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标题: [AE] 【分享】WITP-AE_v1106c Public Beta 补丁 [打印本页]

作者: championzhao    时间: 2010-6-9 12:25     标题: 【分享】WITP-AE_v1106c Public Beta 补丁

0 }9 Q0 ]9 H9 W+ p; C/ s* d% G4 Q! G8 ^' k+ f: W
官网原帖见:6 X6 t" g( t4 Z, H, |$ T  g

+ ]1 x" _3 H! r* _8 L  v3 S @! g3 u" J0 V0 Y" Z

0 o; ]1 ?  @' G- i9 B" `下载地址:
( K' [- r& U0 ~/ ^" c: z4 g. s: M3 R! A* q3 W& @0 v$ h
4 E( m: w  @8 |; n  Jrayfile网盘: P/ L; g+ C5 U+ R' [3 e7 e
. P" H& @8 r( X! E7 ]5 `
  _# J" e' i, C0 W( c1 U1 L2 m6 J; G- F

# `. V3 h- R- v% m修正列表:
8 N" h9 w+ ^/ a; C% `
; F+ A/ s+ S; c! @" ]
, {2 G, E% F/ w1 X4 D, k0 F) s$ ^9 pv1.01.06c – June 01, 2010
& P4 d; Q( K8 ?( g+ M! q" ]• Fourth Official Update – Public Beta – This release is a comprehensive public beta release updating all previous versions to v1.01.06c.

' x/ W  g* v) A0 _; ]9 T$ b1 B( f/ v* P6 P: e
• Code Changes & Q4 K- l3 F' @, f7 a( }
" H8 l+ h' c* [9 O* K' O
1. Fixed LCU type issue to address fragments explosion problem.
7 `/ u# G: C& k# L* B3 H* L
8 L% W" k8 D  I: k2. Fixed Underflow issue with supply on ships.
7 o0 |* @) Q0 @" ~" D; `& t$ M
) {, ~% N' C5 ?, b+ e8 S4 V. d3. Adjusted position of 2 fields on plane upgrade path screen. . g! _) u! U! }% W4 b. g

# W2 r+ U! b/ Z# M' h. Y4 A4. Global change affecting "All ... on ship in hex" also changing random groups.
) h0 s. R" W  ?% I/ [
' I+ B7 v$ w6 k# [- J9 L5. Fixed issue with CS convoys. $ L" a8 _% V2 m& _3 k, D7 Y* {/ U
) |; j5 S4 a8 ?1 s# v
6. Fixed repair message in menu.
' V+ R2 N+ V& W  _8 V# r6 v; `5 Y2 E, y! X1 o7 l
7. Fixed TF meet and merge issue.
  q) Y% a2 D0 E0 g/ Z' ~' b
, \# _; r- R1 Y* Z8. Corrected issue with unload of return cargo for CS Convoys. & [7 t! Q+ J4 H8 b. G1 E  `2 X

6 T$ |7 x- g( [9. Corrected issue with unloading Barge TFs at non-base hexes. 7 n7 F/ h& Q. _7 C
& J  X6 E% ^& ]  Q  K9 D$ W
10. Interface Improvement: Prevented display of Repair Ship repair option on ship screen when no Repair ship is available. ) p: }; W; v! ~0 |
! b( x8 X  H4 a% [0 @$ F* s
11. Changed the "flying" message for transport supply/troops to show the adjusted plane number.
& `7 I7 I" i9 J  R$ r7 @( P
0 _  D$ h, H8 R0 C& T5 g# J# ]' R12. Fixed the special ordnance slots to stop incorrect reports.
$ N9 u! H4 h) ?9 ?* [3 \8 _4 S7 g$ U
13. Fixed base screen showing when picking from group or TF list; mouse moved and changed underlying hex location.
' @1 W* n- S; q, Q; Q2 [3 ?1 W9 Z2 P7 N0 R' v
14. Fixed some carrier groups can't withdraw plus typo stopping CV groups from withdrawing.
1 k: P* b* J4 s1 u% j; P  A' m3 @
$ m4 K1 ?8 x& f' E1 I8 H6 S) f, S15. Interface Improvement: Allowed direct specification of CS Convoy outbound and return cargos.
4 [& e1 _7 O& }, F$ y2 L' ]' @1 W. ?; a' M. U- d0 G' }9 q
16. Correct standoff error for TFs moving to disputed bases and already past last waypoint.
7 Q- s9 {% ~6 `; ^, c/ ~4 o* I, @7 p; S. ]
17. Fixed issue with refueling from barges that can lead to loop. ) Q, A' U& |8 [9 ^
' Q  A; n' K+ i& R, U8 {* h
18. Fixed some sort positions were incorrect for wide screen resulting in sort menu failures.
; @# H2 `0 i4 Q3 v: g# e
! w& e9 {7 S: Q& W1 y19. Changed Pilot 'captured' to 'MIA' to allow chance to be recovered.
* A7 h9 e& N7 C1 K$ q! L) X* X( A% d3 ^7 e$ }
20. Fixed 'Leading Pilots' to show last plane type pilot flew when attained a kill.
: |7 F& O0 B' F/ ~) O; x: X
6 v1 a" E. M# E# o+ c# I6 M7 U21. Fix to prevent AI TFs from refueling that would take them past heavy CD bases.
* a9 S$ {7 T& I0 M
- h( q" R9 @5 l; g% D" V22. Adjustment to text on air group screen.
  {2 y' u+ g8 l* B# ]2 ?1 ?' ~! K, {( |5 F
23. Adjustment to button on TF create screen. + v: g; v; _6 h- u

' D. F+ f; P2 q, v; z) ]( j% R24. Allow parent on ship and fragment on land to swap if in same hex.
+ y9 P; F5 O# _1 h. `
2 A1 M* _; b0 R/ E& X* M3 Z. q1 _  w" u25. Fixed wrong pilot experience being used to avoid balloon attacks. ( J" y1 [, b( q4 u( W* b* H

# s, I! f+ Y, `  _/ S( F26. Interface Improvement: Added a new minimum range to the naval bombardment mission. This is normally the minimum range of all Naval or DP guns on the ships in the TF and indicates the closest distance that a TF needs to close with the shore to fire all it’s normal guns. Also tweaked Naval Bombardment . ~' D) ?/ V! ?. o& W/ V
* n& h) S5 x8 l) C+ a* x
27. Gameplay Change: Changed supply loss due to AF/Port hits to be relative to the effectiveness of the device hitting the base.
! ]" u, c; }6 e; h! P& t! h$ z4 ^' S; b- |* K* A: f
28. Fixed base of a scuttled ship in the Sunk Ship report 5 T, ^; ^2 z3 E$ G: V# U( c, }
  e# G$ D$ J8 u! O4 [( n8 b8 Y# Q
29. Added a check on number of planes in an AI TF to determine if it should return to base for replenishment.
# T5 n6 N2 {; e* \5 B
* u7 h# k) \! \$ A  F% `30. Added additional refueling check for intermediate refueling under Auto Sub ops when rebasing to a new home port.   v9 z7 Y9 Q) A! {  W' D  {

* Y' V7 [1 w) y2 I+ x/ b: B: R31. Gameplay Change: Changed Fast transport reaction to air threat.
: D1 W$ m8 e6 q% Q
0 m: z& v$ R% z' F1 V' V6 s4 w, |32. Fixed possible air group reinforcement deadlock; if there are no planes are in the pool for the group, none being produced and aircraft is no longer available, then let group arrive with no planes. 6 u+ n5 O; J/ R, n6 e
4 Z/ B! l7 Z9 n
33. Fixed an overflow of the mouse message which could wipe out display of bases on the map.
2 k/ ^& p* `7 g' _7 g* L: x' [
# ~0 S! q, j6 Q8 P. y; E34. Positioning of last TF accessed in "All TF" list was not carried forward on the list.
- _; H( a. _  C+ g
0 i$ b" i' ]8 i5 k35. Fixed the endless manual replenishment of CV groups from VR groups when out of range of bases. [Check was originally looking just for any replenishment group with the right type of aircraft in range, but it drew the planes from the pool only. So if no pool, no manual pull off CVE].
: f4 r1 W+ L% M1 {
) z: c5 y. |7 l) ~2 S6 ^! L36. Fixed incorrect units show up outside of the bounds in a small map scenario.
0 F8 w0 z1 g) K0 w) m8 _
2 [, z. D" I, F. S) k! S' p( R37. Fixed getting land replacements, even for device mismatches.
% x% K2 K; l& d; X: A) p5 F/ X, z6 E' l8 r0 g7 Y. N8 |
38. Fixed splitting of air groups to check for any fragments in air reinforcement queue before allowing. % G# Q0 J6 i+ J2 f

  x& h' Q7 H# P39. Fix to allow group fragments to disband in most cases (like parent not in play anymore). * b( d6 Z4 _7 r* r4 `. S

- X, S3 c* E) y* g4 B40. Fix to the situation where Allied aircraft don't appear in amimations due to the Allied aircraft bitmap ‘0’ not defined.
5 s- i+ a/ g% d! @1 q3 g% X  |8 z+ I" y# B
41. Fixed AI offmap repairs for small maps.
/ O$ B- T: A( ~( B* Z' v
: g% G1 V  f+ V" f% x  g. e42. Gameplay Change: Capped the maximum Detection Level. The maximum is 10, but this can be increased a few points before being brought back to 10. : s3 L7 e& E. ^0 k  O
3 O: Y- @& z  j2 S+ k
43. Added protection against groups dropping into some of the old AI controlled zone code. This was done previously for army/base/TFs.
$ c: S5 @7 B- b5 }  k8 T) Z% ~! C! h0 R. A" a+ r& \- S. G
44. Gameplay Change: Change to visual sighting rules for aircraft. This will limit the pre-CAP AAA phase for Allied air attacks to what was originally intended.
+ i- Q0 g$ ^& H8 `: @" E# `  g" W+ d7 z" a* {% O9 P4 ?- ?3 E
45. Gameplay Change: Change to Naval Bombardment mission so it tends to engage Fortress unit in the target hex more often. . s# w: Z: Z8 d0 I0 G, B
% }/ o/ u; i* h% _* A8 I/ h: A$ Z
46. Gameplay Change: Change to DP guns firing in AAA mode; effect has been slightly lowered when engaged in AAA combat. This complements the decrease of AAA guns when used in Naval Bombardment mode. , _$ N1 e/ m6 x$ ]3 s

. p3 ~2 i& Q9 y; q+ S47. Added hooks for revolving ship art similar to aircraft.
0 l4 q/ W- m' S! P( A! f0 [
& E! f# }! d) u48. Tweaked Japanese ramming attacks as it was ending up too high (a certainty) for 1945 attacks. Message has been changed slightly.
! t' u+ X7 n" g8 `$ U2 R* ?+ b  Z  d% _; K* P
49. Tweaked center-mounted weapons on LBA/patrol aircraft when in A2A mode
& x5 a  b1 k* s& N. U3 O4 `( m0 m6 R
50. Fixed Australian and NZ force activation due to Japanese invasions.
3 ~2 h5 T; ]9 a3 l# z, @2 f2 ]$ X" s( ^
51. Change to cater for non-standard mixed groups on CVs. It was creating groups with '0' max size.
; v0 G" t/ F8 c+ I8 y3 B% e
3 \3 `/ ?3 b* |) l, c4 P5 J52. Added new command switch to suppress the introduction video "-skipVideo". % r$ r, Z. a) M, z8 x

/ s  Z, Z, S" C+ q+ l  V9 Y+ z' [53. Fixed Air search radar on aircraft not always being counted if the device # is > 255. $ d  B) W* M8 |5 P
; g! l3 t$ s) n; Q* P
54. Fixed the wrong LCU weapon being used during an invasion. This was producing the error like “Sound detector penetrates ship’s side”. " p0 I5 O5 z5 a2 M7 p% t

1 I) N- J- R  P& J5 J, C55. Tweaked Invasion fire/counter-fire to speed it up some.
+ n# m3 E" o* v& e2 v
6 m1 a; b+ W7 i' j) Y% Q: P56. Fixed the last carrier resize was not always working. Resize not always handled correctly if change was past due.
作者: cristianwj    时间: 2010-6-9 23:57

作者: joysnow    时间: 2010-6-10 06:37

Improvements are always welcome.
$ H% v; W# C/ y: e) O. p+ KThank you so much for sharing.
作者: 发电机计划    时间: 2010-6-10 22:20

补丁还没完啊。。。1 M, F/ ]5 }$ [) g1 e% a# t
cristianwj 发表于 2010-6-9 23:57
! u$ g) [7 Z$ q# j; o0 D" X

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