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The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
! F4 C: B+ Y; D5 v7 _
- P9 g$ T9 v' a3 P另外中国战场,趁现在西北国军还螚自由进出,抓紧撤回西南,别被围歼了。
/ E  X9 l$ H. {* u5 S3 N. d4 N1 U: d. u# z
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
本帖最后由 championzhao 于 2009-6-22 17:13 编辑 ( k2 g! N3 S, \

3 `9 h9 Z8 h9 P  _
明显被打进去的,,他的西安已经完蛋了,,还能自由进出?# e0 }* l( f1 g0 ?0 v
hongqi315 发表于 2009-6-22 13:08
  E4 u( s1 `9 t6 t) a& s1 q哦,没看清楚,西安到重庆一线已经被蝗军堵住了
+ S/ v1 d+ h8 ?* [: \0 y: ?
/ [. h/ x. S6 c0 U; Z阿成西北国军想办法走野地也要走到西南去
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.