147 Partisan squads recruited from the countryside (1323 men)【共有147个游击队小组,共计1323人组建起来了】
8 Partisan cadres formed in the countryside【游击队是从游击队骨干演变而来的,这一回合组建了8个骨干游击队】
200K Soviet population has migrated【共有20万苏联人口移动,这个与城市的占领与解放有关,还与人力资源有关。地图上每个小点表示一个村子,人口指数为5,表示共有25万人】
# 这一小节反应的就是两个内容:游击队和人口迁徙,对实际作战影响不大。
67573 men were returned to Soviet Union's manpower pool
253953 men are added to Soviet Union's front line units
___ Soviet Union ___
T-60 M1941 : + 120 added to the front line units || - 6 returned to the pool
T-34 M1941 : + 133 added to the front line units || - 1 returned to the pool【133辆进入了一线部队,有1辆回厂返修了】
KV-1 M1941 : + 51 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
T-40 M1941 : + 6 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
BA-10 Armored Car : + 2 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
14.5mm Anti-tank Rifle : + 335 added to the front line units || - 39 returned to the pool
7.62mm Machine Gun : + 112 added to the front line units || - 86 returned to the pool
50mm Mortar : + 197 added to the front line units || - 72 returned to the pool
Support : + 10430 added to the front line units || - 395 returned to the pool
82mm Mortar : + 1474 added to the front line units || - 74 returned to the pool
45mm Anti-tank Gun : + 381 added to the front line units || - 34 returned to the pool
76mm Anti-tank Gun : + 147 added to the front line units || - 3 returned to the pool
76mm Anti-aircraft Gun : + 94 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
76mm Field Gun : + 57 added to the front line units || - 6 returned to the pool
122mm Howitzer : + 58 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
152mm Howitzer : + 28 added to the front line units || - 3 returned to the pool
12.7mm Anti-aircraft MG : + 297 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
7.62mm Quad Anti-aircraft MG : + 99 added to the front line units || - 1 returned to the pool
BM-13-16 Rocket Launcher : + 38 added to the front line units || - 6 returned to the pool
BM-30-4 Rocket Launcher : + 11 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
152mm Gun-Howitzer : + 13 added to the front line units || - 30 returned to the pool
203mm Howitzer : + 6 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
122mm Field Gun : + 39 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
37mm Anti-Aircraft Gun : + 190 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
120mm Mortar : + 697 added to the front line units || - 6 returned to the pool
76mm Infantry Gun : + 95 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
Rifle Squad : + 449 added to the front line units || - 82 returned to the pool
Rifle Squad : + 0 added to the front line units || - 9 returned to the pool
Rifle Squad (+) : + 111 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
Sapper Squad : + 1301 added to the front line units || - 48 returned to the pool
Sapper Squad : + 7 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
Submachine Gun Squad : + 92 added to the front line units || - 12 returned to the pool
Motorcycle Squad : + 42 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
739 support elements were converted to infantry squads【超量的后勤支援部队,会占据很多的人员,因此会有一些支援单位被派发了步枪,变成了步兵班组】
3 damaged AFVs were returned to the pool
4 damaged AFVs were not repairable【有些损坏的车辆,由于没法修理就彻底报废了,据说这与装备本身的保养难度有关系】
NORMAL REPLACEMENT SUB-SEGMENT【正常补充子阶段,这个是没有设定为REFIT模式的部队的补充,可以看到数量上少了很多,这是因为每回合的补充是有限的,一旦大量部队设定为REFIT模式,那么多数资源就优先向那些部队集中了,未设定REFIT就有可能收不到补充兵】
87636 men were returned to Soviet Union's manpower pool
5737 men are added to Soviet Union's front line units【仅有5737人进入了一线部队,却有多达87000人返回了库存】
___ Soviet Union ___
T-60 M1941 : + 0 added to the front line units || - 25 returned to the pool
T-34 M1941 : + 0 added to the front line units || - 33 returned to the pool
KV-1 M1941 : + 0 added to the front line units || - 13 returned to the pool
T-40 M1941 : + 0 added to the front line units || - 1 returned to the pool
BA-10 Armored Car : + 1 added to the front line units || - 1 returned to the pool
BA-64 Armored Car : + 9 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
BA-20 Armored Car : + 3 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
14.5mm Anti-tank Rifle : + 148 added to the front line units || - 264 returned to the pool
7.62mm Machine Gun : + 72 added to the front line units || - 280 returned to the pool
50mm Mortar : + 24 added to the front line units || - 220 returned to the pool
Support : + 58 added to the front line units || - 398 returned to the pool
Reconnaissance Squad : + 12 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
GAZ-AA-37 : + 4 added to the front line units || - 1 returned to the pool
82mm Mortar : + 48 added to the front line units || - 232 returned to the pool
45mm Anti-tank Gun : + 42 added to the front line units || - 93 returned to the pool
76mm Anti-tank Gun : + 7 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
76mm Field Gun : + 5 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
76mm Field Gun : + 0 added to the front line units || - 29 returned to the pool
122mm Howitzer : + 18 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
12.7mm Anti-aircraft MG : + 74 added to the front line units || - 4 returned to the pool
37mm Anti-Aircraft Gun : + 21 added to the front line units || - 0 returned to the pool
120mm Mortar : + 34 added to the front line units || - 13 returned to the pool
76mm Infantry Gun : + 39 added to the front line units || - 1 returned to the pool
Rifle Squad : + 57 added to the front line units || - 240 returned to the pool
Rifle Squad (-) : + 1 added to the front line units || - 1 returned to the pool
Rifle Squad : + 0 added to the front line units || - 91 returned to the pool
Rifle Squad (+) : + 4 added to the front line units || - 3 returned to the pool
Rifle Squad : + 0 added to the front line units || - 2 returned to the pool
Cavalry Squad : + 1 added to the front line units || - 1 returned to the pool
Cavalry Squad : + 0 added to the front line units || - 6 returned to the pool
Sapper Squad : + 28 added to the front line units || - 67 returned to the pool
Sapper Squad : + 4 added to the front line units || - 1 returned to the pool
Submachine Gun Squad : + 101 added to the front line units || - 79 returned to the pool
Naval Rifle Squad : + 5 added to the front line units || - 2 returned to the pool
Naval Rifle Squad (-) : + 4 added to the front line units || - 8 returned to the pool
179 support elements were converted to infantry squads
35 damaged AFVs were returned to the pool
3 damaged AFVs were not repairable
22005 tons of ammo delivered to front line units【这里表示每回合运送到前线部队的弹药数量,共有22005吨,从生产界面可以看到具体的保有量和需求量,一般天气好的时候和车辆多的时候,运送的量会增加,遇到暴风雪和泥泞季节,这个数量就会锐减】
22 ShAP air group is forming (IL-2)
2 ORAP air group is forming (U-2 (recon))
10 ShAP air group is forming (IL-2)
4 TAP air group is forming (U-2 (transp))
5th Tank Army in hex 109,61 is no longer frozen
340th Rifle Division in hex 108,61 is no longer frozen
2nd Tank Corps in hex 110,62 is no longer frozen
11th Tank Corps in hex 107,61 is no longer frozen
19th Tank Brigade in hex 110,61 is no longer frozen
38th Army in hex 116,86 is no longer frozen
162nd Rifle Division in hex 123,94 is no longer frozen
22nd Motorized Brigade in hex 115,85 is no longer frozen
242nd Rifle Division in hex 116,87 is no longer frozen
277th Rifle Division in hex 126,92 is no longer frozen
278th Rifle Division in hex 119,87 is no longer frozen
304th Rifle Division in hex 116,85 is no longer frozen
22nd Tank Corps in hex 116,86 is no longer frozen
133rd Tank Brigade in hex 116,87 is no longer frozen
156th Tank Brigade in hex 117,86 is no longer frozen
159th Tank Brigade in hex 115,85 is no longer frozen
168th Tank Brigade in hex 116,86 is no longer frozen
Voronezh Front ARRIVED at 183,32 (men 18000, guns 0, afv 0)【沃罗涅日方面军抵达了,但这只是空壳子,你可以把部队转属到这个HQ下边】
4 TAP (U-2 (transp)) ARRIVED to the NATIONAL RESERVE
【上边提到的新组建的四个航空队,进入了国家预备库,说明其还没有上前线,你需要在AIR BASE航空基地界面,使用类似组件SU单位的方法,assign这些预备队进入战场】
289 trucks were lost this turn during unit movement
289 trucks have been lost during the campaign due to unit movement
1232 trucks were lost performing unit resupply operations
4926 trucks were damaged performing unit resupply operations
1232 supply trucks have been lost during the campaign
10487 trucks were repaired and returned to the logistics pool
45th Rifle Division is isolated
62nd Rifle Division is isolated
212th Rifle Division is isolated
300th Rifle Division is isolated
3rd Guards Cavalry Corps is isolated
9th Army is isolated
106th Rifle Division is isolated
140th Rifle Division is isolated
81st Rifle Division is isolated
255th Rifle Division is isolated
318th Rifle Division is isolated
333rd Rifle Division is isolated
12th Tank Brigade is isolated
18th AT Artillery Brigade is isolated
19th AT Artillery Brigade is isolated
23rd Tank Corps is isolated
275th Rifle Division is isolated
30th Cavalry Division is isolated
PILOT TRAINING【飞行员训练,这个其实可以忽略掉,无非就是告诉你摔了多少架飞机,但这方面远没有WITP细致】
3899 training missions were flown
429 aircraft were damaged flying training missions
86 aircraft were destroyed flying training missions