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% l* S$ ^+ X4 ~; glhdblys 发表于 2014-7-30 12:48
/ l  J# v* x( P- X& a, {3 l( C9 |4 [/ I* k  U

, z$ D$ w- R% p" _, X' G/ o' r; I: k: _3 Q+ ~6 b
- u. r5 X. Q, I' H8 q& X0 Z
" [$ A  ?0 \9 F4 v$ Z  L1 }
6 ?: ^- ^, V6 ], u; J& `另外天蝗你确定在盟军反攻中得到的经验能用在其他岛众身上吗
380# 冷情人 , y# Y2 A8 l7 t$ Y: S9 V: n$ J
更新一下,现在按回合结束到42年10月6日。。还要继续按1年以上的回合结束,实在是考验人的意志力啊··! q5 H' d- ?( A+ D
% j3 z. m8 j8 r
1 f  `: a% n) ~7 K另外,貌似新版本里经常出现29(1)的修复后不动,实在让人很吐血啊···
382# 冷情人
3 i4 C8 K' U9 K3 l5 ~- @
7 l: b3 c. d- J4 u4 q" X加油~~~万里长征~~~
6 r9 a: [% T* u" p6 R
4 U- {  x, I+ j; F' ANight Time Surface Combat, near Pukapuka at 157,158, Range 8,000 Yards
* ?6 i$ A, c& B  s
* C$ C' g7 Y% ^1 q4 A0 JJapanese Ships
; c2 |5 I! d! }9 a- |" }      DD Minekaze
# ?3 I- z+ Q. K$ j- Q      DD Sawakaze9 K( h  o6 v* f0 R( w. V
      DD Okikaze% a8 w$ ^( p9 M4 d
      DD Hakaze
# f6 ?5 e% F* V" l      DD Yukaze
- p& T5 s. r3 [& g      DD Nokaze: Y7 Y  n3 T' Z# I, L! _
+ k7 [+ c: {$ K1 ?
Allied Ships
! J, Y# [6 K0 L. a; s' H) X      AM Ballarat, Shell hits 15, and is sunk
% A3 u' E) J  x9 L: R8 q      xAKL Absaroka, Shell hits 9,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
9 m0 i4 L" d6 G; ]      xAKL Legazpi, Shell hits 6,  heavy fires5 J* g0 C0 L: |/ r; ]$ l  e4 d
      xAKL Luzon, Shell hits 9,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
+ D- M, m$ m" C+ a9 R! _/ r      xAKL Mauban, Shell hits 17,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
& X' Y7 P+ Y$ E, o2 `7 n  J      xAKL Chengtu, Shell hits 11,  on fire
  _, h) ]1 d, i% F4 |! N& d- j      xAKL Lyemun7 u# M& E. L9 W
      xAKL Marudu
1 D5 p1 c1 Z" s) U+ ~/ K6 |/ t      xAKL Oriskany, Shell hits 20, and is sunk
3 [* Z' a- l8 L      xAKL Soochow, Shell hits 6
- p; @) E5 k2 @; q      xAKL Silindoeng, Shell hits 23, and is sunk. L' r0 [/ f  |2 O* x! U9 A: R" z
      xAKL Sipora, Shell hits 4,  on fire
& I2 U# j4 @6 M( ~7 S0 b3 w; r      xAKL Bordvik, Shell hits 18,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
; {" N* [% x$ _% M      xAKL Prominent, Shell hits 36,  heavy fires,  heavy damage% m4 d8 z; q* b5 J& Q$ W+ s
      xAKL Proteus, Shell hits 27, and is sunk2 p$ d- {* N7 H* [7 \1 H
      AM Moa, Shell hits 27, and is sunk7 C, Y& o4 e# k0 _
* _2 q) \2 r  Z0 }# x0 T4 K
Allied ground losses:
# ]! W7 ~; t" p      Vehicles lost 67 (45 destroyed, 22 disabled)
3 O4 ~; V. \' f- z. I5 [9 y/ z9 L9 }$ u4 u" z

6 v5 S' \# v- X  \      现在感觉有点奇怪,帕果离那里是10格的距离,本身设置了任务速度,反应6,居然能打上夜战??而且打完后又直接回到了帕果。。。有点想不通···
7 w5 i( _7 ?8 k+ M4 |8 k8 N% o" `对于反应过去的舰队,设置的任务速度,其实就是用全速来回的
                   KB 再 袭 旧 金 山!!
1 M+ ~# u+ U9 U" W# h
+ q. n% B$ L7 O& B% u( @+ s$ S8 `  B: W) C7 T# N3 J7 _( m
, {7 K! u" b7 p/ q0 {      之前,大本营故技重施,派AV到西海岸侦查又没有发现骑士桑的侦查,结果“无聊”的KB再次出动,重创港内多艘盟军主力舰船,其中几艘CVE弹药库爆炸,不知道是否沉没呢? 6 Q! J7 O+ c8 G/ H! E* H1 ~! p
! ~' `) G) K4 j3 F) D
Afternoon Air attack on San Francisco , at 218,70
; D$ @$ @2 K% s, C% y! f7 e/ C: l+ _) E( M1 D
Weather in hex: Clear sky
/ Z7 J2 N# x6 u2 v0 n1 N
- Z5 ?9 ?% t5 B: ~+ ERaid detected at 120 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.+ q' e4 J9 H% E0 [0 v; N6 ~
Estimated time to target is 51 minutes% b9 B: e# l: `% ^# Q( x0 Z

8 B- A* s7 H" ]4 ^- o" J* VJapanese aircraft, ?! U. W5 l+ v% f) S0 W7 h( v
      A6M2 Zero x 258
7 w/ O3 t0 P0 |( e: w1 D      B5N2 Kate x 2337 r( ]; L( I0 R/ b& a7 X; _# _$ F
      D3A1 Val x 25
$ c3 x" U9 Q/ Z6 j      D4Y1 Judy x 97& P0 o9 M. Q& ^. r& b9 N& B
3 b! i& h2 E5 ~
Allied aircraft# j# V0 ^8 z. {( E$ `+ o" o: L
      no flights6 v3 g4 z! F& `9 {  _
% M7 b2 `% y2 ^. P8 v
Japanese aircraft losses6 j/ B' S, C: c& c# o8 t
      A6M2 Zero: 6 destroyed
7 A; E3 {2 u$ [      B5N2 Kate: 29 damaged
+ J7 {6 Z7 o& _4 X9 t: {      B5N2 Kate: 4 destroyed by flak5 W# r( ?: U, n% X9 q3 `
      D3A1 Val: 4 damaged
: x: n' p) Q! x+ g5 |& i9 n      D3A1 Val: 4 destroyed by flak5 P6 z. U: K' N/ A- ^6 G% X1 I
      D4Y1 Judy: 3 damaged
9 U! ]7 }  a: J% }& C6 T      D4Y1 Judy: 5 destroyed by flak9 d" t  u. @) D
5 i; a( Q6 O$ Z7 d/ w* _
Allied aircraft losses
5 V' Z% z& p/ K+ Y; H      P-40E Warhawk: 10 destroyed( D- A6 e. v8 b: `8 c  x, g
      I-15-III: 2 destroyed
. Z5 D! I- H+ [! s  i      P-39D Airacobra: 7 destroyed
5 L" I; r5 V( o$ M  h      F4F-4 Wildcat: 1 destroyed
9 B3 Y' r5 B: Q      P-66 Vanguard: 1 destroyed
% P- x: o$ r) z5 h- K/ U      P-38F Lightning: 1 destroyed2 G3 N7 k0 w7 ^
      Martlet II: 4 destroyed+ O. c4 O. ?, y. w0 s3 y: b* ]

( s" I6 ~% p4 q8 B( S- ], ^Allied Ships
* i# s! F: `3 k1 S+ _      BB Washington, Bomb hits 6,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
# B& q( H# P, {$ A; I* U- J: J      BB Idaho, Bomb hits 11,  heavy fires,  heavy damage: v+ G7 h& ]0 @
      BB South Dakota, Bomb hits 14,  heavy fires/ O8 E  b# u1 H. q8 u6 ^  w" v' H
      CA Vincennes, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
! K  i! C+ l+ ]& \      CVE Prince William, Bomb hits 5,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
2 L! T5 E. o+ G+ l      CLAA Atlanta, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
$ \  @% }0 t3 A3 D      CL Phoenix, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
1 x( c  x$ `  d7 `, U/ c! ^+ f      xAP Peter Silvester, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires5 w$ v% d; ]8 n& o
      CVE Altamaha, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires
( K7 u+ C" ~9 [+ Q3 b% W      DMS Hovey, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
2 i  U  K( _5 h      DD Mustin, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
. J' V  Y! K% a      CA Exeter, Bomb hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage( _$ E8 t& C' C. F' F7 \; K  S
      CA Quincy, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires  T' L3 ^  J4 w* s1 p( ^: H9 Q
      CVE Nassau, Bomb hits 4,  heavy fires,  heavy damage( i; o9 y* T& J7 L$ I
      CVE Copahee, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires,  heavy damage' b1 K8 e. g0 _# t
      AGP Jamestown, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires
, f0 M5 l- i$ Y% l      CL Detroit, Bomb hits 1,  on fire9 p  X+ t* M" M' N3 Y/ r7 i
      CLAA San Juan, Bomb hits 3,  heavy fires7 k( D' T% \4 W, ^# L- k8 s
      CA Dorsetshire, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage  U% A( M0 R0 g; k/ y, E
      DMS Dorsey, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires1 w4 T* X9 A4 y
      SS Swordfish, Bomb hits 11 T. {* F( o* \) J5 C' U8 U
      CLAA San Diego, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
) e9 F$ }/ m7 R& e      CLAA Juneau, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
* G% S' P1 z& P1 W2 G) u      SS Gato, Bomb hits 1,  heavy damage; Q# u3 C  Q7 `6 b
      xAP George Ross, Bomb hits 1,  on fire$ v1 e& e4 K& c; Y
      SS Finback, Bomb hits 1,  heavy damage0 |$ D8 O7 Z) G
      DD O'Bannon, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires: N7 X' A' E" O$ Q7 x! }
      CL Achilles, Bomb hits 1' R" x. k. x9 W" W1 y; F
      CL Nashville, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
7 [) I. o, Q. D& K/ I( ~      CA Australia, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
! R' t' O& B, T/ b0 y, I' F) C      SS Flying Fish, Bomb hits 1,  heavy damage
2 y2 i) M4 a, Y; l, K8 [8 T, K      SC-636, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
5 D' R' a( I3 N9 {  m      SS Pickerel, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk! p/ e3 U2 n4 [3 E. h" |
      APD Gregory, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
. G. f; @2 n4 ^6 D' Y2 h. ^      DD Nicholas, Bomb hits 1' F$ `  u7 e1 W# w
      CM Terror, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
/ M, }4 s* }" }      CA Minneapolis, Bomb hits 1,  on fire& |6 D2 @& h- k# r5 |& d
      AV Chandeleur, Bomb hits 1,  on fire# ?" n; q* [1 o, w: I; @* ]
      AV Albemarle, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
4 g: e* G& M7 E0 q% [$ u# ^7 b: r      AKE San Angelo, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires5 R0 H1 }8 k) G6 o( `( d' }1 q
      CL Trenton, Bomb hits 1
1 U3 e5 p; q+ h( p) F& X$ S7 i      APD Little, Bomb hits 1
% _8 s& O& w& Z( j* O9 H
& M  o3 P3 k+ L' \) U  Q, gAllied ground losses:
/ U% R$ t9 z, S      11 casualties reported( Q; r% g% p% P% r3 q
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
. Y) h& b8 d; k5 I         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled8 _+ O5 J( H7 z( @
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled' e/ m) ]: @0 F/ {$ G! _: O$ E
- }+ r' M" \" {, [
Repair Shipyard hits 9
  _2 n# K8 n. q0 yPort hits 17) [! i; l1 ~$ p3 ^' U
Port fuel hits 2% @) u" M6 B: c: z( m1 K
Port supply hits 1

! C3 D0 L- o: o( u% I: A
" c# T/ V6 D; \$ D/ LFuel storage explosion on CVE Altamaha
. u8 r; R# h7 v- @" \9 f& RAmmo storage explosion on CVE Nassau
) ^3 I7 X2 d4 |  c- Z9 a* a5 \* aAmmo storage explosion on CVE Copahee
/ b; G4 N3 ^! yFuel storage explosion on CVE Nassau

" ?+ M) t$ w( g' T/ q' y7 }) p) s
/ g# g% a7 R' {7 S8 u" q
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本帖最后由 godkiller 于 2014-8-17 19:06 编辑
  R$ J- A7 ^  }0 {- m
" Q) U' D, M% V- R* Y起大火的就那么几艘。其中沉没的也就一小部分。不过应该大大奖励政治点。现实中民主党可以下台了。
继续折腾吧,等你把骑士大玩具都折腾没了。4 d1 r. z$ c7 q# C5 q# V

) k( P" D. m8 x& T: q  |" M也就离太监不远了。
本帖最后由 冷情人 于 2014-8-17 19:48 编辑
7 \# R6 k* z' x5 r- S" `, E, C
$ O# W; _+ r3 E# l3 f0 K不搞了,骑士桑生气了Kb是上午对海,下午炸港。结果一艘舰队都没发现,只能炸炸港慰籍下而已
这贴马克一下,算最后的留念吧。2 O5 e8 X" S* x) y% ^& |! M

. T0 c6 @$ k- X9 ]7 o9 I1 m; N继罗斯福脑淤血不治以后,杜鲁门总统也突发脑淤血不治。愤怒的军队警察和民兵武装包围了白宫及国会,麦克阿瑟将军黄袍加身,呼吁全体美国人抗战到底。从此美国走上了军国主义的道路,历史的车轮缓缓前进……