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标题: [转贴] [科普]伦敦海军条约 London Naval Treaty, 1930 [打印本页]

作者: kevin_hx    时间: 2009-7-3 10:04     标题: [科普]伦敦海军条约 London Naval Treaty, 1930

本帖最后由 kevin_hx 于 2009-7-3 10:08 编辑 ; x1 k  ~& g  ?
, i7 [- ]& @: f8 D
& t' ^& \  f% M5 f5 U9 N
% F& {4 L( a+ C9 a1 x' ~; a9 m% q" r
' @. s8 g" A7 M6 J" E

4 A% I: w! K/ ]# h! b' |4 n
( Y* ]" x" F- H  b( Q. d% o% d
美利坚合众国总统;法兰西共和国总统;大不列颠和爱尔兰联合王国及海外领地国王、印度皇帝陛下;意大利王国国王陛下;大日本帝国天皇陛下3 P& U0 R: B: w2 }4 {
出于防止危险、削减军备竞赛负担的愿望,以及发扬华盛顿海军会议的精神,促进实现普遍军备限制和削减军备的进一步实现, 决定签订限制和削减军备的条约,并任命各自的全权代表: (各国全权代表姓名省略) 经过互相磋商及沟通,出于善意和负责的良好意愿,达成以下决议。
9 M6 o9 [* h, N: Z0 m7 A- v- T8 d. E
$ D( I, x. F* L1 第一部分 ; G! X' g6 f0 s% s+ Q) j# s
2 第二部分
9 ^9 u. T6 ~- k8 W1 V( A) s! b3 第三部分 * a0 R1 @& ?# J% O* G. w* o0 U
4 第四部分 8 S6 X) G; @% J$ }7 `. s7 s" w7 p
5 第五部分
' E) p- m  s" g% x9 o4 _
. [3 v% j! X/ M9 e% |4 `* B4 u: J' l( O
/ M: w6 l- {" E. ?
第一部分第一条( W" @: R' V1 e' `: B+ I
签约国中的三个主要海军强国(注:美、英、日)同意在1931年到1936年之间,不行使其根据1922年2月6日《华盛顿海军条约》第二章第三部分,为替换旧舰而建造新主力舰的权利。 此条文与根据上述条约第二章第三部分第一节的(c)段中,关于因事故丧失或毁坏的主力舰的替换工作无关。 法国和意大利可以根据上述条约的有关条文,按照其1927年和1929年的造舰计划,继续建造用于替换的主力舰。/ e3 I. X; L0 [! K* i

5 @% d0 F" @" Z: M" m; R' m3 b第二条# \8 \; i6 g- ]! h( g: n2 S& U
* {/ _, g# C$ _+ u5 G美国: 佛罗里达号 犹他号 阿肯色号或怀俄明号2 N5 f) I1 j+ ]- a5 Z$ i" @( \# P
英国: 本鲍号 铁公爵号 马尔巴罗号 印度皇帝号 虎号; t7 s- y/ C) w7 L0 y' Y* b
日本: 比睿号
: D& Z/ \+ D" c0 T9 A3 K(a)、除 (b)小段中规定之主力舰外,上文中所提及之主力舰,除非按照华盛顿条约第二章第二条 II(c)小段规定之方法改装为专门的靶舰外 ,应按以下规定之方式销毁: 美国应解体的主力舰中的一艘,英国应解体的主力舰中的两艘,其根据华盛顿条约第二章第二条III(b)小段进行解除作战武装处理的工作,应在本条约开始生效后12个月内完成。其解体工作应在本条约生效后24个月内完成。 美国应解体的第二艘主力舰 ,以及英国应解体的第三艘和第四艘主力舰,其相应工作应分别在本条约生效后18个月和30个月内完成。3 s1 Q0 c2 [/ f  x+ ^+ L2 q$ d
(b)、在本条中规定予以废弃的主力舰中,以下主力舰可以改造为训练用途.. t" K; ^& j# l. R# J
美国: 阿肯色号或怀俄明号4 Q2 o' y; L4 p; H* ?% }
英国: 铁公爵号
# l+ v6 K! K8 d6 ^; r日本: 比睿号
6 i3 [5 W% [. b2 h$ Y$ ]上述军舰的武备拆除工作应该根据华盛顿条约第二部分相关规定为标准进行。拆除武备的工作,美国和 联合王国在本条约生效十二个月内开始,日本在十八个月内开始进行。并在开始工作后不超过六个月的时间内完成。 不作为训练用途的军舰,拆除武备的工作在本条约生效后十八个月内开始,并在三十个月内完成彻底解体的工作。, d9 l+ A' _5 U$ M
2,依照华盛顿条约,对主力舰处理的工作是强制性的。包括法国或意大利为替换旧战列舰而将要建造的军舰,以及现存的所有华盛顿条约第二章第三部分第二条提及到的战列舰。本条约前款未规定提前予以废弃的战列舰,在本条约有效期间内可以继续保存。& }5 g! W3 k. B1 k0 @. M  @
( H: P5 p+ [. R' G
, F; d0 j: J! I  d0 f第三条
) T0 e1 f6 f& i1 P( N  U! `1,华盛顿条约第二章第四部分中关于"航空母舰"的定义由以下标准取代: "航空母舰"指所有搭载飞机作为武器、飞机可由其上起飞和着陆的、用于战斗用途的水面舰船,不论其排水量如何。# U( U  y2 u1 E1 A, e: `8 u
2,在并非改建或改装为航空母舰用途的主力舰、巡洋舰或驱逐舰上安装飞机起飞平台和着陆甲板的工作,不会使此类军舰被认定或划分为航空母舰.% i8 J, q- G' r, K
! I% T* n  n; C' L3 }6 s$ f/ P  X9 Z  e9 E% x
第四条( y5 v' p, t' ?4 O
1,美、英、日三国不得建造或获得排水量等于或小于10,000吨(10,160 公吨)、所装备的舰炮口径超过6.1 英寸(155 mm)的航空母舰。
( W  `  Y" j1 [) A. Z. B# Q2,从本条约正式生效之时起,美、英、日三国不得在其管辖的领土范围之内建造排水量等于或小于10,000吨(10,160 公吨)、舰炮口径超过6.1 英寸(155 mm)的航空母舰。
1 I$ [  i9 ~% v' V4 E1 _( i第五条) h" m  P) M" }3 `
任何航空母舰不得设计、装载威力超过华盛顿条约第九、第十条,或本条约第四条规定水平的武备。 华盛顿条约第九、第十条所提及的任何有关6英寸(155 mm)口径舰炮的条文,其口径数值由6.1 英寸(155 mm)替代。9 ]! T3 F3 R3 v& H5 s& b) r' g

) ~. Z6 m# q- V; |' r5 M. l$ @( e第二部分7 e- S  @! b6 \) u, C; |. U
& A; K" z* Y/ w6 ^% O( n1,华盛顿条约第二章第四部分中关于确定标准排水量的规定,适用于各签约国的所有水面作战舰艇 。
+ h! d* ^; ]+ D2 B9 r# R3 v  @2,潜艇的标准排水量是指其位于水面状态时的排水量(不包括非水密隔舱中的海水重量)。包括所装备的鱼雷、引擎和出海所需物资,武器和弹药,设备,人员给养,零件,以及为出海所必须的其他储备,但是不包括燃油、润滑油、淡水和压舱水。
$ x% W# D' i9 k8 A3,所有的海军舰船,都要根据其排水量吨位水平来进行分类和级别划分。本条约中所提及的"吨",除特殊标明为"公吨"之处外,均为折合2240磅的英吨(1,016公斤)。
' N3 D0 i0 t/ J  l4 f6 |' W: A7 C
4 R8 M: E  Q, f: P% b- {# S第七条( }0 j: y6 a) Z5 {2 g4 d$ f# ]* }
1,各签约国不得获得或建造标准排水量超过2,000 吨(2,032 公吨)或者装备口径超过5.1英寸(130 mm)的舰炮的潜艇。+ y  \( |% x  j5 \6 @
2,各签约国保留、新建或获得的潜艇中,可以有三艘最大排水量不超过2,800吨(2,845 公吨)的潜艇;这些潜艇搭载的舰炮口径不得超过6.1英寸(155 mm)。在此限额之内,法国可保留一艘已下水的、排水量2,880吨(2,926 公吨),舰炮口径8英寸(203 mm)的大型潜艇。
0 J$ T9 u0 [& j' I3,各签约国在1930年4月1日之前拥有的、排水量不超过2,000 吨(2,032 公吨),但是舰炮口径超过5.1英寸(130 mm)的潜艇,可以予以保留。2 v& L% j) Y8 e6 v6 e. R7 t$ L2 w
4,从本条约正式生效时起,美、英、日三国不得在其管辖领土范围之内建造排水量超过2,000吨(2,032 公吨)或舰炮口径超过5.1英寸(130 mm)的潜艇。本条第二款所规定的情况除外。
' E" W  y. F! p3 L/ V1 l& ]( I& y3 l
) {( L" }' y2 f4 \4 o8 O* }各签约国所拥有的下述种类的舰船,其数量不受限制:
; N% i: ]! B5 t! l1 x2 P1 f6 ?(a)排水量在600吨(610 公吨)及以下的水面战斗舰艇;  j1 ?8 d1 i3 p- N' i4 x/ ]3 I5 z1 O
' @# n0 V, I) L
(b)超过600吨(610 公吨),但是没有超过2,000吨(2,032 公吨)的作战舰艇,只要不属于下面所规定的状况的:9 e; H; Y2 @6 p
(1)装备口径超过6.1英寸(155 mm)舰炮的;
7 I: k# |2 [7 ^0 J(2)装备四门以上口径超过3英寸(76 mm) 舰炮的;
2 S; E. g" O9 I. a# n5 j  x(3)设计或改装用以发射鱼雷的;
6 G. r2 Y& d! R(4)航速超过20节的.
6 o2 T! e+ O# z* k# g! }5 Y' `( {" I. J& ^" `2 W3 s$ L
(c)不是专门用于作战用途,而是用于舰队补给、军队和武备运输、以及其他类似用途的舰船,只要不属于下面所规定的状况的:" a( v/ O5 k4 H) V) _9 G0 K& q
(1)装备口径超过6.1英寸(155 mm)舰炮的;/ \; U# L" Y2 f; c0 e$ f
(2)装备四门以上口径超过3英寸(76 mm) 舰炮的;
8 c' B" }3 d0 y6 d6 F+ f5 u* Q9 H(3)设计或改装用以发射鱼雷的;7 Z! N" r! g/ D, O& G
(4)航速超过20节的;! k# `' N7 r% g' M# ^
' o1 y4 c0 A: @* M* `6 n9 v(6)设计或改装用以布放水雷的;' _* J+ M! P' M1 z8 A
(7)被改装用于飞机降落的;- ?+ b9 H, `0 z0 z( ^5 W1 ]
4 p7 {* \# ~2 L3 G# e(9)如果已经安装接收飞机降落的设施,设计或改装用来在海上接收超过三架飞机的.
$ i# u* ]! B6 O3 T. L: p0 U/ {% ~% f" e0 g3 L3 G2 F$ [
) H; W) V; k, V8 F8 z" K本条约第二部分中附则一,关于舰船替换规则的规定,适用于排水量不超过10,000吨(10,160 公吨)的水面舰船,但是航空母舰除外。其替换规则依华盛顿条约规定为准。" H# E- ^% J: l2 @) _- y, X' n

3 v9 v0 K( l  J3 v第十条
) t" U4 Q0 O+ j本条约生效后,各签约国建造的作战舰船,除主力舰、 航空母舰 以及第八条规定的舰船之外,在下水后一个月之内以及完工后一个月之内,其建造国应当通知其他签约国如下内容:
9 S! [. b! {3 I; c) ~(a)铺放龙骨的日期以及下列详情:
% S$ H, t) D$ @7 R该舰的分类; 以吨和公吨标示的标准排水量; 尺寸规格,即:水线长、水线或水线下最宽处的宽度; 标准排水量时的航速; 最大舰炮的口径
) b$ x: K9 ~0 y' ~* @* U(b)该舰竣工的日期,以及上述各项详情
" ~& E  F2 n* z' q新建主力舰和航空母舰的情况告知规则,依华盛顿条约相关规定而行。0 X6 s8 P5 B1 Q! Q# n' e
7 \' C5 b! \3 b$ K
" D3 r' P! r+ @+ G) b各国的作战舰艇,以及本条约第三条所定义的航空母舰,其除役和报废工作,需依据本条约第二部分附则二进行。
; ^9 F- G% G" C) n$ q' e7 c9 \' F7 T9 Q! U6 f/ t- ]3 B
4 u  ?) ~" ~& x3 q" w. T2 S1,本条约第二部分附则三所列出之特种舰艇,可以予以保留,其吨位不被计算在限制吨位内。其名单可以由各签约国协商修改。# k+ j3 s9 D" l8 K+ k0 v' z
2,其他建造用来从事上文所述特种新舰只,其吨位将被计算到限制吨位中。第八条规定的舰船除外。8 n7 s8 @0 P( ~& n& D
3,日本可以在1936年12月31日前用两艘新布雷舰替换现有的布雷舰阿苏号和常磐号。每艘的排水量不得超过5,000吨(5,080 公吨),航速不得超过20节,其他细节需不违反第八条(b)小节的规定。新建的舰船可被视做特种舰船,其吨位不被计算在限制吨位内。在替换的舰船建造完毕后,阿苏号和常磐号需依据本条约第二部分附则二为标准而报废。 4,依照本条约本条约第二部分附则二的第一或第二款,浅间、八云、出云、岩手和春日号应当在球磨级前三艘舰的替换工作完成后开始报废工作。球磨级的这三艘巡洋舰应当按照本条约第二部分附则二的第二款(b)2项之规定,改装为训练用舰船。其吨位则不被计算在条约限制吨位之内。
8 [' p2 P) n1 Q# `: ?
8 {/ y- e7 g9 C! v. F第十三条
3 Y; w( G( G$ C/ I0 M# N在1930年4月1日前现存的各种舰艇,在锚泊状态下用做训练或居住等用途的,需继续保持不能航海的状况。( L" w0 Y) ?2 C2 }- L8 w5 S
' B! ~- X" v) V  H; u! k" ]9 U1 w
===附则一=== ,替换规则- n3 s8 h( f+ `- r( \; J
第一款 除本附则第三款以及本条约第三部分规定之外,舰船在其舰龄达到年限之前不得进行替换。舰船的年限自其竣工之日起,按下列标准计算:
4 _: p) g. u( `; c2 E( Q/ A2 D; C(a)排水量超过3,000吨(3,048 公吨)但是没有超过10,000吨(10,160 公吨)的水面舰船:) V7 F2 I4 h/ {
(i) 1920年1月1日后下水:16年;0 x8 d: h0 u5 ~8 H  \0 e& o5 u
4 T7 _, Z7 C8 y) {(b)排水量不超过3,000 吨(3,048 公吨)的水面舰船:
; F$ h# ^* \- n' v5 c+ y% Q1 L(i)1921年1月1日后下水:12年;; V# b5 ]) H) O& l. O% ~
(ii)1920年12月31日前下水 :16年.- t5 f. g6 d# e5 q1 J! A
(c)潜艇:13年. 新建的替换舰船,其铺放龙骨的日期,不得早于被替换的舰船到达服役年限之日前三年以上;如果被替换的舰船吨位不超过3,000吨(3,048 公吨),此期限为两年。 建造替换舰船的权利,不因替换舰船建造工作的延迟而失去。
; `; F0 i( _; }- G: p. T5 O第二款
7 Z, q" s) M1 L% l' F除本条约特殊规定之外,所建造的舰船,如果其吨位使该国海军的总吨位超出本条约的限制,则此舰或此批舰船应当按照第二部分附则二的规定予以废弃。
: d5 u. i& T- |0 X7 U: y4 t第三款3 {0 _0 j7 X0 p% \# _! w/ r' W. n
各国因事故或其他原因损失的舰船,可以立即替换。, [" H. A/ A6 H, {
, D( E' c7 C$ [. ]1 L
===附则二=== ,作战舰船的报废规则( s; y# p9 G# {  Z* N) ?1 r0 l
! d' N4 k- x6 }# w0 Y! @9 x(i)报废 (自沉或拆毁);
! P. X, ?6 Z0 H(ii) 拆卸成为船壳;3 f  y- h! p' L! Y+ Z+ V- |
  n. _: i8 R) i) H% d1 T(iv)仅做为实验用;
9 u6 D% g$ J% M- j9 a  d" O0 o) u(v)仅作为训练舰船使用0 ?0 O  T3 `5 F
除主力舰之外的作战舰船,各国可以自行选择报废或者拆卸。5 P" V6 Q5 W+ f, g  Q
/ Z3 _7 A& P7 P6 ]( j; ]7 W* x第一款,予以报废的舰船
6 \/ l7 T7 K4 a' ?(a)需予以报废的舰船,解除其作战能力的工作在其替换舰船(如果用一批舰船替换该舰,则是该级的第一艘舰船)完工六个月内完成。如果新建舰船的完工被延迟,则解除该舰作战能力的工作应在不迟于替换舰船布放龙骨后四年半内完成。如果新建舰船的排水量不超过3,000吨(3,048 公吨),则该期限为三年半。
& ?% l. U( |' t# t(b)予以报废的舰船需将下述用于作战的设备移除到岸上,或者予以摧毁:
. V) e  G6 d# g/ R# `(1)所有的舰炮和舰炮附属设备,火控设备,炮塔的旋转机构;0 e5 c9 f; t; k4 l6 ?
0 T, [1 d' x5 \! J0 a2 _) j(3)所有的火控设备和测距仪器;( q& q' T! }% O- q4 J* b2 E
6 L& s* t6 N+ L  {1 B, o(5)所有的鱼雷,鱼雷战斗部,鱼雷发射管和相关设备;* \  ^* e! K. w3 C5 Y' O# t
(6)所有的无线电设备;0 W1 K) K* ]: N& [5 ^% W& P
, _& n" d. E7 X(8)所有的吊车、飞机升降机、滑轨和弹射器,所有的回收/弹射飞机的平台、甲板,或者所有的推进设备;
$ r  u) e( Z! K(9)潜艇的所有电池、空气压缩机和压舱水泵/ ]) s! U2 x7 i6 K/ Y

) n( x' g% o3 s3 `' w(c)将舰船予以废弃的工作,应在拆除作战设备工作完成后十二个月内,按照下述方式完成:
, b( g' a1 J2 I' v2 v; ~(1) 永久性的沉没;5 e: c* T. o( b
(2) 船体的拆卸,包括移去所有的机器、锅炉、 装甲,以及所有的甲板。
5 ]& N' W  B) d4 U! ^! b; t3 r9 s第二款,予以拆卸的舰船, V3 k  Z$ z2 ~8 ]5 C
规定予以废弃的舰船可以进行拆卸工作,将其改建岸泊的船壳,用做宿舍、仓库或其他用途。需要根据本附则第一款 (b)段,除了(6)、(7)、(8),段外的规定,拆除作战设备,并且进行如下的改造:
' ?: T* u9 m1 S(1) 将所有的螺旋桨轴、动力舱、涡轮机、齿轮装置、推进引擎、马达和锅炉进行永久性的、不可修复的破坏;( b* T% U8 H$ U: N" h3 A
(2) 除去所有的螺旋桨;$ z' B# Q! Y: l" z: i, h; ]
(3) 除去所有的飞机吊车、飞机升降机、滑轨和弹射器
' P0 @5 Q8 i& F8 g8 Z% f上述工作应当按照本附则第一款所规定的时间期限进行。/ e" G3 h1 \6 p! T
  ?3 F8 c. }- r( u8 K(a)改装为靶舰的舰船,需将其作战设备移除到岸上,或者予以摧毁:
" Z: v- X/ Y, Z7 N& F+ L(1)所有的舰炮;
# w2 z$ u- a' n% o( @(2)所有的火控仪器,用于火控和测距的无线电设备;* k' o# k0 @$ e
& Y6 q. B2 J9 G! ]2 c(4)所有的弹药、炸药、水雷、鱼雷和鱼雷发射管;  E% h  }3 ]  c+ q
2 x" F8 {2 h3 L" X* T$ v上述工作应当按照本附则第一款所规定的时间期限进行。
0 u( U( ~2 a. ]. N(b)除华盛顿条约的相关规定之外,各签约国还可以保留下述数量的舰艇作为训练用途:7 D" s4 ]7 C$ D7 G' v; M
(1)不超过两艘的水面舰艇 (巡洋舰或驱逐舰),其中只有一艘排水量可以超过3,000吨(3,048 公吨);
* @* H! ]0 s6 ^  e(2)一艘潜艇
9 z/ Z9 Q5 l2 e/ W1 V(c)各签约国保证不将用做靶舰的舰船再度修复用于作战用途。
7 @; W4 J+ d9 e: Z) K% }! R1 z第四款,作为实验用途的舰船
) W' O0 d8 Q- [, X1 G(a)可以将其舰船按照本附则第三款(b)项之标准改装为实验用舰船。0 ^. r  f- {5 \' M
(b)考虑到签约国的不同情况,对于用做特定实验用途的舰船,可不遵守本附则第三款(a)项之规定。各签约国需向其他签约国通知此类情况的细节,以及需要进行此类实验的时间。, r3 t; T8 a1 X8 o9 O
" y! v( x5 r2 q4 \- Z8 g(1)不超过两艘的水面舰艇 (巡洋舰或驱逐舰),其中只有一艘排水量可以超过3,000吨(3,048 公吨);
5 h3 Q; g5 ?+ A. G; }, I(2)一艘潜艇
7 \+ y: U/ ~( ~# l- o  ~& g(d)联合王国可以保留罗伯茨号炮舰(不拆除其武备)和皇家方舟号航空母舰作为实验舰,直到不再需要其作为实验舰使用为止。这两艘军舰不受本款中(c)项和(e)项的限制。- }% Z0 b: W9 M2 o
  l# _7 W, w* S+ X+ X第五款 ,训练用舰船  d# s1 q- l  O# j
(a)除华盛顿条约所规定之舰船外,各国可以将下列舰船作为训练舰使用:: D" o2 O. Y" `- y- X$ n
& u/ w6 H# l& Q  l. |# t  @法国:2艘水面舰艇,其中一艘排水量超过3,000吨(3,048 公吨);8 {% ?) [; A1 N$ F% \# O  e
, s/ l/ }0 U' n2 D/ G- s& N. }) C  i意大利:2艘水面舰艇,其中一艘排水量超过3,000吨(3,048 公吨);% n1 z- L) y8 }8 Z% s  A# v/ W9 n
4 ]- r1 t) q( q# A7 N, i& f(b)根据(a)项改为训练用途的舰船, 在确定改变其用途之后六个月内需进行下列处理:
; M  u; @4 M0 ]8 W- i- L1,主力舰:
* s$ }) r& i; ?) d" Y" S(1)除去主炮、所有炮塔的可旋转部分、炮塔旋转的动力和机械设备,但是可以保留三座炮塔;* V4 E, C8 @2 i, u4 z: F% R& y
(2)除去火炮射击训练所需数量之外的弹药和炸药;/ T$ r, F8 N' L
(3)拆除指挥塔,以及最前和最后炮塔之间的舷侧装甲;3 Z1 e2 l( a* ?
(4)除去或毁坏所有鱼雷发射管;, f/ |$ N0 d0 U
(5)除去达到18节航速所需水平之外的锅炉。. ]* a" l9 ^, @# w
) q8 g. G* P) z" d- H. o(1)除去一半舰炮,但是每艘舰可以保留四门主炮;8 V" i9 r5 B. Q! N
- W! F7 W3 [( j9 @7 {(3)除去所有航空设施;! q* C/ k, N0 P& y8 t
(4)除去一半锅炉。& {+ i3 H1 n3 E/ ^" q
(c)各签约国保证不将用做训练舰的舰船再度修复用于作战用途。' N2 k, V( l2 F
1 ?) E  k& l) l9 y3 l+ Q; M/ @
===附则三=== 特种舰船$ M; w+ I0 j: e/ \, F6 L* a
美国 舰名-型号-排水量( 吨 ) 阿鲁斯图克-布雷舰 4,950 奥格拉拉-布雷舰 4,950 巴尔的摩-布雷舰 4,413 旧金山-布雷舰 4,083 夏延-炮舰 2,800 海伦娜-炮艇 1,392 伊莎贝尔-游艇 938 尼亚加拉-游艇 2,600 布里奇波特-驱逐舰供应舰 11,750 杜宾-驱逐舰供应舰 12,450 梅尔维尔-驱逐舰供应舰 7,150 惠特尼-驱逐舰供应舰 12,450 霍兰-潜艇供应舰 11,570 亨德森-海军运输船 10,000 共计 91,496 吨
4 A# `% Y1 v) p2 ~6 V6 B- y法国 舰名-型号-排水量( 吨 ) 加斯东-布雷舰 3,150 波鲁-布雷舰 2,461 Commandant Teste-水上飞机母舰 10,000 亚辛-炮舰 600 马恩-炮舰 600 安克雷-炮舰 604 斯卡贝-炮舰 604 苏培-炮舰 604 敦刻尔克-炮舰 644 勒孚-炮舰 644 巴伯姆-炮舰 644 南锡-炮舰 644 加莱-炮舰 644 朗贝尔-炮舰 644 节俭-炮舰 644 雷米尔山-炮舰 644 塔乌尔-炮舰 644 图尔-炮舰 644 爱比诺-炮舰 644 列文-炮舰 644 (舰名不详)-布网舰 2,293 共计28,644 吨3 r9 w' Q+ E7 B) D% w
英联邦 舰名-型号-排水量( 吨 ) 冒险-布雷舰 (联合王国) 6,740 信天翁-水上飞机母舰(澳大利亚) 5,000 埃里伯斯-炮舰 (联合王国) 7,200 恐怖-炮舰 (联合王国) 7,200 斯科特-炮舰 (联合王国) 6,400 克莱武-单桅帆船(印度) 2,021 梅德维-潜艇母船 (联合王国) 15,000 共计49,561 吨* {: s; r  C; P, l3 l/ o
意大利 舰名-型号-排水量( 吨 ) 米拉吉里亚-水上飞机母舰 4,880 法迪布鲁诺-炮舰 2,800 格拉帕山-炮舰 605 蒙泰罗-炮舰 605 桑吉奥山-炮舰 500 诺维诺-炮舰 500 坎帕尼亚-单桅帆船 2,070 共计11,960 吨
& L% t! F5 U6 S. J8 B日本 舰名-型号-排水量( 吨 ) 阿苏-布雷舰 7,180 常磐 -布雷舰 9,240 浅间-旧式巡洋舰 9,240 八云-旧式巡洋舰 9,010 出云-旧式巡洋舰 9,180 岩手-旧式巡洋舰 9,180 春日-旧式 巡洋舰 7,080 淀-炮艇 1,320 共计61,430 吨
$ ]. m# [* c4 [6 z' }+ T6 p7 N; v) x7 L* C
# [. W; I: t! K' a- Z美国总统,大不列颠、爱尔兰和英属海外领地国王、印度皇帝陛下,日本天皇陛下,商定并核准了本条约第三部分中的条文:
0 f! D" I" r% t) s5 G. |$ [第十四条: H# ?! G0 s* \
美国,英联邦和日本的海军作战舰船数量,除了主力舰、航空母舰 和在第八条中免除数量限制的舰种之外,应当依据本第三部分进行限制。对于特种舰只,则依照本条约第十二条规定的限制标准。
( Y7 e* @/ u2 P4 ~6 |; k9 i$ _' n/ u第十五条! K- |3 H0 w1 _2 @
对于本部分提及的巡洋舰和驱逐舰,按照如下标准进行分类:$ K0 I3 e+ V, O4 g  }
# `* @3 ~& ~+ r4 l* q5 }( c除了主力舰和航空母舰之外的水面作战舰船,排水量超过1,850吨(1,880公吨),者主炮口径超过5.1英寸(130 mm) 。 巡洋舰分类又分为以下两级:1 M. P/ |. }6 M; K4 S7 r% ]
(a)主炮口径超过6.1英寸(155 mm)的巡洋舰;
/ a8 B) n% @7 j, w0 j* u! W(b)主炮口径不超过6.1英寸(155 mm)的巡洋舰
( K3 ^# A) Z' O4 K7 Y驱逐舰
* o; f; [8 v* N8 d排水量不超过1,850吨(1,880 公吨),并且主炮口径不超过5.1英寸(130 mm)的水面作战舰船。
5 ?. X( P8 t# h8 V第十六条
& @7 W& \9 o# E& N. h8 T) c) `2 M2 j1,到1936年12月31日为止,各国所拥有的巡洋舰,驱逐舰和潜艇的吨位总和不超过下表:
- i" N1 J2 D* |. r& S4 }类别 (美国 / 英国 / 日本)5 i! |% k. N& v6 t: y3 A, }
3 B0 S& d$ N: ?(a)主炮口径在6.1英寸(155 mm) 以上
9 ?0 h6 B4 k( H* g: u5 T5 y美国180,000 吨 (182,880 公吨) 英国146,800 吨 (149,149 公吨) 日本108,400 吨 (110,134 公吨)
6 F) l" f( M7 I* S# V) X0 K(b)主炮口径在 6.1 英寸 (155 mm) 以下(含6.1 英寸)3 }0 m  ^; f/ t, z
美国143,500 吨 (145,796 公吨) 英国192,200 吨 (195,275 公吨) 日本100,450 吨 (102,057 公吨). e0 z( m. k+ H5 Q: g! J: U) ?
驱逐舰:" c. ^8 {$ _* f: D. ?( O
美国150,000 吨 (152,400 公吨) 英国150,000 吨 (152,400 公吨) 日本105,500 吨 (107,188 公吨)
: u- U1 r6 X( M+ m9 |" w7 S潜艇:2 t% m( |* m! E( P4 D& _
美国52,700 吨 (53,543 公吨) 英国52,700 吨 (53,543 公吨) 日本52,700 吨 (53,543 公吨)
2 G8 g# |# i' O* ^# l2,各国超出此吨位限额的舰船,应当在1936年12月31日前逐步予以废弃。2 S/ m2 l: [$ k7 L  X
3,(a)项所规定的 巡洋舰数量为:美国,18艘;英国,15艘;日本,12艘( `6 ~# r& ]" U6 J. j
4,在驱逐舰当中,吨位超过1,500吨(1,524 公吨)的驱逐舰不得超过驱逐舰总数的16%。1930年4月1日前完工或在建的 驱逐舰不受此限制,但是在吨位超过1,500吨(1,524 公吨) 的驱逐舰比例削减到16%之前,不得再建造此规格的新驱逐舰。
! ?% \0 n% r: L( D, ]5,搭载舰载机的巡洋舰不得超过巡洋舰总数的25%。
5 V% c7 E; b  e2 Z# R6,第七条2、3段提及的 潜艇吨位包含在各国潜艇总吨位中。
+ M* }) I& T. P' G7,依据第十三条保留的舰船,或依照第二部分附则二予以废弃或改装的舰船,吨位不计算在总吨位中。2 ^& h5 g2 j% @3 ?
第十七条$ f) ?9 r( U* O
各国可以在(b)段的巡洋舰和驱逐舰之间进行比例不超过10%的吨位调换。1 v) _7 L5 b0 a
2 C% [* x+ t# W' ?% C: k" D美国预计在1935年建造完成15艘(a)型的巡洋舰,总吨位为150,000吨(152,400 公吨)。这样美国的(a)型巡洋舰余额尚有三艘。但是考虑到美国的(b)型巡洋舰为15,166吨(15,409 公吨),因此如果美国决定建造一艘或更多的(a)型巡洋舰,第十六艘开工日期不早于1933年,完工日期不早于1936年;第十六艘开工日期不早于1934年,完工日期不早于1937年;第十六艘开工日期不早于1935年,完工日期不早于1938年。
: d3 N6 r+ W4 G第十九条 除第二十条规定外,依照第十六条新下水的各类舰船,其吨位不得导致该类舰船的总吨位超过限制,不得在1936年12月31日之前建造超龄舰船的替换舰。但是,1937、1938和1939年达到超龄年限的巡洋舰和潜艇的替换舰,1937、1938年达到超龄年限的驱逐舰的替换舰不受此限制。
3 f5 A6 t( `8 u% L" B9 x第二十条
. W0 t. C  O: B0 R8 Y第二部分附则一替换规则的例外:8 O. \: d1 `6 u; ?6 j0 B
(a)弗罗比谢号和埃芬汉姆号(联合王国)需在1936年废弃。除了1930年4月1日时在建的巡洋舰外,英国建造的替换巡洋舰在1936年12月31日之前不得超过91,000吨(92,456 公吨)。5 A1 w; e- H* |% I
: ]  b6 e# g% P5 `4 e) e( K8 @(c)为替换在1936年12月31日前到达超龄期限的驱逐舰,日本可以在1935年和1936年建造其替换舰船。1938年和1939年达到期限的驱逐舰,可以在1935年和1936年建造其替换舰,每年不超过5,200吨(5,283 公吨) 。4 r7 m! n8 K9 ^  t/ s! j# l
(d)日本在本条约有效期内可建造不超过19,200吨(19,507 公吨)的潜艇,但是在1936年12月31日之前不得超过12,000吨(12,192 公吨)。: Z. C# t" x5 B' H5 |
& j3 q8 C5 x% F2 a3 G3 T" [在本条约生效期间,任何签约国如果出于本国安全需要,由于除本条约第三部分提及国家之外的其他国家作战舰船数量的增加,而需要增加本条约第三部分予以限制的军舰数目,则在向其他签约国详细阐述需要增加己方军舰的种类、数目以及理由后,有权增加其舰船数量。本条约第三部分涉及的其他签约国舰船吨位可以做相应比例的增长。各签约国应当将己方的变动情况迅速通知其他各签约国。
  f: j7 ^5 c- v" [! u+ {3 Z9 y- Q" B) V
第四部分. ]; X* \  G: C( h9 R; W! p( J
0 v5 ~7 M; Z4 M; U6 ]# Q( ?以下规则需作为已成文的国际法而遵守:
3 ~" X" O( E2 S$ B1 m& A: U; E# K(1)在对商船的攻击行动中,国际法中水面作战舰船所必须遵守的相关准则,潜艇也必须遵守。" f- g9 ?6 ]& S" Z4 e" V
(2)特别是,除非在下令停船时拒绝命令而企图逃脱,或以武力抗拒登船检查,作战舰船,无论水面舰船还是潜艇,不得在对方商船上的乘客、船员和船舶文件处于安全的地方之前,将其击沉或令其失去航行能力。船上的救生艇不被认为是安全的地方,除非根据当时的海况和天气,救生艇上的乘客和船员的安全可以得到保证,或者接近陆地,或者附近存在其他的可以将其搭救起来的船只。' G5 Z- g0 a) X! F  V
* E) q' g. t/ H3 r- z: w. Z; L
$ j# O, ]+ F; F. E/ |' @第五部分
7 I. M2 N6 n/ k8 o: p* |, `第二十三条
2 f9 h# X/ L4 i) ]7 w/ j/ x, M6 [本条约有效日期截止到1936年12月31日,以下条款除外:) T( S2 S7 C0 M) w: b
(1)本条约第四部分不受期限限制;3 j  e4 Z, g/ P( J3 p# L
(2)第三、四、五、十一条,第二部分的附则二,凡涉及到航空母舰的条款,其生效的时间与华盛顿条约相同。 除非三个主要的签约国提前提出签署另一更广泛合理的限制海军军备条约,否则将在1935年召开会议,制订新条约,代替本条约。本条约中的条文对出席该会议的各签约国均无偏袒或歧视。+ m( {! m9 r* w
第二十四条5 \. {- X( F0 ]8 X) _$ N0 I( X& m
1,各签约国政府应当尽快批准本条约,并将批准后的条约文本存放在伦敦。经过核准的副本将由各签约国政府保存。! T! Q% c/ h, O# \, m& `5 y* [
2,在美国、英王陛下和英联邦各国政府,以及日本天皇陛下批准本条约后,本条约即在上述国家内生效。$ q9 D: |& B% Z- ~4 G( f
. j1 H3 x, |2 ?/ s- q4,本条约第三部分所述及的权利和义务所涉及的国家,只限制在本条第二段中提到的三个主要海军国家之中。这些国家同意,在 第三部分规定的这三国所承担的义务涉及到法国和意大利时,将协商签订协议,以明确法国或意大利的相关义务。
% p$ _# L0 C4 i- l8 N* X! Y第二十五条+ a: D4 y; Y7 o1 _, r: E
在本条约生效后,由英国负责,将本条约的第四部分告知未签订本条约的所有国家,并提请他们尽快接受、并无限期遵守此部分的条文。 本条需得到英国政府签署的书面声明同意。
6 S2 w5 _7 h) C7 y" S( Q第二十六条  u. n- v, u. E
本条约的法语文本和英语文本具有同等效力。将保存在英国国家档案馆内。本条约的副本将尽快地提供给其他签约国的政府。* a5 h+ O: Y) }+ X6 k( b! o

5 u) O% @1 _3 j9 c上述国家的全权代表签署此条约,并在此加盖印玺。9 e/ u1 a# \* L1 B
公元一千九百三十年四月二十一日于伦敦% W0 m1 C0 S, M6 M2 a) B- U% h
9 s( p, `' [8 z! f; [6 r. ^  O& G& G2 m5 C. B! U$ N9 t0 i

作者: kevin_hx    时间: 2009-7-3 10:10     标题: 附英文原版内容
: \3 ^/ ~7 z% ~8 q0 E  G$ n' E" E2 W
The following document has been taken from the Australian documents archive. Thanks to those who provided it. INTERNATIONAL TREATY FOR THE LIMITATION AND REDUCTION OF NAVAL ARMAMENTThe President of the United States of America, the President of the French Republic, His Majesty the King of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominion beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, His Majesty the King of Italy, and His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, DESIRING to prevent the dangers and reduce the burdens inherent in competitive armaments, and DESIRING to carry forward the work begun by the Washington Naval Conference and to facilitate the progressive realization of general limitation and reduction of armaments, HAVE RESOLVED to conclude a Treaty for the limitation and reduction of naval armaments and have accordingly appointed as their Plenipotentiaries: [Names of plenipotentiaries not reproduced here.] Who, having communicated to one another their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed as follows: PART I Article 1 The High Contracting Parties agree not to exercise their rights to lay down the keels of capital ship replacement tonnage during the years 1931-1936 inclusive as provided in Chapter II, Part 3, of the Treaty for the Limitation of Naval Armament signed between them at Washington on 6 February 1922 and referred to in the present Treaty as the Washington Treaty.[1] This provision is without prejudice to the disposition relating to the replacement of ships accidentally lost or destroyed contained in Chapter II, Part 3, Section I, paragraph (c) of the said Treaty. France and Italy may, however, build the replacement tonnage which they were entitled to lay down in 1927 and 1929 in accordance with the provisions of the said Treaty. Article 2 1. The United States, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Japan shall dispose of the following capital ships as provided in this Article: United States: "Florida". "Utah". "Arkansas" or "Wyoming". United Kingdom: "Benbow". "Iron Duke". "Marlborough". "Emperor of India". "Tiger". Japan: "Hiyei". (a) Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (b), the above ships, unless converted to target use exclusively in accordance with Chapter II, Part 2, paragraph II(c) of the Washington Treaty, shall be scrapped in the following manner: One of the ships to be scrapped by the United States, and two of those to be scrapped by the United Kingdom shall be rendered unfit for warlike service, in accordance with Chapter II, Part 2, paragraph III(b) of the Washington Treaty, within twelve months from the coming into force of the present Treaty. These ships shall be finally scrapped, in accordance with paragraph II(a) or (b) of the said Part 2, within twenty-four months from the said coming into force. In the case of the second of the ships to be scrapped by the United States, and of the third and fourth of the ships to be scrapped by the United Kingdom, the said periods shall be eighteen and thirty months respectively from the coming into force of the present Treaty. (b) Of the ships to be disposed of under this Article, the following may be retained for training purposes: by the United States: "Arkansas" or "Wyoming". by the United Kingdom: "Iron Duke". by Japan: "Hiyei". These ships shall be reduced to the condition prescribed in Section V of Annex II to Part II of the present Treaty. The work of reducing these vessels to the required condition shall begin, in the case of the United States and the United Kingdom within twelve months, and in the case of Japan within eighteen months from the coming into force of the present Treaty; the work shall be completed within six months of the expiration of the abovementioned periods. Any of these ships which are not retained for training purposes shall be rendered unfit for warlike service within eighteen months, and finally scrapped within thirty months, of the coming into force of the present Treaty. 2. Subject to any disposal of capital ships which might be necessitated, in accordance with the Washington Treaty, by the building by France or Italy of the replacement tonnage referred to in Article 1 of the present Treaty, all existing capital ships mentioned in Chapter II, Part 3, Section II of the Washington Treaty and not designated above to be disposed of may be retained during the term of the present Treaty. 3. The right of replacement is not lost by delay in laying down replacement tonnage, and the old vessel may be retained until replaced even though due for scrapping under Chapter II, Part 3, Section II of the Washington Treaty. Article 3 1. For the purposes of the Washington Treaty, the definition of an aircraft carrier given in Chapter II, Part 4, of the said Treaty is hereby replaced by the following definition: The expression "aircraft carrier" includes any surface vessel of war, whatever its displacement, designed for the specific and exclusive purpose of carrying aircraft and so constructed that aircraft can be launched therefrom and landed thereon. 2. The fitting of a landing-on or flying-off platform or deck on a capital ship, cruiser or destroyer, provided such vessel was not designed or adapted exclusively as an aircraft carrier, shall not cause any vessel so fitted to be charged against or classified in the category of aircraft carriers. 3. No capital ship in existence on 1 April 1930 shall be fitted with a landing-on platform or deck. Article 4 1. No aircraft carrier of 10,000 tons (10,160 metric tons) or less standard displacement mounting a gun above 6.1 inch (155 mm) calibre shall be acquired by or constructed by or for any of the High Contracting Parties. 2. As from the coming into force of the present Treaty in respect of all the High Contracting Parties, no aircraft carrier of 10,000 tons (10,160 metric tons) or less standard displacement mounting a gun above 6.1 inch (155 mm) calibre shall be constructed within the jurisdiction of any of the High Contracting Parties. Article 5 An aircraft carrier must not be designed and constructed for carrying a more powerful armament than that authorised by Article IX or Article X of the Washington Treaty, or by Article 4 of the present Treaty, as the case may be. Wherever in the said Articles IX and X the calibre of 6 inches (152 mm) is mentioned, the calibre of 6.1 inches (155 mm) is substituted therefor. PART II Article 6 1. The rules for determining standard displacement prescribed in Chapter II, Part 4 of the Washington Treaty shall apply to all surface vessels of war of each of the High Contracting Parties. 2. The standard displacement of a submarine is the surface displacement of the vessel complete (exclusive of the water in non-watertight structure) fully manned, engined, and equipped ready for sea, including all armament and ammunition, equipment, outfit, provisions for crew, miscellaneous stores, and implements of every description that are intended to be carried in war, but without fuel, lubricating oil, fresh water or ballast water of any kind on board. 3. Each naval combatant vessel shall be rated at its displacement tonnage when in the standard condition. The word "ton" except in the expression "metric tons", shall be understood to be the ton of 2,240 pounds (1,016 kg). Article 7 1. No submarine the standard displacement of which exceeds 2,000 tons (2,032 metric tons) or with a gun above 5.1 inch (130 mm) calibre shall be acquired by or constructed by or for any of the High Contracting Parties. 2. Each of the High Contracting Parties may, however, retain, build or acquire a maximum number of three submarines of a standard displacement not exceeding 2,800 tons (2,845 metric tons); these submarines may carry guns not above 6.1 inch (155 mm) calibre. Within this number, France may retain one unit, already launched, of 2,880 tons (2,926 metric tons), with guns the calibre of which is 8 inches (203 mm). 3. The High Contracting Parties may retain the submarines which they possessed on 1 April 1930 having a standard displacement not in excess of 2,000 tons (2,032 metric tons) and armed with guns above 5.1 inch (130 mm) calibre. 4. As from the coming into force of the present Treaty in respect of all the High Contracting Parties, no submarine the standard displacement of which exceeds 2,000 tons (2,032 metric tons) or with a gun above 5.1 inch (130 mm) calibre shall be constructed within the jurisdiction of any of the High Contracting Parties, except as provided in paragraph 2 of this Article. Article 8 Subject to any special agreements which may submit them to limitation, the following vessels are exempt from limitation: (a) Naval surface combatant vessels of 600 tons (610 metric tons) standard displacement and under; (b) Naval surface combatant vessels exceeding 600 tons (610 metric tons), but not exceeding 2,000 tons (2,032 metric tons) standard displacement, provided they have none of the following characteristics: (1) Mount a gun above 6.1 inch (155 mm) calibre; (2) Mount more than four guns above 3 inch (76 mm) calibre; (3) Are designed or fitted to launch torpedoes; (4) Are designed for a speed greater than twenty knots. (c) Naval surface vessels not specifically built as fighting ships which are employed on fleet duties or as troop transports or in some other way than as fighting ships, provided they have none of the following characteristics: (1) Mount a gun above 6.1 inch (155 mm) calibre; (2) Mount more than four guns above 3 inch (76 mm) calibre; (3) Are designed or fitted to launch torpedoes: (4) Are designed for a speed greater than twenty knots; (5) Are protected by armour plate; (6) Are designed or fitted to launch mines; (7) Are fitted to receive aircraft on board from the air; (8) Mount more than one aircraft-launching apparatus on the centre line; or two, one on each broadside; (9) If fitted with any means of launching aircraft into the air, are designed or adapted to operate at sea more than three aircraft. Article 9 The rules as to replacement contained in Annex I to this Part II are applicable to vessels of war not exceeding 10,000 tons (10,160 metric tons) standard displacement, with the exception of aircraft carriers, whose replacement is governed by the provisions of the Washington Treaty. Article 10 Within one month after the date of laying down and the date of completion respectively of each vessel of war, other than capital ships, aircraft carriers and the vessels exempt from limitation under Article 8, laid down or completed by or for them after the coming into force of the present Treaty, the High Contracting Parties shall communicate to each of the other High Contracting Parties the information detailed below: (a) The date of laying the keel and the following particulars: Classification of the vessel; Standard displacement in tons and metric tons; Principal dimensions, namely: length at water-line, extreme beam at or below water-line; Mean draft at standard displacement; Calibre of the largest gun. (b) The date of completion together with the foregoing particulars relating to the vessel at that date. The information to be given in the case of capital ships and aircraft carriers is governed by the Washington Treaty. Article 11 Subject to the provisions of Article 2 of the present Treaty, the rules for disposal contained in Annex II to this Part II shall be applied to all vessels of war to be disposed of under the said Treaty, and to aircraft carriers as defined in Article 3. Article 12 1. Subject to any supplementary agreements which may modify, as between the High Contracting Parties concerned, the lists in Annex III to this Part II, the special vessels shown therein may be retained and their tonnage shall not be included in the tonnage subject to limitation. 2. Any other vessel constructed, adapted or acquired to serve the purposes for which these special vessels are retained shall be charged against the tonnage of the appropriate combatant category, according to the characteristics of the vessel, unless such vessel conforms to the characteristics of vessels exempt from limitation under Article 8. 3. Japan may, however, replace the minelayers "Aso" and "Tokiwa" by two new minelayers before 31 December 1936. The standard displacement of each of the new vessels shall not exceed 5,000 tons (5,080 metric tons) their speed shall not exceed twenty knots, and their other characteristics shall conform to the provisions of paragraph (b) of Article 8. The new vessels shall be regarded as special vessels and their tonnage shall not be chargeable to the tonnage of any combatant category. The "Aso" and "Tokiwa" shall be disposed of in accordance with Section I or II of Annex II to this Part II, on completion of the replacement vessels. 4. The "Asama", "Yakumo", "Izumo", "Iwate" and "Kasuga" shall be disposed of in accordance with Section I or II of Annex II to this Part II when the first three vessels of the "Kuma" class have been replaced by new vessels. These three vessels of the "Kuma" class shall be reduced to the condition prescribed in Section V, sub-paragraph (b)2 of Annex II to this Part II, and are to be used for training ships, and their tonnage shall not thereafter be included in the tonnage subject to limitation. Article 13 Existing ships of various types, which, prior to 1 April 1930, have been used as stationary training establishments or hulks, may be retained in a non-seagoing condition. ANNEX I RULES FOR REPLACEMENT Section I Except as provided in Section III of this Annex and Part III of the present Treaty, a vessel shall not be replaced before it becomes "over-age". A vessel shall be deemed to be "over-age" when the following number of years have elapsed since the date of its completion: (a) For a surface vessel exceeding 3,000 tons (3,048 metric tons) but not exceeding 10,000 tons (10,160 metric tons) standard displacement: (i) If laid down before 1 January 1920: 16 years; (ii) If laid down after 31 December 1919: 20 years. (b) For a surface vessel not exceeding 3,000 tons (3,048 metric tons) standard displacement: (i) If laid down before 1 January 1921: 12 years; (ii) If laid down after 31 December 1920: 16 years. (c) For a submarine: 13 years. The keels of replacement tonnage shall not be laid down more than three years before the year in which the vessel to be replaced becomes "over-age"; but this period is reduced to two years in the case of any replacement surface vessel not exceeding 3,000 tons (3,048 metric tons) standards displacement. The right of replacement is not lost by delay in laying down replacement tonnage. Section II Except as otherwise provided in the present Treaty, the vessel or vessels, whose retention would cause the maximum tonnage permitted in the category to be exceeded, shall, on the completion or acquisition of replacement tonnage, be disposed of in accordance with Annex II to this Part II. Section III In the event of loss or accidental destruction a vessel may be immediately replaced. ANNEX II RULES FOR DISPOSAL OF VESSELS OF WAR The present Treaty provides for the disposal of vessels of war in the following ways: (i) By scrapping (sinking or breaking up); (ii) By converting the vessel to a hulk; (iii) By converting the vessel to target use exclusively; (iv) By retaining the vessel exclusively for experimental purposes; (v) By retaining the vessel exclusively for training purposes. Any vessel of war to be disposed of, other than a capital ship, may either be scrapped or converted to a hulk at the option of the High Contracting Party concerned. Vessels, other than capital ships, which have been retained for target, experimental or training purposes, shall finally be scrapped or converted to hulks. Section I Vessels to be scrapped (a) A vessel to be disposed of by scrapping, by reason of its replacement, must be rendered incapable of warlike service within six months of the date of the completion of its successor, or of the first of its successors if there are more than one. If, however, the completion of the new vessel or vessels be delayed, the work of rendering the old vessel incapable of warlike service shall, nevertheless, be completed within four and a half years from the date of laying the keel of the new vessel, or of the first of the new vessels, but should the new vessel, or any of the new vessels, be a surface vessel not exceeding 3,000 tons (3,048 metric tons) standard displacement, this period is reduced to three and a half years. (b) A vessel to be scrapped shall be considered incapable of warlike service when there shall have been removed and landed or else destroyed in the ship: (1) All guns and essential parts of guns, fire control tops and revolving parts of all barbettes and turrets; (2) All hydraulic or electric machinery for operating turrets; (3) All fire control instruments and range-finders; (4) All ammunition, explosives, mines and mine rails; (5) All torpedoes, war heads, torpedo tubes and training racks; (6) All wireless telegraphy installations; (7) All main propelling machinery, or alternatively the armoured conning tower and all side armour plate; (8) All aircraft cranes, derricks, lifts and launching apparatus. All landing-on or flying-off platforms and decks, or alternatively all main propelling machinery; (9) In addition, in the case of submarines, all main storage batteries, air compressor plants and ballast pumps. (c) Scrapping shall be finally effected in either of the following ways within twelve months of the date on which the work of rendering the vessel incapable of warlike service is due for completion: (1) Permanent sinking of the vessel; (2) Breaking the vessel up; this shall always include the destruction or removal of all machinery, boilers and armour, and all deck, side and bottom plating. Section II Vessels to be converted to hulks A vessel to be disposed of by conversion to a hulk shall be considered finally disposed of when the conditions prescribed in Section I, paragraph (b), have been complied with, omitting sub-paragraphs (6), (7) and (8), and when the following have been effected: (1) Mutilation beyond repair of all propeller shafts, thrust blocks, turbine gearing or main propelling motors, and turbines or cylinders of main engines; (2) Removal of propeller brackets; (3) Removal and breaking up of all aircraft lifts, and the removal of all aircraft cranes, derricks and launching apparatus. The vessel must be put in the above condition within the same limits of time as provided in Section I for rendering a vessel incapable of warlike service. Section III Vessels to be converted to target use (a) A vessel to be disposed of by conversion to target use exclusively shall be considered incapable of warlike service when there have been removed and landed, or rendered unserviceable on board, the following: (1) All guns; (2) All fire control tops and instruments and main fire control communication wiring; (3) All machinery for operating gun mountings or turrets; (4) All ammunition, explosives, mines, torpedoes and torpedo tubes; (5) All aviation facilities and accessories. The vessel must be put into the above condition within the same limits of time as provided in Section I for rendering a vessel incapable of warlike service. (b) In addition to the rights already possessed by each High Contracting Party under the Washington Treaty, each High Contracting Party is permitted to retain, for target use exclusively, at any one time: (1) Not more than three vessels (cruisers or destroyers), but of these three vessels only one may exceed 3,000 tons (3,048 metric tons) standard displacement; (2) One submarine. (c) On retaining a vessel for target use, the High Contracting Party concerned undertakes not to recondition it for warlike service. Section IV Vessels retained for experimental purposes (a) A vessel to be disposed of by conversion to experimental purposes exclusively shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Section III(a) of this Annex. (b) Without prejudice to the general rules, and provided that due notice be given to the other High Contracting Parties, reasonable variation from the conditions prescribed in Section III(a) of this Annex, in so far as may be necessary for the purposes of a special experiment, may be permitted as a temporary measure. Any High Contracting Party taking advantage of this provision is required to furnish full details of any such variations and the period for which they will be required. (c) Each High Contracting Party is permitted to retain for experimental purposes exclusively at any one time: (1) Not more than two vessels (cruisers or destroyers), but of these two vessels only one may exceed 3,000 tons (3,048 metric tons) standard displacement; (2) One submarine. (d) The United Kingdom is allowed to retain, in their present conditions, the monitor "Roberts" the main armament guns and mountings of which have been mutilated, and the seaplane carrier "Ark Royal", until no longer required for experimental purposes. The retention of these two vessels is without prejudice to the retention of vessels permitted under (c) above. (e) On retaining a vessel for experimental purposes the High Contracting Party concerned undertakes not to recondition it for warlike service. Section V Vessels retained for training purposes (a) In addition to the rights already possessed by any High Contracting Party under the Washington Treaty, each High Contracting Party is permitted to retain for training purposes exclusively the following vessels: United States: 1 capital ship ("Arkansas" or "Wyoming"); France: 2 surface vessels, one of which may exceed 3,000 tons (3,048 metric tons) standard displacement; United Kingdom: 1 capital ship ("Iron Duke"); Italy: 2 surface vessels, one of which may exceed 3,000 tons (3,048 metric tons) standard displacement; Japan: 1 capital ship ("Hiyei") 3 cruisers ("Kuma" class). (b) Vessels retained for training purposes under the provisions of paragraph (a) shall, within six months of the date on which they are required to be disposed of, be dealt with as follows: 1. Capital ships The following is to be carried out: (1) Removal of main armament guns, revolving parts of all barbettes and turrets; machinery for operating turrets; but three turrets with their armament may be retained in each ship; (2) Removal of all ammunition and explosives in excess of the quantity required for target practice training for the guns remaining on board; (3) Removal of conning tower and the side armour belt between the foremost and aftermost barbettes; (4) Removal or mutilation of all torpedo tubes; (5) Removal or mutilation on board of all boilers in excess of the number required for a maximum speed of eighteen knots. 2. Other surface vessels retained by France, Italy and Japan The following is to be carried out: (1) Removal of one half of the guns, but four guns of main calibre may be retained on each vessel; (2) Removal of all torpedo tubes; (3) Removal of all aviation facilities and accessories; (4) Removal of one half of the boilers. (c) The High Contracting Party concerned undertakes that vessels retained in accordance with the provisions of this Section shall not be used for any combatant purpose. ANNEX III SPECIAL VESSELS UNITED STATES
) [; d' d5 |: K: f( B8 W
Name and type of vessel ' o6 c: d6 w: W
/ A! i5 m8 z) ?- F. Y; J
Displacement tons 6 M3 Z. z1 A  A; Z9 Q$ p2 {

1 i" M( d  O7 m
2 ?& I# o% w- S* a9 I$ j: h6 y# Z
Aroostook - Minelayer 8 A5 S; [9 K8 B& a6 `. A
  I! z2 c  A% h, h
Oglala - Minelayer
! C9 v& i6 w; Q: e7 D( m5 u# T4 K
4,950 9 A0 e( o" E' b$ H2 }! @, ~
Baltimore - Minelayer
3 i5 J$ p$ O9 L" W
4,413 % X' ^9 O+ q$ j% U5 ?
San Francisco - Minelayer
( F6 a* t# Q' e) D
4,083 / S9 f5 T. }; g4 c
Cheyenne - Monitor 5 {/ u. {* c( {  C& ^6 @& b
6 c3 [. n3 I. {! y- Q
Helena - Gunboat , h& d! Y2 Z& {& ~3 u  T/ f
1,392 + b1 t" k: {# B% E, `" Y; C
Isabel - Yacht
) F/ M8 e1 B- ]! ?7 O
938 % _2 w3 I; ]& j  x
Niagara - Yacht
3 G& L/ r& b# A/ j$ ?
2,600 . [3 Q! y5 v# I2 D
Bridgeport - Destroyer tender
3 j- V1 e. O5 v
11,750 0 e# C4 \* M" V9 G7 f& T6 h
Dobbin - Destroyer tender
/ P# G# V8 `5 W: ^  t# h
$ I/ V; m, A4 ?0 f. e2 i
Melville - Destroyer tender
' x8 h6 p  N; U3 W7 F5 S
9 M, {. s3 A4 @0 P
Whitney - Destroyer tender
& ?, ^" ]1 d" i% E
0 C/ F8 F: _& V' E0 {& G/ z/ |
Holland - Submarine tender
5 v/ d' B! T! J. V7 O
) Y" {( y/ k$ R
Henderson - Naval transport 5 H# O. W! |; a7 E+ l
8 D& s1 n: z  s

" t, d: r& x+ [; x
91,496 / D3 O5 r7 g8 @
Name and type of vessel
0 s9 h2 T7 X$ P. ^6 y
7 x6 }8 B! {# x6 B0 o
Displacement tons
4 o+ I9 |& G) Z( g
$ P  C% }/ J6 a# Y) \

. ~( r& U; R: o  G: }0 P
Castor - Minelayer 8 P  }+ ?. p6 f# v$ Z# B
7 M+ [3 s1 o8 J/ I8 q  E
Pollux - Minelayer
/ g6 v5 H$ |) v: ?* v& P6 M
2,461 2 H( C4 C0 T! E2 m* n0 s# u) @
Commandant-Teste - Seaplane carrier / x% b* i3 H7 u3 o* M9 \" N" x  |
8 T4 ~' u! \6 y
Aisne - Despatch vessel
7 w/ |; H- F0 @) J
1 S& [# |) o, y9 `' v3 h) h8 M6 z
Marne - Despatch vessel 4 ?& `3 @0 B" t( w' }: u8 {6 `
. g" A% Q% C9 A: \  F; F, \
Ancre - Despatch vessel # V# V% b! A8 ~, Z3 B  m$ T
3 S6 I. C& |2 h! d( G; A9 r, h
Scarpe - Despatch vessel & m8 k# q; @, l! Z
604 , F; E4 @6 d+ j9 s# w- T: C: A
Suippe - Despatch vessel
, M5 z/ \1 ^& ?8 D0 E3 m( q' @. U
604 . }7 f9 O' P# E- ?; w0 m" b& j
Dunkerque - Despatch vessel
, j0 q' t4 X  c' _6 g: V
1 C( v: Q( Z, ^( Y
Laffaux - Despatch vessel
" @9 k3 i8 M. {
" {) E, b0 j9 }8 f* o) [) b
Bapaume - Despatch vessel / p5 g' s  w# J3 q6 f
- n+ Y7 |# ^; O2 f# v5 h
Nancy - Despatch vessel : I/ B2 e% ?# v/ v1 b8 I0 s
9 r7 }4 ]/ }. O8 l# Z$ b
Calais - Despatch vessel
$ w; U! {" S# D3 k( b  c0 o
2 C6 U2 i1 ~, x' g+ }
Lassigny - Despatch vessel
1 u2 t# R. J" I. J* W
644 - b) x, K4 X& Q' R5 @5 l& w) G9 R5 q
Les Eparges - Despatch vessel
8 y- Y; s' l  l7 u' b/ v
644 * i: w6 \1 w% V  ^2 a7 O) r
Remiremont - Despatch vessel ) ?/ R( t; y7 i2 E) z
644 # R3 {. V6 q5 }" v' G' F
Tahure - Despatch vessel 9 Y6 S& z) `' u+ u+ h
644 4 \. n3 @+ C& w
Toul - Despatch vessel " i1 d6 y( f9 k
8 ~$ i8 D  i' F; ^* g
Epinal - Despatch vessel
- J( W6 q6 ^. H1 h+ D, j* T! O
# o5 y8 D8 z1 s, n4 @: }4 P: X' I
Liévin - Despatch vessel 9 }7 z. }" O& d
: `3 j$ l9 y: Q2 ~& T' D5 m- x
( - ) - Netlayer
& O. v: ~$ g2 @
2,293 ( t5 f( o2 Y7 i( k3 M! V2 t
0 O' `0 ^) J, |
28,644 " b; D5 `) ~6 Z: ?1 p3 G# S( Y
Name and type of vessel $ v8 {8 ^8 L% K! k# u1 {- ~9 J& G
+ _- G6 W) V* g8 @
Displacement tons
4 f5 T% E. w% T. x/ r( Q6 v% v& \
. n  ]1 Y( N  r8 r/ G9 s. [1 @
. z$ S4 l8 ]5 E, s* p& O- ^' D+ V
Adventure - Minelayer (United Kingdom) . k  [) ^: C* \9 Q1 |, t$ A
6,740 + ]* k+ n& H$ V6 l; H2 T' k
Albatross - Seaplane carrier (Australia)
- y9 R( p5 ]; ~8 w; Q* g
/ {; t( ^0 P  e* q* L' @4 n
Erebus - Monitor (United Kingdom)
0 I- m* V7 D7 J' {' v. k( _
7,200 ' s; `# j! b; ~! o+ Q  v
Terror - Monitor (United Kingdom) , r+ S1 |. A( a: p* R" S
7,200 3 I0 ]' ~9 R3 G- x1 x
Marshal Soult - Monitor (United Kingdom) ; _! O% Q: s( S! W1 [
6,400 ; H" T# h9 t' P; v; W
Clive - Sloop (India) # J0 o0 K2 [0 R' l0 R3 h$ Y$ u
0 O# R. v+ }* e8 q( x9 j% {* H
Medway - Submarine depot ship (United Kingdom)
; N) l6 Y' Z3 P; h- Z
6 t* A# }% X2 w( _7 L

  ~2 q; ]) s" ]# F4 c0 d
49,561 3 Q( z; ^  G0 [
Name and type of vessel
1 p! K8 `8 g9 A; Z$ t/ q
( N. |# p2 x. {6 [: C
Displacement tons
* i, }4 {# x/ A  ~; G- ?

7 p  b9 F# T' V6 N  P% W

0 t% U+ B* u" _( {, P1 |( M
Miraglia - Seaplane carrier
, q  o7 j: g- _7 S/ f7 v
0 O. p9 u! a( J
Faà di Bruno - Monitor
! B/ s" Z& Q8 x* {/ s; m
8 A0 D8 ~/ |2 @# r9 H
Monte Grappa - Monitor 5 g, a8 L5 v; O7 G: {! y
7 F; I% g' t' g" w7 _* W1 c
Montello - Monitor ! y8 |1 D. o: g% ^. V
605 . |! M# ^: P1 a8 i/ t: N
Monte Cengio - Ex-monitor $ M" I5 m8 P) F2 H* F& H
500 $ l! h6 B# O3 M# }. R+ Q
Monte Novegno - Ex-monitor
* C  R# ?# R) o' A/ q
) i) D2 Q, ^9 y( V
Campania - Sloop 2 B4 L- n+ x: d/ q5 Y
2,070 ) I& _3 [1 v; ]' M8 O" q' H
& R* Q0 v1 S' ~1 b
. w+ c$ M! f$ }. y3 E3 Q! B% H6 f
Name and type of vessel
. e( S: X" K4 [
/ b0 }$ L; x9 j  i) S
Displacement tons * S. I. e7 a! r+ V
' i* z- ?) y; F( ?. k; ~
1 d' m3 A# v/ P3 v
Aso - Minelayer
( O. ?* X! \* M& A
7,180 $ x9 Z2 Q5 V4 S# a6 V: i0 p! [
Tokiwa - Minelayer + h& k! g" y+ m- D8 {
* I/ U* H5 S' k& z$ ]* ^: K7 y
Asama - Old cruiser
% [9 w( K3 p3 w0 u6 P
3 K9 d3 x& y1 n& V( N) T, }6 z" a5 v
Yakumo - Old cruiser
- |- c. f% F& @$ l7 [4 |+ _
6 _) F7 r+ x1 ?& q3 k1 v
Izumo - Old cruiser * R8 L, i$ f2 n
; Z) b5 U# U8 l
Iwate - Old cruiser
$ l7 ?) q& ?6 z+ Q8 d( n
9,180 + ?# S* \4 ^* J% c1 z* C
Kasuga - Old cruiser . C+ v( U- ~' @& u% `4 |8 @" O
$ z" @, }6 ^' C" p
Yodo - Gunboat ; D: S) q# J! i
1,320 9 ^4 W1 @4 t1 }7 R

' G: I1 O4 V9 W4 [; |' \9 n3 J
61,430 # V% J3 T; u5 R2 t% T$ y
PART III The President of the United States of America, His Majesty the King of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, and His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, have agreed as between themselves to the provisions of this Part III: Article 14 The naval combatant vessels of the United States, the British Commonwealth of Nations and Japan, other than capital ships, aircraft carriers and all vessels exempt from limitation under Article 8, shall be limited during the term of the present Treaty as provided in this Part III, and, in the case of special vessels, as provided in Article 12. Article 15 For the purpose of this Part III the definition of the cruiser and destroyer categories shall be as follows: Cruisers Surface vessels of war, other than capital ships or aircraft carriers, the standard displacement of which exceeds 1,850 tons (1,880 metric tons), or with a gun above 5.1 inch (130 mm) calibre. The cruiser category is divided into two sub-categories, as follows: (a) Cruisers carrying a gun above 6.1 inch (155 mm) calibre; (b) Cruisers carrying a gun not above 6.1 inch (155 mm) calibre. Destroyers Surface vessels of war the standard displacement of which does not exceed 1,850 tons (1,880 metric tons), and with a gun not above 5.1 inch (130 mm) calibre. Article 16 1. The completed tonnage in the cruiser, destroyer and submarine categories which is not to be exceeded on 31 December 1936 is given in the following table:
Categories 0 l- W1 {' X% K. z- U$ Q
% _6 U8 `9 Q0 u9 J* |: D9 M8 X
United States : R: c: L. G# w8 {7 Z; s/ H; ~  W
British Commonwealth of Nations $ Y; f9 _$ z0 @, X& `* V1 [
8 f* l  z3 W* \. d6 O( c4 n
3 ?7 C% P) Z' O/ ^

( l+ q. m$ ], y! e; q% g0 v# B
1 P( W* T: [, y
$ ^5 @7 c' G* A3 Z
Cruisers: (a) with guns of more than 6.1 inch (155 mm) calibre   c. }. e% P  C9 h
- _; |6 f0 H' K, S) h# s
180,000 tons (182,880 metric tons) " S. @& r& ^& y5 r+ a! U

0 H9 w; ?4 C7 `: g3 _& l( `
146,800 tons (149,149 metric tons) # g* \  S5 u; w' ?8 O: J$ V9 ?
& _) v! L- C' m
108,400 tons (110,134 metric tons)
+ U1 C8 h8 X0 X+ p0 A) t3 g
) J# Q( \# i0 Y8 A) s

8 e$ G7 {0 _: c& K$ H" O- A3 K3 V! y
4 F3 Z# G1 Y6 E

: l! L; `' y+ U$ U; G9 y" M

" D1 Q& f$ m7 w6 M: K# K
(b) with guns of 6.1 inch (155 mm) calibre or less
( f; ]9 b1 F, a* I; n
143,500 tons (145,796 metric tons) * Y" ]3 O. ~8 {, `6 y

: q0 ^  I* k' }9 Z8 o( \
192,200 tons (195,275 metric tons)
: N) u0 m9 ?6 j. r9 u, _1 [+ u7 `1 H6 e
100,450 tons (102,057 metric tons)
: j+ N$ J% J& z3 ]5 B$ e( N+ L
7 ]7 x) a, Z2 m  J7 \& j
8 Q9 p8 f. d$ v. r" {! _8 |. c7 X
* O1 j: @* _- j! t) Y( [& I! R8 x

; U/ n) l% V, F% D

1 H! c  W; }+ Q: P
Destroyers 5 m# A9 v6 H1 S+ S4 [7 i* d: n4 i
150,000 tons (152,400 metric tons) 5 f. v5 F/ @; q, l$ {
0 O/ t( A7 d0 A2 D! G
150,000 tons (152,400 metric tons)
" M; i1 q; }3 Z- p, L* w
( v$ D# `7 e8 O! D* Y
105,500 tons (107,188 metric tons)
: t  w0 P. `7 C9 K, j
& [9 ^, a0 ~' g8 U
6 u% U  b! Y: J
: |$ j$ _9 O, [' \) p

# ]2 j9 p2 E. K: t

( s2 G& O+ i) r& r" N
Submarines # s) @# z. g& b9 T7 y/ G: T7 z$ B
52,700 tons (53,543 metric tons) , t6 D1 ?7 }, Y: a8 j; E

, X8 a. }% o! P3 T. Q2 x
52,700 tons (53,543 metric tons) + r& \: z7 O9 F, c1 ]$ ?, y
9 x1 w6 r! _2 D! R" p$ ?* J, u/ ?
52,700 tons (53,543 metric tons) . X8 r! ]) q+ L7 o$ I# a9 N
+ \5 l& V* m- m2 |, J
2. Vessels which cause the total tonnage in any category to exceed the figures given in the foregoing table shall be disposed of gradually during the period ending on 31 December 1936. 3. The maximum number of cruisers of sub-category (a) shall be as follows: for the United States, eighteen; for the British Commonwealth of Nations, fifteen; for Japan, twelve. 4. In the destroyer category not more than sixteen percent of the allowed total tonnage shall be employed in vessels of over 1,500 tons (1,524 metric tons) standard displacement. Destroyers completed or under construction on 1 April 1930 in excess of this percentage may be retained, but no other destroyers exceeding 1,500 tons (1,524 metric tons) standard displacement shall be constructed or acquired until a reduction to such sixteen percent has been effected. 5. Not more than twenty-five percent of the allowed total tonnage in the cruiser category may be fitted with a landing-on platform or deck for aircraft. 6. It is understood that the submarines referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 7 will be counted as part of the total submarine tonnage of the High Contracting Party concerned. 7. The tonnage of any vessels retained under Article 13 or disposed of in accordance with Annex II to Part II of the present Treaty shall not be included in the tonnage subject to limitation. Article 17 A transfer not exceeding ten percent of the allowed total tonnage of the category or sub-category into which the transfer is to be made shall be permitted between cruisers of sub-category (b) and destroyers. Article 18 The United States contemplates the completion by 1935 of fifteen cruisers of sub-category (a) of an aggregate tonnage of 150,000 tons (152,400 metric tons). For each of the three remaining cruisers of sub-category (a) which it is entitled to construct the United States may elect to substitute 15,166 tons (15,409 metric tons) of cruisers of sub-category (b). In case the United States shall construct one or more of such three remaining cruisers of sub-category (a), the sixteenth unit will not be laid down before 1933 and will not be completed before 1936; the seventeenth will not be laid down before 1934 and will not be completed before 1937; the eighteenth will not be laid down before 1935 and will not be completed before 1938. Article 19 Except as provided in Article 20, the tonnage laid down in any category subject to limitation in accordance with Article 16 shall not exceed the amount necessary to reach the maximum allowed tonnage of the category, or to replace vessels that become "over-age" before 31 December 1936. Nevertheless, replacement tonnage may be laid down for cruisers and submarines that become "over-age" in 1937, 1938 and 1939, and for destroyers that become "over-age" in 1937 and 1938. Article 20 Notwithstanding the rules for replacement contained in Annex I to Part II: (a) The "Frobisher" and "Effingham" (United Kingdom) may be disposed of during the year 1936. Apart from the cruisers under construction on 1 April 1930, the total replacement tonnage of cruisers to be completed, in the case of the British Commonwealth of Nations, prior to 31 December 1936, shall not exceed 91,000 tons (92,456 metric tons). (b) Japan may replace the "Tama" by new construction to be completed during the year 1936. (c) In addition to replacing destroyers becoming "over-age" before 31 December 1936, Japan may lay down, in each of the years 1935 and 1936, not more than 5,200 tons (5,283 metric tons) to replace part of the vessels that become "over-age" in 1938 and 1939. (d) Japan may anticipate replacement during the term of the present Treaty by laying down not more than 19,200 tons (19,507 metric tons) of submarine tonnage, of which not more than 12,000 tons (12,192 metric tons) shall be completed by 31 December 1936. Article 21 If, during the term of the present Treaty, the requirements of the national security of any High Contracting Party in respect of vessels of war limited by Part III of the present Treaty are in the opinion of that Party materially affected by new construction of any Power other than those who have joined in Part III of this Treaty, that High Contracting Party will notify the other Parties to Part III as to the increase required to be made in its own tonnages within one or more of the categories of such vessels of war, specifying particularly the proposed increases and the reasons therefor, and shall be entitled to make such increase. Thereupon the other Parties to Part III of this Treaty shall be entitled to make a proportionate increase in the category or categories specified; and the said other Parties shall promptly advise with each other through diplomatic channels as to the situation thus presented. PART IV Article 22 The following are accepted as established rules of International Law: (1) In their action with regard to merchant ships, submarines must conform to the rules of International Law to which surface vessels are subject. (2) In particular, except in the case of persistent refusal to stop on being duly summoned, or of active resistance to visit or search, a warship, whether surface vessel or submarine, may not sink or render incapable of navigation a merchant vessel without having first placed passengers, crew and ship's papers in a place of safety. For this purpose the ship's boats are not regarded as a place of safety unless the safety of the passengers and crew is assured, in the existing sea and weather conditions, by the proximity of land, or the presence of another vessel which is in a position to take them on board. The High Contracting Parties invite all other Powers to express their assent to the above rules. PART V Article 23 The present Treaty shall remain in force until 31 December 1936, subject to the following exceptions: (1) Part IV shall remain in force without limit of time; (2) The provisions of Articles 3, 4 and 5, and of Article 11 and Annex II to Part II so far as they relate to aircraft carriers, shall remain in force for the same period as the Washington Treaty. Unless the High Contracting Parties should agree otherwise by reason of a more general agreement limiting naval armaments, to which they all become parties, they shall meet in conference in 1935 to frame a new treaty to replace and to carry out the purposes of the present Treaty, it being understood that none of the provisions of the present Treaty shall prejudice the attitude of any of the High Contracting Parties at the conference agreed to. Article 24 1. The present Treaty shall be ratified by the High Contracting Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional methods and the ratifications shall be deposited at London as soon as possible.[2] Certified copies of all the procès-verbaux of the deposit of ratifications will be transmitted to the Governments of all the High Contracting Parties. 2. As soon as the ratifications of the United States of America, of His Majesty the King of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, in respect of each and all of the Members of the British Commonwealth of Nations as enumerated in the preamble of the present Treaty, and of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan have been deposited, the Treaty shall come into force in respect of the said High Contracting Parties.[3] 3. On the date of the coming into force referred to in the preceding paragraph, Parts I, II, IV and V of the present Treaty will come into force in respect of the French Republic and the Kingdom of Italy if their ratifications have been deposited at that date; otherwise these Parts will come into force in respect of each of those Powers on the deposit of its ratification. 4. The rights and obligations resulting from Part III of the present Treaty are limited to the High Contracting Parties mentioned in paragraph 2 of this Article. The High Contracting Parties will agree as to the date on which, and the conditions under which, the obligations assumed under the said Part III by the High Contracting Parties mentioned in paragraph 2 of this Article will bind them in relation to France and Italy; such agreement will determine at the same time the corresponding obligations of France and Italy in relation to the other High Contracting Parties. Article 25 After the deposit of the ratifications of all the High Contracting Parties, His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will communicate the provisions inserted in Part IV of the present Treaty to all Powers which are not signatories of the said Treaty, inviting them to accede thereto definitely and without limit of time. Such accession shall be effected by a declaration addressed to His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Article 26 The present Treaty, of which the French and English texts are both authentic, shall remain deposited in the archives of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Duly certified copies thereof shall be transmitted to the Governments of all the High Contracting Parties. IN FAITH WHEREOF the abovenamed Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and have affixed thereto their seals. DONE at London, the twenty-second day of April, nineteen hundred and thirty. [Signatures not reproduced here.] PROCÈS-VERBAL OF THE DEPOSIT OF RATIFICATIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL TREATY FOR THE LIMITATION AND REDUCTION OF NAVAL ARMAMENT The undersigned, having met together for the purpose of proceeding to the deposit of ratifications of the Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armament, signed at London, 22 April 1930; Having produced the instruments whereby the said Treaty has been ratified by the President of the United States of America, by His Majesty the King of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and all parts of the British Empire which are not separate members of the League of Nations, of the Dominion of Canada, of the Commonwealth of Australia, of the Dominion of New Zealand, of the Union of South Africa, and of India, and by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan; And the respective ratifications of the said Treaty having been carefully compared and found to be in due form, the said deposit in accordance with the provisions of Article 24(1) of the Treaty took place this day in the customary form. The representative of the United States of America declared that the instrument of ratification of the United States of America was deposited subject to the distinct and explicit understandings set forth in the resolution of 21 July 1930 of the Senate of the United States of America advising and consenting to ratification, that there are no secret files, documents, letters, understandings or agreements which in any way, directly or indirectly, modify, change, add to, or take from any of the stipulations, agreements or statements in said Treaty; and that, excepting the agreement brought about through the exchange of notes between the Governments of the United States, Great Britain and Japan, having reference to Article 19, there is no agreement, secret or otherwise, expressed or implied, between any of the parties to said Treaty as to any construction that shall hereafter be given to any statement or provision contained therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF they have signed this procès-verbal, and have affixed thereto their seals. DONE at London, the 27th day of October, 1930. [Signatures not reproduced here.] Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Japan regarding the Interpretation of Article 19 of the London Naval Treaty of 22 April 1930 [Note from the United States Ambassador (Mr Castle), Tokyo, to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan (Baron Shidehara)] I Tokyo 21 May 1930 It is the understanding of the Government of the United States that the word "category" in Article 19 of the London Naval Treaty of 1930 means category or sub-category. The Government of the United States declares that it interprets the Treaty to mean that vessels becoming overage in either sub-category A or sub-category B of the cruiser categories (Article 16) shall be replaceable only in that sub-category. The American Government will be most happy to have the confirmation of this understanding from the Japanese Government. [Note from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan to the United States Ambassador, Tokyo] II [Translation from Japanese language] Tokyo 24 May 1930 I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your note dated 21 May 1930 relative to the interpretation of the word category appearing in Article 19 of the London Naval Treaty of 1930. The Imperial Government understands the word "category" appearing in Article 19 of the abovementioned Treaty to mean "category" or "sub-category"; thus it interprets this Treaty in the sense that ships belonging to either sub-category A or sub-category B of the cruiser category (Article 16) which shall become overage may be replaced only within that sub-category. Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America regarding the Interpretation of Article 19 of the London Naval Treaty of 22 April 1930 [Note from the United States Embassy, London, to the British Foreign Office] I United States Embassy London 5 June 1930 Sir It is the understanding of the Government of the United States that the word "category" in Article 19 of the London Naval Treaty of 1930 means category or sub-category. The Government of the United States declares that it interprets the Treaty to mean that vessels becoming overage of either sub-category A or sub-category B of the cruiser categories (Article 16) shall be replaceable only in that sub-category. I have the honour to state that my Government would be most happy to have a note of confirmation as to whether this interpretation is shared by His Majesty's Government. I have, etc. [Signed:] (For the Ambassador) RAY ATHERTON Counsellor of Embassy [Note from the British Foreign Office to the United States Embassy, London] II Foreign Office 5 June 1930 Your Excellency In the note which your Excellency was so good as to address to me on 5 June you stated that it was the understanding of the Government of the United States that the word "category" in Article 19 of the London Naval Treaty, 1930, meant category or sub-category. Your Excellency added that the Government of the United States declared that it interpreted the Treaty to mean that vessels becoming overage of either sub-category A or sub-category B of the cruiser categories (Article 16) shall be replaceable only in that sub-category. 2. His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom note the above understanding and interpretation of the London Naval Treaty of 1930 and concur therein. His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom do so without prejudice to Article 20(a) of that Treaty under which they understand that the tonnage to be scrapped and replaced in the case of the British Commonwealth of Nations by the 91,000 tons of 6 inch cruiser tonnage which may be completed before 31 December 1936, comprises partly 6-inch-gun cruiser tonnage and partly cruiser tonnage of the 7.5 inch gun "Effingham" class. I have, etc. [Signed:] (For the Secretary of State) R VANSITTART [1]Act 1922 No. 4; UKTS 1924 No. 5 (Cmd. 2036); SP 117 p. 453; LNTS 25 p. 202; USTS 671; Hudson No. 67. [2] The Treaty was signed for Australia 22 April 1930. Instrument of ratification deposited for Australia 27 October 1930. [3]The Treaty entered into force for Australia and generally 31 December 1930.
作者: chairman    时间: 2009-7-3 15:41

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