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4 S. V) O# f, k9 f, \- Sreninhat 发表于 2014-11-6 05:20
2 [3 D0 v( H  ~) c4 H) ]& s
' Q' I7 K8 |- @4 t, E% K; ?至于ss被飞机击沉是否会详细记录原因 倒是没太留意
- y7 L  q9 v, k8 ]  |" R8 P毕竟直接被反潜飞机击沉 也不是常有的事。
" {, I3 M! y" y# p至于cve直接报沉没 就更少见了。。。
Zero統領是設定空母編隊跟隨反潛編隊嗎?我有次反潛編隊反應距離沒調到0,空母跟著反潛隊去撞SS6 O& H# G3 t- p! a
s9723 发表于 2014-11-6 13:20
! r' Q/ j) J7 e& x" B
1 s) b8 [; x% t  A- x7 P! r: L你看前面的编队图右上角也可以看到 航母编队是Followed by TF20
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jan 24, 42; C/ r- d) z$ r# X5 v+ C( K
荷兰海军炮击新加坡对面的约翰巴鲁,期望能打乱日军过河的步伐,让一部分人先过河 ; o8 f' n, `8 [: G3 ^) Q6 z% D
$ H7 W+ W7 Q4 c2 Z3 {伴随着陆攻的轰炸,莫港登陆编队已经抵达莫港,预计明天将卸载" q( g4 o" V; I' T* F3 [
kb也伴随而来,当天出现在了登陆编队南方,对汤斯维尔的几艘小船进行了打击。! `, {# I' M& h4 k3 x9 w8 K
-------------------------------------------------------------+ x! J8 s! g5 }& ^+ m- Q$ ^6 G
Night Naval bombardment of Johore Bahru at 50,83
7 L. u: O! C7 u: LAllied Ships
2 ^' ^3 }% o( d" x+ c  n" W8 ?      CL Durban
* S% ?6 C8 x! l9 Z# s2 t      CL Dragon
% N; Z( g# v; [3 a  M      CL Danae ; S/ i3 g1 F" k, u
CL Durban firing at 4th Division
9 ~6 Z: e+ I/ y6 a- S( Y  [2 VCL Dragon firing at 38th Division
, M0 ~2 V, V" r/ ?CL Danae firing at Imperial Guards Division
3 C+ z! \& t- n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 |2 W4 y, m" _3 @, fMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  ; \, A) s* ]& D
Weather in hex: Severe storms
8 r5 g( Q1 W8 B! B; PRaid spotted at 25 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.
* H; N# S3 U9 r$ u# e6 z6 H$ ]% zEstimated time to target is 8 minutes
+ N2 z! ]( M7 H- [Japanese aircraft' `! u' ]' {* ~3 z# s- \
      A6M2 Zero x 33
3 [' ?: o" I$ R, b2 s. Y! rNo Japanese losses : T% t8 U' l  y. v3 X% s2 v" @
Aircraft Attacking:
. I$ ]# W, n' P! S' @: P4 ^      33 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet& l. p6 R( [1 [
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 k2 H+ ^7 S( Q# {
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  ' l3 n! z" Q9 Q7 {4 T$ f
Weather in hex: Severe storms
! X: l( R) L6 D& c; zRaid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.% d& i+ M" @! T9 e% M  y5 Z
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes 3 I  q7 E$ y% n* j, }
Japanese aircraft
5 s' A2 B0 X; f/ n- K  Z' ?      A6M2 Zero x 33
: h, X3 L6 A2 s" q( g' ~2 a$ h. CNo Japanese losses ; Q0 c; w# M9 T0 n$ s- u* [+ t- {
Aircraft Attacking:) c5 w* E1 k, i, J% z
      33 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet6 c6 J1 u( J, j8 v' m; @+ G
------------------------------------------------# E( w' a9 W' G' g) D" P) T
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
/ x4 @# _+ ^2 `Weather in hex: Severe storms ) R3 Q4 u: ^. x9 Q" M6 [
Raid spotted at 21 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.
: J9 k) M8 L% FEstimated time to target is 6 minutes
( G( z7 Z( Q) O/ u2 D$ U! N/ m9 CJapanese aircraft
. F5 w$ a6 `5 Q( w6 ]+ q      A6M2 Zero x 27
* x/ Y2 p& R' m; r4 f( _- y. cNo Japanese losses " N1 k# N) E$ ^3 c
Aircraft Attacking:
! ~- R/ o! R& q! |      27 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet . r6 L* \* z; Q" h  F/ [
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 h6 {- f# ?; @
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
, Z' j4 `9 I( Y1 m, e) j* T. a5 W% CWeather in hex: Severe storms
9 k% L' i" V; G# vRaid spotted at 36 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.$ r! D4 Q* H& k4 p$ H' \* Y! s
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes : n. h( N8 A0 m& G
Japanese aircraft
7 o, Z5 @0 \; S/ M* ]3 a) Y      A6M2 Zero x 27
& f- e( M1 D6 Z9 H1 C* pNo Japanese losses
! E' v4 G; ]( W& vAircraft Attacking:& ^/ p7 b+ j6 S6 k
      27 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet 9 O; [. L) C) J' D5 L6 [( `$ D
5 Z$ ^4 z& s) d' {; X# gMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  : U2 {1 |' p) h# b+ ]$ h
Weather in hex: Severe storms
! M% `3 p7 A6 P1 s7 K) ^Raid spotted at 12 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.
) A) x/ T5 o& b8 _7 X  AEstimated time to target is 3 minutes
# z' Q9 I& `$ r5 L7 eJapanese aircraft
+ F7 u. y% c5 y0 B% B4 C5 Y      A6M2 Zero x 9 / s" W  ^1 I7 V
No Japanese losses
/ S8 E0 @5 h9 T# ]* P5 ^4 j. KAircraft Attacking:
1 Y$ f! y8 ~; y6 j7 Y! u0 d$ R& o       9 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
' B( |3 [) w0 ~! R$ P, E* e- ]! l' U--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 a+ [7 o# C7 T2 m/ iMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
, c9 u5 X0 M3 e+ |0 l, dWeather in hex: Severe storms
% W6 n4 p: x( G* b" ARaid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.  X  K' }/ U( D" ^9 K9 o+ P
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes 4 B  m" x" R5 d2 J
Japanese aircraft
3 z/ b* U" L' v. \. F0 j      A6M2 Zero x 9
' O; n; ]7 D/ q1 G3 vNo Japanese losses
1 i* p' J3 @- }5 C5 ]Aircraft Attacking:. b, D& _0 i! Z0 B* U
       9 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
8 j8 F5 @# ^2 K- ^! k' j--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _6 G* B( f9 B3 K+ z
Morning Air attack on Port Moresby , at 98,130  
$ e3 m  @& J7 TWeather in hex: Heavy rain
  G% D6 ]& ?; V% c+ B( \Raid spotted at 14 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.- c: X4 U, d0 @0 z- @
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes ) G6 Q5 b; \. w. ~3 r$ D" @
Japanese aircraft0 m2 w8 Q3 `8 @2 t0 k
      A6M2 Zero x 21! e0 Z4 _) m) ?4 l: _3 E
      G3M2 Nell x 99 Z8 B/ j1 S/ M: ?3 _
      G4M1 Betty x 22
; H# a+ G( [/ W) t4 g/ l/ pJapanese aircraft losses
: t) E2 A/ c& {4 j/ T2 G8 S8 e4 L1 E      G3M2 Nell: 2 damaged1 K) u/ p# b; a" }: X
      G4M1 Betty: 3 damaged " C8 |  [5 h3 U/ v8 V) L
Airbase hits 32 f" Z% h/ X, f2 U; A: }* `: k
Airbase supply hits 4( }; g, @6 k- G" c1 S; ~2 Q
Runway hits 5: w- N9 _6 c9 J$ V7 d  ~
: l! {3 }- ?- P2 k4 c% NMorning Air attack on TF, near Townsville at 92,144 0 d4 o+ w( Y4 @! D( M7 }
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
+ {2 n; G0 L/ T/ X9 uRaid spotted at 16 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
0 |3 `& W+ W1 P/ TEstimated time to target is 5 minutes # e* `( ~4 Z2 S! i
Japanese aircraft
. C$ H  e1 P4 H% `' m& O1 x      A6M2 Zero x 44
7 y4 w: F* |5 A% P      B5N2 Kate x 123 F5 I- |. Q9 p6 a
      D3A1 Val x 22
# i! N! _7 k2 H8 n) D( h) \Japanese aircraft losses$ h4 m# J2 O5 z' C5 t" r
      B5N2 Kate: 1 damaged
' s0 Z6 ^$ H' a4 H3 N+ ]2 I      D3A1 Val: 1 damaged - ^9 {3 k8 T0 ^
Allied Ships
* a% L6 L$ ^2 F: ?: ?2 ]      DD Voyager$ V: g) d* `' i0 M3 w$ H- ]9 r
      DD Ellet, Bomb hits 1,  on fire( t( d, \: L4 j- m0 p) L- A) i" i, X
      DD Fanning
- q9 j5 I" O9 L; \6 `      AM Deloraine, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
/ u% _2 e1 e- }6 F( K  e/ ~Aircraft Attacking:
! E1 W& `5 g* h1 \       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000' * 9 M7 a( k* i+ E1 @0 k& ?3 Z; ~$ x
               Naval Attack:  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb
: _) F" Z: `- @      10 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000' * 2 j  n( M. Z# b" B! {8 ~$ W  [( E
               Naval Attack:  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb( ~1 l4 C9 o* V
      12 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet; J- c5 U8 @& t
               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
9 j1 r) D) y2 y  K) e       1 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000' * ( w/ V) ]! D! u% Q6 R( _% F
               Naval Attack:  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb
5 e( |; p2 }" s0 {       3 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000' *
; j. A  Y" I, t               Naval Attack:  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb8 j* H) w9 J( F5 M
       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000' *
3 J1 |& y. A$ T! ^2 x  l. {! G               Naval Attack:  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb
, N7 F5 r9 u, j--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# F9 P9 ~% R' V- Z2 ]Morning Air attack on TF, near Palm Island at 92,143 . y& z6 Q  d! z) V4 `0 `$ _
Weather in hex: Light rain
7 D" y1 |2 U( B+ M, j0 k  {Raid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
, J% y$ E* y; @2 ?) }2 KEstimated time to target is 4 minutes 4 a+ ^9 E3 R( d9 W' }- V! e
Japanese aircraft
" [# ?4 W  {" U5 k! g7 h4 j, S( ^; z9 V      A6M2 Zero x 9" L! `* I; {* d" n
      B5N2 Kate x 13 * \  N' O# x- H" d
Japanese aircraft losses
; a9 Q. R/ R( P: |/ V      B5N2 Kate: 1 damaged
& C1 Z% H& k- y3 ~" vAllied Ships
, w$ A) C! S, c; [      xAKL Hamakua, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
" D/ O. ?; w4 QAircraft Attacking:& Y. j, g2 c4 u4 F
      13 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
% J6 @# w2 }7 P+ O! x$ J               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
  R% b1 p! b5 k8 M8 q% p----------------------------------------------------
+ E) A$ g2 X, A- WMorning Air attack on TF, near Townsville at 92,144
- s, H' r$ Q8 a8 k) T' y$ QWeather in hex: Thunderstorms 8 m, e9 c6 G! w! |: i
Raid spotted at 37 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
) K+ J; b$ X3 }- u7 `Estimated time to target is 15 minutes # v$ R) T, u: G& }# s
Japanese aircraft# u+ m5 s2 G) g, |9 u
      B5N2 Kate x 13 # c! K+ b1 M9 b' M
Japanese aircraft losses1 }) `3 K$ ?5 D3 P
      B5N2 Kate: 2 damaged
& \, U# ^) n( }4 j) @Allied Ships
$ v( q; N  ~9 a4 Z* Z* S      DD Voyager
- }. D6 t) B& _: J1 ?2 k/ _) j2 d      DD Ellet,  heavy fires
" X2 z. {$ f/ w  ]/ GAircraft Attacking:
+ @) ?; @& e, G; U' }      13 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
% h; V$ [8 R( F* e3 _               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
  d6 w' v: J; J' k  t. `% t/ V" Q日军正式登陆莫港,盟军炮兵部队在拼命还击,闲来无事的步兵只好躲在一旁
& N& ?' |2 n8 ~7 {; |计算到底这次又有多少日军士兵淹死在太平洋的海水里 4 R8 c7 t) }8 _, V$ u$ r
白天的炮击显示,日军上来4个团步兵和坦克 550+战力,看来很坚决啊。) M' O( J9 |$ b" |+ S
-----------------------------------------  h: m+ {  E2 q; z
Pre-Invasion action off Port Moresby (98,130) 3 P% x% Z7 {0 g" e6 _
94 Coastal gun shots fired in defense. 2 H+ ~) b  r% D% f
Japanese Ships
" S1 W: w# t+ s3 b* T9 V/ Z      xAKL Kakyu Maru
3 W* W& v% X8 G* w4 X      PB Myoken Maru
% V/ `# b1 n( W5 z6 m; }9 \4 f1 H- Z/ {      PB Kure Maru #5
; y; D1 ]9 O- i0 z      xAK Kyusyu Maru
. G: M  o% z, I: S7 ^9 |      xAP Haruna Maru # X/ G& n) H; P. c6 D2 T/ y1 ^
Japanese ground losses:) G1 X, c" H7 L: O8 R0 M/ B4 J
      72 casualties reported
6 K1 k2 x5 L' _& c( d         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
5 k/ Z! d0 x% d( u         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
$ E; m: h( p4 |6 N! q         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
2 g3 E2 L3 I& f---------------------------------------------------# Z! H6 _/ G/ k7 M, L  c2 Q
Amphibious Assault at Port Moresby (98,130)
- [' s4 X  j) n8 JTF 57 troops unloading over beach at Port Moresby, 98,130   o9 i+ e3 `( x; @0 x! H4 ]
Japanese ground losses:  b8 I5 b9 D9 e6 a
      98 casualties reported
: h9 s4 U( j" y& v         Squads: 4 destroyed, 0 disabled$ a2 U3 }  i$ N: `
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled" x2 A. ?4 L! c' A( ?' K# b  r
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled8 a. U( `! m/ W8 z# Z
      Vehicles lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)
: m2 X0 F4 v" D* T8 s-------------------------------------------------------2 K' L: J) @) p( M: R
Pre-Invasion action off Port Moresby (98,130)
' ^$ V0 I/ D* v8 z110 Coastal gun shots fired in defense. 6 C+ j/ h: w% J2 p8 K, B! O$ Z
Japanese Ships) N  w% r& ~7 l; h0 `
      AMC Kongo Maru" c5 v/ X, U9 l$ K
      xAK Hokuroku Maru, Shell hits 1& s5 G& g- M. W
      PB Okuyo Maru #2
( l, \6 g! S! c6 d; E      PB Sureboko Maru: N0 Y7 Y, T# V' b# f
      PB Yokae Maru0 c+ J5 e  H, Y3 c7 N9 c
      PB Yahonui Maru
7 Z: L6 x4 S. K, \, a8 W      PB Takunan Maru #5& [% ^) V" ~1 J3 L4 \
      PB Shonon Maru #15
/ I% k1 \, T) P$ T$ F/ r      PB Kyo Maru #6
$ i8 C  E: i: l) E: m      PB Santos Maru  U; U! n( ]+ Z8 O& L$ o# K0 I
      PB Nagata Maru
4 a7 n! e- w0 Y$ t, q) u8 |      AMC Hokoku Maru
' C  N3 ^7 g2 h' vJapanese ground losses:4 u# L+ w. B' Z# t, Q- u( ^$ s0 W
      145 casualties reported/ E' Q7 n' m5 d4 K& |
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
; ~# S. U+ H! Q# w         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 14 disabled
* @9 h: S! ~! E1 T1 j: N         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
8 E7 H; V2 i1 P7 M( L4 f) E------------------------------------------------0 x+ U  I1 B0 V# E0 n7 z
Amphibious Assault at Port Moresby (98,130)5 m! j; D3 o6 O, S" e6 E
TF 93 troops unloading over beach at Port Moresby, 98,130 " `; [4 ~: Y" C5 d5 W2 f( C  ]8 H, j
Japanese ground losses:
1 C( I7 o* C, f* ~      47 casualties reported
) ]$ m7 ]. _6 h* K         Squads: 2 destroyed, 0 disabled
' O0 q; z9 X% h( y% W; A9 i         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled/ T+ T: P) v5 y
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
% w' E' k  u& X17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 144th Infantry Rgt /7
; e5 c5 y. B% ~7 k% h3 R# v17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad accidentally lost during unload of 144th Infantry Rgt /11
; S7 f8 H4 x8 t10 Support troops lost overboard during unload of 144th Infantry Rgt /13 0 d3 }/ c' k3 p3 r7 @1 |( s9 B
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 ]8 K9 Y' M$ z0 M/ J) M1 g
Pre-Invasion action off Port Moresby (98,130)
0 r- ]0 O) z/ H9 d1 p114 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
9 I' _0 P8 ^, P8 R" r3 x9 t5 hJapanese Ships, |8 n+ f0 u6 o& @* Z
      xAK Onoe Maru, Shell hits 1,  heavy fires% I+ s3 U, j$ \, Y1 ~
      PB Kasyu Maru1 o! L" q8 H  ?1 p4 b6 O  T' r
      PB Marei Maru! t! r! {  _* x  X  }9 a
      xAP Montevideo Maru
! S, j% }, u% J; z5 sJapanese ground losses:  R2 d' a/ V8 r" ^
      145 casualties reported/ B$ }) q- z& M' P7 p( n& J* O
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 9 disabled
0 q  l  q5 X5 |8 ?) C0 N. F         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
7 Z0 y* x% _, F! }; y; s4 f: R! _         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled# A  l1 h9 J# ?  o( ]
-----------------------------------------------------6 i+ V9 x: l9 P  p1 p) H
Amphibious Assault at Port Moresby (98,130) 3 U' ~+ `/ {' y, \* m
TF 105 troops unloading over beach at Port Moresby, 98,130 ( i  G, a' [8 B. G0 I4 }
Japanese ground losses:1 C" p2 S) }/ Y0 N' y% @4 T; e
      133 casualties reported0 [' j4 S# V1 T3 c0 _8 f
         Squads: 5 destroyed, 0 disabled, s4 c2 I$ |7 o( q& G, k
         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 0 disabled/ {8 n$ t7 v- A, i, j
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
6 k8 h: n  r2 s$ n" a--------------------------------------------------------
' c* g* C* m/ P2 p- qInvasion Support action off Port Moresby (98,130)
* K$ S2 j$ P  ~5 R3 q( g) Y70 Coastal gun shots fired in defense. + s- B# `' M% W6 i& {+ I
Japanese Ships: f9 B2 s$ P/ c
      xAK Kosin Maru, Shell hits 1,  heavy fires
( L& h) {4 b- ~9 C# S      PB Kasyu Maru8 B# L% g9 v0 n; V' Q
      PB Marei Maru) _' V  j% ], e! k
      xAP Montevideo Maru   K8 {6 I+ G( p5 K& v5 r& j* a
Japanese ground losses:% ^# H: T& s- `: ?8 x
      62 casualties reported
$ A( E, p6 B6 N3 A, f: Q0 _' i: z         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled! U9 g9 n  z9 k6 L: E' c7 z
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 9 disabled' t# C+ O% U. c, G. v
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
# {0 }2 E. J( h& k8 n! c----------------------------------------------------------! ~$ I: g0 Q( `. s2 E. i# @
Invasion Support action off Port Moresby (98,130)8 V/ W% t# C) N5 g  e
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force : c* n0 u5 f* E
36 Coastal gun shots fired in defense. : Q2 t8 |+ Q) \+ M% S7 H
Japanese Ships6 G8 t4 t/ H+ f
      PB Myoken Maru
) r) n$ x6 _9 b' `. x& d      PB Kure Maru #5
3 [+ G% q% L' X6 O- t1 p      xAP Haruna Maru, Shell hits 2
' r! Q) x1 _% ]      CM Yaeyama
* Z% R+ \1 a0 @0 LPB Myoken Maru fired at enemy troops4 X+ n7 Y) N* s5 u  v
PB Kure Maru #5 fired at enemy troops; @5 ]1 a( z+ }+ l/ M4 F' ]9 n0 u
25 Pounder Gun battery firing at xAP Haruna Maru
# T* x2 i- x' d0 \- {! u9 O* h40mm Bofors AA Gun  42 battery firing at xAP Haruna Maru: \4 U, d' c- [+ }( E
% k+ H/ O: {* s& r0 ?+ m4 zAfternoon Air attack on Port Moresby , at 98,130  
+ ~8 k+ ]3 c. R4 q! M- m5 {Weather in hex: Light cloud $ e8 E9 L6 k/ z8 d, `
Raid detected at 31 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.: @0 D- r% h- g
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes
! d( O. Y) t) oJapanese aircraft
7 H2 |7 c2 ^' I$ ^7 o      A6M2 Zero x 20* e1 o4 z  B- C& H7 [( G
      G3M2 Nell x 59 n+ C0 e" c- J# ^% W1 F' S! U
      G4M1 Betty x 14
9 Q  o! _  v0 }# J; U; WJapanese aircraft losses
, W% ]2 y2 ^7 V( t" l( T      G3M2 Nell: 4 damaged
6 F. f- X$ v5 @      G4M1 Betty: 2 damaged
  Z- _! w% @& k+ qAirbase hits 3
1 v- p7 R3 l0 nAirbase supply hits 3
1 a: A  D& a: Y5 |! i) e, iRunway hits 12
3 _! O! C+ W3 b& p-------------------------------------------------------------- . m4 A# k) G' d
Ground combat at Port Moresby (98,130)
( s& }+ A. F0 ZAllied Bombardment attack
+ W7 C0 g2 t; P: JAttacking force 7562 troops, 69 guns, 4 vehicles, Assault Value = 340   V# `( C* V# X
Defending force 14554 troops, 159 guns, 160 vehicles, Assault Value = 557 7 N* l* v0 R$ m8 q! @: ]2 g( ~; i5 Z$ D
Japanese ground losses:
* o3 D% [8 M8 |0 X      29 casualties reported1 M! B& P! Q9 w0 b2 l
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
5 j: S7 [  G$ n* q" A- c/ a         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
; v; v$ R2 V4 o. h6 P         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled   ^9 n- f6 e0 F
Allied ground losses:
$ z; I" c; J1 s% Y5 |      12 casualties reported
+ O) e. q4 `' X4 Y! Y' r         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
( f3 O. y/ [2 S+ M$ ?         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled" P$ W0 R% I. ^" z
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
1 N& X! t8 \, J- L3 ~: ]' rAssaulting units:1 E, T5 z$ J% v
    49th Australian Battalion
, {* p  s3 `8 o; ^0 @    1st Australian Division
3 f$ E: ~8 D" J& p    D Coy/NG Rifles ! {7 C! M0 n6 C8 N0 a" I
    Port Moresby Brigade
  g' {; j. f& l0 I    15th RAAF Base Force , ^. |  S- F$ ?9 P! r$ N. ]9 H
Defending units:8 Y5 w' w/ D4 b& f5 _; G4 N3 u
    8th Tank Regiment
6 e+ Q/ \4 L* H- g! s/ m    2nd Indpt SNLF Coy
" M. E9 @6 i: f# `/ N    144th Infantry Regiment
/ P/ u( N3 u% B, Q2 q    4th Engineer Co * ~% Y; E, Z' }" r$ _, a
    146th Infantry Regiment. q% `5 v* r' l9 E1 p$ ?
    16th Infantry Regiment
/ u3 l2 J* l- c7 ?9 X    Sasebo 2nd SNLF $ R' |$ I  L7 z' D& W# E: l( r4 K
    2nd Field Artillery Regiment
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jan 26, 42! T. z9 o: K2 J& V4 G0 U
莫港依然在卸载,大量零战继续扫场仰光,same old
7 R) D  ~" |( o! j8 Q  A- d$ v) ?荷兰海军炮击约翰巴鲁,反正闲着也是闲着。
9 T6 J3 v, l8 D! e" ?3 P) Z3 R---------------------------------------------------------------------- W& R5 }2 S1 d9 c/ \& ?* n: J
Invasion Support action off Port Moresby (98,130)
/ D2 \4 [  d" _7 I% WDefensive Guns engage approaching landing force
2 F9 P) l& |, F) ?# G3 H13 Coastal gun shots fired in defense. 1 C* D2 r6 ]1 O; N7 F! b
Japanese Ships5 u  V7 p$ H: ]8 d1 X
      xAKL Kakyu Maru, Shell hits 1
8 U* @9 Q* |1 I$ D      CM Yaeyama4 N+ l/ P5 ^6 f4 d8 x$ e. A( @4 U
      xAK Myoko Maru, Shell hits 1( F' N. O' k' e3 ~
      PB Myoken Maru
) j* Y% L7 v0 l* t      PB Kure Maru #5
5 Q3 p3 p2 i* x5 y9 e' ~0 g* [# R      xAP Haruna Maru0 C, J  E8 E  T# H0 f: P: E
4 D" V, D8 A# x6 iNight Naval bombardment of Johore Bahru at 50,83 , s4 M/ L. `* b/ y% j" e: K1 ?$ `
Allied Ships& u0 i- e% v2 S
      CL Durban9 ?0 l$ I; \, S
      CL Dragon3 O6 S7 p) X- j3 l5 w' I- i
      CL Danae + R- D" a1 {2 |1 [3 O) @( x
Japanese ground losses:8 O4 m; Q" k+ X. x& _: f
      14 casualties reported8 t- `( l- Q$ \; h( m0 ~" E& s6 s) D3 M
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
- c7 t( _( |( c6 z5 W8 K         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled. s$ B% R8 r& M, b& d% L
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
* F2 Y; N( N; A& V/ ?Runway hits 4 & {, R! f5 F1 Q6 u* p
CL Durban firing at Johore Bahru
6 w8 k% L0 u; q2 B& p. aCL Dragon firing at 38th Division( M# C: S% j8 p0 a) k6 M
CL Danae firing at Imperial Guards Division , M$ n; R0 N: M2 _8 n) T* C' K
--------------------------------------------------------------------------( C" e' G# ]* p: Z
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  + P5 O0 C. p) q7 V
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud : T$ g, i5 n- k1 }
Raid spotted at 47 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.! |7 K  \0 P! y$ e! ]' C
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes 6 Q! g7 x- U! B+ U8 C9 u( K  i, [
Japanese aircraft: g: ?# a6 ?( w1 {2 [  W" L5 U
      A6M2 Zero x 33
% a# e0 h. E8 D  ~  ?No Japanese losses 6 Y. |& k; Z6 @3 q
Aircraft Attacking:
. B" L& I! m, v      33 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet : h( N: V6 E! L2 m9 ~0 z
2 _% m7 O& \) N& c; |- AMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  . F- l/ T( s# f3 T  F. v
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
1 N. r1 p& _( ORaid spotted at 38 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.+ J6 h* l) M" N) z/ a  _# |* F
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes
; Z7 t  f1 e4 _% ~1 S( C" A2 o7 \Japanese aircraft
  Z' Q$ _& Z# n/ }      A6M2 Zero x 33 8 ~% @% O2 _& J* h! l* T! V: h2 W
No Japanese losses
* C% L; p' p: N* j: k4 BAircraft Attacking:
: e- C: K& v# w3 A      33 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet5 z  P8 i& B. p6 A
----------------------------------------------3 F3 a3 U6 ^  d  A) Q8 V
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  + u, z/ q# A+ g4 p8 X( F
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud - x* O+ o  U- J7 I
Raid spotted at 25 NM, estimated altitude 26,000 feet.  v; W: }5 d( M( c
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes ' S0 F5 p- Q3 ^. ?
Japanese aircraft8 r. x2 ]5 x) [) ~6 K0 S8 _2 w; i
      A6M2 Zero x 25 * i. m- W9 e$ N- ~" }
No Japanese losses
- U& t$ ^2 k3 EAircraft Attacking:
2 L7 w& t# a; R6 {$ k* `      25 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
+ G, Q/ A1 E5 B, L6 Y6 o% o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 L" i) _$ K2 ~; KMorning Air attack on Port Moresby , at 98,130  
; O) T4 Y& {# ~: k) F* m9 OWeather in hex: Light cloud
0 }  R4 l5 w$ x& ?' ~  S/ BRaid detected at 73 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.7 ~" W* s. d: t* w4 J" T
Estimated time to target is 29 minutes 4 S) J* u5 A6 o% A6 `$ G
Japanese aircraft
- T' ?* q5 e, Q8 _/ S7 k      A6M2 Zero x 27
5 _; V1 H( a( [: x5 ^) W  S" l      G3M2 Nell x 74 P5 S+ p$ Z& O! _& x1 |& M  V4 }
      G4M1 Betty x 26 9 c, A/ u) r+ w
Allied aircraft
  _* m: X) Y, w' `& k" b6 q6 _      no flights
, \/ k2 Y- G% W- w0 X9 h& SJapanese aircraft losses6 U7 a8 K! \8 {
      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged# I3 B; W: n$ U! |3 J
      G4M1 Betty: 8 damaged % L; r! l0 h$ I) o: y  L0 d
Allied aircraft losses2 y1 T) p+ a+ S: X' b8 D$ G3 u
      S.23 Empire: 1 damaged ! e% B2 L7 _7 n& B8 q+ m7 }
Airbase hits 4
3 U& Z+ l  u3 \  ORunway hits 10
( M+ P# H. i% K& P! q, i--------------------------------------------------------------
" @* x6 H$ s0 e4 ]8 ~3 Z" j9 K  b) OMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  & x; k. ?8 D2 P  I2 p+ ^! V
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
! G4 A, a: k% ]$ K, GRaid spotted at 34 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.7 m+ g3 h9 ?6 ~/ W. d0 C
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes " D: {9 Q! A. @
Japanese aircraft2 b4 k0 q) B7 f4 Y& ?2 ?
      A6M2 Zero x 23
' }- ^9 w7 w& f8 m% TNo Japanese losses % y, X) P0 `! a& f2 y* t: T
Aircraft Attacking:3 |- H2 q4 L5 |: h  k
       9 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet% k2 O+ V! a( M7 `8 \3 s6 v9 {
       8 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
5 k5 ^- \! q$ F+ F       6 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
6 [) M9 i& @: q! R! b8 G-------------------------------------------------------% J/ z$ H0 F+ N/ u9 x' F! y; a4 |
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
/ S. h, Q0 ]+ u8 EWeather in hex: Heavy cloud : h- e& y- @/ R* `
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.$ Y4 v" ]' T5 y, R4 o, a
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes 1 s; G+ H4 s: m/ Z
Japanese aircraft
" v/ g6 f7 x) r( v+ m) }) G1 q      A6M2 Zero x 27 ! \& b$ a; j$ w" C; O
No Japanese losses
/ T9 B  L. }" VAircraft Attacking:
* L- U+ m5 k  V8 y* G, e$ ^: v8 t      27 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
. {9 z. N8 d# j! D8 |3 c' H- j------------------------------------------------------- ( @; `3 v9 K5 e, \, n/ n
Ground combat at 84,46 (near Ichang)
* s3 T) q$ [5 U8 S/ |# N" ^Japanese Shock attack ! \, |' o; ~! S0 B
Attacking force 330 troops, 0 guns, 50 vehicles, Assault Value = 29 3 t, Z4 a/ J& o( M* @6 ]6 y
Defending force 120 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1 6 {! o; m! ~% }: J0 w/ `7 r" q% o
Japanese adjusted assault: 56  
* w1 y% Q' ~1 y9 d4 Z/ ], uAllied adjusted defense: 1    e% G: r( [) b4 ]2 ^+ W* c' w7 S
Japanese assault odds: 56 to 1  
! Y6 S* U+ h' Y' W. Q. i9 JCombat modifiers
# a3 ~. c4 n# C0 S# ^( v2 eDefender: leaders(+), fatigue(-), morale(-), experience(-), supply(-)" n. Z$ d8 H) W9 r  x; e4 ?
Attacker: shock(+), leaders(+) $ i* f( r( R  m0 I: {# S
Allied ground losses:
' I+ T( M. b. M" Y9 w9 _6 ~      87 casualties reported
$ q6 ]+ y! L6 O; i5 m0 ]         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ m$ q* f3 b$ i3 q/ Z+ C2 u         Non Combat: 16 destroyed, 0 disabled  `1 i! ]6 J' M: O# W0 `4 O5 ]) M
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled3 ~% v7 o+ o/ w( Z; O  I) q% u/ Y
      Units destroyed 1
2 O' z+ j* O8 R8 DAssaulting units:
1 f2 A( c/ j* S7 i- L    15th Tank Regiment
- x. d& Y( M, L1 ~, F9 YDefending units:3 G2 z# o) O  t
    Lusu War Area
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jan 27, 429 x  l3 {5 ], P% [6 c+ v' q% e
- e( u. {& U- r' Z1 a: f大陆战场 宜昌附近几个地方出现日军师团级单位在爬山,看来日军想小规模多处翻山入川5 i* d2 K/ p1 q6 o
: \3 ~  ~% z  K4 Q6 u( F损失15000多人,上千战斗班组,有近一个师团的战斗班组被歼灭,
$ |* q6 `' p' f: Z+ i% A2 |盟军4000+人,不过除了4个主力(9,11师 和2个澳大利亚旅)外,5 ]! v+ K  E4 p2 r
4 w5 s0 F3 ?8 z) G虽有4级城防,估计以后也难有所作为了
+ H3 }/ ?) g  I/ w- j' I% b- b9 H! m9 [-----------------------------------------------------------
2 w  ?+ o/ g9 U) N1 f: AInvasion Support action off Port Moresby (98,130)
  t" F- s$ |4 _& G/ fDefensive Guns engage approaching landing force
, ^) w* B1 |- ^8 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
/ l0 r' ?! m" C/ z. Y1 j  P1 aJapanese Ships" M- T0 P, n( {& }6 |7 C( D( U, _
      xAKL Kakyu Maru, Shell hits 1,  on fire
3 _/ y$ e  R  ]# e( t- \  G      xAK Yasukawa Maru, ^. Q3 M" f, {2 O) _
      xAP Hakone Maru. ~5 [& u4 t) W& x, U% T
      xAP Haruna Maru3 W) B4 G  d0 x; e
" C3 U8 F* D  p* y2 F- o3 pMorning Air attack on 1st Division, at 82,48 , near Ichang
; |8 |3 Z: V8 U& _# p: [4 T, ]Weather in hex: Moderate rain : ~4 t$ L3 n$ V0 R2 N& e" z" g( L8 v
Raid spotted at 14 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.  y& x* \; f. A& ^7 N2 [8 v& g
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes ) G" t5 f" z" Z6 m! v
Allied aircraft
. c8 s8 ^( L' E- v, U      A-29A Hudson x 7
" D, u$ {2 e8 qAllied aircraft losses( a0 \2 G! a, w" n" [. g1 u# S
      A-29A Hudson: 1 damaged
# M9 U$ o; W* D) T0 ^$ s% DAircraft Attacking:8 j( U/ m' \3 `( r7 a
       7 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet# [1 S& y- W" l1 P+ ]/ b4 ]
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb
' `0 L! p; {& H2 E----------------------------------------------------- 7 I$ M" `2 F2 n- }
Ground combat at Singapore (50,84)
" @- ?: a' D! _& PJapanese Shock attack
  N. D0 S! x* b' }" E/ M: OAttacking force 125974 troops, 1156 guns, 255 vehicles, Assault Value = 4474 , G' z2 a0 x7 }% J+ D5 c
Defending force 47510 troops, 509 guns, 305 vehicles, Assault Value = 1315
: X& a6 T3 O2 u1 a& wJapanese adjusted assault: 1519  9 @' w+ v: O; Q% D, }" W9 J6 }* e
Allied adjusted defense: 2339  
. E$ o& k5 P# B% ^Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 4)  4 {! [) l  h0 X5 p
Combat modifiers
9 I, K. U0 _" r, LDefender: terrain(+), forts(+), experience(-)9 P2 D0 ?8 b5 I  j* U& M
Attacker: shock(+), disruption(-)
: j$ S* n; |# f5 fJapanese ground losses:9 l1 l1 \" C3 v: Y6 `
      15450 casualties reported  c+ E( A( L  A, l
         Squads: 276 destroyed, 851 disabled
& C" d  n% N( U6 c' O5 g         Non Combat: 11 destroyed, 226 disabled! C( p' k+ m0 b/ f" E( K# F
         Engineers: 6 destroyed, 107 disabled2 q4 Z/ J4 ^' Y
      Guns lost 190 (38 destroyed, 152 disabled)8 w2 \4 `' `9 Y9 r& B3 J4 I* H
      Vehicles lost 3 (1 destroyed, 2 disabled)
1 A. x  c- w8 o$ w- v; @Allied ground losses:3 p; N2 \4 [8 @0 t3 l, K
      4210 casualties reported% N# ^7 j3 Y$ o- J4 R$ Q
         Squads: 41 destroyed, 283 disabled
$ H! F( k( z. k) ?2 t, C         Non Combat: 36 destroyed, 94 disabled
2 R% Q8 v  M# f5 J% Q- a5 @         Engineers: 4 destroyed, 30 disabled
% d: R0 Z, x8 {- X. x! ^      Guns lost 68 (13 destroyed, 55 disabled)
: ?3 P+ F# R; P3 i$ |: h0 \. F% i      Vehicles lost 24 (8 destroyed, 16 disabled) ; ^5 S' H, E2 A5 s  I
Assaulting units:) P( ^) C) W6 ~
    11th Infantry Regiment7 R/ i$ z/ W# H  p
    2nd RTA Division  V; {( o- w& G1 X
    55th Infantry Regiment' d& F3 x" n) B& x! F; T( {
    91st Naval Guard Unit
. z' }0 o& Y. E& y4 V& n7 m    Imperial Guards Division! Q/ W1 [: U2 a4 p
    4th Ind.Mixed Regiment
' F2 u8 f; z% Q& P) \5 i: |- V    148th Infantry Regiment
9 Z0 `4 {* k9 H5 Y6 f0 v    6th RTA Division
" R/ F$ P/ F) M4 o0 D. i    I./143rd Infantry Battalion: B6 V6 y! f4 B: |# B
    21st Infantry Regiment
- E% {5 |; f( R. U+ a    4th RTA Division/ b0 h0 V9 C) i
    112th Infantry Regiment
( F" N  F3 d. {# `" c( P5 U) F    21st Ind.Mixed Brigade" F7 p( [! L5 P* p! S6 v
    III./143rd Infantry Battalion0 ]7 e; Y- [2 U2 d4 |
    3rd RTA Division3 k7 r! [: V+ R& B1 d
    114th Infantry Regiment
+ Y" m- L4 n! R8 z. s; Y    56th Engineer Regiment
4 t, S) r# ]3 i+ w+ x6 u( y    41st Infantry Regiment
6 m. D6 k( c) a+ L+ l    38th Division
# e5 H8 g  l: t' J2 P- H" T    21st Division* F! p7 E) g& b2 G9 F; F1 c3 M0 {
    56th Recon Regiment6 E4 \9 j* w5 q0 ]% Q
    56th Infantry Regiment
( |: K$ B* W. J    113th Infantry Regiment" J. W# B9 }7 }9 U  }1 L& z: l6 ?
    42nd Infantry Regiment
% x7 u( b( z; A9 e% f' n7 f    12th Engineer Regiment
* w$ C2 f) J" I) g3 ^# U1 }- z1 i/ e    4th Division; W4 u9 Y; n- ?& M$ W7 G4 v/ z$ W0 a0 g
    5th Engineer Regiment. q) \& ^/ w9 v2 C* i
    55th Engineer Regiment
2 P+ y7 J7 J" e. ]& f, a    15th Ind. Engineer Regiment
- M& v% C3 Y$ l; Y    4th Ind. Engineer Regiment6 B7 _( y/ b9 O9 v
    7th RTA Division
3 g5 l! Y5 `6 D7 N; g; E    21st Fld AA Gun Co
$ o7 I+ \% q( M  w! b  v9 I6 l: ~    11th Shipping Engineer Regiment# M. {; `! N1 R; i: j
    18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment" e7 e9 }, |1 I- d) E
    55th Mountain Gun Regiment  B5 S/ n6 y5 R) L
    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment5 p* v8 z1 P. o  a0 [9 e- m" J$ d* U! {
    5th Field Artillery Regiment
. K! o  F/ F) {1 \$ y3 X    15th Army( w3 |( T' y( i
    56th Field Artillery Regiment9 u5 T$ P. T2 P6 Y7 }
    34th Field AA Battalion
* r, _/ `! N- n8 q9 n7 ^    25th Army1 h; ?) @' A' y, }. q; ?& R
    21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion
1 H& T6 G, S; _7 EDefending units:' Z5 `8 j1 b. ]0 R: P: y, ^7 b
    2nd Gordons Battalion
% D3 V+ G, R" c2 u7 p    2/17 Dogra Battalion" V. ~; g' a$ N  [% {3 V( w
    22nd Australian Brigade% V2 N4 \' v& u1 ^
    2nd Loyal Battalion* `( z/ S1 @9 p: D, M% G
    11th Indian Division& Y2 A% v7 g! |/ G
    2nd Malay Battalion6 K- F5 H; K: u1 w/ T
    3rd SSVF Battalion
$ j! q0 Q+ t  a) I/ ^4 g    SSVF Brigade" M8 }$ I+ X2 Q+ r: j1 U
    5/14th Punjab Battalion8 t+ ~, s# i( N
    1st Malay Battalion
( ~' g6 g/ X0 E/ ]) B: {" l  w% _    27th Australian Brigade+ I* C( e( {4 O% ], g! a: x
    1st Mysore Battalion0 b! _9 s. P6 v; J
    1st Manchester Battalion% A- P" T, w( I! j" V( t
    3rd Cavalry Regiment
& F& G- G& \( i; F" J, J1 I    9th Indian Division! Z& j2 \  U% `5 d( G3 E+ v) L/ l
    112th RAF Base Force$ Z1 s" n8 z$ I  H/ ^' u5 Q
    III Indian Corps
4 P% q: O; K/ v- f# L    Malayan Air Wing
$ U3 o2 r  z; R7 @+ e+ _    109th RAF  Base Force, Y* v) Z  i- {) N! H5 ?6 z
    111th RAF Base Force
1 L# y; M6 M' e3 V. L% Q    224 Group RAF   N. R8 E9 r: i9 m# c
    1st ISF Base Force$ a8 k) }4 E! B$ _! U0 ]7 E" O$ q6 P
    22nd Indian Mountain Gun Regiment
' P/ ^# k4 }) Y" K) k6 ]% O    24th NZ Pioneer Coy % c1 s$ H+ _8 u5 a- o
    Singapore Base Force0 V4 F* E+ F1 @
    3rd HK&S Light AA Regiment
5 G/ r  d' j# l% N    1st Indian Heavy AA Regiment
$ }3 d* W) U9 x+ ^" m2 S    Singapore Fortress
. c/ B# \) Y. ?0 O    3rd Heavy AA Regiment/ P: Z0 Y7 h2 @, K/ K; C
    110th RAF Base Force4 ?* w4 v8 Z& |% N( V3 i7 z, q% }9 |
    223 Group RAF : z- C7 d1 E# l' S/ Z, r
    AHQ Far East
8 E: S8 x# e9 H( v* O' y! Z    Malaya Army
7 ^$ v( Q; ?0 Y; a    2nd ISF Base Force
+ s! Q. o, E1 u* U5 e/ b    109th RN Base Force
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jan 28, 422 S7 [- o6 J/ a
9 ^" N0 r+ f6 [) m- i2 t3 ukb就在莫港门口,莫港估计悬了。. C- {5 l' I' G- [
大陆战场上,宜昌附近多股日军部队在爬山。日军难道不用担心补给问题么?? 1 ]( i5 V: u$ [
: U0 ]+ H; P% k9 K4 T' l) K. @# P没准还能抗住1-2轮攻击。 8 K5 ]& K7 ]* k# |, r: l: \5 \
! q# A. L; {$ ], x/ s( C% zSub attack near San Francisco  at 216,70 9 i$ E& a4 W* U( P. s8 U9 @2 X
Japanese Ships3 }" d# G# [! |# A3 A
      SS I-16 4 j; O$ I6 D2 |( |% R' W
Allied Ships
0 }* e1 G* v8 S" s3 {  r! A+ q      BB Colorado4 u- r; n: h$ ?6 T, {
      CL Raleigh& s- m, m$ N2 f- Y$ O* x2 Z) Z
      DD Farragut8 z; A. H3 k0 h
      DD Perkins4 y; A. i; A8 h$ |+ r
      DD Cummings
5 H9 W* R, {" c5 r6 l' V      DD Rathburne6 T7 J6 C: d) _2 V8 z$ z
      DD Kane
; S6 B, ]! W6 Y8 a      DD Hatfield
2 h3 D& [# X9 E* l  n      DD Lawrence
1 a4 S* Z+ g7 q, `SS I-16 launches 8 torpedoes at BB Colorado" S6 ^' }+ G) K, N$ F! y9 @
DD Rathburne fails to find sub and abandons search" F. [) M0 w( r  R, X
DD Kane fails to find sub and abandons search
3 Z( x+ k9 g* nDD Hatfield fails to find sub and abandons search* b& D# v) m2 ?: m
DD Lawrence fails to find sub, continues to search...
0 Z0 A8 [. b4 V3 h5 m# m- ]Escort abandons search for sub
+ g  Q% y0 A" e2 j, Y6 q--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ V1 P4 {) Y( m# H# p
Night Naval bombardment of Singapore at 50,84
+ d( u$ V0 Y- u5 }Allied Ships
; m2 A6 b  I; W( A8 F      CL Durban
. W1 ~7 X1 Q9 H+ _( D, u/ ~      CL Dragon
) F* T0 D5 v) A1 R$ {      CL Danae 5 V% s$ j0 r7 z- _  W
CL Durban firing at 4th Division5 U4 j$ w; p: @1 y7 `, p0 `2 c+ I
CL Dragon firing at 38th Division
# H( [5 P  T% g! H  i3 gCL Danae firing at 4th Division " k( Q4 ], ]) w) h& {, d( W1 C
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 L8 |/ s5 W3 C/ t) l
Pre-Invasion action off Port Moresby (98,130)% ]0 g1 Z  b: c+ i( N( o) @, I# h
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force 8 k5 N) n5 t2 p8 e0 D+ x
126 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
5 e# x9 ~: z5 |1 q, f, n+ u/ d' iJapanese Ships
$ a6 M; q( T, g3 k      xAK Nishimi Maru, Shell hits 1$ k7 \( D2 y7 U: C- y2 A/ f
      PB Ikunta Maru& S; r" h' R+ D+ J" s  P
      PB Chiyo Maru #4
$ |3 q  i$ r3 w0 [* ~$ \" r( |      AMC Kinryu Maru 1 r" w6 k2 Y' x7 ^" q4 [
Japanese ground losses:
2 {, p9 b) \, V' c' h; j) A) Z+ ^: U      84 casualties reported; V( e1 c$ L9 k
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
! v: W. V/ R* q+ y% b) k/ u2 r- F         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled
  ~4 ]9 G6 ~! @1 p4 I! {0 C$ |. K         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled3 |, B% H2 Z6 v) w1 A& R
----------------------------------------------* D4 v. [3 f7 j" v( T( r: V8 t3 k
Invasion Support action off Port Moresby (98,130)
4 f. v- v: b" ZDefensive Guns engage approaching landing force
9 a2 p' c4 ^! V! r5 l' C0 ?14 Coastal gun shots fired in defense. 7 G+ B" |; ~1 z  q5 l. P
Japanese Ships
* ^0 q6 P. M$ g% T5 D      AMC Kinryu Maru
2 ?! |& x; n' a! u; Q8 n( k      xAK Nishimi Maru, Shell hits 1
1 i1 B/ Y4 m" t7 x% W      PB Chiyo Maru #4
( N) j/ @% U2 I! j& e      PB Ikunta Maru
/ T; S# y0 G! K* |+ \-------------------------------------------------
' Q4 I- X. O  ]( u1 mMorning Air attack on Port Moresby , at 98,130  
. `5 Y0 y$ E- b; EWeather in hex: Partial cloud
% \& @. T) {4 O% J% T* \7 URaid detected at 79 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
9 F7 K; d3 t- x8 S5 FEstimated time to target is 31 minutes 6 \* H7 R8 X& \; a
Japanese aircraft- l) \# H' o1 e5 a- ^: X/ Y  v/ j
      A6M2 Zero x 25
5 @# u% T+ m& c. f4 @+ ^  {9 d" c      G3M2 Nell x 98 E( z6 {4 {: x1 z; m& J, E
      G4M1 Betty x 24 . J  D& [8 [' m: z9 F
Japanese aircraft losses
5 e8 h$ l, m4 ?6 d0 {  E  s      G3M2 Nell: 3 damaged  j. W2 a2 u' }/ V
      G4M1 Betty: 7 damaged
; b6 c4 c# U: rAirbase hits 7
# g/ f* [7 Z9 s* K8 _0 h1 XAirbase supply hits 12 `; h1 K( ~5 Z- G8 M" U
Runway hits 6
4 ]; _2 J: l6 l5 k; ^7 `) t: }----------------------------------------------------" T8 Q  h* q4 u
Morning Air attack on 6th Division, at 82,47 , near Ichang 1 g  {: x5 P- n2 p$ T3 Q9 i
Weather in hex: Severe storms
+ _) G: A& a, y' A% v5 ]' l' aRaid spotted at 12 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.  i6 N: s2 f% F$ y1 s' q* ^$ S
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes $ _8 B5 L% a. g+ n+ P
Allied aircraft
: s4 T# z' V0 G) J6 O" X: a- k1 a      A-29A Hudson x 8
, Q& Q. T! {. fAllied aircraft losses- G1 r1 Z; `4 N" z3 d9 W( D& S
      A-29A Hudson: 1 damaged
# D5 s. R' U9 N1 ?( R7 KAircraft Attacking:
0 Y6 ~" B) t' @6 t       8 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet
. M8 t) u2 Z2 T" \7 a# {0 B               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb
' Z. \7 _$ j& D4 j--------------------------------------------------------------------------------& m  t# c( ?7 k7 v1 t0 j# ~
Morning Air attack on 104th Division, at 76,53 , near Kweilin
: W  u) T* H9 U6 [8 bWeather in hex: Clear sky
) l9 Q3 N. S( TRaid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.- f! x* \8 x$ G1 o
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes ; \1 M6 @; [& i' l; A  @. I
Allied aircraft& P9 n6 \; g0 ~/ v
      SB-III x 3
  \8 E6 K8 Z* h+ m/ W. w4 x9 CNo Allied losses
5 ~" k' \& N9 S* EAircraft Attacking:
% f, l1 P: p- m; a& c- L       3 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet *
) B3 Y! o# u5 r6 K) B# J# n               Ground Attack:  3 x 100 kg GP Bomb
# R" W. o3 F$ t7 _-----------------------------------------------
$ t; g3 _) ]" a: b9 z& pGround combat at Singapore (50,84)
4 m- z( A8 @1 s# k7 I# {* T5 }- HJapanese Bombardment attack
% n" C* g  q6 ~6 N( ]Attacking force 102867 troops, 1101 guns, 196 vehicles, Assault Value = 3025 ; l- K/ U" h: B- c( W, ~* c
Defending force 44388 troops, 497 guns, 298 vehicles, Assault Value = 1007
3 G8 R; Q% u$ s4 @4 S# w: qJapanese ground losses:
7 q# s, M/ i! H% N! w      43 casualties reported' b% q7 K$ Q1 W" D. V
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
. b' r7 e+ L2 N& ~4 S         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
  }' C1 z  \# {/ i         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
" `, K' c, }1 s2 x# L      Guns lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)0 \5 u) q6 p5 [9 }, w1 `% N
Assaulting units:
* X9 w% I/ g! {! m    55th Engineer Regiment
6 M, e( I$ C" t9 t3 P# f. s8 \2 y    5th Engineer Regiment
1 T! [, {% h6 K3 K    56th Recon Regiment
- o# z; n* T7 C2 t8 f    4th RTA Division
; L1 E; g7 L% c    114th Infantry Regiment
, L6 B. O' p, Y2 S$ `    113th Infantry Regiment0 O: w+ W+ b2 h! G; D9 x3 m' f
    12th Engineer Regiment
- {( M0 H8 d2 ?6 k$ j* U    4th Ind.Mixed Regiment
& R/ U$ G9 ]. d* L: }3 v    148th Infantry Regiment
% e1 |) {7 @4 m+ \8 }+ n* w    21st Ind.Mixed Brigade
. m# z9 r4 Q+ V5 m9 q0 {    21st Division6 v8 c$ L& F3 l) U, Y
    91st Naval Guard Unit" l. l) d" i3 n, b3 }
    21st Infantry Regiment
, I! M+ z6 N: b2 {! N6 x    Imperial Guards Division' Y: a5 F. n6 O6 _4 ?  ^
    112th Infantry Regiment/ @# U: C" p- `+ `. |7 R- Y
    I./143rd Infantry Battalion
! E2 X7 Q# n$ \- s' Y) _    4th Ind. Engineer Regiment
6 N/ S6 z7 a6 d+ Z2 p  R% r    56th Infantry Regiment0 I6 H9 r! r, D5 b. P: w8 A2 r
    3rd RTA Division; Z. \, N! I: E" w* r9 I/ w$ m
    4th Division
* n; y8 g2 _6 V# q; z4 [    56th Engineer Regiment. A4 \' ^3 R9 W
    41st Infantry Regiment
  Q1 m7 L) ^2 _: z/ {& g+ c+ R3 k; `    III./143rd Infantry Battalion
" _  k0 X3 N8 b7 x: ?    15th Ind. Engineer Regiment
' S7 C$ {& E7 z9 G  u) R  W2 n    6th RTA Division) F+ ]7 Z3 a6 k: V
    42nd Infantry Regiment
3 R, ^$ B6 E+ A+ R6 {    38th Division6 F) J* E( E) |0 k5 n! K, \
    55th Infantry Regiment
% u7 _: p& }- A' T    7th RTA Division
* e. ]; y/ c) \  j3 f2 J    11th Infantry Regiment% `: k4 E( G' B
    25th Army+ T; E1 S( O+ J( F
    15th Army
! \; H( l, V* u& x$ e3 E    5th Field Artillery Regiment9 h. }6 v: j' \: B* O$ h
    21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion
& ^$ t/ P" U' U& W1 s5 C    56th Field Artillery Regiment0 c' K3 h2 R) j
    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment2 q8 a( t8 i& n) c$ ~0 y& n
    34th Field AA Battalion$ Q6 G7 ^% ~8 C5 R) h
    18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment; X1 [" `& c2 l- F2 ?
    11th Shipping Engineer Regiment4 m9 ^: l, f4 M, w2 }% L% u
    21st Fld AA Gun Co
- p+ B9 j& X! @" A/ b  Y* d    55th Mountain Gun Regiment
* O1 B4 v, O  l3 e" Q) w    2nd RTA Division
& g/ a1 P1 v, Y1 A1 C# m. _' W  BDefending units:
* {# R" s& g) O: `, y; c    1st Malay Battalion
9 U1 I! c8 O0 u  Y( w2 D2 _) U    2nd Loyal Battalion
* t; @! E; r% W- M9 X: W4 O# E    SSVF Brigade
0 v; n0 @  n7 g- c8 [8 e    1st Manchester Battalion
+ k- t2 B7 E8 S/ K    2nd Malay Battalion
) V& g3 Y1 k: W* `( r% G+ V7 b    5/14th Punjab Battalion
7 h/ N; V$ f6 }    2nd Gordons Battalion
3 V, N5 ^. q) }! i    22nd Australian Brigade
& @3 ]" \% u* m0 W! G    11th Indian Division, E+ j. T+ d0 A& W3 ^& t" a( [
    3rd Cavalry Regiment
* u& p" H4 d. E7 f( S    27th Australian Brigade& Q$ ^$ q. g+ U& D& E7 M" |
    1st Mysore Battalion8 b5 E% x' k( T- ]' r' ~4 j
    9th Indian Division- P2 @8 ?5 ~: r0 u( `, P6 j* l% N
    3rd HK&S Light AA Regiment+ F# v# C$ y$ k$ |" y  \6 P" Q
    Singapore Fortress
. Z, ?/ a0 z$ z. e8 C# {    111th RAF Base Force& h) _1 [8 y, R% S8 s
    AHQ Far East
7 w  X1 h1 h& n' O6 u/ |    24th NZ Pioneer Coy . I& Q+ I* q3 m: j! l/ d& y
    112th RAF Base Force
8 h( J' w% K* P( s0 J    Malayan Air Wing * ~8 w3 A3 F, k9 ~/ J
    22nd Indian Mountain Gun Regiment  u  Q& N: ?  z
    223 Group RAF
/ \% m2 |+ w: I7 V+ `2 u" t    110th RAF Base Force
0 ^' p7 Q/ w- y2 o. k/ D    109th RAF  Base Force
& l# X% L6 C& `2 N    109th RN Base Force
( A# R8 o5 n9 z9 R7 }! p/ b    2/17 Dogra Battalion
, X0 w: h  a# E, W0 N: U    III Indian Corps3 W- e# w+ w8 t' A5 n' f/ f! q( Q
    1st ISF Base Force5 [& R' Z0 q! U/ O( |& C
    224 Group RAF
# x* z# s% v. T  O    1st Indian Heavy AA Regiment0 e7 {- ^% j' ~! F+ y
    2nd ISF Base Force5 E  _; t* M* p9 ?" J. M: t
    Singapore Base Force
0 k! ^4 ^# H+ k    3rd Heavy AA Regiment
* _) ?! O+ S: L* w6 o    Malaya Army
% L1 J& Q" I% D! }! y- e, m    3rd SSVF Battalion
1 A7 H. _7 y  Z" F5 P. B. f----------------------------------------
7 T+ T: ~0 U8 C6 V: q$ B9 DGround combat at Port Moresby (98,130)
3 T1 P- H7 F9 H$ e# KAllied Bombardment attack $ _, S; T1 f) k6 ?$ C% a
Attacking force 7556 troops, 69 guns, 4 vehicles, Assault Value = 339
8 {# [* q8 u& ~0 F% y% ODefending force 17741 troops, 179 guns, 161 vehicles, Assault Value = 699
) [/ N" @: c& bJapanese ground losses:
  q) y8 s. J5 U3 n      193 casualties reported' n. w$ }1 s( T( }: A
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 15 disabled
/ F7 }# \$ J- R4 O9 ]5 W         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
, _9 q& q: a  s         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 0 e0 x1 Z3 R" T- m1 m
Allied ground losses:1 O, i$ s! R- o3 g" [' h
      7 casualties reported4 y3 P# e3 E! T0 O' U
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
' T& [) y) L( I" {/ K1 F# b         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
( P5 F7 i8 ?; i+ H         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled # v$ P+ ?4 C  {& O; g/ y# b
Assaulting units:9 o; U8 O' {9 t
    D Coy/NG Rifles 7 H8 a, G: ?6 w6 V7 z4 l% S
    1st Australian Division; P4 Y% Y, j& ^" i' F$ V
    49th Australian Battalion( L" Y% a0 _) {" z( Z
    Port Moresby Brigade
* `4 M  Q7 c4 ~: ~    15th RAAF Base Force + u2 n8 U" r' `+ W( s% M. w2 t+ J, n
Defending units:& _2 r8 k+ \" }: ~: ~
    52nd Naval Guard Unit0 }% _0 B4 r! |2 ?
    8th Tank Regiment" B* ?4 w4 Y$ b1 z" l, t0 K0 a
    146th Infantry Regiment' E! d, ~1 b: i0 u" D
    2nd Indpt SNLF Coy
8 Y7 r6 h( [1 @) d6 u    84th Naval Guard Unit
( |6 T8 C8 ]' B/ m9 G" ^    16th Infantry Regiment' H* J( j+ r& w" B, b! u1 ?
    144th Infantry Regiment
2 ], J* r& \+ ]% p7 `/ S9 O" C* b    4th Engineer Co 7 |" {/ \' s* J6 ?% N9 i' N& o
    Sasebo 2nd SNLF ' k) N- I# i) g3 B
    2nd Field Artillery Regiment
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jan 29, 42+ J, T+ c  O5 Q& P. ]# ^
# b8 t( b- e$ W1 {& Z. ?当天日军轰炸机突发奇想,低空轰炸新加坡,新加坡防空部队迎来了久违的战斗. {$ D6 j% f& G3 j/ m/ A
: k6 x  X, i: E) V7 P, |4 `以下是统计数据,即使有水分在,日军当天的损失也不小。
$ Y0 O) X2 r& p' ?/ o% M$ U( h8 p! K1 I$ B7 t) f$ s
& b; d6 C. `0 v' C4 @  o/ u9 P% oMorning Air attack on 1st Australian Division, at 98,130 (Port Moresby) 3 K7 ~2 l& M! z5 B
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud $ X% N$ }3 A4 T, Y3 U$ n8 c: D" c
Raid detected at 114 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.( i$ o1 G: h/ W# n  @1 t7 V+ Y
Estimated time to target is 45 minutes " z6 Y& c5 k" v
Japanese aircraft
. J# Q1 A  }% @' o# M      A6M2 Zero x 27
2 I: J) S$ V& _+ J3 ?      G3M2 Nell x 6
% @8 U7 f! \: \2 l      G4M1 Betty x 24 ' u/ @2 m, o: A: o) o8 H2 P
Japanese aircraft losses
, K( q& h$ A2 e4 o8 B+ v5 J      G3M2 Nell: 2 damaged
% d# }$ |. f  N' ?) ]7 \' x2 z  s. c      G4M1 Betty: 10 damaged
8 ?) P& [. L4 [/ H  P9 z; sAllied ground losses:% u% |$ s% I. g  ~, v% |& W
      6 casualties reported0 t$ S7 F1 U! p# x5 B
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
) @2 Y+ ~! @# ^         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
0 C+ \9 a8 U4 Q. J         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled4 j% R2 a- c* |3 X! b9 D; P
( \5 q. z+ h+ r2 sMorning Air attack on 17th Indian Division, at 56,54 , near Moulmein - w1 }9 U( |, g7 y
Weather in hex: Moderate rain
- ~# P' d, X( X- BRaid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 3,000 feet.
9 W" [  o- t3 E% ]9 uEstimated time to target is 7 minutes " n# ~4 U4 P3 u/ u2 R
Japanese aircraft
5 F1 ~. `4 i' U3 k" I) q/ C      G3M2 Nell x 32 , h( D3 m- s7 V! G7 c* ^3 \: ?
Japanese aircraft losses
& R  d' }$ X2 ^* a      G3M2 Nell: 19 damaged
, y) ~3 Z% r5 n& m8 C! J, z      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak
5 G: v' z( I1 M8 u3 s3 ZAllied ground losses:
& U4 y+ B. @' ?      10 casualties reported
) E# ~9 o( Y5 P         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled0 Y0 A8 O/ P& u# g3 q
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled6 ^3 ]. e$ j7 s5 i3 O: ]
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
( J: N2 b" b2 a* p6 Z% EAircraft Attacking:1 R1 j, p9 Y% d
      31 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 1000 feet! p5 a9 s! X8 y3 W& y: v, O
               Ground Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb
$ B# r% h6 x& p* g9 o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. S9 |1 \; n) |# @' V  E, y" I) F/ T
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84    R5 z" V  A/ G& D# p5 M
Weather in hex: Light cloud
! g: }" J6 ~) r6 NRaid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 5,000 feet.
9 F- S; Y  a0 L0 z) AEstimated time to target is 13 minutes
* D  Q8 ?5 W# TJapanese aircraft* @5 n: w' g& S* w  d+ N+ Y
      G3M2 Nell x 23$ c3 n( Z( E6 ]* ]  d, G0 n
      G4M1 Betty x 51 6 {3 _" C. m& Q9 E% q
Japanese aircraft losses
) w1 u1 ~; [* w, L! K  t6 h4 x0 S      G3M2 Nell: 16 damaged
) F7 [! P& D4 {$ k  J      G3M2 Nell: 6 destroyed by flak
; O$ c, w4 o3 Y* q      G4M1 Betty: 21 damaged6 ^' S! q$ ~+ u. g. S; v
      G4M1 Betty: 10 destroyed by flak
" N3 C7 k' K! t/ t: f/ E2 tAirbase hits 16& h& y2 i/ K3 M9 d. n
Airbase supply hits 5
; u" Y: H4 R, J% H4 s" M- A" SRunway hits 55 ! `" G/ }; l0 p4 w
Aircraft Attacking:* a$ N' M" M3 s. x2 a! v, t
      17 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 1000 feet# R' h, Y! c* Q- E6 Q- G
               Airfield Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb
' J, t. o$ ~8 H0 k4 H/ L       7 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 1000 feet *
7 g( }* {: s8 I4 s               Airfield Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb' ?+ M% I  ^! z, S  v9 U' m
      17 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 1000 feet
. C! F  ]' g- t0 n9 x" E               Airfield Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb& L7 ?. P# [3 W4 y$ d, w9 |# i* Q. s
      10 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 1000 feet * . ]2 X% G+ L- D1 K/ {
               Airfield Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb) ^! U( E: A, o" a4 k2 ]6 J
       3 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 1000 feet
$ }" L) f* i- a4 ]               Airfield Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb
: W+ Y+ k2 L! F       2 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 1000 feet
% z7 d1 R& t/ \9 c7 t% i               Airfield Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb* f/ I! e2 t& i  |% t9 `9 P
       3 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 1000 feet6 e8 F! k5 |) q9 A
               Airfield Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb
, Q, k  B+ Y) s; _' N1 t--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 F. I3 {$ J2 E% BMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  - {0 f% l6 x/ S2 t8 r
Weather in hex: Light cloud 6 D- T* P# m" x! ^2 Y7 s" L+ H- ?
Raid detected at 37 NM, estimated altitude 5,000 feet.0 n/ F6 o; n/ Y) N$ G* o2 _
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes . s+ T/ [7 s) v% T; R
Japanese aircraft( ~8 K; Z- i7 `
      G4M1 Betty x 25
4 I9 B2 v# I) e) ?$ hJapanese aircraft losses
  b6 m5 q1 v7 o  U/ z" e. Z/ k      G4M1 Betty: 19 damaged& U& K) L% [  s4 s5 T( I
      G4M1 Betty: 7 destroyed by flak
7 h4 Q8 B8 N! K4 ]Airbase hits 8
& a$ R6 K3 _9 w2 h0 k( tAirbase supply hits 3" f/ }2 H+ d# l/ V: X; s
Runway hits 13
2 N2 y9 H& y- ~! L4 H. g--------------------------------------------------------------
- J- x# l, d( h% {' HMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  - B# B6 c5 t+ F; g0 k
Weather in hex: Light cloud ( F" b* m2 K( S: r, \, U! @' R
Raid detected at 31 NM, estimated altitude 3,000 feet.& @  g6 [0 t9 {, a" {
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes ! x1 P0 g5 R2 ~0 t9 O) T
Japanese aircraft
+ c5 v' d0 o& X* E( ]      G3M2 Nell x 18 1 Z! T# `! ~3 g9 K
Japanese aircraft losses' ]4 g2 Q6 N8 F! I$ G7 `; A
      G3M2 Nell: 19 damaged) n0 G; \6 J! [0 e& Y
      G3M2 Nell: 3 destroyed by flak
; @6 i& N- v) a+ u( C3 _. r6 N4 |  LRunway hits 4& C% Z% q& q* F
Aircraft Attacking:
, M# w' o9 q$ l6 }. i) p/ Z$ Q. g/ u      15 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 1000 feet * ( V" `2 |; }! G
               Airfield Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
% X6 q5 H. ~3 P; y-----------------------------------------------------------------
2 Z) W' i. {& j# l8 Y: N3 \Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  
! I3 O* }% E/ \2 T* wWeather in hex: Light cloud
! W4 s* W* l3 [2 gRaid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 3,000 feet.% c( J- ?* P' ~: X) d
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes 0 I! @2 V$ {# a  d2 @) Q4 O/ [
Japanese aircraft  C/ v; q! p& P2 m7 D, z
      G3M2 Nell x 18
3 Q$ a1 l0 ~& S( ^6 \, Q0 u      G4M1 Betty x 19 $ P" ]5 R. Q9 X1 C
Japanese aircraft losses
" b5 ]2 T( m& z2 P      G3M2 Nell: 8 damaged" \0 M: r" {' L" k. c; z+ _9 J6 J* u
      G3M2 Nell: 7 destroyed by flak
" i/ v* C. {( [# b      G4M1 Betty: 12 damaged
$ T3 @; D& Z6 I2 T8 I9 ^# _4 {      G4M1 Betty: 4 destroyed by flak
& U. |- i# i! T; U8 I0 J+ gAirbase hits 98 c8 S9 ^( c+ D& a8 {- k  [  ?4 ?
Airbase supply hits 59 i8 q: B: q2 z7 A' k
Runway hits 9* n. F0 C" z; c+ m% K: e+ I
$ W: J- ?& e& d6 i: E% r' n. Y. ]( MMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84 $ k: y: O/ Z- h  u. |+ E
Weather in hex: Light cloud
; M# Y7 J  Q. y, B& ?8 ]Raid detected at 28 NM, estimated altitude 5,000 feet.5 o3 z$ `  d% J# H& V$ G9 P: {
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes # |& N2 `! _) J, h
Japanese aircraft) q: g" p- n. U! P
      G4M1 Betty x 16
8 y+ U) L2 H, N" d' yJapanese aircraft losses) b( k1 E( H: D5 v. @3 y
      G4M1 Betty: 11 damaged3 H9 I' h6 k7 |: N
      G4M1 Betty: 4 destroyed by flak " L3 m* O0 H" }4 m& v4 S2 e: K, ~
Airbase hits 3. E' T7 w$ K) m9 L, M$ {* Q
Runway hits 8& Y( F+ E, }( u: L
$ ?2 V4 p1 Q; [7 b; hMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  1 C8 _8 Q. w) g0 K; a( K
Weather in hex: Light cloud
+ C: q, w7 T/ [% r% ~Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 2,000 feet.% ]0 Z2 V" Z# k# \
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes 8 V# z* p, H! z, \% J) \0 F& O  s
Japanese aircraft
1 i! X! g  h" @4 A- U- _5 g      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 28
) W+ Z/ |! y/ \/ s# f      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 25
% G$ H# ^' Y  C0 ]" n. P7 zJapanese aircraft losses
- p: D  _! @4 j2 ~) M$ ]      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 22 damaged
" e- S1 z7 q9 A1 R+ Z1 K! ]1 N      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 7 destroyed by flak9 c. Q& P# g) e* n% B6 j
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 11 damaged
/ p7 S1 _2 E, t) q9 K( ?, E      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 6 destroyed by flak # N- ~' T# _" B6 s3 f+ d/ l
Allied ground losses:
2 A: i" y9 }' O, I( v: n  j* t      5 casualties reported3 v$ Z" T5 A0 u3 T0 H. V/ V/ g5 U
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled2 y2 i! H3 t4 C) a" V! V2 _$ ?
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
: @- c! Z# O& h! x         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled # g, z1 t  g; I3 `+ V! V/ `7 N
Airbase hits 2% M1 M: A, |8 D/ U
Runway hits 48 S5 I, M) ]6 I( V2 T' G" Y6 \
# V3 y6 M, _3 N) M1 p9 z9 o, }: {( BMorning Air attack on 104th Division, at 76,53 , near Kweilin
! |: ?" R2 x7 f3 UWeather in hex: Partial cloud
+ V; W% O2 D  R* S7 qRaid spotted at 44 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.( a  J+ M! B8 B& J! P2 f
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes
3 h; H8 I0 h" RAllied aircraft
$ L! Q0 A; o/ n. g" @1 e$ n      SB-III x 2
! v# }( [) g% ?No Allied losses
$ |$ ]/ L& ]8 t1 o; ^Aircraft Attacking:/ {( H+ \1 m$ h1 y
       2 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet *
6 c- x7 Y1 ?* ]) M$ U3 n. _               Ground Attack:  3 x 100 kg GP Bomb) G+ N. B0 {$ f& j2 F/ B* x
2 Y6 z$ w$ E/ ?8 `2 K  Y$ k8 MGround combat at Port Moresby (98,130) 3 J* g' C# i1 `, t* I
Japanese Shock attack
7 F* {. w% o# G' q+ \9 G- P5 A/ fAttacking force 17782 troops, 180 guns, 161 vehicles, Assault Value = 694
" I5 c" l9 E3 VDefending force 9473 troops, 94 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 338 8 I2 b% S( o  f3 T
Japanese adjusted assault: 368  
; V/ |4 y7 N; M& B' }) ^Allied adjusted defense: 339  3 l% A$ u, ^! {: \8 T
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 3)  
5 V/ s8 }1 B. K3 }! S% p6 V& Z( _Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 2
7 K$ ?5 t, Q  u& kCombat modifiers
  @/ N' P8 L* DDefender: terrain(+), forts(+), leaders(+), preparation(-), morale(-)/ m9 l, O1 f# `" G
+ u# D) K6 V+ z4 a# Y0 r' [% EAttacker: shock(+)
4 L" W( Y# s! P, q7 j# eJapanese ground losses:$ Y0 z$ F' {' v% @) S/ r
      856 casualties reported
9 U7 Z' A0 s) A6 e. J9 O+ s         Squads: 3 destroyed, 49 disabled
* e2 w0 f( p( M$ h3 U         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 7 disabled+ j: r, a* p- H! s$ u
         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 5 disabled0 R* J4 [7 J" s; f! C8 e3 B
      Vehicles lost 6 (1 destroyed, 5 disabled) ) L3 P6 `8 X: F* |4 R  I
Allied ground losses:2 F" A+ n& W7 ^- F$ \! L
      1077 casualties reported- H% \. o1 x$ ]% b# v8 e
         Squads: 12 destroyed, 123 disabled, D2 I* O6 p2 ~, ]+ v( q+ `4 d
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 18 disabled
3 V, ]! U" E" Q# t         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
7 Q1 x: u/ k; t" @Assaulting units:
& n5 S6 G4 X8 q8 Z6 F( q    4th Engineer Co ; U) |% Q" I6 y. h" A/ `2 f
    52nd Naval Guard Unit7 y1 p4 g' F% t1 c) W6 b
    2nd Indpt SNLF Coy , Z! t) m/ @( z: b
    146th Infantry Regiment" p. }# ~+ X( C% \2 B# B$ N# U6 t
    144th Infantry Regiment
. P+ A5 f( V9 G6 ~: n% S" D    84th Naval Guard Unit: N/ [- j4 {; e; X. ^7 J+ W
    8th Tank Regiment
: m# l  |! B& G/ p; {0 W# o    16th Infantry Regiment0 x( i# x& F% W
    Sasebo 2nd SNLF ! \# x4 V& d4 d$ D! o- S
    2nd Field Artillery Regiment
# r* p5 j* k/ P0 \/ j) \6 SDefending units:
8 `) `. {! {( m% }    1st Australian Division
: ?/ p0 F' W! M1 S    49th Australian Battalion
' f& F; u4 c5 t2 g" G8 ?6 y    D Coy/NG Rifles
/ f2 k0 [- z% n" a. Y    Port Moresby Brigade
- Y/ Z# O) E4 g+ X3 H    15th RAAF Base Force
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* I, p3 N8 y+ k# K$ h5 h
9 R, c. F! W( m3 }+ M8 B& o莫港看来盟军没 .../ j: Y% k) [0 k( K: U
wangqifeng 发表于 2014-11-11 20:55
; U# m7 N% u* |2 U" G* H8 h
3 \4 [" T4 @) J+ U- P3 q. y面对这个战力,除非盟军再上个师团,否者也就这样了,而且澳大利亚师团目前都是民兵班组。
& a* y( ]) j5 e0 t7 Z能拖kb一个月,也差不多了。。
/ R  N0 F3 y( [% D驻岛炮击莫港,配合当天日军突击,莫港已成定局,能拖一天是一天了。$ g& d. `) \+ k7 w
仰光附近的xAkl编队裸奔卸载,附近居然出现了舰爆,来自内陆一个小机场。' p4 q2 ~! ]( I  B' R
看来日军要开始封锁仰光了。 - r* u7 G: S' S! O+ u  C
---------------------------------------------------------. C! W; R: i( O- I$ \* h
Night Naval bombardment of Port Moresby at 98,130
6 K+ H" e! P# f! |# ~% o; ^, |- LJapanese Ships( u/ |$ ^6 Z8 X
      BB Mutsu
1 U! {3 ^6 y+ M# S      BB Hiei) [3 X9 F/ B" b8 F7 T3 k7 w; [
      CA Myoko
+ s4 N3 \) g( y3 g" q; A      CA Tone9 Z' G' ?9 b+ U* ?
      CL Tatsuta; t+ o$ H- g) ~: r: W
      CL Kitakami ' I1 X' u: k/ @8 f
Allied ground losses:8 i7 _* Z. l3 [8 H4 ~8 m
      149 casualties reported
8 H) [( N. |2 ]         Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled3 P4 v2 w: E0 u$ x7 h& \
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 13 disabled7 v& Q- `- r, P; o* y
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
# I: o* g, D7 }- Y9 u+ Q4 a* DAirbase supply hits 2
% B; |! W0 Y2 }5 H; `" m8 r# w7 |Runway hits 8
* z% d: R" X4 _6 Q1 y  ZPort hits 13
- @5 P0 y% J& u( N! G) |Port supply hits 3 - B8 ^5 X! e* m4 e; O3 w( ?1 O
BB Mutsu firing at 1st Australian Division
" P0 m1 \' x5 d# X7 GBB Hiei firing at 1st Australian Division
/ G! J" ^! o& j% r4 B5 b7 D* ^2 [CA Myoko firing at Port Moresby ! }1 c. g: z' J3 R; p  {. b0 b
CA Tone firing at Port Moresby / B! E  P( h# v9 j4 b0 c0 H( b( w
CL Tatsuta firing at 1st Australian Division( B( C5 F: a$ d) H/ p
CL Kitakami firing at 1st Australian Division
& {* B9 J4 |5 S. w+ ]: o--------------------------------------------------------
# x. u  m7 t0 l6 G3 cMorning Air attack on 17th Indian Division, at 56,54 , near Moulmein : M0 u+ T" _9 ?
Weather in hex: Light rain
+ t6 m) G; f' m3 x$ g5 u7 YRaid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 5,000 feet.8 ~$ @7 `% _6 J" o' q* `$ }" Y
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes
) Q) ~2 `- A' k5 s6 sJapanese aircraft
( _0 U2 S" w1 _7 {) ~      G3M2 Nell x 24
4 k- h. M) E; i+ T: C- ~- ZJapanese aircraft losses
' P1 d1 Z4 q' w1 o4 p% {1 U2 }8 c      G3M2 Nell: 21 damaged: A. l* P! w9 u  ]( H% G* y0 n
      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak
* b) n' R* q) F1 \Allied ground losses:
5 F) q$ E, u2 H6 l% \4 b" X      14 casualties reported8 q5 M' V$ F* i* x) `, Z
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled2 X& t7 j# N0 s5 K$ _7 i2 _9 V
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
# X- K! T, |$ F         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. H/ J6 j8 ~- I! K+ g0 U8 K( tAircraft Attacking:4 ^" _9 K7 R. y0 M
      22 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 1000 feet
3 U; r7 t# c( V& `               Ground Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb
6 i# y- S! H+ `4 U  [5 Z% u7 v--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, K& @, y, D) `- K, H
Morning Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 53,54   f, a4 o0 C8 R. @% B
Weather in hex: Severe storms ! K7 D0 E- N  S$ D
Raid spotted at 5 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.- W+ b0 b/ b) ~# a1 }
Estimated time to target is 1 minutes
5 v" ^" j) {! r3 H. n! X6 FJapanese aircraft
/ r, u  x3 e. n3 z. ?' P      D3A1 Val x 10
* H7 X. w5 c, e. e. q  Z" G* L: G. O! BNo Japanese losses   t8 ?$ b2 w( ~
Allied Ships, N/ r0 S, Z7 O* l+ S& }
      xAKL Mabella, Bomb hits 4, and is sunk
* b+ k: G; @; S% o      xAKL Honolulan, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
$ m* o  M' _5 u8 f. E+ j: g1 _7 y      xAKL Nanchang, Bomb hits 2, and is sunk
5 h) _4 s$ {: XAircraft Attacking:
; h* \" P, S( |( X' h# ^; {       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000'
# _$ y1 q8 U  N$ s4 H1 f               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb8 T: t4 y0 X+ h% |/ u! b7 c
       2 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'
+ Q% T) t/ r8 |( L1 p2 R5 {6 d: z2 F  O               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb7 {" X2 X' \( z5 w$ j* R  @# v  y% H
       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'& \7 Q/ s' s+ }3 p( f' {0 [" F% O
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb 3 p3 ^2 v6 o5 j9 U$ |
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring xAKL Mabella6 g7 P3 V5 D$ F' v, ]9 i( x
----------------------------------------------------------5 v) b6 S& p% e2 u
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 53,54
; G# {5 i8 d0 {* F9 P* ~Weather in hex: Heavy rain
% U. d% y, @6 Q7 TRaid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.# [& @; U2 w5 j' d8 |) g
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes # y* c. M7 K4 t' {
Japanese aircraft3 _) C8 p7 z1 A# k0 y* e
      D3A1 Val x 12 , S% D) @) [6 [9 A5 _
No Japanese losses
* C6 U# ?0 p+ b, h) e  Z* j. JAllied Ships
/ a: G! M( q6 h, s" u$ W      xAKL Wosang, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
/ m- L: o. D- e, M      xAKL Kwai Sang
7 B! m( M/ N0 `      AM Bittern, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires
' Q+ n# |! N- H/ {( L* v* a3 {/ W      AM Finch
  x' p9 y9 B7 i$ @Aircraft Attacking:! u9 u$ n" Y6 |. y0 l
       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'
1 {$ |" x/ m* ]# d. s" W               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb* i( ^- \$ J( N( ?/ _) ~
       6 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'8 z2 Z- u) S2 w' W
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
8 Y9 _* ?5 [' }2 p9 Q       2 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000'" o& C8 i( @" ]' \: V3 w- c
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb $ _7 y% t+ Z' Y  }
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring xAKL Wosang
# K4 A5 x2 U* N  c: n-------------------------------------------------
: _( R: b* c1 T$ d* o2 V: W1 |% eGround combat at Port Moresby (98,130)
" v$ l4 m# F' x4 t0 N% NJapanese Shock attack 7 y' E8 k* O, C1 ?* ?
Attacking force 17258 troops, 180 guns, 161 vehicles, Assault Value = 690 0 N) O. w2 {2 h/ Q
Defending force 8604 troops, 94 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 231
4 Q, Z2 l* ]9 K) N, d; PJapanese adjusted assault: 376  " M6 _- x! b7 ]* M3 N) o
Allied adjusted defense: 179  
! w+ a: H! ~# `) X( V8 c" JJapanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 2)  # w5 R+ p% `4 v0 C
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 1
/ K0 O: H8 \+ x/ y0 r5 oCombat modifiers% T6 m+ \. i! O& I$ X3 @
Defender: terrain(+), fatigue(-), experience(-)6 X; ~/ @, u& c4 y, ^
Attacker: shock(+)
- h' M$ g7 k  Q$ x& EJapanese ground losses:. h0 i! n+ e' a% ^6 h9 \- m, L
      713 casualties reported/ x; S" D; ^( l) N8 v; j
         Squads: 17 destroyed, 18 disabled
! k8 u  c8 a" l, M7 I& ^6 r7 y) b3 C& g         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled6 C6 ]$ q! B) W8 _
         Engineers: 3 destroyed, 7 disabled
% F6 {- W* a3 ^# g: Q0 r3 h2 l9 e% fAllied ground losses:
+ I$ @4 F; }' O( f; D- I      876 casualties reported
, r$ T. C. q- }( T         Squads: 24 destroyed, 65 disabled, C& `% m$ T# E* H: A
         Non Combat: 11 destroyed, 19 disabled6 V5 B+ c& I  l( q  q
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
* l+ N" w/ D! x. t      Units destroyed 1 & Q; G8 B+ [$ ]
Assaulting units:; v: j0 \6 I3 k! X; l) W7 H
    2nd Indpt SNLF Coy
2 r. r% I) V* C    4th Engineer Co & B* g# y8 v, V* m( [) |1 \
    146th Infantry Regiment$ m1 Y) n9 n( o4 W0 C* g/ R
    144th Infantry Regiment
5 I3 v. A% p% ]3 k2 r  `' \: C" S    52nd Naval Guard Unit. K  K  Q6 O( M9 L0 o0 F& d+ G
    61st Naval Guard Unit
3 |5 d% `5 V7 W, X* y; U: O    8th Tank Regiment; p8 b  [, f3 i5 a
    16th Infantry Regiment
6 p1 s! P, b4 ]9 C    84th Naval Guard Unit  t" p8 X  P2 V- Q1 N* X
    Sasebo 2nd SNLF % _! }, p3 @1 e+ k- Z& M  {5 t
    2nd Field Artillery Regiment 0 ~% Z+ |0 G" Y8 v
Defending units:$ u$ ?2 R+ p! t
    1st Australian Division
4 T, f" _' \( R0 b) p: D    D Coy/NG Rifles
' ?9 C0 {/ @3 N. Z( E    49th Australian Battalion& y' f6 y3 j/ u8 U1 d% s. o( q
    Port Moresby Brigade* h7 p/ ^: {0 B! P& x" l
    15th RAAF Base Force
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jan 31, 42+ O+ r4 H) ^$ [2 L
1 @( p8 T( l( s- Q1 K当天休整多日的飞虎队连同增援印度的几个飓风编队进驻仰光,  K2 ]' g& \" J; ]9 s
: J& V5 ~& _$ S( f3 \  I只击落零战10架左右,主要损失是21架飓风2b,看来是飞行员经验问题,
3 F$ b* y" u  s: {9 j8 h4 [不过目前也没有更好的英国飞行员了, 只好虚虚实实跟日军继续打游击了
6 p0 y. H5 t7 a; e. W% J7 q" {尽量掩护补给编队完成卸载 * r) K& x" [8 N' h- x$ j5 ^
同时4发光顾了那个驻有舰爆的小基地:Chiang Mai。* E7 w% B2 m' `3 C' E( m' h! \/ Y
------------------------------------------------------------------------0 N3 e3 l9 G1 X7 q; o! ?
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53 ) \1 S+ J' t2 l& F# H
Weather in hex: Severe storms
% ?* {. q' O5 s) `8 W. V  w! BRaid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.
& F8 N/ @# i2 k4 \Estimated time to target is 3 minutes   R, s# ]2 w* u/ h( Q! |3 p
Japanese aircraft
+ k( P$ ?5 r0 E0 n. w      A6M2 Zero x 45 ! V3 D  ~2 E& w4 ?' c( r5 M3 b" }3 l
Allied aircraft
" A" b* B9 F$ Y. B      H81-A3 x 17* {2 s7 }  v0 f! g+ `- P2 A! v
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 105 E' d; O0 x- S5 l! G
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 301 J- d* _% f+ V, S1 B! Z6 @
      P-39D Airacobra x 18
: H& ]2 }1 k( @( e; f      P-40E Warhawk x 18
% F! [  k! Q' j8 b  ZJapanese aircraft losses# ]! T/ ?% L9 l" y
      A6M2 Zero: 5 destroyed
  M9 Q* _$ H7 y! K* OAllied aircraft losses4 v3 ?3 P3 t8 Y+ g1 H
      H81-A3: 2 destroyed! N# T7 O( Y/ k, A* E+ s
      Hurricane IIb Trop: 3 destroyed
2 ~! H) F7 h" x( ~3 T" M      P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed0 b8 P! E. Q& X1 k' v
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed & V5 B) ^% @6 U- Y- x0 Z" S
Aircraft Attacking:
' A1 ~) q% {' c( j9 _      20 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
4 @" r+ H- K5 T, I+ D+ N--------------------------------------------------------------" F0 g5 Y3 y' Y% n
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  0 x: k1 B4 J3 K$ P" o
Weather in hex: Severe storms : t! M  q- k9 e0 F4 y
Raid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.
% B$ ]: G2 b& I. q6 w/ JEstimated time to target is 3 minutes
: C4 A+ K3 e! T7 vJapanese aircraft( C- k  X( a, B2 z1 Z$ p
      A6M2 Zero x 36 " f- l3 }: u7 s
Allied aircraft* I9 ^  D0 o% v+ s: W
      H81-A3 x 6
1 Q) j+ g& a$ h+ C8 D2 V& z% e$ h      Hurricane IIa Trop x 9( E7 ~' S3 b4 D. u# H% i
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 215 j+ N; T9 Z" V' s9 l) V# m9 c
      P-39D Airacobra x 15: t2 B: t, ^0 @8 m! d5 r
      P-40E Warhawk x 15 . ?7 c0 q4 |6 t7 N1 c1 _" h$ l
Japanese aircraft losses( e* R& ]- d2 l* D
      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
7 W" N" a  z$ j! u: {Allied aircraft losses
7 [2 z8 q& W5 s( w& ?+ z      Hurricane IIa Trop: 1 destroyed1 g' F+ T+ X8 {6 [* P
      Hurricane IIb Trop: 3 destroyed
  F0 E- l# s1 ~; H+ j9 ^" t' U      P-40E Warhawk: 3 destroyed " Z1 ?" L4 K6 s
Aircraft Attacking:5 |! Q1 F1 P! N! s  I+ _
      17 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
' H' A$ k0 T. l( L7 e-----------------------------------------------------------------
. I8 p2 {9 e# A. X# `0 JMorning Air attack on Port Moresby , at 98,130  6 H7 E7 u$ J( T! ?8 U
Weather in hex: Light cloud 0 ~% X* n7 J2 ^0 ?/ a' R+ O! G
Raid detected at 42 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.  C& I- p5 N; D: p0 B' B1 {! }! A
Estimated time to target is 16 minutes , p5 [% ?" D9 b
Japanese aircraft
$ l  C- r& L/ Y& K; W      A6M2 Zero x 27' B. s, T* j+ I% z2 Y! x+ G4 a
      G3M2 Nell x 7
+ H4 s* O4 F5 Q7 f! ~8 `2 F" B      G4M1 Betty x 15
2 G1 Y4 Q7 C7 _8 P: ]5 JJapanese aircraft losses% H  k" p* ]9 I
      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged7 F% w  S6 R( r- \7 }3 I1 u# s
      G4M1 Betty: 2 damaged " z, J8 i! j5 }
Airbase hits 1  U+ P& W% A/ F$ w
Airbase supply hits 1+ s* E* x$ ?2 d6 I
Runway hits 5
# u. N8 g8 K+ ~' |7 Y) w1 ~Aircraft Attacking:! _! z' Q( H- w
       7 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 6000 feet; d; Y- \; ?0 D" N
               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb6 _! s& S  k- L- }9 t7 E
      15 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet3 e. V5 @2 a5 T+ Y8 {! h6 o
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb ' j* a9 j& \7 f/ e7 a) @
Also attacking 1st Australian Division ...
% y. d  y- |) R0 r+ lAlso attacking Port Moresby  ...& L3 x6 Y5 b! Z& k+ @2 a9 H
Also attacking 49th Australian Battalion ...
: j2 c0 d* E, u: X$ bAlso attacking Port Moresby  ...' j( y3 [4 `5 ?! J6 o# [
------------------------------------------------------------+ l* Z7 X. S' N+ A9 l0 c
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
5 G4 G. E1 X  @0 W. }Weather in hex: Severe storms
4 [+ C. |$ ]! ?) Y( G; x4 URaid spotted at 36 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet./ O# Z8 x9 B! H; |
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
7 c- b: B1 o3 eJapanese aircraft' ~, @% {# i3 F; w7 c
      A6M2 Zero x 45 , ^/ w9 e. L* x* Z4 }" Z
Allied aircraft+ L  w4 Z9 Q; e& v) ^+ @
      H81-A3 x 4# o1 X5 P, I: k+ P0 B2 I# q
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 5
4 K; x7 j; k* G1 {" g9 X; l      Hurricane IIb Trop x 12
2 T  P/ J4 \: y      P-39D Airacobra x 11
4 Q9 H7 E/ x. U$ J8 Q& L      P-40E Warhawk x 4 0 w5 T: N1 r$ v
No Japanese losses
8 ^3 W/ t, b+ Q- f' n/ RAllied aircraft losses
% H6 A7 G, b  O/ j* Y      H81-A3: 2 destroyed
. T' r' m. ^' z# W$ E      Hurricane IIa Trop: 1 destroyed8 G& o7 A% W6 |1 w! a# ~; N
      Hurricane IIb Trop: 3 destroyed" A6 S1 o2 R" p$ N4 d. g! W
      P-39D Airacobra: 3 destroyed * |9 v9 ?1 b, E" k; C
Aircraft Attacking:
3 C( g! H& ?2 N& _! X      30 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
7 a* ?0 h2 _% l) \2 H---------------------------------------------------------------
9 x' K, F" k' dMorning Air attack on Chiang Mai , at 58,53  8 @: W' G! W- ^
Weather in hex: Overcast ( u' ]/ N6 u  y. A$ ~
Raid spotted at 40 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
& P  h2 C0 e0 K7 g2 C! H4 P" f( dEstimated time to target is 11 minutes
* ^" W1 n# V# p8 y5 P3 bJapanese aircraft& o* A2 d* J& l1 h6 y
      no flights
' l7 B+ `9 D0 E% x" rAllied aircraft/ r1 U8 x( H  ?' u$ B& d  q8 G
      B-17D Fortress x 27 * }% g, K& D, s9 `- N' ~* q
Japanese aircraft losses
$ P: O  B/ p8 c' o2 ~* M9 s; A0 D      L3Y2 Tina: 1 destroyed on ground 5 Z2 @9 f8 b8 o2 N+ h( \( x
No Allied losses ' K0 R* ^/ d2 R6 \, t* x5 O
Japanese ground losses:  p% ?& u, h2 x5 `/ y
      8 casualties reported
4 X  e# ?! P, b         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
  ]4 Q; P7 }' g; O         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
9 _5 X8 j; X5 ~         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled ; [! g7 P  o1 t1 B- g+ r2 D
Airbase hits 4
& |0 k$ s, d! Z+ O1 FAirbase supply hits 1
; x, c- B0 U/ ]: i& PRunway hits 31' [  Y8 p8 [+ F0 h! G
----------------------------------------------------------& g6 i3 P! ^2 r0 `: H; D* p$ Z
Morning Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,53 ( I! K3 I: A7 j) b# J
Weather in hex: Severe storms
( |! c7 d& W% k2 T0 I& t0 j: lRaid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.9 _  o0 k5 A2 {1 O; K
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
7 C) R) q. o: @% D$ [Japanese aircraft
' n# e' j5 \8 h4 R      A6M2 Zero x 16# K  \: F6 F% @; Z
      D3A1 Val x 13
- N2 [5 }3 F, f4 p4 ~0 a2 _- K3 P      Ki-27b Nate x 42 9 Q+ S: A. O' m7 r4 [2 \% Y4 E
Allied aircraft
: L+ {' Q  R. }) }0 k* M* O      H81-A3 x 1& |$ T7 I' ]8 k, ~
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 2; l3 q2 s8 @+ J
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 3, Z" `. r) R" a) s7 e7 i9 X
      P-39D Airacobra x 1, `# i) C% Y- y8 A
      P-40E Warhawk x 4   Y6 L; C4 n- P* M# r- N
Japanese aircraft losses
. t6 X) U% ?6 y" Y9 F7 O      D3A1 Val: 3 destroyed, 2 damaged
$ E& ?' i( w6 O      Ki-27b Nate: 1 destroyed 1 k; Z) t5 P) Z# A. g
Allied aircraft losses7 i) E0 Y* x5 h  t9 B" `
      Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed
# k2 W% j. C7 e8 b6 @Allied Ships
0 d9 w7 Q3 v6 v      xAKL Haiyang
# Y) q, n: O6 B+ p, t. @* x6 ~; _      AM Bittern,  on fire,  heavy damage
; X% B7 C" }1 k5 P  `1 L+ `      AM Finch, Bomb hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
* P! x% [- i+ g% ]Aircraft Attacking:( M) q" G2 h" p! P& |
       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'9 m& I& C8 y$ m- F, R
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb) b+ l: W! `$ Z7 _
       3 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'2 E7 A# S7 H$ z9 i& d4 c6 o7 y1 G6 k$ s
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
5 {" h- [$ S1 V' W  Q2 K7 ?" x       2 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'3 k7 O! o; n  |# d; j- {
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb8 d- m5 x: i5 m/ L
  I* l8 S% N3 h8 V5 D4 I8 P+ {Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  6 c6 k  m6 a8 B- p
Weather in hex: Severe storms   V' S  T9 s) ?6 k+ s* _+ s5 y6 u, D
Raid spotted at 29 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.
: Z$ S; T2 H+ i# a+ L/ ]1 XEstimated time to target is 9 minutes   G' Z' Q4 {  E7 C/ x( z5 b) t
Japanese aircraft$ F. I1 j5 W  e1 L; E
      A6M2 Zero x 36
3 }6 k- ?9 d* z: W4 vAllied aircraft2 C0 b- _* c7 k+ ^. ^
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 1; F; u9 c$ b$ h( c5 N' L
      P-40E Warhawk x 2 . P" e; M: y1 S" B/ }2 }& \
No Japanese losses / o4 g3 o' b9 j5 s) A7 S
Allied aircraft losses4 o1 x" F" n- D0 l4 A- \1 w
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed ) ~$ M, B3 y7 b  r3 W
Aircraft Attacking:
" Q" v6 A1 N9 C8 z, X6 W      36 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet  g$ R4 A0 w( t& w+ c
------------------------------------------------------- ) L8 J! _% g( i8 C. t' f+ j8 n$ C* B
Ground combat at Port Moresby (98,130)
% A# q* f) q0 U6 p  S- H5 \Japanese Shock attack ' q8 E7 l# N3 q7 u2 b! g
Attacking force 16804 troops, 180 guns, 161 vehicles, Assault Value = 651 9 b0 K* }$ }3 G
Defending force 8010 troops, 94 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 172
/ u" y# Y% I5 T% C, bJapanese adjusted assault: 448  
6 Y6 u! S7 v3 o, zAllied adjusted defense: 151  
* y" I2 z: h0 P4 BJapanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 1)  9 [  ^# x$ q9 S/ `" J$ `  g
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 0 + u( ^* w) W5 S4 m
Combat modifiers/ s8 D7 Y3 p& f5 Z
Defender: terrain(+), morale(-), experience(-)& o& K; d! p( f/ I+ u
Attacker: shock(+)
0 w; e& d& s7 s: ^0 _Japanese ground losses:
7 }, _( Z3 I0 T! N- L+ u      621 casualties reported
7 ]9 a8 a( t8 N3 n         Squads: 15 destroyed, 28 disabled; B5 R" k7 w9 f( R; U1 Z1 E
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
4 [% O# p/ }; W4 V1 k7 R         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 5 disabled
- o. G0 }  q- s; ?0 R1 eAllied ground losses:& l! I0 Z) O( q$ X/ d
      472 casualties reported, v, L8 s4 m. g$ i
         Squads: 49 destroyed, 45 disabled' y- @4 s6 ~' l- |0 [' }: Q
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 13 disabled
2 t" S2 [# H6 Q* [: C! {9 K         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
' b) Y: ~7 G" V; t: v      Guns lost 7 (1 destroyed, 6 disabled)   G. \& ^& A* e' b5 x, D( ]8 l
Assaulting units:
( _1 q! {8 j, |2 R% u) \9 I    144th Infantry Regiment
7 J# o0 B, [7 l* L# o1 x* Y& U* w0 [    4th Engineer Co
  X) a& e) G( D' u    52nd Naval Guard Unit) p3 J9 h. C! `7 F$ T
    61st Naval Guard Unit" E- f/ B5 r; K# p/ I
    2nd Indpt SNLF Coy 4 y) \6 p3 w4 O5 [
    16th Infantry Regiment
& x: n+ j1 [+ F1 z9 j    84th Naval Guard Unit
* j8 d: u* N( z2 w( x    8th Tank Regiment
6 _7 k! w1 l  E+ z! j0 N9 M5 G    146th Infantry Regiment
& Z/ i) q5 @4 L! {9 e1 f    Sasebo 2nd SNLF ! M' o# M/ H2 Y& y" h
    2nd Field Artillery Regiment
- f! }. j( B/ s$ T- \+ `/ FDefending units:" L' z* f/ c6 }7 w; A5 O6 u3 z
    1st Australian Division
6 a  m! i: @" O    Port Moresby Brigade
# i* x: p" U. x) ~7 l! ]# L    49th Australian Battalion* j! k* Z2 Y0 z0 n
    15th RAAF Base Force
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Feb 01, 424 U5 I% g; Y, R! w. j4 d
时间进入二月份,日军在陆攻掩护下继续突击莫港,盟军又挡住了一轮进攻。8 e0 a! o* q3 j0 ^: t% [* F
1 v+ U/ A2 u* ^1 [. n双方机队未发生交火,此编队带来了14w的补给,就看能卸下多少了。4 U7 N' D, e6 `& x
4发顺便光顾了下日军前进基地。+ ?, `3 i! h% T8 E6 s
& J5 a  s; a5 k  H% o! W' }) ]盟军伤亡不到4k人,估计还能顶住2轮左右攻击% d: T) L- L$ q! F
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------( r& `* [; x) i  r5 D3 P$ D
Morning Air attack on Port Moresby , at 98,130  8 ]( j6 L* }8 u' C$ H+ V
Weather in hex: Clear sky
5 K3 D% O% B) e3 D  h5 p/ rRaid detected at 75 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.) Q3 d. ^2 t7 t( a7 `+ q; R, ~
Estimated time to target is 29 minutes % C2 q. E% m4 |
Japanese aircraft
$ F$ G- X- \; C! K      A6M2 Zero x 27
8 r$ |: r' q$ W) J7 I/ d      G3M2 Nell x 4+ F" G: {! [" O! v. s
      G4M1 Betty x 12 2 q+ s; W$ i' z+ b& ?& ^3 W
Japanese aircraft losses2 x2 f  j6 Y* t+ {6 t
      G4M1 Betty: 3 damaged$ o3 S/ I/ e+ D  W  F( {9 M3 }& ?
      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak - K. L4 y% @: }2 O1 S
Airbase hits 2
% _. g8 Y- N: oAirbase supply hits 1
+ E" E* Y# ^3 B$ I( ^9 K  ?Runway hits 7
( S8 Q4 x, f1 ^0 \" Y-------------------------------------------------------------
8 j5 l' a; W0 Z- R$ O% ]' R& ^Morning Air attack on Chiang Mai , at 58,53  
5 D' h0 f7 i" @% v4 N7 {8 s* kWeather in hex: Thunderstorms $ M/ r, N: u* d' o! y6 K
Raid spotted at 40 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.+ r" {  _) D, ^: i& d2 P
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes 0 I. |6 B- K# g3 x- T
Japanese aircraft
0 T* Y2 H6 {7 o( _      Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 34
, g5 g1 E5 C- c, ?: `& \  VAllied aircraft
. A# U; T% N" A9 W      B-17D Fortress x 14
" v) w; M9 u4 qJapanese aircraft losses! u* M, P8 L; G! O- n
      D3A1 Val: 1 destroyed on ground
0 @+ q3 {0 h6 N6 j( LAllied aircraft losses5 \: G; Q$ n0 {# s& w- T
      B-17D Fortress: 14 damaged
# r/ x& S! x) m! ~" yAirbase hits 1
3 W- ]" N* L# eAircraft Attacking:
; D% S# m- U/ P' a; h. M( D, l1 ~  e       7 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet' j  L* Q5 L; d
               Airfield Attack:  8 x 500 lb GP Bomb. P$ N0 J5 q! h1 \
       7 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet$ T1 b- y4 }/ u9 p9 R
               Airfield Attack:  8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
& j% P# ~  f; G$ Y-------------------------------------------------------8 h8 h5 h- b- p1 z
Morning Air attack on Chiang Mai , at 58,53  # }1 l7 j+ C( R& p# @' z7 c
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms " s3 M) M# k& Q5 w0 X
Raid spotted at 35 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.* A+ a$ f: q2 B" q0 F
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes
# q4 s5 z4 z% @) j; ]Japanese aircraft
* U( ~& L$ G* m7 u0 @3 g" }' g      Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 24
# N4 L" y/ ]" w# P! i* o; wAllied aircraft9 ^' J* b; V& w+ }3 p8 g
      B-17D Fortress x 7
9 y" b0 w  r) q  M8 t4 ZJapanese aircraft losses) c; i$ s( B" R, m" M( ^+ p+ c3 S
      Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 1 destroyed
2 \; Y( V8 Y* n/ B      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed on ground
; a: ?% S- Y: ]: X3 wAllied aircraft losses9 h8 t: G4 P9 f; n
      B-17D Fortress: 7 damaged
1 U4 I, `/ K1 b! N& R1 T) k: ]Japanese ground losses:
4 \0 O& ^8 b. E+ ~      5 casualties reported* a& Y& ~4 S- w/ i5 ~4 g
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled( U- A. n- k4 x! R7 _7 g
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled3 F2 b1 U9 v3 w* p
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
6 q' ]( D6 [7 u: L2 _$ OAircraft Attacking:
+ k( ?9 U% L- U! e       7 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet( `# h" D  C, O8 a
               Airfield Attack:  8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
5 q4 I5 {) B5 ?( A% _----------------------------------------------------------------- @  F( ~; w$ ?* P6 j3 M
Afternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
2 G+ t9 P' }: c, C9 U( rWeather in hex: Partial cloud
( k: z( V9 r' Q; ~: @Raid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.8 j0 A+ r! A1 Q/ b
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes 9 d1 J- C) M0 ?% \8 p2 Y
Japanese aircraft
( s, z0 x9 q6 B$ S      A6M2 Zero x 45 . Q; p. X% k- I
No Japanese losses
9 P# X! j- Q! c' n: h* ~$ dAircraft Attacking:- Y* @- O& b6 d# i9 s; j
      45 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
7 _) g4 a1 z% l$ A& z-------------------------------------------------------------------
' S4 n" T! A$ {Afternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
+ f2 T9 ]  ?/ m6 k- Z" wWeather in hex: Partial cloud 3 F5 i% c( P) x0 z  _& f* w
Raid spotted at 37 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.
9 s0 g* p. ^/ g0 LEstimated time to target is 12 minutes
4 E! }& r4 M  t* i  w9 rJapanese aircraft
6 \# m7 E( a1 h      A6M2 Zero x 33
; `4 M% m2 Z2 U8 wNo Japanese losses
% j; N8 \$ X" R' M7 SAircraft Attacking:; J2 C6 H3 m, c* u+ k
      33 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
) f4 o% r2 ?3 m6 r* F4 u+ U--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' s. J1 o0 p' R( VAfternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
  ?9 A: d" U! P+ V3 q$ XWeather in hex: Partial cloud
# S" l/ B* }% S3 g+ r: W" bRaid spotted at 49 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.
0 C# B6 w+ p! H; S. Z# _6 rEstimated time to target is 16 minutes
9 q; b2 I! j3 m9 e+ k. QJapanese aircraft" z+ ~9 _+ e1 P& y% Y- B5 e
      A6M2 Zero x 36 # {2 H- a$ g* a* H) E) O9 H
No Japanese losses
/ t: C. @& E. G" ?# n7 [4 sAircraft Attacking:
4 t8 B, O( f+ R) [7 L5 P      36 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet 9 z1 i: P$ q; z" Y* }) Y
+ m6 H4 v& N1 d; BAfternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  + r, I  o2 U6 B8 r3 g; J
Weather in hex: Partial cloud 3 B8 K/ r# t3 X2 p% s9 \
Raid spotted at 32 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.
' k+ s, J$ w1 JEstimated time to target is 10 minutes
5 s$ v$ e+ h4 R: q# G4 tJapanese aircraft8 N' h- {, Y0 P8 Z. f/ N/ o
      A6M2 Zero x 32   d1 F' y6 W- ~  L: R0 i7 i) C. Z
No Japanese losses
4 `) x4 Y  c5 O. j8 d6 u2 cAircraft Attacking:
# J' o/ E5 N, O) l3 R0 k4 Y, r      32 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet6 B. G3 e: k' `% X  {
----------------------------------------------------- 6 z" e6 Q3 P6 F& E
Ground combat at Port Moresby (98,130) % I* J6 I" S2 Q6 g: H
Japanese Shock attack 9 f) \+ v0 H4 X4 x
Attacking force 16533 troops, 180 guns, 161 vehicles, Assault Value = 636 ( Y$ i0 x* q( M2 N8 ?. D# W8 W
Defending force 7564 troops, 93 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 136 1 p; m/ m. ~) `8 A- K
Japanese adjusted assault: 219  6 Y) s, _' N8 _( j7 a$ Y
Allied adjusted defense: 201  
. L$ m# @1 I( Z2 vJapanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 0)
8 u# z0 e$ |' R/ [7 ?& B. cJapanese Assault reduces fortifications to 0
$ `1 e! R8 u. q; D4 _# ?Combat modifiers
( U! d+ C7 R( k5 `; C8 e8 M& C! bDefender: terrain(+), fatigue(-), experience(-)8 }5 _& S& j6 g3 |
Attacker: shock(+) & A" R8 y7 u* S1 R( K; Y+ k. a& N
Japanese ground losses:
, Q9 D: ^+ [1 W8 o2 I5 @" B& V9 T      728 casualties reported
3 D/ B% B' j8 o! E         Squads: 2 destroyed, 75 disabled6 `6 ?0 A; {! k5 S  v
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled- {- W. t; V% f; h+ G) |2 r
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled ; d4 l# _5 j2 K8 p5 L' V* T6 c
Allied ground losses:
. v& B% V" P5 g/ S& N5 d      605 casualties reported4 A  Q- ~/ j: \1 q, m: c( \8 D
         Squads: 14 destroyed, 21 disabled
6 N9 D8 _! v( U         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 35 disabled
3 G  E7 {6 K9 }( a* o8 J- \6 O) U         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 7 disabled0 n/ T3 l, _- n/ a# f
      Guns lost 10 (2 destroyed, 8 disabled) 6 V4 F8 P" T; A* C9 s9 K8 G
Assaulting units:6 P; K+ o9 D+ |; k. r
    16th Infantry Regiment/ Q1 Z2 l7 d3 ^! e
    146th Infantry Regiment
) l, l! w" ?( t  t    52nd Naval Guard Unit
: C: Q' u# {3 `# q' h    61st Naval Guard Unit
6 S: [  \9 G* o6 d    144th Infantry Regiment  a( [6 l7 j; H/ P) x
    2nd Indpt SNLF Coy
5 \$ ~0 R' t7 ]    8th Tank Regiment/ W; j' ?* H& L. h1 C
    84th Naval Guard Unit
; t( s  {2 h0 m! H* j! k% R    4th Engineer Co $ V& {: V7 }: W1 Z
    Sasebo 2nd SNLF
# W; y6 x. G9 N- _& b% k7 S* ]    2nd Field Artillery Regiment ! h) f& B" B' r
Defending units:2 O' [& V4 a' P: ]0 n& ^( [
    1st Australian Division; M' r# @$ A3 N. z9 h) r7 w
    49th Australian Battalion
+ _0 p1 X; J$ L/ y8 d    15th RAAF Base Force  X  s0 @5 i( [. n+ N5 Z+ h! K% t
    Port Moresby Brigade
4 h; W0 T. w* ]3 x" B--------------------------------------------------------------------------------   v2 A- \* j/ H7 K) V% r3 H
Ground combat at Singapore (50,84) 9 U* z  x  G! w% p" T+ Y% D9 w& R- S
Japanese Shock attack 4 c0 h  m0 U7 [' r5 {
Attacking force 116546 troops, 1162 guns, 276 vehicles, Assault Value = 3519 + Q" n7 k+ z) I/ g
Defending force 45177 troops, 498 guns, 298 vehicles, Assault Value = 1077
$ M- r0 M/ a0 `- j2 SJapanese engineers reduce fortifications to 3
& z" T/ L( e) n0 W  J8 BJapanese adjusted assault: 1158  
7 a# O* N" a8 ~7 j4 D. VAllied adjusted defense: 1503  
0 T; r- H) ~9 A' k+ ]  _+ QJapanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 3)  4 E" C- [! a( n- {$ R, `
Combat modifiers. ]( x/ w6 b6 I6 n1 L7 S9 H5 U- ]1 ^
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), preparation(-), experience(-)1 n, G* z$ u2 {# Q
Attacker: shock(+)
/ r4 H$ d* Y0 Z! WJapanese ground losses:. Z( A+ S* x! M( F0 A- f
      10212 casualties reported
, g. u: Q0 j; w         Squads: 226 destroyed, 615 disabled" T! R# x' C( `! ^% X8 R
         Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 44 disabled
+ L, D. B2 m: d1 O: _         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 73 disabled' U9 v2 q% s  g* t9 M4 r
      Guns lost 89 (6 destroyed, 83 disabled) 8 Z2 z+ c1 A' A9 y" p
Allied ground losses:. I) x! q9 c6 G7 f
      3881 casualties reported' P6 f6 j; l0 Q
         Squads: 97 destroyed, 241 disabled
7 D. ?1 x# D) _         Non Combat: 14 destroyed, 92 disabled+ o* x7 Q: _( r
         Engineers: 9 destroyed, 40 disabled
8 X/ Y* a9 S/ Y' ^) H) S      Guns lost 48 (4 destroyed, 44 disabled)
# ]. K! D. G/ N' o0 i6 Y      Vehicles lost 21 (4 destroyed, 17 disabled)
  J0 ]. F8 P) Y; hAssaulting units:
8 t, i1 R7 w- b9 j    4th Ind.Mixed Regiment9 r7 y, [2 o8 t
    2nd RTA Division4 K3 ?. q: K* P
    21st Infantry Regiment, R/ _, b6 Q9 n1 m/ n# U1 m
    42nd Infantry Regiment; T0 z1 q* T' }
    3rd RTA Division* b, D5 n" z* m! F3 D9 P( t
    38th Division. p" r) A9 u2 w* ?" ^
    55th Infantry Regiment
( c( J( l- q3 }2 ~+ y    15th Ind. Engineer Regiment# a5 S/ m' i" f# C5 F
    56th Infantry Regiment
/ s! c. d, |4 v& x    III./143rd Infantry Battalion
1 P9 P' K% Y: g6 x    4th RTA Division
  `1 u3 }3 g* t8 t- N    55th Engineer Regiment- n6 L9 d$ e& Y& p
    91st Naval Guard Unit
" x  n; b$ N7 ^$ g& b7 {) i& @6 W    I./143rd Infantry Battalion* u! J3 c6 b: Q7 |; G) _
    11th Infantry Regiment/ I- z0 m2 e% u: v/ e1 A* k
    56th Recon Regiment
+ z$ a& J% @: K    56th Engineer Regiment
9 o4 u% V* b1 }/ R" }# x& P    114th Infantry Regiment
. Z1 M( r! X# x1 k    148th Infantry Regiment9 A& p0 P7 V* f+ ~
    6th RTA Division
" H3 j# M" u  C1 [% U8 g  O2 B# X8 Y7 s    21st Division
. {, D# C3 D. r, `4 |    Imperial Guards Division5 k$ v7 d) l0 _; P; @0 R! }
    5th Engineer Regiment& h/ Z. m3 W: e3 L
    4th Ind. Engineer Regiment; m6 w' W" C. n" n
    113th Infantry Regiment6 c- }, t: U# Q' ]$ u% A
    41st Infantry Regiment
3 O. K5 V7 O6 G$ s/ j! V    4th Division
  e, c0 X# o5 j- G    112th Infantry Regiment) I- i$ T8 U# @- c. l
    12th Engineer Regiment
9 N  w9 M0 k( w: Z$ Z    21st Ind.Mixed Brigade
$ ^: V7 O! s2 i" j" o* v' q/ a2 @    7th RTA Division
1 l" j8 I8 {2 g" T8 w5 [) s' A    21st Fld AA Gun Co
# T& @" s8 V* q+ K/ g- i  y    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment, E: c2 |4 s4 z2 G, k
    55th Mountain Gun Regiment% v" l3 B$ c. w- b( w9 Q0 r
    25th Army: U) n# S% q. [& I# S3 Q7 R
    18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
2 e* a- z$ \$ p6 L    15th Army/ U. O& F9 u$ R* F1 M5 b% S1 r
    11th Shipping Engineer Regiment( ^4 ]5 p+ q; X7 K
    5th Field Artillery Regiment, ~5 C  L# s' j( Z& j. E
    56th Field Artillery Regiment9 P; D/ j" M+ U' t
    34th Field AA Battalion; t4 b. x$ `; [1 V
    14th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
+ j  Z3 m4 p: {  ?) \# P6 S' f5 K; ^    21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion
& k" ~+ r( |1 U* A, TDefending units:' W+ I* i2 Q6 p) F3 h
    27th Australian Brigade3 Z& M+ `# n* L1 N
    SSVF Brigade
1 b: ^3 @, H1 p* _" j    1st Mysore Battalion
# X( ^5 g5 s  l3 r7 v2 k# G2 f    3rd Cavalry Regiment
9 @* C; ~# X% ?    11th Indian Division# a1 H7 V3 @1 |$ q9 y) \3 t! L& I
    2nd Gordons Battalion
  I0 f! N: S/ i( C, T    22nd Australian Brigade
' w# q4 B& H) R7 l4 T: D    2nd Malay Battalion
( A; B' a$ v7 P: g2 f0 b) F0 u    2nd Loyal Battalion0 w' {% H: A, ~6 @& u* Q0 i! a. W* g
    3rd SSVF Battalion
) P1 s& G, @( F    5/14th Punjab Battalion8 Y; o6 [( M; @
    1st Malay Battalion2 O0 _% [; z! e) U8 m
    2/17 Dogra Battalion1 t- c4 Y- e4 Q& _2 I: W
    1st Manchester Battalion0 H- J! t5 S7 e0 L! ]4 [7 C
    9th Indian Division& |: N6 H; \9 ^4 p: d: `# Z
    2nd ISF Base Force
' F6 o( G( Q5 b  ^" D6 g    224 Group RAF & T: i4 {3 u# P1 ]& Y
    1st Indian Heavy AA Regiment
: B2 s! ?8 ^. R0 q8 x9 t7 [5 i    AHQ Far East
! L' l4 d2 k9 r; R* u+ A( f    22nd Indian Mountain Gun Regiment! ^/ |, P) p2 \; c
    3rd HK&S Light AA Regiment! D4 F+ [: ^# @% h7 {
    110th RAF Base Force* m0 o' L! D. O+ z7 M6 Z  h: y. c
    109th RAF  Base Force
/ U6 w# n- |; A5 E0 q) z    1st ISF Base Force) m$ l: c  p9 m1 S/ v. j
    Malayan Air Wing & s/ @# e+ [% |) y1 y! F$ k
    Singapore Base Force! Z& w% u3 C' |+ Y: B$ J
    223 Group RAF ! l* \( R9 R8 T: o  u  f4 f9 g
    112th RAF Base Force
, G$ R$ s7 ]+ a9 {# @8 Q    111th RAF Base Force
4 N6 N% _9 E& a' ^: w8 z: R/ H    III Indian Corps
0 u7 v; }$ |/ k    3rd Heavy AA Regiment0 z+ O6 ~/ F. A0 @3 q' d- T
    24th NZ Pioneer Coy , s! H! p" \7 z% J! }3 X
    Malaya Army+ h: w, @! D  Z( w. ]" u: o6 _4 c
    Singapore Fortress8 l5 d; C# d6 ?3 E( a7 T8 ]+ G
    109th RN Base Force
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Feb 02, 426 G: f3 Z; `4 T$ F
2 J5 L  j$ ~; G% |+ x  `有一队舰爆嗅到了机会,发动打击击伤了几艘运输船,由于几天前日军在新加坡损失大量陆攻
' p, C% I9 S% I* B! |预计陆攻编队需要休整大概半个月,因此即便没有飞机防空,仰光的运输船也不算太危险。& w" q. p  o; |& Q( c+ y; s+ g
1 H8 y. U6 ^) E% |  D: I* V6 k2 X' w! dMorning Air attack on Port Moresby , at 98,130  
0 ?: @% f# u$ k) Y& y; GWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
" ~9 a  h% \/ r+ nRaid detected at 58 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
9 S% D: ^: @) D0 d( i1 C  zEstimated time to target is 22 minutes
7 T! |% c+ x9 jJapanese aircraft; x1 o. Y# V+ S+ Z6 G! m
      A6M2 Zero x 21& p4 Q5 h4 O4 p% f( n3 _4 P
      G3M2 Nell x 7* B4 W  z- {/ n+ D) g/ z4 o/ i
      G4M1 Betty x 12 6 ]1 O6 t+ ?+ ?) d6 z( q3 ^0 R
Japanese aircraft losses  V! O7 S, p3 L8 h+ f
      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged4 ~- n  @/ a% h
      G4M1 Betty: 3 damaged
+ f; F* ~3 h" a8 w. JAirbase supply hits 1
6 ~6 Q' f& O; T9 _Runway hits 3, k" h. G. l8 |
# d5 N4 K( `" V5 F4 zMorning Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,53 ( u6 c6 z* I/ w1 X/ o! Y
Weather in hex: Light cloud 1 A  K* F- g8 w2 C4 `9 W0 ?
Raid spotted at 40 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.4 R8 _& L' w  ^# Y  E* y9 q
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes
9 `2 Q6 Y7 I, G7 _" R1 P$ u' a; \Japanese aircraft8 R% {! i) L& P& f
      A6M2 Zero x 267 Y6 Y" Y4 G6 J3 W: t0 @
      D3A1 Val x 8 ( h% f7 }/ L$ S% t. C' T
No Japanese losses $ k2 W/ e/ C& D( K( ]
Allied Ships
" A) D# O$ v& `" `      xAK Indianan$ F. E4 s5 q  z% y% G( W# t
      xAKL Oklahoman, Bomb hits 1
' E2 \% E' ^6 r' I      xAK Hoihow, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage : o) W( U0 E7 m( W# V  Y9 U
Aircraft Attacking:4 ~0 H# D& P7 G- o
       5 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
6 W3 J2 m( p; R               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb4 `" p8 m7 U' L% W! H8 ^/ j1 u
       3 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000'' v" o+ d$ ]4 v3 J, x
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb " J7 Q) R: u# M; @. S, A* B
----------------------------------------------------------------------% X+ n4 c6 d$ q. [# p! z
Afternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  & I  q4 r: l! X, q1 h
Weather in hex: Severe storms & J0 B/ }$ H- r1 Q  b
Raid spotted at 46 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.. d) `$ `( R6 x' s3 W5 e
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes % W* N6 a5 |, {
Japanese aircraft
1 x1 G. q$ a- T4 Y* k7 h9 i      A6M2 Zero x 33
7 |0 }2 x. |' E# T" F* ^& wNo Japanese losses ! G4 k9 G: o/ T% y& L# u
Aircraft Attacking:
% L! S; M* K9 I/ Z& v6 D      33 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet % x* c' J. h8 o% c, U
" S2 W8 e' E7 X) j& e7 wAfternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  % ~8 n1 A2 ~& v6 J4 S$ s; e  T, y( [
Weather in hex: Severe storms 6 n+ W) T: U7 F( s
Raid spotted at 28 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.
5 H9 J% A4 ?8 tEstimated time to target is 9 minutes
4 F; f* \4 `, X! s0 S* WJapanese aircraft# E) j* U$ U, v0 C
      A6M2 Zero x 24
& `# C3 ^' w( d2 {3 d. @( s7 b8 cNo Japanese losses  E# B1 D% T. S% {8 G* p
Aircraft Attacking:
( R+ w1 {; Z1 A5 H) C      24 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet  
, ^5 C/ i+ {: S6 @- a--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 r7 E- B; c: x- N5 W0 \5 nAfternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
3 a1 h; S1 W, E- ?- U1 NWeather in hex: Severe storms , K8 P2 W# H1 p- Q/ Y
Raid spotted at 31 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.
6 h: M. m% v8 t( KEstimated time to target is 10 minutes 7 L& _/ [1 f% A3 ~/ v
Japanese aircraft
! I+ S) Z5 N  p5 c      A6M2 Zero x 24 1 p5 m) P* d6 g5 K% Z+ s0 D8 n
No Japanese losses 3 y$ \' Z+ _6 w) r( z
Aircraft Attacking:
+ \9 C$ y9 k2 Y1 b      24 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
9 d! \: g% i9 K$ k: I--------------------------------------------------------------------------------& d, h1 ]: x: U8 y) W  ]. u
Afternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  7 l6 o# \) |& p0 H: p8 x4 p
Weather in hex: Severe storms
- m* b! B+ w4 U$ M1 A; bRaid spotted at 26 NM, estimated altitude 26,000 feet.
. l& S& E( d; R  E. PEstimated time to target is 8 minutes 7 O! D; w8 y% n& g4 s  s
Japanese aircraft# @0 M; }6 N8 z9 n7 V
      A6M2 Zero x 27
2 v0 w0 {  N. M# \+ sNo Japanese losses
; R' M9 I, D+ p6 Y: {# JAircraft Attacking:  i0 X6 l/ ]" Z- {% t6 K
      27 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
本帖最后由 zer0 于 2014-11-13 17:38 编辑 # b, s& E9 C/ X) J" w2 i" _0 A

* P. D7 q+ }: |) LAFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Feb 03, 42
& K5 A7 t' O4 W1 o2 z日军继续增兵莫港,并在陆攻配合下再次突击莫港,澳大利亚官兵力战不敌,莫港沦陷。4 E/ D$ N* n' d
0 z- F# @8 S6 Z% ^# o当天飞虎队起飞迎敌,仰光上空爆发空战,飞虎队当天的表现很抢眼,以15架左右的损失
9 ?' F  e$ t2 e5 N打下零战23架,连菜花天皇都怀疑盟军超高了,盟军也没想到当天飞虎队表现和前两天差别这么大- H( B$ d% Q; e
期间也就是补充了几个空战高点的飞行员而已,这是因训练机队召回,训练刚完成一半的飞行员。- E! R/ V; m; _' c5 F# U

1 K+ s4 U1 t) |" l' g$ X---------------------------------------------------------------& a# [1 G, h4 V4 Q9 j3 T
Night Naval bombardment of Singapore at 50,84
" I' y! Y. l3 J. B. a0 q4 aAllied Ships3 f7 K2 ~% D) S
      CL Durban. Z2 C# X9 K# W" X  y- t
      CL Dragon9 j( \0 B! G1 _0 Q, o
      CL Danae, x( Z  S+ W& R6 g( r+ F
      DD Piet Hein
5 b  l0 E0 {1 J1 O      DD Banckert
2 @! l9 F; n% B& }, o, @' J      DD Vendetta
) ?1 P1 [# Y* G: q. e3 Y2 q( _      DD Vampire9 `/ q, {+ [8 I* Y) ^
-------------------------------------------------------------------% W6 s; J! }7 C  x- b+ O
Pre-Invasion action off Port Moresby (98,130)
- N$ J" t% `) e1 d+ nDefensive Guns engage approaching landing force
" v+ ?  w) e( R0 J74 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
( O/ e6 e; M3 W3 V  N  q8 SJapanese Ships
. V$ _8 ?2 \* P: f) `      PB Kenkon Maru
- E2 K4 u+ C% A8 }0 m7 z      PB Kanko Maru
& D, e- b0 C5 P+ r( d      xAK Oregon Maru : b3 ?' F  d3 t; v3 v
Japanese ground losses:% x8 M" e( _2 R5 _) ]' k0 Z2 ^
      37 casualties reported  r, }/ j1 r5 k0 o0 g4 f2 |4 f
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
3 a. ^/ F- f( R( @         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
  X7 S/ u  B& t8 B         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
; S8 O4 i( p. e1 ?9 n------------------------------------------------------------7 E8 Z+ i; P2 y* Z& g
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
0 c  T' d! R: d! s8 yWeather in hex: Clear sky ) C. B9 G# }3 k
Raid spotted at 31 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.& A' ~4 I/ v& p/ t
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes 0 @/ q$ N% n. h5 z
Japanese aircraft  @5 B) V3 w8 g4 H2 W' Y: a
      A6M2 Zero x 27 ( Q) s9 L: t0 d% `# h* h; P
Allied aircraft
+ X4 {  W7 y& Z" s4 _. `6 I      H81-A3 x 18, M" Z( B8 A: N  P
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 11
$ F- @9 _" X8 `1 {" k8 Z( J      Hurricane IIb Trop x 22
9 H* I" d8 q. m5 s% _6 I. N      P-39D Airacobra x 20. I1 k; c/ U+ x5 E. v; d
      P-40E Warhawk x 18
$ w* Y" b& ?# {# {6 FJapanese aircraft losses: x" ^7 Q! Z( T$ n1 B0 E" }
      A6M2 Zero: 8 destroyed 6 Q- k  w$ d9 A. |) s
Allied aircraft losses
9 {& i3 M) q$ r3 @0 A      H81-A3: 1 destroyed0 P* L( `. H9 m$ O
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed
0 s1 o  V3 {! o' N7 V4 K& C) M  QAircraft Attacking:
8 U! ^9 B: H$ F       4 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
2 |8 M1 g8 K" v; \: i" j--------------------------------------------------------. Z+ f% x. g% Z2 S% y7 b0 x
Morning Air attack on Port Moresby , at 98,130  ; d5 d2 D/ E9 J
Weather in hex: Heavy rain ( u& G; S  b9 X& O
Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet./ F: B+ i/ {' T( M3 T1 ?
Estimated time to target is 31 minutes
3 ^; S; |' ?0 q3 q/ S" e8 rJapanese aircraft1 i5 U/ R. E  o7 f1 E  |/ O8 k- q& q
      A6M2 Zero x 16
( @1 R* g3 A' }0 C7 b      G3M2 Nell x 7; J  `: \+ F, q8 c
      G4M1 Betty x 7 ' w; ^8 j; @  |3 M
Japanese aircraft losses
1 Y) x; }4 G3 w' a      G3M2 Nell: 2 damaged
, V' ?% i0 z' S) i      G4M1 Betty: 2 damaged
! m* N, w. p: P  FAirbase supply hits 2
! y; `% R( e" E7 m. W- {Runway hits 1
7 p( [8 Y! `7 b* [--------------------------------------------------------------3 [  j5 w) P& t% R
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  8 m5 g0 N0 D" Y' N
Weather in hex: Clear sky   x3 g9 v1 a" }7 a* x6 J
Raid spotted at 38 NM, estimated altitude 26,000 feet.
6 h# y3 a3 u9 g- x2 W  h6 sEstimated time to target is 12 minutes
) D0 k" C7 |# j' f  t4 ^  S! r2 {Japanese aircraft
2 S" b6 L) I2 I      A6M2 Zero x 110 / u# G% {1 \2 _! r2 Y
Allied aircraft
1 ]6 p; U$ b6 {$ l, A$ o" s      H81-A3 x 13
- i: }8 q; t$ F. `- ?      Hurricane IIa Trop x 75 U" y! e0 o" q, Y% [
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 19  E3 H1 R# e' b  L
      P-39D Airacobra x 20( Q2 B5 I% L9 }+ U' S# Y
      P-40E Warhawk x 13 " o7 k' _: s+ F% Z. y9 ~
Japanese aircraft losses
" l- G* m4 u/ G0 D7 @, r& ?& d% G      A6M2 Zero: 3 destroyed
: b+ ~5 n/ V& ?3 C% B/ |Allied aircraft losses
& u5 P8 t" y. f  U1 i      H81-A3: 1 destroyed2 T0 I! X7 @% e; T, V3 `
      P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed
7 M0 p, c3 f6 _" V$ k8 [) R1 t8 xAircraft Attacking:5 y3 Q! m" m( Z6 q$ p, z* I; v
      41 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
+ e+ x( [: U2 O      20 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
  g" h* F* R6 }  x      23 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet* b7 S: I. _3 m4 w5 D
       6 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet . e+ B, ^- d# r7 d7 W  w' q
CAP engaged:
5 w$ Z5 G! a3 f/ iAVG/1st Sqn with P-39D Airacobra (0 airborne, 4 on standby, 0 scrambling)6 K  [4 z" Z( m. q5 w; H. a8 w
      16 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.: g/ t5 i0 A) T3 V: Y
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 20000 and 25000.
$ E4 Y1 J+ x- @2 V& f4 q      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 54 minutes
" L  @% X) L  ?% q) g$ FAVG/2nd Sqn with P-40E Warhawk (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
: r# [. d* h; \# c      8 plane(s) not yet engaged, 5 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
$ p* j% b! K$ \  S3 k7 S+ k3 }, G      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 21000 and 26000.  D$ \" X' O8 V! M1 [
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 19 minutes
' [7 ]; d! k- m6 l& s- OAVG/3rd Sqn with H81-A3 (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
" m2 T+ V) X) O! }; O      2 plane(s) intercepting now.9 j4 |9 W4 u# C! B, P
      7 plane(s) not yet engaged, 4 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.! {$ ^* H' G2 }. Z
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 20000 and 28000.* M2 c$ e3 Q' ^; G1 \4 d: `
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 17 minutes6 G' r. b0 n/ r2 T9 D! P
No.67 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIb Trop (0 airborne, 4 on standby, 0 scrambling)& T4 U7 |0 ]. D5 }
      4 plane(s) not yet engaged, 4 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
# F, H3 `& v- g: P% L, s      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 20000 and 25000., q/ J' f# w) ?: B1 \
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 20 minutes, z) v% r% e) _8 B5 c# m
No.136 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIb Trop (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)6 F9 a3 Q+ f+ X; m+ B. S
      4 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.5 \! t0 O% g1 e/ t, [$ V
      Group patrol altitude is 20000
$ _  q7 F# U( y3 r      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 22 minutes
' M$ x( [( ?* _" Z- mNo.232 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIb Trop (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
+ T" F8 Q! c- x# _: u      1 plane(s) intercepting now.+ C- V+ F- X* j1 @
      1 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 1 out of immediate contact.
; ^1 t# K% y% M/ |, V7 }% r) b      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 24000 and 25000.
( f: M8 C6 b# _" b3 r- q( M) ]      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 37 minutes
. V) c: E% m2 k1 j$ q0 INo.258 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIa Trop (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
8 G( t1 C: M- a& _7 [      4 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 3 out of immediate contact.# }7 J; k0 q3 n$ z1 D, ^! w, S
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 17000 and 23000.
. h; e$ X4 P" ?6 w2 A( j8 W      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 43 minutes" X; j, U! n7 ]6 S- z6 C$ Y
* @, ~6 J9 S) b/ G# wMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  , G' D/ V9 _5 k
Weather in hex: Heavy rain
$ L  t0 F- f5 Z( r/ q* g# Q$ E0 mRaid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.. y# }7 E% }$ W" W: D& w
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
* u* z4 z2 b, q$ cJapanese aircraft% Q3 b% ^; Q% o3 C9 ~8 u. \* e# `
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 167 D# u, p$ N8 }) T+ x. w6 J7 T8 G
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 12
7 ?  O8 _: b4 G: Q      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 21   S) N6 }3 @; [; w8 a
Japanese aircraft losses2 Q0 g& W+ o. D3 t# @
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged" y* V2 a8 Z- [4 Q+ x0 u
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak8 j. g  Y8 j) |2 ~
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 2 damaged
! y6 V$ u7 h. y* w1 A( S      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak $ N* |" t* U. B7 @5 U0 G$ @) U8 D
Airbase supply hits 1, a7 Z1 a0 S" b' h) k# ?1 w1 x1 K
Runway hits 7   ^  k9 T! Z3 t# I: W0 j, ?
Aircraft Attacking:. X- C6 M0 v( _- g% ^
      13 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet *
$ B% q! t& S0 {! |- f# f  A! y+ d               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb$ b# U6 M+ v+ t
      14 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet * 3 c, m4 U" M$ m' i: D
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 100 kg GP Bomb6 O+ n1 e5 o! E$ m2 I# s: z5 L
       6 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet *
7 k3 x+ V% l/ O/ ?+ R               Airfield Attack:  2 x 100 kg GP Bomb: I7 L( A4 m( j+ R( _) a: J
       3 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet * * Z( ?, e" ~! z: {3 N- q' I4 I0 E
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb" ?9 \9 T$ X( C5 b. [' ~
% I5 ?2 ~6 Q7 `1 H% q' X- GMorning Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,53
: P" r' C7 D1 f3 O% DWeather in hex: Clear sky
1 o5 q$ }# r1 V  |( s# rRaid spotted at 39 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
6 H6 p/ k, A' ^4 Z' `2 w. rEstimated time to target is 14 minutes / `) }" H' G! s6 N; X
Japanese aircraft0 F% |& ~- x% D$ z$ J; I
      A6M2 Zero x 27
7 o0 k  j, e* L* d      D3A1 Val x 4
* N. I5 P. R! z0 ~' J" m5 xAllied aircraft
, }/ H$ B/ ~5 |, J6 a      H81-A3 x 9! H6 z" z5 B; n  s% ^  a) Y
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 6( \" ~1 H: E# u& i) o
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 16
0 e" L) n2 S2 F! ^      P-39D Airacobra x 12
6 r9 X% x- d9 T8 m; a  t# v. Q      P-40E Warhawk x 10
; Q1 h: N! `! H7 e+ K! RJapanese aircraft losses9 E! e% c) O/ f
      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
  @- L- }  X+ o" H6 d+ d. rAllied aircraft losses3 O/ m. u. p% z% `9 q+ m
      H81-A3: 1 destroyed 0 J) m. {7 W" A6 T/ j: R
Allied Ships0 f# M/ l, H6 x9 ^0 x0 H
      xAK Edgar Luckenbach, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
1 @% U4 f* M! V8 gAircraft Attacking:
4 x. D2 v! u6 n/ A       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'/ b" M9 Y5 N: m# i
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
, |0 o' l/ I  b4 R. ~-----------------------------------------------------------2 G8 M( a; w; K7 {: H
Afternoon Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  ) O% K2 R) N. {, t
Weather in hex: Partial cloud 1 q! P4 |* c( ?& P. u5 k
Raid detected at 34 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
: N, m# }" Y9 d; x% s$ oEstimated time to target is 13 minutes
% }. K3 J) ~3 H+ xJapanese aircraft$ B3 x& i: Z9 |
      G3M2 Nell x 23 " [- I' K. @# C) r5 n
Japanese aircraft losses
  T3 r& q. t6 w9 P; q# v      G3M2 Nell: 15 damaged
, y7 M1 C5 V" p      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak ! j6 _. u0 j% e4 k4 O8 V6 w- `/ |
Airbase hits 2# p* P4 ^) _2 X6 E4 M- c
Airbase supply hits 2
, p: }. A6 M: H: _Runway hits 18
: j9 `" S$ U: ^; v-------------------------------------------------------------------9 h1 m3 K. x- i- Q( z8 J
Afternoon Air attack on Toungoo , at 57,50  - e- }2 o& T! Z2 a
Weather in hex: Partial cloud / l+ F6 c. Z8 e1 i- n( x! h
Raid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.+ N' g# a# T9 X' d* l7 a
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes
1 u. x9 L# n; c$ m  \, }6 Y+ DJapanese aircraft( l. l7 V& H9 K( v& H
      A6M2 Zero x 23
: n. _( E- m9 Q' Z9 Z# O      Ki-51 Sonia x 15
, s8 [2 n$ Y+ X0 p8 T0 w: j6 ?9 ?+ wNo Japanese losses
" \! a. k" g, Q4 m2 @Airbase hits 11
9 v/ X- f/ h5 _" u/ S6 M  `. n; pAirbase supply hits 2
9 F! \. b5 N, V* n0 vRunway hits 9
* ?" W# t6 v2 b  F+ l-------------------------------------------------------- " [) h1 w/ l" p/ V/ R2 |8 O
Ground combat at Port Moresby (98,130)
3 h( {  N* f, a' G0 Z+ Q7 ZJapanese Shock attack
+ h6 D5 X& r' F: C' dAttacking force 18036 troops, 192 guns, 161 vehicles, Assault Value = 740
* o  N! N' m  I9 q# j+ C7 GDefending force 7163 troops, 89 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 102 . o9 K4 }6 c( y, o$ R/ G3 `; v
Japanese adjusted assault: 241  0 R. P9 o5 k* x- e5 S% A! ?
Allied adjusted defense: 75  
( E0 a4 |& l% z. r( b- a: W* tJapanese assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 0)  7 s, `. a& k( m. P/ E+ q) J- ~
Japanese forces CAPTURE Port Moresby !!!
; `* K- S4 r0 Q) I! x, OAllied aircraft! U9 R. U# p4 i* m) ]
      no flights $ x0 S( o" s3 J( G" e1 u0 C: X
Allied aircraft losses
5 K  C7 H* r5 b8 I1 X, D      S.23 Empire: 1 destroyed " Y% V* G* `$ }( P# J. W
Combat modifiers
2 a. A! X5 Q1 bDefender: terrain(+), experience(-)
" P) O5 W8 r/ G. t7 ~0 H0 hAttacker: shock(+)
" J8 t( I7 B$ N2 _/ ?* aJapanese ground losses:4 d2 s2 s  L2 O, N  Q" K2 k$ l) y
      202 casualties reported8 e, I9 w& k9 G
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 18 disabled
6 G! ]/ t) \7 \, L5 S         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
4 i* n9 q3 `$ n: K0 ?         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
+ }- v) _5 e! ]" k3 ?; cAllied ground losses:
# i( Q6 j+ e; a/ Q2 Y6 n1 g2 @      1623 casualties reported. G4 k6 _) f. k; u5 i
         Squads: 138 destroyed, 0 disabled% c; S' C, E. Z. B* G& A; s1 ?2 k
         Non Combat: 266 destroyed, 0 disabled
8 \, ^1 S8 |2 ]. ^         Engineers: 18 destroyed, 0 disabled
% x) x& M0 S% i( D5 q7 |      Guns lost 34 (34 destroyed, 0 disabled)
/ h5 |$ v- I& ]$ S      Vehicles lost 9 (9 destroyed, 0 disabled)
3 N1 ^8 p! a) C; F      Units retreated 3
$ S6 A& M1 @. a      Units destroyed 1 # J2 h+ n8 j/ B  u! T& L
Assaulting units:  }: E$ u' e8 S' D7 e
    144th Infantry Regiment. V) @$ g) L$ q3 F, o* \2 t
    84th Naval Guard Unit3 h. }1 ]' _& W$ q1 O7 R: I
    Miura Det & t' M( n7 _' Z# L5 P, W
    8th Tank Regiment; {% l% i& V2 g0 L. ~
    61st Naval Guard Unit% {8 p3 V) \5 e% ]' N( Y$ m9 W' `
    Sasebo 2nd SNLF
0 a' r3 W* m/ v9 A1 M% @% M' Y    146th Infantry Regiment- o4 o# Z) m' v& Y4 |& b; j
    2nd Indpt SNLF Coy
0 O4 A" x, K4 w' M2 v) N    16th Infantry Regiment
6 H4 y" J0 K6 Z1 N% ?4 G- H    52nd Naval Guard Unit! n/ ~0 U4 ]2 ~3 f) u, E
    4th Engineer Co
+ Z4 Z8 n3 M& V! m    Yokosuka 4th SNLF% n+ M4 Y1 F3 H- y+ ]7 ^$ k0 h( F
    2nd Field Artillery Regiment 4 V8 a4 b- Z6 ?9 e
Defending units:
1 n, e, F7 S; ^0 ?4 e0 X- T. Y% l$ o    1st Australian Division
0 D) j6 T4 j0 e/ a- q, R0 z    Port Moresby Brigade2 G% w4 D; `5 a, D* }
    49th Australian Battalion
3 V7 i7 K$ |9 ^+ O6 f    15th RAAF Base Force
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+ D, }9 D, h  ^. n) A5 ~; y日军陆攻轰炸新加坡,盟军AA时常能击落几架,双方目前对此都比较满意。% M$ [0 p6 S$ U: [& ~
! G) m. }$ f4 i4 k补给大部分已经上岸了,这点损失还算轻微。( T3 \+ t% |: }4 P
大陆战场日军在到处爬山,国军也在到处转进堵漏。日军这爬山的意志真坚决 + O& w6 `! D7 V. D8 r; m
% L& I/ P# E5 z
-------------------------------------------------2 K; T9 e0 N* E4 u& l8 A# D
Night Naval bombardment of Singapore at 50,84
$ ~; q+ V7 _/ N9 }) \5 `8 c7 iAllied Ships6 E6 k7 |9 ?" ?$ l
      CL Durban
" b7 f2 f. t3 `8 X( m$ N0 \# O, f) u      CL Dragon2 K) T/ K: f, M
      CL Danae/ }" D' e' m: E' q, E
      DD Piet Hein
/ @" Q8 m& e/ Q2 @0 O# u      DD Banckert
6 A" [1 U9 ?! @+ v1 Q4 _" a      DD Vendetta) k# B2 Y; x& R
      DD Vampire6 r) ?; ~: u2 t
------------------------------------------------------------+ k, O3 O: X: Y% D& `
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  7 q+ C7 E8 _1 r0 C: j5 y* f! i
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
: Q7 z  ^3 c* F% V+ W' V  ERaid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.8 o, i2 h4 W4 P9 M( X
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes ! L. r! p% j$ k- J) K
Japanese aircraft; |7 ]6 ], @: I% B0 C
      G3M2 Nell x 30 5 W  {- L6 }, \) A2 V3 g
Japanese aircraft losses
$ z' _; E, s) U. [8 V$ w      G3M2 Nell: 21 damaged
; }' O& k- V! O; F: H$ k( S      G3M2 Nell: 2 destroyed by flak
; y  a$ e8 Y+ w2 y7 V! f- A5 v( hAirbase hits 2
2 V' j3 x0 H* w1 N7 D7 UAirbase supply hits 2
9 U8 E& L8 l; ?( W; P7 O* sRunway hits 19
: k! y' _+ W' L$ J: y----------------------------------------------------------------7 O7 u3 F, t+ `1 s5 c
Morning Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,53 " @& S8 v$ C  H1 D) o
Weather in hex: Light rain
" X5 b- J& Z: L$ qRaid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
/ x8 S3 [' e. c! t. i1 j3 }Estimated time to target is 6 minutes ( r! I. C, s7 z. w: ^
Japanese aircraft
$ y; O! |6 U. S/ k2 y      A6M2 Zero x 23
) _4 A0 L# T+ P; i      D3A1 Val x 5 5 V* ^' Z3 V5 E) R- J3 u( r
No Japanese losses
" }' Q; V5 n- m9 A0 pAllied Ships
; ?# Z; J# W- s7 f      xAK Tanfield+ e% q' \& M; X) A' ~+ \) s
      xAK Kiangsu, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
6 z# D/ ^& x, E9 S) K9 F( p9 f. IAircraft Attacking:
. M* a4 U( E! Q       1 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'% M( @. P3 F) D& _- z
               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb$ P9 Q: q. z6 y# r! ]
       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000'
2 b* q, a7 Q. N               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
" T2 e- o8 Q; ^3 }4 i4 I. Y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; V" {: b8 c5 t: E3 J
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
  B; t$ C# |- [1 s/ ?+ m* zWeather in hex: Light rain . S  S5 X: S  P; Z! o" U  u) A  w
Raid spotted at 40 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.
1 U) I+ E7 a, ?" p' j) QEstimated time to target is 13 minutes
# {# m5 N2 g; J! ^. q" z8 S, yJapanese aircraft5 t  J6 d& o# Q% }" c/ G* J5 j
      A6M2 Zero x 122 # B4 @: B7 T1 e0 T/ ]5 a- b6 H* c
No Japanese losses ! s! ?6 o: V! q  P; `. m+ r9 j/ @; |
Aircraft Attacking:
. x- ?+ C( t# w: S      45 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet$ M5 P# O8 i. O7 B4 C
      26 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet* I5 p1 |1 A1 u, V; p0 E6 O
      31 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet& q5 x. o0 U" {2 y
      20 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
4 H7 I3 p3 S6 K1 q---------------------------------------------------------------
/ f  B8 r9 d  PMorning Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,53 6 U! F6 @. m  s* u* r& C
Weather in hex: Light rain
3 p) r" [) D5 KRaid spotted at 38 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.* {3 T6 g) Z6 Q- `) X7 C1 D
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes , D: O7 ]# [: b
Japanese aircraft( f- R6 `1 n! Y* D. l% E8 {5 g
      D3A1 Val x 3
2 C( s, J9 T3 ^1 U. {' c; oNo Japanese losses ) b) z% d) ]  T7 \; |
Allied Ships
+ P- X$ ~0 c' J4 K* h) E) s      xAK Caithness, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage # J" o, S9 c4 e! T' z+ J$ f" ^3 U
Aircraft Attacking:" W$ n+ V( O/ `& N
       3 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
* Y" w" Q) E5 `7 D/ D& [. p               Naval Attack:  1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
8 z4 ?( a$ N1 n: [8 D--------------------------------------------------------------------------------% W& F$ n4 q: G4 x9 b; j" j, I
Morning Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,53 . l! w7 L9 c; _# Z3 l; d- s
Weather in hex: Light rain
( S# D- f) k8 G# h9 i* R8 r! _Raid spotted at 39 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
/ n8 g8 N' n+ r! qEstimated time to target is 13 minutes 6 j9 y% ]- `" c( r6 P) m
Japanese aircraft4 c7 ?4 ], S5 X% J, R1 O; @
      Ki-51 Sonia x 18 5 H8 \% d; ]- K- [! X
No Japanese losses
9 @8 T0 \9 {6 Y3 {8 zAllied Ships
4 g( k$ y. ^( u0 y8 R      xAK Baroda1 k5 k2 z$ ^+ C
      xAK Indianan, Bomb hits 1,  on fire8 u1 A6 b5 f) K" _! w
      xAK Wo Sang5 j8 _% x$ v+ X7 ^2 M1 G
      xAK Wulin$ p4 i# d3 j+ J5 O$ m! a
      xAK Sirsa, Bomb hits 1
4 n8 X( @$ z/ d: u6 N4 k: wAircraft Attacking:5 v; x: ~* O* }; ]( }
      18 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 6000 feet- S; _. q5 v# i4 i9 Q
               Naval Attack:  4 x 50 kg GP Bomb8 O; C" _$ N7 R0 Y
$ A* d7 M- b, l; uGround combat at Ankang (82,42)
, G) r$ c8 T! g7 ?; iJapanese Bombardment attack 4 `( O" \, ^8 }* Z5 R" g
Attacking force 69980 troops, 950 guns, 488 vehicles, Assault Value = 2351
* n. |0 ~1 k$ p4 @Defending force 104960 troops, 654 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2888
- C* m5 H2 h# g: Q5 CJapanese ground losses:9 A/ w1 Q& G" e4 I6 C
      82 casualties reported3 H. u# x, x/ a, h; j
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 6 disabled
/ r: g3 d) I+ O" `; M$ C         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
! G) S' e! \8 t# H9 D( W         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 3 n. U* h* M3 U6 m0 V" M" c
Allied ground losses:% z1 `" _  c# s* n0 Y
      78 casualties reported2 x4 N( p- E* V- Q
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 8 disabled
  N" z- s4 E8 p; V! s         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled; P8 I1 m* S6 Q8 J9 h6 I
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
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