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The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.

回复 7楼 111555111 的帖子

我晕,111555111同学估计是用了1806的英文剧本人然后再用的中文1806EXE进游戏的吧?/ d6 x6 [% t1 T+ F2 A+ r- V

! f, O7 v9 r  ?& L
% h0 g* h3 }9 F. f* o, B% P- C6 e) x7 T/ e; L7 ?  E
正确的中文版安装方法是先下载1804中文硬盘版,然后下载1806中文EXE文件放进游戏目录里执行,这样就是剧本也中文化了) h% [8 t1 S8 g) O; J' g% X! ~

$ Z2 J# n9 I; P. q) X' J4 L* k% A2 V, P* `) Y7 m3 Q6 x
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
原帖由 111555111 于 2009-2-14 17:51 发表
2 U, L% ~: H' o( l如果用1.804中文版升级1。806中文 那数据库不是还是1.804的数据么?
3 j1 z% q% J3 J那跟没升级有啥区别啊?
- f3 }. A  x+ a  |
$ K& U, P& v3 m& A5 ]3 j$ R5 f9 u! Z
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.