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1941的日本由于被我各爱好和平国家实施经济制裁和石油禁运~国民生活水平日益下降~日酋阿虎更是忙于打地下黑拳~赚取参赛费以补贴家用~由于拳技欠佳~被打成轻微脑震荡~窝床修养整整五天~~全然不顾天皇对英米开战的御令~五日之后日本陆海军终于才在日酋阿虎一声BANZAI的命令下开始进攻~~由于开战命令迟到了五天~各地日军早已士气全无~怨声载道~结果日军的偷袭战果自然差得令日酋吐血 ~~PH的米军BB群最高SYS仅为59~进水最高才61~威克岛登陆的日寇更是惨不忍睹~~第一天的不顺预示着日本帝国灰暗的前景~~& P+ o. n* n7 O1 g+ s
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
原帖由 reninhat 于 2007-3-14 19:19 发表3 J$ ]8 b  \: g6 l1 p
1 A) F* f- Q1 Q  s' c- Y" c. l" F* A9 o% w! R: G" ~
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
41.12.8   b, \' o* O! m8 R. i, v
战事一如既往~日寇继续在各登陆点巩固滩头~同时组织了3波大规模空袭~目标为哥打巴鲁 克拉克基地 新加坡~~在新加坡实施空袭的日寇遭到AVG为首的盟军阻击~~第三航空队损失10架0战~同时还被击落16架96式陆攻~盟军各种飞机损失28架~
6 w+ ^  v8 ^! p( e- X没能得到陆空军支援的38师团再次猪突香港~不出所料的打出0:1~~
* u: W! Q. D, b0 `+ i* cKB已开始南下~不过由于头上顶着雨云~没有任何动作~盟军的坎顿特快早已甩掉KB上千英里了
6 ]% l' Q7 N2 I% f$ |+ f# v当日盟军损失飞机47架 日军损失40架& f$ n% C- G7 E/ v6 [
! R: w- R- w1 O
[ 本帖最后由 starlh 于 2007-3-15 15:54 编辑 ]
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
新加坡距离西贡足足10格距离~已经接近0战的极限航程~0战战斗力大大下降~~初期的新加坡是用AVG的好地方~另外可以随时到南洋去为Z舰队 米军亚洲舰队 以及荷兰舰队 护航~另外盟军最高司令以下令南洋各地开始转移燃料 补给 资源 原油 决不给鬼子留下一分一毫~~
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
3 E* t* ~. F0 x! V! G4 MDay Time Surface Combat, near Kavieng at 61,860 L% V7 N. `0 Z; l, l6 M, a

1 ]3 P% \: ~' B6 Z! }Japanese Ships# \! Y& e5 g% L& ]  |& _4 Z
MSW Tama Maru, Shell hits 8, and is sunk
) c$ c& O0 }4 c9 Q6 bPG Choan Maru #2, Shell hits 5,  on fire,  heavy damage
0 D# @' U: U, l, Z7 G9 H( uPG Choko Maru #2, Shell hits 17 \1 g9 }7 E# D5 s! }: P
PC Takunan Maru #2, Shell hits 1) J5 j5 o6 q* e/ Y% x6 E
AP Kaijo Maru #2
5 U  |) T$ l" j2 t$ J- o" Q/ \* O8 \AP Katsuragisan Maru
& |& {  U% W  \% C$ ?$ R9 I6 qAP Koshu Maru #2, Shell hits 2+ {4 O: n3 ?7 ?( P" r$ @( N
AP Kotobuki Maru #5, Shell hits 4,  on fire,  heavy damage
# O  N' [2 `* p' z* ` : P1 R  q- d; {2 i: o
Allied Ships
( s! y5 r1 A. e5 R6 Z& G$ ?$ SCL Adelaide, Shell hits 1
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.