R# S5 z2 B9 p43年底前,夜间轰炸机必须满足月光度不低于50%,44年1月1日后允许任意夜间轰炸。日军在整个战争期间夜间轰炸机必须满足月光度不低于50%: l/ |: @" d' S" ~
月光度低于50%禁止夜间轰炸,B-29除外3 ]6 R3 p) \4 g4 W( c

% K. @  p- E5 w! r% y& z5 W( ]; M- Single ship TF – The Allied player will not form them deliberately after January 42 due to the AI code often ignoring them and not sending out bombers to attack. Japan will be allowed to send out single ships 6 s- n& v" {5 m4 p5 P" M1 I
- No creating dozens of 1 ship TF `s ( AK`s PT`s )in 1 hex on either side.
$ T; K5 M! w" |, p2 @# C5 S- No use of many single ships to confuse naval combat routines, but picket ships are OK.
- d3 ?- g6 r6 }# m: m- g+ ?- No single-ship TFs except in cases where the player wishes to disperse ships fleeing from a perceived enemy threat (allied ships fleeing Philippines and SRA early in the game is perfectly fine, but using single-ship picketts and naval-attack magnets is not). Basically, don't form TFs just to be bait to suck up SCTFs' ammo and/or absorb enemy airstrikes.
/ q, o' ]$ s& x- ~; l日军允许单舰编队,盟军42年1月前禁止故意单舰编队
6 x  C& L- a; i. G禁止双方在同一格用AK/PT等辅助舰船创建大量单舰编队* C5 F: t, E  q: e; }' Q0 O* A
禁止利用大量单舰编队影响正常的海战,但警戒哨舰除外+ e; {" u( P3 g$ a% W1 D
# B$ F; [# ~! C$ L4 @. l' x# S* l. p7 k  y, X5 i
- Japanese submarines can only be equipped with the E14Y1 Glen
- `/ {) X7 p. D# S% m1 P! A日军潜艇只能装备零式小水侦0 M% i8 _' S) i
3 ~) w/ d0 R3 ?. O" i. p* P+ V
- Para units must be whole before para droppping(not fragments all over)
9 q1 c5 @- J6 \  t' L/ g0 HNo dropping of unit/one base at a time ! H6 b% Z' Y  \. y' d0 `
伞兵部队空降作战前必须完整,一支部队一次只能空降一个基地1 z* }* V( I5 D
- ~8 B8 L. H! H
- No submarine invasions (with one exception, Marine Raiders on SST submarines) 2 S/ H" K4 t+ v5 h! X
禁止潜艇载人登陆,除了陆战队使用SST登陆$ ~" d. U6 u0 q6 }1 h  S8 T
8 M9 d* i& W# I' H: b
- All PT boats in a hex must be in the same TF
1 A$ P! O+ O" s/ G- ^* w  n$ U2 U一个基地PT只能编一队
1 z4 ~% m6 S0 a! m4 W7 W/ R; z
$ G  r1 c' m+ |' ^  N5 G- Only allowed landings/invasions at dots/bases hexes- w# W! B9 P8 W& S5 R
禁止野地登陆和野地空降  F/ I* a& M2 I6 k# W' [

3 N" n! H/ W2 k4 V- as realistic R&D is turned OFF, no overabuse of this function. Means to not produce any aircraft earlier than 3-4 months of their normal arrival2 ~( U1 }5 F6 |3 L/ P- S2 `6 v5 O
5 B. C; V3 q, n+ D/ c& X
, r8 d% p0 Z' \9 g7 a# \- No Allied Air or naval units in Russia are allowed, even if Russia is activated.
$ u+ d* }9 b8 s# `1 week russian activation if Japan decides to invade.
# w9 [- k, _8 U2 E  w$ j& g禁止盟军空军和海军使用苏联基地,即使苏联被激活6 M7 p) Y+ |# k+ d1 [3 ]
5 N( J8 D( m0 l4 P% G. v
% w% T4 b; n$ T$ G0 ]$ X3 b- Garrison limits must be observed (no evacuating to allow partisans to destroy the infrastructure) 5 i4 R, F4 [6 b, z0 f; i
资源地必须满足驻军要求- D$ _8 d. e4 I/ _  J

7 F" F' I  v6 E" ^/ Q& I/ {6 t- Limited 'expand to fit ship' functionality for IJNAF, USN, RN. Exception: USN CVE-R units.
+ @, a4 V+ p& N' d  W+ pNo misuse of squadron resizing on CVs to create insanely large (> 30) units9 N, t, C4 u+ i% N& X& v
- Z$ M; A) z1 l. o禁止疯狂扩编机队规模到超大编制(>30机)
! ~1 y9 k# p- }$ }7 [7 z6 S( K, T" |2 |( s
5 }1 u+ R( k5 L' y+ C! C( P
- H, D% e+ H% F9 P8 _$ I官网AE各种历史性、政治性房规参考
1 W- n/ M! i8 C3 t# V8 ~6 h
8 h6 d& D; ?: U官网AE非历史开局首回合房规参考
作者: 红叶    时间: 2012-6-14 09:12

作者: cocohua    时间: 2012-6-14 09:13

作者: kevin_hx    时间: 2012-6-14 09:15

作者: xy008tc    时间: 2012-6-14 09:16

作者: amdddr    时间: 2012-6-14 09:28

作者: 发电机计划    时间: 2012-6-14 12:58

4# kevin_hx
8 X9 K9 d' h3 I! ]( ]1 J% e/ yB-24当年在欧洲战场可是挂100磅、250磅炸弹执行战术轰炸任务的
作者: 发电机计划    时间: 2012-6-14 12:59

5# xy008tc
4 Z8 p, Z, L; }0 X炸港可以,炸船不太好效果
作者: kevin_hx    时间: 2012-6-14 13:31

4# kevin_hx  
! Z7 W8 i' }8 jB-24当年在欧洲战场可是挂100磅、250磅炸弹执行战术轰炸任务的
/ M' J( N" q* l9 y( F; U发电机计划 发表于 2012-6-14 12:58
' \$ i  B3 w7 a! \, O3 w0 F
作者: kevin_hx    时间: 2012-6-19 10:45


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