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标题: 一个太平洋战场老兵的回忆录 [打印本页]

作者: brokos    时间: 2008-1-20 21:07     标题: 一个太平洋战场老兵的回忆录
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简介:; ]3 W& _! F4 S' d* H
[size=-1][size=+1]ONE MAN'S VIEW is the personal story of Leonard Skinner'sexperiences in the Marine Corps during World War II. After enlisting atthe age of 17 in January of 1942, Leonard spent four harrowing yearsmoving from island to island in the Pacific Theatre. In this onlinebook, One Man's View, he documents the hazardous life of anAmerican Marine combat soldier during the war and reflects upon theexperience of revisiting many of the battle sites half a century later.You can contact the author at
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" P& X9 g- L8 [/ @不知转这样的回忆录是否可以,里面有些图片很不错。- M0 X; l: j0 b* v

作者: 半日光辉    时间: 2008-1-21 11:00

作者: hyyy    时间: 2008-1-21 11:06

作者: 半日光辉    时间: 2008-1-21 22:18


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