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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 08, 42! K& S# T" O7 {% l* I, S) A3 d7 A$ \
4 D% M- A  Q6 Y! K+ ~- O3 w% e当天有11w补给到达宝山 楚雄,进入中国大陆,这都已经好几十万了(记不太清了),
/ U7 B# W4 D6 {1 M* U6 v国军依然留不下什么补给,这帮个吃货也太能吃了吧,看来日军轰炸对补给消耗巨大啊。
6 O1 U) F7 p* E- _- z! }% b----------------------------------------------------------------------
) L% y: g6 z0 @* ~& c$ \, eMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
3 |# D0 `/ U3 [* v) C4 lWeather in hex: Severe storms   w% ^3 L1 y% A2 f
Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
$ }  {& V7 W$ b  _( ^& y4 c) yEstimated time to target is 11 minutes ; v4 J7 M" K+ i, X
Japanese aircraft
. j8 m, T# O9 i1 e7 v8 Y      A6M2 Zero x 15- \# g( h! |. b* ]; _& O
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 12
% R6 _& G% n2 p5 S      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 28
+ O" r. w. H4 |) J& B      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 12
, o, J5 H1 W8 ZAllied aircraft
( ~- f5 Z' e7 F! g+ E# [      no flights ; l; \4 ^7 v5 R3 l- C6 s
Japanese aircraft losses, s% q$ e0 m& M
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 4 damaged& j0 z0 X1 B& \, G7 z$ @
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak
, h- D( x8 @* J  v) \) w7 F      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 10 damaged
* r) L; w4 O7 B: I" h0 A" O      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak : {4 m+ ~  U/ J3 {8 l7 z7 o
Allied aircraft losses% U' j* ~' M$ i( {, O9 ~
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged
6 v: |& t3 A! c4 G7 y# c      B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed on ground , z6 _; W/ ]  G+ f" M
Airbase supply hits 2, n" I1 l1 J3 ~4 C
Runway hits 2) s; n$ M3 w# q! w- ^5 _- l, o
; K" K1 M# p) K* ~" o2 y# d4 lMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
; v3 X: L( d1 T7 t% J- hWeather in hex: Severe storms
) A" K% k, |, ^/ ARaid detected at 63 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
8 P$ s' D# ^9 U4 J3 ^Estimated time to target is 18 minutes ! z6 w$ \0 t& ?" v. \% c
Japanese aircraft
3 U. P( {1 i! P8 P      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 7$ V( @. W3 M; }6 M5 S  e
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 39
. T% Z) c# [; E2 R1 j2 ZAllied aircraft
6 J+ L% t1 a3 @$ ?* K( g$ |      no flights
! P8 ^( |. c. ]Japanese aircraft losses
  J1 l, P$ b+ n8 K$ Z) r      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 damaged. N; s- {! m- M: y
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak
6 n3 M4 H( c4 f* q2 o1 DAllied aircraft losses5 j, E) t& k6 d2 Y5 Q7 W
      DB-7B: 1 damaged
( s& O2 X* P! r; N. i0 E% I5 z      CW-22 Falcon: 3 damaged
5 x) a; Q+ X# ?9 v      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground
. l7 J% p& D/ v" ^. ZRunway hits 52 W" Q# x) u  n5 W
---------------------------------------------------# {+ S  D4 @3 U3 c2 y" ]* i7 B
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
3 Z1 i5 S- j" v& mWeather in hex: Severe storms 1 L) a0 }5 Y( x! E1 Y
Raid detected at 36 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
5 r' {# s: M+ |0 X+ aEstimated time to target is 10 minutes 8 V  u" A" H- N, [# h, w
Japanese aircraft
5 F' D$ H. W- [0 g' v      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 7
$ n# `  {9 f7 h. u      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 27
% t& V4 {& r5 g5 g! d, \# J! V% \  L' E2 aJapanese aircraft losses
7 l- N+ z. l5 X, Y9 d      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged- G" D2 d' Y! K+ h
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak 9 f8 y+ }+ F& M" h& n$ E
Airbase hits 1! L) a( e& N5 n( N0 n+ Y0 J
Runway hits 29 T$ u" T, V, M% y
-----------------------------------------------------------------( ^( f. Q% E3 c& m( W# }  w
Afternoon Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
" z+ C0 B8 c4 Z& V: r* uWeather in hex: Light cloud
4 u  e% P4 U' T7 {) `# ^9 G  J8 R2 b9 QRaid detected at 76 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
' A7 m! Q# j1 L* T7 R  N/ FEstimated time to target is 32 minutes 1 t1 v" z# G, z7 e4 P% H
Japanese aircraft" w! J! K" g& O( Y, b
      A6M2 Zero x 15
9 V* b" c* E3 o  o5 Z' D: n! Q& g      B5N2 Kate x 5
  V* j. b1 V' t8 M5 \  K7 fJapanese aircraft losses& n+ @% M6 z6 D8 ~  D, A+ |/ x
      B5N2 Kate: 3 damaged
3 f- A- K7 `, L- k0 V1 k; K2 Q      B5N2 Kate: 1 destroyed by flak1 n$ Y! M0 ~: [* A
0 t+ s$ m9 I1 j+ h( eGround combat at Bandoeng (50,100) 1 b; @4 R, Y$ N; }
Japanese Bombardment attack
( q5 e3 g+ ?  P" c* D- t/ e" SAttacking force 1720 troops, 173 guns, 60 vehicles, Assault Value = 3911 ; @: e. `+ U+ R. r1 u1 e& F6 U
Defending force 81846 troops, 1066 guns, 806 vehicles, Assault Value = 2407 , P/ ^& p9 w$ E* ?
Japanese ground losses:3 g, ?: B. X) T* @
      3 casualties reported
/ S, U* g3 ]  \$ J1 V9 l         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled0 ^  |/ U/ `! r8 a  ?) g9 c
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled* j" x6 \1 I5 P5 z' {( s
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
1 C4 I4 j4 @7 u& l$ p) m2 [( zAllied ground losses:- k' c6 o5 ]$ C- l: Y7 R
      5 casualties reported4 g' R  J8 }7 M( }2 J- b# O
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled; _0 F$ n; H0 r/ o2 E. F0 b/ Q) J1 ^
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
: a( l' z) Y* q: f         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
, E9 v, `3 a2 ~8 o3 X) \, b--------------------------------------------------------- 8 e4 s( _+ y5 i$ I
Ground combat at Soerabaja (56,104) - Y, M( B7 n1 E; S0 ^: O- y5 K
Japanese Bombardment attack
" s8 G, i9 F- sAttacking force 1468 troops, 12 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 221   |* V; c) M+ F3 j& F! Z
Defending force 1679 troops, 28 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 80
  [: j5 N0 v  H5 ~' S. O4 vAssaulting units:
8 s& c1 a# t2 c9 y3 Q    46th Naval Guard Unit
7 M4 w' Y- Y" J9 w. d    56th Recon Regiment
* W" D1 Z2 y1 s    43rd Naval Guard Unit, k# e/ ^5 x& I. _3 d5 Y
    65th Naval Guard Unit . A. [7 J6 y5 w$ U
Defending units:
/ v3 \; B* W0 m    Artilleriecommando Coastal Gun Battalion
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 09, 42: A: P9 @, f7 N3 Q5 f
下面给出部分国军被炸的情况,这样的轰炸几乎每天都在进行,对补给确实也产生了不小影响。4 C  }. `$ O# A2 J) j- n9 o
万隆的荷兰空军,战斗机部队升空硬抗几天后就消耗的差不多了,1 m0 [/ A' g) A, T
) k, ?# G4 B8 \  ^
7 O* D! s" X" M3 T5 R3 x-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! a4 ~, w3 R0 ]* Y6 Q0 u' iMorning Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
! }# b' |! x# g1 e. ^6 @Weather in hex: Light cloud
& e0 B+ |1 [2 v7 A" uRaid detected at 55 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.' B4 `& g& C1 O( A' M* [% t
Estimated time to target is 20 minutes
) u' _9 k9 ?  h- R% j# c" SJapanese aircraft1 a, x& z6 f2 z! G4 k' w+ R
      A6M2 Zero x 47
9 G" P. S5 g4 |  M0 K      D3A1 Val x 3 7 s2 k7 p; A7 h) H8 P7 n8 e
Allied aircraft
% X; Z% W/ H2 V- w      Mohawk IV x 68 L: X) A; a1 D
      B-339D x 2
1 F4 O: E+ i, @( y6 s9 k9 f  H      Hurricane IIb Trop x 2' f; H/ U6 P2 Y  m4 ?2 A. \8 ]% Z9 m
      P-40E Warhawk x 68 U' t7 z$ j6 c/ b* g$ h
      B-339-23 x 4 / ?8 `' n5 X7 \1 E$ b9 M9 U( s  ~7 B2 f
Japanese aircraft losses
+ ~" }! O3 K/ h" k* Q      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
7 A$ [( \! m6 c      D3A1 Val: 2 destroyed 9 x, ~5 _9 ]2 z" X0 R! @4 y7 z
Allied aircraft losses9 n" u) `$ |0 W. H! V
      Mohawk IV: 1 destroyed9 r" p& B+ |" X9 R; l6 @" _6 \
      B-339D: 1 destroyed1 v9 \* Y* G9 k  V9 B* _- X0 y" j1 M
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed
4 f9 X4 u. m- E6 C* @& ~- C      B-339-23: 1 destroyed3 b1 D# x5 M) T
----------------------------------------------------------------% P# X4 L: A& Q+ p9 Y, U) x
Morning Air attack on 24th Chinese Corps, at 80,43 , near Ankang 5 e. J* Y5 X( [3 X
Weather in hex: Clear sky
# K+ ]3 W! A: L5 {9 eRaid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.5 \3 v& C2 R/ c: p0 ?1 q2 `
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
% f# q: I7 @1 I: w% R3 |Japanese aircraft
: }3 ^! o& @* u6 Z8 X4 W" B      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 9
% X% R) u" g$ L6 D8 m; QNo Japanese losses
4 {* `# P! p  a7 ^Aircraft Attacking:
4 K! j+ y8 Y6 H" a0 ~       9 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 6000 feet/ c! z+ c0 ?. z2 n! f- f$ s& }
               Ground Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb
  r+ e& f8 m& @3 U; A8 vAlso attacking 7th Chinese Corps ...) a, B4 ]3 x8 b* |
Also attacking 24th Chinese Corps ... % S9 I1 Q' j# @
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Q; D5 _7 ^3 U/ ~% W5 {' g; `
Morning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  5 T$ e- d9 i* y
Weather in hex: Partial cloud / ]) f# J! C' j( c, I% @
Raid spotted at 35 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
5 h! b3 q& B% C+ y) rEstimated time to target is 11 minutes 2 n" ^, `' K0 ~3 ?; {9 v
Japanese aircraft  `  e* B6 L8 {' Y
      Ki-21-Ic Sally x 27- x, ~9 k+ |2 t) L5 E
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 3: m$ {. }$ K- q! H' j4 y* F7 J
      Ki-30 Ann x 4
  X8 ]% R3 f+ e) J      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 23
" b3 d4 X1 n) J' U2 L) NJapanese aircraft losses: k( f; p" e+ Z) c0 x
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 damaged : L1 J+ ~' D9 ~6 ], Z
Airbase hits 5
0 H- `# C8 f) j2 e# gAirbase supply hits 3
# q! y3 H2 [9 KRunway hits 28- y0 L  d! d# R4 n; L9 k
8 i5 {5 l- e# HMorning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  9 S& L/ w* J9 {3 D- j( j0 ~
Weather in hex: Partial cloud 0 `/ F- Y2 J7 n( V: N. e" b
Raid spotted at 14 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.( z% i7 j" N) R# b
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes
+ U; y/ k, C& ^" k6 F1 |Japanese aircraft
7 s5 ~, {8 r0 Q: Y% l6 ~: Q) W1 x      Ki-21-Ic Sally x 134 ]- ^  M, q' Z
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 40 D, t' p5 n0 n
      Ki-30 Ann x 23 / e# X6 p( T) v; Y  n
Japanese aircraft losses
' K' C) K' d: |) U      Ki-21-Ic Sally: 2 damaged+ }$ g! h$ z, Y5 {4 T) M
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged2 P8 E' B! F) B5 k
      Ki-30 Ann: 1 destroyed by flak
5 ?$ k( T" r* H6 ^$ Z* l5 |' ~Airbase hits 6
0 y  B4 u; @, |/ RAirbase supply hits 1
6 d+ [* u# a) [- R' n2 @% DRunway hits 9% s3 n$ W  Q4 Z3 D
0 c- D, b$ ?, ^9 fMorning Air attack on 80th Chinese Corps, at 81,40 , near Ankang
4 i4 q, h) c1 l5 m, B- gWeather in hex: Overcast
& H" H0 x+ Y/ S+ `  ]& d7 qRaid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.6 H" ]4 |# E5 ?. {; u
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes
. K$ @1 V! P7 d+ CJapanese aircraft
0 @$ T6 `, z/ @' F" T$ }. _      Ki-32 Mary x 17 & A# U& D, d$ c0 z7 C  j
No Japanese losses * d- K' d  F, }% U4 A  L& a8 h
Allied ground losses:
4 j" X. T# k3 U. V* d      10 casualties reported. h6 ~* o0 T/ g/ }4 [; A" C  x
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
  f  w9 J: Y1 b         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled# J7 C$ ^% m5 F9 B9 t+ y! _6 I$ @4 K
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ @, ]% M& j' IAircraft Attacking:! K# ^, k; r/ W( l* S+ Q  q! {+ y
      17 x Ki-32 Mary bombing from 6000 feet) }9 T. B- Y6 _; }1 E8 m- g) @, H
               Ground Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
6 j: I# c3 b$ G3 [; A% ^--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 M- Z; d  M# x) @3 GMorning Air attack on Tuyun , at 74,51  ; \. H9 {+ s: U# b
Weather in hex: Clear sky
+ d8 B" U4 F& [, S0 A* FRaid spotted at 8 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.* o( K4 |; c2 S' W/ x9 w
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes
- f" d2 o2 C9 NJapanese aircraft
' K0 {# B* P! Y( M+ ?, P  u4 S      Ki-36 Ida x 18
. Q6 T% [4 H+ _( i. T- c8 ?Japanese aircraft losses6 o* a, r, \& I; Y" Y% b
      Ki-36 Ida: 1 damaged
) W& \4 u; G& uAirbase hits 5
% w* D5 f  i, x7 {5 ^0 CAirbase supply hits 3
  O5 M; l2 M" t7 kRunway hits 37% j2 P8 r* Z" @6 e4 |' D, T) C
9 R9 t1 W5 v8 B- S: F8 S: cMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
, L- d- s5 M* t0 _Weather in hex: Light cloud " M; \1 ?( Y# ]$ ~
Raid detected at 67 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.7 U" f# o: b) E# ?- _5 f
Estimated time to target is 19 minutes * o2 r& J8 E7 m. V- ~+ ~2 d
Japanese aircraft$ T* \2 t/ c5 |5 |  w
      A6M2 Zero x 8
0 ]6 w6 X  ]% o6 u6 W6 ~      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 190 a2 c$ c* `; _8 s  W1 k- G1 b
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 28
1 j; Y. O+ C- M3 |9 B& k) x! y      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 39
" m/ X& W" o  y5 q# t/ A# I      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 5
( c# n1 \  c3 r4 iAllied aircraft8 `' N6 {; g$ t. c$ @2 Y! R4 T! o
      Mohawk IV x 25 J) Q8 X1 f; p2 t- `) }
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 2
  ~' U7 L6 F- B' V' L3 H      P-40E Warhawk x 4; h/ |0 d! l* D- Z2 x9 S. S4 ~
      B-339-23 x 2
8 D: Z! ]. T& q3 @7 iJapanese aircraft losses, t  l; i2 C) i  S/ h
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 7 damaged: h  j+ W  o- r: {" e
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 5 destroyed by flak) Z/ K, z- @/ f
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar: 1 destroyed" y9 {. @$ o4 k0 Q5 Z* [8 C
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed
$ r1 m  k0 Y0 O3 l      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 damaged
9 @# [/ a! t* Q/ p( G' M* G      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak 0 ]9 W) Z3 C; H( Y9 k) v' R
Allied aircraft losses
$ N1 `( x, r& e6 P      Mohawk IV: 1 destroyed- j/ U! G/ S0 l3 W6 P) I0 b( B
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed
5 Q7 m- G/ Z) ~- |! W! Y      B-339-23: 1 destroyed
- X7 k% M8 E: n' @0 M% J' X; m+ N      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground
8 M2 D' ~& T5 y# N3 ^. qAirbase hits 102 J* A. _( {5 u+ j
Airbase supply hits 2
, q1 ]  e+ ^9 h) |Runway hits 7- L( l/ o6 G9 ]
--------------------------------------------------------+ {) h, B' f( c5 `( U" K
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
  R% k# Y) G1 G4 l2 }5 A& ~Weather in hex: Light cloud
  w" N0 {9 l  ~- hRaid detected at 65 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.: q" [% ~' n: j% G
Estimated time to target is 18 minutes
9 B) J3 U5 i5 m" w4 f3 H, cJapanese aircraft
5 j0 a  G4 m; |      A6M2 Zero x 26, Q+ n8 V* I% c; ^4 }5 n. Q7 |
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 8
$ u4 n& H# A) @      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 27 % N2 ~! H( S$ _; f! U, d& E% q
Allied aircraft
7 \8 g( f" c% G# w      Mohawk IV x 1
! s5 [& _" M1 Q1 n3 C      Hurricane IIb Trop x 1
8 k2 `$ l# n* @; {      P-40E Warhawk x 1 + n$ w, ^$ I$ i/ P$ s% t
Japanese aircraft losses
3 X. J) q: \5 [) L, ^      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 5 damaged 3 V6 {$ v5 |  e7 M0 a3 r4 Z
Allied aircraft losses
; M5 D& m$ d! V/ g1 F      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed( c/ R9 O  i! J  K2 p
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed on ground. Q6 z+ W8 P0 _8 Q, ^* v' T+ x
      PBY-5 Catalina: 1 destroyed on ground
  P! M8 ~$ F- N5 \+ e8 c7 HAllied ground losses:& [5 V3 I& n+ F) D# Y) W
      5 casualties reported
$ e- g; r( u( n' J5 o0 n         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ h. J; g& G" p! M         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
* I4 n1 P1 ^  n/ L& c; a. I         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled; }& E3 Q- C/ g) ^7 S3 }
7 G% E, t5 T0 x  |Morning Air attack on TF, near Billiton at 53,95 * l3 q2 v1 E3 p9 u. q  I* s7 O5 f0 ^
Weather in hex: Overcast 7 E( a. L1 s3 @) n) L
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.7 g# e6 e, Y/ c. y0 B. A4 N# t
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes
- x# t- k  u1 y; MAllied aircraft2 \4 i- W& J  U
      B-25C Mitchell x 5 4 h; n4 z+ B4 a! C8 [9 r
No Allied losses - Y; x) o. [5 q3 u& y0 E
Japanese Ships, D4 O( o% }# q9 C/ Z- K, ]* E
      xAK Ume Maru, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
* O& P. V+ A/ c" ^      xAP Kobe Maru, Bomb hits 1,  on fire ) J( C. Q5 R+ f) `8 K: v) k
Japanese ground losses:
( a' R1 @' z7 [      23 casualties reported
- z4 b2 `4 B; N) _' x/ j         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
0 C: w5 H; C. [9 }. i         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
# U8 M$ |/ K; n. M  D         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
' T/ d1 a! T$ vAircraft Attacking:) n/ ]& m$ U8 m7 p) p+ A5 k
       5 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 6000 feet% _1 c  D" X6 O
               Naval Attack:  6 x 500 lb SAP Bomb + e0 S; N! u3 o
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 }3 J3 M! `; k5 d# _
Morning Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91
- r' G: B! Q: GWeather in hex: Light cloud
/ G& W* K4 P) J4 Q4 ~. w: Z' l3 gRaid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
& Q) H; g2 w$ C. m2 p7 X* LEstimated time to target is 4 minutes 1 \9 f9 F8 f# w5 ?" x
Japanese aircraft
5 Z  s7 E$ c7 a% f2 I      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 12 ( C, ~" W( @4 Z; s* t7 W2 E
Allied aircraft: T( r/ s, O2 c: Z: z& M
      B-25C Mitchell x 3
# H9 ^& N- o) B1 }No Japanese losses ; q' F! r  H' R
No Allied losses
6 {! q& V* T8 `4 R- {/ J6 b3 G' `Japanese Ships3 r6 b* @6 E1 @, [
      xAK Koei Maru
9 w" y# R5 I& D6 hAircraft Attacking:
8 w$ O2 k$ e% m- o8 y( i. F8 D  B% ]       3 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 6000 feet" f/ o5 c" o7 U2 f
               Naval Attack:  6 x 500 lb SAP Bomb* U% S' k( d) U6 R
! |% B9 L2 y! kMorning Air attack on TF, near Billiton at 53,95
, Y* T) n- n+ D* U: aWeather in hex: Overcast
4 J% Q: n4 U% R9 L* _& c! c: {Raid spotted at 24 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.5 C& [8 J% m. n
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes
, Y& t5 P+ z- t2 a$ V  ?9 ]* lAllied aircraft. c& e, P9 K+ n
      139WH-3 x 2
1 [/ V8 U: ^  t" Q- ONo Allied losses
+ A) ~) c" D+ b6 o+ k/ s2 rJapanese Ships; e- l- N1 ]! W3 M3 j9 C" n
      xAK Nihonka Maru
/ c9 G4 e4 v- t& O, m" yJapanese ground losses:
* m' f4 L. U5 J1 k9 r8 ?8 D2 f3 p      8 casualties reported
6 h! N) I/ k2 S/ @' E6 E         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
9 }4 x% }4 A  o5 @4 ~# }. _         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
# v8 C6 l& p6 E9 o, n5 }         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
7 }+ j0 H: p7 h8 dAircraft Attacking:/ J, ^) U9 o- Q7 {3 x
       2 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet
3 d) k* m* w( a               Naval Attack:  3 x 300 kg SAP Bomb
* L( z. c, R1 s( [) h, B: s--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 G6 e0 D: w7 ]2 b- d* p
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Billiton at 53,95
/ [+ N% A% ?+ \$ V2 SWeather in hex: Overcast
& a) Y* A$ h$ ^/ \+ bRaid spotted at 14 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
5 }9 \9 X6 I# o  j8 mEstimated time to target is 4 minutes ( p8 ]1 K- B; g% C4 F) p
Allied aircraft
  t- @( q5 b  K; a6 X      B-25C Mitchell x 5 / ?7 @7 e5 [5 Q: u3 _
No Allied losses
+ Q* G9 _5 f& e% F! I! _Japanese Ships- j# o- G8 C) L: s: y
      xAK Nihonka Maru% a3 H# w& G& {( S0 I& I
      xAP Horai Maru, Bomb hits 1,  on fire 7 N7 M. O: i; X. l" w% P
Japanese ground losses:6 F6 Q0 y  z9 Z0 g. p6 R
      8 casualties reported
% z- ?3 H& N" a) h+ F" k         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
2 S: L! m7 b1 [: v4 R         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled2 Y% `* b! o% M) [! I
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
( R/ ~+ ~2 t- P5 k9 x----------------------------------------------------------
  O) G- V! D. d  n' HGround combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
0 c+ Q9 X* z1 d' R4 ]Japanese Bombardment attack 6 D2 H( r; h! n* y$ m! l
Attacking force 1715 troops, 173 guns, 60 vehicles, Assault Value = 4052
% j  m3 Q  v+ W5 [Defending force 82226 troops, 1066 guns, 806 vehicles, Assault Value = 2449 , \4 J' |6 z- ]3 F4 o% `$ C, B
Assaulting units:
0 ~0 u7 K  I9 I# \6 f" e    12th Engineer Regiment1 C& s0 G- d9 z, y% Z
    24th Infantry Regiment: C& V- [" n" J8 B
    21st Infantry Regiment+ U! P" E! h: r2 T& ]0 m! v
    148th Infantry Regiment
& Q6 W7 n  k8 j9 Z! u. n    124th Infantry Regiment/ ~& E1 }1 _3 f1 B' L# B* Y8 l% _
    7th Ind.Tank Brigade. E6 j1 U' z3 H2 [, y
    4th Guards Division
* I( y- e) S6 z% f8 u6 _    52nd Division
/ o! }0 ^# Z8 g/ c    54th Division* k4 V. }' t5 F( ?+ [0 v* [, h1 R
    38th Division- o0 U, q0 k3 M
    4th Infantry Regiment. v" X* @/ A1 k" s
    11th Infantry Regiment
5 o% j, X# e1 {9 C* m! ?$ {    56th Infantry Regiment
$ _" Y) _8 W! h$ r    114th Infantry Regiment
9 B# y7 T% l4 J- A. L4 O. G3 y( E    53rd Division8 L$ F6 V8 \. n7 f  @6 _
    42nd Infantry Regiment
& P2 P8 i) w1 V7 S    113th Infantry Regiment
* |& X3 y  W6 ?    Imperial Guards Division
% p# P( M; i* z* O' M) a* S; F    4th Ind.Mixed Regiment
! {& ?5 w0 X# ^, s; G    7th Division
( ]: [$ [& {9 |3 u5 D0 ?& H7 A4 F    5th Engineer Regiment
- |* K/ x( n( Y' K$ I# a, V6 ~    16th Guards Regiment5 c6 h3 I7 f9 f$ P- |9 i3 P$ l
    5th Mortar Battalion
% P" F( h1 [# }0 d  k  C- L3 |5 C4 C    Southern Army) r5 @( D% {+ ^7 G
    14th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
! r5 h; j! h6 J6 X8 y! y. |    18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment3 Q( s! t! {+ ?6 z* i/ _# s
    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment4 c! f- @% G7 z% l5 x
    56th Field Artillery Regiment
" w3 C9 z' h! A6 Y. J  O" I    25th Army0 e+ U; J5 `, P% @) X
    5th Field Artillery Regiment
* R0 y" w% q: {' d, I0 u* s    16th Army
2 P" _9 ~0 C5 u1 N% T& s$ v6 D3 W: v- D    41st Field AA Battalion , e' M5 `  k* j  L+ A6 y3 p+ g
Defending units:
. c! j+ }/ m- ]7 `& H9 L& K& r0 M    Winnipeg Grenadiers Battalion) f4 S( _7 p- C# A
    2nd KNIL Landstorm Battalion
' [4 o* v6 K+ D0 {    2/11th Armoured Car Battalion
6 B+ L# ?: x8 u; L    Kendari Garrison Battalion  X2 ^5 t- U# h2 p9 i/ B* o2 U
    1st KNIL Regiment
* Q( F! [+ V" e, o8 m    Korps Marechausee Battalion% y% W9 X; M3 Z' B+ V
    Samarinda KNIL Battalion
& X9 p4 r1 A! w7 K' q5 L    1st KNIL Landstorm Battalion! x6 j4 a$ T5 {* @4 c
    Van Altena Battalion
$ z/ O% n' s* x8 p- @' j) |    Makassar Garrison Battalion$ {: j4 W! S1 u- E; |
    Tjilatjap KNIL Battalion4 W- L* N, ]' W0 Y) Y: l
    Manado Garrison Battalion. h) H- ?! n+ r1 r
    Mobiele Eenheid Battalion
( `" n" x" c. u    Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion* ]1 Q) [+ Z! I1 }  O* E
    6th Aus Cav Brigade
. e# P4 f0 p0 H, z  `    Marinier Battalion/ b( }8 X: \9 W/ O$ ?; [/ y; }
    4th KNIL Regiment" X4 v. m( h0 @1 m8 l" |) b" E5 N
    Dili Detachment 5 E: v5 J$ X  a: m$ ]; I! e/ O
    Roodenburg Battalion0 ?8 v8 V; E1 [1 L# F; A
    3rd KNIL Landstorm Battalion
% ^' v8 k. C* w+ j( ?    2nd KNIL Regiment/ c" l$ w' B( h$ T- ?2 z
    10th Light Horse Battalion5 E( t' p1 u; I; T& w6 n
    Sarawak Force
3 L4 M- A" Z# G! P    West Borneo KNIL Battalion
, |4 Z, G) ^* h) {( D4 t    Lijfwacht Cav Sqn 7 {! a+ ?) P5 u; O5 y
    Rifles of Canada Battalion
; ?# G0 \0 a. N) d    SE Borneo KNIL Battalion) J- A2 e8 q, F- ^* Y, ~
    18th British Division
7 O. G, p$ a1 Y8 Y" E$ Q    So.Sumatra Garrison Battalion
. m$ m# x4 _$ T    WS KNIL Territory Regiment% t2 W+ z/ Z# m* k0 a
    Prajoda Garrison Battalion
' A% |8 d3 o" \6 b    Afdeling Ritman ; y, x" h( q9 d: K/ s3 G; }
    Timor Garrison Battalion
: r1 n/ M/ H) ]3 B; y1 g    6th KNIL Regiment7 `4 ^0 j  `; u9 P
    1st Regt Cavalerie
* P3 i# B7 i4 i$ r3 w    2nd Recce Battalion
4 _9 d/ ]) t0 W1 Q% J    Riouw KNIL Battalion
! V0 T, @5 q. M" K    VII KNIL Battalion
; D' J8 B/ x$ y/ ~    VI KNIL Battalion) d9 c1 X* Z5 N4 R
    Zuid KNIL Battalion
% h  R) h- x) N, X- m6 _3 u    4th KNIL Landstorm Battalion
8 I3 K: U4 s# i  ~0 ?1 B7 h    Barisan KNIL Regiment
& V9 [5 n8 r$ i9 C0 r. Y7 G0 j    2/15 Punjab Battalion2 L- a! x2 q+ Y- C8 @) O
    1st KNIL AA Battalion" i/ O9 [3 x' ~1 N9 h
    2 ML-KNIL Aviation
  b  Q4 U- U3 ]6 [! o- N+ z0 X    Tarakan Coastal Gun Battalion
8 F; ?( G  E8 i    Commandement Marine
" U: N, @! o) x2 U; p  g6 N    Timor Base Force
% }" n9 V; Q' `- j5 m: l9 U' l    Batavia Base Force
4 d: G5 d4 P' I# k, A    Balikpapan Base Force; b" s/ ~( U7 [$ _0 w
    West Sumatra Base Force  U/ L% H4 L, I, c+ z
    MLD 1 I. l( ^0 k; c9 q- ]5 g, L
    Bandoeng Base Force
. }/ U. N1 U7 f% ?    North Borneo Base Force% p, V, ^( `% ?$ A
    Teloekbetoeng Base Force4 s/ X6 A5 p9 R$ d
    South Java Base Force) B% Q4 K* K" k* W' g: A$ `
    5th Coastal Gun Battalion
$ l7 ~$ |5 I" J, Z    Palembang Base Force1 P! C* D0 G8 l/ s9 `- f& }
    North Sumatra Base Force
/ g2 ?* ~" t# r$ s    3rd KNIL AA Battalion: A- T1 m& P- \
    2nd KNIL AA Battalion
! Q7 d1 ^1 x* U4 }    Tjilitap Base Force
& b# w! i6 Z9 c# P    ABDA
" ]/ V5 Q2 r% |& ^' ]% n6 k' K    Celebes Base Force
7 L7 P+ X6 }$ p1 g. [6 ]    1 ML-KNIL Aviation
& m3 W* W- F( s; i    Soerabaja Base Force# }# i8 k* l1 W* E
    Tarakan Base Force
1 O. c7 T1 ]9 s- V9 t1 z0 J2 Z% n% ?    South Borneo Base Force
" w8 `/ D, ^  u3 L    KNIL Army Command & N) C# d( W% X
+ M3 U( @' @: n, u6 E8 x& y# L    North Java Base Force
$ [3 M) u" A/ D# f/ C, x    23rd AA Bde
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! j- v7 G: u. F- ?. F; N. l& y在飞机的配合下,日军对万隆展开了第二次进攻,付出近2w人的代价,却未能降低万隆的城防。' i0 x; N- K# X7 \
: S2 D! Q0 x, {6 v: W--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; C' b& A# F4 z# a
Amphibious Assault at Siberoet (42,85)
) C0 f* Z+ ^& VTF 93 troops unloading over beach at Siberoet, 42,85
" X- k) y; j" IJapanese ground losses:
2 S) Y" O4 X; a/ B5 a4 i5 T      68 casualties reported
" Z* x: i& o- z+ Y( k/ Y: P         Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
: i( Z* w* V4 u         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 10 disabled/ ?' S* c) i( V: E3 z/ A  P6 K
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ ?) e8 C7 }/ n( H9 f- Q$ Q----------------------------------------------------------
0 k# q  `, r5 F+ ?+ _! g. yMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100    k2 y# v* O7 x. v; x# r5 k
Weather in hex: Clear sky
. r6 m: m8 `( v/ H% t% ZRaid detected at 79 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.+ [- c0 O$ Z! r
Estimated time to target is 24 minutes 4 q; U) U# [" t) ]' I. ?
Japanese aircraft
5 g- p4 s& T6 L2 V      A6M2 Zero x 26/ o0 v/ w/ w( v6 w, ]3 R
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 86 N5 ^! d2 C1 l) h% K& Q/ u8 r" @" k
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 122 m9 g# {& Q+ t, b; E2 `
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 13. |; U9 r& i3 R% f# L/ d7 n- N
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 24 / k7 C5 _* G. Q# _% R: v
Allied aircraft% ?4 [) h+ X/ Q" d( O& |, L
      Mohawk IV x 2
. x% b6 |3 f6 Y1 k6 \4 |/ w      Hurricane IIb Trop x 1
; s6 p) r. r  B3 B      P-40E Warhawk x 2: m# |9 ^; z2 i' X1 R8 O
      B-339-23 x 1 ' e3 R7 X5 ~) r
Japanese aircraft losses6 t8 C7 N- ]0 i- y% G
      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
( \6 e* F6 e  a' }) c4 J9 g; f      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged
: g/ }# C: ]9 r& ^' C) V      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 destroyed by flak
; F% s" }% h  x' v+ R      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 2 destroyed2 ?+ B; l3 G0 A# U; F; j, q7 C
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 9 damaged
6 |4 K$ P9 I* x+ S) C8 l      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 destroyed by flak
% H8 @. j5 {: C" Z) p* EAllied aircraft losses! {% V$ y2 A9 b8 s8 B
      Mohawk IV: 1 destroyed
& `1 J' V0 K& x6 a: |      Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed3 x2 K/ Y4 s7 z; F( y
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed on ground  r+ T+ i$ o0 K7 ]0 _% z$ ^" o
--------------------------------------------------------------7 e2 ^# M5 O$ p) T5 e4 ~
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  # i7 `) C% e5 {: p8 u7 f- h: l
Weather in hex: Clear sky
. q' J0 E2 p7 B6 JRaid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.' }7 n4 d3 Q/ w. X) [8 ]9 d
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes 9 {' F1 {& B6 q/ M+ ]$ V! F
Japanese aircraft
5 W& Q8 v9 K6 J' v3 K- R1 S. j0 P      A6M2 Zero x 15
8 p0 I' a/ E; V4 A2 p7 f7 ~- b      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 100 R; F/ s' [( F
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 11
' \3 \: m8 s' [9 k6 o; k( `      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 49* k: _6 U7 h- s/ b. l9 E) c
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 22
; }1 ?$ D  ~2 ?0 f4 }Allied aircraft  Y7 F3 u1 J  t9 M3 v0 A$ t
      P-40E Warhawk x 1 ! m/ z# q- {4 z- T* x( O+ V  j: E" Y. O
Japanese aircraft losses
9 C: b! E+ |4 Y$ D* h      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 8 damaged
$ C# [: i/ ^$ W) \  ?' O0 e" F      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak, J: Q6 C% m! Y
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 14 damaged
) Z% r9 h) P0 z      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 1 destroyed by flak
% Z/ l, G+ V1 \1 q- ?Allied aircraft losses
4 J. b) T0 p! Q1 r# t1 S+ H% j      B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed on ground
6 v0 D0 l! S# Y4 K# HAirbase hits 1
4 {, X- D3 [8 j8 p6 dAirbase supply hits 1
6 J' G; I8 f+ P8 N% ZRunway hits 5* ~5 P4 f- s, G8 m0 G9 H
# k3 k3 p5 K* J# @6 Y1 pMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
" v+ n5 d; r% r" kWeather in hex: Clear sky ! D( A6 _# m/ [8 o: J$ y
Raid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.3 Z+ M0 b3 h& e
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes ' a3 Q6 s2 u/ k' k6 g" F# z
Japanese aircraft/ J9 N/ g/ t) c0 }% T
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 12
) z+ k+ p: l, [- _) ]0 {Allied aircraft
( E" f8 V5 |* I      no flights & |' N) p/ J$ z5 ?
Japanese aircraft losses
8 G2 @7 G: g* z% H' K1 b8 h      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 6 damaged) T6 ]! W7 H) u1 _/ x
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak . R- Q7 X/ D" y: X4 u
Allied aircraft losses
5 q9 U" T$ q, v. W# h2 w) n' a      B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged3 B' P6 J# @! S; L
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed on ground. C  k% ]/ \. Z& {! k' D1 W
      FK-51: 2 damaged, V& H4 Y) l! Z, F+ r- S' |! Q
      FK-51: 1 destroyed on ground
7 F  ]) T: H' u. C) ]* R      139WH-3: 1 damaged + e4 y+ J5 {: C& b; Z
Airbase hits 5, ^6 j5 s. n9 M' a9 ~: A' [
Airbase supply hits 1
5 [" l% C5 E4 K9 v1 RRunway hits 8
- S6 ?; a, [8 q* W+ A% _2 iAircraft Attacking:7 S/ v0 H8 ^6 w0 p; S
      12 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet/ ~4 }: j5 j  l  o
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb
' F2 z5 f: q' I: f8 m' B----------------------------------------------------------------
1 C- _. G2 ~# S7 F/ G! \Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
# b5 ~  _/ L8 r5 J" Q; OJapanese Deliberate attack
& X) x5 L$ G$ |+ q  O$ Z& @Attacking force 132917 troops, 1321 guns, 452 vehicles, Assault Value = 4216
6 {) g5 y5 U" u  g; Y9 x" V7 r/ o. GDefending force 82508 troops, 1066 guns, 806 vehicles, Assault Value = 2476
' x+ ^7 o# h5 hJapanese adjusted assault: 1286  
( \# x$ W  H4 X2 P- EAllied adjusted defense: 10822  . ]: E& e- F& t$ h* k
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 8 (fort level 5)  9 d( v" C" Z0 o- r* m
Combat modifiers5 I( \' U1 I% M9 ~2 J1 K5 g6 g
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), leaders(+), experience(-)) s/ Q; S7 _7 A2 Y/ v
Attacker:  , R* `. n2 w+ I
Japanese ground losses:
; Z2 l" ]0 c# X  R/ K$ R      19507 casualties reported' N  Z1 d4 ?. B8 h$ Y) E7 k
         Squads: 270 destroyed, 1595 disabled
  A1 g8 _5 N7 {6 H* K         Non Combat: 20 destroyed, 194 disabled1 a+ X# \: L7 C+ Q
         Engineers: 28 destroyed, 79 disabled  [) H7 R' y1 C# Q2 u1 h
      Guns lost 161 (14 destroyed, 147 disabled)
% _  t; u/ k+ T      Vehicles lost 69 (4 destroyed, 65 disabled)
$ W- L* a: n2 {- ]9 j4 G8 p+ I' PAllied ground losses:- d$ R# w7 V5 t; a. E4 b4 f
      2293 casualties reported, Z8 P5 r9 k1 l% R. F8 Q
         Squads: 46 destroyed, 193 disabled! v) w1 X- h: H/ }) ?$ Y
         Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 139 disabled7 h( m1 H8 M3 `9 S( L' M
         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 17 disabled
$ b2 C: b! e3 a+ V- Z      Guns lost 57 (11 destroyed, 46 disabled)
/ G* F! u  B# K8 E9 G      Vehicles lost 41 (2 destroyed, 39 disabled) 0 ]! A) M3 Y8 S( S4 t; U
Assaulting units:
' N9 v, k6 g( q  u, J# B& f( P    4th Infantry Regiment; m9 ?6 d. K! G& Y
    52nd Division
1 Q% b( V8 P2 z' [" r  ~    7th Ind.Tank Brigade+ R: X2 f& u" b# O1 F- E7 y7 V
    5th Engineer Regiment
  D( ]5 g2 P+ s' `: q: W    53rd Division& p8 K8 ?/ [% j6 E% a( ~! L, ^
    56th Infantry Regiment
+ A$ @# g, ]% |9 [3 I    38th Division
" Y, V, [  u7 P% d8 K    7th Division% o" \9 I1 h0 y( T# P
    54th Division0 Q& I. s. w3 N
    124th Infantry Regiment
! P" E* {8 R4 g' G6 J* l" e    11th Infantry Regiment
1 B  i( Q0 w6 J, s. o    4th Guards Division
) v# {3 R  M' ?6 n    24th Infantry Regiment
5 p* s- {$ W& ?8 o( ]    4th Ind.Mixed Regiment1 {! v. k4 }5 z" Q8 v8 f- ^
    42nd Infantry Regiment
* r/ S9 d/ n# c5 _- Q    114th Infantry Regiment' s# \9 b7 y$ D, J6 L
    113th Infantry Regiment
% U& n/ x* C5 N& w" b# k    21st Infantry Regiment9 W* w/ d& v& k* e" o
    12th Engineer Regiment
* R- f1 t$ p) A( j8 K$ ^    148th Infantry Regiment
! R; Y0 F5 C% c3 q3 ?) P5 ^0 R    15th Naval Guard Unit
- H% O9 ]& K* \7 m+ g1 u    Imperial Guards Division  A% p( I( n" ~
    16th Guards Regiment2 ?. k) w" ?( I; b  k& o
    56th Field Artillery Regiment
, c+ F1 @! Y% F# t5 i; i! \! r+ ]    25th Army$ U0 V3 D' l% O' s7 e0 V
    5th Mortar Battalion
( V( o; m% t* l    16th Army- x# g* ?- K/ \7 i" H( W
    5th Field Artillery Regiment# f! t) s0 p$ c5 t+ P" e
    14th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion7 O3 A4 I, ~# x8 B5 Z, z
    18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment" R1 a2 @; A0 d( X! y1 X: L& U
    Southern Army+ h8 q8 l3 t+ a0 ?7 T( s6 ^
    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment0 b- U/ Z$ b' C" M6 `( f% q# \: Q4 X
    41st Field AA Battalion
( D% d5 z/ k1 G+ c6 }& R/ v' C5 A: uDefending units:) G/ y7 d7 l1 e- h
    VI KNIL Battalion
6 b( u8 I, x0 z8 h4 ^    18th British Division- U7 ~; B8 e9 \- Y
    Afdeling Ritman
/ }8 ]0 ]) F8 p0 G    4th KNIL Regiment
) U7 L; C. y& [3 t( U. g' z    Zuid KNIL Battalion
6 H6 f+ N5 ~- u6 ^  L: k7 S    Winnipeg Grenadiers Battalion
' K' C- x) S3 K- e# x    Tjilatjap KNIL Battalion
( o! `8 S- l0 m" @    Sarawak Force ! l/ O3 s: B/ r
    Mobiele Eenheid Battalion# }5 K0 S) U- t) e
    1st KNIL Landstorm Battalion
$ o% S7 v7 A0 m* x# Q- a, T, @    Prajoda Garrison Battalion% p- _. s$ H! m6 a9 J& P) @
    Manado Garrison Battalion* U4 n' N2 t( c8 W% n& R$ \: x" _
    2nd Recce Battalion' L9 ~# F, H0 e! w
    Dili Detachment : ?# i  N& h# _+ I
    4th KNIL Landstorm Battalion) I' ~& n- H' k+ r( r
    1st Regt Cavalerie
! Y+ A, ]( U6 ?( S- b) G    SE Borneo KNIL Battalion! f7 M4 t! {; J" \* U
    Lijfwacht Cav Sqn
/ d# D3 j; r6 ~2 K9 `7 [    3rd KNIL Landstorm Battalion
' G/ z' z. L7 ~& S/ ~    2nd KNIL Landstorm Battalion
! S) J0 q# i: b: R0 W! S/ s    Kendari Garrison Battalion3 f% l2 ^$ V4 n0 ^
    2/11th Armoured Car Battalion
/ U( [! d/ h$ N4 I" Y    6th KNIL Regiment5 B# Q% _5 s. Y% P9 o1 u2 s
    Riouw KNIL Battalion( N# {! @! K, j. V, s
    VII KNIL Battalion! K* q+ P; ?' _' B9 Y( K; ^3 F
    6th Aus Cav Brigade; \. `& O1 O/ q% O2 Q
    Makassar Garrison Battalion
: n; o8 h, J9 l. w    Barisan KNIL Regiment
' M' \  f+ ~. i& ?    2nd KNIL Regiment# r) G* t; P' ]# e! a) g) W/ u! N" L
    Rifles of Canada Battalion
, s& r. I" H5 _3 N+ ^    Roodenburg Battalion1 o. \) ?8 n0 Y4 @/ b8 M- Z. _4 l
    WS KNIL Territory Regiment
3 j/ I' t3 Q3 f2 Y+ c& b    10th Light Horse Battalion: U0 U# C- Y1 }' n* q
    West Borneo KNIL Battalion
7 E/ _! i, {! r& I4 {    Samarinda KNIL Battalion6 z- |! P3 ?2 n4 d/ }9 A+ s2 g
    Korps Marechausee Battalion# c2 g. ^1 G; `- H' s
    So.Sumatra Garrison Battalion
; o3 F6 M+ w. y7 @4 b5 g; w& k( q% f    Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion
, j. X. L2 w5 V7 T2 l    Marinier Battalion
* |) H; [4 k& A9 O! E: f7 i    Timor Garrison Battalion
: k; F, `) }+ o    1st KNIL Regiment
' j9 _9 d& C. b8 E: z0 b, Z    Van Altena Battalion! v7 `& L8 T2 D  u2 ^
    2/15 Punjab Battalion
7 P) \  n' M* _; f' f9 H    Bandoeng Base Force
8 e5 D, y1 A0 H' G) Z+ m    Tarakan Coastal Gun Battalion. g1 A0 e* g+ r) j6 c" q
    South Borneo Base Force% Z  N  P0 h3 X0 s
    Celebes Base Force8 ]( }  n; l2 M5 b# \1 v) q
    North Java Base Force
0 Y7 u$ a( q6 G0 b    KNIL Army Command $ S  O& B8 a5 Q( c. ^$ Y
    North Borneo Base Force0 w. U+ v3 D3 Y' u& ?
    Commandement Marine ' t; ?/ d5 Z( m0 \- U
    West Sumatra Base Force9 x; d1 ~8 I$ ?. w: S
    Soerabaja Base Force; o% H9 P, _% b8 M" w, C7 U4 l* P; V
    1st KNIL AA Battalion
$ q  S' S! ^7 m. n5 U; i5 g    ABDA # d* u- A; h# {7 H' W
. R! I6 t/ v% z2 o. J, _, }    3rd KNIL AA Battalion  j. U2 p3 k" m. ?! [. W
    North Sumatra Base Force
) e& c: x3 i  p7 F    Batavia Base Force
7 p: a8 H3 U* _    South Java Base Force* `3 x2 l, \; W/ q7 x' F" V
    Timor Base Force
# Z! J  d6 @1 I: B! z4 y    Teloekbetoeng Base Force% T/ e/ t2 e2 Z5 \
    2 ML-KNIL Aviation
! k" {) @4 B5 w    Balikpapan Base Force
7 Q; W; _+ g* @    Tarakan Base Force2 S* o  N- u6 p4 \
    ML-KNIL $ n! o0 [/ m1 m/ m$ H
    Tjilitap Base Force
2 d1 \! {* C" s8 m    Palembang Base Force
. \2 }/ I' H) ^1 m: Q. N    1 ML-KNIL Aviation 4 J* Q5 K! r( g2 j
    2nd KNIL AA Battalion6 u; \6 w2 s- J2 z. b
    5th Coastal Gun Battalion  ~: c% ?8 m0 ~% b) H  u
    23rd AA Bde
- [: f0 y8 ~5 g% {) S2 ]万隆日军战力下降明显,盟军基本还是老样子。
+ o' m2 T8 e* U" N8 [) y8 j当天日军还占领了哈密。
, s8 Y( P5 C+ P( G0 y. c* m1 m--------------------------------------------------------------------
9 W* A  V, j2 w9 x; S- F" IMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  1 R% I% o' A- ]5 m% t7 ]! @
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
% k' |! G( \) v4 N# c6 [Raid detected at 51 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
$ V) I3 X' \: AEstimated time to target is 16 minutes & m  }0 x# P7 `: k" X
Japanese aircraft
! O) H  O2 j% g4 O& r0 p' L( I9 j      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 37: |+ }( ?  A/ L/ L* \
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 13
8 A8 E" z/ i( t7 K4 H      Ki-51 Sonia x 4 ! w; b& P5 m7 i, E, Q
Allied aircraft
. N7 u& s2 X% u  o1 F' D/ a( P      Hurricane IIb Trop x 1
1 r3 `& Z& F1 q" p      P-40E Warhawk x 2
% i$ ~' N4 Q6 p2 N      B-339-23 x 1 7 Q* q4 Y! F& S& o
Japanese aircraft losses
% h% w, i! k2 n      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed
- d5 H# V; b  y9 J0 K8 d      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 13 damaged0 _9 j  J7 v$ @) _8 o
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak" p6 B/ R. O9 d3 ~, ?3 V. X
      Ki-51 Sonia: 1 damaged" v$ o0 Y8 q) z
      Ki-51 Sonia: 1 destroyed by flak
. n6 `% V# M7 O* C- L; yAllied aircraft losses% b' R2 l8 J* Q- v7 v: A
      B-339-23: 1 destroyed8 B$ Z1 L0 |8 `% q3 e" X
------------------------------------------------------------! i" a6 }4 `) g  a
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  5 t6 k4 p, W  w7 x5 ^2 s
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
5 l. V& v2 U7 V% d/ C2 C  ]' X$ URaid detected at 57 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
9 h' C' ]1 Y; l* WEstimated time to target is 19 minutes 9 e0 Z! g( k. M' v
Japanese aircraft
" `) R, d) C& \, s      A6M2 Zero x 24) L2 Q5 `' H6 N* e" @  S
      G4M1 Betty x 8
, K" O! Q3 i9 a( n% m& i0 F* GAllied aircraft4 y/ S& ^1 o  q1 u
      P-40E Warhawk x 2
0 Y0 Y: \2 c4 Y8 D! V/ M$ W& K8 a& X& tJapanese aircraft losses% {: Q1 i+ d# u+ M. k( e7 N
      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
& G4 z% b* f# S& ~0 J4 L5 U      G4M1 Betty: 7 damaged
) r, O. K' m, v! a; y      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak
9 w# @' f/ p% f" ZAllied aircraft losses
( n/ {: }# T# s8 _5 j; b      PBY-5 Catalina: 1 destroyed on ground  _/ t2 b$ g# b$ H: f
. C$ J& b: `; ~/ ~' n& ~& OPre-Invasion action off Ambon (76,109)
% ?4 l$ L7 C% P+ @Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force 1 ]* y( ?) g+ `0 g3 o/ L. f5 }
36 Coastal gun shots fired in defense. * \' {4 l* n  E4 ?4 ]
Japanese Ships
- ]2 Y* e# Q( c$ v      PB Rokko Maru
9 Z" ?$ e. |3 }& v" n3 ~5 m      PB Kongo Maru #2
) B& z; t1 k5 B1 b, D      PB Fukeui Maru #7
( R/ p8 d, T) n$ F4 k  Q      xAK Venice Maru 7 x! V4 b( Z3 y) D/ J$ ^/ j. U
Japanese ground losses:
# B0 ]9 y4 ]- ~, }1 s3 B( |3 ]% ~      20 casualties reported: `: Q3 h  }) I' i  I$ o0 l' W. a) S$ `
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
  m- A! Z0 ^8 T$ ?         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
! ~% d' c' ~$ W8 k         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled, e7 f; @- o5 Y$ [9 X+ V% A% h
8 l) D; v& H$ U: H! ?Amphibious Assault at Ambon (76,109) 6 d# |5 Y9 ~/ t
TF 64 troops unloading over beach at Ambon, 76,109
& V& V) [( I1 YJapanese ground losses:9 E7 `- J. g5 M3 Z+ S9 t
      33 casualties reported; |" ?0 k( ~- t; c2 k. t
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 10 disabled
( d, |3 Q8 V' W% O         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled- H( w* Z( ^0 V" z+ t
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
- A  T% I/ {# u, i% I5 U* q------------------------------------------------------------ 6 f4 A+ C; C* h( e  q! X& x( o8 L5 t
Ground combat at Hami (81,17)
1 w5 W4 e  I1 Z9 bJapanese Shock attack ; e/ G1 ^0 n5 O% M$ A2 }! k
Attacking force 3342 troops, 20 guns, 338 vehicles, Assault Value = 205 + b- U$ e) d7 h9 @) e
Defending force 1504 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 41
0 _3 R) z; p7 I6 ~- Q% c5 MJapanese adjusted assault: 197  ; e; o  p7 [+ @5 L0 |8 `' f: `& M
Allied adjusted defense: 7  
: D- h7 q) t7 p' G0 ]6 cJapanese assault odds: 28 to 1 (fort level 0)  
4 h* |9 e7 q# DJapanese forces CAPTURE Hami !!! % c( i) Z6 @; P& z7 T; \' R1 H
Combat modifiers
4 K- q/ s3 n# RDefender: experience(-)5 E1 E, Y  s0 ^$ |
Attacker: shock(+) " J9 g  m/ y" l5 e3 p) b
Japanese ground losses:
! Q5 B7 C% T& d4 i3 w# O      117 casualties reported- z* U6 K4 M  \4 m% n
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 12 disabled4 W# }& ~1 o* C- Z0 l1 X: u, ], f) G# t
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
6 ~- C4 n$ U3 E% P; ~; C         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ! B+ W3 U9 d. _- Z# I
Allied ground losses:
  s; i( p. q" X1 L, f      1342 casualties reported
2 A" U1 p( V. l' O! H) z1 J         Squads: 38 destroyed, 18 disabled
0 m: Q. X$ U9 E; e" R# `         Non Combat: 35 destroyed, 28 disabled
8 B/ n  A* S" I9 |9 C         Engineers: 6 destroyed, 0 disabled, `. y$ [) Y" W2 k* [, v# r
      Units retreated 1 1 n: J8 q9 W! A6 k# a
Defeated Allied Units Retreating!
" Q& A" x, _  V4 E* C4 SAssaulting units:  D, w& Y9 t  x+ ~) |$ }! U
    4th Cavalry Brigade8 Y; k  e) ^) F* e3 ]- K8 p0 [: {* n
    10th Tank Regiment0 X. E) ]- \" l3 f
    11th Tank Regiment 2 V+ P" n2 }4 Y6 C- H, a
Defending units:# C, D* \* j0 K
    21st Chinese Base Force - I2 z  e2 O2 E1 {9 o
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # W4 y& K4 b5 M% F5 _
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
8 G! `; N# F0 ~* S, a8 ZJapanese Bombardment attack
$ l7 ]! y9 a5 a* W+ i3 E; n& Q# `Attacking force 1720 troops, 173 guns, 60 vehicles, Assault Value = 2815
% I2 Z: k- K! M" t; jDefending force 80655 troops, 1057 guns, 804 vehicles, Assault Value = 2305
# V8 P+ y' P4 JJapanese ground losses:* b1 f) E% y& r2 t8 g. E9 A
      4 casualties reported; y) C" L: e1 j
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
( B; j0 g2 v1 |: d" z. L         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
) s& ]# M4 m& l) h         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled   A3 s, l: j8 u7 ~
Allied ground losses:
& ~5 v$ G* S( p1 a3 i4 D8 a- C- M      36 casualties reported/ J7 t( N4 E5 V' A& `# l" I$ b
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled3 ^5 A7 `" G1 O% V' r4 o
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled& k: M* I& V. o) e( c) @& ^! {, P) ~
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 12, 42" ]( k9 n4 y5 l! t
5 w5 v# H0 Z) i  k' @; Y霍恩岛上发现日军登陆部队,环礁地形,日军果断强制突击了,结果失败鸟。
+ w/ U9 D1 x9 R5 L) |! e3 A--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ^1 a* d. ~- R
Invasion Support action off Ambon (76,109)
4 G% _4 p6 |- n4 B2 [- [$ ^3 y0 kDefensive Guns engage approaching landing force
5 _/ {- m0 j; X27 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
5 n3 \/ ]# G/ E7 VJapanese Ships
% h- f6 R; l* [4 b      PB Rokko Maru
% A: ]; M7 x; R% T& k      PB Kongo Maru #2
: _, U$ m. @% J      PB Fukeui Maru #7( L) |2 N9 _; m1 }& d# ]3 @9 o* w
      xAK Venice Maru 3 [) c6 H2 E$ @9 T1 l' ~
Japanese ground losses:* o7 g+ N& l- H* o
      16 casualties reported: z8 c8 w) g; X6 \9 t5 g$ x
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
2 e# |/ r) o: r3 |0 h         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled6 t8 B7 Z) ]/ C# i) r, M8 K
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled# l, v3 l$ p  W3 c- m  [  y0 N
4 ?# j9 E2 H1 _0 k, I% W4 gInvasion Support action off Ambon (76,109)
$ l+ l$ d- j6 j3 O# V) HDefensive Guns engage approaching landing force
/ j" h5 h5 q5 F% X" ]( Q4 Y50 Coastal gun shots fired in defense. 6 s& @7 k. F* P5 [* }; P
Japanese Ships4 T, @) s8 z' \. i4 [+ n
      xAK Shanghai Maru, Shell hits 3,  on fire
& k% Y" t9 j! D      PB Fukeui Maru #7
/ e6 A) `) k* F- S5 K4 N      xAK Venice Maru, Shell hits 2,  on fire$ d# p. `+ R" e) f4 x* E7 t' L7 \" `6 e6 `
      PB Rokko Maru
9 _# g( X$ X* D9 W7 a6 J      PB Kongo Maru #2
2 m  n0 o, J' ~* J- G9 n0 WJapanese ground losses:. x2 q) w" V( a. N7 _# i; I# S
      73 casualties reported
2 h3 F6 ~9 E' Z8 }         Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled1 Z6 Y, F5 D. h3 {
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 9 disabled
& `- k, k1 H8 B6 Z- @         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
, }! W+ K2 C( g: w$ O* |# q-----------------------------------------------------
5 C1 ]( t* o! `6 C, z1 q% u5 U5 }1 WInvasion Support action off Ambon (76,109)/ h* b) E- P* I1 i- d
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force
/ W; r$ l/ y. [+ q8 H26 Coastal gun shots fired in defense. - R# C1 H" [# t- [$ _. |
Japanese Ships
1 V% i' G& V+ z* b9 O0 L0 _# ?      xAK Shanghai Maru, Shell hits 4,  heavy fires
/ N! S# W1 Z* I3 G2 W      PB Kongo Maru #2
* _  L' S3 C) I. M      PB Fukeui Maru #7
, `% m; s* G0 Q" f# I1 P( i      xAK Venice Maru,  on fire
1 e5 g3 o3 m/ b0 U$ A( M      PB Rokko Maru
8 a' n  z, |& J: R, Z- MJapanese ground losses:
7 n3 Y9 x' c' z6 j3 t# B1 k3 \      9 casualties reported
4 d& x' @; c7 k, X         Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled0 m( C: L( Z/ Z7 \9 l
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled) g  I1 o/ m) w5 ~4 F
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled& o3 ]2 ?' {  V6 F/ k; J' }" u8 X' Y
3 D" z& P9 x6 _3 y% }, L( z$ j, [Morning Air attack on 254th Armoured Brigade, at 59,48 (Taung Gyi) & Z, l+ h# H* j8 j( j0 R9 W
Weather in hex: Light cloud , o2 A$ Q4 K# y) S2 ~% \1 Y
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
/ D. v. m$ h" w- MEstimated time to target is 6 minutes 1 W+ L: |! I, l) V  T: J
Japanese aircraft. p6 t! E5 ]1 S8 x) d
      A6M2 Zero x 27
  V* i  S$ S' L  |0 O0 A. I3 I% t+ C      Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 36) n. [( s% c3 i+ d
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 7
4 E& W  Y0 @" E" _6 i      Ki-51 Sonia x 13
/ @3 V& }* d# V/ n  f3 aJapanese aircraft losses9 v) ^+ J. K* c9 \: k# p6 `
      Ki-51 Sonia: 2 damaged$ z6 I& A6 `. |% q
4 W5 N4 ?, U; v: t% QMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  2 A) o3 }+ h/ V' e/ N( Q4 s9 p
Weather in hex: Severe storms
% x' S6 i# k! `$ YRaid detected at 37 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
- U- S4 [$ P7 \& {Estimated time to target is 10 minutes
1 u4 n! ~* S: _Japanese aircraft* v, ^1 c( }/ N8 v' K) ?* R+ ?% |
      A6M2 Zero x 14: X  n$ K* z  W
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 138 n: u1 m" b: C; q9 i3 _$ Q
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 26
- T3 c( T! i5 Z: [2 S      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 5 * V! {# |2 `6 m, y: Q0 }
Allied aircraft, P9 L( Y; v( ~* o" j
      Mohawk IV x 37 v) Q1 h; B1 U" j" T& s
      P-40E Warhawk x 1
4 B  P* Q: `& ?Japanese aircraft losses
/ ^2 Z4 n" Q4 K# c& V8 m: f9 Z      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
" L0 `/ A6 E  d7 N2 A% H5 E! A. ^4 {      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 10 damaged
) O8 n1 A& a% @0 n. J( F' f      Ki-43-Ia Oscar: 1 destroyed' ^$ a- F3 F3 d2 m! ^* C
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged ( L' n( K. J1 B$ ]& k
Allied aircraft losses: m" Y" U5 z5 S  J3 ~2 D
      Mohawk IV: 1 destroyed
- a5 a  b- X! dAirbase hits 2
3 c( M+ {8 k" b$ S& i- p/ ~----------------------------------------------------------------) x! n6 t' T' ~3 _6 ~  t: A4 k9 {. ]
Morning Air attack on TF, near Toboali at 51,93
/ G# `3 A$ H1 F* a3 wWeather in hex: Clear sky 2 A' G" C; M& r- u
Raid spotted at 1 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.+ Q! q, y7 x. h7 [( d& y" ?) Y% H
Estimated time to target is 0 minutes
( U6 O6 @. M) bAllied aircraft" \4 N7 M0 E3 x) p5 E8 A+ x
      B-25C Mitchell x 3
. C: z# H# e- @- OAllied aircraft losses7 Y& G& w' l4 L
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged
3 O! r2 t5 ^) W8 D& U6 j; Y9 LJapanese Ships
. V- z$ t& e4 c) {) u      xAP Kongo Maru, Bomb hits 1
  ^, ~# Y* h! M$ i' i-------------------------------------------------------------3 H! x8 {) O- {
Morning Air attack on TF, near Toboali at 51,93 8 w- d: ^5 F* b5 o: I- x2 e7 M
Weather in hex: Clear sky- ?8 j& f% Q& L; S
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
$ `$ ~0 O( i$ U# KEstimated time to target is 7 minutes 8 j1 U% X5 i' T1 ?: p& m
Allied aircraft! }& c" l0 z! I/ x; v/ j, ?
      139WH-3 x 3
% i% i: q9 r3 z2 d$ l' DNo Allied losses
- F8 c9 {/ ^2 i' f* q2 T% a. Z( B; DJapanese Ships3 Q+ Q' Q. N( U( x1 e- n
      LSD Akitsu Maru3 J1 _$ F; ^: |9 o
-------------------------------------------------------------------& r# }6 ?6 t' ]% V# s# d
Pre-Invasion action off Horn Island (91,128)( |# D& P( C: s% X# r
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force
0 @5 n" X& n1 F6 _7 ?, n9 Coastal gun shots fired in defense. 0 x( ^; d% R& b9 W/ X' Y& D! Y
Japanese Ships
4 e. w% Z6 ^3 G! x      PB Takunan Maru #2
& e8 K- a% |+ |3 `. D7 z- o      PB Chitose Maru
& y1 A" B( F& m5 j9 I7 i% `/ r  h      PB Choun Maru #81 b2 A1 E/ ?$ Z- P# o( o) e
      xAK Hokuan Maru( }( l! z' J) [4 C
% g3 H; i5 A. c3 ?9 I$ ?Amphibious Assault at Horn Island (91,128)
/ I  }: s& ~" `TF 17 troops unloading over beach at Horn Island, 91,128 : r: y$ o5 Z- {
Japanese ground losses:4 _% v5 y4 o( b3 p! R
      102 casualties reported6 D2 d1 o7 t8 i3 D/ l4 f9 t- [
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 14 disabled
6 f- {  x1 K8 q- g' K; h9 v- e7 w( e         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
  k7 V: q6 R( P3 i7 s, d; |         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled& z0 W; X/ l% v6 y1 P5 N2 B  g
-------------------------------------------------------- % b" F% M# s5 q5 l: ~
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
9 O5 i! I, Z; j; Q) xJapanese Bombardment attack
$ v; {) w- J9 w( c9 Z# T1 NAttacking force 1712 troops, 173 guns, 60 vehicles, Assault Value = 2914
6 i# V. U! I/ xDefending force 81075 troops, 1057 guns, 804 vehicles, Assault Value = 2351
. ~5 ~6 I0 G6 x* d% ]: `Allied ground losses:
9 d' ?  T0 e% L* J1 v/ }1 N      16 casualties reported( e/ ~  F* H2 Z+ h. p
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled+ W) H# U' z  Z) q& [1 i# }7 p
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled6 ?, D/ ~7 V$ X4 b  X; L
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
4 D2 W  f6 ~" |0 }2 Z7 ]( T& B% }--------------------------------------------------
" y+ F6 M7 Z4 c/ C& ^. [; S# E5 wGround combat at Ambon (76,109) : _+ I! ~9 R0 P1 L8 U
Japanese Bombardment attack
' h2 u9 h) `1 _9 QAttacking force 2216 troops, 27 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 133
4 X# ~5 D) c8 x9 K# gDefending force 2673 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 90 ; l% @- e7 ?7 }$ }6 G
Assaulting units:! j4 O5 m+ a. f8 {
    52nd Naval Guard Unit) R' `- o% `( S6 O) M5 }
    Maizuru 2nd SNLF6 s# h9 F8 P5 o5 G
    84th Nav Gd /1
: D- N, m# s4 D, m5 V$ f5 f' I, x' G! EDefending units:2 _, B4 |# x2 v/ q* u/ {
    Molukken Garrison Battalion" Y) J1 m$ i$ p1 H( [1 k
    4th Coastal Gun Battalion3 f1 p' }" ?, F  D8 j
    Ambon Base Force: v1 e$ F5 @% B7 X+ l6 Z
    Ternate Det. Base Force! L* j) n) {$ b9 H
    Sorong Det. Base Force
: {( f) t0 n: V( ]) x  m* m8 @+ `    Manado Garrison Bn /2
+ d' ?7 A5 C8 B5 e; u-----------------------------------------------
& ?8 _! L! ^/ A  m8 k3 G: ]0 N# {Ground combat at Horn Island (91,128) - x( C. o6 f( d: V& u- d
Japanese Shock attack , t* ^1 [- J! F' n2 \
Attacking force 280 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 15 6 O! l+ i" U; _3 v$ [& ^" C
Defending force 1015 troops, 3 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 34
6 y; V% L7 K" {; k7 MJapanese adjusted assault: 0  5 s4 _. ]! P2 G8 l
Allied adjusted defense: 31  : o- b. ?2 O; ?7 E
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 99 (fort level 1)  " h- w- W, c; M' Y) n* @2 N9 O  e
Combat modifiers
, v, j- @5 h  F: Q  RDefender: experience(-)/ m/ H% N; m7 K: Q' o6 @
Attacker: shock(+), leaders(-), fatigue(-), supply(-) * J) F: W0 D/ z6 D
Japanese ground losses:
5 a/ h+ s% H* V% ~$ ?+ i- k' ?      120 casualties reported
4 f7 l* ?0 ]4 g% j% e' ^         Squads: 2 destroyed, 14 disabled, V) d5 |" K' G' f4 p
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
/ v* S$ K; L: N* U" `         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled $ t# w: N  B2 A5 Z. I6 u
Assaulting units:  K1 k2 q: x* g8 K" n" v! b6 \
    61st Nav Gd /1
; Q/ Y5 _1 M) ~/ `Defending units:
. Z$ M# c( i2 `- w. d, N    Thurday Island Det. Battalion( O) P5 U+ q% _2 M0 j
    Torres Strait Battalion( i6 M6 i, Q  v! H
    Horn Isl  Det.
9 C! B7 Z0 S2 W; h) n* h霍恩岛上的日军全部消失了,可是日军当天卸载了部队。
4 I8 s6 q9 p( N' e# e盟军开始收复缅北地区。
  n- U- _% ]1 ]" R9 {--------------------------------------------------------------------------! ]1 ~8 L# V9 _0 E1 a: [: w
Invasion Support action off Horn Island (91,128)
7 w5 U8 ]5 q3 f) V8 C! L% pDefensive Guns engage approaching landing force 3 z, O8 t0 g+ U& T4 I
8 Coastal gun shots fired in defense. / k/ c7 e5 N1 }4 w' F4 i- f
Japanese Ships
0 i4 d/ S3 y+ p: b( m+ X+ v      PB Takunan Maru #2+ @9 f" ?/ |" |5 }+ P5 O" X6 D
      PB Chitose Maru
& k; }5 o; B* D5 d% z      PB Choun Maru #8
0 p! C3 X9 P+ q3 s3 l      xAK Hokuan Maru
* h" J( q8 j2 u( wPB Takunan Maru #2 fired at enemy troops
1 u$ t% j9 ?: `( W' U( p% ?) [PB Chitose Maru fired at enemy troops- V" G$ t& Y; k+ z4 p! {
PB Choun Maru #8 fired at enemy troops, V! Y' V+ A- ?% j/ `
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 1,000 yards & k* l# d$ Y! ^% ]. i2 k
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! J% v# ]2 x: L1 S$ Y9 [
Morning Air attack on 1st KNIL Regiment, at 50,100 (Bandoeng) ; |; O- u4 K" Q
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
/ t# S: Q( t$ `# [3 P3 I# b0 GRaid detected at 46 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
$ f6 S) M% _0 C7 j* r6 K) f- dEstimated time to target is 15 minutes
2 Q& Y# L6 X8 r# S5 JJapanese aircraft
. }: X, {7 m' D  Y0 n      A6M2 Zero x 18
6 b8 ^) |$ ?# h: t! ?" T1 r      G3M2 Nell x 47
+ t  ^7 d& y7 p" `2 _2 f' O5 ?      G4M1 Betty x 25
/ [" R$ c0 g' n1 }) t% H; M3 m      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 8
4 |3 g7 e9 N- ^Allied aircraft
+ H% b$ f8 S& E& B5 e2 A      P-40E Warhawk x 2
2 Q* l( J' D" H6 R2 TJapanese aircraft losses4 k6 u* z: s% ?0 w& k, K
      A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed
/ X7 [! N( `- ~& ^+ |8 A0 b9 k      G3M2 Nell: 9 damaged, Y4 o2 X( z% e# O# \  N3 O! `
      G3M2 Nell: 5 destroyed by flak
8 i/ V+ s/ N4 e' G6 \/ n1 L      G4M1 Betty: 10 damaged
0 n6 S) i' N) e. g+ n      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak1 u* N6 N9 w: w' v8 J# J+ V
- B) h  Q3 i; w# yMorning Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
& |& C# B4 n+ D% V& S; E6 b# }& VWeather in hex: Thunderstorms " U+ M9 C0 Q  u7 u, N4 F' A+ z
Raid detected at 33 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
0 @1 c; _# g% _- A# X% C  YEstimated time to target is 12 minutes 3 t+ K$ x, Y: `" c/ ]  E
Japanese aircraft
8 ]  h5 s  D' l3 u      G3M2 Nell x 21
7 P! P: E+ ~- m) s4 A# U      G4M1 Betty x 8 3 N9 L; j& x4 F. i" F. V
Japanese aircraft losses
6 e% R, [" g( ]% e      G3M2 Nell: 9 damaged
: a& g% L) ~+ P) A      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak" o5 q/ j/ s! H/ o& Y: E% Z2 A
      G4M1 Betty: 6 damaged
; _% w0 f4 [. l3 u) ?, ~      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak
6 u. m& `- Q' Y, D) }Allied ground losses:( F8 _& G/ P3 [5 ?! r9 S
      5 casualties reported- K+ j4 m. j; E3 |1 ?6 Q  {
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled+ b9 j! j' j+ Y& |% {+ I4 Q! w
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled2 Y, ]. w8 D, s' u  ~: ?( v
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled7 o- u3 M; b) H- S2 g
-------------------------------------------------3 |' u) E. |" u0 I, P( `5 C, \
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ! M8 I& p% c: R1 c
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms / R5 k$ u; C! l. k; Z! d
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
" b5 R7 m: l% ?% J3 O' D) k6 SEstimated time to target is 12 minutes & R4 G. M) P% P% _2 l7 z1 A0 P
Japanese aircraft5 ^7 A" i3 d( `* @2 r3 e
      A6M2 Zero x 29& e( X3 U+ d+ M3 c0 U% H8 [/ G& V
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 38 |2 X0 i% R2 O( |# v0 L( d% i
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 44) ]! b8 }: B* J5 _
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 26  w. _% S- @) u5 R; `
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 22
! I3 H* u% s/ x( o* sJapanese aircraft losses1 W8 y. z/ |0 S. \; ]2 z' o* W- I) v7 r
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
" l2 d4 j3 ~9 T6 |      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak% e3 Z0 ~% I6 i) a$ ~9 v/ {
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 10 damaged
5 M' ~8 j3 r7 \4 K5 ?( n  @      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 4 destroyed by flak' S  O- V; p" |/ W/ u% g
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 8 damaged
8 F" e8 L! Z1 Z  N( c  n; C+ e--------------------------------------------------
/ g& h9 |, `# g2 P' v( GMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
3 a2 W- X7 N9 q3 X% O2 R& s! tWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
5 j+ p5 a- X+ a! e# K4 QRaid detected at 76 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
2 ^% s9 Z; b; T: q$ a9 \( U* lEstimated time to target is 22 minutes : z1 K& e  R! }; E' _  E
Japanese aircraft0 L: ]: b. n' m# p  B6 p
      A6M2 Zero x 17
( N4 S+ V  q2 f8 r$ Y      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 396 G1 g! |. Q( T+ T" q$ k
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 14
5 {7 z; N) `, a% C( l  j      Ki-51 Sonia x 28 7 n& d. \. D" O& U1 k% f0 {
Allied aircraft( L& W+ d' k. p) ~; @# r
      no flights ; H- j) g" [" ~
Japanese aircraft losses3 I: K$ J4 d1 L$ M
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 18 damaged
( j5 o' {) i: d" \: u      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak9 ~! Y  T+ P4 P" w
      Ki-51 Sonia: 18 damaged
: k3 d" y* U7 p% j' I- U# n      Ki-51 Sonia: 3 destroyed by flak
: `: V- c$ s1 w8 e9 C# e" f  J7 vAllied aircraft losses
( o9 n  [/ X' \% a1 N      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged& k$ U, l- B' B( {4 v2 A
+ k& ]& o* h* P  qMorning Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91 8 h0 I) [! M2 {# M
Weather in hex: Light cloud ' G5 k' [& Y0 u1 m9 q
Raid spotted at 31 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.4 u! T8 S, S5 f. |: u8 u
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes , }7 \( g) E' c8 w
Japanese aircraft4 E' c; s/ @6 [4 |
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 12
' U1 s  M5 |& {( e8 c$ X3 NAllied aircraft
% \: x- R' v$ k5 |2 X. j# @. \. l      B-25C Mitchell x 3 0 ~% ^) \# j. u  J1 w
No Japanese losses % T8 j# ?7 D8 Z; n8 i& W2 r
No Allied losses * O0 s( c5 r7 h# B9 `
Japanese Ships
4 _0 A6 g) k7 e/ S      xAK Tatutaki Maru $ a, \6 V0 M2 U
Aircraft Attacking:  g1 W# ^' `5 z0 @' i1 |5 N( W
       3 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 6000 feet' m7 B( ^5 f8 U
               Naval Attack:  6 x 500 lb GP Bomb* k3 ~9 i( z: I6 y4 ?. g
8 M, X2 c7 f) B1 K1 N# _; j1 }5 e- MAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91
# W9 Z% G+ I  a8 P8 H" f  k% PWeather in hex: Heavy cloud : O6 _& T2 V/ y8 K6 o
Raid spotted at 37 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.! V7 z3 j6 v* `$ E2 J
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes - ]% s, ~4 F2 g- D" ]" c4 e* X$ @
Japanese aircraft
' N* x) i3 y- |$ O" V. c$ ^      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 12
0 X9 H4 x: F1 ]6 P4 b# z  q8 eAllied aircraft
  r+ r1 I, W+ I4 |( ^; B0 t8 h; K      B-25C Mitchell x 6
; T1 i+ R. Y+ t; R$ PNo Japanese losses
8 [+ r1 D# i* A- KNo Allied losses
' u$ ]0 I* B' b0 H% ^Japanese Ships
$ b% Z, Q3 C# ~8 ]+ ~' A& g      xAK Yodogawa Maru/ `! }3 B% E4 i3 X8 X( Y9 m
      SC Ch 22
% i5 ]5 S3 X8 l-----------------------------------------------------
, C# x7 r8 X) O7 \. NGround combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
) C0 X( K& [' k- W$ U) o4 j* ~Japanese Bombardment attack 8 R  l: x3 g7 }
Attacking force 1712 troops, 173 guns, 60 vehicles, Assault Value = 3486 3 h; D/ w  v6 |5 F% g
Defending force 81441 troops, 1057 guns, 804 vehicles, Assault Value = 2391
) X: V# c9 n0 c) g" ~Allied ground losses:' r% z* X4 h/ K3 E# V- @
      5 casualties reported2 J0 P1 k. c6 O9 O( R/ V  ]' J
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled( n. F& Z5 `, y  x6 f5 X% ^
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
) f3 q9 z$ O  W8 d5 X+ S         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
0 j  P  X0 g" g4 r  B5 D. O-------------------------------------------------
, \8 X, |: ?1 ~; F2 z2 o, mGround combat at Ambon (76,109) / S. V8 [. ]2 g$ w% D
Japanese Bombardment attack
! c# R4 m) b) d' c: ~( qAttacking force 2212 troops, 27 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 136 4 l6 a, P5 x! r* S/ [% K
Defending force 2668 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 90
/ M+ L  H6 J; U/ K  t/ g3 y---------------------------------------------------   P+ M1 P! A0 G# v' y$ z- X
Ground combat at Taung Gyi (59,48), ?5 c4 a- M7 J, r8 Y
Allied Shock attack
) @3 r7 l- x/ uAttacking force 6695 troops, 68 guns, 620 vehicles, Assault Value = 925
: Q: A* }# c) R! j2 U7 L' q/ r7 U" rDefending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0 6 P2 b6 d" K7 o+ b! S
Allied adjusted assault: 452  
) r7 Y" L1 F6 DJapanese adjusted defense: 1  ! s" W5 J9 g- i5 h3 v& W
Allied assault odds: 452 to 1 (fort level 1)  
" @& g: f$ B3 z5 O8 \" m' _" {Allied forces CAPTURE Taung Gyi !!! 4 l. A) }& @6 w. _
Combat modifiers
6 j7 W1 L/ i; d1 xAttacker: shock(+)
, f  l# {- D5 R8 T  sAssaulting units:3 m# k: E$ b! n$ x: ~
    50th Tank Brigade
# I0 J( y6 h$ h+ U    255th Armoured Brigade( `! [& `$ z9 d* {/ y9 L
    3rd Carbiniers Regiment
$ T- w. I# U; X4 W8 o3 w+ o. a% Y1 ?    6th Australian Division
7 i( c# c. w. G    254th Armoured Brigade! z' r9 P& M; E% `5 y, F
    7th Armoured Brigade
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 14, 42& Y' {. f4 J* l3 a4 I* G2 o
万隆的AA这些天的表现都不错,一般都能打下些东西,这个损失对日军来说应该比较痛& @* j! c6 r& b5 I( A) s
# z2 j9 i! h, @  A' U7 }1 }! N7 J! S( ?" h1 [( ^
--------------------------------------------------------------------/ I5 u' T& X9 R' l% Z$ i
Morning Air attack on ML-KNIL , at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
3 [% b+ f/ o* J' fWeather in hex: Partial cloud / @  H: }. f* T; s( E
Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
5 [6 [( {+ W$ y/ MEstimated time to target is 28 minutes % i; F. t( d& X! q: Z4 E' Q' t
Japanese aircraft/ d8 |7 `: ?/ F& g- e
      A6M2 Zero x 13
2 _/ f$ F4 E+ t1 E/ J      G3M2 Nell x 3
# P  y  \: x* H& m/ [      G4M1 Betty x 22   s/ f2 ?/ y# d& S+ ?0 x$ U% V  b
Allied aircraft$ f0 R/ @7 a4 l. y' k+ z3 ]
      Mohawk IV x 1
4 E' Q3 j2 e% M# F# `8 a) B+ @2 y      B-339D x 12 Y9 K7 M$ i5 q" q, I
      P-40E Warhawk x 2 % c6 n' `* x( r: n9 u) B  y
Japanese aircraft losses2 e! E1 c1 ?, _1 v
      G3M2 Nell: 2 damaged
/ j$ k+ O! V/ h3 T* M1 }      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak; l! R0 K1 J* C" q, ?
      G4M1 Betty: 13 damaged4 ^, }9 I5 b7 Q8 W( _( b2 z! J
      G4M1 Betty: 2 destroyed by flak   o7 Z, @/ y) ]
Allied aircraft losses( j/ }% U1 @% j. w8 l4 N6 d2 e1 F
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed
* i  i& q3 H" ^# G+ O( ]--------------------------------------------------) |( c- V. ]; R( E( ?0 O2 ~$ P( L2 H
Morning Air attack on ML-KNIL , at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
9 @4 z; U" F  V" M, n8 EWeather in hex: Partial cloud
4 m8 {* F8 J) w  f# b0 C& _3 [Raid detected at 57 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.. |# G0 Q+ \( m' K3 j
Estimated time to target is 22 minutes
. d' ~( |7 B# e% o0 {' b, BJapanese aircraft
6 w" a+ @1 \; [      G3M2 Nell x 27
3 P7 ^" Q% a0 K3 N( ?3 @Japanese aircraft losses- i% }% M* l' P$ u9 u% @
      G3M2 Nell: 14 damaged# o9 y  F# v0 k7 D# Z$ `4 N/ }
      G3M2 Nell: 2 destroyed by flak; T  k6 i* H" u. W3 D
, H% q/ [: m- x0 t. g0 vMorning Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng) # ~3 [, \5 U2 U3 o( V" Z  K& S/ [
Weather in hex: Partial cloud 4 j) B5 m- l% H4 ]
Raid detected at 72 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
7 U; A9 d5 F" Y2 U$ ~0 QEstimated time to target is 28 minutes
4 \' m7 L  u5 C" `: B0 FJapanese aircraft
* B8 c/ ]; E" y+ E( M, x      G3M2 Nell x 14" K* ?2 t) A6 m! E% J  }
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 14
$ z! l# v- V4 u5 @. sJapanese aircraft losses
8 A4 p- O1 V$ M# k) H      G3M2 Nell: 14 damaged
% @$ }( t2 b0 Y* p4 @7 Q      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak
4 p- Z1 ~! L* x$ u. i----------------------------------------------------
; W3 M' {; j" x: @Morning Air attack on MLD , at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
2 S. M! Z6 Z! K- d9 y- w  XWeather in hex: Partial cloud ' I. g9 }: Y& j, S
Raid detected at 35 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
1 M8 z$ z0 g( \4 tEstimated time to target is 12 minutes
3 Q; l: U9 G5 e& R8 Z" ^Japanese aircraft7 e2 w, q; _! n. F8 d+ }
      G4M1 Betty x 18 * q' c0 g& H: p7 J7 F' q" f
Japanese aircraft losses
  y. L+ w: t) ~5 M; o      G4M1 Betty: 13 damaged
% ~7 T% e) S% D- h$ W$ E6 T+ r      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak. U( J3 [. L% S# F3 n
% f8 `2 X4 }% B7 t! _9 G5 gMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
; v4 [; O/ ~% NWeather in hex: Partial cloud 3 c: v$ o8 I# |
Raid detected at 69 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
1 d, K6 I% K- Q. e8 H& ZEstimated time to target is 21 minutes
3 Y1 G4 x9 w1 K7 g" d* @( fJapanese aircraft
4 A3 q/ ~) x; t1 q/ v& M1 ~  X! G      A6M2 Zero x 34/ K5 V+ H& D  r" {8 j4 b
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 8
& p- ?% H$ e4 F) K% x      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 56- D) W: I, P( A
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 18
; n% [  l. L7 \6 x      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 20
" a3 p/ w  E- p) qAllied aircraft$ t* _- [; g' S8 d0 f3 G
      no flights % M& R) Q. \! z, n% D& z
Japanese aircraft losses
/ x) o* d+ w: r& ?. a1 X      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 damaged. B, W% G" V* ^
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 destroyed by flak2 Q% Q! O9 h& a. ]( Q5 D/ ~
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 9 damaged
2 x+ j% x) B3 e, N      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak
7 ^3 W5 n$ {9 l- E. u      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 12 damaged
8 S2 \7 d/ ?2 T% l! \. j; @      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 1 destroyed by flak
4 A7 I( ~) b3 P  ~1 |4 e- CAllied aircraft losses; B+ }  ~5 `/ j* D& Q% L, K, ]* N
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged
2 I1 r& t8 A6 _! G% }8 `7 l      Do-24K-1: 1 destroyed on ground! G& Y7 g% u8 V$ K1 }6 Y- A5 Z# }
; C+ J) M7 ?1 z3 K" d& J* ^Morning Air attack on 2nd Recce Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
+ N3 U3 a9 B4 |( ~Weather in hex: Partial cloud 6 r( K/ L) \" `- ~/ f
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
6 E# O& t3 w3 C, F+ C( q7 AEstimated time to target is 11 minutes 9 I* H9 i3 l3 q! L1 }  W) [
Japanese aircraft1 R: Y8 A, i: C+ ?' h+ E: h
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 19  q/ s' r% p; r. P
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 12& I3 T9 |2 C1 q4 H/ [- e
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 19" P( W+ P, c* E6 j" _* [
      Ki-51 Sonia x 17
3 V6 {* J0 |3 S. d5 J- \. a7 KJapanese aircraft losses
% N7 P. G+ N# y- U7 F0 W      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 15 damaged" \0 J' C- W0 I. D7 v
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 12 damaged
! r: x+ C& k5 \9 ]      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 1 destroyed by flak& V0 q: f) X; ~" J4 O; u
      Ki-51 Sonia: 8 damaged$ x. q4 f- N! ?4 l3 k" V
      Ki-51 Sonia: 2 destroyed by flak
2 M% I* o% Z- T4 W$ e! ]----------------------------------------------------3 h  a4 `% y4 j: H! G
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
+ d8 Q* z# }/ H* i' p* GWeather in hex: Partial cloud
/ B: V: [  Q/ _Raid detected at 58 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.7 l4 u. A+ L' q& \, F$ C7 _! K
Estimated time to target is 16 minutes
* t$ Q1 d! |1 ]  M4 iJapanese aircraft' u$ f. ^* S' _) p9 V" `
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 6, Q9 M9 ]) C% B3 o+ M0 T2 ]
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 12 ) D: C4 h& p( t
Allied aircraft% I2 P, b9 j! m3 I$ }, W* S& b% i% r
      no flights $ M( E7 E5 V) w: Y
Japanese aircraft losses
* L% E& b& y; |& ~      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 5 damaged( g# z' j% I/ I
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak
* m# p8 }2 Q" X5 U4 S6 }; y; \Allied aircraft losses7 c( O6 C6 ?5 K4 x, N! h
      CW-22 Falcon: 2 damaged
8 Q+ p6 k4 a. }+ F0 Z7 n' c      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed on ground
: y+ i) f" e2 d0 i* H      B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged
1 h7 x( _7 m3 |# f/ H, @-------------------------------------------------------
# m2 \1 }4 X6 Z: u3 b4 ^Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
; W: M. Y4 f1 IJapanese Bombardment attack
# H' D7 r' x, l' V, ]- UAttacking force 1720 troops, 173 guns, 60 vehicles, Assault Value = 3623 $ T& n3 d% j( X+ l' j5 I  ?
Defending force 81730 troops, 1057 guns, 804 vehicles, Assault Value = 2422
- Z  t+ x& o, r6 ?+ U, g+ ]Japanese ground losses:. i. z7 R& p9 F, g& F
      7 casualties reported, d# a% R  W8 f/ V! [% n; r; d/ a
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled1 s$ e- A) C% h1 D: V8 y
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
4 z; e, b* ]; f$ @         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
5 \4 M! L' v; E, nAllied ground losses:
! b: j3 a: Q6 h5 U: n9 b# [8 t      21 casualties reported
" i5 E# F' ]7 w3 S         Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
: H2 H0 \6 w8 ~8 ~; A         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
- ]8 l1 h# w* ^7 W: i         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled0 ~0 Q6 J  n( J8 F% G% E2 h. m
------------------------------------------------------- & H8 w7 w' Z; ~& p$ J- U
Ground combat at Kweilin (76,54)
) I/ {. P4 C+ z+ F( V% E/ K* }Allied Shock attack
+ l1 j$ H! p  {1 r% q& OAttacking force 3828 troops, 37 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 159
+ Q* R4 B3 l  S* lDefending force 2959 troops, 32 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 73 ( S1 l0 {& R1 c5 A' ?/ e/ U0 ]
Allied adjusted assault: 216  
4 z! |# s+ W& u* ]  LJapanese adjusted defense: 81  
7 s- K7 A/ n/ a7 |% P# q9 @" fAllied assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 0)  4 R/ i: L) w, i% r) \
Allied forces CAPTURE Kweilin !!!
0 I- _+ p0 z* r& b8 E. QJapanese aircraft
5 l% G+ a* u6 k% s, |; W( i$ K% W      no flights
+ s! a; T0 F- NJapanese aircraft losses
, b. i6 \; g' Z9 O9 U& ?" o      Ki-36 Ida: 16 destroyed ! y' X0 C8 e& ^8 t! i6 m
Combat modifiers+ h+ [8 F" p- M' |& y9 c% }
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), leaders(-), preparation(-)
8 C& ~8 y) [8 U7 Q! p experience(-)8 k) N& Q2 n* h1 ?# h0 F$ _7 w, K7 @1 j: z
Attacker: shock(+), leaders(+) % }& _1 r: n" Q0 {/ P# r
Japanese ground losses:* L( |, u, W% v2 a
      422 casualties reported. C0 z) C' ~$ R$ p9 U0 F! f
         Squads: 19 destroyed, 8 disabled* r; |) _  D2 y
         Non Combat: 48 destroyed, 9 disabled
( {! B) n' M2 d* M; f! |         Engineers: 18 destroyed, 0 disabled
% ^. t! w$ s  D5 ~      Guns lost 6 (4 destroyed, 2 disabled)
! E$ `0 D6 f, N5 R" X/ W2 O      Units retreated 3 " b" ?" t5 O9 l+ P$ E2 D
Allied ground losses:; W. |+ D; c# {" C# I& d
      288 casualties reported. P% p9 E! `: E
         Squads: 2 destroyed, 55 disabled
! @- f+ e( ?! u3 b         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled8 z) ^( k5 Z  a* h/ [
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled 6 ]" f0 {5 V( `8 a/ w
Assaulting units:
: Y. z& ]% f9 I    6th Chinese Corps & j& S3 P6 l* D& d
Defending units:9 X" |+ L& t2 O3 g5 G% c, `
    4th RGC Division$ c8 G. P% T4 z  ^" y
    32nd JNAF AF Unit / {4 _8 u8 o" `2 T
    47th JAAF AF Bn
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  S# q2 g: _$ h- x0 R" q缅北日军又开始往回跑了,部分国军已经出国了,且看日军如果攻略缅甸。
6 ~5 O& o" t! F! X估计要到万隆沦陷之后了。, A4 e  d1 Y9 L1 F( ?
' G! X( {# M: j- f5 n
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 H! H4 M' f0 ^( p
Amphibious Assault at Bandjermasin (60,99)
; Y/ F4 x2 z; X9 x2 MTF 115 troops unloading over beach at Bandjermasin, 60,99
  F. S; [; Z# m7 iJapanese ground losses:
# O# V# t, E" P' V$ s( i, [      116 casualties reported. J/ w4 E% w+ V# I
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 12 disabled% _; \1 x2 A0 \$ e7 A% m
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled& e( F8 A' q% ]/ y
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled3 |; y7 H; S$ b5 P! i! ^3 m
7 J- z6 ~& C9 OMorning Air attack on Rangoon BAF Battalion, at 62,50 , near Lashio
% O; l7 N. k. P6 P: gWeather in hex: Severe storms
5 W& I7 J$ g& M( y; V+ `2 pRaid spotted at 8 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.3 _# [9 l) i& m& R9 D8 r
Estimated time to target is 2 minutes 4 S. f( f6 |5 u  ^3 ^6 `* D
Japanese aircraft) v# ]* E+ q9 m; J' E/ h
      A6M2 Zero x 517 C9 `; E% l/ o' y0 i4 ?( y
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 36 L8 q  n! x. ?+ J
      Ki-51 Sonia x 14
, m& w5 y# ?: j% z; WJapanese aircraft losses
; N/ P# D, s$ r) b; g  L      Ki-51 Sonia: 4 damaged
; A  d3 y# m  L7 u--------------------------------------------------
7 W6 K" I$ X5 Q$ T$ o+ J9 E* K* YGround combat at Bandoeng (50,100) 9 `8 i6 w6 i# [
Japanese Bombardment attack 5 P% W1 n- j5 Q8 F' g6 ^
Attacking force 1720 troops, 173 guns, 60 vehicles, Assault Value = 3743 4 u' J# d6 H9 I9 O1 A) L. n% p+ H7 l
Defending force 81943 troops, 1057 guns, 804 vehicles, Assault Value = 2446 2 T( n6 |* S. W) T
Allied ground losses:
  J! L; P: w0 F( O/ l      6 casualties reported" U- `( X( o2 h& E4 O9 v
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled! r( C& P/ }+ i5 W2 ~" ^
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled( m' d* I8 U/ f: S2 w* h. c
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled- @# g* n$ G% O# }4 j
----------------------------------------------------------- 0 O: d4 k1 ]6 z+ `( M
Ground combat at Soerabaja (56,104)
: |* E! }5 m5 H8 S8 uJapanese Bombardment attack " e% m  p8 J  t- G- N9 d  B
Attacking force 9678 troops, 74 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 414 . p/ \+ Q& E/ x' D, x
Defending force 1687 troops, 28 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 81 $ \6 b  a. N  X  J
Allied ground losses:) a5 ^- S# x5 W3 [( \
      13 casualties reported
$ n% N3 J3 Y) X& j, w8 E1 v         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled8 e5 ?) @! |% |2 {% K
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled% S2 i* ]* p, b& j* t( |% |! ^
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled . _, Q" S0 U. _3 F/ E
Assaulting units:
* y6 R1 I4 U4 X+ I; U3 d    65th Naval Guard Unit
. x6 l3 T. D7 K4 a    41st Infantry Regiment4 t# @  _+ r7 ~
    46th Naval Guard Unit
6 v$ ^5 f( ^, P( Y& V7 a9 ?: T6 W    43rd Naval Guard Unit: W  `( P0 }+ x- X7 Q/ i  m' Y
    56th Recon Regiment0 W9 l5 y2 W( y3 \% W! T) d
    81st Naval Guard Unit
- p% @  x$ D1 u! U9 x( I% W% DDefending units:
8 y# a8 Z9 y" I$ u    Artilleriecommando Coastal Gun Battalion
附件: 您所在的用户组无法下载或查看附件
: e7 N2 O3 a  [$ u" n1 }泗水相当完好的交到了日军手中, 仰光上空突然出现大量日军战斗机4 ~4 S; k4 x- _5 @
经过一番血战,盟军以20+战斗机的代价,换来了日军100+战斗机的损失,- ?* V8 M6 Z* w
还培养出来了几个美军教官,盟军自然相当满意这个结果,即便里面可能有些水分。3 C% t8 z5 y! v3 S

' j0 w' K8 u8 Q2 F3 c--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 P$ y& }  N, c4 T9 A2 DMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
1 i% {8 H# r8 M+ |2 n; ~3 l. v; LWeather in hex: Thunderstorms 2 K+ H0 R/ s  L" u" ?$ q& h& ]
Raid detected at 29 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.. L+ @# ?/ y! P# {' y  S
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes
( @4 q. H: C% KJapanese aircraft( [$ O' V) ?- h$ R8 Z. ^
      A6M2 Zero x 20
' ?7 O7 o8 d" v" uAllied aircraft
4 A  q8 [/ n9 d# H- J1 ]      Hurricane I Trop x 28; K  B" t* L! _" M
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 16
% ^. g% Q, c/ A5 u, X, h5 ^5 A      Hurricane IIb Trop x 73
( L9 Q$ ~6 t, k0 d3 K, }: V; Y      P-39D Airacobra x 27/ H) _3 k; g8 h/ d
      P-400 Airacobra x 27
& z: l  S. ]/ [5 E1 O" W      P-40E Warhawk x 71 , b) c) c: t9 [8 p% a# `; c8 i
Japanese aircraft losses% M! J/ e% z! _- K/ K
      A6M2 Zero: 7 destroyed ; Z! |2 }# w1 P1 o6 J
Allied aircraft losses
/ n9 G9 K) n8 ~& r7 o1 {- W" c4 V      P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed. ]/ y$ w! |$ G. H4 }2 _# |
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed
. g( j( T) T7 k3 ?* x- I-------------------------------------------------------------
7 R; V( E2 q4 o* ]( A$ X+ tMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
2 u; {* e. Y# ]4 j& pWeather in hex: Thunderstorms $ [, w; I, u3 Q' e- s+ n& p
Raid detected at 13 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.
( \9 K& z7 X7 A  I& mEstimated time to target is 4 minutes
, [* e0 O  d: d) bJapanese aircraft
5 z% J7 H6 {- P      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 37
' r5 P9 \! W! u# ^( R2 C# pAllied aircraft
! b" c# t4 `) w      Hurricane I Trop x 26
1 ?$ {' b7 A: l' s# [; ~, k      Hurricane IIa Trop x 15
: A" N1 h0 b. h5 o9 r      Hurricane IIb Trop x 71, V: P* |! L' c7 l
      P-39D Airacobra x 26
2 F7 K6 x5 ^5 N! a      P-400 Airacobra x 27  O+ g9 W7 v3 t1 `- E0 R
      P-40E Warhawk x 66
3 b  {) D- L- t  _4 GJapanese aircraft losses/ x' W9 v; R8 C0 m4 r% @
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 8 destroyed
: J- |  {& h% p$ y/ J- yAllied aircraft losses
: c0 q/ o. ?! v. p. p5 F" Q      Hurricane I Trop: 1 destroyed
: S/ @, I2 H: O% |7 i      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed
! J1 k7 y; _( C: p------------------------------------------------------------
* T/ V6 t) L% @7 G6 R7 |4 s) bMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  - z  C( X  o6 w/ n) E; S9 y7 C( ]/ h
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms ! N" B$ g3 I, I% _7 ^' Z" [
Raid detected at 41 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.
; o. I% `1 m5 e3 [5 ~: \Estimated time to target is 14 minutes " @; \# R& W8 r" d6 F, I
Japanese aircraft& }' p0 E" T8 P( M5 C3 A4 e" a8 w
      Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 26
  t1 {8 Y& r. VAllied aircraft0 u/ X9 E, J: p) w. B, f
      Hurricane I Trop x 24
+ Z+ I6 _, O# e. a- z3 o& B      Hurricane IIa Trop x 15  S, d; f& D4 p1 g) Z5 K2 w9 e4 A* @
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 697 h2 j) G+ f! x3 i
      P-39D Airacobra x 25# g) H/ E0 P( E1 T* |& y
      P-400 Airacobra x 272 |2 ?  o0 Z0 w3 T
      P-40E Warhawk x 59 ; G0 X, Y) }) C8 U
Japanese aircraft losses" u! A" M9 F8 k1 B" v* B
      Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 10 destroyed
7 s9 d- [. N/ u+ i% V% s8 bNo Allied losses # {( J6 A' `* C2 u8 p
Aircraft Attacking:
* C( S; I- M+ e& R( h" ~% \, n       6 x Ki-43-Ib Oscar sweeping at 20000 feet
7 L% ~) E2 m  b; G----------------------------------------------------------
; ^5 m  m& L6 y5 dMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
* ^2 F2 n% }+ b0 _) X+ M8 \Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
3 J5 P3 A4 }& ARaid detected at 21 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.
9 n( t8 B1 u7 q! p: ~Estimated time to target is 6 minutes / @. E6 E6 W3 N; k& x0 G9 `
Japanese aircraft
1 ^9 q9 z, L4 {8 N+ S  g      A6M2 Zero x 31
. |6 L% O# h! E2 GAllied aircraft6 n8 P9 s: l' f' @
      Hurricane I Trop x 215 J9 ]: ^9 O/ N4 ~+ [: ?8 a: m
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 15
; R- T+ C/ K* W/ b4 e      Hurricane IIb Trop x 64! @, f: M3 q0 d2 G# \7 y
      P-39D Airacobra x 25% o, `, v5 q" j7 a( M! Z. p$ \
      P-400 Airacobra x 26
, C9 n8 ^& t' F$ ~% M7 N      P-40E Warhawk x 54 " G) e' j; ^' p" i  n9 E# ]- s
Japanese aircraft losses6 [* h+ [. H! F8 n
      A6M2 Zero: 9 destroyed
3 }/ D% a. Q. I& ^6 l+ r* GAllied aircraft losses. V/ Z' x! ?3 S  {% @
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed / b7 a6 T* P: \  a, ?
2 ?& Y; r" C9 T8 xMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
3 W/ R5 C) R9 ^Weather in hex: Thunderstorms ' b" L& b- h0 I- u7 R; m/ c8 f9 L
Raid detected at 70 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.0 q7 A$ J, l# t; L/ J& ^6 s
Estimated time to target is 23 minutes
/ ]" `# ?) [9 u' a. {2 M3 xJapanese aircraft+ ^# f; u6 b! b8 c, \. z
      A6M2 Zero x 6
( K% B, L' n% B5 F, q: t  oAllied aircraft- n" V( N( M, [
      Hurricane I Trop x 191 `. ~/ g8 D* Q4 d' S! s
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 11
# r7 V" Q1 E4 D" g7 G" g1 U      Hurricane IIb Trop x 56
3 @" U8 R& B) c) J: G  U( R      P-39D Airacobra x 21
" O: o4 x5 n* u9 W      P-400 Airacobra x 237 J5 M& m, M" t; [- F+ B; J
      P-40E Warhawk x 41
. o8 k2 C7 l: n, lJapanese aircraft losses
9 O/ f* [8 c3 h) `      A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed
: J1 E* S- P2 X* ?- n6 |4 q) T---------------------------------------------------------
& g. c/ O! [* u& A% i& lMorning Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng) ) H! W$ }2 m1 W( r! E5 J
Weather in hex: Light cloud
* d1 G9 z* c0 K, E5 ^Raid detected at 35 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.& _3 T, x% D/ d# N
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes 3 u7 J: W& d' F# G# |2 H) c7 H( q
Japanese aircraft
4 B% _: N/ U2 B0 v% E8 ^      G3M2 Nell x 7
6 ]# u, l# _( C% ?      G4M1 Betty x 34 , z# i1 N& ^$ @3 `' T7 h2 G
Allied aircraft
" R* G( {4 G; I8 x  q0 _( P      Mohawk IV x 1
! N) N& r# S( D" o+ P( H      B-339D x 15 {. d& ?5 \9 F8 Y+ n. }
      P-40E Warhawk x 2 0 R$ K+ c. Q& g* `, Q) X
Japanese aircraft losses
6 j* y5 w) J1 U* i" l      G3M2 Nell: 2 destroyed, 3 damaged6 ^5 k- \$ s! ?' C5 x+ l
      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak3 ^+ D! u8 l% q: Y: w# p
      G4M1 Betty: 4 destroyed, 18 damaged
: c$ S: }1 f# ]3 T! O, l$ w      G4M1 Betty: 4 destroyed by flak . K$ P% r! ]0 H- V8 l: i
No Allied losses$ `: A3 S  X6 {6 r5 B' r4 @
  G4 U- L) ^1 M% k8 Y( Y0 t" @Morning Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
3 y$ V( J' e4 K! b4 H; S+ WWeather in hex: Light cloud $ T& a4 b3 R9 J5 @5 j% {; q
Raid detected at 66 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
& l* n, n4 d1 h2 D# k! TEstimated time to target is 26 minutes
- L  M5 b" d) a- |& @& g5 aJapanese aircraft
4 P! p  v' M3 {      G3M2 Nell x 18 ! {. l; t3 d4 ?& x
Allied aircraft" d, j; s2 I: Q* r+ c9 v
      Mohawk IV x 1  i  g9 f/ q. _& ~9 S* R
      B-339D x 1
$ _* ^' e. Y0 ?2 c8 c$ H7 tJapanese aircraft losses6 a: ~4 b8 Y* ~. B. w& L( G
      G3M2 Nell: 13 damaged  h* N7 W% ~- M& n7 c8 t- l
      G3M2 Nell: 2 destroyed by flak' D; U3 T  i4 ^' C+ q
0 q$ O. e' _2 Q* b1 z( m7 P1 m5 AMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
/ z0 C/ ?  V+ m& @7 r& K) X, wWeather in hex: Thunderstorms $ V  p/ M+ j7 N/ y
Raid detected at 79 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.. `1 \, \( B, k
Estimated time to target is 26 minutes ) _. W* y1 l. e
Japanese aircraft
% y5 S3 i& O6 c  t: r- @      A6M2 Zero x 27
6 O+ s" h3 W% b* H: N: HAllied aircraft
6 H3 [' U9 \4 ^' g5 _# w9 e      Hurricane I Trop x 19) {' _5 d( {" R4 Y& J* t
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 8
  P/ X- x& h. \' l" {      Hurricane IIb Trop x 49' [  o  ~2 I/ g* L; W
      P-39D Airacobra x 19
' T( k8 _3 v: v7 E) v# j5 G      P-400 Airacobra x 19  A# i9 ^: b$ o. n+ T% F2 z
      P-40E Warhawk x 37 / B7 ]+ c- X6 X( s8 I! o
Japanese aircraft losses
4 t; p; w/ F) n( Y      A6M2 Zero: 7 destroyed $ K7 A/ W' c% H
No Allied losses
; D2 Y  q7 ?- O: R& D2 h" cAircraft Attacking:- l: w4 s% M* K- K
      12 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet$ h& {' y0 x. |
----------------------------------------------------------. @" K  \0 v  T, f! ]
Morning Air attack on KNIL Army Command , at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
: c  C9 _9 u! p2 ]+ U4 i! lWeather in hex: Light cloud , P6 ]5 Q/ K6 u* |
Raid detected at 64 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.) a0 m" h# V0 j& I
Estimated time to target is 25 minutes
( a5 F* X, }: K7 k! ?Japanese aircraft6 E% ]! P* |5 P" K# X/ B9 P; s
      G3M2 Nell x 10
: e: b1 k( [% x- k9 TJapanese aircraft losses
' t/ W! k  q) @. S      G3M2 Nell: 7 damaged
1 R: g- G  V$ G# N0 x- Z+ e7 A      G3M2 Nell: 2 destroyed by flak
, A) E  s- F! P: x. MAllied ground losses:& K5 m2 X2 e$ T, Y( ^
      4 casualties reported
1 x; W; x' F. D3 t# F3 e         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled- ?5 ?9 q6 X1 S/ K  E' ^
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
6 I, v$ G* d9 t8 A' ~# j         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled / s3 r9 I6 [) ~0 j) h6 C6 G  N
Aircraft Attacking:; Q8 w7 d; t4 h1 E
       9 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 10000 feet
: B& K: W6 C( b% A- F9 r               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb$ s9 ~" N. s7 ^( b
; G6 n5 K/ O; ?1 q+ q. `Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
, z( e* j4 U4 eWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
' N5 B1 j6 l0 B+ x7 XRaid detected at 77 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.7 T  |+ l4 [/ a
Estimated time to target is 26 minutes
+ ]9 T) _# m1 q) KJapanese aircraft. `9 N  R4 N6 c3 T
      Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 3
9 |# s) o. P. E# m      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 4
( `: C7 z  W3 g  y/ k/ J% JAllied aircraft0 f- K0 v! G! R7 d& d6 f
      Hurricane I Trop x 19
( Y0 D; S6 X: h' }% E      Hurricane IIa Trop x 82 ~' H' V5 X- ^+ }
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 44! V  `0 n. u- E2 M' C; n  m
      P-39D Airacobra x 17
& @- }+ v8 b! ?9 }, N$ m0 j      P-400 Airacobra x 19
1 Z4 x( f5 c. g- N9 ?" U      P-40E Warhawk x 35 ! A& ^8 _! P9 O& g7 @5 d
Japanese aircraft losses
$ J9 P- S- e/ n  u; r  \8 K      Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 1 destroyed9 ?1 S  _4 \  \3 Y4 K6 I
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed + O# ^2 Z! W' A+ m8 w9 Q
No Allied losses
* z" S# r8 ?  o2 u6 GAircraft Attacking:
* T& D% j( t7 w4 S. _       1 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 20000 feet/ Y, c2 ~0 z3 L# Q& C
* j9 W: f8 H) r9 R# u; b" WMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  9 d9 v2 x/ i; a( W
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
! i+ r  `& C  I4 ~$ D6 I6 l* ~Raid detected at 78 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet./ H8 u" b  \' p2 ^" ]) q
Estimated time to target is 26 minutes
; m( b+ I9 G0 Y  x- wJapanese aircraft
" g9 j# M+ i9 j2 b: t" N! T3 D0 R      Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 3
/ m3 n: Y" U5 w) K9 P' pAllied aircraft
: V+ A" ?( @- H      Hurricane I Trop x 181 R$ Q) g! k6 i# j7 c
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 8
: E7 U8 J/ g: v! t* R      Hurricane IIb Trop x 42; s& l4 T8 s. b+ y6 \
      P-39D Airacobra x 17# v' R0 E  q* d2 y, g! ^+ c: x
      P-400 Airacobra x 18
$ O( ?; x$ y& @      P-40E Warhawk x 31
$ ^. M3 a4 n9 l9 ?- K5 z+ XJapanese aircraft losses
5 B" B6 u& A4 O# Q( S5 y8 i6 K" I      Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 2 destroyed
/ |, N% L4 [- i$ c-----------------------------------------------------------------
. I& |6 X+ X  B7 W2 UMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  : s: r4 Q# L$ D: }+ m
Weather in hex: Light cloud
* C4 l1 `! t5 D* r0 G/ |- \Raid detected at 61 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
4 s* }# @- V# y% LEstimated time to target is 21 minutes 6 u  ~+ f! s6 t) l3 n) j5 R) a: ^. Y
Japanese aircraft8 ?6 r( [& |5 X' F
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 25
$ f. T% |/ L" t: T9 O+ X0 y      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 35% K$ Z, y; ]6 K- @
      Ki-51 Sonia x 20
( m: K- c  Y# M/ C( r. q) ]0 |Allied aircraft
6 A6 O; t; ]$ P7 _8 k      no flights
( a4 K, c6 T0 T8 U" WJapanese aircraft losses
! |* w4 _6 a! I6 i. M      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 26 damaged" i$ ?$ ]# f6 y+ }+ @
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 4 destroyed by flak% s5 @7 T; A# H4 `( p" M/ z
      Ki-51 Sonia: 5 damaged
9 H1 B  S# |* ^  o/ v      Ki-51 Sonia: 1 destroyed by flak & n2 t. B4 q( C* d% a3 M
Allied aircraft losses1 T, n+ S9 G2 C
      139WH-3: 1 damaged
* T" N: I8 `( M      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground  U& [, ~1 y) w1 P0 d8 \/ M
      B-25C Mitchell: 5 damaged : i' v4 ^2 I; s; J
Allied ground losses:
0 I" W1 j# G6 p; i2 X/ f, Z      11 casualties reported
$ G4 P: t7 c3 v7 l. m" I# `  w         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled% ?( f3 \% q: b  q  T! \
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled, m" {% Y- s5 f% J
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
( M6 s# h+ _- F5 u; p0 y8 @-------------------------------------------------------. Q& D* J# D5 K* V2 k# s9 |$ D
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  " S$ ~* |; `$ A! T5 @) V
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
- @2 y7 Q7 w3 m" n1 uRaid detected at 29 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.- L; R9 s% n, {
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes
% D. A" ?. v9 |/ dJapanese aircraft! I9 Z# m7 p5 `0 W
      Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 32 2 @5 ?2 S/ P3 h
Allied aircraft2 a$ t6 E0 T$ ?
      Hurricane I Trop x 16
2 p0 F5 p# h$ E+ B4 m/ {9 j      Hurricane IIa Trop x 88 Q0 b0 s9 j& N2 q3 q( g
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 42  A% X) s1 z* m
      P-39D Airacobra x 15) x' p# L* A5 J* y
      P-400 Airacobra x 17
" E& T* u! i3 Z% `3 }      P-40E Warhawk x 25
( `9 I  @1 ]6 g2 d, j0 aJapanese aircraft losses5 ^3 B8 K2 c( i3 ?: g
      Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 4 destroyed 2 |9 s# b& L( o+ [/ S
Allied aircraft losses
0 F) y7 P5 X2 U      Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed  @* e0 h# u2 D3 {& ?2 X8 Z; V4 g7 i
      P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed
3 B* N: _/ `4 @2 O& [" {      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed
3 S( K3 z" o2 o6 O& `- sAircraft Attacking:
1 c+ X( |! r- U) h5 k      16 x Ki-43-Ib Oscar sweeping at 20000 feet+ w5 S% v, ?3 f: |7 Y0 j
------------------------------------------------ ( g* J' X& R5 K/ o' l) k
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100) 8 j/ ?. P9 N8 q$ I
Japanese Bombardment attack   o6 Q; ]& R: F- v) O3 P8 j8 z
Attacking force 1720 troops, 173 guns, 60 vehicles, Assault Value = 3840 ! ?" P( X. G  O/ X7 W: L
Defending force 82158 troops, 1057 guns, 804 vehicles, Assault Value = 2466 6 y& y3 I% Y+ K/ d- A. Z* e
Japanese ground losses:7 Z- N: z: B1 V+ v$ F; ~
      7 casualties reported
, o* @( \. c2 R         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
* g+ M* V, j3 w         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled# h3 N: k- d. \% a/ D7 Y7 i7 a
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled - q; o3 h: _$ K- v1 o! Q
Allied ground losses:; M  K, B% f8 ?# g5 ]7 I
      15 casualties reported8 z7 e+ H4 x; e$ p5 S" T+ [
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
$ x/ v1 }! a5 N! i  K         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
" T% o2 T& ]9 y, X         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
% k+ B# N( r  s. k-----------------------------------------------------
9 i% Q' G) @# c9 j9 JGround combat at Soerabaja (56,104)   R' }2 t( [9 r# Y5 p5 C0 B
Japanese Deliberate attack % k# B) R& D6 t
Attacking force 10698 troops, 78 guns, 42 vehicles, Assault Value = 414 7 E( w! {" p7 |: W+ n5 P% S+ d
Defending force 1606 troops, 28 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 77 1 K5 b, t% |+ G% x: S
Japanese adjusted assault: 272  / U) u+ b! T# p$ D
Allied adjusted defense: 12  3 T, j' X5 i8 j! Y
Japanese assault odds: 22 to 1 (fort level 2)  - \5 t% P9 V2 I% u1 F: D  B+ v
Japanese forces CAPTURE Soerabaja !!!
7 K4 [4 g8 w( PCombat modifiers/ T6 O% l$ w8 v- D3 a
Defender: leaders(-), experience(-)
' ^: r3 ^' D+ f  Z0 TAttacker:  ' n4 @' ?% [! p3 q0 o# y% N
Japanese ground losses:( c+ ^7 [) b' \9 O% v
      54 casualties reported0 e" R0 c4 k& a! m! K
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
# g4 i# f& ^) w         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
) L8 X& a9 e  D( V+ r6 A         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
' e0 p& y" |4 j; \- `6 MAllied ground losses:: O2 m8 f/ a- m/ i) H9 A1 U/ P
      2087 casualties reported8 {7 p3 C3 C; k" d# }4 m
         Squads: 62 destroyed, 0 disabled' [* Q# S4 M; P4 D) Z& X6 m* x# K
         Non Combat: 45 destroyed, 0 disabled
8 g' R: l1 I) p% H         Engineers: 19 destroyed, 0 disabled
4 s" O, D- L0 y3 |      Guns lost 29 (29 destroyed, 0 disabled): b& X. [: c2 E9 k& M, T7 c
      Units destroyed 1 7 Y6 B+ w0 D. F; J8 Q5 Z
Assaulting units:2 J% c, v9 w) Q5 z4 E
    43rd Naval Guard Unit
' X$ _/ j* H: L) B, `, _& q. Y    46th Naval Guard Unit
4 Z9 k$ m, R  P3 `% _5 @4 ^    65th Naval Guard Unit. o, C9 q. N* d! M
    56th Recon Regiment
/ C7 s- _/ c1 t    41st Infantry Regiment
, J9 J2 v' x' Z    81st Naval Guard Unit ' l5 V2 o. X) l( R  B/ ~+ q
Defending units:
2 F2 ^- }0 t' |8 o1 D% j    Artilleriecommando Coastal Gun Battalion
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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 17, 425 M: R' a8 n4 Z5 \, c" u+ w. X! s
日军用一式战扫场仰光,没有占到啥便宜,9 j! Y: E; f! Z+ k$ B
8 @7 n8 j/ R; S2 Z
; A1 V% M: }  {% z4 e7 Z4 [--------------------------------------------------------------" q. }6 [- x4 a9 U4 C! |+ s1 `
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
! p) k2 X* C/ m1 I$ hWeather in hex: Moderate rain " }9 N: N. c- ~5 }
Raid detected at 22 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.( C$ k7 `# Q% Z6 }! r; ~, v
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes " p& E! h: v5 k8 M8 E4 i
Japanese aircraft
! ~1 u) M3 Z1 A* J3 l4 B      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 17 9 N2 g/ t0 Q2 o/ y* n1 e2 E6 c
Allied aircraft
. F/ B$ M( w$ i2 M+ `      Hurricane I Trop x 18
! L) Y2 w3 c: a2 v      Hurricane IIa Trop x 12
. J# `7 x+ E* o. _! ^' x0 c! f      Hurricane IIb Trop x 51
; w1 \7 J8 }$ N3 M0 r# H' r' s( r      P-39D Airacobra x 18
. L2 q! B8 @$ p4 F, u& H: W9 l      P-400 Airacobra x 23
0 i- `! n6 _2 n( x  L" J9 S      P-40E Warhawk x 51 2 O# J# W( e: V! h9 J3 v
Japanese aircraft losses0 l  S  x+ ?: I
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 5 destroyed + P, V1 L9 n1 W2 W
Allied aircraft losses" a1 O, \! |  }- i0 }
      Hurricane I Trop: 1 destroyed* x( D# h! H( h) e
---------------------------------------------------------------! i& S/ L4 n& D; [6 j
Morning Air attack on KNIL Army Command , at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
4 c; U9 w6 J* K) b2 f9 ^) cWeather in hex: Heavy cloud 8 V  B# I5 s$ W* h5 ^
Raid detected at 59 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
# l+ Z: l+ d$ c; \Estimated time to target is 20 minutes ) c- w5 }8 m# c4 v7 z
Japanese aircraft; l2 u/ l0 n( u# n- Q: ]% p
      A6M2 Zero x 1* O  r3 g: C" E; i
      G3M2 Nell x 6  y2 v2 h& u' K/ Y- r: f! s- g
      G4M1 Betty x 27
% G. L3 z6 J. _. |& K) e1 \5 H      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 15 5 [& w) n1 P4 b' B% }6 ~) ~
Japanese aircraft losses* p1 X" K2 W0 w& M. A
      G3M2 Nell: 4 damaged
. U8 i& a0 _  `9 J" @/ h" I      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak
2 C$ n/ r1 a/ X4 Y- _+ J+ l      G4M1 Betty: 15 damaged
" E  _) @0 t4 {3 I- j      G4M1 Betty: 4 destroyed by flak
; M2 a$ D6 J% f- F+ o3 k4 j' x-----------------------------------------------------------------
% M( {! |% o' T9 XMorning Air attack on KNIL Army Command , at 50,100 (Bandoeng)   P  W1 ?% _$ m- S  z
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
$ j, F3 g* Q; d: c7 A* DRaid detected at 51 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.* k2 {! f. Q$ L3 H; z
Estimated time to target is 20 minutes
& I6 |  p2 Y* vJapanese aircraft
# ~- N% O4 Q/ k) `9 Y      G3M2 Nell x 11 # s, j9 V) S/ B* T5 {& E* d
Japanese aircraft losses
+ @* Y; |. F. u$ o8 ^6 `4 a3 P7 `      G3M2 Nell: 8 damaged
( _8 y. W  U1 i, v; w" C/ Q8 a9 W      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak1 O+ b% S# B4 S) H9 E  t' A* G* ^
; d% f6 j6 D" |+ D1 t3 o$ vMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
9 i. }* i9 L* t6 \7 l5 KWeather in hex: Moderate rain + `" `) u7 e" S. J
Raid detected at 73 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.
4 _6 S+ x; f& KEstimated time to target is 25 minutes : ?" p# I0 V$ V% S
Japanese aircraft
  [0 ?) h4 E: Z1 {1 L      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 2
$ z8 a" x6 F8 V" t. S9 _Allied aircraft6 B1 |4 T, ?. @, X3 ]4 Q3 g
      Hurricane I Trop x 157 s# v3 `* e5 W! e4 l. x  V
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 12# _; I2 q1 ^9 f- T
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 51
: B, c2 _% ]# t5 C9 A4 A- Y3 l' \      P-39D Airacobra x 17. z: _3 [2 r3 s8 m* l
      P-400 Airacobra x 22
: p$ Y1 E' `% h+ I/ b+ @8 i      P-40E Warhawk x 45
: T9 H4 T1 n; E2 T-----------------------------------------------------------------9 G: d4 X2 ~; R2 g, c+ d' V
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  + G" G  R7 j! P
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
* v' U/ N+ Z( V$ W/ w$ IRaid detected at 46 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
, w4 m" u- X# e: C/ b6 Y/ CEstimated time to target is 14 minutes
0 L6 g0 Z, B2 m/ A. W# P6 y- _Japanese aircraft
1 S) f9 ~: e& `- r' z# K      A6M2 Zero x 12
- t7 Y" h& C: J0 u8 ~      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 342 O3 B3 D* S  ?1 h1 z" b* I
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 18- X- A2 l) X9 ~! Q* n$ [
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 51- C- p% q" y4 e! L. k- w, [+ `6 Q+ x
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 14
+ @1 P8 b( j4 x  S. t) t6 M2 n      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 201 V8 R# p# s% {8 \" j0 y
      Ki-51 Sonia x 3
. r/ k5 \+ R3 |0 F( A% n* mAllied aircraft
1 Q* G( ?3 P5 y9 g  B& l- K      no flights
( N/ S# }4 N. C8 a7 OJapanese aircraft losses
/ n0 z8 _% d3 N8 E      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 23 damaged  ~! ]  ~/ ~6 q/ T
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak2 M6 C9 d2 M: a
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 10 damaged
" H3 u6 y& i" y, }6 ^( p$ a      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 18 damaged2 O, M" ]# M( k0 e% c0 B- l
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 2 destroyed by flak) a$ |9 P; f" M! u
      Ki-51 Sonia: 1 damaged5 r  {& v+ D9 M7 X. O$ F
      Ki-51 Sonia: 1 destroyed by flak - }  E* p5 r0 G. p+ \" t
Allied aircraft losses  i0 X- M+ i$ ?6 u
      B-25C Mitchell: 3 damaged6 x9 r8 g" O8 @  R1 b7 E9 A
      Do-24K-1: 1 damaged
0 w1 ?0 o% E9 e2 j7 MAirbase hits 6
" _9 h" X$ Q: k" eAirbase supply hits 19 h6 X8 c7 E" @7 l/ [& r
Runway hits 199 M+ h/ T; k' N( g
-------------------------------------------------------------% y8 F9 W5 |3 u! w" f
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  & q. G" G/ c6 {3 R, W9 Y# A! O+ Z
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud * X5 g2 F$ V5 |. v! o
Raid detected at 58 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
8 ?( v. p4 R* O8 sEstimated time to target is 18 minutes
; m0 D, c9 i# Q8 X1 lJapanese aircraft- H( Y, s; C$ l) Y  h) F" \
      A6M2 Zero x 45
$ `" K) y( r4 Q3 A. |      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 15' C2 f" R* F" W) c
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 14
  e9 O! v0 s' Z8 z. A, ]/ Z, c      Ki-51 Sonia x 20
0 ^1 j# [8 z2 Z; J4 w( A. XAllied aircraft* n7 q* ?" T  k, g; _5 z( _; b1 a  x- {
      no flights , {, g- O! x3 P7 v" o: c' r) w
Japanese aircraft losses
- w. q, Y1 K/ t  d      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 15 damaged
- @' S6 e8 {5 t$ G      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 1 destroyed by flak
! E4 B' P9 Y4 t- M      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 10 damaged
' ?& \/ R+ i2 e6 [$ B# z      Ki-51 Sonia: 7 damaged
3 T: P) K& x) _' ~      Ki-51 Sonia: 1 destroyed by flak " ]7 y! k. Q- O" s3 @
Allied aircraft losses
2 x1 T2 l3 F& a! X& u      Do-24K-1: 1 damaged
" i( h- R2 {! l! Z7 x. {7 RRunway hits 4% M3 z5 i2 b) h* A9 Z
9 w. E' ~- t, g' dMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  , l9 x+ b) ~+ M
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
3 V$ H- R$ D2 U) c% r, z4 J9 h. G2 ?Raid detected at 62 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
# o* K. X( @: J# K4 K" p/ z6 bEstimated time to target is 18 minutes " q. w, W4 a% ?- _/ }7 r0 o9 l7 L
Japanese aircraft( o" a: R: p8 B4 y# |
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 98 k& l( J2 ?; x. O; q
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 14 ) e4 z1 f& R9 {& {
Allied aircraft' L1 W# |6 j: `- _/ O
      no flights ! ^& ^* S* }' V
Japanese aircraft losses( w; v0 q- W3 E) c- h8 J# L
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 6 damaged
+ y1 |8 o% M# B( G9 \5 n6 [* f      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak
! i% \# x8 q1 F- [0 S0 c      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 4 damaged
" ]! P. b' c7 a  Y      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 destroyed by flak
, g7 {5 L+ q1 ]! DAllied aircraft losses9 k$ ~" p( R/ }
      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground
. ]' K' N# }! q      Do-24K-1: 1 damaged
6 S! i# `5 r2 `7 d      FK-51: 1 damaged0 O( h3 o, z0 h0 K
      B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged
6 u; s$ W# A8 ^& g; l& ?! r      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed on ground " F5 O' G$ h3 j) P
Allied ground losses:
0 R' n- s1 J6 J3 t( m& Q      5 casualties reported6 k7 Y* C; H* c+ G1 u
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled0 A; ?/ e( a3 y3 h+ i) ]
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled& S6 l7 G: h' m" }* G
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled & c3 ~9 t5 y1 y# V# V+ Z5 T' m2 F0 {
Airbase hits 2
& }+ h3 u* q4 r- nAirbase supply hits 2
; u, a" f& T: v9 P: mRunway hits 11: U. s. j' ]4 }! r/ }( O( G3 n  Q
8 z6 ]! ]5 X; {$ B1 `Afternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ) ~" q- G% P/ i  B  t; j
Weather in hex: Light rain . D! J* M$ b/ Y. |! s
Raid detected at 41 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.& b' K* c9 |7 S' Z# T
Estimated time to target is 16 minutes & P. R( O( K1 l7 k: f! n+ N
Japanese aircraft
" ~- a: ], f. f      G3M2 Nell x 39
2 q+ B7 E0 P! o: L, Q, Z      G4M1 Betty x 17
9 l+ q, |& e5 g+ R/ hAllied aircraft; R4 w) b) x! p/ g
      no flights
' O7 e; r" f( ?) |. T& v$ VJapanese aircraft losses
- b- O* f- Q; R3 q      G3M2 Nell: 2 damaged
6 k+ |8 l- e( V4 A3 t+ W      G3M2 Nell: 2 destroyed by flak
9 P" U6 V. y# F. P: L      G4M1 Betty: 2 damaged
" `1 J( ]: N" T, ZAllied aircraft losses* c& A/ _. U- N( z7 m' }
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged
: C# j$ H2 }% {, p5 N      Mohawk IV: 1 damaged
( F$ P; U- H( [) f/ {      Do-24K-1: 1 damaged
* Z: c% ~; V; }) s8 r, u      Do-24K-1: 1 destroyed on ground
+ k( N$ f2 W* i; V( x$ D% kAllied ground losses:7 k4 w$ c+ w: }/ y, K) {6 z
      17 casualties reported! K& V/ K8 \, ?5 F! m, \" h8 \+ N
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled: h3 t. D' ^: {& t& T* X* C
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled; I6 S. y. F+ O' Q7 T+ A+ A
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. J! P" e. V& n% h$ cAirbase hits 63 f, s8 P+ V$ E- [7 I; V% ^2 ?1 M
Airbase supply hits 3
( h* C8 E8 F3 z  A# f% W+ |1 l4 ^Runway hits 69 U: Q$ u4 ~7 N) @
---------------------------------------------------------------- 7 {& M% F9 q5 `/ F: B
Ground combat at 60,48 (near Taung Gyi) 0 o3 e. A- @4 X8 T
Allied Deliberate attack 3 V0 f" l8 o9 u
Attacking force 6712 troops, 68 guns, 620 vehicles, Assault Value = 447
; l/ L4 Z+ K- e0 m  nDefending force 1951 troops, 11 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 86 9 b1 U- y: m% V8 m- }9 z0 X! X
Allied adjusted assault: 198  2 m# t* G5 J% }* u4 y
Japanese adjusted defense: 76  
3 h2 C3 ]: v* {! h" Z% _Allied assault odds: 2 to 1  $ X# g" g9 ~" S/ t6 ~. Z
Combat modifiers) v. w: B# q1 R" i. W
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), fatigue(-), morale(-)
, b4 r, U1 E& p( w5 ` experience(-)
) O3 n: |0 K! i  X7 PAttacker:  8 C3 p: I/ }$ [1 j
Japanese ground losses:
9 j/ i: j! {3 t' q# K, }      763 casualties reported
# `. ~) l: o5 P) I$ T& I         Squads: 22 destroyed, 18 disabled- q. ~. C1 @/ U5 `
         Non Combat: 16 destroyed, 7 disabled4 o* Z. _' a$ c1 M% n. k" W( a
         Engineers: 4 destroyed, 3 disabled* I1 u( `/ S6 C' _( M9 }# ^
      Guns lost 5 (2 destroyed, 3 disabled); ^1 R3 n6 H5 _& x# X/ X' b
      Units retreated 2
% ]7 S, J- F  N9 OAllied ground losses:( V) h2 [! |) o% }3 v3 d
      47 casualties reported
3 w% ^) W, s6 K; P  L; R+ @. f1 r         Squads: 0 destroyed, 15 disabled
) U3 A  n( x( D/ |9 K& s         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
, U( r/ u  G* I% I! f7 N( S' E8 d         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
6 L6 o+ S4 I- {6 W$ E; O      Vehicles lost 23 (1 destroyed, 22 disabled)
7 V& g* G7 w7 b  S% _" P, pDefeated Japanese Units Retreating! 6 V5 x, ]( T+ }( N8 {# B5 z
Assaulting units:* t& I' d; X5 a* A  [& P' U8 Z
    255th Armoured Brigade# s; Q& m8 y' v5 C( Y
    50th Tank Brigade. A: U$ b8 p, p& L; m
    3rd Carbiniers Regiment2 c$ c5 r9 I: w8 g% I; k
    254th Armoured Brigade
( x  E+ ]4 S! r+ y+ l5 M% G- x    7th Armoured Brigade
8 i' s" A2 ?' [" X$ FDefending units:
& A0 J$ M% X. g    1st Raiding Regiment
$ s2 s9 c. `* T5 N3 F0 h, J    1st RTA/B Division 8 ?8 f4 x2 G5 k7 G$ T% E8 p& m4 V
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 w( c' ^, H% f' c
Ground combat at 75,54 (near Kweilin) ) a' h/ f/ r* i& w
Allied Shock attack
8 j  d+ _1 O8 T2 c2 Z) ]( k9 H2 PAttacking force 3516 troops, 37 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 120 4 b0 `. m! J" X: H8 V" i4 S
Defending force 2411 troops, 31 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 59
3 ]3 ^7 l! h& X5 {Allied adjusted assault: 76  . Y2 g$ t6 s, z4 N
Japanese adjusted defense: 67  
. F& U! e& H4 j' v1 |: v1 GAllied assault odds: 1 to 1  
3 E6 `) K/ n/ o( OCombat modifiers
" o6 Q; D' F5 W$ w) gDefender: terrain(+), leaders(-), experience(-)
  ~, v3 M8 I4 ^* z, Q/ `Attacker: shock(+), leaders(+), leaders(-)
3 L6 t  c& i3 L* s) k! M6 U5 [9 mJapanese ground losses:) P" M8 j$ Z  W
      58 casualties reported
' u' j& d2 e/ e/ h0 D! y         Squads: 0 destroyed, 11 disabled! A2 Z2 h' ^: O% c# \/ c/ k
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
9 r* X" c5 N1 |7 o% z         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
  @1 ]+ i3 o! B* ?) L9 P, p( Z$ cAllied ground losses:6 k3 B: k6 {* S4 \
      262 casualties reported; h0 |( ?% t! ^0 E0 P1 ?# ?8 w
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 29 disabled: n% e/ v+ J, e( s$ G6 E
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled3 K% B. T% h& q# A
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
( U+ F* x3 }5 h% J. W+ CAssaulting units:: T$ @! i5 ^( A+ J; p/ Q8 v' ^" e
    6th Chinese Corps ' n% e0 e4 R1 l& b5 p" J0 X
Defending units:0 U3 R4 S3 T5 S# T
    4th RGC Division( |2 {) ~9 ~/ e5 H- H: l$ n
    32nd JNAF AF Unit
: c5 d' k9 a/ g( B8 r$ o    47th JAAF AF Bn
附件: 您所在的用户组无法下载或查看附件
/ Z7 N) |7 q4 z8 I安汶的岸炮将一只前来填油的ak击伤.  e4 {3 R" |" n" x) k( k; K
' W1 G8 q8 K# p--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ M& H4 ~( m5 Q' v7 OPre-Invasion action off Ambon (76,109)+ P" ~9 `7 y4 @/ D! F- P8 L  B+ p
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force
- O; f7 c$ k7 V4 u; v: S, O36 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
$ Z  G" l* }, `# r# LJapanese Ships0 S" }" o7 _) [/ I9 }* L. ?* _
      xAK Kasuga Maru #2, Shell hits 3,  on fire! W8 `1 i  r5 ?- m* P9 h$ p( X
      DMS W-18 , t# z; j, r! v
Japanese ground losses:
. m: B8 ]$ x* ^  {, i      49 casualties reported
" R' {: z! @% J  I$ p4 Q) m         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled3 A. K' ^9 n5 ]
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled8 ^2 v+ b# R0 D' l; ]
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
" {1 c4 h. t9 d! _---------------------------------------------------
% ?* i2 C- Q" t3 |) `: f/ LAmphibious Assault at Ambon (76,109) * v5 O) D3 h* n
TF 21 troops unloading over beach at Ambon, 76,109 1 h$ E' q! o% Z$ L9 j, L
Japanese ground losses:6 c$ C, \) u! K* T% k" @, ^' _* |
      15 casualties reported, S' r, D  x# \" {, y
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
- x7 [9 E/ k, K7 @         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
1 d* m/ B- |4 x3 [) o         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled4 c+ T4 o8 L5 h8 O2 i! q
      Guns lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)
$ t0 c7 t5 b% `1 o37mm Type 01 AT Gun dropped into water during unload of 52nd Nav Gd /1 ( a+ |4 L8 ?. }' V6 a) C
- S. A/ ^4 H" b% G3 @Invasion Support action off Ambon (76,109)
1 j8 n$ e9 [# f5 W" gDefensive Guns engage approaching landing force
: @7 W+ g  D1 l+ b# l26 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
/ H, ~9 ]/ U: t* p, C5 w$ T9 RJapanese Ships
1 `8 c4 g7 ^4 z5 y, u      xAK Kasuga Maru #2, Shell hits 5,  heavy fires- I4 A- |, {4 H- R6 U$ X2 L
      DMS W-18 $ V6 {5 w; T) e' p8 a8 }" K  f; d, a
Japanese ground losses:  f; o2 F! h% Q5 D9 {% W. F9 }# F
      22 casualties reported' G: K% i+ j" j  V) O# I# A* v
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled" x, m! q1 `7 A* u7 M3 q! \. H
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled0 R: _, H! K+ K- C' y3 I! n
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
2 f/ @+ N3 m- `---------------------------------------------------------
$ }" x6 a! ~* T9 W2 jMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
1 j( I8 P) [$ P/ j+ {Weather in hex: Light rain
& b( M5 |) b( j: U0 g% `; {5 gRaid detected at 65 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.- [' f' a' e0 X. U4 q
Estimated time to target is 25 minutes
- Z, C6 h; ]+ ?7 Q+ P% _Japanese aircraft; w6 {* t3 c: n$ d$ T$ U
      G3M2 Nell x 23( X) j% {9 H1 T) p4 i3 H
      G4M1 Betty x 22
$ |) j7 i: s8 e: ]Allied aircraft0 {1 `  ~! m3 @2 _3 M/ o
      no flights . t" ^) s- b; W0 E  c; B
Japanese aircraft losses/ V* x7 U, G% W0 N
      G3M2 Nell: 6 damaged
0 T( b% S3 G4 A4 ?( m* R2 e      G3M2 Nell: 3 destroyed by flak
" N5 d) ]5 J2 ]6 N: G0 M3 X      G4M1 Betty: 6 damaged
$ f" u" }& h5 G6 ]0 E% b1 x5 x9 |" b      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak
" k5 {! [) C3 ZAllied aircraft losses0 D3 d( ~5 [& v
      B-25C Mitchell: 3 damaged
# J6 g: x- A- z; P3 b      139WH-3: 2 damaged / {! Z% i" {3 t- T( x
Airbase hits 8
0 {8 J! r5 A% l0 W/ v2 V* m( b; QRunway hits 17 , s7 W0 K/ I; `
---------------------------------------------------------! k/ y9 W. s% o# e2 c
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  : C# w) [9 e! ?& a$ R+ ?
Weather in hex: Light rain
& ^" R% |1 V( r( O# ?1 b. r, ]Raid detected at 64 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
6 w/ L1 {* y- d' {( Y, p& q4 JEstimated time to target is 22 minutes 4 K0 a# [: v( q0 K
Japanese aircraft
: R+ D$ d7 Q. L3 j      A6M2 Zero x 10
2 I! T6 T5 {' i- M, r      G3M2 Nell x 172 ]2 \& _5 f6 w0 i. O% s
      G4M1 Betty x 10 4 Y6 @" h& p$ I6 L4 v* }6 @
Allied aircraft
; y: F! v$ Q9 p( N' Z      no flights
0 v7 Q2 p1 a) N- p# uJapanese aircraft losses
4 S; L6 [7 z* r2 u      G3M2 Nell: 8 damaged# e$ [5 t% {7 g' s9 Q% `
      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak
5 D; @2 j; Z5 H* q0 R. w      G4M1 Betty: 5 damaged
: `! v0 Y: q. d9 |' q9 ~' H      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak : M% v$ L4 ?0 T0 I3 K% _
Allied aircraft losses
  S: }. W0 O$ q$ n' H& Y      FK-51: 1 damaged
3 B$ C' N! O$ pAllied ground losses:% W0 D" ]$ L: J% e* a1 \7 Z
      5 casualties reported4 N; J4 ^/ L! k0 K% @
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled# l# a1 n2 h5 E8 I
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled6 e, s  z& t, Z) `7 x5 g* F
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ! L8 G' \, C- V+ J" q0 B9 E
Airbase hits 1; G2 K* u' d0 f$ m
Runway hits 3* j& _% Y& T( f9 V- Q
+ k! q( ^3 t, ]2 L$ G, K; tMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  0 M! t/ r8 }3 a: a9 m- h
Weather in hex: Light rain: j. v' j/ K4 l1 l, N8 N" c3 i
Raid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
  E9 |9 D4 D: X& [# YEstimated time to target is 11 minutes & R2 F. W: Z$ b6 `7 T! J' e
Japanese aircraft
" F7 n8 W. I! I2 |, ^0 M8 u      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 22
( ?7 N7 f- r* K  p- V' l# C      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 31( k1 M& }! J) r) n, V9 L* {
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 22
, h9 t' N- {# b. L' tAllied aircraft' P; e$ _/ R7 ]3 ~0 C9 E* N
      no flights
( a: G# d+ V. s1 NJapanese aircraft losses
, w5 u% N. a) p- O      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 11 damaged
. c. H5 W4 H6 u0 R  k      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 2 destroyed by flak ; F+ |. u  I0 A9 O, o% |
Allied aircraft losses
5 H( C% D6 V' W3 H6 g      CW-22 Falcon: 1 damaged
& c: q3 o* |; N- N      PBY-5 Catalina: 1 damaged; I' N  E- U' D, _8 \
      B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged. {& W* Y) p( E( Y* A) h' V' {
      139WH-3: 1 damaged 6 q* B+ _3 K" u6 Q) V3 r, z
Airbase hits 4
& n" W$ c6 s6 |* I- g  d# X1 fAirbase supply hits 1
* x" A$ T; _' \Runway hits 15
) X4 M( ^7 p/ K) b$ V------------------------------------------------------------
% P8 ^$ X* o( x: f1 NMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ! r6 V$ E  H* E# K8 O
Weather in hex: Light rain) S8 }' X  ?4 r: i  a0 X
Raid detected at 76 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet., c- q9 W# G- `. O$ L3 ?
Estimated time to target is 22 minutes , G' S+ @* V% b7 t( H# {* J/ |1 f
Japanese aircraft- B' w; e7 r* {5 G: ]
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 13 5 b* Q5 `2 c# M8 W
Allied aircraft
) L3 S" j: {' {% W3 l      no flights , ?8 H" S! s: x
Japanese aircraft losses: A# C" b( F* w# a4 D
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 6 damaged
4 V1 r9 w5 d# ^$ O' |" j      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak 2 ]( x" g% p7 M5 ?, ?4 @% ?2 g
Allied aircraft losses
! a- l7 s" V3 z2 u' A0 ~      FK-51: 1 damaged
4 T' }7 F, W' Q      B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged
0 \* ]* ?8 u: x' [/ ?Airbase hits 1
( B& v0 ^# }- f# N6 q* MAirbase supply hits 3/ }8 q& @+ U& Z9 \( D* e
Runway hits 5# o& n8 `: U4 g6 ?
2 z6 P! `6 S9 {Afternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  9 d: V& p7 V4 A! T" c% `! Z; t
Weather in hex: Moderate rain
. j  z3 u% ^/ c- `Raid detected at 36 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
: {# b. N% j" W: U8 aEstimated time to target is 11 minutes + ?/ y9 ]: s* r' l% d
Japanese aircraft1 ?+ k! x& _7 p# l. S
      A6M2 Zero x 31
8 {$ F  N( v( _; i2 B      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 15' s3 M9 e$ i6 _0 F) }1 O4 p
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 244 \6 x6 R% \' H, B$ H
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 7+ @: J/ {% B% G& y
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 9
- C; O: P$ m+ oJapanese aircraft losses8 z+ ]( W- H* H/ F
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 12 damaged
3 Z, H1 o+ u: ]% I8 ]      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak
9 u: n) T0 G6 m0 p      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 6 damaged+ I1 X: X3 ^% E! D! d$ Z
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 5 damaged
" H' u& q+ j2 h      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 1 destroyed by flak 5 U- |" x( O/ _
Aircraft Attacking:  ^! U1 }- d0 o0 h. d
       9 x Ki-49-Ia Helen bombing from 10000 feet2 q6 `. K, K+ j
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb; S7 V& ^! v& [) C) o# M1 L
       3 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet2 y5 w; j6 m" B/ ~/ q. Z
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
: e8 m* G7 U; K/ y       7 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
; G* [& @7 o! q7 }% u2 F               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
6 @2 O  U: X5 J       4 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet: |1 J/ S4 O& C, C
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb2 i4 x! Q! n, @  W3 _+ I. a
       7 x Ki-45 KAIa Nick bombing from 10000 feet
8 c5 d0 Q$ \# i               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb
3 }2 J7 e4 A( Z8 B1 Q3 w-----------------------------------------------------------------( ~- k& N6 ~4 i
Invasion Support action off Ambon (76,109)* |, t9 f% Y; h. n9 q
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force ( F& q7 e: `* D% L( k0 U! I
20 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
* q6 g# w& B2 O) M& E* yJapanese Ships
: \% H6 c+ T6 ]. G+ _- d* T      DMS W-18, Shell hits 7,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
* r  a3 H: H) r4 q: CJapanese ground losses:
" E* L* m& C( P  ?0 u0 {* o      5 casualties reported" Y" h6 A& z9 w2 L
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled+ D) H1 U- w/ E
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled# k7 s7 h' O. i0 ~! p
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 19, 42# @# t3 |6 E9 x( w' H1 x" Y
万隆继续在躲炸弹,同时两只国军部队在试图主动投胎。- T0 J. B& @6 w5 r8 I
--------------------------------------------------------------------$ a5 ~  W2 i5 i* o  t
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
- I, ~& {% N! }9 t. e" [6 KWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
! f4 N) D, B; Y: |Raid detected at 72 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
7 V1 y3 c- K' R6 [5 p* p; d) ?Estimated time to target is 28 minutes 6 @3 V" ?, T8 l# L8 X; F3 Z* c
Japanese aircraft
3 B* _: @% A2 `  d      G3M2 Nell x 12 ; M! k% ~0 {3 q
Allied aircraft
6 p6 j6 n5 y3 x3 Z) p1 G      no flights
& p( C# t6 ~5 J& k( |8 kJapanese aircraft losses
6 X4 S, |3 ?3 ]. }* n      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged
9 @$ n# t& c/ q% m# u2 m* ]Allied aircraft losses2 e$ I. m  ^& R- c4 z1 ~
      139WH-3: 2 damaged
# @2 m! i! @3 M: n8 j      PBY-5 Catalina: 2 damaged
- z( p* F& m' t4 X3 t: r      DB-7B: 1 damaged
% p4 E; c$ W% n: w' t& pAllied ground losses:
1 O: k$ c0 `* \3 O- q      16 casualties reported; `# ]( E7 B* e% l9 t
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled4 n8 V' c6 x6 B) W* Z" B
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
9 E/ B: e- ~$ {& g         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
3 W0 `9 l. V& V% O# JAirbase hits 3$ Z$ W6 K# u. t3 Y8 O9 R* u
Airbase supply hits 1$ r, C  X+ o  B
Runway hits 2
" e0 k+ |; g8 {( y! |Aircraft Attacking:' g1 ^# I4 n0 a# E
      12 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 10000 feet *
9 z- p2 N$ O4 G. N$ r% ^               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb* a) g5 E2 }- p0 p$ H5 D
9 u8 y& _! T+ qMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
# z: z" X& j6 rWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
8 E* w/ k0 H. V# j9 }Raid detected at 79 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
, O0 U& A, H! u+ T  g. ?( R5 l  REstimated time to target is 27 minutes $ ?) H' T$ I# K9 b& e4 p
Japanese aircraft  |# L0 U+ z; s& G
      G4M1 Betty x 15   m8 e& L) d/ r  H, M0 Z+ e
Allied aircraft
, d- ~8 G2 g' {$ w8 i% s      no flights 2 |5 a7 w2 P- n+ b) B% V9 g
Japanese aircraft losses
, p/ @# V) _; w4 a* ~      G4M1 Betty: 4 damaged ) H3 `: r0 N' [& d) {
Allied aircraft losses' z4 ]1 a" {0 w+ a& B# s
      139WH-3: 3 damaged
2 z+ L8 \( S) W+ R      CW-22 Falcon: 3 damaged- X0 p1 e5 y4 i& Q" X: _$ k
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed on ground
+ w, s) k* [/ Q9 \, [5 v      B-25C Mitchell: 5 damaged
9 C- A; h  ~$ @0 z8 J2 bAllied ground losses:: ^& O; a& m/ A: O& c! e
      6 casualties reported
0 a1 ^6 L8 f% N3 l0 Q  L' i         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
! Z1 p) x) z7 I! a$ @4 s  A         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled3 i) H% R5 y" ?: J# G
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled , l, r% |$ Q- V" k0 S
Airbase hits 5
8 i9 B5 M9 O5 K3 x" @6 hAirbase supply hits 1
8 p1 t" R# i* n7 }1 E/ J1 t; ?Runway hits 239 G4 Y" Y9 ]" k
0 t: U( q! g1 U  s& TMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
2 l! y* b( F3 i  i( }$ f- E& wWeather in hex: Thunderstorms' v' i6 f; a$ T7 m0 T
Raid detected at 29 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
0 z4 b4 U) P: \% r& _Estimated time to target is 11 minutes $ _- y& f5 _$ a# p; o
Japanese aircraft
8 l! U7 H  x2 Z$ X: U+ o* }# @$ i      G3M2 Nell x 11
! ^' k/ P# m: `. V+ p* c' uAllied aircraft
4 v! v+ _  |0 Z, ?: e7 k/ X      no flights 6 t2 b6 Y5 {) ?, @9 W
Japanese aircraft losses4 l( }9 p! [1 q4 H2 @" z! _
      G3M2 Nell: 4 damaged
# d2 x) W# i5 {1 r* d+ d' eAllied aircraft losses: m8 u0 l" \  L' ~8 |
      139WH-3: 1 damaged , s2 H6 F2 g8 \5 p* X; |! R# w+ ?0 F" K
Airbase hits 5
3 P. c' W+ A' B- i/ ^/ ^7 ~. D4 RRunway hits 2
/ H7 p4 S; R  c% t: b--------------------------------------------------------------
) `% Y: Y( V1 b+ x) _: p4 UMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ' W' H7 g! W4 F
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms 8 C7 C: c  F  s8 g
Raid detected at 71 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
6 h2 K7 H# g- s* f! YEstimated time to target is 20 minutes
  \4 g8 d" X5 Z9 |, ]: b$ ^  ^Japanese aircraft
0 \# f' H8 `, H, S      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 17 " `: z# H3 r) F+ ~* K6 J
Allied aircraft
' G" D. D* v0 }      no flights , j* x8 o9 q/ Y5 w& N. p# y% O
Japanese aircraft losses; P" L& M$ M% L7 z' Y2 |6 f0 \
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 4 damaged 2 f! o1 y' D% b$ p% {
Allied aircraft losses2 f( f; H+ R1 N' ~. q7 l" g
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 damaged" c- K) ?, o( m8 f- b# i9 |# i
      FK-51: 2 damaged
# q6 F5 j( f% M      FK-51: 1 destroyed on ground* }/ n( D5 q! N0 c: l4 g" p; |! M
      PBY-5 Catalina: 1 damaged
- P2 L. R. ?& X+ T8 Q$ Q. d% n8 u      B-25C Mitchell: 3 damaged
# @3 J/ s0 S6 j& M! bAirbase hits 1
! Q0 s) M! V! Y% ]5 o6 j7 lAirbase supply hits 1
+ J9 r' e: Q4 E* d- c% u- `Runway hits 9( i# E* N; e& T4 y1 S* p& y
$ W% A* r9 b1 M7 Z" d" l& _Afternoon Air attack on ML-KNIL , at 50,100 (Bandoeng) & ]) ~# e; v8 K* m3 q
Weather in hex: Light cloud
1 X5 G( ]( [0 eRaid detected at 74 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
# ~4 j' {, j+ {/ M. @! z7 HEstimated time to target is 24 minutes
* Z' p4 e" Y# K' c' N5 DJapanese aircraft- u( f3 s* H4 T. M. y6 U
      A6M2 Zero x 542 u' O! z5 d. Z9 o8 o1 e( x
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 136 l3 }3 B! b4 g; d; i2 f9 }9 L
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 228 L" F% ?- m- G& {) H& y( O
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 55/ z& |7 F2 ~5 k$ T8 _% \! f( @! y
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 21
* W. L* W# T' Q9 Z      Ki-51 Sonia x 16
! m* j2 k$ q3 f+ G# EJapanese aircraft losses; {( M; o4 {8 s* c7 W
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 11 damaged
7 Z0 ^7 P3 D4 @5 w6 V1 p      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 7 damaged
2 u( |5 T, H9 B( S, }8 ^' a- J9 v      Ki-51 Sonia: 3 damaged
6 [5 v: z' H1 }  RAllied ground losses:
; q7 V2 _1 M; p2 A  E      8 casualties reported9 A3 h( G9 U! P5 z/ S
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled/ Q' F0 f( k5 `; Z8 ~( q8 z& N
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled+ g5 l; I7 Q: F: \! W' h
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled2 ?1 T8 y# y/ n' t" w7 I; K5 Q
--------------------------------------------------------- : E/ p3 N  A, S8 Z1 `; x
Ground combat at Tanna (120,157) * e) P5 n8 P4 Q# k5 q5 w! M
Japanese Deliberate attack   z4 j3 H) l& t
Attacking force 1072 troops, 11 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 34 1 o6 L" H. g2 ?! c6 S
Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0
- v/ s1 o$ d2 i$ t6 k+ O, Z% yJapanese adjusted assault: 34  * u) W( z7 G2 ~! y! V' b* Z% B
Allied adjusted defense: 1  3 }: `. Z2 i2 ^# l1 A( A! _! I
Japanese assault odds: 34 to 1 (fort level 0)  * t. f4 ]/ P4 ~& R) o
Japanese forces CAPTURE Tanna !!!
' M6 r8 r! C; L1 Z/ v6 c% fCombat modifiers3 m+ @: C9 C  f
Attacker: leaders(+) 5 ]6 g/ Q4 ~: B4 M- z' ?9 x
Assaulting units:6 N, w. `. X& Z5 X( v9 U
    83rd Naval Guard Unit& b! ~8 \% k+ h4 |
---------------------------------------------------------------- ! r* o; D% {0 k& t! \7 D
Ground combat at 80,50 (near Changteh) 3 P- k+ q% c/ O) K
Allied Shock attack - P6 c, I* A  N8 w
Attacking force 1908 troops, 25 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 10 & c* a' N) @6 z# @* N4 Y( n8 b
Defending force 36829 troops, 519 guns, 369 vehicles, Assault Value = 1099 : h* h# E6 s$ `, w3 e# G
Allied adjusted assault: 0  . }5 p; l6 `+ f3 L$ \
Japanese adjusted defense: 7201  - Y1 i- k  }9 S6 A' I$ q; ]
Allied assault odds: 1 to 99  0 L7 b: a0 A+ I2 R% X+ |4 \- z
Combat modifiers
/ P$ o' x7 R$ Y2 w4 q. YDefender: terrain(+), leaders(+)
6 Q4 P; [, q6 y8 v: M8 h& y2 O" ZAttacker: shock(+), disruption(-), supply(-)
: Z# B/ u9 T2 ~: Y' |Allied ground losses:- O2 {# U$ W" {" m! k
      729 casualties reported
3 h5 L* d" t- g* M# S: d: C  }3 l         Squads: 12 destroyed, 0 disabled1 z0 Y+ N; `% e+ X; a
         Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 131 disabled1 a8 F0 |# h, m8 B( w% z( [. W# K3 T
         Engineers: 18 destroyed, 0 disabled' {5 t2 k3 `# S$ j  t
      Guns lost 30 (30 destroyed, 0 disabled)
2 k) @2 e5 J, i" p/ ZAssaulting units:
$ Y1 ~7 }( U$ A! t) R! I4 _    72nd Chinese Corps# }" H) ~/ F+ }& p7 O( P
    20th Chinese Corps
3 N! I4 {0 l  O, M* ?Defending units:
! \# h* s# G5 {. N    40th Division
$ J: p# M( o, P7 r9 M# w    102nd Infantry Regiment
7 v) U7 r; F6 E: a    104th Division# F. Q4 R& M6 U4 C
    Kyuko Naval Guard Unit
' s+ {% i" |+ |1 t    51st Recon Regiment' b2 y4 I) F" |
    11th RGC Temp. Division9 F; ?$ J2 d# n+ N' M( m- p+ G
    13th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion" ^7 r4 s8 R$ T& r7 Y, v. e
    9th Medium Field Artillery Regiment- c; ]. ]% ?- t' m; b$ D3 C
    2nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment# G4 k! u- _9 Q9 R) K
    8th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
& @6 h: p% n' R- ]* S! {) v& V/ Q" p    Tonei Hvy Gun Regiment4 S/ j; f. X8 z- @! u
    23rd Army$ n6 Z2 T: p& O1 z5 Z3 d: @
    10th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
" j! q* Z3 U2 N5 c    21st Mortar Battalion8 \# Z6 T$ h! l% {$ Q0 N
    22nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
5 r% J8 v4 [/ u( U8 V0 B# g. m    2nd RF Gun Battalion, E8 U% G" n- y7 E  \
    5th RF Gun Battalion
. p4 k& u: D) D# X9 }5 ]2 p( k. O日军对万隆的轰炸是浩浩荡荡啊。5 Y+ F; u2 s7 S7 R0 d- R, I
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; n; \9 }6 K6 l
Sub attack near Phuket  at 48,69
8 Z5 Z0 d% }4 {8 H1 N$ lJapanese Ships; v0 f4 B8 P6 i1 p( }1 ]; a$ `
      SC CHa-17
3 |! K$ i* P6 Q) Y- P8 _      PB Teibo Maru #29 a9 V$ k. d1 ]1 n/ R1 M, z' m$ V
      PB Sozan Maru
3 @; P5 ~0 t% I0 i- fAllied Ships
) m, l: e! e8 f0 b. V      SS S-36, hits 2% P+ G7 }6 ~$ Q0 v
( x, C4 }/ s- D: g) MASW attack near Phuket  at 48,69 & _  }# {7 [$ u% Q  \3 {& f
Japanese Ships
- f1 h: F& `8 d" t. L% h      SC CHa-165 l- {' ]0 L$ d
      SC CHa-17  r1 C: ?( c9 ]
      PB Teibo Maru #2
. A2 D4 U  E+ K5 a5 \+ U' L      PB Sozan Maru , }) h2 E2 |8 ^+ w8 H3 I* V
Allied Ships7 }1 V& o$ n  m4 a' U! M
      SS S-38, hits 3
/ X5 m( h! J$ k; \--------------------------------------------------------
1 X+ j6 x7 @; a1 {Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  : @- o0 h9 ]8 V6 K' D
Weather in hex: Overcast : z1 F( Q6 e9 t4 h9 Z0 n; q
Raid detected at 60 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
* ]. O7 B- }3 T) @Estimated time to target is 21 minutes 8 n, ]. n4 K: P6 d; N! b
Japanese aircraft
2 E' S! {% t4 K9 w0 C      G3M2 Nell x 3
3 P( G3 J- N# J. J; p      G4M1 Betty x 16 9 L4 K, e* `5 V
Allied aircraft
# |/ D8 m. y7 r4 j6 C1 m4 P7 z* \      no flights
$ X) x  \# g. G: YJapanese aircraft losses
, z2 d. Q3 a/ ?; @: q) G' \$ _      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged$ ?6 W# ?: @4 _/ C) k3 p
      G4M1 Betty: 8 damaged
) k# I$ z( k+ V8 [Allied aircraft losses, f; o. t: H4 Y( k" y! f3 w
      Do-24K-1: 2 damaged5 J5 k# a% i3 j" o+ p
      139WH-3: 2 damaged
# e. O, @4 I$ P3 ~9 e3 r7 x      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground
  H& ^7 g/ X- i8 A1 n( n0 t6 C      B-25C Mitchell: 4 damaged
1 S4 e2 E6 l2 a3 O$ o7 c( S+ T      DB-7B: 1 damaged - j8 |* e+ I5 M+ R) [2 [0 Y
Airbase hits 8
; T$ o! U/ n5 B4 U  ARunway hits 319 J& i9 _+ t# j& ~0 X  z& D
-----------------------------------------------------------" f7 K  f9 Y: }; m3 O. G
Morning Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng) $ p, r9 F/ n* Z1 J. H" ^5 \
Weather in hex: Overcast
% K; h' p# i7 G* M7 E& oRaid detected at 59 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.  y  A, X1 S: f# X2 |& a1 v! e( I
Estimated time to target is 20 minutes 6 [# e% ]4 l. r2 B, ^3 a( K
Japanese aircraft
; s: U, `1 [, E+ d9 B0 G0 V      A6M2 Zero x 19
! C+ @5 z3 I) `7 F( c      G3M2 Nell x 94 x0 W1 h5 ~% k, i0 J
      G4M1 Betty x 9
- _8 @  ]9 @9 C+ }2 u  uJapanese aircraft losses
8 i3 ?; x7 ~, R6 b- i8 }) o      G4M1 Betty: 1 damaged, x6 m/ g0 [: }  e$ [
---------------------------------------------------------6 N! [$ \/ e, X4 t
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  * N( ~# i/ X& v' E) j' ]5 x) w
Weather in hex: Overcast 6 w" j! l- m: i& b, T3 L
Raid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
1 D/ r% P) C/ ~/ k& M# U) w* kEstimated time to target is 14 minutes $ h6 T+ d1 _0 q& s' Z- r
Japanese aircraft
3 Z/ x0 [* T4 k6 z) `: l      G3M2 Nell x 6 ) L+ Z/ T; ^5 R# r3 e$ }+ l
Japanese aircraft losses2 c* {. d9 S/ d3 {" e' Z6 g
      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged 2 o' a) N& ~! Q7 o3 z
Aircraft Attacking:% @1 ?) `( e/ Q. M! \
       6 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 10000 feet
' P8 H, v4 ]; e2 b8 m% ^8 [               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
) o9 {. L& o; o7 R  Y6 V# S------------------------------------------------------  x3 X+ g( m. m6 y3 f8 g
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
& }5 H( ~, ?, A. pWeather in hex: Overcast + ~8 l; J3 D8 ~$ r: y: K, o! }
Raid detected at 21 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
9 w7 z% W1 x+ ?; v" v' S  uEstimated time to target is 7 minutes
: G9 x3 ?2 ^4 h( ?" oJapanese aircraft
. R% |) a4 l' s. r      G4M1 Betty x 9 9 s+ b  _6 A) Y
No Japanese losses! \; p# a  N% r2 v# B  ~. c$ N- U
* }: f) L) V: t2 ^7 s& \Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
" R1 X' c2 _+ I# UWeather in hex: Overcast : n& o  [2 ^+ w' f" o# U1 ]4 o
Raid detected at 60 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.. f8 |" a2 U* @6 v. @( h5 f7 N
Estimated time to target is 19 minutes ; Q) V7 i" L$ U
Japanese aircraft  `* S/ v3 m+ o4 x
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 30
) x- K- n4 E* J4 W% M5 ~      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 27- q* o* `" |9 w- g" Y
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 3
7 t$ M% A8 J# k3 T- X0 N) t      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 8) `5 @8 [& b- x8 v" V0 a
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 7
: Q- l5 I5 r, r, l      Ki-51 Sonia x 20 ) G. o4 _( E# E6 I7 _) A, \5 p1 E
Allied aircraft
* S3 g* J: m4 `( b- \2 L      no flights
3 @: ?$ o2 B6 N; V( i1 eJapanese aircraft losses
" v& |4 E7 G8 n9 i! d" T/ U5 _      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 10 damaged
+ N- d: O/ ]( I1 q4 [) ^7 Y/ {- G; F! {      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 1 damaged5 U6 n& b8 H/ E7 W4 D0 t
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 4 damaged
2 o7 b$ H7 u) `: _" N& h3 k1 s8 b      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 4 damaged
- H& F9 R, Y2 ~      Ki-51 Sonia: 3 damaged * L8 P( h/ ~. O( [* \% S  K" ^
Allied aircraft losses/ l; N2 m2 g2 X  r
      139WH-3: 5 damaged0 H, l% ?# k. _1 X. i
      B-25C Mitchell: 3 damaged
# ]% C/ \) Z4 [+ Q+ h" \      Do-24K-1: 1 damaged
! O/ V. ?7 E7 [6 |      DB-7B: 1 damaged # a3 s0 `9 Q) Q
Allied ground losses:; H* m  f) S: D
      5 casualties reported( p9 c4 G/ e$ q7 K" c; f+ P  s, b
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
8 L* Y4 y' z" {# A) v! W$ f1 b         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled, v9 r) H! A* m9 l" T
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
0 Q$ R0 p# N3 i1 s/ W4 |( yAirbase hits 7
6 O' w  q0 d: j+ ?2 }Airbase supply hits 2
3 [; n& C. g8 cRunway hits 24
. O% z" Z- h* L' l----------------------------------------------------------+ `6 a' O, T" e7 X# d
Morning Air attack on 18th British Division, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)   o* s% M8 @' b/ {
Weather in hex: Overcast
- R& E3 @+ f5 y4 W! b, NRaid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
. Y. S$ Y/ P+ z9 i/ B, A: ZEstimated time to target is 13 minutes - ]2 Z2 `! Y4 \6 \( \. T
Japanese aircraft+ `7 L0 C7 d* o  F  A
      A6M2 Zero x 60
# u3 v3 t# I! Z5 {. _8 A      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 17
5 g  ~* V9 @! ]) m      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 150 v- _/ K) L: C: ?4 c3 l
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 25
0 b4 |: F% G! DJapanese aircraft losses/ k- Q3 M/ g9 M* ?0 f" g- Z
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 5 damaged/ U5 M1 D6 |9 |
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 8 damaged
( ~( \6 U, \& y& k7 Z9 a. }' d0 {-------------------------------------------------------
+ E) d* E4 D0 c- Q! AMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
+ Z+ M- A" R0 sWeather in hex: Overcast 1 b& P) p4 W5 o+ V( N7 ]( A* \
Raid detected at 48 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.& f0 P  X  k0 P) ^+ q8 V
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes
5 V3 X3 ^! `$ \! CJapanese aircraft
6 T: e, i1 L' L9 b      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 21
0 F# ^* `. a$ p. o) i      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 17 9 R' U+ \2 k3 C, M! N! l1 C3 M+ H
Allied aircraft- v+ \2 L. n- b. U& K
      no flights
& U% m# ^; T/ G7 _  H* d2 QJapanese aircraft losses
3 h5 V! u; w3 n      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged
# j5 Z* {3 ]% Z, d/ E      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak
: t7 b8 G" n( E' k, Q: IAllied aircraft losses
! j# Z( k4 ?3 T% {8 w      PBY-5 Catalina: 4 damaged
6 w, M8 K0 e7 i) M7 u      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged0 X0 J3 A/ }. u7 _: J( z
      Mohawk IV: 1 damaged 4 ~: {) |  p6 u6 Q+ r
Airbase hits 11% c( q! k4 x+ \+ K( Q: y
Runway hits 8
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 21, 423 _6 Y6 W( Z" w0 `2 c  u. o
缅北的盟军未能堵住日军撤退的路线,难以围歼被击溃的日军。+ V5 s" `* f( p& `( `
" ]; Q8 M7 t4 f& v
( b; j1 ?; [  ^& ~0 n) l$ a& C# v----------------------------------------------* e2 G3 F, B) h. P
Morning Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
+ M; d" P0 T- g. R! UWeather in hex: Overcast
  Z; Y0 L% ~3 c$ G& U/ IRaid detected at 36 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
& `6 K2 R6 q3 [Estimated time to target is 14 minutes , C6 K8 l9 J( y
Japanese aircraft
8 a* ?' b0 V, m1 E0 J! e2 W4 X      A6M2 Zero x 100 L6 J, U0 o, k- A, ?
      G3M2 Nell x 17
6 o: ^* i* X+ d! P- H3 j  a7 {8 i% q      G4M1 Betty x 3
6 F1 p3 B0 b8 o/ OJapanese aircraft losses8 r/ d* H3 p8 R6 ]3 z8 `
      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged
% x( m* F+ ^9 k; o) X( Q5 K$ QAllied ground losses:
  g# l# C. T: x  V; B      8 casualties reported
0 z& z1 z* |9 G2 w/ n         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled. G) {$ h( L" z0 c; q
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
1 W* o2 R/ ~9 Y; }         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
  j- r2 N6 `( e7 R( m- |; U-------------------------------------------------------
, `# l; B4 A+ R# cMorning Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
- ]$ v! \: d/ P7 iWeather in hex: Overcast + @) T) \' q( h, k+ m( E) b
Raid detected at 42 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet." x; d7 c" Y8 a% k7 G: _
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes % W! v* ?$ Q. A$ _" T" ^
Japanese aircraft" @7 G( E- i( W6 [7 @& l
      A6M2 Zero x 19* F- A+ j( ?- ?9 B
      G4M1 Betty x 19
+ ]- Z" e; ]  S' x% Z5 ^Japanese aircraft losses# C( z0 l9 Z4 C( h: M
      G4M1 Betty: 5 damaged * z0 q$ H8 b6 F% K
Allied ground losses:
7 z1 i1 J, X1 [- [' k+ H      8 casualties reported
- L+ y" ]2 u4 {0 {         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled+ t6 N2 H2 D9 K6 F+ R- ^% Y" ~. P
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled- z$ E* @7 ^- e
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
! _7 J' t7 D- v- y, d+ v3 G----------------------------------------------------------
$ T7 h2 n; v* w- {Morning Air attack on 1st KNIL Regiment, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
# W. G: Q1 B. b' v+ u1 Z+ CWeather in hex: Overcast 3 {# M7 N( b" j- w- G8 D* c
Raid detected at 76 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
( L* v4 A+ `. b( S+ Y# z- ?Estimated time to target is 26 minutes / S4 K6 G) x- S5 s: f( g
Japanese aircraft
7 G- O+ ]7 D, P* a- K3 u; Q      G3M2 Nell x 13
( f$ t4 e8 |$ F; G2 S* m8 ^) k  |      G4M1 Betty x 6  `+ F+ Q3 x5 }$ D! A& ]8 ]
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 24
* |6 o3 b" R- @Japanese aircraft losses4 C5 g: ?) ?" R3 P; S1 ]$ P0 i" x
      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged & `/ v% u( L; x, K
Allied ground losses:5 r# V, \) t. i" b
      6 casualties reported
6 M( ]1 Z8 G+ M         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled3 j* Y) \. ^3 s" U6 D
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled$ q0 G/ ]5 M  ?; r) d; q
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled/ d$ C  X( n  z6 O& I! @
---------------------------------------------------------5 Q. g6 j8 U. O, O8 \; S$ u
Morning Air attack on KNIL Army Command , at 50,100 (Bandoeng) / \" X1 U$ }. [# V2 r: t
Weather in hex: Overcast
- ?4 J- U0 x5 _9 |' i* Y% S; `4 Y+ FRaid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet., M/ k/ z3 _' Z4 p
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes ( T5 P) m8 y5 A0 z/ E# U5 Y0 L, V
Japanese aircraft: d" Q( I, w6 j' A3 L! H! o
      A6M2 Zero x 11+ M5 v3 w" \6 t: u3 l4 |+ [3 O- X7 e
      G3M2 Nell x 7
# u  G4 ^8 H" Z$ P$ y1 F) IJapanese aircraft losses' e# P9 Z( h) f7 I0 }  r
      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged + \. ]9 q4 Q; h+ Z
Aircraft Attacking:7 x3 J- z0 \+ z! D& v) q
       7 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 10000 feet- n9 a, Y! C, ?7 [
               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb 5 M  a7 |7 u8 s+ o9 G
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------) r& U- a1 v7 a; q+ G
Morning Air attack on 6th Aus Cav Brigade, at 50,100 (Bandoeng) 1 D0 c+ D) T% o% y0 [2 o, _
Weather in hex: Overcast 9 f% l& I% {, J  b; f0 \" \
Raid detected at 20 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
6 u7 S4 y  T- ?! o# PEstimated time to target is 7 minutes
: C- _( @( \5 {  s* ZJapanese aircraft
- [; k) t$ o+ ?( f: i/ c      G4M1 Betty x 9
& O( y! i& l1 m- RNo Japanese losses
, Q9 p  [# F2 u* BAllied ground losses:  k  a( y+ V5 P- F
      4 casualties reported  m9 V" D( P. H7 v. z' [% \* d+ x
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
0 n3 Z% j) j) I$ o; g         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled6 a& |7 B1 ?5 f' q1 B  _- a
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
/ I" d7 F. |( z- M4 TAircraft Attacking:
9 ]3 J' o) e9 ~6 X! T$ T2 P' q       9 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 10000 feet7 g3 D: a/ s0 U/ I1 l5 ~! s4 u  L! ~
               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb ' H/ ^" s& K! ]0 D2 _' j. R! l3 n
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' b, h3 \, v  X* l, y( \
Morning Air attack on ML-KNIL , at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
% h* H, r8 Y1 r" G. Y* A" XWeather in hex: Overcast
+ b" R  X$ h  y6 r+ u5 a6 nRaid detected at 42 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
* y# p: g0 h+ B6 r7 _# DEstimated time to target is 16 minutes   Q4 L4 R; f( v
Japanese aircraft
- j; O4 N, D) j      G3M2 Nell x 13
. p. d' z8 u7 U: D4 _. t+ CJapanese aircraft losses
2 T5 e- j0 B+ }9 S. @      G3M2 Nell: 3 damaged
/ w7 ?: g+ X$ NAircraft Attacking:
/ R0 U! _7 `3 O9 D$ Q      13 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 10000 feet *
" j/ k# @# B% Z0 U+ J3 E% y               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb" X3 D3 I/ Z# I
3 P/ h" N  N* B) F4 EMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
" t9 x+ U+ O8 c8 Z' R: ~+ QWeather in hex: Overcast 7 k, C) q, {: K
Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
5 ?& u& P0 ]. q) K* S! ?) I( R9 qEstimated time to target is 25 minutes
& {* \9 s, G/ b' Q  d! c- ?* SJapanese aircraft  R6 x- G/ t& h) y- l
      A6M2 Zero x 20" E, |: r+ M% w# f5 ]6 T$ I9 {
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 42+ y& i/ u9 u# h: U3 N8 {9 C9 D
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 41
* p# p7 c; o+ O* _; A( v      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 3
, d( _4 E! E5 C9 W' X4 U      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 26& i; s5 a7 G7 R$ b) s$ }
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 3
  c; z+ |. i' n      Ki-51 Sonia x 20
- |0 }/ M. B) P! `! Z* K; BAllied aircraft
9 w, O( n' V, f, D$ {, e      no flights 8 ~8 g( [% `5 b0 I1 x; W
Japanese aircraft losses5 l6 p- _* N* M% H0 d; v/ s3 H
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 6 damaged( y% |/ U, \: x: w6 z
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 1 damaged6 w8 U3 Z! O. O1 |6 e
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 8 damaged
0 ?" o9 x4 s! S9 N4 K      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 2 damaged
. f! i) x/ F. F# W      Ki-51 Sonia: 3 damaged3 e, m: c6 |- i0 y5 i1 K
      Ki-51 Sonia: 1 destroyed by flak
; M' i; a6 L- n& VAllied aircraft losses
, Q/ ^9 G2 B' v8 n5 G      139WH-3: 2 damaged  m/ m& G" h8 n5 Z3 K; v
      FK-51: 1 damaged1 @7 b5 j9 Z& u
      FK-51: 1 destroyed on ground
2 ^6 W: z! x, m      B-25C Mitchell: 10 damaged
! M* B5 \4 h0 _) |$ T* P      B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed on ground
" r% [: p9 M$ X+ b. v# D      PBY-5 Catalina: 2 damaged
) q, l0 V7 v/ }+ m/ q5 AAllied ground losses:! i  v! t) t! }! ~* a: }- G+ |
      5 casualties reported
# F- R3 [* }# I' P8 ?2 D! M! L         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
( B/ O" H$ w! }; w) a/ d, i         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
+ R  {" v7 t$ _         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
1 |4 E  D% |8 n2 J# x; t; ?Airbase hits 2
5 L$ N) m. r' P. YAirbase supply hits 2
- a/ D% D$ Q- N2 K+ J1 gRunway hits 30
: S7 |# @5 [$ U  \' \----------------------------------------------------------
. C  H3 {' n8 ?- `8 i' `Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  2 ^& p6 W# P  s+ f+ [/ i/ y& F% }/ \
Weather in hex: Overcast
) V/ w: e/ N& u8 Z' PRaid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
8 z- x$ p- c( _* L0 S: \/ a+ uEstimated time to target is 12 minutes
9 |- w* z: M9 B7 R9 b' tJapanese aircraft5 J5 q( F+ a1 }- ?/ ]! L
      A6M2 Zero x 30
& d$ @; l/ e. u' v+ m% B/ C% x% T      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 9
# X: v5 h. u0 ~& m2 y: |$ c      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 14
% s! w7 L6 P- n/ A      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 20
1 o% r& }' C* l6 P& J  u8 wAllied aircraft8 _+ @2 R- Z( P
      no flights & \& V, g. ~: d! x# U! [0 _4 G! G
Japanese aircraft losses
, d9 w/ c5 Z, M6 Q# T9 s1 m      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged! \' q; g/ t' G; ~3 R
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 2 damaged5 e$ t& q# L5 ~( q, N1 u: D
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 4 damaged
8 O2 Z5 M6 T& p# \2 L* HAllied aircraft losses( ?( d# e4 `; c0 R% O8 c
      139WH-3: 1 damaged
! ]: i8 h! A4 t+ KAirbase hits 2
7 F: h! b7 f5 [3 p6 p$ ?) dRunway hits 5; t' w6 f5 Q" H! q
----------------------------------------------------------------- 8 a" I  q0 ^4 H$ x9 R! ^! ]
Ground combat at 62,50 (near Lashio)
, N! V; M% T2 r6 ^( v: AJapanese Deliberate attack + N2 f# \2 q3 X: A& R& \
Attacking force 2114 troops, 20 guns, 80 vehicles, Assault Value = 81
! t5 n1 h+ C; GDefending force 475 troops, 11 guns, 4 vehicles, Assault Value = 30 + B! p5 k) `: u+ G. X0 P1 U! s
Japanese adjusted assault: 48  
4 h" g. H3 A8 V4 f9 L" g' k9 J0 XAllied adjusted defense: 22  $ e# m* {& j. `& ?
Japanese assault odds: 2 to 1  
8 Q3 v# |$ A5 [5 i: [" S6 v. S0 KCombat modifiers
. a4 ^8 L$ {2 s; J( [Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), morale(-), experience(-)6 L# d8 w0 B1 L
4 [' @4 Q& z4 t7 c$ O- DJapanese ground losses:
+ h6 c/ b0 K$ p$ f- ^$ ~' ]5 t! ~3 U      20 casualties reported$ z; B; U3 U( H0 J" q
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
& `* w3 Q0 A4 Q6 ?# r         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled8 Q: Q2 K3 L, X
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled / u( g3 L; [7 u' z+ [/ |# T
Allied ground losses:
$ H- u- p6 G3 t      163 casualties reported
" B4 h  e/ {3 h         Squads: 5 destroyed, 8 disabled
( j. p! ~) }  R' l; Q         Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 2 disabled7 F& e6 H& Z' R6 f% t+ I* F
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled. f. a: J1 g( }: L  N" L
      Vehicles lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)
9 f1 [0 n$ g4 `4 b: ^; d" }      Units retreated 1 0 M) y  t: b9 Y# B
Defeated Allied Units Retreating!
) j9 P; f. P6 t3 x. ~8 mAssaulting units:5 ?: u2 [6 F0 l$ q: n
    14th Tank Regiment
- T* x  Q! b& _    17th Indpt Guards Regiment 9 ^3 q  B, i4 g* Y$ z- ^6 k: ]* @- _
Defending units:  l# i5 m% U- t  h* ^. W4 L; d5 Y
    Rangoon BAF Battalion
6 n6 n3 W* y: r---------------------------------------------------
  D% }0 g; r/ e" |# M9 w$ BGround combat at 60,49 (near Taung Gyi)
4 x4 q0 ?9 m' u  d8 s, z2 @0 d5 yAllied Deliberate attack
2 l2 @  B  K7 M2 C/ hAttacking force 6714 troops, 68 guns, 619 vehicles, Assault Value = 443 # l6 A5 A  d' ], A4 [4 E
Defending force 1406 troops, 9 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 52
% R! H/ B4 ^' Z6 L9 RAllied adjusted assault: 197  
0 X7 L' [$ d7 H* U% g  Q# pJapanese adjusted defense: 28  
, C9 A. N4 W( G3 Y  J4 l  TAllied assault odds: 7 to 1  6 d/ }0 {. {% f% V
Combat modifiers
- ^1 Z$ ]: e1 R9 ^" GDefender: terrain(+), fatigue(-), supply(-)9 ~, q" _: K8 J. O6 Q
Attacker:  ( b# }( E: l8 ]8 p9 P/ V
Japanese ground losses:% p7 i! ?; d5 J: l4 w' l
      914 casualties reported
8 T0 \2 H( z2 t. S6 O( n         Squads: 39 destroyed, 7 disabled9 i) H" ~4 |" D8 ^: s/ K6 _( i
         Non Combat: 20 destroyed, 11 disabled4 ]2 x. v2 s6 e8 q8 z' `
         Engineers: 3 destroyed, 0 disabled( g! i9 b1 y! \: W2 D
      Guns lost 5 (4 destroyed, 1 disabled)
3 E' `* A  q  }% G- h% a3 V  t      Units retreated 2   ?" T5 q8 m$ w% Y' m
Allied ground losses:& c4 j2 y9 H3 @% I
      63 casualties reported8 ?. ~9 Y, I4 U
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled! i$ F0 z3 G# `' }7 L0 a& p/ O
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
  B3 @. q$ w- Y         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
: c, W$ y8 u) F+ q3 HDefeated Japanese Units Retreating!
, Z+ Y% b4 A' e% _0 m3 Z, pAssaulting units:
! ]1 C' Y/ P, u& Q) f' V    3rd Carbiniers Regiment% p, N4 o. E6 ?/ Z
    255th Armoured Brigade
/ K# Z6 p1 G, Q0 Z+ l* h5 l    50th Tank Brigade+ K  Z2 I0 C3 h
    254th Armoured Brigade
# u7 l9 O  J% W) H! |    7th Armoured Brigade
& ^" e7 a% p8 I4 \# }Defending units:, y, D% }8 N/ }" U  I3 @9 d. E
    1st Raiding Regiment
) l) h' j6 u2 m    1st RTA/B Division
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, f4 ~9 L6 f3 d2 u" ^: D随着p43装备国军,国军开始了空中游击,能打下一架是一架。
- c/ [/ U0 b5 f$ v" x6 S6 B1 e--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* a0 |9 n2 C- _9 I& W
Amphibious Assault at Luganville (120,150)
) J6 [# t4 K9 F" x+ l& JTF 34 troops unloading over beach at Luganville, 120,150 $ U5 K4 o# e( U
Japanese ground losses:
' f5 [2 d* ^& H* ]) Q: W      62 casualties reported3 \4 R3 n  }  M! @- S& V
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 8 disabled
7 ]" R  T# s* V6 ^. O& W         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
1 Q4 d) m5 n* [! H* {         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ! z: g# y5 ^& `* j
17 troops of a SNLF Squad lost overboard during unload of Maizuru 1st SNLF  
% ?4 K& c8 P- M* n  _--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 U. f& O7 c8 mMorning Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng) + V# t+ Y* L8 r5 N% T4 f* B( h
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
) O% R8 d  @: F  jRaid detected at 75 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
/ C1 |8 G2 a) y, j+ MEstimated time to target is 26 minutes 4 n! I" O9 J0 _2 @8 u
Japanese aircraft& `! k% y) k/ Q6 p7 Z% E0 e
      A6M2 Zero x 1
7 E  r1 f9 y" k9 n) Z, ~2 z8 E      G3M2 Nell x 24
+ m$ r% Z/ c. c- ^2 f& w      G4M1 Betty x 29
4 F5 r7 p- }( v6 ?" X( {# w7 ]Japanese aircraft losses
* W1 O* z1 f5 \( ~7 s! b      G3M2 Nell: 2 damaged * w' C" S8 {8 I
Allied ground losses:* c; E# f$ u4 G% E: x5 k
      6 casualties reported
/ n% k3 O0 @: e% D* s         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled' K7 t  a0 R7 M. _' Q1 R
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled, V; m& d6 f/ A
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled1 m) E( `7 R8 p: F; y5 N
' l( ^  H: y- ~5 t( g( e/ r* TMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  4 Y, G) r6 \9 R& K* T, O  I5 ]
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms / @% a2 R% ^5 Y. a
Raid detected at 48 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.! ~; a' w2 A% K, Y. Q& B% s3 h
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes
0 u1 K; W* N, Y- _5 R! @Japanese aircraft
9 P: W5 _* a- ~1 ~      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 6- S4 o" j5 l" B% J
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 19" L& I3 i) y; r) T8 L+ [
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 18
; V$ o7 j: {5 V  o* v! l( D/ L% P      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 10
$ j1 m1 i2 r# _) s9 Z% ]6 \      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 7
3 E: ]9 k3 N* l" K& z" y      Ki-51 Sonia x 1 ) a7 j9 _) M1 {8 H3 j  k7 {
Allied aircraft9 T; ~3 s- y' i3 _% _, t! S' W
      no flights 7 E$ Q; C1 e0 `0 U5 @% k
Japanese aircraft losses
4 F# J& }3 I" {' v6 ^' C2 ?: O9 z      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 4 damaged
! S4 I8 I+ H. R# L0 x      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 4 damaged
; r) J5 o# x( o; s, n5 B1 J      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged1 n3 X' o" \$ S' l- [! B; \( ~
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 5 damaged / ?: L* f1 P2 }
Allied aircraft losses
' L/ h* f. g8 A: l      139WH-3: 1 damaged 6 p2 A6 `; y& _0 L( ^9 g' O+ |
Runway hits 64 R2 _- \/ e9 i- }* T
-----------------------------------------------------------* _% A# H0 K! g2 L
Morning Air attack on Soerabaja Base Force, at 50,100 (Bandoeng) ) [- ~7 x; A/ K& e/ I
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms 6 U" U- k* L- M
Raid detected at 51 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
3 @5 J6 ~0 C6 s4 P) J6 qEstimated time to target is 16 minutes
8 i! [9 U7 ]) ?9 K: B# iJapanese aircraft: g  W9 B8 U$ ]4 r1 @+ ~
      A6M2 Zero x 43$ h& P& q0 x' {8 u- K
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 9
" A1 z5 P$ M; N4 I1 G/ \' b. B      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 200 f; w1 R/ V, |& H2 H6 a6 c4 ]
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 19
: a0 Q; R: Y( _4 f( S% d" F7 y      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 16
- D* j. ~- Q9 G! X      Ki-51 Sonia x 18 - H7 [. n4 B& c& T* T$ ]7 ]
Japanese aircraft losses
4 Q, m3 X0 U* O( p3 P. W      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged6 H/ L2 t5 M0 ]; Q9 t5 p
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 2 damaged
1 a, B: H5 H# ~- ~6 S      Ki-51 Sonia: 3 damaged
2 W8 V, P/ E' y2 n6 ~: R- @---------------------------------------------------------) q2 }. h% Z5 J. H
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  " J9 b2 N7 h  O3 i3 l$ W! ?8 s9 s5 j
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
. A4 E$ V( y6 d' }  y/ E2 XRaid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.- t% B3 L' \5 I& n
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes 2 z0 ~$ f2 [* ^' d: B
Japanese aircraft2 t3 I6 i: l0 o: o
      A6M2 Zero x 174 e# r+ V  I: R( S5 m1 r3 B
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 423 E  ~" I( V/ V5 w8 y  g, \3 v
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 303 b  L1 D9 d2 B- T9 V1 u1 T+ H
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 9 - y: f, k$ e1 b
Allied aircraft) O- t& O' P" p# H5 U
      no flights , A/ X0 `. V' B0 F/ w& q* N
Japanese aircraft losses
5 e& p! b, P3 i) ^3 ^      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 5 damaged, C9 G$ J/ k, D' d
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 5 damaged 1 _+ ]8 r7 {; ]- F3 e$ H
Allied aircraft losses
& M/ X: u1 X" u& }      139WH-3: 2 damaged
" L) ]7 M7 a" k7 k      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged
5 ]" h+ C# |5 Z$ s7 _  v. \      CW-22 Falcon: 1 damaged 5 A4 K: O' H0 F% S
Allied ground losses:
' o9 a2 z& E1 d& f# ]! i' }      6 casualties reported% q; g: c! F! I0 ?* b1 I( m7 [
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled7 c. S) S, W3 y* m
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled4 ^: d5 w8 n0 b8 z! `
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled : Z: o6 V! W4 A; n; L. Y
Airbase hits 29 c) \8 o( R  Y7 }
Runway hits 15" _/ }! A! h% M; e
----------------------------------------------------------# x  S. U' {9 W/ Q: P6 u7 o3 ?$ o
Morning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  
" d' f- I7 M9 n/ u# w5 p3 iWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
, F7 ]8 j7 i6 P, E9 {  Y( TRaid spotted at 29 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.4 C" W( V! E" p3 o2 d5 K
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes , F/ {+ ^& u* g9 m; ?) P4 n
Japanese aircraft
0 X5 A6 E/ _$ u$ x, n) ]' ~, e9 w' g      Ki-21-Ic Sally x 17& e1 r$ t( d. n8 i
      Ki-30 Ann x 21
% v* M5 F* F3 Z: C! z' o- p$ a      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 1
1 q( R3 A/ P8 V) xAllied aircraft1 k/ Y- D6 S+ ?# k& d: M
      H81-A3 x 9
! ^; h. p) i: x      P-43A-1 Lancer x 10 % Q, [" P5 b- L9 f4 [
Japanese aircraft losses
. N' k. W8 g, i4 |; A' {% S      Ki-21-Ic Sally: 3 destroyed, 8 damaged
/ O6 Y/ n( A) J6 u      Ki-30 Ann: 6 destroyed, 3 damaged
' E7 q/ s  e+ a& E; p: V; h      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 damaged
* s9 }3 w  x0 L( @3 c9 JNo Allied losses
$ i* n) F% [( w5 R7 wAirbase supply hits 1
* d* {2 ], b; S8 R; K' u8 oRunway hits 8$ T( M" p" q$ F8 w$ u* c
--------------------------------------------------------! I5 v) b* N1 R9 s6 o+ N9 ^' ~) W
Morning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  
$ v9 q6 `5 M0 H, r+ xWeather in hex: Thunderstorms + S. n2 @9 N+ ]9 H' ^) z
Raid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
# o( A: E) Z1 a) ?( W: wEstimated time to target is 5 minutes
- @; b5 U) p1 `3 H; N& l- ]7 \Japanese aircraft, g" F! i# `: ^9 j, W, C4 c) U
      Ki-21-Ic Sally x 25
4 ^: t' e6 w1 K% w  e7 w% aAllied aircraft( a- B* u. d/ @9 i  p4 `: J  x* q
      H81-A3 x 3
  D( n- Z8 j# P' D      P-43A-1 Lancer x 3 2 P8 Q4 \7 D. j& c+ F, \, ]/ O6 K
Japanese aircraft losses+ T$ K; p' }" u" Y! y
      Ki-21-Ic Sally: 1 destroyed, 6 damaged
9 z1 Q# t4 X+ f; BNo Allied losses
+ o/ [& o* X( g- m% vAirbase supply hits 1$ o# d. D7 y6 R( ]" G1 T$ ]
Runway hits 3
6 O- P) F, G' V# l4 \" I" _-------------------------------------------------------
. p( s4 ]$ ~9 x. h6 j! t8 C4 K6 YMorning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  
; @4 r0 z, d+ N0 x( NWeather in hex: Thunderstorms , S7 ~! }/ B) k2 g
Raid spotted at 33 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.; O: ?# _  k2 z" B) k8 L
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes
# o- t& ^, s5 M! t3 a+ z$ wJapanese aircraft& Y, J2 y. k% H% A9 p# [# M
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 9& e- E) k+ |: E- V& U9 e
      Ki-30 Ann x 16 ( T# P6 s/ m3 x( }, T0 ^- m
Allied aircraft
9 n% m( p9 X, V3 U( G5 j7 `* T      H81-A3 x 1
& O- _  u: K6 k& C0 I      P-43A-1 Lancer x 1
5 u- u0 G; }# @7 V, V7 I7 ]Japanese aircraft losses' d9 q/ @/ f% |: T) @# z  S
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
$ s# Z7 x; c8 P7 K" m8 T7 n4 H      Ki-30 Ann: 1 damaged 7 s2 R5 A4 x2 }! S8 J, Q* f
No Allied losses
. }" v, o9 d; lAirbase hits 4
% J$ z, N  r! J' L4 `0 o. b! ?8 gAirbase supply hits 1( j# {3 T8 [6 O$ r( E5 q* p
Runway hits 3
5 f* A$ |8 f' i: b) g! a9 K------------------------------------------------------------7 b% p8 h( m) T1 Q1 j
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
6 t3 s% T6 j1 m+ z$ _' }6 GWeather in hex: Thunderstorms % u  ~- E4 x+ O8 c( H7 a
Raid detected at 26 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
: F6 u2 W' d4 K0 \; aEstimated time to target is 8 minutes
6 T' G3 v) n1 Q; `2 ?3 `5 jJapanese aircraft
& ~" a# x1 M6 I" ~      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 17   W: m5 Z- j& v# |6 t
Allied aircraft* i+ d/ Z" b2 h2 j  F
      no flights
% R; n- \2 ^- X. x( V7 MJapanese aircraft losses
9 T2 O; P# E. F" ]2 V      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged
0 X) r8 X2 O! N( UAllied aircraft losses
8 b- p6 d+ I3 e/ X, E      CW-22 Falcon: 1 damaged2 t, {" f7 R' }+ Y$ [
      B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged & c8 ?6 q. d+ v- E6 b0 F+ z
Airbase hits 2
6 j2 c  y! \* ?) }- x; eRunway hits 7
4 b* c4 W1 r4 P3 @2 EAircraft Attacking:6 N7 F% ?- {3 `# T
      17 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet
' J& @8 Z3 q+ D# T$ L$ h               Airfield Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb" w% W6 Y( D7 A) n. M" ~& j" ~. g+ V0 N
# }+ _3 n2 I5 E4 l) N$ f  k, c- M8 }Amphibious Assault at Efate (120,154)
5 p: y2 M2 c/ _5 NTF 73 troops unloading over beach at Efate, 120,154
8 H  P% H8 N3 |  b/ d6 H# Y3 {Japanese ground losses:& ?- J" ^+ \# X& }9 N. ~, F1 Z, j2 u
      87 casualties reported
2 L* o+ l; }7 a' ~1 z         Squads: 1 destroyed, 13 disabled8 }  w2 F1 W0 u& P* a! k
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 13 disabled
3 c, D/ ], R* U; X         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
3 o' H" A2 I) v5 S; }      Guns lost 3 (0 destroyed, 3 disabled) ) w8 t7 \$ j$ J
17 troops of a SNLF Squad accidentally lost during unload of 83rd Nav Gd( a. J+ t' k& G) v' {1 P: S
10 Support troops lost overboard during unload of 83rd Nav Gd /5% @+ L( ~( \: R0 q7 S  \& I
& o( o& s$ H  a- JGround combat at 48,89 (near Djambi)
5 I( ^0 a, v( X& ^Japanese Deliberate attack * k- S7 l8 `( t. C  P0 ]( [! g
Attacking force 2109 troops, 9 guns, 42 vehicles, Assault Value = 79 ) j2 H6 }( V( o. Y( X3 f( R
Defending force 130 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1
! Z4 t' ~* Y! ]* ?: @; Z# \9 E0 xJapanese adjusted assault: 30 , q: g3 Q( ^1 j% K! y0 V; d
Allied adjusted defense: 1  2 F# ~7 {& f# M+ Y" w' Q0 K
Japanese assault odds: 30 to 1  
$ H2 O6 J- P! i  j- ~, E. uCombat modifiers
7 T5 j  \% U& j8 G9 O0 xDefender: terrain(+), op mode(-), fatigue(-), experience(-)( ]2 u) N' s5 |
supply(-). Z* m7 }5 H0 V+ Z- e
Attacker: fatigue(-) - m" X5 I) A+ Z8 a
Allied ground losses:1 n( _5 O0 L1 a+ y
      18 casualties reported
9 G" _1 b3 N9 ?4 N4 G) }( g  H: T         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled$ q( u; \' \$ N* J2 e) p4 W4 @
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled/ O- k5 G8 n3 W4 n8 z8 E0 B' T
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
1 ]2 g4 P: _+ L; E: y+ \7 [Assaulting units:! v4 J7 i  ]+ }
    41st Guard Battalion
9 T, ]) [3 M# F& N5 E; v; a    2nd Recon Regiment & V3 k7 Q, [! W; I1 j4 c$ c$ U9 n
Defending units:+ j+ W7 Z! R0 J% v. m( j
    Medan Coastal Gun Battalion