' c! _9 q" I& \
The battle opened at 0337 with the Renown having increased speed to 20 knots after spotting the two German ships. Renown was steaming west of the German's position giving her the advantage of being against the still dark sky while the German ships were silhouetted against the lightening eastern sky in morning nautical twilight. Neither side had the advantage of radar during this engagement. 6 F, C$ z3 U% J9 o1 e8 s" f& W
At 19,000 yards Renown turned to a new course to expose her full broadside. At 0405 the Renown opened fire on the Gneisenau whose crew was uncertain about the identity of the Renown and taking the Scharnhorst by surprise.
Calabria / Punta Stilo, 9 July 1940. 5 {8 Z. { ~* J2 V* |
. @" O8 A+ V$ b& @2 V
This is the first major fleet action between the British and Italian navies in World War 2. While the battleship engagement portion was minimal, it was also decisive to the outcome.& S: A, w1 s& T$ L* [
: T- m6 W/ P! L$ V( i: z
The battleship portion opens at approximately 1530 when the Warspite engaged in a duel with several Italian heavy cruisers, both sides obtaining straddles but no hits.5 [. G" @& c3 K3 |
6 W7 x2 O+ W/ P% F( b1 r) n
At 1553 the Warspite sighted the Giulio Cesare at a range of about 26,000 yards and took her under fire. The Italian battleship replied almost simultaneously. Warspite obtained a straddle on her first salvo while the Italians were off by about 1000 yards.
After exchanging several salvos, the Warspite obtained a hit at 1559 that penetrated the deck of Giulio Cesare amidships detonating in a boiler room knocking out that boiler along with three more in adjacent boiler rooms. There were 115 casualties and the Giulio Cesare' s speed fell to 18 knots./ ~* y, p* B' P, m9 [
! s+ z' n3 c: V
The Italians then decided to break off the action and retired under a smoke screen. By 1700 Giulio Cesare had managed to make repairs that brought her speed up to 25 knots ensuring her escape. The other Italian battleship present, Cavor, did not actively engage the British, nor did the two slow British battleships present; Royal Sovereign and Malaya.
原帖由 hyyy 于 2008-6-3 02:00 发表2 S0 I- p: u- L$ h3 C
原帖由 kevin_hx 于 2008-6-3 08:36 发表& J2 [4 B D* H) `! U3 U
原帖由 hyyy 于 2008-6-3 12:38 发表. N2 s# C4 r( I0 G6 d F1 o' `
原帖由 oldcat 于 2008-10-8 17:33 发表
雷达?2 b2 s4 I" f$ a* F
射击引导?6 g- t8 ~: N3 N
5 y# N( R/ k2 E E) b3 p: v- g
原帖由 Surcouf 于 2008-10-8 20:06 发表! Q% g, _2 Q' X" d% @
' e N+ d; b+ ]
英国的火控方式是雷达+测距仪同时进行/ I/ K. V3 t9 e
原帖由 Surcouf 于 2008-10-8 20:26 发表
呵呵,我想你至少需要了解一点,284型是英国战列舰在战争前期通用的【火控雷达】- ~4 P. v8 {/ C) b3 R R
法国战列舰黎塞留号更是一直沿用此型雷达直到1951年。% ~% c* b9 p! J* m q
也许精度确实是差一点,可是你要说 ...
原帖由 Surcouf 于 2008-10-8 20:29 发表
关于雷达的作用,你可以对比同一战斗中的沙恩霍斯特号。. H6 v7 E) k* |7 b
原帖由 Surcouf 于 2008-10-9 08:05 发表
原来mk8只有有限的火控能力啊' j7 @$ Z8 b# q+ q9 o: [
怎样解释苏里高一战中装备mk8的战舰都能发现目标并命中,而装备mk3的只有一个马里兰能有效射击?难道美国人也靠光学仪器?4 G P6 G" _4 Z+ S$ x
9 [# e2 m+ g3 J4 H
别人都当火控雷达使用并取得效果了,你硬要说 ...
原帖由 Surcouf 于 2008-10-9 07:58 发表
1. Type 284乃是Fire control radar,你不认它它也是火控雷达6 W* G% s6 ?1 M- h- _! w
2.北角海战的Duke of York用的也是284,你要说它是全靠光学仪器实现20000码左右命中的(就是打得沙舰减速那发,需要注意的是此战的海况和能见 ...
原帖由 oldcat 于 2008-10-9 12:03 发表+ o! m! }0 n F8 q0 X' G( F& m4 [
/ j: x. r) i% {4 T& A, k% z
1 q* Z$ a- p; q$ j
请看清楚0 Z( z1 c& W. o* B! L9 {
原帖由 Surcouf 于 2008-10-9 12:16 发表& Z) h2 a, c1 w$ g8 t0 {0 b7 f
原帖由 hyyy 于 2008-10-9 13:00 发表
而且关于开火的时间点,是不是采用了同样的区时,你考证过么.............那篇所谓的第三方资料没有任何权威性可言,而且只是开火时间重合了,并没有提到开火距离,我前面已经说了,时区问题你考虑了么,如果两篇恰好使用同 ...
原帖由 oldcat 于 2008-10-9 13:19 发表
因为射击不光是要测距& M' v4 ^5 L2 i% s: H) v& x
更重要的是还要“测角”) q0 P- Z* z, p4 o$ l& i
4 x& j6 L) c7 R5 a
射击方位不对3 I% w- }8 T/ o8 s
原帖由 hyyy 于 2008-10-9 13:17 发表' O" m! A7 P+ x! }
你贴了两份就了不起啊,我自己也写一份贴上,也算两份不,真搞笑,BAIDU的研究人员就靠这个啊,怪不得到处被批,还是那句话,你那资料上写几点就是几点开战的啊,另外请看清楚,如果英文不好的话,我给你翻译下The battle open ...
原帖由 Surcouf 于 2008-10-9 12:18 发表" v: A# L+ T: s; h! x+ V# m
可是,这又如何说明MK8不具备完全射控能力?0 Y. i+ E3 ~4 i% z! l5 k
原帖由 Surcouf 于 2008-10-9 13:29 发表# [2 x- L1 \$ [8 I8 w8 a c/ ?
( B: r: E d+ ]4 p# M% o3 }1 A6 O
是是是,我都知道这些,初期雷达对方位的测算是很不精确的。6 v% H; |9 {# S# ?+ G5 b
原帖由 oldcat 于 2008-10-9 13:35 发表
多说一点# a5 s* _% e: a+ E3 q7 ^$ W7 C1 U
& F7 Z* N! _6 o2 o7 m1 O
39年9月安装的是FUMO22- \4 t' u2 s* x
原帖由 Surcouf 于 2008-10-9 13:45 发表' W' |9 Z( Z7 Z! U/ ~* F
具体不清楚, r) f4 s* N( O/ o1 t
http://www.history.navy.mil/library/online/radar-2.htm( `% s0 H# e* P8 T! P
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