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标题: WITP资料片前瞻 [打印本页]

作者: hades1001    时间: 2007-12-9 07:51     标题: WITP资料片前瞻

7 U0 |7 z$ j3 r* I2 D' j- B: @
) e- S% B* R1 [$ s% EWAR IN THE PACIFIC - ADMIRAL'S EDITION,将于2008年夏天发布3 [, f% j! W# p
% U6 C4 g6 O# w( L  e
我会抽空把说明翻译出来; v* Y% m# m3 \% \, ?; H, \+ s
; Z& |5 @, s: o6 j/ w/ p
The Admiral’s Edition expansion will require ownership of the original War in the Pacific game.  Many additional man-years of development from a dedicated and experienced team including subject matter experts and experienced programmers has resulted in an improved War in the Pacific experience across the board.
' \  `/ P' f; X) {2 C) E
" n/ R8 ]$ i1 O  iThe Entire War in the Pacific on One Map! – If you thought the original map was something to behold, wait until you see the new one!   Completely redone to a 40 nautical mile per hex scale (instead of the original 60 mile per hex scale) and with the original distance distortions and inaccuracies greatly reduced, this is the most accurate and most stunning map of the theater ever created.  In addition, the smaller scale has allowed us to add a number of important bases that would not fit in the larger scale, but which played a key role in the strategy of various operations.  On top of that, Admiral’s Edition now has off-map movement through map edge boxes representing major bases across the world, allowing more realistic movement of Allied assets and arrival of reinforcements and resources.2 C$ o' l# |* ?1 U& R

* n( q8 ~2 R+ x. H0 ?The War At Sea – A waypoint system has now been added for Task Force movement, with up to three waypoints possible.  These can also be used to define a patrol zone with loiter times.  Waypoints can also be used for automated convoys along with a “return same route” option, making setting up your supply routes easier than ever.  Task Force Movement is now handled on a hex by hex basis, with mid-ocean intercepts now possible!  Many additional ship classes have been added and the entire naval order of battle has been overhauled with new ships, new subs (including midget subs for the Japanese) and new devices." w& C# Q5 r% h5 u
! p/ x$ h7 F3 {7 D4 j# d0 y( g
The entire upgrade system is now much more capable, allowing conversion of ships between classes as well as multiple upgrade levels (for example, a US Navy four stack destroyer can now convert to APD, AVD, DM or DMS, as the player wishes).  Ports have also been reworked to allow for realistic limits for ability to handle ships, cargo and repairs, with much more control given to the player on how repairs are managed (especially at shipyards).  * H6 L0 v6 M6 {, f( H2 J! v- ]
" l' F0 ^) J) v) C2 B0 T
Shore bombardment, landing craft, major and minor ship damage, Engine vs. System damage, brand new ship art and improved task force and ship displays are just some of the many additional improvements!
& i7 g) X; M& h4 C* Y  T8 U: `/ ]/ |) v. U/ z& m; m
The War in the Air – The air combat, pilot replacement and training systems of the original War in the Pacific have all been revisited and improved for the Admiral’s Edition.  CAP is now partly in the air and partly scrambled, based on your CAP percentage, radar, climb rate, HQs and other factors.  Fighters now have new more realistic air combat ratings, with maneuver adjusted based on altitude bands and top speed factored into relative maneuver calculations, to allow both styles of air combat to have their due.  The end result is a better simulation of the historical matchups and less of the “uber CAP” that could happen in the original release.; s& F% I7 V% m8 N) q
. z" G! {& p& \* ~
On top of that, plane damage is now tracked across turns and each plane type is assigned a service rating which affects the difficulty of keeping that plane repaired, maintained and in the air.  In addition to ops losses, perpetually damaged planes can now become “write offs” with their parts scavenged to make other planes operational.  Operational losses overall are now at a higher, more realistic level for the Pacific theater.  Fog of war also now applies to the indicator for enemy planes at a base as well and air balance and bomber/escort assignment depends on what you actually know of the enemy’s air power.' ~5 ~2 e$ P. i, Q1 u! G

: P" q% t0 J% T- A! RPilots are now rated in a dozen different skill levels and can no longer gain the equivalent of combat experience by flying non-combat missions.  Combined with a much more realistic multi-pool pilot training and reserve system, this eliminates certain balance loopholes that could cause unrealistic training rates.
7 Y* v9 H' q$ [8 v9 e4 \0 r7 Z, {* t  x- p& I
Barrage balloons, blimps, over 500 airplane types, new aircraft art, more realistic coordination limits, configurable resize for squadrons and tracking of air attack vectors for ship flak are some of the many additional improvements!
, \# ?3 x4 T& C' [0 J
8 T; p4 j$ a, c5 d/ }3 AThe War on Land – From the original War in the Pacific’s eight terrain types, the Admiral’s Edition now has up to sixteen and transportation is now handled based on hex-sides rather than hexes, allowing for realistic land movement rates.  A new dynamic hex-side and hex zone of control system also ensures realistic control over directions of movement and retreat.  Land units now have several modes, rather than just a few – Combat, Movement, Strategic Movement, Reserve, Rest and Disorganized combine to give the player more choices to make about the stance and effectiveness of his land units.  A division in Reserve will be able to Pursue, while a Division in Combat will be able to fight much more effectively and a division in Strategic Movement will be able to use rail movement, for example." V- N8 [7 z7 Q
* [/ `, x- o9 K6 B! G5 w* K
Tactical movement also now allows plotting and executing moves from any one hex to any adjacent hex – supply routes no longer need to be followed.  Improved fog of war, limitations on fort construction, forced withdrawals and disbands and overstacking rules for atolls and small islands are some of the additional improvements that bring the land combat aspect of the Admiral’s Edition to a new level!
, [5 n0 A* K# H2 \  `* Z% t/ L4 s# _' r
The War at Home – Economy and Industry have also been improved to more accurately simulate the wartime economies, with the addition of Light Industry and Oil Refinery centers and the removal of fuel and supply production from Resource and Oil centers.  These changes allow for more realistic economies while keeping the game balance at a historical level.  Moving the arrival of some off-map resources to off-map bases, requiring them to be transported on map also removes some issues, such as with Karachi.  The end result is an economy that is not significantly more complex, but works more historically.
( z( \; C9 A5 k- e( E, Y9 v
6 l: S2 ^! H9 _! C0 a: UThe Grand Campaign – All of these improvements will come wrapped up with a new full campaign scenario as well as five other scenarios, ranging in size from smaller to larger, many never before done for the War in the Pacific engine!  The new campaign and scenarios are based on new, thorough and painstaking research to place every starting historical land, naval and air unit where it was historically and to do the same for reinforcements and withdrawals, to maintain a historical balance of forces.  The new orders of battle, planes, ships and devices represent a leap forward in realism and historicity from War in the Pacific, which set the benchmark when it was first released.& v6 P4 i1 {/ d' |) |) U5 g

7 X% _: Y7 \4 e0 y3 d, n3 L: D4 h8 b1 tThe Editor – Finally, scenario and mod-makers will rejoice at the entirely new editor, built from the ground up for the Admiral’s Edition.  This editor significantly increases the number of slots available for both devices and locations, has text search, auto-refresh of units from changes TO&Es, display of art work for ships and planes, enables editor-defined LCU breakdowns and task force contents.  It also allows viewing of the contents of a given hex for the entire scenario being worked on (including reinforcements).  The editor also allows you to upgrade the complete TO&E of a unit at a specified date, which is used to good effect in the new scenarios and campaign to allow 2-5 TO&Es for a division, for example, rather than having to abstract those into one for the entire war.) N# l- p, Z4 X3 K1 N1 O9 X

$ B; O# J( k. dAll of these great new features and improvements are on the way, along with a host of minor fixes, while maintaining the same great gameplay and game balance that gamers have enjoyed for years in War in the Pacific.  Stay tuned for more information, screenshots and AARs as we move into 2008 and War in the Pacific: Admiral’s Edition gets closer to release.
# T" {( B/ ]7 e$ j
" Z9 U1 b, G$ O8 @8 ]: JThe boxed version of the game will also come with a full color printed 196 page manual!
作者: hades1001    时间: 2007-12-9 08:01

7 A3 o# Y, L5 x/ x& P8 K/ y/ s' f
[ 本帖最后由 hades1001 于 2007-12-9 08:03 编辑 ]
作者: hades1001    时间: 2007-12-9 08:06

! s& x2 A, g; H& P, v, |! f 7 M1 M6 z1 Z8 {4 S3 y$ d5 W8 s
驻港船只的吨位限制,海军支援9 @, ^1 z5 a* B: N7 `. H! |6 f
  I, \& u1 S) ^4 n& M
5 O, G) x0 p# X
+ ?8 r1 C$ h7 Y日本似乎还可以制造微型潜艇
作者: hades1001    时间: 2007-12-9 08:07

更为详细的舰队编组界面5 k5 t+ j* T% g. b

# j* |* |% d  f3 E2 x[ 本帖最后由 hades1001 于 2007-12-9 08:10 编辑 ]
作者: hades1001    时间: 2007-12-9 08:09

改进的舰船情报$ a4 ~! _  l+ Y5 \

/ H( |! j! l- m+ |9 k# }6 e0 w9 Z增加了引擎损坏值,意味着只挨炸弹不一定降航速了
作者: hades1001    时间: 2007-12-9 08:13

作者: hades1001    时间: 2007-12-9 08:19

除了天气预报,还有一个月光度的设置4 L& \# ?. b' h
作者: hades1001    时间: 2007-12-9 08:21

作者: hades1001    时间: 2007-12-9 08:25

作者: hades1001    时间: 2007-12-9 08:27

作者: hades1001    时间: 2007-12-9 08:29

作者: hades1001    时间: 2007-12-9 08:31

作者: starlh    时间: 2007-12-9 09:22

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o强烈期待ING~~ :victory:
作者: Donnie_Brasco    时间: 2007-12-9 09:26

7 o5 [- K; H! e; p% T2 d1 e4 `  n3 W0 H% P5 d& m; [  M" R. f
作者: hades1001    时间: 2007-12-9 09:41

) L8 z$ H# b7 y5 A7 Y7 `3 D
# T  C8 d7 u! T, [, v) [! C. m浆糊自己都爆过了,你还保密啥啊...
作者: Donnie_Brasco    时间: 2007-12-9 09:59

作者: hyyy    时间: 2007-12-9 10:25

作者: zhengxuacmilan    时间: 2007-12-9 10:51

作者: 越骑校尉    时间: 2007-12-9 11:22

作者: hades1001    时间: 2007-12-9 11:54

作者: 曲终人散    时间: 2007-12-9 19:22

作者: 蔷薇骑士团    时间: 2007-12-9 20:19

作者: reninhat    时间: 2007-12-9 20:40

作者: 飞龙马甲二代目    时间: 2007-12-9 21:12

作者: Donnie_Brasco    时间: 2007-12-9 21:53

据说这个MOD的操作只会增加不会减少……2 H* q: M2 W0 ~+ N: _
作者: reninhat    时间: 2007-12-9 21:56

作者: Donnie_Brasco    时间: 2007-12-9 22:04

原帖由 reninhat 于 2007-12-9 21:56 发表
, m" M" y9 i1 ~不用训练了,菜鸟飞行员有鸟用
& Z" T  x3 y( g4 s- Q% m* |. v( z# _" V& S' @3 u( a. p

! R$ c) }2 a+ V4 ], L大家都是菜鸟飞行员,菜鸟飞行员就有用。
作者: typhon    时间: 2007-12-9 22:06

, J2 ?* I# m! U1 q. ?/ i! N看来不错4 J# n0 I: E' w+ [; n
作者: 蓝枫    时间: 2007-12-10 18:52

作者: zhengxuacmilan    时间: 2007-12-10 19:33     标题: 回复 27# 的帖子

作者: puma596    时间: 2007-12-10 21:05

大家都练 这个公平
作者: reninhat    时间: 2007-12-10 21:06

作者: 越骑校尉    时间: 2007-12-10 21:24

作者: 蓝枫    时间: 2007-12-11 21:33

作者: 曲终人散    时间: 2007-12-12 21:20

试着翻译一下,有些地方还是很拗口,关于AE版本的修改功能实在是翻的乱七八糟,毕竟之前不接触这部分功能,还请各位大能多提意见啊 : R7 G- a5 a6 D; o' ~1 O

1 h/ i6 e* F8 ?5 B6 GAdmiral’s Edition (以下简称AE)扩展包需要原版WITP支持。该扩展版本在经过众多经验丰富且富有献身精神的专业人士和程序员们的改进下提供了一个全新的WITP体验。
' F7 Q1 j" u9 C$ M1 S% f: Y集整个太平洋战争于一张地图上 —— 如果您觉得旧版本的地图非常不同寻常,那您更应该期待这张新的地图!全新制作的40海里的图格代替了原版中60海里的图格,原版中的距离失真和错误也得到改进,新地图为史上最精确最完美的作品。较小的图格尺寸使得添加原本无法呈现的一些对于战略战术起关键作用的重要基地变得可能。另外,AE将地图边缘的图格标注为世界主要军事基地(翻译注:指太平洋战区以外的基地) 提供了地图外运输的功能,使得更符合史实的盟军物资输送和盟军增援物资、增援部队的到达成为可能。1 C" ^7 N6 E: F2 z9 m8 f. u( k
# {' r9 |" j% f1 D! K# n( r1 F1 `
海战 —— 在特混舰队的行动中新增了最多3个路径点的设置。路径点的设置可以被用于定义舰队在某一区域的来回巡逻,也能用于运输船队基于相同路径的自动运输从而使资源给养的运输设置变得更加简便。特混舰队的运动将逐格进行,使得中途的拦截成为可能!更多新添加的舰级,海军战斗序列添加了更多新的战舰、潜艇(包括日本微型潜艇)和新的设备。
  k( l: H+ }. S  q, _5 w游戏中的升级系统(翻译注:此处指舰船) 得到增强,使各舰级之间的改装和复数升级成为可能(比如,一艘美国海军旧型四烟囱驱逐舰在AE里可以随玩家所愿被改装成快速运输舰、快速水机供应舰,快速布雷舰或快速扫雷舰)。港口系统的改进使得港口对军舰、货船和修理的限制更为史实,且给予玩家在调配舰只的修理上更多自由度(尤其在有船坞的港口)。
% \, h3 @1 \5 `! j& M6 s3 ?$ G7 b! _8 \
7 H6 |& k9 F+ K/ a空战 ——原版的空战,飞行员补充和训练系统被重新改进整合。CAP现为部分爬高和部分滞空,根据CAP的百分比,覆盖区域(翻译注:就是指几格),爬升速度,HQ(翻译注:不清楚是不是指空军HQ)和其他因素运算。战斗机的空战评级现在变得更趋向史实,战斗机机动的相关运算受到海拔高度段和最高速度的左右,使得不同的战斗任务各得其所。总体上,AE的空战模拟较原版更贴近史实(翻译注:不是很清楚原文的uber CAP是指什么,所以后半句没有翻译)。7 L7 w  y! X& J' _: z$ a6 Y
) f0 u9 s6 f( O3 ~" H0 a4 ~飞行员的评定有了更多不同的技能指标,非战斗任务取得的经验将不再增加战斗经验。引入了更史实的多种类多专长飞行员训练和后备系统后,部分不符合史实的训练捷径将不复存在。- O) C# L/ S8 M% j
拦阻气球,飞艇,500多种各型飞机,新的飞机图片,更史实的空中协调(翻译注:可能指一个空域内能容纳的飞机总数),可调整规模的飞行中队,舰载防空炮火的无线电制导和其他许多改进!* _, P5 U+ o: y( S4 T+ W+ z
/ P0 U# S9 p+ j7 u7 s. u
陆战 —— AE在原版WITP 8种地形的基础上,更新了近16种地形。输送的运算现根据地图格交界(翻译注:是指地形对速度的影响么?不是很理解)而不是整个地图格,呈现了更趋向史实的地面运输速度。新的地图格和地图格控制系统对单位的运动和撤退有了更现实的控制。相较原版不多的地面单位模式,AE中的地面单位有战斗,运动,战略运动,预备,休息和解散,给予玩家在对其地面单位的状态和效率上有更多的选择。比如,一个处于后备状态的师可以追击,一个处于战斗状态的师将更有效的作战,一个处于战略运动的师将可以使用铁路进行运输。9 n% f: J1 z5 x& y6 U. P' s
1 ^  N7 ?  w- W. x- W: U: c% }# i9 A! W3 }
后方的战争 —— 对经济和工业的改进更接近对战时经济的模拟,新增了轻工业和炼油中心,移除了资源和原油中心的燃料和供给出产。这些变化使更趋向史实的经济成为可能且保持游戏平衡于当时历史水平。移动地图外资源至到地图外基地,使其能被运输到地图上(的指定基地)移除了一些结果,比如卡拉奇(翻译注:个人认为指的是卡拉奇被占领后英国增援不再出现的结果)。总体上,AE的经济系统虽然并非更加复杂,但是更趋向历史。
0 l+ a$ {/ F" S  @; B. c6 Z
0 a0 a# j5 @& w: ~: Y- z( L大战役 —— 所有的改进都将会呈现在一个全新的大战役和5个其他战役剧本中,从小型战役到大型战役,其中的很多是在WITP的游戏引擎上从未制作过的!新战役和剧本中陆海空单位,包括增援和撤退,都在经过全面彻底的辛勤研究考证后按照史实呈现。新的战斗序列,飞机,舰只和设备展示了自WITP以来更趋向现实和史实的大跃进。
. J; K" _  d8 B$ X" M4 I
. E' J, N7 C: R, z1 a5 V% Z$ G修改制作 —— 最后,剧本和MOD的设计者们将会对AE这个全新的版本感到欣慰。AE大量增加了可用装备和地点的slot数量,提供了搜索功能,自动更新单位TOE的变化,显示舰只和飞机的图片,允许修改LCU(?)和特遣舰队包含舰只。同时允许对剧本中指定单位格包含元素的修改(包括增援部队)。修改功能也允许玩家修改指定单位的全部TOE在指定时间升级,比如,允许新剧本和战役中有25TOE存在于同一个师。

* X) k; g! b. V+ K& [# i
0 q$ w5 Q' c1 ?; _# z以上这些全新的特征和改进正在和其他小修正同时进行中,同时保持玩家们长期以来对WITP游戏性和平衡性的享受。2008年将至,在AE将发售之前,请继续关注更多的消息,截屏和战报。2 t) @6 P+ Z7 J0 p
( R, _- ]3 ?6 d9 Y7 |1 B% V8 V4 N! `4 ~& B7 K& X( K6 u! p- A
" a5 y! }* u8 E2 h1 O. e0 R/ y8 y5 V

' x6 V1 j! |( q* e' b
! I& `) m: @$ g" z- j4 B[ 本帖最后由 曲终人散 于 2008-2-20 05:30 编辑 ]
作者: reninhat    时间: 2007-12-12 21:22

作者: 飞龙马甲二代目    时间: 2007-12-12 21:43

嗯,盟军的DE是反潜第一利器,Anti submarine的武器达到11件,平甲板是最好的反潜DD,有9件
作者: 半日光辉    时间: 2007-12-13 07:38

作者: xuanyuan    时间: 2007-12-13 13:37

作者: 越骑校尉    时间: 2007-12-14 21:39

原帖由 xuanyuan 于 2007-12-13 13:37 发表 3 l( c4 U6 N: J3 L  e5 ]$ `
* V) I$ S  X& S
作者: 越骑校尉    时间: 2007-12-14 21:43

作者: 曲终人散    时间: 2007-12-15 06:09

The Admiral’s Edition expansion will require ownership of the original War in the Pacific game
# i/ U( f) T$ d0 {, a  F8 ^3 R7 I& |1 \1 o) U) ]( ?" `, m' }
作者: chairman    时间: 2008-2-19 23:31

作者: championzhao    时间: 2008-2-20 08:12

希望出中文版的,至少看着舒服 ,官方不出就自己汉化
作者: TIGERLIU    时间: 2008-2-25 08:52

作者: lceurocup    时间: 2008-2-27 22:21

作者: chen0529    时间: 2008-2-28 01:01

作者: 飞龙    时间: 2008-2-28 10:03

作者: vcding_109    时间: 2008-2-28 14:41

作者: hyyy    时间: 2008-2-28 16:08

作者: reninhat    时间: 2008-2-28 18:40

作者: majiawei    时间: 2008-2-29 01:06


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