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( t0 {# P' R$ K4 O9 d+ v, ^
  `: V4 ~' U/ B3 f, B/ ^  [+ V9 d3 }AE里这种和自己事前设定不符的情况,之前我也多有遇到,也为此 ...
1 x- R8 V4 V- s* ^# Y: V& o/ V" n  Nwangqifeng 发表于 2014-11-6 02:00
3 e0 x( r, L3 h% Q这种事情是防不胜防,只能想办法尽人事。
ASW是在OP报告里体现4 C- u3 \! B4 ^/ c
reninhat 发表于 2014-11-6 05:20
. b+ f8 F2 r0 @: k# F( t倒是在op报告里看到过,asw飞机命中ss的报告3 N! q% _6 Z! v
至于ss被飞机击沉是否会详细记录原因 倒是没太留意# ^" z+ b) v% `
毕竟直接被反潜飞机击沉 也不是常有的事。% A# g4 _; @7 j# w5 ~5 o% a
至于cve直接报沉没 就更少见了。。。
Zero統領是設定空母編隊跟隨反潛編隊嗎?我有次反潛編隊反應距離沒調到0,空母跟著反潛隊去撞SS0 B* r+ ]4 O: K2 E6 t1 ~! x" z6 O
s9723 发表于 2014-11-6 13:20
$ I" P1 \5 l7 o' J2 C  B8 U0 A不是,是反过来的,而且2个舰队的反应都没开。6 \, ^% F. D9 K# k6 L
你看前面的编队图右上角也可以看到 航母编队是Followed by TF20
% a( U- w2 ]2 w1 u荷兰海军炮击新加坡对面的约翰巴鲁,期望能打乱日军过河的步伐,让一部分人先过河
- T0 v; a! d4 Q& u& o; J由于新加坡空军已经撤离,日军零战开始大量出现在仰光上空。- p7 E0 _9 e0 @9 F1 P3 e
8 m- J8 `2 N% L  Xkb也伴随而来,当天出现在了登陆编队南方,对汤斯维尔的几艘小船进行了打击。
, \3 c% |, \+ D+ r; ]" ]0 u3 {7 _-------------------------------------------------------------: D& i3 {7 ], q1 X5 |& n
Night Naval bombardment of Johore Bahru at 50,83
+ {9 C1 R; |, D: ^0 c" \Allied Ships
! K% `0 L* x) |6 @4 \$ O      CL Durban9 S* I3 T& H9 F! U
      CL Dragon, {; _" p9 P- ^- W
      CL Danae - }3 r  a" X% L, d+ Q
CL Durban firing at 4th Division
- N  r% z1 m# L9 }6 A- rCL Dragon firing at 38th Division
5 w/ ?4 y6 K2 I, SCL Danae firing at Imperial Guards Division
6 l  a3 \. F% D* x; ^; c--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Q. A1 _  h2 f6 AMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  8 u% r4 b; r2 s; _0 i2 g- t* D
Weather in hex: Severe storms
) Y2 I* ^  P+ lRaid spotted at 25 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.) \* |! g5 n1 F4 _" w2 N0 V( l
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes . O( V- v" ^# f2 H. U5 t5 H3 z
Japanese aircraft# Q$ z* l* x! `$ _+ G4 f
      A6M2 Zero x 33 . o7 v2 B: z/ N, Z# f" B
No Japanese losses
# e" s  \5 Q" S* TAircraft Attacking:
" q: B3 }8 y7 l& I' D- e9 ?6 R* I      33 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet, r8 A; y# C+ l, ^
: J/ ]9 e6 O% b$ F! BMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
9 S! F# C9 O7 O; O0 V4 FWeather in hex: Severe storms
  q0 M7 Y4 u0 b4 D/ H* [) qRaid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.: \5 v4 d% }- X" M+ x0 I
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes
+ V7 Z/ h! z+ ]% X) l# pJapanese aircraft' N4 c6 Q0 R) v- h
      A6M2 Zero x 33
1 D$ C" G0 i8 `& O# VNo Japanese losses
; C2 O1 K4 z8 j; C; X1 z7 @2 yAircraft Attacking:
- d9 m: {! @. p/ e1 h      33 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
! i8 g, P  e2 h7 Q) e( d+ u/ b6 p------------------------------------------------
* ~, Z0 k; W! ]7 j3 x- mMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
! K) g5 t: T* |5 K  V/ @Weather in hex: Severe storms
) Q8 y0 R, ~; s0 E) p4 m) n/ |; C: {Raid spotted at 21 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.9 x' k* g* g2 ~+ e7 O$ f
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
7 [( |) F& c" C, I7 h; i( VJapanese aircraft8 V; P4 J5 \# R- s5 G
      A6M2 Zero x 27
8 C+ D. R' X5 k& [% U1 @0 h+ ]+ PNo Japanese losses , l& U6 X  A& ~1 T
Aircraft Attacking:* O# h: P4 Z' U0 m( A) _( V
      27 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
/ X9 J9 u9 A6 k; D--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 s  d) O! e" J* bMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  2 |' c: W$ G9 G' C- @4 T
Weather in hex: Severe storms $ \" R  Z. t5 K6 j, E* U! T. u4 ~, [
Raid spotted at 36 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.9 r4 J; a  z1 i1 I
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
; M" z( j  a$ M. N6 `1 RJapanese aircraft: h5 x4 o5 o" l  e
      A6M2 Zero x 27 5 p& ]- E. y* N, O
No Japanese losses
$ n' e1 e* U" N# w3 W0 lAircraft Attacking:6 a. b( M  R5 r) ~7 {# U3 @
      27 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
' P$ P( t! l/ j& ^' s# E--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" {2 R" k, x5 Y1 n
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
' ^1 \% x) l; PWeather in hex: Severe storms + u6 a7 }6 ]6 h; s1 ~& m
Raid spotted at 12 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.& F  g: K9 G; Y$ e1 _
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes
/ N7 S- ]  p- M& o. OJapanese aircraft  I/ w& `4 J* F/ c) \
      A6M2 Zero x 9
, Q8 M, {7 b$ lNo Japanese losses
2 ^5 `& _* Y9 }  tAircraft Attacking:5 H6 d9 t. q/ N( M
       9 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
  O' q" F5 l; A, M$ x! X% T' F  e! {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ e  @1 j9 d/ f. ^5 x( ?% Q. Y
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53    ?6 S* E! ]) p7 j
Weather in hex: Severe storms
( |; Y' o! }! V. X" YRaid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.$ V; H8 b0 z9 _7 D
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes   z5 b! n% @, x
Japanese aircraft" K& p9 I, q' [
      A6M2 Zero x 9 " H, B  ?9 w" U. t# N
No Japanese losses
! e! n( T, x2 h4 k) p: B5 N! I' P2 PAircraft Attacking:4 Q8 o, J! }1 {! t& g
       9 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet % i( M* [& D$ l& j+ @) h
4 Q- J# o4 b9 m' t2 nMorning Air attack on Port Moresby , at 98,130  
! T( }- x+ ^: {3 P9 ZWeather in hex: Heavy rain
: f2 I7 }" h: ?9 `+ G9 }Raid spotted at 14 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
9 s  g& c6 x. c3 U4 x( [0 {5 UEstimated time to target is 5 minutes / h) [( D9 {2 }( Y1 l
Japanese aircraft
# {( e  \2 N7 r. ]' J      A6M2 Zero x 21
  q7 W0 Q8 X$ Q      G3M2 Nell x 90 s& `# s: O1 k  o% `/ h7 V
      G4M1 Betty x 22 * `. G- a$ P8 q; E' y4 t. r5 o! v
Japanese aircraft losses5 {2 R- [) {7 j9 U2 k
      G3M2 Nell: 2 damaged- K6 _& C+ R  c' {+ h4 P5 s  N
      G4M1 Betty: 3 damaged   J8 U5 s% N4 N  t0 E4 K
Airbase hits 37 Y2 z: G! f3 u8 A% {
Airbase supply hits 4
9 c% {3 U: a" T# l/ L. Z: ^; p; @Runway hits 5* M  m' w8 d. E1 K! j' g) L
$ ]0 {; L/ p' V0 Y( \! V$ e! HMorning Air attack on TF, near Townsville at 92,144
$ M5 ~9 ~6 C8 ]6 }) K9 p+ kWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
4 q3 g6 c- q! Z$ n2 ?( V) W+ H& vRaid spotted at 16 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.  [: Y$ x/ u3 e$ Z2 k
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes 6 [8 E* V; S/ \, b6 Q. L# j
Japanese aircraft) K$ I. e, ^( h: d0 y2 Y
      A6M2 Zero x 44. f, f3 c/ Z" L: F
      B5N2 Kate x 12
8 X, _# ]3 a6 k9 E  a      D3A1 Val x 22
8 t. l& r- c. b4 t: NJapanese aircraft losses0 k1 [, A, k  V9 M1 H/ q
      B5N2 Kate: 1 damaged
: f5 i+ x& K/ r# n      D3A1 Val: 1 damaged
" j1 v: T5 a! `+ kAllied Ships
2 t. R0 q% n, l6 D4 t) x* W: u: O      DD Voyager
) U# [% B) w! d1 j, o) _0 e      DD Ellet, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
4 D. N/ F& f, @( C- O1 E3 t      DD Fanning8 c& ~, m* y6 p2 f  L+ i
      AM Deloraine, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
3 ~* K' r3 @$ f7 zAircraft Attacking:
/ G6 g  i' w* O; ]+ t       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000' *
4 Q: O; j/ E3 Y& \7 {1 i               Naval Attack:  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb! x+ L( t7 w4 M& Y. U
      10 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000' * . H) o% ]) j' n5 y, L, @
               Naval Attack:  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb0 U. A. P: }0 [/ E; `2 c' j
      12 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
4 o9 T8 A3 S# P) P  r               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo8 ~$ \$ S2 E2 K' k! o% L
       1 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000' * 5 p  V" g) Y* S
               Naval Attack:  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb
/ |  L6 W( ~$ x" g8 |2 t       3 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000' * : f! ?2 o. |4 P) g
               Naval Attack:  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb
1 b6 R& c+ _0 W2 C       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000' *
0 p8 k0 D5 B8 z9 w6 I6 G               Naval Attack:  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb
& W$ K; n$ H- L--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 m* C* r2 H# S' W, ]2 W
Morning Air attack on TF, near Palm Island at 92,143
& Y1 q7 }, b8 y% y! KWeather in hex: Light rain ! I! G/ Y- U/ w+ U- `, P- d0 ^
Raid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.. T4 c( ?3 X1 v/ N& V
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes
" Y5 H% u+ o7 h, N* A  f$ rJapanese aircraft
, l5 q: o1 Z! n* S      A6M2 Zero x 9* O$ A) {( p  d' P) m
      B5N2 Kate x 13 - Z7 {) [) b/ I4 A
Japanese aircraft losses( G1 U% C& W& k# U2 }' `& T$ A
      B5N2 Kate: 1 damaged 0 F" `0 C& F+ N9 {
Allied Ships& L7 @4 b$ b  n# J; V+ B" e
      xAKL Hamakua, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
5 K8 b2 q2 D0 ?: g6 C- tAircraft Attacking:) V" B% h* G$ p$ T& X# s
      13 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet0 ?/ L6 A1 W% `7 C
               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo2 N; w/ r8 {( ?0 u! h' S
----------------------------------------------------% `1 o5 W$ X6 h+ H' Q, I, W4 b4 K
Morning Air attack on TF, near Townsville at 92,144
# L7 @/ `+ N4 }* j1 IWeather in hex: Thunderstorms ( _$ [2 J7 O+ ~: R/ G- |: f# I/ K* v3 g& }
Raid spotted at 37 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
2 b  V2 ^) t& }) Q- [Estimated time to target is 15 minutes
2 l0 e& r  P# f2 {; BJapanese aircraft! ?+ K4 ]/ ?* R! x' A( T
      B5N2 Kate x 13
0 }4 ^3 ~( x' `Japanese aircraft losses3 _% g! b0 J4 |& m) M
      B5N2 Kate: 2 damaged
$ G# i/ I; u8 k1 eAllied Ships
+ a, U* g+ {1 x8 e5 g2 a      DD Voyager3 B' Y0 o+ n% T- ]8 ^  }2 W; u# k0 U
      DD Ellet,  heavy fires % c* b9 b) b8 }, w! @: G, H
Aircraft Attacking:
0 Q6 c  d- x$ @4 F4 i      13 x B5N2 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet
& Z4 D$ W) ~7 j$ j3 Y" ^               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jan 25, 42" {0 ?0 F( Y! H1 c
日军正式登陆莫港,盟军炮兵部队在拼命还击,闲来无事的步兵只好躲在一旁& W% N  V- v$ `; A' Y) q" k" Q1 B
$ r; D3 U" @/ N! U白天的炮击显示,日军上来4个团步兵和坦克 550+战力,看来很坚决啊。
1 l" p, T" M& {7 L-----------------------------------------* R* h) H" v4 X
Pre-Invasion action off Port Moresby (98,130)
6 v% w8 t( h. ~+ {94 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
( a4 W4 }  r% ~5 \Japanese Ships8 n  `+ H" q9 G/ f/ @
      xAKL Kakyu Maru! v# H: C1 P2 m6 S5 j- @
      PB Myoken Maru
8 i0 X5 l9 e* V2 i0 y$ R      PB Kure Maru #5# Q$ B+ Q- O* M6 T# @
      xAK Kyusyu Maru
8 R9 d9 @1 @7 @+ W' ?- C/ t      xAP Haruna Maru
3 @1 O' B7 v* C8 \0 K0 q+ p% wJapanese ground losses:& G, {5 Z0 a  z! B8 ~9 [2 m. }
      72 casualties reported+ E2 J% Z; }2 v: i# T
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
( U8 g8 a) t* @9 s/ F6 Z2 ^6 Z/ J         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
% Y2 x$ a, q9 W& m: ~/ D; V         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled2 o- z4 V; R+ F3 I- W) f
5 W; p% m6 u0 ^- AAmphibious Assault at Port Moresby (98,130) & c2 @7 h* H+ v+ b" r+ @0 Y; b
TF 57 troops unloading over beach at Port Moresby, 98,130 2 m& z0 h6 c: A
Japanese ground losses:
0 `6 p$ s. z* r. |* u2 q      98 casualties reported
5 g. y6 ?7 ~' Y% ^8 a         Squads: 4 destroyed, 0 disabled5 z0 L; T' R0 ?4 o$ ~. l
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
) U4 P' i/ m; h& H6 a; Q7 u         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
' `, B: E. ]/ S7 Q( f! p      Vehicles lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)4 i4 k1 `' p0 Q4 j0 [
-------------------------------------------------------. J. }5 D; x, \- z. U, L6 \/ t1 ]
Pre-Invasion action off Port Moresby (98,130)
- T. F3 m) U1 o9 Z110 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
! R7 ]  C  g; m1 [Japanese Ships, _$ e/ }% P9 a5 }1 d( M' A
      AMC Kongo Maru
: C0 S9 }. R) S$ x' ?9 v+ [5 t. T      xAK Hokuroku Maru, Shell hits 1
- X* L% H" n% c0 v      PB Okuyo Maru #2
$ F* {9 U$ T3 Z( M0 J      PB Sureboko Maru
( N" z1 ~2 M; b- V      PB Yokae Maru; \0 I& x0 l: ~
      PB Yahonui Maru' y+ N( B. O: A" f2 Q- s+ O2 A+ ~2 E
      PB Takunan Maru #5
  D) D: j& m0 E5 j/ a: E7 `      PB Shonon Maru #15! o. a9 ]/ S& t
      PB Kyo Maru #6
% w/ R" Q8 q. i+ ^9 e( X/ \) G+ V      PB Santos Maru- Z4 b! v( d( l2 M$ P+ m
      PB Nagata Maru3 z% l4 u; T3 d; E) _- z, U
      AMC Hokoku Maru
$ W* x& u4 l6 k) {, EJapanese ground losses:# D" H2 B! v6 f6 f3 O* O2 b
      145 casualties reported
0 {3 y; \: C+ ?* P         Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled/ O( m* M2 Q% T/ ?) r
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 14 disabled
7 W8 f3 H1 a4 F         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
5 F2 Z" D- ]1 Y* g+ g3 D/ k5 e* H% q------------------------------------------------
+ h. k( ?& ^) R" y8 {Amphibious Assault at Port Moresby (98,130)7 G4 X/ y/ q2 c2 O* W5 i. {* i7 P
TF 93 troops unloading over beach at Port Moresby, 98,130
# w/ `2 q/ ?7 N; s: q/ S3 iJapanese ground losses:
% ~4 t/ N1 Y: M  p0 p      47 casualties reported
% V, G# [; E( ^2 P         Squads: 2 destroyed, 0 disabled
! b/ c" u) ~5 l# v) `3 V         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
6 A, X& @2 A3 s8 l! z$ o         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 9 Q# [9 B9 [# @$ m/ }
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 144th Infantry Rgt /7
# t" \9 {& p3 v" K; N17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad accidentally lost during unload of 144th Infantry Rgt /11- f* o- C; Q0 e( x8 R% |
10 Support troops lost overboard during unload of 144th Infantry Rgt /13
: l0 I" V5 f7 h9 e--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 j' b6 i2 S0 DPre-Invasion action off Port Moresby (98,130) 6 f# @% U. r" |( e9 J% e
114 Coastal gun shots fired in defense. ! H3 J( B, g0 U9 }* V, p8 e
Japanese Ships+ H' P0 E5 @6 W/ ~) c5 N
      xAK Onoe Maru, Shell hits 1,  heavy fires
$ I3 J6 D  n7 M  {# Z      PB Kasyu Maru3 M8 J) F  c6 K0 T5 Z
      PB Marei Maru
( K3 e0 g+ P! ]9 ?% E/ `" H( |      xAP Montevideo Maru
/ y$ o/ j% u& T1 H# L3 WJapanese ground losses:
5 G7 J$ c9 }' c1 M- T5 W; M      145 casualties reported
6 f: ~, C2 r  @/ Y" e+ ^  d6 M  V         Squads: 0 destroyed, 9 disabled
' F( u5 A3 r1 O% G# j/ C         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
9 |" X9 Y5 @6 S/ @: `+ h& y, d         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled8 K" R5 Z9 T* Z  r
-----------------------------------------------------$ Y. @8 n- j- z4 Z
Amphibious Assault at Port Moresby (98,130) ' [3 Z) j% u- v
TF 105 troops unloading over beach at Port Moresby, 98,130 3 n4 B: K: ?" g  \. N* t
Japanese ground losses:
. I$ g* |7 t5 c0 a, C/ t      133 casualties reported
/ j* e  a0 l; v* I+ d         Squads: 5 destroyed, 0 disabled
" T+ G# s- J1 ]& R$ Z8 y. A         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 0 disabled
7 G% N# T% _' M- S# i         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
0 x; M3 b& [% c, {4 r+ Y* C--------------------------------------------------------" l9 O2 c( C7 r$ n( H( y0 V
Invasion Support action off Port Moresby (98,130) ' M& c; t# M# a5 d9 H! v, Y
70 Coastal gun shots fired in defense. 8 [2 ], g: e7 q
Japanese Ships
* Z$ J. h. D, P      xAK Kosin Maru, Shell hits 1,  heavy fires' _1 K9 _/ Z; O; r6 a
      PB Kasyu Maru
% G7 ~/ R7 w/ s' t9 S5 J5 W      PB Marei Maru7 h4 \8 S$ R/ v0 H
      xAP Montevideo Maru ( C% n6 [* K; ]" {' W% j3 d
Japanese ground losses:
7 E1 \: S* J/ T9 H/ [( k+ k, y      62 casualties reported
* N# c- k1 i! X7 k1 Q4 C         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled# Z+ k7 t8 W, |. j" H/ E
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 9 disabled
7 n+ [* {  O3 {6 v$ v  E9 G; E' C         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
, B( M6 H' Q9 _" V" h. n6 @----------------------------------------------------------, _  Z% J3 W3 V/ S
Invasion Support action off Port Moresby (98,130)& E+ P/ y$ r2 f3 n8 {
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force ; d3 Z1 z/ ~! x8 n% i
36 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
9 N+ ~+ P; _9 S( n' F- zJapanese Ships
. q5 d5 t2 [' M1 i4 _8 W      PB Myoken Maru
8 b! F( e$ q" U% w9 q      PB Kure Maru #5
0 o3 r* S7 S1 ^/ h% a      xAP Haruna Maru, Shell hits 2
/ y' \8 y$ m; j) \1 M# y$ ?/ {      CM Yaeyama 5 p" Z: ~' p! w
PB Myoken Maru fired at enemy troops% i8 T  m8 V8 M) Q# c! A$ T" f
PB Kure Maru #5 fired at enemy troops
6 v. x# ?3 e& I- j9 ~* X" \$ Z25 Pounder Gun battery firing at xAP Haruna Maru
' _& [% e) F" G- X& g5 e40mm Bofors AA Gun  42 battery firing at xAP Haruna Maru
/ k7 ?( H6 V  `7 R$ g--------------------------------------------------------------
! G7 R; P8 p( M5 {# CAfternoon Air attack on Port Moresby , at 98,130  7 p. z- r, U5 f7 F: ~; V* ]2 q3 _
Weather in hex: Light cloud ( H$ b9 A8 K: q$ {. ]4 y. c
Raid detected at 31 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.7 i6 u1 k) f. j' A; Z. I; u3 p
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes
, t2 ~) ~9 x) U- ^( t7 [9 hJapanese aircraft4 A& u+ c1 z: y& P- ~4 q
      A6M2 Zero x 20" G: [' V6 i0 k' }- a. @0 `
      G3M2 Nell x 5
1 `) k1 L# t% E' J! y      G4M1 Betty x 14
! t5 V( z' [) T( b$ hJapanese aircraft losses
1 H8 w3 ?* Y2 P9 q) w+ L      G3M2 Nell: 4 damaged: e6 z6 ]# C/ J0 _+ V* P
      G4M1 Betty: 2 damaged
. d0 a- K. e+ f6 RAirbase hits 3% W! J3 b+ _  J  Z/ u
Airbase supply hits 3
7 D* C5 h7 C% T/ {/ t8 X; x* \  \2 oRunway hits 12
% [0 s2 X& Z2 F0 `  f' f--------------------------------------------------------------
, y. G$ T' ~. a9 ^" c$ MGround combat at Port Moresby (98,130) * I; W! M. O# L
Allied Bombardment attack + s) @; s7 ?; K) ^! ^, N% t3 d/ h
Attacking force 7562 troops, 69 guns, 4 vehicles, Assault Value = 340 ) L' b& s/ m( v# ^& H
Defending force 14554 troops, 159 guns, 160 vehicles, Assault Value = 557
& s( Q9 r4 r* J& M1 p# F; ~Japanese ground losses:
6 E7 c8 g1 ^  z      29 casualties reported
; q! ?- [( }0 t6 Y' q7 H6 ^         Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled- o) C. T1 `# t  ?1 t+ I
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled! _: v! m0 S. w1 O
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
/ v9 m/ j5 n! ~  H$ `0 P- YAllied ground losses:( E( e/ [* n% W2 w
      12 casualties reported
% Q9 m2 T1 U# }; V         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled- e3 |# Z9 p8 T+ y. \$ j' ~& v
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
0 r. P- t: c0 k) g# E. P$ |         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled " N: }2 s3 S) @6 ]- u' z
Assaulting units:
' L9 y% r3 U) }/ U7 z$ o- i    49th Australian Battalion
  p- d! n- g2 K* p6 q: a    1st Australian Division3 ]0 K- z4 k8 M  r* _1 c
    D Coy/NG Rifles
* d. w8 L! B# L+ P& l5 ]    Port Moresby Brigade& I6 P% C7 |# b/ \6 f) S7 D8 D
    15th RAAF Base Force $ S5 _! i* R& Y) R, `+ r
Defending units:' F; n$ d6 v0 X: n* t9 O; x: s
    8th Tank Regiment! B  ~' H4 k; }
    2nd Indpt SNLF Coy 4 E' g. T+ T0 _1 e8 [* \
    144th Infantry Regiment
- I3 p+ L- c0 o! y: J9 U    4th Engineer Co
8 {7 D: z* k0 z9 l" |    146th Infantry Regiment
3 t  d9 Q  j. T. Y7 r    16th Infantry Regiment+ |9 }4 R+ n& M- i
    Sasebo 2nd SNLF ; a, ?  _) V$ i; x* n/ n
    2nd Field Artillery Regiment
哪个设计的呀,日军用它搭过生物武器吗+ s+ D- H' c; x2 _/ X' q) h
lala23159 发表于 2014-11-8 10:14
! O* {% Y( e( q2 t$ e% W5 |
' q" R  `8 t' I' i莫港依然在卸载,大量零战继续扫场仰光,same old6 C: n4 W* T/ Z! f' @' a
- \  t4 V2 h8 }" z/ u# ?---------------------------------------------------------------------6 ?  Q# u5 l8 S0 ]4 u
Invasion Support action off Port Moresby (98,130)% K  d3 Z" \' M. j- `+ N
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force 4 L: O( \* X  F% ^8 W1 `
13 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
7 l6 h: e  S; |. MJapanese Ships# M: ^( f% l0 t+ a
      xAKL Kakyu Maru, Shell hits 1+ y; J/ z' C+ k0 l
      CM Yaeyama
2 O; i8 a/ }" g6 {& F6 O      xAK Myoko Maru, Shell hits 1# A7 h5 ?0 t2 c/ B6 `8 F9 [
      PB Myoken Maru
0 x9 M; L5 b, f% c7 V; o/ p( i      PB Kure Maru #5
. B9 v6 E+ v0 v- ]* Y      xAP Haruna Maru5 T/ Q7 s0 u0 V
) B$ t# `, r- Q: a9 t- d; HNight Naval bombardment of Johore Bahru at 50,83
, Z) K$ |1 ^# v2 o7 iAllied Ships
$ \( C7 `" @. \. A" u" k      CL Durban( @5 E& T# E5 g( m9 e
      CL Dragon  z1 F+ ^9 z0 a  R/ M
      CL Danae + r1 N- c* a% c- Q& A
Japanese ground losses:
0 f. ]3 ]: c9 B0 p  C8 k      14 casualties reported
% V8 O  Y% e) h# n+ R         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
6 i9 R- _6 m- r2 |0 c         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled; y% k& g# ~, {1 `
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
  Z/ l2 C# Q3 k5 x! \; _7 }' dRunway hits 4 7 ?1 X: j+ d3 M* ~
CL Durban firing at Johore Bahru % z& W* C" t% E, b9 f* t' v
CL Dragon firing at 38th Division
; e1 c" E: k; iCL Danae firing at Imperial Guards Division
$ {4 t) S; l+ x+ p* S9 {--------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ~0 _' F7 [% ^- PMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
  i) e, w9 ]& O+ UWeather in hex: Heavy cloud ) S4 ^- X& P' y! B0 J
Raid spotted at 47 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.. |3 Z% V1 {# u% C  B/ O$ h
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes 4 b6 F7 n9 L) Z' L+ r/ w0 l6 B1 m
Japanese aircraft. F: t* a, g0 p/ d" ?4 j. r
      A6M2 Zero x 33
1 X% k$ p: i2 Q3 M# S) xNo Japanese losses 0 x( s! U2 ~6 z1 R. b# ^5 ^
Aircraft Attacking:) A0 {6 q, z2 {/ {/ l# c
      33 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet ! A" P( }$ D" F: `* p. P
# q* [" I) T1 P0 QMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  9 s" E# ?3 T) t$ T' A& _1 N: E/ [
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
# G3 j! s- R# H( @3 mRaid spotted at 38 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.
- x; w$ C) z7 J+ LEstimated time to target is 12 minutes
4 t3 o( q: f; a- l' Q- o5 j: J; dJapanese aircraft
7 y0 k- h1 @; p+ Q9 c/ ~      A6M2 Zero x 33
" w- v5 x# D: |; e; {- ]. N1 ]No Japanese losses
& [4 j' {  B8 q5 q4 `1 RAircraft Attacking:0 f0 c# y7 ]2 G4 Z6 n
      33 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
8 G, z) q8 T- n+ ^9 s  b% T----------------------------------------------
" v) r, N/ X  i, \- o; {+ KMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
) J& f; T5 g. l6 N2 i- X  ]Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
0 _2 h2 m4 Z; YRaid spotted at 25 NM, estimated altitude 26,000 feet.
8 v0 d! O8 t8 s% Y# |& fEstimated time to target is 8 minutes
: n  t, U! ^$ a7 CJapanese aircraft
6 N1 P1 o( ^0 h4 K% h1 D& h      A6M2 Zero x 25 9 U( _: C+ D: m% n, Z
No Japanese losses
9 v& ?4 b* A, u1 U  s1 _, lAircraft Attacking:
  @5 L" |) ~  ?. p' v6 z+ `      25 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
! g# v2 c+ a: C- z5 G0 q, o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 u+ K! H% e* X& U$ ?( M+ |; K/ _Morning Air attack on Port Moresby , at 98,130  
" H3 d% v& f+ D' cWeather in hex: Light cloud ' ~5 @8 F# ~  s! J9 e0 u1 _
Raid detected at 73 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.% J% Q' a  v1 g0 }0 d7 M
Estimated time to target is 29 minutes 2 H& [: r, H8 p
Japanese aircraft4 {+ m! ]0 u5 _8 n
      A6M2 Zero x 27
5 k, O  p+ M+ b0 n% D( ]      G3M2 Nell x 78 k, ^4 I4 P$ \# x) d! y
      G4M1 Betty x 26 2 j- H$ h3 t( h  V7 K
Allied aircraft+ I0 U& ]- T8 g% p
      no flights
! Z6 \5 ]& m: g% S6 X! vJapanese aircraft losses5 p9 D$ T0 F  C( a
      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged
. v; P& |/ M4 r- u      G4M1 Betty: 8 damaged
3 W5 ^/ R" Q) r  \6 F1 iAllied aircraft losses4 R; U/ r; c1 V  p: Y* H' w6 x
      S.23 Empire: 1 damaged   w. P- ]+ K( U, A/ L8 q4 C; C
Airbase hits 48 o( p* Q$ u) r" [( P
Runway hits 102 y. K  c4 W$ r
5 D8 `. V) y+ ]' tMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
: E- n3 B3 h1 W, ~+ jWeather in hex: Heavy cloud
+ v0 E$ `& M8 ~2 n/ O7 MRaid spotted at 34 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.
1 p3 S* Z. {) B5 C: iEstimated time to target is 11 minutes
- I1 k* G. M3 j# uJapanese aircraft( j% c8 [4 \. Y, ?9 q
      A6M2 Zero x 23 : X! T/ R0 q; ?6 K/ q( m) p
No Japanese losses
3 k& W. v, }6 hAircraft Attacking:' \/ B2 K  Z" L  |* p
       9 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
. s! x: F  I& F( A+ J       8 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
$ q( v7 d' k! p8 h       6 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
# @1 ?& X! ^4 q, D/ s( H$ ]-------------------------------------------------------
8 K" B3 v) m& j( RMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
! n  h$ z2 T. tWeather in hex: Heavy cloud % Y& H' [5 A, A+ a+ n
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.
) u5 ?6 y  H) _' z/ CEstimated time to target is 6 minutes ; M5 q6 @% v1 t9 x4 D
Japanese aircraft
2 a( N, H& x: i- t/ }) }      A6M2 Zero x 27 ( P( \" Y1 o# o" ^9 j! d+ e. M" B& G
No Japanese losses ; K) n& v9 j8 `( ?/ Q8 a
Aircraft Attacking:
* s$ U7 D7 ]8 F2 s) y6 q1 R      27 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet+ g2 S- a* h  N  B0 g" X: ^. `- R
------------------------------------------------------- : t; Y: g6 {8 o: `7 F
Ground combat at 84,46 (near Ichang) # I% E2 d* L7 m, Z
Japanese Shock attack 5 y+ S" q" `5 I7 Z7 k
Attacking force 330 troops, 0 guns, 50 vehicles, Assault Value = 29 ! f$ u/ `% J: S! Y" b9 C* @# c
Defending force 120 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1 $ h7 p+ ]+ E7 x- i/ y$ m! ?) F
Japanese adjusted assault: 56  5 u! ?$ Z, ]# |: x
Allied adjusted defense: 1  
$ K9 R9 H& T6 k! [& f( \& LJapanese assault odds: 56 to 1  6 N2 k; {) _* c4 W: |
Combat modifiers$ K; W, r5 z" t) p0 G# m) J0 J
Defender: leaders(+), fatigue(-), morale(-), experience(-), supply(-)- K- L6 \! I* Z+ ]- S
Attacker: shock(+), leaders(+)
" _, g2 p1 t" AAllied ground losses:
% f8 h* y/ _5 J; v- S. z$ ^      87 casualties reported
6 n, H, C' a; S1 P  \         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled6 q# Y& ?+ M5 v: f' \9 a0 a
         Non Combat: 16 destroyed, 0 disabled
. M) v% G$ M. S3 F5 x- ?% f         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled3 o: U7 Y, K/ D1 W6 J* D
      Units destroyed 1
1 _* c9 y$ Q$ tAssaulting units:
+ l1 x$ W# h& S( m    15th Tank Regiment
  ]5 J. f" a/ c" l4 y& y7 NDefending units:
* ^+ `; h0 o' }4 H# J* `    Lusu War Area
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jan 27, 42; n- L* [- t# Q; V$ M8 N
莫港登陆编队还不走,kb也在附近呆着,想干啥呢?? 5 R4 E7 M% T# N* g
大陆战场 宜昌附近几个地方出现日军师团级单位在爬山,看来日军想小规模多处翻山入川
, U. O4 U* n3 I1 _. K4 H当天,日军40+单位过河突击新加坡,以4400+战力攻击1300+战力,打成1:2  A+ E6 c) v0 k* {' E1 G
损失15000多人,上千战斗班组,有近一个师团的战斗班组被歼灭,7 W7 \1 X4 ~. l5 b) w
盟军4000+人,不过除了4个主力(9,11师 和2个澳大利亚旅)外,
$ }6 G7 W/ V" Q( y5 ?4 N其余营级小单位基本被打成0战力,目前剩余900战力左右,  G* c% Q7 \% r
虽有4级城防,估计以后也难有所作为了 6 p* e3 m* a; U6 ]: B, a+ O" B
. A0 _  ^1 Y7 T/ {3 gInvasion Support action off Port Moresby (98,130)
7 j/ l% Z) H4 JDefensive Guns engage approaching landing force 4 {0 f& T' J: v+ n
8 Coastal gun shots fired in defense. . x4 F0 \+ x9 o* p: n% _6 i: U% B
Japanese Ships
* E# N: p4 w( @) \0 X( K' ^5 }; N( N      xAKL Kakyu Maru, Shell hits 1,  on fire
: [4 d1 T  B7 k0 |      xAK Yasukawa Maru
- d+ h! \; h; X5 x8 |, p      xAP Hakone Maru, [" r4 }# V2 s( {: E: j2 F! h% B
      xAP Haruna Maru7 T1 I. w2 c' J* Q( {/ d( R
/ x8 I8 `; ?4 PMorning Air attack on 1st Division, at 82,48 , near Ichang
" E9 x# `) r- U4 ?# b6 T5 E! @Weather in hex: Moderate rain
$ k# ]! G2 [- r9 ~  O" uRaid spotted at 14 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
3 J6 q, u3 B( {% Z" W% tEstimated time to target is 4 minutes # ~# ?6 @) I* ], R2 \' ^
Allied aircraft
: C3 ?4 C9 [' w. X: ^      A-29A Hudson x 7
9 L' |" y% \% O. iAllied aircraft losses
: K  d' h- i0 q: Y7 y2 e( L. Y      A-29A Hudson: 1 damaged
& F  O# n  Q1 y1 `$ A% s# T6 ?Aircraft Attacking:
/ @6 k& p7 D4 m9 s: X       7 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet
/ L) m, k- f9 [; H1 R               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb  C1 k, f! m" X2 x& O, r1 r
) G$ E$ |) a8 o4 X7 X; a2 V0 \7 KGround combat at Singapore (50,84) - a( M' A3 x, m2 Z- B7 q
Japanese Shock attack 8 `3 |; F1 s$ c
Attacking force 125974 troops, 1156 guns, 255 vehicles, Assault Value = 4474 7 N% v6 M" c. n8 s9 S% U8 n  S
Defending force 47510 troops, 509 guns, 305 vehicles, Assault Value = 1315
6 A; ~0 a$ t6 I; i1 Q  P; L9 h1 ]' CJapanese adjusted assault: 1519  
; f4 r7 z0 R# N% J. L9 fAllied adjusted defense: 2339  
7 r# j( q7 L/ H' CJapanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 4)  
& L+ N1 W# o! i1 vCombat modifiers
1 Y3 Q$ c+ A1 h  s; \3 VDefender: terrain(+), forts(+), experience(-)
* u! F) @8 K, _0 sAttacker: shock(+), disruption(-)
( h) _4 b1 A' A8 P$ zJapanese ground losses:! s- F8 d) ~, Q: y
      15450 casualties reported4 ^: ?9 @/ M( B8 p# |1 n. y
         Squads: 276 destroyed, 851 disabled0 U0 s  }$ x' x$ q
         Non Combat: 11 destroyed, 226 disabled9 y8 \5 G. \# B. Z* u% w
         Engineers: 6 destroyed, 107 disabled! `# Z6 R6 l" j3 n0 L
      Guns lost 190 (38 destroyed, 152 disabled)
) z) q' C! [0 o% U/ W3 T      Vehicles lost 3 (1 destroyed, 2 disabled)
; J8 v0 C! I. y- i/ a- T5 z% N7 |- @Allied ground losses:% W+ N  F; ^7 l
      4210 casualties reported
: V! X; j8 ?- K: V, @3 q* J$ o         Squads: 41 destroyed, 283 disabled
* S5 @, {6 f2 K( {2 a         Non Combat: 36 destroyed, 94 disabled
) `) }$ s7 g: B2 A) V1 G3 v, V9 Y         Engineers: 4 destroyed, 30 disabled. e2 c* F) N7 i; a/ @$ B4 b
      Guns lost 68 (13 destroyed, 55 disabled)
: h: U1 H/ ~3 F  X8 ?      Vehicles lost 24 (8 destroyed, 16 disabled)
; N* e- f* ^0 W1 LAssaulting units:
  ?4 ~+ q- P8 h1 h2 z% Q1 ]    11th Infantry Regiment
. J6 b  w( n( r  _% y/ M    2nd RTA Division
5 [1 X  q% v; M9 r& M) s    55th Infantry Regiment$ A0 q. C: I9 R/ u' }& X* j2 l
    91st Naval Guard Unit8 P. T3 z& i& M
    Imperial Guards Division
4 y( g' S( V( P    4th Ind.Mixed Regiment
0 ^1 m/ s! Y2 @, ~) H" `# i    148th Infantry Regiment
8 i6 g& G2 t. S* o, q# x    6th RTA Division$ c1 {! D* n) v3 Q% K( p
    I./143rd Infantry Battalion
+ S9 Y0 A/ w% e; Z. P8 A2 M8 ^    21st Infantry Regiment; g9 M( i6 ^$ x3 E
    4th RTA Division8 P; N! L- T/ t; j2 x4 e4 r. o
    112th Infantry Regiment
- a; o: f0 o& e- q4 `! ]' U; r    21st Ind.Mixed Brigade
. u& V. ]. Y/ l. G* ^+ u2 \    III./143rd Infantry Battalion' K" C. p* i: Z! g* ]
    3rd RTA Division8 h! n& U( D. h  [" a+ `# L
    114th Infantry Regiment2 f" \( Q* \% \3 V
    56th Engineer Regiment
$ X0 X, ?" R$ ^    41st Infantry Regiment
! X8 \& v$ m+ r  S" }    38th Division
" j% D% h7 d4 x; y' X! }- N    21st Division
$ E' K. o. R! U    56th Recon Regiment0 {1 r* I+ n7 }9 U% X1 }0 b
    56th Infantry Regiment( x5 }- F( [6 N/ {5 B
    113th Infantry Regiment& p$ a1 N) S7 E  b% e
    42nd Infantry Regiment, J9 T! U. N4 E4 @5 B
    12th Engineer Regiment6 j0 ?3 X3 ?. d
    4th Division
/ }: \: o3 h% J( b/ r- v8 }    5th Engineer Regiment7 L5 U0 F- g8 t7 @: ]* |, l% {( y8 C% {
    55th Engineer Regiment* e1 Z  C4 D: C% `
    15th Ind. Engineer Regiment
- z) X" x( F% W5 R! B5 C6 ~    4th Ind. Engineer Regiment
) F1 x+ a  D, ~5 ~    7th RTA Division
% M* h' N6 l7 ^8 j6 ?$ R# X    21st Fld AA Gun Co $ I9 @* I# h1 M* P' I0 Q% O0 [
    11th Shipping Engineer Regiment7 Q, U7 W) o8 q& W- Q
    18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment% h& ~& m7 ]- k7 F: r
    55th Mountain Gun Regiment& s- ?2 w" p1 U- l2 s
    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
! S# Q# j  D/ B2 E    5th Field Artillery Regiment
$ l. Q+ g) B$ V. `0 e8 R5 q, c4 v    15th Army9 v' a$ \; @2 Z/ _! E
    56th Field Artillery Regiment
9 S1 k3 [1 \+ z5 p+ Y3 n    34th Field AA Battalion0 X+ t5 r% z) J
    25th Army  v4 y. U( T1 {* q+ O/ U* N% \3 t
    21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion . J2 T' A9 o4 C& j3 `
Defending units:
6 E3 d( ?4 L1 R    2nd Gordons Battalion
) ^; U& V1 \0 D4 [5 K& N    2/17 Dogra Battalion1 D/ r* m+ [* _
    22nd Australian Brigade
& s) G' j7 i& s' o) H4 N- @, [    2nd Loyal Battalion
" o- ]5 T; p0 g    11th Indian Division0 v  t/ @* S7 N; m/ o5 Y0 L
    2nd Malay Battalion' f3 Z- m4 R: c: x
    3rd SSVF Battalion
" D3 @, H* r( Y; [+ m5 V1 @# A3 I    SSVF Brigade
  h, f1 P" }7 R! j' m    5/14th Punjab Battalion+ o  L9 i0 P" X2 r3 g# c4 \
    1st Malay Battalion
4 N* |/ D, o0 o" N! V5 n    27th Australian Brigade% p2 v, N3 G" u. N1 v
    1st Mysore Battalion
5 j% d/ L# f0 P' {  J& {, P' ?. P    1st Manchester Battalion: u8 @$ \" @0 Q( t9 I8 ]- v7 f
    3rd Cavalry Regiment! T9 M! [, Q  e6 F
    9th Indian Division
7 J- j8 l6 h; a    112th RAF Base Force8 t. U9 Y. m& q4 o$ o* i5 I* L
    III Indian Corps* p( q, Q- P; G! M4 z
    Malayan Air Wing
: t! @' v8 l: T9 I    109th RAF  Base Force
$ {: P+ [+ k- }    111th RAF Base Force
2 i+ L) G: E* J  i: ?    224 Group RAF % g& s, N/ z8 j4 r$ G- [# P6 r
    1st ISF Base Force( x& h3 }( k2 Z, k7 U3 M6 M
    22nd Indian Mountain Gun Regiment  Z1 T( ~% d4 ?
    24th NZ Pioneer Coy
' d6 X0 g4 y& Z0 k1 _3 L    Singapore Base Force
- c' G& r; i" h: g( q& t    3rd HK&S Light AA Regiment. d! k6 \) o$ L8 X
    1st Indian Heavy AA Regiment  j/ D' q9 B/ o' b: U  D( A+ ?
    Singapore Fortress/ d/ r9 e$ B, [7 o0 v2 }5 v& y
    3rd Heavy AA Regiment
- Y9 Y/ ?7 I" ~8 D& c    110th RAF Base Force" d, k: S* M, r/ [' ^* }3 Y  o
    223 Group RAF
; J5 i$ X5 S& {    AHQ Far East 0 z: c& a+ e5 z3 `4 P
    Malaya Army
0 ?; \5 v% K3 c& ^" p5 f3 p% H    2nd ISF Base Force4 p1 M9 O3 M( o7 n# g
    109th RN Base Force
5 q8 O* H2 |9 q8 Y还有这种事,我以为反潜编队和对方潜艇不能待同一格里,今后注意了。 & M9 @) b& s& G, k
日军在战争后期用热气球向美国投放炸弹,Deutschina  有无这方面的资料呀; x7 w8 m4 Z$ D1 [
lala23159 发表于 2014-11-7 10:27
( Q7 }5 }) t1 W% |
原来也记得看过 不过没当回事 @ @
" b. ]( k% w- z# {/ j) B! O! G6 f& F* w2 F# ]1 F/ U5 Y" I1 y# Y
至于资料。。。。如果日方自己的 本人不懂日语@ @ 日方原文资料 想是没有的-。- 至于中文的 你应该也找得到@ @
+ b  d) H' l7 F! g' t% p1 g" }4 J" }  g+ S3 r; f
莫非是在藤田兵器研究所里面看到的还是哪里看到的 不记得了 现在一说 第一反应就是藤田这个奇葩地方 不过藤田多是陆军奇葩武器较多 所以不确定是在藤田看过
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jan 28, 428 A' Q' W2 K8 c7 M2 X1 |5 E
6 i3 i5 @4 j7 ekb就在莫港门口,莫港估计悬了。
, `9 V/ E1 N8 j% U, H! X! |大陆战场上,宜昌附近多股日军部队在爬山。日军难道不用担心补给问题么?? 8 ^) L+ z: @1 W
" ?4 [7 E1 @5 H: z4 M: ^没准还能抗住1-2轮攻击。 8 @, v$ m( x+ M( m9 L
1 b! W! e6 l, D' r( e% xSub attack near San Francisco  at 216,70
- D1 v/ \2 s6 j$ W# |; H0 r0 E4 EJapanese Ships
9 _! m1 N8 C" D. k+ H0 ^      SS I-16 ' L# M; N) W- q+ ~1 }! L1 r
Allied Ships% ]; O4 h4 P1 j
      BB Colorado
2 D% K4 t+ U- U& c      CL Raleigh
0 A8 o; K# ^$ Z$ A; \1 c      DD Farragut
8 G! C4 ~0 B% \4 n, a      DD Perkins% z9 X2 C, t* Q
      DD Cummings  K9 C/ N' ^* L$ I! n4 u% g
      DD Rathburne9 q% Z/ b3 I8 h) d8 Z# r
      DD Kane
2 Y! D% ^) N/ y      DD Hatfield
# ~9 \9 \8 |2 ^5 Z# q      DD Lawrence
$ E: ]& ~7 U( J% H+ L/ _SS I-16 launches 8 torpedoes at BB Colorado; m, }: W, U: |( Y% d# B" H
DD Rathburne fails to find sub and abandons search$ i+ R5 {& m# i$ A# W* z6 g* K& Y
DD Kane fails to find sub and abandons search
; D) E# }4 h( d  P9 xDD Hatfield fails to find sub and abandons search8 J0 R( Z) H9 d! Q' U
DD Lawrence fails to find sub, continues to search...$ o( {9 l$ r+ K, m) m4 ^7 |
Escort abandons search for sub
1 x) R. Z. h5 o2 ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Z5 Q7 P8 p" s! Y
Night Naval bombardment of Singapore at 50,84
, f$ C+ `3 ]6 g$ l6 O* i/ J, VAllied Ships
* a! y" I& w1 l, x2 f+ ?6 `5 ]( J- v      CL Durban
1 P/ \, o: e! w      CL Dragon
7 h8 i; G! D( V2 k$ k      CL Danae
! g7 c9 Z: A1 \; D  M% b: A# mCL Durban firing at 4th Division7 @% \4 s0 U; {
CL Dragon firing at 38th Division3 c$ }$ L; }  N, i
CL Danae firing at 4th Division
7 J! \4 M& s+ X4 d3 g--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 C  _7 Z3 x4 P' UPre-Invasion action off Port Moresby (98,130)$ a  p: h# \& z9 p$ Z
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force
9 z$ x* D( z! i  w- T! B126 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
1 e1 j0 V  x( {. Y/ C9 ~Japanese Ships' P% s1 n6 G+ t1 w& Y3 Z% v' W
      xAK Nishimi Maru, Shell hits 1
! i! P1 T+ f* A      PB Ikunta Maru
3 h; z. J* P6 X' B) d      PB Chiyo Maru #4
1 C8 B$ E% Z" j  \# Z# Z! I6 n+ g1 V      AMC Kinryu Maru
4 O+ K1 j/ i% f" dJapanese ground losses:2 R+ b$ O# b& L! y9 r3 _
      84 casualties reported
0 G0 Q' p+ c3 Z: |         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
  Q' J+ M9 b: S3 @- a: z. s7 r         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled+ d  l$ U  p9 F, L
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
6 L/ `4 x  m- w0 W9 F$ j----------------------------------------------& p( u. {# Q" `1 f5 B; L
Invasion Support action off Port Moresby (98,130)# U! ?; v# E/ Y1 Z! z" Z/ e7 l3 W
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force
$ \$ a9 H1 w1 c# T' u, Y) q0 s* u14 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
) z: K: V3 `# ^+ o/ r+ ^Japanese Ships/ i* X7 W0 \' D' E* V3 ~
      AMC Kinryu Maru1 n  k5 x' E% N) S( e
      xAK Nishimi Maru, Shell hits 1
; P1 ?( Y9 V% Y9 c      PB Chiyo Maru #4( u8 [+ h; j) j0 @! G% ^
      PB Ikunta Maru/ g5 y& |2 p  ?7 C) H5 f+ B" l2 n6 P
-------------------------------------------------. d4 P+ t; a) `) T8 M
Morning Air attack on Port Moresby , at 98,130  4 y+ {" ^! U& D, Y! N* U3 N' n
Weather in hex: Partial cloud ; Q; U5 s, J5 j/ r- r0 n
Raid detected at 79 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
) M/ w* C7 D0 ?( dEstimated time to target is 31 minutes ) v, C4 y1 R: o. O0 b
Japanese aircraft
7 Q. r: ?5 G& T  R8 B2 j9 v      A6M2 Zero x 25
+ h5 n, l. Y; Q& `% ~3 m/ ?      G3M2 Nell x 9% V, k3 {+ W1 Z# O/ h/ q5 t  T1 w
      G4M1 Betty x 24 2 M  H0 Q- h& i& V/ K; I0 J
Japanese aircraft losses- M+ v1 K  c' U* l: U6 t9 e$ M
      G3M2 Nell: 3 damaged3 A4 N9 |" P$ y+ m+ v
      G4M1 Betty: 7 damaged
2 K# Z3 C- W: r' ?0 L0 PAirbase hits 7
6 e6 K! V! a: e3 F5 H% U/ cAirbase supply hits 1* l" v5 m6 y6 E- N) N) s! x
Runway hits 6' V* t3 U5 u: t4 B1 w, t+ i9 _
( f( |+ b0 |4 {+ d3 q0 s4 j& N7 A8 t/ BMorning Air attack on 6th Division, at 82,47 , near Ichang
% Y  x7 @/ I: `% G" ]( `* fWeather in hex: Severe storms & y! A% ^. l" m' j
Raid spotted at 12 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.1 _! }6 _; @' e; C
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes 2 |/ ?% f  d/ H( A3 Q
Allied aircraft& E7 V/ E0 A# u0 |" L2 |+ _2 z
      A-29A Hudson x 8 ) D* Z+ P1 g' [; j8 F
Allied aircraft losses+ I2 b$ B. Z* x! @% R
      A-29A Hudson: 1 damaged
! |/ G& i$ f$ c0 w7 fAircraft Attacking:$ v. s" R( p) G, I) P, M4 a6 l$ m0 R9 v% w
       8 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet
5 j$ Q: Q; \4 E" F               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb 0 z1 C! x1 @0 H6 {/ u' ]+ H
& [9 T' r4 v% \) u# c* |2 z0 Y  YMorning Air attack on 104th Division, at 76,53 , near Kweilin 7 y' b5 Q1 V7 H, V. G3 k' V6 R
Weather in hex: Clear sky
7 r! z. ]4 O7 o, s3 }) P0 a& tRaid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
+ M) B, s* ]; C$ V1 SEstimated time to target is 3 minutes % s- E) P! F( M' Y' [$ A" b9 x$ M5 |( a
Allied aircraft# \8 F" f: J" X4 t
      SB-III x 3 - d7 y* v% e+ e! ?" `
No Allied losses
) L/ p% I6 S7 L2 lAircraft Attacking:( V7 j/ q; ?  T: n# N
       3 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet *
* e( N" T1 K; q) }               Ground Attack:  3 x 100 kg GP Bomb
+ m. k: }" c; z0 ~5 G6 ^4 Q-----------------------------------------------
' L  Q: s# v9 t7 xGround combat at Singapore (50,84) 4 i! ]4 `( f! I* O: D! b; n
Japanese Bombardment attack
! H' A) a# L8 c% a# Y6 rAttacking force 102867 troops, 1101 guns, 196 vehicles, Assault Value = 3025
5 t' C' W# G( y$ {Defending force 44388 troops, 497 guns, 298 vehicles, Assault Value = 1007 . y+ q* r7 ?3 D9 @* ]
Japanese ground losses:$ ?8 I3 L4 U( z! W
      43 casualties reported
' ?' z. z" \5 D( K  p/ d$ Z         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled( _1 \9 k9 c" V. V$ `
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled" y9 L2 t1 H0 L  }
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled  f/ X( e8 j5 X3 X  m9 q) J
      Guns lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)" x% V; e# y. A  r' k% L4 Q% w6 P
Assaulting units:0 ?& E* v( p3 K: v. ]
    55th Engineer Regiment& @( M- ]( P7 E" A; l" h
    5th Engineer Regiment
' _4 ^5 F( t0 q; ?, z  o    56th Recon Regiment
: n) }0 W7 v# w% z0 T/ K    4th RTA Division/ ]! m- W  e# H* Y9 Q. I; W. O, _
    114th Infantry Regiment
8 M' Z* w# V  K0 ?* C+ T* }( T    113th Infantry Regiment3 B) }: G. q2 l6 i
    12th Engineer Regiment9 v; s! H3 Q) b# R& \
    4th Ind.Mixed Regiment
1 C0 j  K6 O' z- v% P( n: c2 J    148th Infantry Regiment
% @) {+ `9 t$ C$ y* n6 j* g    21st Ind.Mixed Brigade
! W0 N4 e2 _8 V1 `, U3 e& |9 T    21st Division
* K, q7 o8 d: P8 o    91st Naval Guard Unit
/ w7 Z3 Q/ \; ~/ d    21st Infantry Regiment- R$ s" r3 v. X$ p
    Imperial Guards Division# F! i7 @, @1 O+ O8 e
    112th Infantry Regiment+ ?5 {- z4 N6 |3 t( k# \  _" M/ F
    I./143rd Infantry Battalion5 E! l9 _) T  |" P4 ~# C- v' m& {! D
    4th Ind. Engineer Regiment
7 [9 L( j9 w8 |1 `& Y  w; Y    56th Infantry Regiment
2 u/ `+ q3 i" |( T% ^/ {* ?    3rd RTA Division
+ t7 F" }- e0 p7 [( n3 r8 w    4th Division' w" P- p* [8 D5 s. ^; |5 y/ |
    56th Engineer Regiment! h; v. I5 J. F* b: Q
    41st Infantry Regiment3 [: Y# f+ q5 o0 X
    III./143rd Infantry Battalion
. s# W/ e. y- A0 l9 e) _( {* g    15th Ind. Engineer Regiment# d$ K- [9 p3 ^: z8 C4 M
    6th RTA Division" a. ?8 {/ o2 C/ I
    42nd Infantry Regiment" T  n4 m4 x7 l7 G3 s
    38th Division) U) c& @" P9 m. \7 ?  @! W
    55th Infantry Regiment  E, j" W" s& O- E1 q- i
    7th RTA Division
1 F6 Y7 f# m3 h+ ^0 X. y1 z0 M* g+ C    11th Infantry Regiment
( F- g: \9 r8 |0 q: H" |    25th Army. t" c& P$ O1 z5 b  ~- M# q$ L
    15th Army7 G# m* g5 A  Z8 K2 P) z) p5 Y
    5th Field Artillery Regiment
: V# q' S6 V5 e8 B: \+ D    21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion8 k% b) K9 r, A" s* Q
    56th Field Artillery Regiment
2 W' R" K) T" \4 b7 [  N8 i: t    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
( a$ i! Z1 W7 Q  w    34th Field AA Battalion
+ \* J5 k! i" ]+ a" S8 t! h) ~    18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
! b. h: U% N; t' `0 B    11th Shipping Engineer Regiment/ {4 N3 ?2 ^, Z7 h8 B
    21st Fld AA Gun Co : N" ^" @3 I) a( s- O+ m
    55th Mountain Gun Regiment
1 q  [3 T, J; J  b    2nd RTA Division
9 d( L6 E3 d2 W! P1 x4 ^3 ~Defending units:
( n9 }+ S, b# _4 s    1st Malay Battalion
8 K/ W3 }3 z/ d    2nd Loyal Battalion9 ]* O, _4 a' K: V2 b
    SSVF Brigade% d% N$ ~8 d# f
    1st Manchester Battalion8 f* h" W# J2 z8 Q0 n1 o% v
    2nd Malay Battalion
# d! _" D; i$ ]: p9 {  |$ ]    5/14th Punjab Battalion! Z' q; P5 _. L  R9 _# a
    2nd Gordons Battalion" z- o5 c" [0 p( l6 B
    22nd Australian Brigade8 J* a5 p8 t0 t* W" v. X
    11th Indian Division
; G' n6 y" {* z7 ^+ o    3rd Cavalry Regiment4 {( ?  J, C, Y  f7 Y1 F
    27th Australian Brigade
) H( U" f+ Y" M6 U! d    1st Mysore Battalion
2 m0 T; E% W. x; |    9th Indian Division
; Z. V' s$ J( t/ E$ @! q% c! E    3rd HK&S Light AA Regiment
& Y- B9 D" H( L% p! _+ X    Singapore Fortress+ I# z8 H& K" K  g0 Q
    111th RAF Base Force
8 ^. J) |, Z# t9 x    AHQ Far East
: ~4 w8 m$ D" k; v: [% ^    24th NZ Pioneer Coy
+ m# Q( C" x7 l5 \    112th RAF Base Force
: H3 r9 q: n; N    Malayan Air Wing
) c/ O  C9 m# q  ]: b' ~6 _0 X    22nd Indian Mountain Gun Regiment
- ~/ U% o$ Z3 Z) i6 h) n7 [    223 Group RAF
& v' c. N; h9 m3 _    110th RAF Base Force
* l/ i) _. N* P2 k! E    109th RAF  Base Force
# s1 f1 ~0 A7 }' K2 z4 D4 T, r    109th RN Base Force/ Y9 B2 y4 ^5 Y; {1 T
    2/17 Dogra Battalion
* n8 q" f8 w% T" A/ J    III Indian Corps: p4 s, T4 y) O1 `
    1st ISF Base Force: B2 p& {  l6 s3 |, f4 d
    224 Group RAF
9 f: k  \$ @0 l( q/ ^6 i    1st Indian Heavy AA Regiment4 N1 H! e. c+ p. Z
    2nd ISF Base Force7 S- O, i) n2 A. c- }" @0 W
    Singapore Base Force' Z( H9 L( b3 M- R! R0 h0 i% u6 J; j
    3rd Heavy AA Regiment
  }  m( z. x) w    Malaya Army4 L7 e' {: ^. ?: Y' b
    3rd SSVF Battalion# d9 c& j0 r* R* o
---------------------------------------- 4 a! s) U) `& `' u2 m0 V; ^( O
Ground combat at Port Moresby (98,130) . k+ @$ K7 b1 Y! c- u4 H/ C
Allied Bombardment attack
1 ]6 T2 Q0 F# b+ S6 w1 @6 E8 MAttacking force 7556 troops, 69 guns, 4 vehicles, Assault Value = 339 6 ]1 Q3 @. |! S5 K) }( Z/ C- d% B
Defending force 17741 troops, 179 guns, 161 vehicles, Assault Value = 699 . B( o" f7 {! N7 @! `
Japanese ground losses:
* N- e6 M. K# \' l$ S( ?      193 casualties reported
7 J& A/ z- F2 ?# v         Squads: 0 destroyed, 15 disabled+ V  h& W( j; N% W( Z- O; Q# `
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
8 {) h* H6 N$ i; H% k# S         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 0 C. P: U9 C, L- M+ z
Allied ground losses:  j% \! [2 U& ]4 N) a" b$ M
      7 casualties reported3 g0 c0 h  w# h( `' a
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled. _0 F3 _' K6 m& S+ m
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
/ `8 r7 t1 _) o3 T) z2 v         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ; i  ~! A+ s( _/ n# J  a
Assaulting units:' N' b2 p# [2 R
    D Coy/NG Rifles
8 l' `; x5 O$ K; H0 u. Q    1st Australian Division8 b8 q, J! F0 z, x
    49th Australian Battalion
( G5 k( I: M; n  H  g3 P6 @    Port Moresby Brigade
( D0 k8 C9 E6 p& a& U# R) Y    15th RAAF Base Force
& W, h& \' x8 i0 t7 R# DDefending units:2 t8 C- y/ C2 y5 ]% [+ E+ i
    52nd Naval Guard Unit+ r7 X$ u0 M  i" f$ D. a
    8th Tank Regiment
2 w1 B" ?: B( j    146th Infantry Regiment$ p9 U  C" P6 m
    2nd Indpt SNLF Coy
* @( t* \- P# x2 H5 g    84th Naval Guard Unit. S: ]8 K4 u* U3 b! c# V
    16th Infantry Regiment4 u& G# l  _( ~0 R3 \8 R5 H
    144th Infantry Regiment
1 ]' W& Y6 U$ G5 R% ^    4th Engineer Co
" Y/ N0 X% K. t8 K$ D4 U: o0 I. G    Sasebo 2nd SNLF
" D" E6 o% r! F% {0 S2 T% J0 E$ p    2nd Field Artillery Regiment
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jan 29, 42  V3 J' }) m# g' }3 [, y
在陆攻的轰炸下,日军突击莫港,首轮攻击就打出1:1,预计莫港不久就将沦陷。5 |1 c* [' ?" P5 y) r1 f: ?
8 {- h$ a1 M  u: `# V: G在各种AA的咆哮下,当天击落日军轰炸机140架左右,为开战来的最高纪录 . f5 B0 D: D7 l8 E) U0 ^( ]
  O3 _- K" J& ^- f4 p/ l) _: f1 _$ {0 p1 \
------------------------------------------------------------------------4 h0 V! {+ I/ [- X
Morning Air attack on 1st Australian Division, at 98,130 (Port Moresby) 4 d; H& N& \4 p7 _2 l, I
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud $ j7 T: @) }+ q$ Y
Raid detected at 114 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.$ w; E3 T; G+ Q: |
Estimated time to target is 45 minutes
' C% `* U+ U8 gJapanese aircraft7 @  W2 _1 d! o: @
      A6M2 Zero x 27
  y5 X7 w0 k) r6 b+ x3 g' z. C      G3M2 Nell x 6
% Q, _. _- e" O      G4M1 Betty x 24
. c  X) G9 m6 T3 u6 I# s" e; UJapanese aircraft losses7 E' n5 S) P- F3 Q5 J3 P" \
      G3M2 Nell: 2 damaged
2 u. _6 q% {/ [6 Y% m      G4M1 Betty: 10 damaged # {7 c. R8 W. [& E) h: o! Y
Allied ground losses:( P" y+ E" c6 n4 E
      6 casualties reported
0 J& @1 W, o. L  v# l5 }         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
* P: B' S2 o$ r6 B# [; U7 `' N         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
4 |/ N3 o; l7 w$ f3 K- O6 Z         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled& }' I9 t7 D1 ^% n* F) O( @/ b! T+ m
--------------------------------------------------5 D% t# \! {1 m. B! h
Morning Air attack on 17th Indian Division, at 56,54 , near Moulmein ( H; F# b! [2 \/ e5 c5 t% Y0 m7 u- h
Weather in hex: Moderate rain 6 H9 K( [4 v8 G& N# K& B' v
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 3,000 feet.
& q" H6 Y( y+ A5 B' A0 REstimated time to target is 7 minutes
$ B0 _2 Z+ k4 U' ]5 L3 aJapanese aircraft
9 V  ?) H* i0 B      G3M2 Nell x 32
7 b  U2 r) y9 G. Y& M: u( LJapanese aircraft losses
- V/ {) v# E( f; A: |      G3M2 Nell: 19 damaged1 V4 [. p+ H2 P9 H
      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak   L) ~# F+ R& z9 a7 t
Allied ground losses:; ^, y- _! T; A* a6 q1 j9 V
      10 casualties reported
# f! G( q( @! `  M" y& Z- b9 M         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
1 o' V1 d* |' U  X5 P: y" B         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled# O: Q, `& L+ n# p$ r
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled   b2 q; q$ o  U2 H! `
Aircraft Attacking:' Z/ Z+ ^% S7 a3 t4 M9 k1 l
      31 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 1000 feet6 ]. T1 W5 y; u: F5 L' m
               Ground Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb
" k, C% r. O. G/ u! ^--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# P6 G8 [3 X! W+ X6 ^- x" VMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  , y1 g- _. b! M3 a1 d
Weather in hex: Light cloud ! n$ |( z, }' H! [
Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 5,000 feet.6 M* p* f* W# J5 Q
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes
8 u' \: ^: Y7 X; l, aJapanese aircraft) ~- B/ K  P1 ]6 ?: Z
      G3M2 Nell x 23
$ y9 k% j& `. |% d      G4M1 Betty x 51 $ ^8 M! q- ]7 T' U3 p& p' D
Japanese aircraft losses
2 m; s+ i# R4 a; a. R# i      G3M2 Nell: 16 damaged: M2 v2 e5 c) _+ P; r
      G3M2 Nell: 6 destroyed by flak
7 C+ H2 o" n5 ~* h5 }      G4M1 Betty: 21 damaged% }0 Y$ D* J5 l: F
      G4M1 Betty: 10 destroyed by flak
0 a2 U* ^3 D& {3 MAirbase hits 16% n; z! x) U( B, [" ^7 m2 \, D4 N
Airbase supply hits 5% D' k+ _# N* L4 j" I
Runway hits 55
& Q2 J4 s! k2 u; C+ t# |2 M- TAircraft Attacking:
9 G, C4 W. a+ y( L$ ~      17 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 1000 feet% o) ]4 H  l8 |
               Airfield Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb
5 b* F  z6 H# v       7 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 1000 feet * $ C& |' ]! X! V4 Z9 X
               Airfield Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb8 j. v* g2 y6 g
      17 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 1000 feet3 D& S  U7 d; u5 W' K
               Airfield Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb
, u9 M" m/ k, [# Z3 b! I      10 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 1000 feet *
9 B, @+ y7 Q' W" _5 y, X               Airfield Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
8 M5 p5 Z% f1 J       3 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 1000 feet1 P# m5 c1 c, |& W8 J
               Airfield Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb7 ^; l& c  U, _1 ?% k
       2 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 1000 feet$ h, g' B+ t( G6 `& F
               Airfield Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb
4 b" z( e6 h7 P: _9 B' K1 z7 N: J       3 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 1000 feet' a' }2 H4 e6 F1 j, E3 h
               Airfield Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  2 x 60 kg GP Bomb
- b: `) K1 [- C0 y5 L# m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 ^0 \9 E/ T7 a/ t! n- f) X$ v% l
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  . X  e4 G" \9 R* A) U& N3 g; }
Weather in hex: Light cloud
# K# ~7 o# i3 A0 b" [Raid detected at 37 NM, estimated altitude 5,000 feet.
, D9 ~3 Q  L! T% @6 z' nEstimated time to target is 12 minutes ) P/ d7 j7 O; T6 `7 p
Japanese aircraft
4 q! @2 {4 |' q3 i0 I      G4M1 Betty x 25
1 G/ G+ u# q5 d1 \5 c' U. Q0 bJapanese aircraft losses
3 x; P$ \0 F, @2 \& w1 |+ B/ y  }      G4M1 Betty: 19 damaged. [( f. N; @" J( Y- q4 f$ `
      G4M1 Betty: 7 destroyed by flak
+ M8 W1 r" p( a' m. HAirbase hits 88 l7 h+ e2 I9 b7 r
Airbase supply hits 3$ I$ k$ Q; T# A! C+ o! j
Runway hits 135 d& L5 a0 U* t8 a$ N1 s
/ S8 L* ]3 a" P, G7 Q8 [Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  9 F4 F3 H& A4 e0 S& l. v: H5 R
Weather in hex: Light cloud , O# F2 o- z$ t( e
Raid detected at 31 NM, estimated altitude 3,000 feet.
+ D' A( a% m: o# h. @) JEstimated time to target is 12 minutes
/ B6 n) P6 f5 D9 N: f/ rJapanese aircraft
: B7 g  i+ v$ f4 U, g8 Q      G3M2 Nell x 18 1 V  N& z2 }/ F) t# z7 `% c
Japanese aircraft losses* X$ U& o1 g- D2 r7 M! [' p4 ?
      G3M2 Nell: 19 damaged' R7 t: }) l# a- W- _
      G3M2 Nell: 3 destroyed by flak
' M7 Q/ T' m; ?' PRunway hits 4
4 Y! d: b* }6 h( D# g, ZAircraft Attacking:
) ]& G; p1 _) W$ e1 p+ T1 s* r& e+ w. C      15 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 1000 feet * 5 I7 e7 F7 c; e, h1 F: u! R
               Airfield Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb4 ~5 }, K- ~( m, N5 F+ ~: d% k. O& c2 x
* i. p% T1 Y0 E& S) YMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  / C, n0 c( W/ M. y; s' B6 z1 e
Weather in hex: Light cloud
( K3 ~7 k* H5 F2 b2 F( u; rRaid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 3,000 feet.
% I, [: N3 h" z8 ]Estimated time to target is 14 minutes
& @6 q# Q3 o. H* q$ |8 l( n" QJapanese aircraft
/ {5 F: T3 s9 @8 N      G3M2 Nell x 18
% o* m9 {* G) S( z) |9 _5 l. i8 x- Z      G4M1 Betty x 19
" ]) r- m, N" I8 L& e0 W, XJapanese aircraft losses3 O. m% W, S" h! T- S- U
      G3M2 Nell: 8 damaged! U; ~* X# F4 U+ n  j
      G3M2 Nell: 7 destroyed by flak
5 [6 c$ D- Y/ ^2 B6 m9 H      G4M1 Betty: 12 damaged7 m' q! r+ I5 m; u
      G4M1 Betty: 4 destroyed by flak
) [( a4 Z8 }% J1 A  Y+ n+ ^Airbase hits 9# P- A/ g/ f3 F3 a# ?
Airbase supply hits 55 m: I5 \% M/ D( c
Runway hits 9
1 a) ]  S+ K* b5 |9 O( ~; L; ]& A-------------------------------------------------------------# ?) y$ y, Q2 _; V3 S3 g# i
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84 0 `( _! E: |  v1 J
Weather in hex: Light cloud + }. v$ s- R( W2 n  B/ U( S
Raid detected at 28 NM, estimated altitude 5,000 feet.% t, F- @6 v, [( a
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes
3 L2 b% P3 i# H" I# q+ gJapanese aircraft% J. O, X: k7 \  P! F
      G4M1 Betty x 16 4 q% s6 {# Q: H2 ]9 S
Japanese aircraft losses
" {6 u! l3 r" T& L      G4M1 Betty: 11 damaged+ H6 m" X: F9 A9 ~0 K
      G4M1 Betty: 4 destroyed by flak
- r: h" a7 j/ d- _Airbase hits 3
8 m# }: [5 y# k8 Y- _Runway hits 8
$ ?7 @' ~  }) Y' {" B2 f5 O& g-----------------------------------------------------------------2 H9 p. T% Y- {! y! a; [" C! n+ I; N
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84  " u2 n; s' [. D
Weather in hex: Light cloud 3 E; ]. S7 n0 E& r1 E7 d- j
Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 2,000 feet.
  p# r- _* J# f; g$ a0 oEstimated time to target is 11 minutes
1 A* @0 [3 b* z! N3 e$ ]; SJapanese aircraft8 O* A  j1 V0 b+ C/ A, ^
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 28" F! ~8 ]0 U- U1 a
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 25
, A7 j$ v+ f4 \/ p1 |Japanese aircraft losses
  \4 y( Q, O* ^% x. _4 X      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 22 damaged
0 N! x" Y7 _. _$ z      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 7 destroyed by flak
: y$ b! P" A1 _; u' I- M& D7 O5 Y      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 11 damaged
) \1 p; g' v2 Q3 F, N      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 6 destroyed by flak
8 r  Z& N5 F: OAllied ground losses:
$ C" ^2 B# {1 G! X4 O% M1 b      5 casualties reported9 C" W$ U1 Z! E% G7 L
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. X' Y+ }; Z( @0 q         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled. |$ ^* V; k9 b# K7 W% w' s+ H  y
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled 4 q/ p) e1 w6 G: [0 C
Airbase hits 2! ~- n" w; O7 F, o+ }) `7 u! k, J
Runway hits 4, o' Y/ W. b5 R% p0 U$ j& u
9 x/ f1 `) G. k7 U0 UMorning Air attack on 104th Division, at 76,53 , near Kweilin . y! a. O/ m& \' p4 ~6 F" i# u3 m; X
Weather in hex: Partial cloud " h, T8 S6 n3 X2 ]: ]$ M$ r  B
Raid spotted at 44 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
% l4 v, g0 }% |. P: T1 I& x# EEstimated time to target is 15 minutes 3 U" d& x0 V5 s+ P9 I) C' i7 O
Allied aircraft
4 R; B7 n2 n4 T' A9 C% D- {" Z      SB-III x 2 " z& G9 R$ Q% I- e
No Allied losses
- F) s& |" J1 oAircraft Attacking:, s% ?. I$ ]) a. k" z1 l
       2 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet *
4 A  \/ u0 Z9 s! _. z: N               Ground Attack:  3 x 100 kg GP Bomb
& e7 C4 d% v$ w2 }0 `; z* L-------------------------------------------------- : J$ |2 r  k$ l! t% n7 h/ x
Ground combat at Port Moresby (98,130)
9 ~" \' _8 T8 z# X$ W! rJapanese Shock attack
6 d8 w! U. \0 d) E9 m0 ~, WAttacking force 17782 troops, 180 guns, 161 vehicles, Assault Value = 694
" i. V8 x; }" _8 J  uDefending force 9473 troops, 94 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 338
& a& m$ Z  y9 P& R& L5 DJapanese adjusted assault: 368  ; L& U& X. f" o% k
Allied adjusted defense: 339  
/ ^7 N: ^3 G6 r0 N; w. X( ~/ rJapanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 3)  
# `/ f6 e( V) a7 C5 B0 j9 i3 }+ |Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 2 ; G+ k, p& L3 l% e" f( G; X
Combat modifiers
- [5 L. _# A2 hDefender: terrain(+), forts(+), leaders(+), preparation(-), morale(-)" b# l3 u0 T2 K( i( E# {( f5 b6 a9 ]
experience(-)2 d) V6 T; H; [# K
Attacker: shock(+)
& I% `3 j8 h( j* x9 WJapanese ground losses:' K: {* R4 `4 R" I# D! X
      856 casualties reported
0 t+ X; Z, c* n. K  M5 N, @: b         Squads: 3 destroyed, 49 disabled
) P( h- a5 C: w& y         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 7 disabled
4 k& Z- c! d  p6 c8 v* ?         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 5 disabled
; F% O( J9 y8 v1 _9 x      Vehicles lost 6 (1 destroyed, 5 disabled)
  [, f% e" ~- F: L0 w2 dAllied ground losses:8 w9 j/ S6 B- l9 L1 q9 x7 ~9 s
      1077 casualties reported
, P! l4 K' W) v# E. j         Squads: 12 destroyed, 123 disabled# K1 k% T. Y$ A$ t
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 18 disabled9 I$ P$ H! e9 h% {
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
) E% z7 k! W% hAssaulting units:
& o9 N: b! P# d3 o6 j    4th Engineer Co
5 M, F3 D0 {( _- _7 Q    52nd Naval Guard Unit: H7 b2 H! ~8 u( k; W# j$ B. ^
    2nd Indpt SNLF Coy
; P0 [* R5 a) i4 }3 d* i    146th Infantry Regiment& L3 _, n. r( h* M; o
    144th Infantry Regiment) {: V8 l6 A) h6 \
    84th Naval Guard Unit
* @5 m9 J+ d1 f    8th Tank Regiment
& b# v1 j- U# h5 o3 O    16th Infantry Regiment
- I" g2 V9 K5 m  c: y5 n    Sasebo 2nd SNLF
; ^2 W2 _6 L8 g0 ?    2nd Field Artillery Regiment
- z; g, K; t" ?# }) D% B7 O, tDefending units:/ r! y! W$ g8 S9 M$ Z
    1st Australian Division
  F3 d- c" _6 u( s/ u* w    49th Australian Battalion
: ]/ t* V% y  T( m; b    D Coy/NG Rifles
1 b: [- |# p) e7 S0 T. D. W3 w2 g    Port Moresby Brigade0 H+ j8 a0 \1 F) b+ M
    15th RAAF Base Force
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3 U& A8 f4 L# R- _) ~4 V& H' ~2 P
8 \8 g  I7 g7 w* G: g莫港看来盟军没充分准备好,不然日军恐怕得在这里滞留相当长一段时间,等待后续增援才能拿下。实际上莫港不算死地,失守后可以退到海边由大艇回收残兵败将,盟军的重装备补充相对充足,能在步兵班组恢复前补充好。关键在于能否拖延KB足够久,为全局争取更多主动权