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"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
2 k4 q6 ^! G% f9 m; Y' c! }" Z* [! S# B5 D
+ r( S- A& |, l
9 @9 p# K- n5 G% {- i& r4 m" ^, F库塞伊海空战
! l$ C( ~% q7 d" b
$ h* |6 @# ]  e+ w' m, D今天战报的开头有点不太好,例行裸奔轰炸库塞伊的美军海军文图拉式轰炸机突然遭到了小股日军052的拦截,损失惨重。不过库塞伊的机场早已被盟军炸成月球表面,大统领对这小股052的来历心存疑惑。随着战斗动画的继续进行到下午阶段,大统领的疑惑有了解答。
6 b' n0 B$ U8 [  ]* I
. N5 ?1 H% A1 n5 i3 b红叶天蝗居然派出了单舰流,用一艘CVE干扰盟军的例行空袭。当然盟军在马绍尔群岛附近也不是没有准备,枕戈待旦的美军海航官兵果断出击,在90架野猫的护航下有30架道格拉斯公司生产的SBD-5 携带副油箱9格出击库塞伊,野猫的数量占有压倒性优势,虽然性能略有差距,但美军海军航空兵英勇奋战,成功让30架无畏式全部突防,共有5颗1000lb穿甲弹击穿日军CVE海鹰号的甲板,引发大火和剧烈爆炸,根据战后对情报的分析,海鹰号和可能目前已经不再人世。即使尚在苟延残喘,也绝技逃不出盟军的魔爪,不对,是正义的铁拳) [5 k* t, ?( H! n

7 _& |5 _4 t  v$ G) Q' @共有25位英勇的美军海军飞行员为这次战斗献出了宝贵的生命,愿他们英灵不远,就能看到海鹰号前来相伴。
! @1 X/ k) r! H" j" @- v" @: {+ y4 S2 j& H
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 a+ Z$ g# Z" I* [+ f+ m9 A
Morning Air attack on Kusaie Island , at 125,118
) R- \# J& d) P# e7 c4 o0 S  C- Z# d7 Z7 i) G; S0 {- A
Weather in hex: Clear sky7 f) x5 K; U) h* e) c# y: l# i$ C

8 l8 q. E" t' V) y" H9 aRaid detected at 73 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.$ G; P3 a* c3 {3 i7 \
Estimated time to target is 29 minutes
- d( |' T; S, Q& S2 z" `+ o) i% c# l& z- I2 b8 y7 C; s; i$ F
Japanese aircraft
8 w# F2 \- b: D      A6M5 Zero x 203 A% F- U$ _8 s( \  B8 [

1 ^" M* _- Z" ?2 l4 H, A3 |" LAllied aircraft2 u- z0 _$ g7 Z1 u; W9 K0 b& N3 d
      PV-1 Ventura x 28
: H4 g( k! p. n" K3 \# d" q( n; a  U
No Japanese losses- T! r  z# c5 H/ g! Q0 y

( o. [& L; w" N  pAllied aircraft losses
. V6 C/ d$ B3 z: V2 s      PV-1 Ventura: 10 destroyed, 6 damaged
; }3 S& f( X3 g  B9 O! q2 G) ]5 e+ I% X0 L) l- n
Airbase hits 5
5 {  B0 @& D( @2 d, mAirbase supply hits 4
; F( H6 u% ]0 c9 J$ x3 dRunway hits 3% h8 e3 M) l5 _8 }% G* k" R( v
4 R, }3 u1 O0 J
( {5 Z' G; L( B$ ~& V. x1 }5 P$ }
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 e. B3 S& K# {& Q: r  p
Morning Air attack on Kusaie Island , at 125,118
" w' @4 d; q% h- t" q7 o" W+ d! n9 b1 [
Weather in hex: Clear sky
4 ?3 R8 u, y/ q4 n  q0 R1 C9 q) [: H' v8 H. P: e7 g& a  m
Raid spotted at 14 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
3 s* h% H2 ?7 O* x: DEstimated time to target is 5 minutes+ e' J; @# b0 k

. k+ O  f# A' x: v) f  _Japanese aircraft8 ^1 {$ l  D: d7 _
      A6M5 Zero x 7/ ?- t2 O' @, J7 N5 d

4 _$ l$ X: a( L: ?9 M0 A. OAllied aircraft
' O. B# e$ F# O. `- z      PV-1 Ventura x 16, w" n6 S7 \3 s3 @) b; H
/ j3 ~( p2 r) L! N5 O4 m8 f* @
Japanese aircraft losses
3 @3 `9 J8 Z8 n4 I      E13A1 Jake: 1 destroyed on ground$ |  ~+ g+ P) ?# U+ ^: w, e6 `

( Y. E& r2 {7 D% }) _1 iAllied aircraft losses9 y4 k6 T' P* S: F2 l
      PV-1 Ventura: 1 destroyed, 5 damaged  \( O- u) @1 }1 U& h& ?
      PV-1 Ventura: 1 destroyed by flak$ x, d$ @" U5 M* g- \2 K; [
' R- z3 ~) @, ~( [3 c4 z% O
Japanese ground losses:; c6 T# M9 z1 w( W9 @  b8 Y& @
      9 casualties reported1 Q! f9 ~! e; z3 O2 I+ J4 a
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled& n; H9 `. c% Z8 g# x7 K
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled0 K# g% g; K4 D
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
  O/ d- u& a' ?7 `
5 H" K4 x% I' c% N: JAirbase hits 3" g, y2 H' N3 Z- u
Airbase supply hits 2
8 ]' Y0 o6 U$ V( ]. l1 W! _Runway hits 42 y, g* `  b( J

" g( J, |8 u# K, T$ f& R9 H5 a7 y  A  A$ k3 `
* c, c' p1 U1 s# vAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Kusaie Island at 125,118
! l7 t" z7 @$ W. V: [
( z, K* Q9 M! r8 XWeather in hex: Overcast0 T8 Q& p) O8 }' B. }
( _+ t1 l5 Y) m. v0 |& t
Raid detected at 33 NM, estimated altitude 19,000 feet.: X, G% B" j0 z) k; f1 p% F. r
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes
$ e4 p5 r! x. D5 t4 L$ @* |; i7 I
. ^# I# b/ j4 ]2 E" g* v# TJapanese aircraft; }/ F9 y& \! N
      A6M5 Zero x 198 [% r7 W* T- F) h5 l- I) W+ B  p

2 U. W. C8 @- a% d: OAllied aircraft
$ l! w' r+ u. p" i3 E& x. K# e7 j      F4F-4 Wildcat x 89  ]) G2 ~- ^$ z8 @# l2 g
      SBD-5 Dauntless x 30* i( @5 s8 a0 l. w: U* C6 G* F  D( _7 b
% K: U& u( B/ l8 h8 F$ ^
Japanese aircraft losses+ y4 L( L  ], v  X5 b8 b/ ?
      A6M5 Zero: 4 destroyed
2 E+ N: p7 I: V5 q, Q' s% }+ s4 A. Y
Allied aircraft losses+ {# c- J; ?6 y: w% Y
      F4F-4 Wildcat: 2 destroyed
, `. K* Z  b3 p8 q      SBD-5 Dauntless: 2 damaged  M0 p# U6 i% a- b6 n

' w, x2 j7 ?% k1 @. bJapanese Ships
4 Q, l/ \( c1 W* n, k; V1 [      CVE Kaiyo, Bomb hits 5,  heavy fires) _; Z$ ~) D' N! ?/ G
      DD Yamanagiri, Bomb hits 2,  heavy fires,  heavy damage" Q' i8 R; c5 n
      DD Uranami! L; S, c$ K6 l3 J0 o, h) a! p8 z3 C
      DD Tadeyame
2 V& q6 j5 p# d9 y8 G. A. v
6 b; C. Y, K5 IAircraft Attacking:$ c9 {+ o5 L$ H2 W- Z3 e( n+ ?
      11 x SBD-5 Dauntless releasing from 3000'
4 H" ?* N& E5 g" R5 t8 o               Naval Attack:  1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb! I: k  j6 e7 u/ N
      71 x F4F-4 Wildcat sweeping at 15000 feet * * P! U  C$ g# l6 B
      11 x SBD-5 Dauntless releasing from 2000'$ I9 a7 X9 p' e- G
               Naval Attack:  1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb) _# T7 ?/ g4 u7 y
       8 x SBD-5 Dauntless releasing from 4000'! R8 t' E4 J9 T0 x( ]
               Naval Attack:  1 x 1000 lb SAP Bomb
) Z4 f# u, u7 Q5 m0 L' [9 {: ]+ }! Z% E2 @" ^! z( Z
CAP engaged:$ P( i6 m+ Z5 S2 `# u$ b
Kaiyo-1 with A6M5 Zero (3 airborne, 13 on standby, 3 scrambling)! H7 q; ?$ |" D7 z4 `
      3 plane(s) intercepting now.
- ?) Q: d, C0 E+ K" j0 i( Y# ~      Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters between 9000 and 20000.1 T. i2 n; F9 p/ H5 Y# \
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 30 minutes
$ H' M( ^+ z. g: V# j7 e
$ M5 I, p- A' p% ]Heavy smoke from fires obscuring CVE Kaiyo
- {- }. ?! U2 E/ M) l+ ^1 `Heavy smoke from fires obscuring DD Yamanagiri
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"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
历史中被被攻击中的海鹰号, p' s) G6 p) M; q: N
The Raid of Kure, March 1945
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"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
有一点想不明白,为什么我在航母进入前用一队运输船做试探进入盟军SBD攻击范围内却没有SBD来攻击?( i" f2 t* l6 t5 N# K
另外侦察机侦察真心不靠谱。: q! v" L) \* c% P7 ~4 \! h
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
中了5个1000磅鸡蛋连heavy damage都没?