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标题: [转贴] [科普]华盛顿海军条约 Washington Naval Treaty, 1922 [打印本页]

作者: kevin_hx    时间: 2009-7-2 15:43     标题: [科普]华盛顿海军条约 Washington Naval Treaty, 1922

本帖最后由 kevin_hx 于 2009-7-2 16:03 编辑 6 v  e: {3 {8 c5 T9 m+ O
  L+ F( B6 D, A
华盛顿海军条约2 v0 k3 z/ R2 h8 m; {0 ^5 r' z: H- [8 m4 ^5 I' z
1 A% p2 Z; _1 D2 B( A) V/ T  V

( ?# Z7 u0 P, U8 U. a0 F5 k% n  `+ j5 z" H; T' V# Y7 P
7 L1 |6 z9 Z, w- @
# G% f6 m' A7 \( q: S7 V为促进世界和平,为减少军备负担;
& U6 Q6 e( P; b我们决心,为达到此一目的,签订条约限制各自的海军军备,并任命各自的全权代表:
# G: H1 E- w5 r) F5 ^, Z美利坚合众国总统:
' f* ~8 h( P% J查尔斯·E·休斯,美国国务卿6 W+ P" @3 X, F- `0 Q- _
- [! X% g/ T- X奥斯卡·W·安德伍德
/ z- h2 L+ |. d' M伊莱休·路特
+ Y# [2 I: N+ s0 @+ F+ I* @" k9 M- X4 K美利坚合众国公民;
* \7 r; j' ?( @: J  V7 n
) t! q$ r: f9 v大不列颠和爱尔兰联合王国以及英属海外领地国王、印度皇帝陛下:  e# s* U! n% g9 l* [
阿瑟·詹姆斯·贝尔福勋爵阁下,帝国枢密院院长6 d* [  q. O6 R" A" E5 Z; u
李·法勒姆男爵阁下,海军大臣8 V5 }2 y0 |% A- S
; b8 P& @( |! \' k2 w, D6 a以及
) L: c; c8 a; S, ^9 p2 U0 y加拿大海外领地:
' \3 \  y' @( q' G' H罗伯特·莱尔德·鲍登阁下4 u, L% z, Y5 A) U* c' q3 T
+ _6 P$ i/ d: J- w% _% |: N+ O乔治·福斯特·皮尔斯议员阁下,本土及海外领地部大臣; f/ h1 d5 _& y$ h- z1 U6 H3 t/ G
新西兰海外领地:; M( K- J% J/ a& Z
: y4 L/ p( M  v$ ~6 V/ J0 o! m3 d新西兰最高法院法官# p2 ]  R3 e8 w8 ^5 \& [4 r
0 b' b! ]( v: X- N: e' F阿瑟·詹姆斯·贝尔福勋爵阁下) M( [- a$ L& s, e1 j2 A
6 i: C& _" B0 }4 m瓦灵曼·桑卡拉纳亚纳·斯林瓦萨·萨斯特里阁下,印度枢密院阁员( U, ~& A3 s0 V" F1 H7 a

2 v8 r) Y4 c# g; r0 ~法兰西共和国总统:
' m' a) x: z1 j阿尔贝·萨劳先生,代理殖民部部长
2 ?* d  a0 U3 X/ v$ h( o儒勒·J·约瑟兰,驻合众国特命全权大使,大十字荣誉勋章获得者
$ P$ w+ I- v% Z' z意大利国王陛下:& g- m' Y' C+ `6 t& N/ M
卡洛·山泽阁下,意大利王国参议员  U% D, ^  @* Q1 y% V7 t) I
维托里奥·罗兰迪·里希阁下,意大利王国参议员,驻合众国特命全权大使) O) _# Z# Y1 \: y, K
路易吉·阿尔伯蒂尼阁下,意大利王国参议员& H) F7 p& L( T6 [
! T- F) M/ Y  v! r& C加藤友三郎男爵,海军大臣,大勋位,正一位。3 @: l3 b" \2 Q  c  G& t6 n
* p8 ?+ e: U# {- w. W% @8 j& M$ u植原正直,外务省副相,勋二位,正三位。. b# q7 p9 {: O1 V& }# q: D3 @7 }

6 I% p; F# U/ ^经过互相磋商及沟通,出于善意和负责的良好意愿,达成以下决议。
- @1 Y7 D: G/ l8 I% k% n' E8 {

; I' }3 g( X( ?% u+ R0 ^$ K
目录9 P- A$ Q" \- }! a5 V
3 R+ O0 V# G* }3 N: p
1 第一章 : t7 O$ ~% b: n
2 第二章
9 C& ?& e' ^+ |0 ]& u' ~2.1 第一部分 4 w7 s$ q- Y' h/ h/ v
2.2 第二部分 , S' j% L" U& d5 B
2.3 第三部分 # n" v. o: i7 I
2.4 第四部分
/ i4 @  k: n8 Q+ P3 第三章" q% J( C$ t1 X" u5 J- L- Q
- p2 w& U9 C  P& K7 L; L1 ]

7 n" `/ K' I6 ~  ]
! w* A" ^  V" F. X* M' D
8 }* _9 w1 ^' S, N* R第一章限制海军军备总则
2 _; d; y; C; n, w/ `1 \( |8 p第一条( [) p- v2 G$ e) f4 y: U
签订条约的各国同意将本国的海军军备限定在本条约规定的范围内。; p, w4 h- d3 {3 c: m" O
! i9 c, N$ a. K+ L/ V% o. Y) Q7 {" {签约各国可以根据本条约第二章第一部分规定的内容保持各自现有的主力舰。本条约开始生效后,未规定予以保留的签约各国的主力舰,无论是否建成,均需按本条约第二章第二部分的规定予以废弃。2 l9 D/ Q, {; l1 }  ]* a
作为第二章第一部分的补充规定,美国可以建成并保留两艘目前正在建造当中的西弗吉尼亚级战列舰。这两艘军舰完工后,北达科它号和特拉华号战列舰需按本条约第二章第二部分的规定予以废弃。& ]( i% Y' d5 ?0 ^
; J3 A- z$ g; T. }% ^2 I第三条7 H: e+ Q9 I6 b
. n% R: M( W- B: i+ @' a) S按照第二章第三部分被替换掉的主力舰,需按第二章第二部分之规定方法予以废弃。* _# S9 F; i; ~- p3 W5 W$ c2 @7 s
, u& a. O! Z2 k& ~: c' s% n; u1 @签约各国的主力舰吨位,不能超过本条约所规定的水平: 美国,525,000吨 (533,400 公吨);大英帝国,525,000吨(533,400公吨);法兰西,175,000吨 (177,800 公吨);意大利,175,000吨 (177,800 公吨);日本,315,000 吨(320,040 公吨)。- E+ H( r; ?% u# u
! ]6 j1 y, J4 {* ~2 @各签约国不得建造、获取、或为本条约其他签约国建造超过35000吨(35560公吨)的主力舰。
5 b. t9 A2 K& b8 y- b1 N- r第六条: r9 s" z' f" |- `
签约国的主力舰主炮口径不得超过16英寸(406毫米)。* @* x2 S) s9 t! a- ^
第七条9 u/ X1 @& \7 w: u- i& Z* \
各签约国的航空母舰吨位不得超过以下标准:美国, 135,000 吨 (137,160 公吨);英国,135,000吨(137,160 公吨); 法国,60,000吨 (60,960 公吨);意大利,60,000吨 (60,960公吨);日本,81,000吨(82,296公吨)。1 O& f3 l. l. h1 |: z1 d* f
第八条% O* q( y* P. Z/ T3 s9 R% Y
航空母舰改装必须按照第二章第三部分的规定。到1921年12月12日之前建成及正在建造的航空母舰,可以在本条约规定的吨位限制内进行替换,与其舰龄无关。/ R  t+ e( k: L" P/ E6 I, a
第九条+ q( }& T9 U9 q% T. K; F7 H* F
各签约国不得建造、获取、或为本条约其他签约国建造超过27000吨(27432公吨)的航空母舰。, h0 @5 `. p3 {' U2 G
但是,各签约国可以在不超出条约规定之航空母舰总吨位水平的情况下,建造两艘不超过 33,000 吨 (33,528公吨) 标准的航空母舰。根据此原则,签约各国可以从本国经济角度考虑,将根据本条约第二章第三部分的规定必须废弃的军舰,无论已经建成还是正在建造,改造成航空母舰。数量为两艘。对于吨位超过27000吨(27432公吨)的航空母舰,结合本章第十条的要求,其所载舰炮的数量,如果舰炮口径超过6英寸(152毫米),那么所有舰炮的总数(防空火炮和口径不超过5英寸(127毫米)的舰炮除外),不能超过8门
1 s, h. _( f& J0 r. z第十条
. ~9 S$ H/ U% v+ U% O各签约国的航空母舰不得装备口径超过8英寸(203毫米)的舰炮。在第九条规定的情况以外,如果舰炮口径超过6英寸(152毫米),那么所有舰炮的总数(防空火炮和口径不超过5英寸(127毫米)的舰炮除外),不能超过10门。 或者,如果该航空母舰未搭载口径超过6英寸(152毫米)的舰炮,则其舰炮数量不做限制。在所有的情况下,防空火炮和口径不超过5英寸(127毫米)的舰炮的数量不做限制。6 L3 b- V* Y" D
第十一条4 d& x/ G) X* h: k3 T- [
各签约国不得建造、获取、或为本条约其他签约国建造超过10000吨(10160公吨)的作战舰艇,主力舰和航空母舰除外。不以作战为专门用途、在和平时期也不为政府以作战为目的而控制、掌管的舰船,战时临时雇佣或进行军队运送 和其他类似非战斗用途的舰船,不受此条约限制。9 N/ l* {( I* P) ^% t8 I5 `. ?$ L
第十二条& W1 R9 o' H3 q$ [8 p
签约各国在此条约生效之后建造的战斗舰艇,除主力舰外,不得装备口径超过8英寸(203毫米)的舰炮。- ~3 v% u5 g# E$ P0 O7 ?! T
, t' ?" X" j5 h! \+ y9 O, ]. [: i除本章第九条规定的军舰外,本条约指名规定废弃的主力舰,不得改装为其他形式的作战舰船。% Y2 _" ~" f' |2 B- {8 C
第十四条7 ^; c2 E3 g1 i, k
各签约国的商船不得预留可将其改装为作战舰船的空间和设计,除了加固甲板或预留装备6英寸(152毫米)以下舰炮的空间。/ x8 l7 J2 a- \! \9 Y
2 c8 C. [- L/ U4 t4 `% G签约各国为本条约签约国以外的国家建造的舰船,其规格不得超过本条约对其同级别舰只所做之火力、吨位的限制规定。为非签约国建造的航空母舰不能超过27000吨(27432公吨)。
( a( F" ?- Q& F5 a第十六条; j3 A! ~* _0 b) w
如果非签约国的作战军舰由本条约签约国代为建造,则承建国有责任通知本条约其他签约国有关签订合同、铺放龙骨的时间;并且按照第二章第三部分第一款(b)的(4)和(5)节 ,告知其他细节。5 y0 D# ~8 L  x
第十七条+ B2 o1 s( Q% D( K
本条约某一签约国处于战争状态的情况时,该国为其他国家建造、或已建成但未交接的军舰,不得被征用为己方的作战舰船使用。. i6 u5 k& J: n" F; e
" D# F( F1 ], I% a" U0 M7 G签约各国保证,不赠送、出卖或以其他形式将本国战舰移交给外国海军,如果该舰被移交之后将有可能被作为作战力量使用的话。2 j# `; y: s2 \7 m5 N2 s/ v
第十九条; u4 W. K! n* J" S  |+ i
美国,英国和日本同意在下文提到的各自领地上之海军军事基地和设防区域里,维持本条约签约时的现状: (1) 美国现在和以后可能拥有的太平洋海岛,除了 (a) 美国本土、阿拉斯加和巴拿马运河区的近海岛屿,不包括阿留申群岛,和(b) 夏威夷群岛; (2) 香港以及英国现在和以后可能拥有的,东经110度以东的太平洋海岛,除了 (a)加拿大近海岛屿, (b) 澳大利亚联邦及其属地,以及 (c)新西兰; (3)日本拥有的太平洋岛屿,即:千岛群岛,小笠原群岛群岛,南鸟岛,琉球群岛,台湾岛和澎湖列岛, 太平洋日本委任统治领地,以及日本以后可能拥有的太平洋岛屿。 上文所规定的地域,不得建设新的设防工事和海军基地;不得扩建、增强上述地区的军事设施和海军维护修理设施,上述地区的岸防工事不得增加或扩建。本限制不包括以上地区军备武器的正常更换以及和平时期海军和其他军用设施的日常维护修理。
2 F! m9 q. ^' p% {" g# x0 v9 l" O第二十条
) I, ?4 C. s& E! M( L+ A8 V本条约第二章第四部分规定的吨位限制、舰船替换规则,使用于各签约方所有的军舰。" P7 @1 M+ Y: F6 x' D" K9 C% {

1 f; v: M+ n0 E/ G5 Z5 ]0 q
2 C  X2 B8 [! N/ r0 N& T, a# Q第二章条约的执行规则,术语解释
$ {, @% H) \* ?, a0 r* R; [8 p( _; S5 c6 I& z& @; ~
9 \6 H, e' N% S9 ~+ v依照本条约第一章第二条,本条约签约国可以各自保留的主力舰名单如下。
& d5 x" n& f$ O! P/ s$ i美国海军 舰名/吨位! ^- R/ e, I" F/ J" V$ T
马里兰 32,600
) R* H) y4 x, @# a% Z  C# u

. H  S/ G" x2 t' x9 g. h; Y西弗吉尼亚级的另外两艘战列舰竣工后,按照第一章第二条的规定将北达科它号和特拉华号解体,美国海军的总吨位将为 525,850吨。
1 Y1 y! s; Y4 t  @+ g皇家海军 舰名/吨位
" X' H- r6 x' p# C7 U0 D1 T, K

( }# s. a( V4 v: G9 ~两艘新战列舰竣工后,按照第一章第二条的规定将朱庇特号、乔治五世号、阿贾克斯号和百人队长号解体,英国海军的总吨位将为 558,950吨。2 ^5 H' \  T) i5 B7 r) B5 a! I. Z

7 z5 [" D; @+ P0 A' ?) P; R法国海军 舰名/吨位 (公吨)
. n8 [. N2 f1 W* i4 c

' Y% K% o! w: c+ W根据本章第三部分第二款,法国可以在1927、1929、1931年建造新的主力舰。& j& l& _6 H/ p7 M4 Q1 U
" ]$ }$ z( L/ h; ^
意大利海军 舰名/吨位(公吨)
/ ?5 L6 @& m1 p  r
$ i* d" f) ?6 F3 U$ [
根据本章第三部分第二款,意大利可以在1927、1929、1931年建造新的主力舰。8 Z, s  s$ R6 w5 R" _! }2 M7 [
2 B' e6 c: F+ Z/ Z$ ?
日本海军 舰名/吨位
7 T; Y% b- T- a

3 K+ K& q' E" v  W1 G5 }" w6 N; h5 @

, z  H" w. s1 v6 b( y: @$ |第二部分战舰解体规则
; o; k5 n+ v& i1 |" M以下关于军舰解体规则的说明,适用于本条约第一章第二条和第三条所规定的战舰。9 J  L) `. F5 k. R+ U
I. 战舰解体必须达到再也不能参加作战用途的程度。3 M6 e5 N' c' ]
II. 军舰废弃可以按以下规则进行:
0 u( `5 s# P( [( W' s/ _(a) 永久性的沉没;
3 S0 |  z7 C. E; }' e, |(b) 彻底解体,包括拆除所有的机器、锅炉、装甲、以及甲板、舰侧、舰底所有的外侧舷板;
5 C; O5 L/ j6 n(c)仅仅作为靶舰适用。在此情况中,如果有必要将其改装为可移动的靶舰,第三段的所有条款,除第 (6)小段和第(7)小段外, 必须得到遵守。签约国只能一次保持拥有一艘这样的靶舰。
( ]0 R: z. l& u5 O- j" Q; u! }(d) 根据本条约在1931年以后必须拆毁的主力舰,法国和意大利可以各自保留两艘,作为航海练习舰,为枪炮、鱼雷等学校使用。法国可保留的为让·巴尔级,意大利可保留的为但丁号和一艘恺撒级战列舰。将这些军舰留做上述用途使用,法国和意大利保证拆除上述舰只的指挥塔,并且保证在战争中不使用这些舰只。
& H1 I/ y0 U  WIII.
5 W# W' I6 c* E: d% G# ]. G(a) 除包含在第一章第九条所规定的特殊情况内的主力舰外,当一艘主力舰已被决定进行解体工作时,解体的第一步骤应立刻付诸实行。其目的主要在于使该舰不能再被用于战斗目的。
! G2 f) L2 R" A- c. b, p(b) 一艘军舰在解体或废弃时,应该将下述设施移去并安置于岸上、或将其摧毁,以使其不再可以用于未来的战斗任务: (1) 所有的舰炮、固定枪械、火控和指挥塔楼,以及炮塔和炮台的可转动部分;(2) 所有的船用水电设备和机械; (3) 所有的火控仪器和测距仪、速测仪; (4) 所有的弹药、炸药和水雷;(5)所有的鱼雷,鱼雷战斗部和发射管; (6) 所有的无线电报装置;(7)驾驶指挥塔和所有的舷侧装甲,所有的推进机器,和 (8) 所有用于弹射、回收飞行装置的设备。
9 |3 l: [6 e) d9 {# ZIV. 舰船解体工作开始实施的时间:+ Q9 F( b3 K$ K* j
(a)根据本章第二款第一节规定方法废弃的舰船,按照第一二款规定废除其作战能力的相关工作,需在本条约生效后六个月之内完成,而舰体的废弃工作需在条约生效后十八个月内完成。3 J  U3 |1 s, Z
(b) 根据第二款第二、三节规定需拆毁的舰船,以及根据第三款需解除武装的舰船,其根据本部分第三款所规定的解除战斗力的工作,需在其替换舰船完工后立即开始,不迟于此日期开始后六 个月内完成。其根据本部分第一I款所规定的解体的工作,需在其替换舰船不迟于完工后十八个月的期限内完成。如果其替换舰船的建造工程发生耽搁,则其根据本部分第三款所规定的解除战斗力的工作,需在其替换舰船铺放龙骨后四年之内开始动工,并在此工程开始后六个月之内完成。其根据本部分第一I款所规定的解体的工作,需在其解除战斗力的工作开工后十八个月的期限内完成。
6 R! h8 Z) N' p6 ~* y9 [( w) M
. |$ E8 L% B) r* M& q/ ~' D" K6 b% m& M- L/ i
第三部分舰船的替换工作6 o' \* S' |, O5 d, x% L+ w* A
主力舰和航空母舰的替换工作需按本部分的第一节和第二节的时间表进行。5 u8 x) `4 n* `4 C  D" E. |
第一节 替换规则- L% [, q2 F) a$ _1 R
(a)主力舰和航空母舰在其服役20年后,除符合第一章第八条或本部分第二节规定的之外,将由新的同型舰船替换。替换舰船的规模不得超过第一章第四条和第七条的规定。除符合第一章第八条或本部分第二节规定的之外,其铺放龙骨的时间,不得早于被替换的舰船建成后的第十七年。主力舰和航空母舰,除符合第一章第二条第三段或本部分第二节之时间表规定的之外,在1921年12月12日之后十年内不得开工建造。8 |" V% C9 Q& n" |; s
(b) 各签约国有义务迅速、及时地向本条约其他签约国通报以下内容: (1) 将要被新建舰船替换的主力舰或航空母舰的舰名;(2) 政府批准建造替换舰船的日期;(3) 替换舰船龙骨铺放的时间;(4) 即将开工的舰船的标准排水量(吨和公吨),以及其主要技术规格,尺寸,即标准排水量时的水线长度、水线及其以下部分的最大宽度;(5) 新建舰船的下水日期以及其下水时的标准排水量(吨和公吨)及其主要技术规格,标准排水量时的水线长度、水线及其以下部分的最大宽度。* H' u& [2 n5 T& |0 a8 T, N! f( d
(c) 各签约国在主力舰和航空母舰发生意外事故而损失时,可以立即建造其替换舰船,需要遵从本条约第一章第四条和第七条以及其他相关条款的规定。该国的舰船替换计划可依此时间而提前顺移。! U6 j) ]" s7 \, }% I
(d) 任何依条约规定得以保留的主力舰和航空母舰不得进行重建或其他大规模改装。为防御潜艇和飞机攻击而进行的改装例外,并且需遵从下述规则:签约国的舰船可以加装防雷隔堵,以及防空型甲板。因此而增加的单艘舰船排水量不得超过 3,000 吨 (3,048 公吨) 。舷侧装甲、主炮的口径、数量和型号不得进行改动,以下情况除外:(1) 法国和意大利因其主力舰和航空母舰吨位在限制水平之内,因此其加装放雷舱段、装甲以及增大主炮口径的工作可以进行。但是主炮口径不得超过16英寸(406毫米);(2) 英国海军可以完成声望号战列巡洋舰已经开工但被暂时搁置的装甲加强工作。" b! R3 K: ^% l! X! W# c9 l

3 S. R5 f! O' e0 p第二节 主力舰的解体和替换
( g7 z0 a9 z1 e" b8 l美国
$ K1 [- E0 j/ F; ?, A条约签订后应立即解体或取消建造的主力舰及其舰龄: 缅因(20),密苏里(20),弗吉尼亚(17),内布拉斯加 (17),佐治亚 (17),新泽西 (17),罗德岛(17),康涅狄格(17),路易斯安那(17),佛蒙特(16),堪萨斯 (16),明尼苏达(16),新罕布什尔 (15),南卡罗来纳(13),密歇根 (13),华盛顿(0),南达科它 (0),印第安那(0),蒙大拿 (0),北卡罗来纳 (0),衣阿华 (0),马萨诸塞 (0),列克星顿(0),宪法(0),星座 (0),萨拉托加 (0),突击者 (0),合众国(0)% s  I  I6 [* |% z* V. g2 {# X
年度替换计划(括号内为保存的主力舰数,前日德兰型/后日德兰型)3 t+ q8 ^& c: M+ I: S8 P: W% S6 ?
1922:A, B完工;特拉华(12)和北达科它(12)解体。 (15/3)4 J) O& Y1 Y4 f- ^# x4 D
1923:(15 / 3)
1 p5 k  d2 s% [. Z1924:(15 / 3)$ F. ~: [2 c8 R. B
1925:(15 / 3)& ?% p# f- P8 t7 ^6 x
1926:(15 / 3)
8 ]' x; Y" K  }% L1927:(15 / 3)% o& S4 O# |3 F/ y
1928:(15 / 3)
  b, k2 P0 b+ W' k! {1929:(15 / 3)
* c- \# d- P2 N( V, r1930:(15 / 3)0 Y0 V) e2 q" e# k! Z
1931:C, D开工;(15 / 3)
9 i% K; k, @! E! J+ V# r1932:E, F开工;(15 / 3): Q0 \  U2 d& l, ~; f$ P, H
1933:G开工;(15 / 3). R4 ^* K9 d5 }* [* i9 {& w* S* {
1934:H, I开工;C, D竣工;佛罗里达(23),犹它 (23), 怀俄明(22)解体;(12 / 5)
( K. h: V" f- ^: R1935:J开工;E, F竣工;阿肯色(23), 得克萨斯(21), 纽约(21)解体;(9 / 7)2 j- t/ L8 ^6 Y
1936:K, L开工;G竣工;内华达 (20), 俄克拉荷马(20)解体;(7 / 8)
% s# |7 W0 {- A2 B; I4 E: A( J1937: M开工;H, I竣工;亚利桑那 (21), 宾夕法尼亚(21)解体;(5 / 10)
; b: `7 A" ?4 e7 a+ L; a+ A1938:N, O开工;J竣工;密西西比(21)解体;(4 / 11)4 T; ~# K% J% e
1939:P, Q开工;K, L竣工;新墨西哥(21),爱达荷(20)解体;(2 / 13)  u& l' S1 s' t! K
1940:M开工;田纳西(20)解体(1 / 14)
: X8 \: l) t7 a/ |; f* o  e# i1941:N, O竣工;加利福尼亚(20),马里兰 (20)解体;(0 / 15). T* Q) Y5 @2 a' y( N
1942:P, Q竣工;2艘西弗吉尼亚级解体;(0 / 15)1 B' I/ e+ }! e& P

( r) O! M0 L+ u1. 美国海军可以在按照第二部分III. (b)的要求,在改造后保留俄勒冈号和伊利诺伊号做非战斗用途使用。2 z5 t# E, k' v6 y* V
2. A、B舰为两艘西弗吉尼亚级战舰。(译者注:西弗吉尼亚级即后来的科罗拉多级)# {0 F+ ^  |7 U2 c0 v% x
注:A、B、C、D……为作为替换的35000吨级战列舰的建造计划代号。" f! E3 U4 n) B) D

- r: L2 i! S+ r  n) L( Y英国  Y8 I/ C2 q* ~$ M5 a6 L* y: v1 E
; V+ z# F( n# _" h% }联邦 (16),阿加门农 (13), 无畏 (15),柏勒罗丰(12), 圣文森特 (11), 不屈(13),庄重(12), 海王星(10), 武仙座(10), 不挠(13), 雷霆(12),新西兰(9), 狮(9),大公主(9),征服(9), 君王 (9),猎户座(9),澳大利亚(8), 阿金库尔(7),伊林 (7),4艘正在建造或计划建造的主力舰
) f" s9 Y) S6 {0 L0 r. G  G0 A年度替换计划(括号内为保存的主力舰数,前日德兰型/后日德兰型)" M* [: ^4 q3 R- L$ E1 G
1922:A, B开工; (21/1)
, `2 w9 m6 U4 ^8 Z) C& C% f+ u1923:(21 / 1)
; u' x& S2 y2 ?9 e1924:(21 / 1) 1925:A, B完工;乔治五世(13), 阿贾克斯(12), 百人队长(12), 朱庇特(13)解体;(17 / 3), l* H& o: x" b/ `. F
1926:(17 / 3)
4 c: F0 P- \  ?1927:(17 / 3)* Z# \1 G! m" V$ `
1928:(17 / 3)
) L0 L' r& n3 ?/ _# [" `6 [1929:(17 / 3)
4 Q5 ?9 |* o# ~, c: q1930:(17 / 3)
9 Z! z0 l% Y1 M% e0 g: J/ G1931:C, D开工;(17 / 3); w& h7 u* O+ i" m' K7 I) Z$ `4 F; N
1932:E, F开工;(17 / 3)
1 h; f/ `9 |( H! g5 F  C6 y1933:G开工;(17 / 3)' h7 z. w( o  K6 P, \7 I3 U
1934:H, I开工;C, D竣工;铁公爵(20),马尔巴罗(20), 印度皇帝(20), 本鲍(20) 解体;(13 / 5)
) ]6 B7 ]) f& w! I  A1935:J开工;E, F竣工;虎(21), 伊丽莎白女王 (20) 厌战 (20),巴勒姆(20)解体;(9 / 7)0 N, P0 H% L! ^
1936:K, L开工;G竣工;马来亚 (20), 君权(20)解体;(7 / 8)! K: d9 A& I0 F8 M
1937: M开工;H, I竣工;复仇(21), 决心(21)解体;(5 / 10)1 s8 A0 H2 p4 p6 L; ?
1938:N, O开工;J竣工;皇家橡树(22)解体;(4 / 11)
: B) V% u! g; [/ K1939:P, Q开工;K, L竣工;勇士(23),反击(23)解体;(2 / 13)
2 q1 P7 L9 d& d3 w+ W1940:M开工;声望(24)解体;(1 / 14)
% M6 \$ `6 s' D7 L; a, L1941:N, O竣工;拉米里(24),胡德 (21) 解体;(0 / 15)
3 c* |& g0 s9 a0 e$ ^1942:P, Q竣工;A(17), B(17)解体;(0 / 15)- P" d2 u8 V! m9 g- A
9 S9 I! J& R3 D3 l8 X) i
1. 英国海军可以在按照第二部分III. (b)的要求,在改造后保留巨人号和科林伍德号做非战斗用途使用。1 _% ]0 P; [) `1 h
2. A、B为两艘35000吨级主力舰。
( N& ]/ {4 T9 O0 ], D! y% g注:A、B、C、D……为作为替换的35000吨级战列舰的建造计划代号。
6 m- w% R( v. B法国
+ w5 D( L) Q. ]  Z年度替换计划(括号内为保存的主力舰数,前日德兰型/后日德兰型)
# Y9 I* w/ t! z2 S- h: a( i2 U/ H1922:(7 / 0)6 T$ V9 \- I  {- ?
1923:(7 / 0)$ M% y1 w+ D# R
1924:(7 / 0)3 d. }$ M# y! p! v' M: s# C
1925:(7 / 0): Q7 u! j" x1 ~+ j" ]  c$ g+ \6 R! S
1926:(7 / 0)' M6 c3 u2 N8 p4 j" ~2 l3 x+ l+ K( _
1927:建造 35000吨:(7 / 0)& E8 n% m& A) g) C2 B
1928:(7 / 0)
. I" J9 v* U# N( n- T6 K1929:建造 35000吨:(7 / 0)1 ]5 A8 T; t/ n; O- _
1930:建成 35000吨:让·巴尔(17), 科尔贝(17)退役;(5 / -): y) S( a7 O( C! J, T
1931:建造 35000吨:(5 / -). Y: z: `: W: D% t, B/ H
1932:建造 35000吨:建成 35000吨: 法兰西(18)退役;(4 / -)' d  l/ z) n* a: e, m% V4 H' j) v# t
1933:建造 35000吨:(4 / -)
. `: N0 P: Q0 d2 {+ q) o1934:建成 35000吨:巴黎(20), 布列塔尼(20)退役;(2 / -), i% \2 J* n- T1 w6 B" R
1935:建成 35000吨:普罗旺斯(20)退役;(1 / -)9 X6 M! Y; _) h( z9 a# G
1936:建成 35000吨:洛林(20)退役;(0 / -)
) f- s, h( k9 s' i8 g1937:(0 / -)
# J$ C) ]/ H, f  T1938:(0 / -)
* s) V, {  r. l" }1939:(0 / -)
" U" J/ \6 _: b9 `; w2 o: |) N1940:(0 / -)
2 [, @1 D/ c/ i* U. E1941:(0 / -)
7 m, A8 n, H0 g4 K5 w5 X1942:(0 / -)+ u* l- i9 K0 y: u( c
5 D: \; c5 c9 V3 _1 v
(1) 只要不超出限定吨位,法国海军建造的主力舰数量不作限制。
* D# W- g/ @9 l% Y  r备注:法兰西明确保留按照主力舰吨位配额建造舰船的权利,并且保证遵守单舰35000吨的排水量限制,以及主力舰总吨位不超过条约规定之范围。
3 G5 Q' m0 g+ U  Z% P, \: I* r8 i/ M& Y+ A# b+ A
意大利3 t: U5 D7 z; P1 x( K
$ h" _; r- b9 J1922:(6 / 0)
7 k6 q% }" G7 _. H+ P* N: M9 c0 T1923:(6 / 0)
6 w4 N0 Z9 I6 M; J( ~: h7 t1924:(6 / 0)
; \0 n( G! D+ n* t/ A1925:(6 / 0)8 s. Z/ k# W% X' a' ?6 f* I
1926:(6 / 0)6 \; ?0 x. @$ r1 s) |- i. a7 E
1927:建造 35000吨:(6 / 0)
, v/ r; y+ Y, R5 B, W1928:(7 / 0)
* C4 q$ @7 E+ y0 _" c7 n8 d1929:建造 35000吨:(6 / 0)
& t3 Q. r  p1 Y+ ]1930:建成 35000吨:建成 35000吨:但丁(19)退役;(5 / -)
' A9 R+ Q6 c. A. z. a  Z# B1931:建造 45000吨:(5 / -)
0 P* M0 c* ^( P/ w2 f1932:建造 25000吨:建成 35000吨:达芬奇 (19)退役;(4 / -)4 C5 m/ f  S8 F5 L) l
1933:建造 35000吨:(4 / -)
' W7 A9 a# c9 r- k1934:(4 / -)
( ]: n2 |: ]8 K0 ~( K2 p1 \! V* C1935:建成 35000吨:儒略·恺撒(21)退役;(3 / -)
1 n( @  G2 k: A6 |6 p7 I( [' k1936:建成 45000吨:加富尔(21), 杜里奥(21)退役;(1 / -)! G  l! F4 U( J: L0 ], ?3 B9 ?
1937:建成 25000吨:安德列·多里亚(21)退役;(0 / -)3 z5 p; x& |* i' x( L, B7 q
1938:(0 / -)
; w9 j0 o7 J, z5 ?3 P$ q8 z& I1939:(0 / -)
7 p8 |  x' D% Q# d1940:(0 / -)
8 ]2 U5 c8 ^& A1 e1941:(0 / -)1 ^8 I& m2 I( {% ?1 U5 z# `, O2 t$ y
1942:(0 / -)
; {6 u& m1 a4 K# _7 j( c7 G(1) 只要不超出限定吨位,意大利海军建造的主力舰数量不作限制。0 X. T% _  d: u! }1 z" P" z  n
备注:意大利明确保留按照主力舰吨位配额建造舰船的权利,并且保证遵守单舰35000吨的排水量限制,以及主力舰总吨位不超过条约规定之范围。" P* G2 g. \! m3 b
. A- Y) C" B% u
* t: Y+ V4 x+ ~1 x; x2 D  @# u* e条约签订后应立即解体或取消建造的主力舰及其舰龄:
: \. {) U# K6 k  H/ U9 d; Q- g$ Q" z肥前(20), 三笠 (20), 鹿岛 (16), 香取(16),萨摩 (12), 安艺(11),摄津 (10), 生驹 (14), 伊吹(12),鞍马(11), 天城 (0), 赤城 (0),加贺(0), 土佐(0),高雄(0), 爱宕 (0),计划建造的8艘主力舰
% U: a& h& o2 X" U  V/ Z# X8 _年度替换计划(括号内为保存的主力舰数,前日德兰型/后日德兰型)
+ {% |  n/ x" r& S9 T" x1922:(8 / 2)
: K  [" V* B+ G0 T" W  @3 r1923:(8 / 2)* u8 ^$ ?, d# `  d6 M; J  e
1924:(8 / 2)
3 i( F$ X9 B4 v! d. a1 l1925:(8 / 2)6 F; Z, Y! k+ O5 S: _1 c
1926:(8 / 2)' M% U. X1 i: `4 L0 y
1927:(8 / 2)4 Z; V  l( `) i2 B
1928:(8 / 2)0 _) m4 E6 v' F) ~1 c" {( Q; [: t
1929:(8 / 2): C: ?) l) {# [$ p" I9 }3 Q% O
1930:(8 / 2)! x* w- `& N3 @. a: M
1931:A开工;(8 / 2)0 e) x3 f: ~2 ?, b  D: H
1932:B开工;(8 / 2)
$ \3 w4 B: Y: s2 P2 W# Z" q1933:C开工;(8 / 2)/ F  q9 X" g3 s- Y. Q7 U$ O3 M
1934:D开工;A竣工;金刚(21)解体(7 / 3)3 c$ G2 f% {" L" i1 q" w! ?; s
1935:E开工;B竣工;比睿 (21), 榛名 (20)解体;(5/ 4)* w6 `9 H9 H8 d8 x
1936:F开工;C竣工;雾岛(21)解体;(4 / 5)* B' f, s0 `% A& S% s0 `
1937:G开工;D竣工;扶桑(22)解体;(3 / 6)
0 z" i5 K/ O7 I& R/ m% B  K1938:H开工;E竣工;山城(21)解体;(2 / 7)5 [& N5 G% ^3 D
1939:I开工;F竣工;伊势(22)解体;(4 / 11)# A* P. X" `8 A% V- w- L
1940:G竣工;日向(22)解体;(2 / 13)1 p& c, u8 y/ @( \$ J8 p' j
1941:H竣工;长门(21)解体;(1 /9)
# m3 p, _7 O5 d' e3 |% ], _: X: D- c1942:I竣工;陆奥 (21) 解体;(0 / 9)+ i) d" n( [1 w" q5 @0 U
1. 日本海军可以在按照第二部分三. (b)的要求,在改造后保留敷岛号和朝日号做非战斗用途使用。) G2 r- S7 v, s- V! m" J0 E' l2 u# ?4 s
注:A、B、C、D……为作为替换的35000吨级战列舰的建造计划代号。( O. _- c# p! A
9 q5 ~  q* N% {. W9 s0 N上文表格中规定予以废弃的主力舰的废弃次序,与其服役年限有关。当舰船替换工作开始时,签约国主力舰予以废弃的顺序可以依其本国情况而与此表有出入。但是每年规定废弃之主力舰的数量不得发生变化。
) m% V+ H% m. a" g  [  L# K0 g; I$ M9 z& x# F) p
' c* B  r2 Q$ S* G0 z: K0 Q
第四部分定义0 g5 Q$ X  Z+ |+ V5 k3 W& e
关于本条约中涉及的名词之意义解释5 Q0 N1 U* a, o; f4 p/ e+ F
' C$ Y" p2 [7 z6 i$ K未来建造的主力舰,其定义为:用来进行战斗的、非航空母舰的舰船,其排水量超过10,000 吨(10,160公吨) ,或主炮口径超过 8英寸(203 毫米)。
/ A; a! e$ S% F! M) ^6 {航空母舰
) o9 S  f5 Q" R, t4 F航空母舰是用来从事战斗目的、排水量超过10,000 吨 (10,160 公吨) ,明确只用来搭载飞机的舰船。飞机由此起飞并降落。其搭载的武器不得超过本条约第一章第九条和第十条所做之规定。$ \3 u" ]' m! T% \. @
! T" C2 [2 z  E  D6 N& N2 \舰船的标准排水量,为该舰船建造完毕,搭载人员、动力系统可操作、搭载航行所用之一切物品,包括武备、弹药、乘员所用之全部物资与淡水,混装储备和用于作战的一切装备。但是不包括额外的燃料、食物与淡水。 本条约中的“吨”,除特别标明“公吨”的场合外,一律指折合2240磅的英吨 (1,016公斤)。: C1 ]7 E/ h5 S0 [3 _
1 F. _1 S4 M* i8 s5 e5 Q今后建成的舰船,其排水量将以此标准为准。
' d2 K. e+ s& L+ v$ A# k3 l4 ^2 F: f

6 e, N$ O% @( _
' V; p$ N% K6 s第三章综合条文
" ^( ^( ^6 q' c8 c7 I第二十一条6 H3 ~8 V9 a, J) I
在本条约有效期限内,任何签约国如果受其国家所面临环境之影响,出于国家安全角度的考虑而要求增加海军军力,则其余签约国应举行会晤以讨论修改条约相关条文的问题,并在相互协商的基础上制订本条约修正案。1 i3 w! G, v6 r! ]0 s
考虑到未来工业技术和科学的发展,合众国在征求本条约其他签约国意见后,将在本条约签订生效八年后,召开签约国全体会议,考虑各方面变化,作出修改,使本条约适应此时之形势。! V( O2 A! \5 `( m1 h8 U( Q
6 `1 b1 D; G1 D2 o( j无论何时,本条约任何签约国之一如果处于战争状态,且该战争的进程业已影响到作为该国国家安全保证的海军军力,则该国可以在通知本条约其他签约国之后,在战争期间暂时终止执行本条约,但条约第一章第十三和第十七条除外。该国需向其他签约国提出按照当时的紧急状态需要搁置履行本条约的通知。其余签约国需要进行磋商,对条约中涉及自身的条款的变动和修改取得一致意见。如果这样的磋商未能取得一致意见,则任何一签约国,在通知其他签约国后,根据本国利益需要,亦可宣告在战争持续期间暂时终止执行本条约。但条约第一章第十三和第十七条除外。
9 Q3 i6 ^* r2 b& _在停止执行条约期间,各签约国应及时进行会晤和磋商,就该条约中有何项内容需作出修改进行协商。5 @* @8 Q7 E; o; H0 H
第二十三条0 k4 ^  V9 O! W: w4 H
本条约的有效期到1936年12月31日为止。如果在条约有效期满前两年之内,没有任何一个签约国通知其他各方,要求最终终止本条约,则本条约有效期满之后仍然有效,直到任何一签约国提出声明废止该条约的意愿满两年为止。此时该条约将被视作经过所有签约国同意而宣告废止。该声明应该以书面形式提交给美利坚合众国政府,之后将该声明的可靠稳妥之抄件送交其他签约国,并注明收到该声明的确切时间。该声明在被正式提交并评估之后,即从该日期起宣告生效。如果该声明是由美利坚合众国政府提出,则该声明应被提交给各签约国驻华盛顿的外交代表。此声明在在被正式提交并评估之后,即从被提交给签约国外交代表的日期起宣告生效。 在该声明被提交之后一年之内,各签约国应进行会晤。
6 c. D, Z; c: e) n+ k第二十四条5 [9 u* n: d' A3 U: j6 L! O
+ C' y5 |3 Y* h本条约的法文本和英文本拥有同等效力,应被美国政府妥善保存于美国政府档案馆中,本条约的副本应及时提交给各签约国政府。
' [' T- \) q- m& T" I
: }; v% `; ~/ b. v前述全权代表出于彼此信任,特签署此条约
- `6 m/ ^8 n& `公元一九二二年二月六日签订于哥伦比亚特区华盛顿城
# N% A0 l4 P; _& E4 w4 Z[各国代表签名略]
作者: kevin_hx    时间: 2009-7-2 16:04     标题: 附原版英文内容

本帖最后由 kevin_hx 于 2009-7-2 16:14 编辑 ( y. P* ^( q( E6 {: q) g& |
, o+ K4 q2 d+ X$ X
Washington Naval Treaty, 1922& L) `7 r5 Q! L3 v0 ^6 b,_1922
% ~- ~& [1 \7 R. k' d, l/ f
! O2 m" O3 G, J
  v0 ?; M. Z; t

! Z& a% j1 R4 q$ w% d0 l
Washington Naval Treaty
The Washington Naval Treaty limited the naval armaments of its five signatories: the United States, the British Empire, the Empire of Japan, the French Third Republic, and Italy. The treaty was agreed at the Washington Naval Conference, which was held in Washington, D.C. from November 1921 to February 1922, and was signed by representatives of the treaty nations on February 6, 1922. The U.S. Senate ratified the treaty on March 29, 1922; President Warren G. Harding signed it on June 9, 1923; the ratifications were deposited with the U.S. federal government on August 17, 1923, and were proclaimed on August 21, 1923.Excerpted from Washington Naval Treaty on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
* k% ]% i! n# A2 P. O3 X) a2 t
  }! I# o; @; oNOVEMBER 12 1921-FEBRUARY 6, 1922.) m$ z3 n- p( _# A$ O% L
Treaty Between the United States of America, the British Empire, France, Italy, and Japan, Signed at Washington, February 6, 1922. [41] The United States of America, the British Empire, France, Italy and Japan:
% }; S6 |. |" L6 _( J5 XDesiring to contribute to the maintenance of the general peace, and to reduce the burdens of competition in armament;9 p9 I& P  G% H' t; R) P
[41] In English and French; French text not printed. Ratification advised by the Senate, Mar. 29, 1922; ratified by the President, June 9, 1923; ratifications deposited with the Government of the United States, Aug. 17, 1923; proclaimed, Aug. 21, 1923.
6 v. Z( Q) [4 y6 C6 RHave resolved, with a view to accomplishing these purposes, to conclude a treaty to limit their respective naval armament, and to that end have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries;
0 c5 D# a% ?# ?" O2 a2 JThe President of the United States of America:: n" u0 ^8 b* v
Charles Evans Hughes, Henry Cabot Lodge, Oscar W. Underwood, Elihu Root, citizens of the United States; His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland1 `3 `4 b% o" n1 r, ]" h
and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India: The Right Honourable Arthur James Balfour, O. M., M. P., Lord President of His Privy Council; The Right Honourable Baron Lee of Fareham, G. B. E., K. C. B., First Lord of His Admiralty; The Right Honourable Sir Auckland Campbell Geddes, K. C. B., His Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America; and
& n: {' p& s2 J3 W' m& E3 kfor the Dominion of Canada: The Right Honourable Sir Robert Laird Borden, G. C. M. G., K. C.; for the Commonwealth of Australia: Senator the Right Honourable George Foster Pearce, Minister for Home and Territories; for the Dominion of New Zealand: The Honourable Sir John William Salmond, K. C., Judge of the Supreme Court of New Zealand; for the Union of South Africa: The Right Honourable Arthur James Balfour, O. M., M. P.; for India: The Right Honourable Valingman Sankaranarayana Srinivasa Sastri, Member of the Indian Council of State; The President of the French Republic:
+ p5 _: ~1 y) h1 U( dMr. Albert Sarraut, Deputy, Minister of the Colonies; Mr. Jules J. Jusserand, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America, Grand Cross of the National Order of the Legion of Honour; His Majesty the King of Italy:/ A1 J) ^. V# h) U" p
The Honourable Carlo Schanzer, Senator of the Kingdom; The Honourable Vittorio Rolandi Ricci, Senator of the Kingdom, His Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at Washington; The Honourable Luigi Albertini, Senator of the Kingdom; His Majesty the Emperor of Japan:
: [- O! T: F! ^Baron Tomosaburo Kato, Minister for the Navy, Junii, a member of the First Class of the Imperial Order of the Grand Cordon of the Rising Sun with the Paulownia Flower; Baron Kijuro Shidehara, His Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at Washington, Joshii, a member of the First Class of the Imperial Order of the Rising Sun; Mr. Masanao Hanihara, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Jushii, a member of the Second Class of the Imperial Order of the Rising Sun; Who, having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed as follows:
) o0 q; `. y: h$ ^
- f  T+ a5 E- s) R3 H
Contents" r( e# }$ h6 ]* J$ E6 `
+ I+ L# u" b- m: E; i1.1 Article I
4 P; v2 n( Q4 Q% i5 l6 O' Z1.2 Article II " a+ P$ T9 Y' o
1.3 Article III 1 K, e+ x  X# q& Q
1.4 Article IV . ]9 f6 b9 {$ {# D! L# ^+ C$ J
1.5 Article V $ k) x) F7 Z7 X$ g/ P2 }7 g4 A
1.6 Article VI
1 W) Z- ?6 P( L+ d1.7 Article VII : ^2 Y. y. s  o8 E. Y
1.8 Article VIII
& Q; h8 |% `+ q4 B1.9 Article IX
+ E0 a- u5 P  R% ?6 A1 w1.10 Article X
% o- j9 ^  G# E$ S1 i4 E1.11 Article XI
' \, p1 @; ?6 p# S3 C0 x1.12 Article XII
: m  a; c; |9 G9 @6 Q% P5 `1.13 Article XIII 7 G( m. }8 _+ Y6 c/ L
1.14 Article XIV
# X7 w1 {$ A/ n. R& _$ H" J, _6 ^! Y1.15 Article XV ) P' [4 Y  C8 `9 m+ H& B
1.16 Article XVI * h% C5 ~$ H; o# V/ N- b' R
1.17 Article XVII
4 }4 J2 ~* N# w- z3 m' K1.18 Article XVIII 1 F) j1 L$ n, a' @3 w
1.19 Article XIX / Y* s' X* H1 e% I
1.20 Article XX
" a3 M, j4 Z8 {2.1 PART 1.-Capital Ships Which may Be Retained by the Contracting Powers
" R5 U! y7 E* {" ]  u: C2.1.3 SHIPS WHICH MAY BE RETAINED BY FRANCE   P+ [- e. {3 c4 |7 }  z
, l- r6 K- B) P9 w2.1.5 SHIPS WHICH MAY BE RETAINED BY JAPAN 8 ?  j) N3 j- v4 ]
2.2 PART 2.-Rules for Scrapping Vessels of War
' r) {& `3 |' U. L. y. n2.3 PART 3.-Replacement
# u  ?9 x% ^& U; g% x2.3.1 SECTION I.-RULES FOR REPLACEMENT
7 {+ ^4 \/ X  n2.3.2.1 UNITED STATES
+ ?: A  ~  T5 @1 j2.3.2.2 BRITISH EMPIRE ! y" t  S9 j( O# x" \ FRANCE 3 o5 _& Z% Q  m9 u; Y9 f* ~3 s ITALY
: z8 N- b8 }! S2 u. x; L5 ] JAPAN 7 s  C/ B- Q* L" f8 a. Y: f( S& I
2.4 PART 4.-Definitions
7 b; H7 d. F3 F4 x; B9 P: r4 l6 R! [2.4.1 CAPITAL SHIP
4 |; w" b% l3 b4 g' m3 r( W2.4.2 AIRCRAFT CARRIER ; ~( ~  n' p4 q* N" H4 u, z
# L$ B, N' p' v/ d6 u5 I/ M1 o3 CHAPTER III.-MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 3 |/ V% d9 f1 {& D
3.1 Article XXI
+ j- x; ?; x0 |/ k. p4 I3.2 Article XXII 0 a# C1 ?8 u" F6 F- r/ G
3.3 Article XXIII 3 D$ O) |0 ~8 r; N1 D( N
3.4 Article XXIV
' Q8 b" a% S2 L# |
9 e! _1 B7 k4 \
5 ]# O* `; z8 m8 j& j# H
2 Z5 q) ~" ^1 ~, A
Article IThe Contracting Powers agree to limit their respective naval armament as provided in the present Treaty.
, C# S0 ?5 e" X; I3 u& {5 Y6 o3 m0 a8 e3 C& t/ u" G' E
Article IIThe Contracting Powers may retain respectively the capital ships which are specified in Chapter II, Part 1. On the coming into force of the present Treaty, but subject to the following provisions of this Article, all other capital ships, built or building, of the United States, the British Empire and Japan shall be disposed of as prescribed in Chapter II, Part 2.
( M# b1 j8 F6 X' g" aIn addition to the capital ships specified in Chapter II, Part 1, the United States may complete and retain two ships of the West Virginia class now under construction. On the completion of these two ships, the North Dakota and Delaware, shall be disposed of as prescribed in Chapter II, Part 2.2 S% X5 S5 a0 I8 S5 ~% a
The British Empire may, in accordance with the replacement table in Chapter II, Part 3, construct two new capital ships not exceeding 35,000 tons (35,560 metric tons) standard displacement each. On the completion of the said two ships the Thunderer, King George V, Ajax and Centurion shall be disposed of as prescribed in Chapter II, Part 2.
( r+ P0 R5 @. V4 }% U$ l  i/ \* Z! l  V: v' H- P1 s" m# A
Article IIISubject to the provisions of Article II, the Contracting Powers shall abandon their respective capital ship building programs, and no new capital ships shall be constructed or acquired by any of the Contracting Powers except replacement tonnage which may be constructed or acquired as specified in Chapter II, Part 3." f# t9 c) B  |
Ships which are replaced in accordance with Chapter II, Part 3, shall be disposed of as prescribed in Part 2 of that Chapter./ R* V1 }5 B) W& [( C
/ i) `6 B0 [- f8 C; x
Article IVThe total capital ship replacement tonnage of each of the Contracting Powers shall not exceed in standard displacement, for the United States 525,000 tons (533,400 metric tons); for the British Empire 525,000 tons (533,400 metric tons); for France 175,000 tons (177,800 metric tons); for Italy 175,000 tons (177,800 metric tons); for Japan 315,000 tons (320,040 metric tons).
# R. b- ^% t0 M( i' q) o( N+ q: a
Article VNo capital ship exceeding 35,000 tons (35,560 metric tons) standard displacement shall be acquired by, or constructed by, for, or within the jurisdiction of, any of the Contracting Powers.% }! C: U( F" \! ^3 b# p3 @
$ C3 g$ t, h- [$ J" a3 d/ ?
Article VINo capital ship of any of the Contracting Powers shall carry a gun with a calibre in excess of 16 inches (406 millimetres).
% M$ i) u7 f! \" H! D/ ?" X: d' i- t1 s4 B9 E
Article VIIThe total tonnage for aircraft carriers of each of the Contracting Powers shall not exceed in standard displacement, for the United States 135,000 tons (137,160 metric tons); for the British Empire 135,000 tons (137,160 metric tons); for France 60,000 tons (60,960 metric tons); for Italy 60,000 tons (60,960 metric tons); for Japan 81,000 tons (82,296 metric tons).) ?; }) h7 K/ ~, G- l
# n8 N3 T# u& S3 [# r) Q
Article VIIIThe replacement of aircraft carriers shall be effected only as prescribed in Chapter II, Part 3, provided, however, that all aircraft carrier tonnage in existence or building on November 12, 1921, shall be considered experimental, and may be replaced, within the total tonnage limit prescribed in Article VII, without regard to its age.% _* a4 @' a5 E; O7 v

9 H% d( S9 Q% r! c, F, a. oArticle IXNo aircraft carrier exceeding 27,000 tons (27,432 metric tons) standard displacement shall be acquired by, or constructed by, for or within the jurisdiction of, any of the Contracting Powers.5 ^! b: G# S% A4 s& A
However, any of the Contracting Powers may, provided that its total tonnage allowance of aircraft carriers is not thereby exceeded, build not more than two aircraft carriers, each of a tonnage of not more than 33,000 tons (33,528 metric tons) standard displacement, and in order to effect economy any of the Contracting Powers may use for this purpose any two of their ships, whether constructed or in course of construction, which would otherwise be scrapped under the provisions of Article II. The armament of any aircraft carriers exceeding 27,000 tons (27,432 metric tons) standard displacement shall be in accordance with the requirements of Article X, except that the total number of guns to be carried in case any of such guns be of a calibre exceeding 6 inches (152 millimetres), except anti-aircraft guns and guns not exceeding 5 inches (127 millimetres), shall not exceed eight.
7 ^' Y( l7 d) @9 P) E' a* K- m, O% s, v  {: B
Article XNo aircraft carrier of any of the Contracting Powers shall carry a gun with a calibre in excess of 8 inches (203 millimetres). Without prejudice to the provisions of Article IX, if the armament carried includes guns exceeding 6 inches (152 millimetres) in calibre the total number of guns carried, except anti-aircraft guns and guns not exceeding 5 inches (127 millimetres), shall not exceed ten. If alternatively the armament contains no guns exceeding 6 inches (152 millimetres) in calibre, the number of guns is not limited. In either case the number of anti-aircraft guns and of guns not exceeding 5 inches (127 millimetres) is not limited.2 Y* G+ C  H* i! f6 c
$ A* M# D% B- Q2 T7 d
Article XINo vessel of war exceeding 10,000 tons (10,160 metric tons) standard displacement, other than a capital ship or aircraft carrier, shall be acquired by, or constructed by, for, or within the jurisdiction of, any of the Contracting Powers. Vessels not specifically built as fighting ships nor taken in time of peace under government control for fighting purposes, which are employed on fleet duties or as troop transports or in some other way for the purpose of assisting in the prosecution of hostilities otherwise than as fighting ships, shall not be within the limitations of this Article.* Z' w- \# R* I. E. y

: n$ o' R9 Z/ XArticle XIINo vessel of war of any of the Contracting Powers, hereafter laid down, other than a capital ship, shall carry a gun with a calibre in excess of 8 inches (203 millimetres).2 E% Y! U- |! R1 g: y
# w* U, P, Y% c0 D% N: {8 F
Article XIIIExcept as provided in Article IX, no ship designated in the present Treaty to be scrapped may be reconverted into a vessel of war.
# M# {' ]% Y3 u3 z8 i
4 v2 n3 v  y( }% m  a) c0 l9 XArticle XIVNo preparations shall be made in merchant ships in time of peace for the installation of warlike armaments for the purpose of converting such ships into vessels of war, other than the necessary stiffening of decks for the mounting of guns not exceeding 6 inch (152 millimetres) calibre.
. q6 S/ r: ~( Y+ |
" o% Y3 e6 X+ K8 @  vArticle XVNo vessel of war constructed within the jurisdiction of any of the Contracting Powers for a non-Contracting Power shall exceed the limitations as to displacement and armament prescribed by the present Treaty for vessels of a similar type which may be constructed by or for any of the Contracting Powers; provided, however, that the displacement for aircraft carriers constructed for a non-Contracting Power shall in no case exceed 27,000 tons (27,432 metric tons) standard displacement.
4 z: L+ w5 G( W
0 C2 V; t9 J: C) F' m4 P( i" kArticle XVIIf the construction of any vessel of war for a non-Contracting Power is undertaken within the jurisdiction of any of the Contracting Powers, such Power shall promptly inform the other Contracting Powers of the date of the signing of the contract and the date on which the keel of the ship is laid; and shall also communicate to them the particulars relating to the ship prescribed in Chapter II, Part 3, Section I (b), (4) and (5).. P2 a- m  [0 ^# o6 Z* O

0 m9 h3 t' `7 \) ~; W5 M, U0 {& PArticle XVIIIn the event of a Contracting Power being engaged in war, such Power shall not use as a vessel of war any vessel of war which may be under construction within its jurisdiction for any other Power, or which may have been constructed within its jurisdiction for another Power and not delivered.
* r7 K! h& |' u# X& [: s
6 j( T' }+ F5 T  J+ J+ zArticle XVIIIEach of the Contracting Powers undertakes not to dispose by gift, sale or any mode of transfer of any vessel of war in such a manner that such vessel may become a vessel of war in the Navy of any foreign Power.& X6 V0 u2 q9 {0 ~  Y

, ^$ O( w2 \- u9 }Article XIXThe United States, the British Empire and Japan agree that the status quo at the time of the signing of the present Treaty, with regard to fortifications and naval bases, shall be maintained in their respective territories and possessions specified hereunder:- @" M! L0 P# v
(1) The insular possessions which the United States now holds or may hereafter acquire in the Pacific Ocean, except (a) those adjacent to the coast of the United States, Alaska and the Panama Canal Zone, not including the Aleutian Islands, and (b) the Hawaiian Islands;5 N- n/ }  @6 P  B9 h
(2) Hong Kong and the insular possessions which the British Empire now holds or may hereafter acquire in the Pacific Ocean, east of the meridian of 110° east longitude, except (a) those adjacent to the coast of Canada, (b) the Commonwealth of Australia and its Territories, and (c) New Zealand;
% R# b; k8 G* y  C# w(3) The following insular territories and possessions of Japan in the Pacific Ocean, to wit: the Kurile Islands, the Bonin Islands, Amami-Oshima, the Loochoo Islands, Formosa and the Pescadores, and any insular territories or possessions in the Pacific Ocean which Japan may hereafter acquire.
- R& o' @' G# p, C( jThe maintenance of the status quo under the foregoing provisions implies that no new fortifications or naval bases shall be established in the territories and possessions specified; that no measures shall be taken to increase the existing naval facilities for the repair and maintenance of naval forces, and that no increase shall be made in the coast defences of the territories and possessions above specified. This restriction, however, does not preclude such repair and replacement of worn-out weapons and equipment as is customary in naval and military establishments in time of peace.& \! d& Q6 a- X2 U' u

7 I, N" B4 s$ G! Y5 i( jArticle XXThe rules for determining tonnage displacement prescribed in Chapter II, Part 4, shall apply to the ships of each of the Contracting Powers.
# ^3 h4 j' z2 ?) h8 ^, I& ^  I" s' ~% I" Q4 F. Z1 |
2 d* @* j4 X* l1 i: E0 y4 G
: g( E; ]+ Q+ _2 L. m2 gDEFINITION OF TERMS  U' x( B7 M) ~& o- E' Y$ S; U% n
PART 1.-Capital Ships Which may Be Retained by the Contracting PowersIn accordance with Article II ships may be retained by each of the Contracting Powers as specified in this Part.
4 u+ }1 L! L. X- U+ Z/ N0 f+ Y5 I# C1 ?3 y' e
New Mexico32,000
New York27,000
North Dakota20,000
Total Tonnage500,650
On the completion of the two ships of the West Virginia class and the scrapping of the North Dakota and Delaware, as provided in Article II, the total tonnage to be retained by the United States will be 525,850 tons.
; O1 D2 r, ~' B. E2 }" @; }( [, s. G
/ f% N! U4 W7 A" G! `+ V$ E" J/ I8 \9 m1 Q4 m6 s
Royal Sovereign25,750
Royal Oak25,750
Queen Elizabeth27,500
Emperor of India25,000
Iron Duke25,000
King George V23,000
Total Tonnage580,450
On the completion of the two new ships to be constructed and the scrapping of the Thunderer, King George V, Ajax and Centurion, as provided in Article II, the total tonnage to be retained by the British Empire will be 558,950 tons. Page 2551 n- |4 E  T- a( I$ i5 [
- O  s( R# V9 r# v

. T" ?- J( p$ ^4 ]5 w; U- [9 |- e7 }SHIPS WHICH MAY BE RETAINED BY FRANCE
Name:Tonnage8 B4 J; E4 u1 B6 G/ \8 e6 l* z
(metric tons)
Jean Bart23,500
Total Tonnage221,170
France may lay down new tonnage in the years 1927, 1929, and 1931, as provided in Part 3, Section II||& _7 G! f* R8 `2 h# ~

' v4 E8 N8 b1 x% ?/ G7 I" z
Name:Tonnage* F% U9 O( s. ?8 j
(metric tons)
Andrea Doria22,700
Caio Duilio22,700
Conte Di Cavour22,500
Giulio Cesare22,500
Leonardo Da Vinci22,500
Dante Alighieri19,500
Vittorio Emanuele12,600
Regina Elena12,600
Total tonnage182,800
Italy may lay down new tonnage in the years 1927, 1929, and 1931, as provided in Part 3, Section II||
) K0 V2 x& s, @5 f0 W1 r& C4 e3 }/ W2 q2 ?& h

0 X2 b4 p/ f  ?5 v# [0 ?(metric tons)
Total tonnage301,320

2 e6 o: Z+ O7 F" N: |: j- \- q" m* W% S8 |, \* @
PART 2.-Rules for Scrapping Vessels of WarThe following rules shall be observed for the scrapping of vessels of war which are to be disposed of in accordance with Articles II and III.. b" p7 R% f( w
I. A vessel to be scrapped must be placed in such condition that it cannot be put to combatant use.
: q9 L+ m+ n$ Y- d% D9 jII. This result must be finally effected in any one of the following ways:: P+ b' F, K% Y) D7 q
(a) Permanent sinking of the vessel; (b) Breaking the vessel up. This shall always involve the destruction or removal of all machinery, boilers and armour, and all deck, side and bottom plating; (c) Converting the vessel to target use exclusively. In such case all the provisions of paragraph III of this Part, except sub-paragraph (6), in so far as may be necessary to enable the ship to be used as a mobile target, and except sub-paragraph (7), must be previously complied with. Not more than one capital ship may be retained for this purpose at one time by any of the Contracting Powers. (d) Of the capital ships which would otherwise be scrapped under the present Treaty in or after the year 1931, France and Italy may each retain two sea-going vessels for training purposes exclusively, that is, as gunnery or torpedo schools. The two vessels retained by France shall be of the Jean Bart class, and of those retained by Italy one shall be the Dante Alighieri, the other of the Giulio Cesare class. On retaining these ships for the purpose above stated, France and Italy respectively undertake to remove and destroy their conning-towers, and not to use the said ships as vessels of war III. (a) Subject to the special exceptions contained in Article IX, when a vessel is due for scrapping, the first stage of scrapping, which consists in rendering a ship incapable of further warlike service, shall be immediately undertaken.
1 v8 C0 D6 E! s+ \" ^% ^* A( Q(b) A vessel shall be considered incapable of further warlike service when there shall have been removed and landed, or else destroyed in the ship:
- B: K+ L$ d  y1 c1 Y(1) All guns and essential portions of guns, fire-control tops and revolving parts of all barbettes and turrets;
' m( V9 ^/ b0 x8 Z$ M(2) All machinery for working hydraulic or electric mountings;
/ V, g: _* x6 S$ |9 [3 c  x/ x- p(3) All fire-control instruments and range-finders;/ S8 j( @9 F; p5 _; n+ ~5 v
(4) All ammunition, explosives and mines;0 N+ e' n4 A4 l5 j# {& C
(5) All torpedoes, warheads and torpedo tubes;4 m( w1 U5 j; R; g  W$ {8 b
(6) All wireless telegraphy installations;
$ T8 [% I' _( t. M/ ]1 [* b; W' S6 b(7) The conning tower and all side armour, or alternatively all main propelling machinery;* z# X8 C: N5 K/ d
and (8) All landing and flying-off platforms and all other aviation accessories./ r8 x5 O$ R  w* v/ }
IV. The periods in which scrapping of vessels is to be effected are as follows:7 c! C1 g  u1 S3 `# a$ C
(a) In the case of vessels to be scrapped under the first paragraph of Article II, the work of rendering the vessels incapable of further warlike service, in accordance with paragraph III of this Part, shall be completed within six months from the coming into force of the present Treaty, and the scrapping shall be finally effected within eighteen months from such coming into force.
1 ?; E5 G* w, `' D! l4 c* [3 R(b) In the case of vessels to be scrapped under the second and third paragraphs of Article II, or under Article III, the work of rendering the vessel incapable of further warlike service in accordance with paragraph III of this Part shall be commenced not later than the date of completion of its successor, and shall be finished within six months from the date of such completion. The vessel shall be finally scrapped, in accordance with paragraph II of this Part, within eighteen months from the date of completion of its successor. If, however, the completion of the new vessel be delayed, then the work of rendering the old vessel incapable of further war-like service in accordance with paragraph III of this Part shall be commenced within four years from the laying of the keel of the new vessel, and shall be finished within six months from the date on which such work was commenced, and the old vessel shall be finally scrapped in accordance with paragraph II of this Part within eighteen months from the date when the work of rendering it incapable of further warlike service was commenced./ i7 s9 B" a- t) l  T
/ z# g- T7 N% W8 [# x# P, `0 J
PART 3.-ReplacementThe replacement of capital ships and aircraft carriers shall take place according to the rules in Section I and the tables in Section II of this Part.
8 M& d) Q& A# \6 K5 u6 q% }% ^, `  Z4 Y2 [/ D' ~5 t$ S
SECTION I.-RULES FOR REPLACEMENT(a) Capital ships and aircraft carriers twenty years after the date of their completion may, except as otherwise provided in Article VIII and in the tables in Section II of this Part, be replaced by new construction, but within the limits prescribed in Article IV and Article VII. The keels of such new construction may, except as otherwise provided in Article VIII and in the tables in Section II of this Part, be laid down not earlier than seventeen years from the date of completion of the tonnage to be replaced, provided, however, that no capital ship tonnage, with the exception of the ships referred to in the third paragraph of Article II, and the replacement tonnage specifically mentioned in Section II of this Part, shall be laid down until ten years from November 12, 1921.
5 r& j% o, C2 f- n5 P& r8 r6 B(b) Each of the Contracting Powers shall communicate promptly to each of the other Contracting Powers the following information:1 k6 X( S: Z2 _2 E6 G$ J
(1) The names of the capital ships and aircraft carriers to be replaced by new construction; (2) The date of governmental authorization of replacement tonnage; (3) The date of laying the keels of replacement tonnage; (4) The standard displacement in tons and metric tons of each new ship to be laid down, and the principal dimensions, namely, length at waterline, extreme beam at or below waterline, mean draft at standard displacement; (5) The date of completion of each new ship and its standard displacement in tons and metric tons, and the principal dimensions, namely, length at waterline, extreme beam at or below waterline, mean draft at standard displacement, at time of completion (c) In case of loss or accidental destruction of capital ships or aircraft carriers, they may immediately be replaced by new construction subject to the tonnage limits prescribed in Articles IV and VII and in conformity with the other provisions of the present Treaty, the regular replacement program being deemed to be advanced to that extent.1 j4 L8 m% g8 S5 w7 c
(d) No retained capital ships or aircraft carriers shall be reconstructed except for the purpose of providing means of defense against air and submarine attack, and subject to the following rules: The Contracting Powers may, for that purpose, equip existing tonnage with bulge or blister or anti-air attack deck protection, providing the increase of displacement thus effected does not exceed 3,000 tons (3,048 metric tons) displacement for each ship. No alterations in side armor, in calibre, number or general type of mounting of main armament shall be permitted except:
* G" Y, ~9 D- I; I6 K7 p$ P! ](1) in the case of France and Italy, which countries within the limits allowed for bulge may increase their armor protection and the calibre of the guns now carried on their existing capital ships so as not to exceed 16 inches (406 millimeters) and (2) the British Empire shall be permitted to complete, in the case of the Renown, the alterations to armor that have already been commenced but temporarily suspended. 6 N  v8 Q" i& E0 r# G
1 V  R4 J- d+ q8 P$ M% c
YearShips laid downShips completedShips scrapped; {( e! J0 O' X$ Z! k% H: G
(age in parentheses)
Ships retained summary
Maine (20), Missouri (20), Virginia (17), Nebraska(17), Georgia (17), New Jersey (17), Rhode Island, (17) Connecticut (17), Loulsiana (17), Vermont, (16), Kansas (16), Minnesota (16), New Hampshire, (15), South Carolina (13), Michigan (13), Washington (0), South Dakota (0), Indiana (0), Montana (0), North Carolina (0), Iowa (0), Massachusetts (0), Lexington (0), Constitution (0), Constellation (0), Saratoga (0), Ranger (0), United States (0).*171
1922A, B#Delaware (12), North Dakota (12).153
1931C, D153
1932E, F153
1934H, IC, DFlorida (23), Utah (23), Wyoming (22).125
1935JE, FArkansas (23), Texas (21), New York (21).97
1936K, LGNevada (20), Oklahoma (20).78
1937MH, IArizona (21), Pennsylvania (21).510
1938N, OJMississippi (21).411
1939P, QK, LNew Mexico (21), Idaho (20).213
1940MTennessee (20).114
1941N, OCalifornia (20), Maryland (20).15
1942P, Q2 ships in West Virginia class.15
*The United States may retain the Oregon and Illinois, for noncombatant purposes, after complying with the provisions of Part 2, III(b).
& `6 f3 `  R1 Y1 Z& d#Two West Virgina Class. Note.-A, B, C, D, etc., represent individual capital ships of 35,000 tons standard displacement, laid down and completed in the years specified.
+ d: i! f2 V3 P- l0 q5 Z- X4 F
  G6 n- w+ v4 }- j8 K% T* x  |9 a0 ~
YearShips laid downShips completedShips scrapped
' i; i# I5 p! `% e$ ]* P(age in parentheses)
Ships retained summary
.......Commonwealth (16), Agamemnon (13), Dreadnought (15), Bellerophon (12), St. Vincent (11), Inflexible (13), Superb (12), Neptune (10), Hercules (10), Indomitable (13), Temeraire (12), New Zealand (9), Lion (9), Conquerer (9), Monarch (9), Orion (9), Australia (8), Agincourt (7), Erin (7), 4 building or projected.*211
1925..A BKing George V (13), Ajax (12), Centurion (12), Thunderer (13)173
1931C D..173
1932E F..173
1934H IC DIron Duke (20), Marborough (20), Emperor of India (20), Benbow (20)135
1935J..E FTiger (21), Queen Elizabeth (20), Warsprite (20), Barham (20)97
1936K LGMalaya (20), Royal Sovereign (20)78
1937M..H IRevenge (21), Resolution (21)510
1938N OJRoyal Oak (22)411
1939P QK LValiant (23), Repulse (23)213
1940..MRenown (24)114
1941..N ORamillies (24), Hood (21)015
1942..P QA (17), B (17)015
*The British Empire may retain the Colossus and Collingwood for noncombatant purposes, after complying with the provisions of Part 2, III (b).) ^  @4 p9 \2 h/ {
# Two 35,000-ton ships, standard displacement." `2 X( s5 z- ?% Y9 r! g
Note.-A, B, C, D, etc., represent individual capital ships of 35,000 tons standard displacement, laid down and completed in the years specified.
' J  K% E# |  P$ q& w# l, ^/ `& ^0 C1 k# K
0 P, f  Z  i2 N1 v0 d3 n
YearShips laid downShips completedShips scrapped
7 u4 W7 d" w6 g, ](age in parentheses)
Ships retained summary
192735,000 tons7
192935,000 tons7
193035,000 tonsJean Bart (17), Courbet (17)5(*)
193135,000 tons5(*)
193235,000 tons35,000 tonsFrance (18)4(*)
193335,000 tons4(*)
193435,000 tonsParis (20), Bretagne (20)2(*)
193535,000 tonsProvence (20)1(*)
193635,000 tonsLorraine (20)(*)
Note.-France expressly reserves the right of employing the capital ship tonage allotment as she may consider advisable, subject solely to the limitations that the displacement of individual ships should not surpass 35,000 tons, and the total capital ship tonnage should keep within the limits imposed by the present Treaty.
: X$ H$ c  Z* ?- y* A" i7 p0 g+ j0 g% k
2 ?$ m7 z# n  t8 }
YearShips laid downShips completedShips scrapped
8 R# q1 N, Q. g- j1 ~5 A7 I(age in parentheses)
Ships retained summary
192735,000 tons6
192935,000 tons6
193135,000 tons35,000 tonsDante Alighieri (19)5(*)
193245,000 tons5(*)
193325,000 tons35,000 tonsLeonardo da Vinci4(*)
193535,000 tonsGuilio Cesare [42] (21)3(*)
193645,000 tonsConte di Cavour (21), Duilio (21).1(*)
193725,000 tonsAndrea Doria (21)(*)
Note.-Italy expressly reserves the right of employing the capital ship tonage allotment as she may consider advisable, subject solely to the limitations that the displacement of individual ships should not surpass 35,000 tons, and the total capital ship tonnage should keep within the limits imposed by the present Treaty.9 b" S7 z# Z- g: x% P
[42] Should read "Guilio Cesare.") W# U' d) I: e4 J7 Y5 Y7 R* |

+ t0 m  j& S! c  x3 ?
+ s% g! U& {8 Z6 I8 b JAPAN
YearShips laid downShips completedShips scrapped
; r* K" ~; N9 d(age in parentheses)
Ships retained summary
Hizen (20), Mikasa (20), Kashima (16), Katori (16), Satsuma (12), Aki (11), Settsu (10), Ikoma (14), Ibuki (12), Kurama (11), Amagi (0), Akagi (0), Kaga (0), Tosa (0), Takao (0), Atago (0). Projected program 8 ships not laid down.*82
1934DAKongo (21)73
1935EBHiyei (21, Haruna (20)54
1936FCKirishima (21)45
1937GDFuso (22)36
1938HEYamashiro (21)27
1939IFIse (22)18
1940GHiuga (22)9
1941HNagato (21)9
1942IMutsu (21)9
*Japan may retain the Shikishima and Asahi for noncombatant purposes, after complying with the provisions of Part 2, III(b)., [  `$ W5 I( l' T/ V! ^
Note.-A, B, C, D, etc., represent individual capital ships of 35,000 tons standard displacement, laid down and completed in the years specified.7 e1 h: K. y; a1 l, }& W
NOTE APPLICABLE TO ALL THE TABLES IN SECTION II The order above prescribed in which ships are to be scrapped is in accordance with their age. It is understood that when replacement begins according to the above tables the order of scrapping in the case of the ships of each of the Contracting Powers may be varied at its option; provided, however, that such Power shall scrap in each year the number of ships above stated.
2 e/ t7 [1 B3 s
' F7 H3 z5 T0 _7 s/ w
% F  G1 B* W9 c  r* Z PART 4.-DefinitionsFor the purposes of the present Treaty, the following expressions are to be understood in the sense defined in this Part.0 y4 P2 T: q* x, \3 i

7 n& I) z  P& m% [CAPITAL SHIPA capital ship, in the case of ships hereafter built, is defined as a vessel of war, not an aircraft carrier, whose displacement exceeds 10,000 tons (10,160 metric tons) standard displacement, or which carries a gun with a calibre exceeding 8 inches (203 millimetres).
! j/ u* |* ^9 C0 ~) k2 }. K  K3 X1 O0 S  o' A- @
AIRCRAFT CARRIERAn aircraft carrier is defined as a vessel of war with a displacement in excess of 10,000 tons (10,160 metric tons) standard displacement designed for the specific and exclusive purpose of carrying aircraft. It must be so constructed that aircraft can be launched therefrom and landed thereon, and not designed and constructed for carrying a more powerful armament than that allowed to it under Article IX or Article X as the case may be.
" U4 B6 O% A1 A% V6 A" T. U0 R+ A9 E: s% n; m8 N
STANDARD DISPLACEMENTThe standard displacement of a ship is the displacement of the ship complete, fully manned, engined, and equipped ready for sea, including all armament and ammunition, equipment, outfit, provisions and fresh water for crew, miscellaneous stores and implements of every description that are intended to be carried in war, but without fuel or reserve feed water on board.- V0 _. d& n: j! V6 R# Z+ X- Y
The word "ton" in the present Treaty, except in the expression "metric tons", shall be understood to mean the ton of 2240 pounds (1016 kilos).' a% p/ y  {/ H( \# k9 t; y' G, k+ H
Vessels now completed shall retain their present ratings of displacement tonnage in accordance with their national system of measurement. However, a Power expressing displacement in metric tons shall be considered for the application of the present Treaty as owning only the equivalent displacement in tons of 2240 pounds.3 N1 _6 W/ \2 C  b9 x7 R
A vessel completed hereafter shall be rated at its displacement tonnage when in the standard condition defined herein.4 t! I2 T& r" Q7 D+ R

* s- t1 k1 F6 k: ?8 P/ D6 r3 ~8 v. h2 e- a. u% v' R
Article XXIIf during the term of the present Treaty the requirements of the national security of any Contracting Power in respect of naval defence are, in the opinion of that Power, materially affected by any change of circumstances, the Contracting Powers will, at the request of such Power, meet in conference with a view to the reconsideration of the provisions of the Treaty and its amendment by mutual agreement., h! W. l* h2 `4 O6 r5 u- B
In view of possible technical and scientific developments, the United States, after consultation with the other Contracting Powers, shall arrange for a conference of all the Contracting Powers which shall convene as soon as possible after the expiration of eight years from the coming into force of the present Treaty to consider what changes, if any, in the Treaty may be necessary to meet such developments.& s2 k1 g1 l, K, O( `
6 I. v% V+ K2 j
Article XXIIWhenever any Contracting Power shall become engaged in a war which in its opinion affects the naval defence of its national security, such Power may after notice to the other Contracting Powers suspend for the period of hostilities its obligations under the present Treaty other than those under Articles XIII and XVII, provided that such Power shall notify the other Contracting Powers that the emergency is of such a character as to require such suspension.
$ y$ B9 r! v& R9 V8 p& N$ {The remaining Contracting Powers shall in such case consult together with a view to agreement as to what temporary modifications if any should be made in the Treaty as between themselves. Should such consultation not produce agreement, duly made in accordance with the constitutional methods of the respective Powers, any one of said Contracting Powers may, by giving notice to the other Contracting Powers, suspend for the period of hostilities its obligations under the present Treaty, other than those under Articles XIII and XVII.5 d5 p& _8 N/ T5 E: P
On the cessation of hostilities the Contracting Powers will meet in conference to consider what modifications, if any, should be made in the provisions of the present Treaty.
& N, u) }5 U6 {! M0 I8 o2 \( a
Article XXIIIThe present Treaty shall remain in force until December 31st, 1936, and in case none of the Contracting Powers shall have given notice two years before that date of its intention to terminate the treaty, it shall continue in force until the expiration of two years from the date on which notice of termination shall be given by one of the Contracting Powers, whereupon the Treaty shall terminate as regards all the Contracting Powers. Such notice shall be communicated in writing to the Government of the United States, which shall immediately transmit a certified copy of the notification to the other Powers and inform them of the date on which it was received. The notice shall be deemed to have been given and shall take effect on that date. In the event of notice of termination being given by the Government of the United States, such notice shall be given to the diplomatic representatives at Washington of the other Contracting Powers, and the notice shall be deemed to have been given and shall take effect on the date of the communication made to the said diplomatic representatives.3 x& d1 Z6 c, a1 Q& X. u" r- J8 w
Within one year of the date on which a notice of termination by any Power has taken effect, all the Contracting Powers shall meet in conference.2 d* q1 S5 ]- |2 l( ?7 \, s

. A. j7 r4 u: t1 {# D* XArticle XXIVThe present Treaty shall be ratified by the Contracting Powers in accordance with their respective constitutional methods and shall take effect on the date of the deposit of all the ratifications, which shall take place at Washington as soon as possible. The Government of the United States will transmit to the other Contracting Powers a certified copy of the procès-verbal of the deposit of ratifications.% t1 ~9 a( ^$ C9 p! w7 c! Y1 Z0 @; f5 h
The present Treaty, of which the French and English texts are both authentic, shall remain deposited in the archives of the Government of the United States, and duly certified copies thereof shall be transmitted by that Government to the other Contracting Powers.
+ y7 q) q2 Q- I8 i; q. FIN FAITH WHEREOF the above-named Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty.
" J* ~* V. f( ^: KDONE at the City of Washington the sixth day of February, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-Two.

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